flTE SUNDAY OKEGOXTAX, FORTLAJfD, SEPTE3IBER 24. 1911. 10 f WW ton AT. Beaverton- Reedville Acreage The best r renje tract in the ri eirity of prowir.g Portland in 1, 2, 5 and 10-arre lot. You fan not orjy mis an independent liy inir here, but you can make this land produce from (300 to $S0O per acre pr annam, with the markets of Portland so conven ient; also your family may enjoy the advantages of all the talent of this larye and rapidly growing city. Thia U wonderful privi lege. The beat of soil, no roelc, bills or gravel. Good water in abundant iupply at 24 feet; ample trans portation service, all community ' conveniences and rapid develop ment; only 40 minutes' car ride from center of city. W" ara the largest and oldest acreage subdivision firm in the city. Yoa take no risk in dealing through us. Yoa will be pleased when yoa have look e-J over the property and talked with our buyer. 'Call and arrange to go with us, without'expense to yoa, and tee what others are doing. Tracts now selling at $250 to 5300 per acre and upon easy monthly payments. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 102 Fourth St. Main 35 A 3500 Auction! Auction! Cone Ranch pt A aetlcm ! of th piw.al property. cOntistinf of ..bout SO bt4 mull, tttout 2' hl bor r.d kroi rer. oti. harnes, flftB ehaina and :rL-br. plow and hAxrm, mowing mi'hmfi and rail, tract. on ifriint -oat 4ooo and pihr fariuii ImpU mtntt too iummi to mnl1on. Tml of All auma of and arl. cah; vr tht amount, i-rit tnooiha tlm tin a bauk nia aot. drawing T tr cant tn KrMi Tla arai aa!a take p:--o on tha CON'K KASi'H. lo-a'-d fa ft ml lea at of Rexi IDuff. Tehama Count. Ca.ifaruJa, vttbr 2. a r4 wUl rorttnu daily and) aold. tr luaefc for man and tai. CMC KaM'H CO. Ownara, Wa tar Stti. p-t aad Hacigcr. TV. G. iiarna. Auctiotaax. WE STOVER TERRACES The cream of Portland resi dence property. Best view of city and rivers, close in, West Side, casil' accessible. A splendid investment for a home or profit. Look it over. "W" car to Forestry Build ing, then 3 blocks south, or call this office for use of our auto. CLARK-COOK COiMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. Mam 5407, A 3252. ACRE TRACTS FOR LEASE $1.00 per month, near Mil waukie. The finest fruit lands in Oregon. See FEED VIERECK, 40 Front St. $4500 Lot Goldsmith's Addition See ilr. Kupper. Chapin & Herlow 832 Chamber of Commerce. Member of Portland Realty Board. CHOICE WEST SIDE LOTS $400 5500 S600 2 PER CEST CASH On Portland Hetsjhts carline: destrable district; food view: lot level: cur vater; framed streets: all bargains. Ton lll never do better on tha t Pide. and these choir lots will not last loot;. See iir. Ralney. KFDET, Bnil'OI JF.FFTRT Jli Chamber of Commerce) BLdaT-. Portland. Ores- n. $3600 Will fcuy a larr Mock of rrnnnd. con glatlnc of f":' lots. !'1'"' Men. Covered with cholea bearing fruit trees. Ton can make of (Mi an i.lfal country home and Have Witt enivment a aura profit from your lnr'mont He twee n Woodstock rar and Heed Insti tute Uiat be caso. A. H. BIRRELLCO. Ml MfKiy maa. Tali-4 aad arfc ta. FOR SALE OR LEASE For term of rears, g-etory brick and frame building;, feet, i.ose in. Fine propoeiuoa for laundry. Cai HI coat pi af oa D.OaV MW TODAY. AN ACRE RICH SOIL ' Ready for the Planting This land doaa not require any clear ln. Orla-lnallv It wit a natural nralrlo. thrn bomeateaded. becomlna; on of the flnrat farms In the Valley, and today It Is cut up Into S and 10-acra tract. No stumps to die; out; no brush to near; tuts land is reany ior pianuns, the der. rich aoll produce tha finest of all kinds of fruit and berries grown on tha Coast: all kinds of itardeo truck a-row In abundance and of tha ftnest quality; larare yields of potatoes; tha sua and climate ara Ideal tor poultry-, heps can ba made a very profitable crci. LOCATION Ttils acreac Is located on tha Pacific Kla-hway. and bast roads tn tha state: near Kochester. the fastest srrowlns; town In southwestern Washington, haif way between Portland and prattle: 14 miles from railroad station: will ba near raw electric line; a few hours from the best markets on the Coast Seattle. Portland. Taooma, Aberdeen, Jlouulam, Olympia and Centralla. You ara not dependent on any on market sell your products where thsy will bring the top price. GET A HOME THAT WILL SUPPORT YOU Rochester acreasre makes an Ideal home, excellent climate, good water, close to schools, churches, stores, fuel and lumber plentiful and cheap. Tht Is tha land that pays Its way. If you wnnt a home that will Increase In value and at the same time make you considerable more than Just a living;. It's up to you to InvesUaate our acre age. 590 AN ACRE ON EASY TERMS W r pVDri, not efnt. We boufcht this land n-tht nd can s1I at a rib it price. Our poilry la quirk sales. rann at'le prrit and aatiaflcd customtis. That's why wa nave built up the Ur ( land business In tha North eu H-fr 2't trarts aoM at Rochester alona since May lftth. Our customers came from all parts of Oregon, Vaatitnicin and otlir states, and every one ta aut lifted, fall and see soil, photos and taik with tha owners. Arrange to wo to Korftf Bttp and look at this land your self. You can ro and come the name dnv. We send parties every day. Kara r'-f-.inded to buyers. Wr.tator folder. Kemember. our prices aof tsrma are American Home InYestmentCo. Owners 1015 Chamber of Commerce Take elevator No. 1. Third-street side. IRVINGT0N The Owner of choice lots in Irvington, close to Irvington car, would build to suit customer and 11 sell wi on very easy terms. Address L447.0REG0NIAN ACREAGE J? O O C f Choice 5 acres, with -. a-. JUf:rait and berries. Near citr, on good road. Tenna. COrnri 10 acre near croesing of vJUuUjlount Hood and Tront- dale electric line; one-third cash. CCCnn&O acres, y2 improved, miles from Portland. Easy terms. COnnflTwo acres on Mt Hood aJJd-UUUEitri,, line, dose in. $2500Sis.,r' w city A. W. LAMBERT & COMPANY 404 E. Alder St Phone, B 1910, East 640. West Side Homes $12,000, Nob Hill $12,500, Nob Hill $14,000, p0t?D See Mr. Kupper. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. MemlxTs of Portland Realty Board. 145sl OO Hawthorne Ave. Corner Must b sold w!thln two weeks. $10,000. tm wort Ill.vJ'). Umaa on prop- erty at prnt paylne H r month. Un'l m'.ss tms it you want a bara.o. CH HAHTIIOME aVEALTT CO, baracr taat at aaa Uawtkeraa. VfTW TODAY. Factory Acres Is in the Peninsula Factory Dis trict, on the Columbia River, and has the immenRelv valuable ad vantage of both rail and water transportation. FACTORY ACRES has more than one mile of front age on the Columbia River and is just east of the Swift holdings, on which is located manufacturing plants that cost over $4,000,000 and which turn out annually fin ished products worth $8,000,000. "WTien in Portland some day asro, Bernard N. Baker, president of a large Eastern steamship com pany, made the following state ment in a Fpeech at the Commer cial Club: "The completion and opening of the Panama Canal will make Portland one of the leading ports in the United States. Th shipping of this city will be in creased tenfold within five years from the opening of the canal. E. II. Bennett, of Chicago, the celebrated municipal architect who has prepared a comprehen sive programme for adapting the natural, inevitable growth of f ortland to a systematic plan, ad ises that docks for ocean ship ping be built on the Columbia River, for the reason that the growth of the c ity will be so great during the next few years that the present harbor will be inade quate. FACTORY ACRES Offers a magnificent opportun ity to reap a rich harvest from a small investment Buy a tract in FACTORY ACRES and lay the deed away for a few years and it will make you independent for life. Prices $500 and up an acre. Terms easy. Come to our office and let us tell you about Factory Acres and take you to the prop erty. MEAD & MURPHY Selling Agents. Office 522-526 Corbett Building. Phones: Main 1503, A 1515. This beautiful addition Isya between 9th and 43d streets lust south of Haw. t.iorne avenue In the center of a sol idly built district of new homes. Has all modern Improvement such as con crete sidewalk, sewers, water, gas and electrlcltv. Bst of car service, school itihin two blocks, and closa to tha Hawthorne bu.lnees district. Trices varv from itiO to 11100 per lot. with terirs of 10 per rent down and balance on asv monthly pay ments. rome out and make your aeiecUon today. Geo. G. Mair Hawthorne ava. and 42d rt. Room 2. Lumbermen's Blda. Large tract of land in WESTERN , OREGON $10,000 to $15,000 invested now al most sure of 60 TO 100 PEE CENT Within nine months. I. O. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. Riverfront Beautiful aere tracts of actual water frontage In a select and restricted resi dential district. One and a quarter miles south of Golf Club. In a lovely park to be known as "OAKDALE ON THE HIVER." Only 10 tracts for sale at ISOOO P"" acre. Improvements In. eluded. Easy terms'. No nrooertr Is Increasing In value so rapidly. e us at onoa. Peabody, Geaveland & Co. 600 Henry Bide-. A Good Corner E. 16th and E. Couch Street Price $8700 That choice corner and two modern houses, situated on the N. E. corner of E.' l'th and E. Couch streets, a fine property and cheap. Bee It. Mall & Von Borstel 1M Second st. Lumber Exchange bids;. New Stee! Bridge We can offer quarter blocks, suitable for business and apartments, at prices rana-lna- from HJ.OuO to 115.000. Look this district over, consider Its future, and then see If you can beat It for an Investment. Full Information at our office. Sen?stake& Lyman 9 Fifth st.. near Stark. LOT OWNERS. We pay cash for equi ties In vacant lota. Dealer at Dealer Kty. Ce tiO Chamber Com. Main A MONTHLY INCOME OF S235 ll..ks PltOPEMTV. FR1C1S $28,500 OWNER AH !!, OtCtCO.VIAS. mALLORY ADD!!. SEW TODAY. What do yoa think this will be worth iy five years t Watei Front . 50x240 Improved Income Hear Morrison bridga Deep water 350,000 See Mr. Kupper Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board. $30,000 APARTMENTS CLOSE fN Second-Street Corner 60x100 Feet Within Two Blocks of New Auditorium Site INCOME 230 PEE MONTH Can be handled on one-third cash $40,000 WHOLESALE SITE Corner on Flanders St. 100x100 Feet In jobbing: district, adjacent to termi nal trackage, freight depots and docks. H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. S O . Acres Farm on S. P. Ry, only 25 miles from Portland. Ail high-class bot tom land; 18 acres orchard. All un der irrigation ditch, karge iiMroom house, stock and implements. This is a great sacrifice. Will take good Port land property as part trade. Western Securities Co. 414 Spalding Bldg. 1 ' Investments $2750 $4000 $4500 $7000 $7000 Corner lot Twenty-fifth and tteimoni. a spienaia ouy. Fractional lot and n 1 n e roora house. East Twelfth, near Davis. 100x100, Sandy Road and East Twenty-first atrsst. Corner lot. two houses. East Thirteenth and Pine. High-grade seven-room bouse.. Irvlnston. Ma i &Von Borstel 10-4 fwuai St Lumber Exehaaae Bids;. To Loan! have several amounts, From $1000 to $50,000, to loan on real estate security, rate of interest depends on class of property of fered, have some 6 per cent local money. Edw. P. MaH 300 to 304 Chamber of Commerce, Holladay's Addition Tha one BEST plae In Portland t boy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MUST IjESIHABI-K raaidenca property s( the city. SEFIXG IS BEXIETIJIO BETTER so and the many CHOICE resi dences tinder construction and we provmola rolnaT on. Its Oregon Real slats Company GRAXO ATE. ADD MILTXOaaH ST. Mt. Tabor Acre Very fine view, and should make very fine home, $8000 Aak for Mr. Van Nice. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. TAKE THIS 100 feet on Cnlon avenue 60 feet on Knott 135,000 Library eo1na up around comer on Knott street. Exceptionally good buy. Mltzht consider other property in part. JOSEPH It- JOHN'STOX, Owner. 621 Irving. INCOME PROPERTY Corner 100x100, I-story business block; room for. another large block. Income, 11740 per year. Price. $19,000. Terms. Will discount for cash. Call lor C. 1 Reagan. Bay Wow mt chapw in: R LOW, Members of the Portland Realty Board. 132-838 Chamber of Commerce. E. lOth-St. Cor. Owner will sell or lease a SOxlOO cor ner, near Ankeny at. Good location for apartment or business. AE 422, Ora-a-onlan. 25 ACRES Nine miles from Bend, under Irrigation ditch, alone; the Oregon Trunk, tnree quarters of a mile from arrowing town. All good land. One crop of potatoes will par tor It. Snap for $100 per acre. A. K. BOHTHWICK, aoe Caasaber f Commerce. PNAP. Farms on tidewater cheap: timber lands e'oee to tidewater. ?&o pr thousand fe.t. s'aP yeilow pint In Crook County, 76o per lO"0 It. Th SNAPS lor ibort time duusa Bldf Bcoad aad stark sta. - 1 NEW TODAY. FINE HOMES (in nAA Just built, eight room. OXUUU full basement, large at tic, aieeping-porcn, hardwood floors; strictly modern, beautiful home, with splendid view on Overton, near Twenty sixth street. &t AAA Strictly modern, elght O lUlUUU room home; lot 65x100, on Earn Eleventh, near Weldler. A splendid home bargain for 110.000. enngA Fine new home, splendid OOaCOls surroundings; on Sixteenth street, near Wasco. Holladay'e. CCA A Eight-room house on East OU3UU 14th and Yamhill at. Snap. (7Rnn A PIend!J home on choice 9 4 OUU corner lot all improvements in and paid. Kast Eighth and Mult nomah streets, Holladay's. See this bar gain at once, CELLARS-MURTON CO. Paoae Mala 119. 823 Teaa Bldg. v Swagger Apartment House Nob Hill district New, modern; elect tenant-. Rents $355. $10,000 cash necessary. Price S32J300 E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Building. (iverwoo a" Snap for $2750. Lees than half cash needed. Stone wall, hard-surface street and water paid. This is the cream fit Portland's suburban dis trict. Ask for Mr. Van Nice. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. CORNER SIXTH AND HARRISON STREETS 60x100 Feet Will consider residence in trade on part of purchase price, H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. Suburban Home OXK ACRE OPPOSITE MT. TADOR PARK cinnA B-rnnm hnnsa with basement. electrlo lights .city water, stable and rarag-e; beautiful lawn 100x200; good shrubbery and all kinds of fruit: Eng lish evergreen hedge; close to ML Tabor Park and reaervolr. Insuring cold water under good pressure: only four blocks to Hawthorne car. If you wish a beautiful suburban horns that ?ou can subdivide and practically own or nothing. Investigate this. Price 17600, on easy terms. J. JB. SICH.OL.9 CO, 81 J Teon bldg. Business Men of Money Do you want a deal? I have a fine eita for a money-making proposition; 290 feet on 28th st. carline, In the rlsht place for a business and apartment-house block: about 20,000 square feat of building surface; Just right for mmediate building purposes; can show you how to realize 12 to 15 per cent on your Investment. Chapin Sc Herlow Via Chamber of Cownme. Portland Heights Showiest View Site on Heights 100x130 on Heights Terrace A home on this site would be seen from nearly all ower the city; the whole city, mountains and rivers spread out below like a beautiful panorama. Owner must sell. No. reasonable offer refused. Mala 85St. BROOKE. A 8838. Walking Distance E. 16th STREET 40x100 ON THE "WEST SIDE OF EAST 16TH, BET. E. BURNSIDE AND E. ANKENY. PRICE $3500. GOOD PLACE FOR A FLAT. EDW. P-MALL 300 and 304 Chamber of Commerce. High-Class Oregon -street H-acres abutting the city. Be streetcar, water and schools. All kinds of fruit on the tracts. Price 11000; 10 per cent cash and 2 per cent per month. F O. TOOKF.n. 821 YEO?r BLDG. Cash or terms to suit purchaser. I will sell my beautiful home within 6 days to the highest best bidder. 384 Marguerette ave. (Hawthorne car.) $28,000 Wet Bide, nice, close-In on 11th st flat renting for 1290.00 monthly offered for J28.000, part cash. Possibly some good real estate or first mortgages might be taken on part of this. Lot 60x100. Steadily Increasing In value. Portland-Pacific In?. Co. 418 Railway Exchange. GOOD H BUY nav- th best farm for making money in bunches there Is In the North west. For particulars phone Main 6209. 4 Marshall at- $1200 Lot for $800 Must sell at once. On East Side, com pletely built up district. Paved street, cement walk, sewer and gas Investi gate this and you will find It a bona tide SNAP. I must have the money. Deal with owner. Phone East 6405. NEW TODAY. 100x104 23D and EAST MADISON P. W. Blanchard Chapin & Herlow Members of the Portland Realty Board. 832-8 Chamber of Commerce W-4NTEIJ TO LESE CO TO 100 ACRES By a private organization, a long lease on a level, rolling piece of property, of the above size. Need not be first-clasa agricultural land, but should support a fair sod. Not too far out and on frequent car service. Write to address below, giving location and terms, to K 459, Oregonian. MAKING MONEY Paying grocery store, East Side residence district.' High-class trade. Owner obliged to go East. 905 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS CO JOHN E, CfiONAN, noj REAL ESTATB DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 15-1 Falling blda. BRUBAKER A BENEDICT, &0 McKay bldg. 11 549. Chapin ft Herlow, S32 Chamber Commerce. Cook. B. 3. it Co.. .08 Corbett bldg. Jennings Co. Main 188. 20 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P.. Ill Comraer ' elal Club bid. The Oregon Real Estate Co., Grand ave. and Multnomah it. (Hoi lad ay Addition). BEAT, ESTATE. For Sale Lota. I.-i250 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW $32oO Lot 60x100, in Mount Tabor district; 6 room modern bungalow; large front ve randa, large living-room, beamed celllne. Dutch kitchen .full basement, graded streets; price J8250; terms can be bad. BUT TOW OF CHAPIN A HERLOW (R). Member, of Portland R.alty Board, . 82-3:ig Chamber of Commerce. WEST SIDE LOTS. $100. Right on carllno on upper Washington st. West 39th and Yam bill ata. beyond City Park: easy payments. NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO., 723 Chamber of Comments bldg., Main 612a. EAST BIDE BUSINESS LOT. Choice corner, Kllllngsworth and Mis sissippi avea., 80x100, frame house, rents for (18; surrounded by business blocks and value constantly growing. Price 16500; (SiOi cash. C. T. Prall, Board of Trade bldg. Member Portland Realty Board. CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS, 489. They are 40x100 ft.; located on East Side. IB minutes' ride from 2d and Alder; three blocks from Sellwood ear; aay terms. MERIDIAN TRUST CO.. IB09 Railway Exchange Bldg. Pbenes Marshall 3u84, A 7430. WILDWOOD. WILDWOOD. WILDWOOD. Take Oregon El. car, get off at Mult nomah station. Sea for yourself. Sientiy lots as low as 27J. Western becuiities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. CORNER lot, 60x100. on B. 28th St., In one of the most desirable and built-up resi dence districts on East Side; two blocks from 8unnyslde carline; suitable for resi dence or apartment house; no agents. Price 13000; W cash. Owner, D 41$, Ore gonian . WE have one lot 25x100 ft-, within walking distance to the Peninsula factory district; streets graded, water in and paid for; cement walks; price f275. -7.50 cash, f5 per mo This is a good investment. JOHNSON A DODSU.V. B20-22 Board of Trade Bldg. 2-5 VALUE. One-half block of property within the mile circle, on the West side, for tSOOO; this property is suitable for stables, ware house, factory or laundry; terms. P 444, Oregonian. 33.000 THIRD STREET 135.000. 75x100. on Sd St., opposite new audi torium site. This property will Increase rapidly in value: half cash. CUAS RINGLER A CO- 211 Lewis Bldg. I DESIRE TO SELL QUICK. Rose City Park lot In block adjoining earline: improvements paid: beautiful trees, excellent location: an exceptional bargain; price $000. Owner. Phone Main P3'j Monday. FOR SALE cheap by owner, 10 lots 60x100 each in Irvington Park; street graded, walks in, 14-foot alley; 2 blocks to car; would consider Improved acreage or house and lot- big discount for cash; no agents. Apply 693 Gantenbeln. 100x100. On Oolng-st. corner; restricted district; shade. Price $1400, $100 cash, balance monthly. OODDARD A WIEDRICK. 243 Stark st. VERY choice lot on Alblna ave.; high and sightly; streets Improved and, paid for; cemnt sidewalks; price $Go0. $65 cash, balance $10 per month. M 437, Ore gonian. C1T A TTTt CTTT . tTT'T.T. LOT. E 88th and Caruthers sta; cement walks In and paid: price $775, $450 cash, bal. $10 mo. This is a sacrifice and must be sold at once, gs lutn St. tnear aiaim; li-ACRE, Woodmere Station, on Mt. Scott electric line. Streets graded and water Diced. Ask us for prices and terms. 212-13 Board of Trade bldg. REED INSTITUTE Is In full view from my 100x200 on Woodstock Ridge; It has a large number of bearing fruit trees; will sell at a bargain. $2500. Call 414 Spalding bldg. WOODSTOCK. 3 lots S0xlS3, cleared exoept fir trees; low price. JOHNSTON, BOTHFUR A TTJEFORD. dOS chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. IRVINGTON BARGAINS Inside lot on East 14th for $1000 on terms. Also a fine corner on Knott street for $1800. Quick answer necessary. A-E 424 Oregonian. $220 CASH catches biggest lot bargain you ever found; It's 50x124; well located I paid Improvements; sheltered; sightly; close In; easy terms; worth $850; will take $240 less, owner, do rtauwuir j,xcpangq. CALL at the "corner of East Harrison and 28th sts. and learn of one or two lota across street belonging to non-resident, which can be had at a bargain. View of entire city. Nothing better on East Side. . . ifi?Ttrm:cir CITE! Lot 62x100, on East 17th St.; near Mor rison: finest location on East Side for aparimcnu. 1 ' ' t , - ' a bargain. Owner, 309 Lumber Exchange. $1350 EQUITY In 6 lots that are selling tor $700 and up; balance $1275; will take $075 for equity today and tomorrow only. Call j 278 E. Taylor or 41 Grand ava Monday. FORCED to sell at half price, lot ori Council Crest, price $250. $110 down 13 a month will handle. No agents. 3435s Couch at. SEE Le Nolr A Co. for West Side realty; ex-luslve dealers In West Side property. ursunu u""' - - OWNER going south, sacrifice two choice lots Woodstock, for quick sale. AT 4S6. Oregonian. $5 DOWN and $5 per month, beautiful lot. 44x100. near 6c car: $40. HIOLEY A BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. CHEAP for cash, I corner lots, small house. Mount Scott car to 8th are. U. 1. Clarke, 5th and Marie sts.. Lents. $130 FOR $475 equity In choice residence lot on good carline, 80-foot st.; Improve ments all In. Phone East 4652. OWNER will sacrifice Improved lot near Auditorium; fine Income. D 432, Ore gonian. LOT 30x100 two blocks from Alberta car. $10 cash. $10 per month. Phone East 42. SWELL busmen lot. comer 50x73 three blocks south of Morrison. Main 6.03. $0x100, ONE block from carline, east front. Owner. Main 8807: WAVF.RLEIGH Heights lot, 3f'.h and Kelly : sts. : barsalr.. Owner, AD 430, Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, barcain: two fine lots and house. AJ428. Oregonian. ! Equltv In a restricted district for gsje. I 803, Oregonian, J KKAL ESTATE. For 8ale -COtto. DO you want to build? Here Is an oppor tunity worth while. You save brokerage ob the loan, The speculative builder's profit and commission on the sale of the house; the lot costs you $1030; when yoa see it and investigate prices In the neigh borhood you will discover that it la what is commonly termed a bargain; It Is sit uated Ki) feet from the carline. on Port land Heights proper; tne environment here is unusually attractive;- on a sub stantial Initial payment on the lot we will furnish the additional money requi site to build a home; the balance ar ranged convenient terms; we furnish the money, you contract for your home. LE NOIR si CO.. Ground Fioor Chamber of Commerce. CHEAPEST AND BEST 275 We can 6olI you lots in a splendid lo cality, one block of good school, 6 blocks from good carline; graded streets; water In front of lots, In a coming district; only $5 down, balance $3. SO per month, at e per cent. Call for C. G. Reagan. BUY NOW OF CHAPIN A HERLOW. Members of Portland Really Board, 3;-'-3.S Chamber of Commerce. LOTS: LOTS! .. Lots In KUilngsworth-Avenue Addition, 6CxlO0, all In cultivation, partly in cherry trees and balance in strawberries. Full view of Columbia River, Mount Hood, St. Helens and Adams. Price $60. 10 per cent r.ash. balance 3 per cent month. Take Alberta car to Kiillngsworth ave., then go east to S7th st. JORDAN A GARBADE, 23a H Washington Sr. $750 The price Is the factor; two lots on Portland Heights, adjacent to each other; size M'xlGO, at $750 each; these are not hillside iots. but the contour Is such that it offers the most favorable advantages for landscaping. There are a number of fine trees and a small, well-built barn on the place; two blocks from carline; terms. P 443. Orpgoninn. WEST SIDE Easy walk to town: no climb to and from car, which is only a block and one-half from property; refined sur roundings; unusual view: If you are look ing for a deferable bomesite en the West Side. It win pay you to see thia The price Is right at $1800. O 440. Ore gonian. IRVINGTON. We have this week only some choice lots at a bargain. 50x100. 16th St.. ?!IS0. 50x'.)0. Hancock. JSOO. 75:100. near Knott. low value. DOI.EN-UF.CKLEY CO., East 81)6. C 1093. CLOSING-OUT SALE OF AUTOMOBILES. We have several brand new cars; will sell for less than dealers' cost for cash; also several slightly used cars at unheard of prices, for cash. DR. WATTS, 212 Oregonian Bldg., or WESTON AUTO MFG. CO., 209 Union Ave., N. Cor. Holladay. FOR SALE Beautiful new six-room resi dence on East Side, in highly restricted district; improvements all In. one block 4o carline; 20 minutes' ride. The best buy ' In Portland; price $4750, only $500 cash required. Phone Main 1503. Mr. Burlln game. hi -ACRE. Flrland Station, on Mt. Scott electrto line. Streets graded, Bull Run water. You can buy thia 4-acre at the price of a lot; only $475. EASY TERMS. KNAPP & MACKEY, S12-13 Board of Trade bldg. $10 DOWN. $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Run water, fruit cared for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar. shall 473. A HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 100x1 00 corner, nice view of city, an Ideal spot for a htgh-eiass home. Owner of this Is a nonresident, needs money. Has been asking $3500, cut price to $2500 for quick sale. About half cash. JACOB HAAS, 40$ Yeon bldg. AT FULTON PARK. Beautiful lot 50x100. 2 blocks from sta tion of Salem Electric and only 75 feet from S. P. Ry. ; east front: only 13 min utes' ride from center of city; must sell; price $650; terms. Owner, room 13 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and Morrison. LOT on 47th street in Hawthorne Avenue district; 2 blocks from car; all Improve ments; $675; nbout $400 cash, rest $10 per month. W. L. Metster, owner, 44 East. 10th Street. North Portland. Phone Last 85. . IRVINGTON QUARTER, $3750. Facing south and east on Knott and tSd sts.; easy terms. H. P. PALM sTR-JONES CO. $12-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Mam Hit, A 3663. LAURELHURST. Lot 53x135. close to beautiful Ladd Park, facing south; three feet above grade; away below value at $1148; easy terms. Phone East 989 or C 2533, Mr. De'.ahunty. FOR SALE Beautiful building site ojg East Side In highly restricted and Improved district; will accept small payment down and If you care to build will help you to finance the deal. Phone Mala 1503. Ask for Mr. Burlingame. WILL exchange my equity of $1600 In two beautiful building lots on the East 6ide for cheaper lota; cannot carry these con tracts longer. Phone Mala 1508. Mr. Burlingame. 50x100 ON Haasalo St., building restrictions, high-class street Improvements bonded: price $1170; can arrange terms or assist you to build. Call Main 1508 and ask for Mr. Urdahl. SNAP A BIG ONE. Talk about snaps, here la a big one; 2w lots for only $160 per lot, $3O0 to $450 value; offer open Monday only. Atwaler A Farmham, 628 Henry bldg. $078 LAURELHURST $978. 50x100 lot, one block from car, hlrH and slghtlv; three feet above street grade Easy terms. Phone East 889 or C 2635. Mr. Clements. . TWO good lots for sale. 100x83 100 ft, front, streets graded and sidewalk In; nloe location, building restrictions; $15001 terms; $1200. 1225 East Main. WEST STARK AND BSD 6TS. Lots $50. easy terms: best buy In the cltv; new carline building: see us at once. EMPIRE REALTY A TRUST CO, 402 Yeon bldg. Marshall 349. I MUST SELL a full size lot on East S3d and Schuyler, In a good neighborhood: cement walks and water in and paid for. This must go quick; $S50. E. H. Mix. 1208 Yeon bldg. STRICTLY hisrh-class building sites; re strictions, paved streets, sewer, water and gas. From $900 up. Phone Main 1308 and ask ior jnr. umam. WAVERLY HEIGHTS lot. S3d and Tlbbetta. -I have paid over $400 on this lot: w.ll sell my equity for $125 cash. 611 Board of Trade. ONE fine residence lot, 1 block west of Laurelhurst, on East Couch st, near 81st all improvements in. paved street; cheap Inquire 951 East Couch st. t ot on E 45th. across the street from, Bsinmcnt; all Improvements paldl Price $750; some cash. Columbia Trust Com pany, 84 4th st. mittTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. PORTLA-ND HEIGHTS.' T,.re H5EL BROOKE. A $839. hotft. site N. E. comer of 7th and Sal. men st. it a sacrifice; $17,600 cash pay ment balance 6 per cent. J. H. Tipton. 1108 Spalding bldg. ut tr acre in 6t. Johns, 3 blocks from oar uZ fTnd business street, cement sidewalks and street Improvements. Address F 410. nreeonlan. IRVINGTON Owner going away must sac rifice Deautiiui iui .... - ton $1300, $80 paid on Improvements. N 223, Oregonian. 1 U ACRE, 6 blocks car; city graded and paid. $475. $10 down and $10 ner month; all In cultivation. I"tr..m, 'i.',. oisimp 1S2 THIRD ST. ' 100x142 "4 SOUTH SUJi.MSIUt., zoo; parked street, sewer, water gas, east front, fruit trees. .Owner, AF 461, Ore gonian IRVINGTON Choice lot for sale, absolute snap; owner must sell. Address AM 4$s, Orecorfian ' I HAVE 12 desirable lots In one block for sale, cneap. M. Raymond, 444 Paclflo ave., Glendale. Cal. ' "" FOR SALE. a lots. 80x100. Rose City Park; $1400. Phone Sellwood 897. tx-fsTMORELAND Will discount equity In ir.t ik) feet from carline at bargain price. 'nrns. M. 66d0. A 6207. FOR SALE Lot 87HX100. with small bouse $675; easy terms; also furniture; Richmond car. iiniuti ........ . . , T a Kelly su, near 31st.; cheap. Call wooflawn 1332 or C 2241) for full partlcu lars. , 1RVIVOTON CORNER 50x100, on Stanton St.. $1330. -near Union ave. O 220. Ore gonian - iT;l7riot Alameda Park. $950, Including mprovemenls; terms. Owner. C 462, Ore- ponian. I iiTs $1 down and $1 per week; 25 min utes out; take Estaca.la or Gresnam car to Bell station; agent on ground Sunday. i riTS rnr Baie, East 31st and Thompson ats.j "v terms. Owner. 267 Oak, room 2. Vnrt SUE Choice lot In North Bank Ad- ditlon . Phone East 1S21. li- i a h secures full lot, Westmoreland; . 'nan owner. Howard. 803 Swetland bldg. .iMtir,o 34th and Emerson, improvements in; make otter. Owner, 60S Gerllnger bldg.