The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 18

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High School Men Don Studded;
Shoes in Preparation for
Hard Practice.
Change Xoted Among Academic
Team and Crh Report rm.
pexte TTnnualty Good for All.
Note on Condition.
TPvery nlfa school In the eltr sew
effect of the resumption of school
IB the orders that want out promptly L
for herd work for tho football lum.
The past week saw every ton In the I
field for practice. On of the features -
f the fastest of young local footballer.
at Jefferson Hla-b School, when all re
ports had It that h would ha aean In
a Bill Military onlfortn. Cola appeared
on Jefferson Field, and fana derlara
Ms showing- la batter than erer. Cam
plan was also among the Jefferaonlans,
the report that ha would b at Colum
bia University being without founda
Coach Smith, of Jafferson Hterh
school, has a pretty good Idea of his
men s worth and will before the and
of tha week pick a first, second and
third teams. Tha return of Cola and
Campion haa put new determination
Into tha plavera and tha fight for po
sitions la warmer.
Those who have shown most Improve
ment over last year are Day and John
von. Plbee. Williams. Vosper and Mui-
pny are down to a fine point when It
comes to fast ball. Three new men.
Ducphy. Proebel and Beely, are show
ing strongest.
Tha irame with Greaham fell through
because Jefferson hopelessly outclassed
tha countrymen In wela-hr. Tha team
hopes to play Oregon City and prob-
eoiy wncouter ahoruy.
Uaewla Maad t'erka.
Lincoln Hlrh School Is to have
rirst practice game Saturday, when It
wtU run up against a bunch of former
IJncoln stars, captained by "Thunder
jrine, an alumnus. The game
ougnt to be a warm one. as Trine can
arrape up some pretty fast men.
During the past week tha equal has
been living on hard practice. Coach
I:hlnehart haa been out every night,
pounding the boys Into shape, and the
first team la slowly rounding out. The
men all have the right spirit and the
coach Is very well satisfied wltn the
prospects. The team has had a little
hard luck In the Injury of Patterson,
who will ba out of the game for at
least a week.
Tboee looking bast for back field po
sitions are Patterson. Buckley. Croca.
Olson. MacKay and Young, while Law
la. Greer. McDonald. Kiaely. Tyson.
Rldelauga. Fink, iloerner. Thatcher.
Bronsoa. Tuerk. Mnnford and Newman
will be on the tin. Grace la a splendid
fe.aif. being speedy and clever. Tyaon
l better than last year In passing.
Lincoln wi:i meet Its first defeat or
victory on October . when it runs up
against Portland Academy.
to'eahlagleai tvanfa Gaaaee.
Washington baa aa yet no outside
games scheduled, but still has pros
pects of p;alng Newberg or Willam
ette Cr.lversity at Salem. Jianager Mil.
lr haa also tried to obtain a game with
raclne I'nlversltr at Forest Orove,
mlth haa practicably the quarter Job
unless some of tha fellowe edge him
out. Ifa looks rather fast. Some other
n-en that are coming In strong are:
Hedges center. McU Inon guard. Moore
guard. Beck't and Normaudtn tackies.
Wiest and Edwards ends, of Port. en 8
Academy, and Sax. Faker, and alulr
halves Foster and Nelson look good
at full. Nelson la an especially good
punter. McLarren la a good half.
Coach Earl, of Washington, said yea.
lerday: "I ttlnk. and am sure, that
tie other roaches win find the same
rondition. that there will be as much
Improvement this yesr over last year
in open work as there was last year
over tf.e year fcefore. Although I have
not made a careful study of the new
rvoita l rules. I think trev are practl
:a;:y the same as last year."
Academy Teasa Heavier.
Portland Academy haa been turning
rut a. I under t.e direction of
Burr Wood, who for two yeara played
quarter on Cornell. The squad numbers
about Jo.
Some .f the old men that are back
ere. Sooen. tackle: Therkelsen. end:
Cobb, half: Matcherk. guard: Townsend.
tackle. B'an. full. Slnnot. quarter: Bur
gird. haif. and Woodcock, end. Some of
I. .a new men are: Cce. Wilson. Coffey.
Vanfcorn. Krihha Sanford. Mann. Wells,
Pru anl Powell: a player from Oak
Park Hig?i. which defeated Washington
here last year.
They have a garr.e scheduled next
Saturday with Pacific University to be
played at oFrest Uroce. The team ar
tragea a little heavier than usual.
Csah Likes Celasaala Teasa.
Columbia Vnlverslty looks very good
to the new coach, Ralph Dimlck. That
Is his announcement after looking over
tie turnout cf the week's practice.
ColumMa has some Interesting trips
In view, such ss Seattle and Belllng
ham. It has been asked for games by
Mount Angel and College, of
Leon Malarkey. Fltigerald. fullback
of last year; Bill Cooke, last years
hd.f. are on de;k .now. while Lacey.
end: Bilodeau. center: Welder, Wehber
and Lake wlil be back In a short time.
John Dwyer Is another old-timer. es
paoted in a few ds. Blaine Devera.
who has been to Columbia, but never
played bef-re. is trying for quarter,
llerm Cooke and Edjte McAllen. both
cf Jefferson, ought to show up well for
t: e university.
Somt of the likely looking men are:
Butler. Klrklacd and Lastwell. Julian
fteed Is manager. KeKaher. formerly
captain, fcasgone to Notre Pane. The
e. action for captain mill Ve held this
week. Flr.nlgan last years half and
captain, haa also gone to the Catholic
c ..;. mhere he is trying out for the
wport Women's Title Goes to Call
fornlm Tennis Maid.
NEWPORT. R. I. Sept. 23. Miss
Hazel Hoirhklss. of Callforrla. holder
of the National women a tennis cham
rlorsh.'p. defeated Mrs. Barger-Wallach.
of Newport, i-1. -S. on the Casino
courts today m play fir the Casino cup
and the Ioi.a! championship.
Tett. Herschler. I'ueher. Todd. Carney
end Donnelson. all playera on local
teams during this season, will go In
fr football this Fall In tha teams of
trie Commercial Football League, soon
to be organised.
work , I
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Plarpont. a bright bay "prospect" purchased by the Kramer Riding
School at the Portland auction this Summer for lesa than 1150. was
yesterday sold to George B. Evans, of Philadelphia, for a sum In excess
of 11000. It mill be an entry In the Madlson-Bquare Garden show In
October by Miss Lillian Evans, who was struck with the beautiful horse
while visiting at tha home of J. P. O'Brien In Portland.
"I expected this horse to win the combination ribbons at the Port
land show In October," said 6amuel Kramer last night. "Plarpont and
mate were bought by a Portland man at the recent aale for $510. and I
got them from htm for less than that. Jack Coffraan took Plerpont'a
mate off my hand for more than IjOO. It will cost ma exactly 127 to
ship Plerpont to Philadelphia."
Idrmvl WVather, Clar Court and
Good Crowd Make Mret Most
Successful Yet Held.
Keen competition, line weather, a
clear course and a good crowd fea
tured the annual Fall regatta of the
Portland Rowing Club yesterday. Offl
ciala declared it the most successful
meet In the history of the club.
By a powerful, steady stroke, the
Ilelwlg crew captured high honors In
the feature event This was the last
beat In the four-oared event.
The winning crew was composed of
Helwlg. stroke: 70e Marr. I; Cooper, I,
and McDonald, bow. They won by a
length after a cloae struggle.
In the first beat of this event, the
shell manned by Pfaender, stroke;
eyers. t: Prater. I. and Stond. bow.
won easily.
Haveley won the Junior singles by
four lengths against Wiser, Uammle
and Shockly.
Jensvold. after winning the second
trial heat In the training boat singles
agalnat Corning, repeated In the final
beat against Kelly, who finished first
against Ray In the first trial heat.
Three boats entered the double shell
race. Helwlg and Haveley won by a
lrne-th against Pfaender and Corning
and Glass and Jensvold.
Helwlg captured another first, when
he crossed the line ahead of his com
petitors In the men's single canoe race.
In the mens double canoe ra'e
Pfaender and Dent finished first, with
Gammle and Cooper a close second.
There were ten entries In this event.
II. E. Judge was referee, R. C Hart.
starter, and W. Patton and Eddie Bam
mons Judges.
Vernon Leader Offer Cash sad In.
fielder for Him, but Is Refused.
SACRAMENTO. Cel.. Sept. Jt.CSre-
elal. Charley Graham today turned
down an offer from Happy Hogan for i
Leap Taken Into Future With Characters Alive la 1921, as Bases for
Thoughts on Sport and Sportdom as It Is Seen and Enjoyed Today.
(Copyright, 111 I. by the Marquis of
SCENE, the Zoological Gardens. Chi
cago. Kept. 21. 111. Father and
son. named Buster, aged II, visiting
show for the first time.
Buster Say. pop. take me first to
see the hones, I have never seen on
Tes, my son. but don't always
be so anxious to see horses. They are
dreadfully wicked animala and In for
mer years were the ruin of society.
Now thev are used only at funerals
as a sort of expiation of their former
sins. They are made to draw the de
parted at a walking pace to the grave.
Buster Poor things, how sad they
look, not a bit like those fine gee-gees
In grsnd-a's old pictures In his room.
They look as If they wanted shoving
and had swollen feet.
Pop Tea. that Is so. but the present
day horse Is not allowed to trot, and
It's five years In the Bridewell If you
let the irked brutes break Into a
Buster What Is racing?
Pop Hush. Buster, racing, once the
sport of kings. Is now tabooed. It made
men laugh and be gay, but some of
them lost money. They say tha horses
ate the money, and now any one racing
horaee would be accused of leading
these brutes on to fraud and would be
Buster Let's go away. I don't want
to see them any more. They're all
knock-kneed and not a bit nice
Pop Yea. come, let us go and con
template the birds.
Eagle - la gsaall Cage.
Buster O. Pop. Just look at that
poor chicken.
Pop That's no chicken, thst'a an
American sporting eagle.
Buster Why do they put It la such
a small cage?
Pop Well. It's a wild, bad beast,
and fond of sport and killing bares,
so they have put It Into a eanary cage
and feed It on hemp Instead of raw
meat. The keepers are trying to teach
It to aay "Tweet. Tweet." In fact, they
are trvlng to reform It. and that's why
It hit such a sad face.
Busier O. my. look, at Its poor feet
It's got corns. That canary could
never catch a hare.
Pep That's Just what they want.
They have broken Its spirit, and Ita
feet are like that because it only walks
now Instead of flying. Flying Is against
the law except in aeroplanes.
Just then tha bird gave forth a
belching "tweet, tweet. something
between a cock'a crow end a donkey's
Buster Lat a go, let a go; that bird
..... t. y i I H
. 1 T
the purchase of Patay O'Rourka, the
fighting leader of the Senators.
Hogan offered to give the Sacra
mento club one of Ms best inflelders
and a cash consideration for O'Rourka.
but Graham replied he did not want
to let Patsy go under any conditions.
Semi --Pro Baseball Notes
INTEREST In semi-professional bmse-
I ball circles Is centered at present
about the deciding game set for this
afternoon at 1:10 o'clock on the Colum
bus field, between the Columbus club
and the Greaham Giants.
Greaham won the first game of the
series with an 11 to score, and the
Columbus club got away with the sec
ond tn an 11-lnnlng session with 1 to T.
Greaham a title to the local champion
ship Is more nearly dear than that of
their opponent, but If the Columbus
aggregation carries off honors in the
third game. It trill put It on a safe
footing, with no competitor for the
state championship excepting the Sher
Idan Colts, with whom a game probably
will be arranged later.
Healea' Wiona team has challenged
the winner of Sunday's game, date to
be arranged later, for a email side
The laat meeting of the Giants and
the clubmen la expected to bring out
all the acml-pro fana In this vicinity.
and arrangements are being made to
entertain a record-breaking crowd. The
lineup win be:
Webb ....
.adeau . .
Tmuscher .
Anson . . . .
Games .
. Van Hoomlson
. Wlntsrbotham
sd . ,
Bauer. .. .If. .
teppe. Hughes
. .it
Eschle'a team, managed by Red
Rupert, will go to Mount Angel Sun
day, and will play against Albany the
following week. Greaham haa already
won three games out of four this sea
aon from Ruperts team. Columbus
club haa not yet met them.' and will be
obliged to schedule a game with them
If successful against tha Giants In the
Sunday aeanoe.
On "Buddy Ryan day. tomorrow, the
Columbus dub will break out of semi
pro class and cross beta with the
Beavers In the Coaat League Park, as
one of the attractions In the big benefit
given by the fana to Portland's popular
frightens ma. I am sure I was right.
It's a chicken. That's no sport eagle.
Let's go to see the monkeys. That
blrfl made me feel sad. Monkeys make
me laugh.
Pop Well, here we are; thla la the
Ape house.
Buster O. Pop, Just look; who Is
that ugly man talking to the Barbary
Ape? He looks Just like a monkey
Pop Don't speak so loud; that's
Arthur Klllsport, the member for
Backofnever. He la the great reformer
and the president of the society here.
It's his stunt, that Eagle In Canary
cage business. He Is also Antl-Dar-wlnlan.
and believes that man returns
to ape. aa against Darwin's ape to
man theory.
Buster That monk don't seem to like
Pop Like him, no one does, but he
Is the vogue right now. He made all
babies wear long trousers to hide their
legs. He Is trying to persusde the
committee to put the apes In kilts.
Buster Is he a sport?
Pop The greatest In town I He Is
the best casino player, the best hop
scotch player, and haa now taken up
the new sport of Baboon Tree pitching,
which consists of throwing nuts from
trees at little boys. This Is prepara
tory to the return of man to apedom.
Bustar Let's go. I don't want to see
any more animals; they are all so tame.
Pop Well, let's go to tha museum
next door and I will show you the old
boxing gloves, those relics of barbar
ism now delegated to the showcase.
Buster Tea, do let us go; we have
a French boy at school and he says
It's Just fine, that boxing, and that
they are very fond of It still In
Fop The barbarians! Fancy strik
ing any one with the fist. We now'
use the mule kick, and toe hold, the
bear back hug. the shank bite, and
have a dispute with any one.
Pair enters tha museum and examine
a pair of 11-ounce amateur boxing
Pop Bee. Buster, the wicked fight
ing gloves. Fancy getting that on
your maaaaged face. Men used to
ftcht with these for 10 rounds but
Klllsport stopped that they used to
make each other's nose bleed. Kill
sport's mode of settling disputes Is
to exchange cocoanut throwa at. 100
yards, and the worst that can happen
Is to get a little cocoanut milk spray
on the face, which Is splendid for the
Buster Say, Pop, I'm for home; and.
aay. can't yoti take me away from my
school and send me to that school In
Nebraska Will decide Middle
West Title Tlu's Year.
Since Michigan and Minnesota Will
Xot Meet on Gridiron, Tie Vp
to Cornhnakers to Win or Lose
Right to Championship.
CHICAGO. Sept 21. Football in the
Middle West presents a peculiar situa
tion this Fall, for the University of
Nebraska, never a member of the West
ern Conference, is likely to be the
chief factor in deciding the champion
ship of the section, which for the last
two yeara haa gone to tha University
of Michigan. Last Fall Michigan had
one disputant to its claim in the Uni
versity of Illinois, an undefeated eleven.
This Fall Michigan and Minnesota
will not meet, aa they have done an.
nually In the past It was the meet
lng of these two teams that brought
about a settlement of the champion
ship qnestlon In the minds of the fol
lowers of the great college game. Be
cause of the conference ruling the
Gophers were forced to leave the Wol
verines off their schsdule, when it was
made up last Fall. Now that, these
two teams are not to meet, the only
means of determining which Is the
stronger will be through the compara
tive showing against a common foe.
This common enemy Is the University
of Nebraska, the only institution that
each of the big elevens will encounter.
Fa Nebraska is to be the center of
Interest In Western football this Fall,
as well a the team which is to play
an Important role In bringing the
championship question to a settlement.
It may be, of course, that the Corn
hunkers will not play their part so
well aa to make a fair comparison
possible, but this seems Improbable.
.Minnesota might fall before some
eleven on Its schedule other than the
Cornhuskers. Illinois. Wisconsin, and
Chicago all are to be met by the pupils
or Marry Williams. Should any
these elevens succeed in defeating the
men from the North then the strategic
position of Nebraska might not be so
Important- should Minnesota be de
feated by Illinois, for Instance, the Go
phers would lose all claim on the West
era championship. Michigan, however,
meets no other Western eleven of
prominence besides Nebraska, and will
go to Lincoln on November 25 with a
Justifiable claim to the championship
or the est unless misfortune upsets
the plans of Fielding Yost.
Through the meeting of both Mich
igan and Minnesota, Nebarska will
have an opportunity to annex the
Western title. Should it ruin the
hopes of the Gophers at Northrup
"Field. October 21. it would put the
Minnesota aggregation out of the race.
Then, later In the season, when the
Ann Arbor delegation goes to Llnooln
should Stoehm, the coach, have an
eleven capable of defeating the Wol
verlnee then the Western champion
ship would be perched In Lincoln,
What all the rooters In the West do
hope Is that Stoehm will get his prote
ges Into such shape that they will he
able to play both Minnesota and Mfchl
gan to almost a standstill. Nebraska
mssts Minnesota early In the season,
October 21. In past years the Corn
huskers have been fairly-well shaped
for this contest, and have been a
worthy foa for the Northern team.
TtS" rrn CAPTttv. STAR AT
- gf ... . -w
wee 4
Teaasay aheekaa.
Since the great spurt made by
the Portland Beavers, which land
ed them in first place In the 1911
pennant race, most of the play
ers have been handed bouquets,
but so far one of tha most
sterling of the nine has been
overlooked to a certain extent.
This worthy Is none other than
Tommy Sheehan, captain of the
team, who has had much to do
with the great work of the Beav
ers. Sl.eehan knows the game'
thoroughly and Is a high -class
man to shoulder the responsibil
ity of captaining a club which
promises to win the flag once
more for Portland. Sheehan is a
conscientious player, always in
the game trying his best to pull
off reprisals on the enemy to
gain victory for Portland. Shee
han was Injured in a collision
trith Walter Kuhn Friday, but
this did not prevent him from
playing again.
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With an excellent bunch of material
for this Fall. Stoehm probably will
have his men running about aa well aa
the Gophers, whose ranks have been
depleted through the loss of stars of
last Fall.
"Pop" Goers Finally Gets Winner on
Grand Circuit Track.
DETROIT, Sept. 11. The 1911 grand
circuit season ended here today at the
Michigan State Fair track, leaving the
final day's programme uncompleted.
Under the rule which forbids the start
lng of a race after 4 P. M. on the
closing day. the free-for-all trot and
the 2:01 pace were declared off
"Pop" Geers by driving Lady Willow
to victory In the fifth heat of the un
finlahed 2:20 trot, broke her losing
streak and captured his only purse of
the week.
In the first heat of the 2:01 trot. J.
Malcome Forbes led all the way. In
the second heat six horses flashed
under the wire Inside the length of
a sulkey. Douglas McGregor took the
next heat. ,
The heat ninners raced the final
heat .alone. Rathburn wining in a
magnificent drive. Summary:
1:20 trot, 1 in 6. purse 21000 (four
heats Friday) Lady Willow won first,
second and fifth heats and race. Best
time, 2:11 H. Helen Wllst&r second,
won third and fourth heats. Best
time. 2:121. Clodagh third.
2:01 trot. 2 in 1, 11000 Aquln won
the second and fourth heata and race.
Best time, 2:08. J. Malcom Forbes
second, won first heat. Time, 2:08.
Douglas McGraner third, won third
heat. Time, 2:084.
2:14 trot, 2 in i, 11000 Vanity Oro
won the first, third and fourth heats
snd race. Best time, 2:10H- Myertle
Granett second, won second heat. Sue
D third.
2:18 pace, In 5, 11000 Ty Cobb
won in straight heats. Best time,
2:084. Storm second, Lucille Brooks
Aspiration to Make 250 Hits This
Season Looks Favorable to
Georgia Peach.
Both Ty Cobb and' Joe Jackson
dropped a peg in American League bat
ting since the last records were an
nounced, the Georgia Peach clouting
41 now and the Cleveland wonder .899.
"Hickory" Jackson, of the tall-end Bos
tons, holds the premier position in the
National League, leading Wagner.
Cobb's ambition Is to make 250 hits
this season. He is well started, too,
for he la now close to 220. Jackson
has Just reached the .200 mark. The
American League Batting.
Plsver. club O A B R H SBBH
.320 n.trAlt .123 B26 134 Z1M 70
Jackson. Cle l-'8 6'U 118 200 37 6
Lajole. Cleveland. 71 239 28 94 10 7
Crawford, Det 1- ova
Hen'sen Boston... 18 l
Collins, Athletics.. 115 484
Cree. New York. ..117 4,'.
Langs. Chicago.... 4
Delehanty, Det 129 49
Rslcer Athletics. .1US 681
1SS S3 15
7 22 4 1
79 164 84 17
SI 161 8 7
6 24 0 1
78 15 15 20
87 178 32 21
77 143 24 15
92 151 20 28
28 44 5 S
SI 81 4 10
94 189 42 28
3 20 0 0
4 122 19 19
24 56 C 7
27 72 8 6
92 12 12 5
71 130. 19 20
70 150 29 16
29 40 8 2
4 26 0 0
48 117 1! 22
8 144 85 15
boeaker. Boston.. 123 440
Murphy. Ath....
Lapp. Ath
Easterly. Cle......
129 459
. nil 144
. sa 248
Lord, Chicago
.130 521
E. Walker. Wash. 82 2
Rrhafer. Wash.
.109 8S0
. 49 174
. 72 224
.123 617
Gainer, Detroit.
Lellv'lt. Wash..
Mclntyre. Chi- -.
Mclnness, Ath.
.117 43(1
Chess. New York.lH 472
Coombs. Ath
46 127
Mullen. Detroit
BlChsm. Cle..
Hooper, Boston
34 83
107 879
119 470
li)9 441
Oldrlng. Ath...
77 134 19 26
TV..h 134 645 100 13 47
Boston 118 '' 66 124 7 20
Block. Chicago 33 99
7 80 0 2
Lord. Athletics 117 601
85 161 12 14
0 135 5 16
fi 141 17 28
4 11 1 0
5 8 0 8
82 64 9 4
5 141 13 15
39 61 21 10
13 22 0 4
72 129 28 24
04 127 45 20
Lso'e. St- L. ill
Hart'l. New Tork.127 472
Brhmldt, Detroit.. 26 37
Hsrtsel. Ath 22 27
Hemphill. N. T.A 60 184
Eodle. Chicago. ..127 4S6
DsughertT. Chi... 7S 211
Wlllett. Detroit... 85 76
?ardner. Boston. .124 443
alhoun. Cln 114 442
Rational League Batting.
Player, club O A B
23 45 9 6
78 141 18 10
3 15 2 8
fi 123 10 11
40 114 6
IS 34 2 2
18 80 6 7
88 162 19 81
2 8 0 2
59 164 25 6
68 148 6 9
74 146 18 14
73 132 28 11
24 90 0 4
70 145 2.1 24
72 114 21 12
62 141 8 15
78 133 29 17
64 133 24 13
83 132 82 13
i8 70 16 8
.1 154 18 22
7 16 3 0
05 1.13 ID 12
12 23 1 4
78 133 42 22
13 27 5 2
79 136 20 17
21 87 6 6
52 124 24 17
27 63 5 2
.80 1
Jackson Bos.
34 126
Wagner. Pitts.
Almeida, Cln...
. .109 403
..19 44
.. 99 862
..114 336
. . 45 104
. . 74 248
Clarke, Pitts..,
Myers, N T
tsmond. Cln...
Dooin. Phila
Fchult. Chi
Ferry. Pittsburg.
Miller. Boston...
127 474
27 2r
123 4S3
T.uderus. Phlla...
122 465
Zimmerman, Chi.. 121 4."9
Sweeney, Boston.. 113 431
McLean. Cln 94 294
Daubert. Brook... 126 475
Msgee. Phlla 101 875
Wilson, Pittsburg. 127 405
Bates, Cincinnati.. 128 441
Mitchell. Cln IIS 442
Dorle. New Tork.118 419
Fletcher. N. Y 87 235
Hobllts'l. Cln 1.13 618
Campbell, Pitts... 28 55
Evans, yt. i.oiits. .my s,"7
MrCarthv. Pitts . . 29 79
Kenog, N. Y. ...123 458
Wilson. N. Y. ... 57 95
Konetchey. St. L..133 479
stark. Bikyn 50 131
Tinker. Chi. .....120 410
'.is 2
Erwln. Bklyn ... 80 18
Pheckard. Chi.
Adams. Pitts.
...127 449 103 126 27 14 ,
. . . 84 HO 9 25 0 2 .
L.. SO 224 23 - 63 S 6
Presnahan. Rt,
Snod grass. N.
Faskert, Phils
Y. .127 443 70 124 41 23 .
. .129 470 84 134 19 27
Militia Markmen Make High Scores
at Camp Perry.
The rifle team representing the Ore
gon National Guard at the recent
Cnlted States Government rifle tour
nament held at Camp Perry, Ohio, fin
ished eighth among the National Guard
teams competing. The Oregon riflemen
averaged 250 6-1 a per man in the tar
get shoot, and 80 5-12 in the skirmish
shooting. The scores of the Oregon
marksmen were as louows:
BF. RT".
200 200 800 10O0 Skir. Ttal.
ggt. Rnmalne.. 8S 44 48
Egt Stevens... 41 46 45
' 75
Sgt. O. Plckard 41 46 49
Bet- Conner 42 48 44
Bst. Pearson.,
est. Bchwars.
8gt- Snyder...
Sgt. Spooner..
Fgt. Ouerln...
42 48 47
42 45 4.1
38 46 47
41 44 42
41 42 4.1
40 42 47
41 39 43
Sgt. Mspes
Srr. Johnson
Sgt. A. Packard 40 45 45
...487 631 865 477 685 8005
Albany High Team Formidable.
ALBANY. Or, 6ept. 22. (Special.)
Football practice has begun at the Al
bany High School. No active work has
been done yet, but a large squad is
turning out for preliminary practice
and prospects are good for a strong
team. Floyd South, who played cen
ter on last year's team. Is captain.
Multnomah Barristers to -Meet.
The regular monthly meeting of tlis
Multnomah Bar Association . will be
held in Judge McGinn's courtroom, on
the third floor of the Courthouse buill-
lng. st o clock Tuesday night. Th.s
will be the first of the Fall meetings
and also the first to be held in the new
Courthouse building
McGrath Makes Mighty Heave
of 56-Pound Weight.
Xew World Mark Is Set by Husky
Xew Yorker, Who Also Throws
Hammer 185 1-2 Feet in .
One Day's Exhibition.
MONTREAL. Sept. 23. A world's
record of 40 feet six and three-eighths
inches by Mat McGrath in throwing the
56-pound weight for distance, featured
the annual championships of the Ama
teur Athletlo Cnlon, of Canada, here
this afternoon. McGrath, In three out
of his six throws, beat the old world's
record of 88 feet eight Inches, made by
Ftanagran at Jamestown four years ago.
McGrath "oroke a Canadian record In
the hammer throw with 182 feet, four
inches, beating the Canadian record
held by Flanagan by mora than three
feet, ana coming within two feet of a
world's record.
Melvln W. Shepard, in the half mile,
finished a winner by only a foot from
Knox, of Toronto, in 1:64 4-6. Shepard
also won the 440-yard event in 48 2-5
seconds. Klvlat, of New York, won the
mile in 4:40 1-5.
The Irish-Americans scored heavily
In the events, winning the point cham
pionships easily. s
Dare-Devila to- Entertain GHdden
Tourists at Atlanta.
ATLANTA. Gs Sept. 23. The big
automobile speedway, just outside of
this city, where the best of drivers and
cars have broken world's records, will
have an Important race meeting next
month. The Mate chosen is October 21,
for on that day the dusty caravan of
the Glidden tour will chug into Atlanta.
Logically, an attractive form of enter
tainment would be automobile racing,
and it Is to provide this entertainment
and at the same time to revive the
sport in Atlanta that the promoters are
going ahead with their arrangements.
Oddly enough, the Atlanta motor
drome fell Into disuse many months
ago. And It was rapidly changing into
a white elephant until the coming meet
was talked of. On October 21 the best
drivers obtainable will race on the
speedway. Dlsbrow, Altken, Burraan,
Lytle and the Marmon team have al
ready promised to compete.
Motorcycle races will also be run in
conjunction with the auto events. The
best riders In the country will be
brought here.
Regarding the motorcycle races. Bob
uack and
T if oJH
When I began my work in clean
ing out the "medical companies"
and "medical institutes" of Port
land my making a fair and square
plea that every weak and . ailing
man should investigate and find
out WHO th6 doctor was that
fromised him a cure, I knew that
here would be a great upheaval
among the advertising specialists.
In less than six months I have al
ready driven out some of the medi
cal companies. Others ere strug
gling agalnat hope by offering the
cheapest of fees as a bait to trap
the unwary. I have already ac
complished a great deal, and, while
I welcome honest competition, I
want to say some more words of
warning to those who are still In
doubt as to which doctor to choose.
I warn you above all things IN
VESTIGATE. Never accept the
promises or advice of the first doc
tor you go to. He may be all that
Is right and honest, but get other
opinion also. My advice is FREE,
and I can give you some valuable
Information about medical quack
ery and humbug.
Your first consideration should
be to know the doctor whom you
consult. Take along his announce
ments and compare his picture
with the man you meet in the of
fice. INSIST upon seeing his
license to practice medicine in Ore
iron, and his diploma. Ask him his
name, and BE SURE IT IS THE
SULT. If he Is not in, make an
other call when he IS in. When
you come to my office you see Dr.
A. G. Smith, and I will show you
my credentials and Identification
before vou ask for them.
The difference between the
quack and the doctor that does not
advertise, does not depend solely
upon the advertising. It Is just as
legitimate and honest for a doctor
to announce his specialty and ex
plain his methods in the news-
Papers as it Is for a bank to pub
Ish Its financial standing, or a
minister to announce his Sunday
services. Only a few days ago the
non-advertising doctors were told
by one of their leaders that the
reason they were not effecting the
cures expected of them was be
cause they did not give their pa
tients the care and attention neces
sary, and that there were twice as
many doctors in Portland as there
should be.
WRTTTKN GT7ARNTEE Dr. Smith's written guarantee means a cure
or no pay for services. I guarantee to cure certain aliments or refund
every dollar you .have paid me for my services. My services cost you
nothing unless I cure your Varicose Veins, Hernia, Piles, Fistula, Blood
Poison, or any ailment I guarantee to cure. My terms are reasonable
and no more than you are able and willing to pay for benefits.
Office hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 10 A. M. to 1 P. M. .
2341 Morrison St., Cor.
Stnbbs, of Birmingham, the world's
champion motorcyclist, and Mitchell,
one of the best drivers in the country,
with some of the other men from the
East who have been cleaning up. will
be brought down here especially for
this race meet.
Washington Will Xot Meet Idaho
Till October 28.
attle. Sept. 23. (Special.) Not until
October 28 will the university varsity
football squad line up against a col
lege of any size. On this date the
U. of W. men meet the University of
Idaho eleven at Spokane, and as they
have always defeated It before, expect
to do the same this year. A number of
small games, however, are scheduled
before this and among these are con
tests with the University of Puget
Sound, Fort "Worden College and the
U. P. S. of Idaho.
While Oregon Agricultural College
has the heavy msterlal, apparently, for
one of the best teams ever turned out
Coach Doble thinks that he has some
thing just a little better and that O. A.
C. will not be permitted to carry off
the lnter-collegiate championship as
it did two years ago. Of the men who
defeated the Agricultural College only
Eakins. "Polly" Grim and Hosely are
missing, although "Wee" Cole, the cap
tain, is sick. Eakins, the old-time
punter, who it is thought will be
equaled by Devlne, of Portland, Or.,
views the situation brightly and says
that the team this year will be so much
better than In 1910 that the two should
not be mentioned In the same breath.
On November 18 the university will
play Oregon at Portland. When the
University of Oregon defeated the Ore
gon Agricultural College in 1910 much
of the fear ot the orange and black
was driven away.
The Thanksgiving game will be played
wltn Pullman, in Seattle. Pullman
la regularly taken to a walloping by
both the Oregon and Washington Col
leges and the main advantage of the
game is that, being played in Seattle,
it will place much lucre in the hands
of the finance committee of the ath
letic council.
The Dalles Squad Out Practicing.
: THE DALLES. Or., Sept. 2S. (Spe
cial.) Twenty-five men, composing
the largest squad In the history of The
Dalles High School, are working out
dally for the football team. John Har
riman, who played a strong game last
year at halfback, has been chosen as
captain. Robert Murray, who was
leader of the Athletic Club's aggrega
tions here several years. Is coaching
the pigskin chasers on the High School
gridiron. The Dalles wlil meet the
Goldendale High School eleven here
October 4, this contest being the first
of the season.
Others can imitate us, but they can't
meet our prices. Kohler 4 Chase mon
ster Clearance Sale. See page 8. section
1, this paper. Hear the "large-profit"
dealer howl and knock.
Dr. A. G. Smith
who W8i first to nae Tate true name
and photograph In hie newspa
per announcements, tells the facts
about his campaign against medi
cal hnmbna;. Every man should In
vestigate before chooalns; a physi
cian. Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Blood Poison
No Detention From Occupation,
Family or Home.
I Invite you to come to my of
fice. I will explain to you my
treatment for Varicose Veins,
Hernia, Nervous Debility, Blood
Poison. Piles. Fistula, Bladder.
Kidney, and give you FREE a phy
sical examination to determine
p a t h o 1 oglcal and bacteriological
conditions. Every person should
take advantage of this opportunity
to learn their true condition. A
permanent cure is what you want.
impair vitality. I daily demon
strate that varicose veins can be
cured In nearly all cases by one
treatment, in such a satisfactory
way that the vital parts are pre
served and strengthened, pain
ceases, swelling subsides, a
healthv circulation is rapidly re
established. Instead of the depress
ing conditions. I guarantee you a
cure to stay cured or refund the
With these ailments you may
have more complications than are
presented by any other ailing or
gans. By my searching illumina
tion of the bladder I determine ac
curately the aliment, and by
m I c r o s c o pical examination and
urinalysis I mke doubly sure the
condition of the kidneys, thus lay
ing foundations for scientific treat
I use Professor Ehrllch's won
derful new discovery, "606," in
cases of Specific Blood Poison. It
cures, and Is the greatest marvel
of medical science. This new rem
edy has been successfully used in
thousands - of cases.' Let-me ex
plain it to you. .
2nd St., Portland, Or.