The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 24, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Our Opening Display and Sale of New Furniture, Carpets and Draperies, Detailed on Back Page, Section 4 '
Our Formal Opening of
? Paris and New York
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FOR WEEKS the beautiful new things have been crowding in,
until tnmnrrnw hi-inrfQ fnrrri in its full arrav of Autumn 2lofV.
millions of dollars' worth of new Fall and Winter merchandise
our organization has gathered for you here and abroad.
Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday are to be Formal Opening Days all through the
'store. Mingled with the leaves and wreaths of Autumn, the new Fall merchandise
will hav its full nresentation in everv section. And there H be no better time this
season to make vour Fall purchases than tomorrow, for with the new stocks at the top
most of completeness, style and quality go hand in hand with the moderate pricing, , which
for over half a century has characterized the name of Meier &' Frank. . " , . '
Our show windows today present an unbroken series of fascinating style-settings.
Don't fail to see them. .
Radiant Beauty in Paris
Fresh from Paris just lifted from their quaint wooden seaboxes and soft paper
wrappings; nearly a hundred exquisite masterpieces in Millinery Art, labeled with the
aames of world-famous modistes
Madame Georgette. Carlier. Lewis. Louison. Marie Guy.
Caroline Reboux. r Marie-Louise. Suzanne Talbot. Camille Roger.
' Franc Marbot. ' Julia Bancourt. Alphonsine. Germaine.
And an array of superb beauties by the famous New York houses of Litchenstein, Kurzman, Francois,
besides the celebrated productions of Fisk, Gage, Castle, Phills, Burgesser, Hyland.
The influence of the period of Louis XIV is-seen in modifications of the Empire Hat. The new im
ported Austrian velours, uncut velvets and "shot" taffetas from our grandmothers' days. The aigrette
has given way and in its place is the beautiful plumage of the Goura. The ostrich plume is at every
turn gorgeous coque feathers, bands of rich furs, the glint of metallic roses, "braids and ribbons.
One beautiful Litchenstein model is a Picture Hat of deep royal purple velvet, trimmed in shaded
purple and old blue ostrich plume, with ostrich-trimmed velvet bag to match, $150. American Hats, $5
to $60. French Hats $35 to $150. ,
A Vivid Autumn Display of
Gowns, Suits, Wraps, Waists
Every case and rack in the big Garment Salons is brimming with these beau
tiful new Fall and Winter styles. . ' ' .
Every accepted mode from New York and Pans finds place in this wonderful
assemblage. The genius-inspired French models of Drecoll, Paquin, Cheruit,
Poiret, Callot, are shown side by side with those from the most famous New
York dictators of fashion.
Three-Piece Costumes
One elegant Paquin model is in black silk velvet with
immense revers ; waist of dress finished' in chiffon.
Another sumptuous Opera Coat and Gown by Cham
pot, of black satin, lined in rose brocade. A smart
Drecoll afternoon eostume is of two-tone black and nas
turtium red with crepe meteor blouse to match, veiled in
black chiffon. Prices $65 to $285.
Gowns and Dresses
One lovely Theater or Dinner Gown is in water
melon pink chiffon with beaded and fringed tunic; new
fishtail train. Another of bordered maize chiffon, with
beaded tunie and belt of hand-made roses. Then there
are the loveliest little party and dancing frocks of
"shot" silks, chiffons, grenadines. Evening and Din
ner Gowns, $50 to $300. Party Frocks, $12.50, $20, $25
op to $155. Street Dresses, $15 to $100.
Suits and Wraps
Severely Tailored Suits, faultless in fabric and tail
oring. The rough weaves continue in high favor
serges, cheviots and mannish mixtures. Coats 30 and
32-inch, with close-fitting skirts $15 to $50.
Novelty Suits show the deep square revers with .
large, picturesque pointed and hood-shaped collars. Re
gal suedes, wool velours and velvets are predominating
fabrics $40 to $100. '
Lovely New Waists
Such rare beauty and variety in the "Waist Store
that our words are but a faint attempt at description!
Smart Waists for wear with the' tailored suit charm
ing combinations of chiffon and silk, with dainty
side frills. .
Dressier Waists many from Paris of Marqui
settes, hand-made Laces, Chiffons, etc. $5 to $85.
Opening Display and Sale of Dress Accessories
FASHION'S best in Jewelry and Leather Hoods. T
Pins, chains, beads, and an endless variety or
novelties. Clever Handbags from the tiniest
coin pnrse to the handsome imported Limousine Cases.
Priced from 25c to $50. -
EXQUISITE Veils and Veiling every beautiful
new Parisian pattern in the Veilings by the yard,
priced from 35c to $2. And the loveliest of silk
Chiffon Veils, plain, hemstitched and bordered. Priced
from $1 to $8.
DfSTIXCTIVENESS in Gloves every material,
every style for Fall. We're Portland agents for
the famous Perrin, Dent, Trefousse, Kayser and
other celebrated makes. Street and evening Gloves
from $1 to $8.
ECKWEAR and Scarfs never more bewitching,
Fichus, double side frills, deep . cape collars,
DODular. - Of fine laces, nets and Irish crochet.
Priced from 35c to $45. Alluring Scarfs of rich chif
fons, Spanish and Egyptian lace. Priced from. 50c
to $25. . ..
NOBBY Fall Footwear for men, women and chil
dren. Sole Porland agents for famous Cousins'
Shoes for women, Knox Shoes for men and
Osborn Shoes for children. -Every new, correct last.
Priced from $2 to $8. -
FASTIDIOUS women will delight in the new and
dainty Hosiery for FalL The lisle and silk Hose
are especially interesting in plain and beautifully
embroidered designs. Every wanted shade, 25c to $5.
In i
ART- in Corsets that ' what our
unexcelled Corset service has to
offer you. Grace and beauty of
line ponsible to every woman if corseted
correctly. Every noteworthy make
Madame Irene, Gossard, Redfern. "War
ner, La urecque, etc., f lu xo f jo.
A VISIT will be the use of Laces
and Trimmings for Fall. Irish,
Spanish, chantilly, maline, ma
rrame, and shadow laces. Beautiful
nets, venise, filet, chiffons, braids,
cords. Every possible price, 25c to $50.
ARIETY the keynote of Fall Rib
bons! Never such radiant crea-
tions in wondrous color Diena
ings. Velvets, plush, silks, satins, in
6tripes, plaids and brocaded designs.
Priced as low as 5c to $3 a yard.
1 --Laz
hub. & mm
VERITABLE fairyland of beauty the Silk
and Dress Goods Sections. Rich, shimmering
crepe de meteors, peau de cygnes. double-faced
satins every new Fall weave in glistening street
and evening shade. Handsome woolens, imported
and domestic, genuine Scotch tweeds, polo cloths
and a remarkable showing of handsome diagonals
and mixtures. Priced from 50c to $10 a yard.