THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. SEPTEMBER 17, 1911. MMBMMM I ! HII III M T H E W10 O W W I SrE- ' 3 oomis 7I-"Tw3s by Lake Como's waters blue, in quaint Belagio At the Villa Marietta, where it's heavn on earth, you know, Fate brought together, one fair day, beneath those gorgeous skies, f i ne poet uante uwiggms ana our rriena tne wiaow wise. y s j tsne rouna ne naa no money, use moii ouiw uu tiaiu rX. "I'm rich," she thought, "so what of that?" and at such fancies laughed. ' ' f TJ7. "Jheway thatf he quotesoetry is wealth enoughfpr me. - T v"" z-'m certain 1 be happy as the wife of Dante D." , " i 2 And frorn the moment first they met 'twa plain as plain could be -v' The Widow's fate would soon be linked with that. of Dante D 4 And so she craved the moment he upon his Knees should bend And in his sweet, poetic style put all her doubts to end. So when he begged a moonlight stroll beside Lake Como fair ;She answered "Yes, with pleasure!" and prepared to meet him there. r v 1 For everywhere she turned her steps the poet followed, too,; Until with sprouting buds of love her heart thrilled through end through ... . ;; i - 5 ; fv. a l ne nignt was stm, romantic, ana tne s&y ami ic were oiue. .Y " iThm; ctmllo KAiHf' th eanSv shore and watched the moon, these two.? v- -1 . - , M. J W V V w V " ' - . - V Vf ' And Dante quoted poetry by reams and miles and feet, ( x 'Hr') ' U '' 'ivXP"11. tke WdoV bursting ijeart with loy.e- was full, complete. - VL;v-;?a...,v,' ' V T I '. : VV IW v4r- .-,.'1 ' V X w . v. . ... 1 . . hlZ27. I . . t .1 ' ' TT K foil ' ina men tne iitcim moment carac. . upuu ma witws And in a voice that shook with sighs his tale beg3n to, telL . . And then there came a'strange, Weird sound, swee loud, low, shrill, strong frail' And Dante dropDcd the Widow's hand and cried, 4tTbc nightingale!" ; . 7 ''Quite pretty!" said the Widow, "but, as yon were saying then" , r v "Ah, yes," he said, "my love! Alas, the bird began again! v And Dante,. awed to silence, simply stood and listened there While thtWidow was she angry? Was.he angry? Yes, for fair! - - x' ' . ' 8 Oairilled the bird; its gorgeous song held Dante in its sway. The Widow bit Ker lips awhile'and then she went away. Next day he sent apologies that met her angry eyes. "YOU'D RF.TTPR WFD YOUR NTfi HTINGALE!" rec lied the Widow Wise. v (COPYRIGHT. 191c, BY THE NEW VOSK EERALD Ctt . - - Ail Eiglw