DRAMATIC,-: : ; i t REAL ESTATE' AUTOS, ROADS SECTION FOUR Pages 1 to lO PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1911. NO. 38. VOL. XXX. WM. GAD P1EM X SBY(MS'E EEIt Ik 4 HOW YOU CAN FURNISH YOUR HOME WITHOUT READY GASH If ron are coirs to have a home at all, uhv uot make it cozy and comfortable You must spend the greater part of your life m it, and, after all, it is (he only place you can go for recreation or re.t The snrroimdmgs ot the home should be cheerful anTplSSnt, and if they are not you ought to make them so. YOU DO NOT NEED READY CASH. Maybe some one piece of fur niture, a new rug, new draperies or lace curtains is all that is lacking to complete the comfort of the home. Whatever your neds, great or small, GADSBYS are prepared to supply them. We offer you the advantage of our COSFIDKXTIAL CREDIT ACCOUNT SYSTEM. There is nothing about it that would cause you any embarrassment nobody hears ot the tra?sacT; lion, nor i"s there anv extra charge or interest for this privilege. OADSBYS' prices are NO HIGHER than cash stores,' and you can arrange to pay BJ SMALL AMOUNTS, either YJi,ER;; LY OR MONTHLY, as youwlsh. 'Every article throughout our five spacious floors is marked with a : plain figure tag at the lowest possible price. Note the prices on the following; GADSBYS' 3-PIECE DINING ROOM SET COMPLETE $48.75 GADSBY SELLS IT FOR LESS GADSBYS' THREE-PIECE BEDROOM SUIT COMPLETE FOR ONLY $94.50 jU lllli njl Fi We have turned our entire lower floor over to the display of Dining-room Fur niture where you will be able to find anything in that line you may desire. It will pay you to we this floor before buying; we can sell you for less. The three pieces above are 6olid oak. finished either in wax, golden or the lopuIar fumed. Gadsby's price $48.75. BUY YOUR HEATER BEFORETHE RUSH We have oar Fall Heaters here ready for immediate delivery. Don't wait till every body else needs theirs and suffer a day or two for delivery. JUNIOR AIRTIGHT With east top and lid, sheet rtoel body, steel linings. Three sizes, $5.50, $6.50, $7.50. Same, with plain stpel top. in three sizes, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50. NEW MELROSE HEATER CASTIRON LININGS Tbe principal feature of this heater is slow combustion. One feed a day is all the fuel you need; has large front feed door, swing-top, with lid, nickeled footrails and ornaments. Price, lS-inch, for wood $9.85 UNIFOLD BED DAVENPORT NOT NECESSARY TO SLEEP ON THE UPHOLSTERING as on old type Automatic Bed, is much MORE COM FORTABLE and Trill wear THREE TIMES as long. "When in use as a Davenport has nothinc: in its appear ance to indicate that it con tains a bed and makes a BEAUTIFUL PARLOR DAVENPORT. y ''I I'll $10 Mission Rocker $5.50 WHERE CAN YOU BUT ROCKERS LIKE THIS FOR $5.50? Solid oak Rocker, exactly like cut, made of fine se lected oak, with large up holstered Boston leather seat on steel springs, high back, finished either fumed or golden oak. Ee (pilar price $10, Gadsbys' special price at .... ..$5.50 This Colonial Bedroom Set, consisting of large Dresser, large Chiffonier and 'Napoleonl, Bed, can be had either in wax golden oak, beautiful mahogany or the latest dull ords eye maple. Here is an opportunity to furnish your bedroom with a set that would be an ornament to any home and at a price that will save you money. It s ,a pleasure to show nice goods, whether you buy or not. Gadsbys' price for the three pieces 94.50 'IB 7 - m t . - v"-"w 5 . m m ,il Plenty of room for Mattress and Bedding. l A. e 1 ONLY ONE OPERATION Only one SIMPLE and ESY OPERATION changes it from a davenport to a bed. or vice versa. You cant afford to be without it. PRICES RANGE FROM $3Cflto TO $50.00 This bed is very easy to operate. A child can change it from a davenport to a bed, or vice versa. The mechanism is absolutely perfect, truaranteed to work perfectly. The 3 frame of the bed is of steel angle iron, and LT;';'! the springs and fabric are of the very best type and quality, with plenty of clearance between bed and framework of upholstering. No hard centers. Makes a very comfortable and indestructible bed. Sanitary construc tion. Bed can fce removed for airing purposes. GADSBYS' FALL OPENING DISPLAY New Carpets, Rugs, Lino leum, Oilcloth and Matting This department of our store is fairly bulging -with all the best things that the season has brought forth all the new weaves, the very cream of the market. The new designs are beautiful to behold, and the rich color combinations are most exquisite. The biggest variety ever shown is here from the most gorgeous patterns to the softest and most deli cate shades." Rugs of every size, carpets in endless variety of pat terns, linoleums and oilcloths of the choicest styles and most durable qualities, and every price a money-6aving price. WE HAVE OTHER DAVENPORTS AS CHEAP AS. .$22.50 lOOO rards Rot' Axnln trr, Gadlbys'tfJI Off special, per yard B m. 000 yds. Snr Axmln mtrr. Gad sbye' tfj 1 Ofi pecUL per yard D 1 J 500 rda. Broaarla, good quality, special, 1 1 fk per yard wlilU SOOO yards Tapestry, ela-ht-wlre, ail- TC wool urface. JC 625 RUGS ALWAYS OX DISPLAY RACKS ROOM RUGS SO Braaseds Hlarh- n A Cf Grade Rocs, xl2. each O ?T eic"'. fx. $ 1 5.85 SO Redy Btnilll COvl AC Run. special tt Wfatww 135 Kirch Braaaelm, 9x 12. each. 120 Art Pra - Bmasela, 1J JC xl2. each dl.aS.OU 30 Madras Jote Body r?!..!?!2'. $9.50 100 All - W 00 1 Filled In. 5T".... $9.75 30 Extra Quality WlKom 1..:. $34.20 2S Seattle's Wool Velvet Z.?-.?.1.2:.. $22.50 IOO Snltaa Velvet 1 C O C Rasa, 9x12 ...9AJ.OiJ wntteni Aaarlo. C? Clf Persians, 9x12 DJ.W 34 P a 1 1 eras Oriental ' Q ff Bacdada, 9x12 wtO.UU $17.50 The follo-wlng- sixes of factory made rug's are In stock here; ll-3x 15. 10-6xl2-. 10-6x12, 11-2x12, 9x 13-C. 9x12. 8-xl0-. 6x9, 4-8x7-6, etc OUR REGULAR PRICES ARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS MUCH ADVERTISED SALES OF COM PETITORS THERE'S A REASON WE PAY NO RENT COOK STOVE $11.85 Just the stove for a small home where a range js too expensive or -: large to consider at the present time. '- Does perfect baking, and. has ajgpod-J sized oven and a full-sized firehoi. -. An economical user of fuel. Two sizes. ; : No. 8, as shown here...., ..SX1.85 No. 7, just as good, but a smaller stove, priced at .$9.85 '. THIS $40 RANGE fH $27.50 All are guaranteed. Leader Range, with its high closet and duplex grate, spring balance oven doors. This is a heavy, substantial and durable range, made of the best quality cold-rolled steel; adapted for coal or wood ; oven thoroughly braced and bolted, and asbestos lined throughout, nickel-trimmed, section plate top. Gadsbys' price only ..... ... .$27.50 THREE-PIECE PARLOR SUIT $25 tl: 'T - Xhis Parlor Suit comes in three different designs, with mahoganized birch frames, and is upholstered in high-grade velour. ; It is the kind :'; of furniture that graces any home. Nowhere but here, would you see .; it quoted at so low a price. " One of the reasons why we're - lS2S" -busy nowadays. Extra value at. ...... ....--),f, r IRON BED SALEf $3.50 Iron Beds. ., .$1.95: $4.50 Iron Beds. . . .93.50 ., $5.00 Iron Beds. .V.$3.75;. $7.00 Iron Beds: . . .$5.75 -$20 Brass Beds. . .$14.50 -$25 Brass Beds. . ,$18.00 v. OUR SEPTEMBER SALE OF THE NEW FALL DESIGNS This sale has proved a winner simply because we are offer-in the M(nt rallies of the rear In home furniture. Tha adTantaires of thin !e are three-fold In the h!h character and quality of the merchandise, tha arrest stocks for selection and the remarkably low prices quoted. If rou hare the least Intention to bur furni ture this Fall dont OTerlook thene bartrslns now. Credit will be extended on all purchases to suit tha wishes of our patrons. Miti.(0aiis!&v". & Smu CORNER WASHINGTON AND FIRST STREETS o 'NfjMatterWhatiYou Want irrfurniture , " iEsdeby Sell, itifior lLe3 Carpets and Regs, Such as You've Never Seen We have quality and quantity to1 show you in Carpets and Rugs this FalL' Have enlarged this department with the heaviest' .. stock we ever bought. -Every color and every pattern of any'1' note is represented. Ve now have Rugs in all sizes from 6i3 ' to 11.3x15, and the most exquisite variety ever shown in this city. Our . heavy purchases gave us a concession in prices and we are going to give our customers the benefit of this saving;'