9 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAXP. SEPTEMBER 17. 1911 NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH IS TO BE DEDICATED BY DR. DYOTT W.verly Edict- Cognation Hop, to lift $1000 Debt at Dedicatory Services to Ba Held October 1-Plans for Gypsy Smith's Oomisf. THE Wav.rley Heights Congrega tional Church, at East Thirty-third etreet and Ellsworth etreeta, la to ba dedicated October 1. at I P. M. Thla church was put up t a coat of about n. and will at 400 persona. Tha Congregational Board of City Missions saved 10 by uslns; as much material a possible from tha old Funnvsld. Church, supplementing It with new ma terial. Tha Sunnyslde congregation put up a new stone church last Winter. A year aco workers of the Congrega tional Church atarted a Sunday school in a hall la Clinton street. Thla grew until the attendance reached mora than 109. A church wit organised last Winter and meeting held In tha halL Plans were laid at once for Jt bu.ldlna. and .iS was ral sed I cash and pte.lgee for the purpose. It Is es ";,,d L. the other H.0 will be raised at the dedication meeting Oc "ber 1. Rev. Luther R- r.yott pastor of the FJrst Cnnareaational Church will deliver the dedicatory eermon. and the mu.le will be furnished by tha rhMr cf tha First Church. Rev. T. B. Wlney la paator of tha new chorea. n,r p. v. CHara will apeak at BL Mary". Cathedral this morning on "Pivorce." e At the neat meetlne; of the Men's Brotherhood of tha First Congrega tional Church. October a. a special com mittee of picked men will be ep po.nted to co-operate with oraanisa tlons worklnr 'or Improved conditions in Portland. Tha Intention la to nave tha church esprrss Itself on moral questlona throuah thla committee, see The committee In charge of tha con templated Ovpsy Smith campaign wlU hereafter hold meetings every Vk ednea day In order to haaten preparatlona for 'the evanaellers romlni. It la e pected that tha plana for the new struo tura will ba ready fr the approval of tha committee at neat ed meeting The permit for the building was secured from tha City Council at Its last meetlne;. Professor W. if. Wilder hae been em ployed to lead tha choir. It Is planned to have a choir of volcee. and an orchestra of seven brass Instruments sad two pianos- 'Hallowed Hymns. New and Old." a book which has been eurceesfully used by the evancellst in other places, will be tha hymnal. Flva hundred books have already been ship ped from New York, and are eapected to bo hero by October 1. Tha evanao Ilst Is a slner as wall aa a speaker, and does a lare part of tha solo work himself. Ha will ba Id Ppokan. Sep tember t to bealn tha campaign there, e e e Tha Ladles' Aid Society of tha White Temple held Its first meetlne; for tha Winter last Wednesday. A supper for fiundav school teachara will ba served neat Thursday evening, and will be given regularly In the Fall and winter months. N'eit Sunday la Rally day for tha Sun day school at the White Temple, Many of the Juniors will ba graduated Into the senior classes. Fach of tha Junior cJ asses will contribute to tha pro gramme. e e e The portlsnd Graded Union for Plble School Workers, composed of teachara and offlcere of the Pundsy schools of tha city, will hold weekly meetlnaa In the Paraca room of tha First Conara getlonal Church, at .: P. M. mdaya. e e The youna- people of the First Con gregational Church celebrated College 4 - 1 ;, e ry. --. ( , - ' : V - ff . ' . ' n r : . ;y : ' : ,j I r7J--Err:- : -I : 4 UtPHV 1 ITH. WHO Wil l. 0mTT F.VAJ.iF.I.laTIC MEETINGS IX POKTXASU Till FALI. night In the church paj-lora last Fri day night. Tha aim of tha social was to Interest In church work those youna; people who were not church members. e A aerlea of It Sunday school Insti tutes will bo held In various churches of tha city, beginning September It and ending with a general rally In tha First Tresbyterlan Church on October !. see Rev. J. Allen Leaa. of PL James Lutherlan Church, has begun a series of Sunday evening subjects on peo ond Century Religion In Twentieth Century Times." ' The subjects are ar ranged as follows: September IT. "When All Christians Are Chrtstllke" la sociological study); September t. -When All Chrlatlans Ara tha Average" (sequel to previous study): October I. "Tha Martyr vs tha Mob": October t. "Character vs. Cash": October II. "How the Lord Got His Man and What He Did With Him"; October It. Snored Song Service; Oc tober il. "How an Italian Soldier Was Paved": November 6. "A Happy Solution to a Knottv Prehlem": November 11. -The Preacher and tha Problem of tha Clean City": November 19. "Tha Livery of Heaven to Serve tha Devil In." see Tha first annual sesalon of tha Oregon-Washington Conference of the Af rican M- E. Zion Church will close to night with a sermon by Rev. W. D. Speight, of Los Angeles. This after noon Bishop J. S. Caldwell, of Phila delphia, will ordain O. 8. Raymond to the ministry, and will announce tha assignment of mlnlstera to their rharges. Thla service will be held at t o'clock. Rev. H. L. McKlnney la tha speaker at tha eerrlce at II oVlock this morning. Dr. William Parsons, of the Third Presbyterian Church, spoke last Friday afternoon at the educa tional rallv on "Chrlatlan Education." Rlshoo Caldwell delivered hie annual addresa Friday night on "Tha Need of tha Hour." The report of tha commit tee on "State of the Country" and -State of the Church" will ba read tonight. POLITICAL MOVE SEEN IN SHAKE-UP IN SAN FRANCISCO POLICE FORCE M.ny Mend, of Ab. Euef Actlr. tn Effort to Qtt Pardon for ex-Bow. Ii Rumor-Clash la Tariff Opinions Stop Proposed Banq.net to Contreaunen. 4 tS rRANCISCO. CaU Sept. II i Special. On. of the biggest bomb shells that ever sent the San Francisco Police Department "up In the air" hae Keen eplodd by Chief of Pollca D. A. Whlte. Apparently without consulting, the Mayor, the Police Commissioners or anv of tha power Chief White has or dered the transfsr of every police cap tain eicept two In tha department. The mov. of tha Chief wa. wholly uneapected and adda further compllca tton to the troublesome aflalrs of the San Francisco department. By those who say they know tha ln.ld. 0' the department and Us officials, White s notion la declared to be a decJa raton of war. For eome time It has tveen known that Wblte attitude to ward those who put him In office has caused dlasatlsfaotion and that many Diana hare been made to depose him. Otilv the fart that tha primary elec tlon Is nsar and that hie dismissal might possibly affect tha admlnlstra. ons chance. Of being elected ha. caused htm to remain In office so Ion. Swr. rrt.se fhsar. A rumor la going the rounds that a petition la tn circulation asking Gov ernor Johnson to pardon Abo Ruet tha former boss cf Pan Frnnclaco, who la s-rving a 14-year sentenca In San Quen ttn. Abo Ruef has many frlenda In San Francisco and there ara many who re gard him aa another vicarious atone ment. doa friends of Governor John on havo taken up Ruef fight, ac cording to report, and tile ea-boa. etaade a chanea of coming out of oon vlct stripes soon. According to political tlttla-tttloa there la a tale connected with tha ca.l Ing off of a banquet which was to havo been given at the Cnlon Club to tha returned and returning Califor nia delegation in Congress. The atory runa that tha big Republican club was arranging tor auch a banquet, but met with soma reverses. It aeema that E. H. Tryon, president of the club, la a big wool man and Senator Works, with Represectativea Kent. Stephen, and Raker, voted for tne Democratic tariff reduction of wool, which Presi dent Taft bad to veto. So It was n nred that It would be hard to feaat these gentlemen as If they wera re turning heroea. Maris Activity warned. Much l heard the days of tha formation of maritime companlea to bring fre'jCM and passengers to Cali fornia wh-n the canal Is opened. It Is said that there Is a big field for such companies, aa the preeent trans portation concerns are crowded to handle the amount of freight offered them. . The Olympic Hub has Just passe through an election and In the cam paign developed something new In ,lub life. A man was put on trll for apeaking disrespectfully of tha board of directors. Dr. Pockwtta hap pened to see the list of tha proposed board of directors on the bulletin board ar.d remarked: The aame old gang of burglars lie was hauled up for trial and had j,. rite a letter of apologr. Xh Pacific I'nlon ones sent In a atory Illustrating the eereera tn which tu oIAcexa war bcld. wtUci U la marked contrast to tha Olympic Club's action. It was in tha days whan Cap tain Cheeebrough waa preeldent. A stranger came up to him aaklng: "U-K. n I Hiul a anlttoonf" "Oh .nit on ma: I'm tha president." replied tha Captain. Mlaa Florence ClunT will no anotner winsome bride of tho seaeon. She la to bo married at tha Falrmount on Tuesday to Dr. Janes, of Eos Angeles. Tha attractive bride Is going to Los Angelea to make her noma, where Dr. J ansa Is a practicing phyalolan. Mlaa Cluff was a debutants last season and was a rouch-souht bolls. Brio FlgkC la Still Waared. In tho Cght that la still quietly going; on between the Ooldan Oat. Park pro- PORTLAJTD MAID RECEIVING ATTENTION IN IOWA. it . v - . V i V . MM GR-t.CE BEOITOL mi., tlrace Bachtol. a charming member of Portland s younger set. .ho VVsldirUh her parent. In their new and sightly home on Port rind Height t present visiting with friend, and r.latlvea In Iowa. L-e od horn, atats. 8h. left for th. East four weeks ago, ft.r Jlvlni biVa fh. t several little farewell part!. .given by Port- i.-d frtindl iSd joined her mother, who preceded her She 1 was M looular in thi East before her folk, took up a home In Portland. 7 idvleea rlcl4 Indict, that she Is being lavishly entertained " luSlnJ s.vJr.1 snort au.omobll, ,or. In different parte ,f Central "wa. Omaha. De. Moines. Chlcs.o. Wasi'lnpton. D. C and See. ToTk .relncluded In her Itinerary, aa ell as a number of loe a Jown "h.r, iw J I. acuatmed. Her r.iurn hom. I. an....rat.d aoon. fjjjijf yea i p gaavdhsawaal 1 1 Yes, F-R-E-L Ko "Strings" attached to this mnerous offer. Just clip coupon. fLMll of Yoi Mb.f aetiaga Ooohinn Self rooer Clip Coupon tin -a., 'a vr,i riornm- a nermanent user of this new. flaked X Because wc arc pwww uii , wu . . .. . M Cookine Salt-afar using the first box. we are going to giv you a bE 34b. package. - . v.c rzixm it tn vou outright, without any its or buts, L3t v- T a-" " " - i - ...... tWfcnnt anv- further obligation on your part, i our. grocer will deliver the big package of the new salt flakes upon receipt of this coupon.. ". So tear out trie cou pon now and tomorrow get the FREE package with our compliments.:, Paraffined Package Protects Think o( cver-rfry, ever-clean, evet-pur salt. No lumps, dust or germs'. No apUHng rrom flimsy unsanitary bag. Tha' round paraffined fibre carton keep. Diamond Crystal Cook ing Salt pure and tmcontami nated always. No Gall Stones Gravel and gall stones cannot "lorm by using this ultra-purified salt. The dread impurities, including gypsum, native to all salt, are removed by our ex clusive process, making it tha pturttt salt in th world 1 Made by the Manufacturers of the Famous SHAKES SALT Looks Like Finest Snowflakes - Delicate crystal or flakes that readily dis solve, permeatine every particle of food. Thus, the food is smoothly and evenly seasoned. Common salt, because of the cube-shaped grains, does not dissolve as readily. . Also the ran corous impurities in ordinary salt do not permit of dainty seasonine. NOTE If member of your family has already redeemed on a of . thesis coupons you cannot re- deem this one. ; . This generoas offer U mad but once and to but ona mem ber of a family. This coupon must bo fully signed by you la . ink so that your grocer and our firm may havo proper record. Get One or More of These Cut-Glass Shakers Jnst save four coupons from Dia m'ond Cryatal Cooking Salt and obtain an all-cut' glasa shaker a beautyl Every package contains a coupon four of which with ten!2 cent stamps en title yon to a bril liant Imported cut glass abakar. Remember, this unusual FREE offer is tor a limited time onlf. No more eoufions will be printed Clip This tfalaable Coupon Right fto-v! This certifies that my grocer has delivered to me F REE, a 3-lb. package of Diamond Crystal Cooking Salt...; I have never before accepted this offer. - ; J o) (Sign to Ink nere) Name . 1. ...... . - Address in Full . "'"7'.T" Creeere Nolet Each family Is entitled to redeem ONE of thes. eoupwni; properly filled out. We PJJi0. this coupon when returned, properly signed, to Parrott & Co., .Port; 5 land. Ore. . :. '':,: .u " !: Grocer Sit Acaat Htrt . - - - - . Addrea... . a v. n.- whn favor Harbor View as tha real site for the Panama Pacino rciposmon, i vnk - seem to have scored a noteworthy vic tory. At all .vents tne annonncemen , has been made that when President Taft cornea here to celebrate the break ing of ground the festivities will ba In Golden Gate Park. Naturally, the bead of th. Nation could not b. ex pected to break ground In th. park and than automoDiie m i . bor View Park to take another .hovel .. - n.w.. 1 A i,,r do. SO or Oirx. 1 ni - - . Golden Gate Park waa selected and that faction Is coucKiing who Directors to Meet Taft. .k.- h been arranged by tha Alev v.w. .... Tentative pragramm. to be followed by the Pr.sld.nt during his visit. He is "u " c r'lne on Friday morning. October Js There h. will be met by a 00m mtte. of th. fair "rector. a and Governor 01 n - "'T . . b. spent in Sacramento and b. will arrive In u.'"J,,T. "thi au- rTnr an . iou , .i . .t neron.a Vw Oakland city hell At f OCIOCK irai uia" -----rlve'fn 8an Francio and b. ..corted kVe'u" Ths i -auet that n1rdaVhVo"nln-gHo1tober 14. th.r. "fl break ground for th. Expoaltlon "t'h.Ttadlum in golden Gate Park There will be nor. afternoon and another Prealdentlal re ception in the evening. ,.MrV th. gundav morning at 11 J clock th. President Is to be permitted to attend fhurch according to th. carefully ar ranged schedule, and th. afternoon will be given over to an automobile trip to Inspect th. elongated exposition site. &r President 1. du. to leave tor Uo. Angelea at S P- M. Rr.t Raised Railroad Th. Johnson Board of Harbor Com. mission. ha- t.k.n a th. railroad and oth.r companies that 00 Sup space in the ferry building, and Incidentally has added an Income ot iometSlng like Ili-Mv a month to th. revenues of the state. . Bom. time ago there cam. a suspl elott tlist th. state was net retting high rent for It. apac. aa privat. firms would demand. Forthwith . thra. real miuee to make a re port, and they have raleed rents an along mo a. .. einnrnvlTna.tly to and the ouiiaingys. o -...... -- ----- values the commute, found the prop erty worth S.a.5.0. Th Southern Pacific Company, for . . 1 t rtt1n. off With instance. mpi v- " " f ST a month, will have to pungle over Spice U occupies. All along th. line the advances ar. in proportion, al though th. Wells-Fargo Company will have to par "n something like IJ900 "stead of $1. ss tass been the rule '"The Vn'lted Railroads has heretofore been spending 1250 a month f or Its terminus facilities at the foot of Mar ket street, but hereafter will b. cora V . . . . . . aiaAA The palled to give ' - -" - - -- committee has also recommended that by reserving space m me vv lower waiting room, for a drugstore, th. Harbor Commission could get a revenue ot from 110.000 to KO.OOO a A "uniform rat. of 1500 a month far each ferry allp Is proviaea. nereioiure . . w ... ih,rn fnr the IMS tnere nas bwu --- -7- - - of ferry slips. Th. increase (a figured up as 113 i.iaj m J -" - ' and worth while going after. l-llrlble Baebelora aeareer. - Announcement of the marriage of nouglaa Grant reduces the list of eligi ble bachelors of Pan Francisco society, a list by no means jrod.ler'nsia, Mr. Grant Is the heir of one of the best families of California, son of Joseph Grant and grandson of the late Adam Grant, m nigmy respeciea u":"s who founded a great firm and left a large fortune. Miss Ruth Goodrich; whom ' young It. nP.n, marri at TTnboken. New Jersey, last February. Just before the pair departed for Europe, came her. from Minneapolis and has been more noted for pulchritude tnan peaigree. When Grant and Miss Goodrich began h. n, rrennentlv dlnlnar at the smart cafes In the neighborhood of the St. Francis Hotel, nis parenia ioousui It advisable to have him take a trip to Europe and find new associations. The quiet marriage at Hoboken. the Gretna Green of New York, was the sequel to the young millionaire s De parture from San Francisco. Grant recently took up his residence In Los Angeles and has been there until . . . - r-t -n.rAA Cie the srolf championships. He holds the Pacific Coast amateur championship nlroseii for a year, having won it at the Se attle Exposition. (student Paper Enlarged. The Daily Palo Alto, the student paper at Stanford University. Is to be enlarged In scope. J. C. Thomas, who is the editor this year, has announced several important changes. The pa per is to contain twice the amount of news space that has been used in former editions and Is to be enlarged to five columns. The enlargement is necessary to accommodate the In creased amount of advertising. The Salt Lake Railroad that runs Into Los Angeles received a bill the other day for 40 pounds of breakfast food from a restaurant proprietor at Nippon, Cal., a desert station. The patent fluky stuff waa all used at one Bitting by an engineer, but he did not . . Me . railroad's fASteftV trains was crippled. there a ew Oa.yB. ago because of a leaky ' flue In the locomotive. Nothing could be 1 found, to fix it. Adobe mud is a good thins In an emergency, but Nippon has onl; sand and rocks. Finally one of th trainmen spied the breakfast food. It was dumped, out. mixed with, newspapei. scraps and ' water, and made- into . paste that plugged tha hole, through which the steara had been spouting. r Mahoney Succeeds Balgllsch.. ""; ASTORIA. Or Sept. 16. (Special.) Victor Dalgllsch, .who has been ' tu charge of the local office. -Of: the' Port of Portland Commission "stnee ' its or ganlzatlon - assumed -controls of v the pilotage and towboat service, "has re signed his position.' W. A. Mahoney, ex-purser on tie steamer T.-Js -Potter, has Deen appotnicu w n. - a v I- - .-..,, . JS&Lti W. A. WISE. Winter I titer Fflls the Dental Offices As the cold makes those neglected teeth cry out for proper treatment. We would advise all persons who notice the slight est defect in any of their teeth to call here at once before the; pain compels you to come in a hurry. People requiring plates will find the gums in much better condition now for treatment than later on. Dr. Wise will personally supervise your plate , work and it is needless to say that in this line of work he has ; no superior here or anywhere else. Our specialists are equally, skilled in other lines. ' . .' .'r"'; Read These Prices: Satisfactory Work Cannot Be Produced for Less Money r. find Rubber Plates, each : .-' . : $5.00. PLATES WITH FLKXJBLB atOTION. Tka Very Best aad Latest 1 MoJerB Demtlatrr. Km Move Falllns; Platefc If. Saeeslns Plates Dowa. K. Mot. Cons kl hk or. UaxUsf Theaa Dm. The Best Red Rubber Plates, each ' $7.50 22-Carat Gold or Porcelain Crowa for . $5.00 22-Carat Bridge Teeth, Gnaranteei each , $3.50 Gold or Enamel Fillings, each . . a $ 1.00 Silver Fillings, each . . . 50c And an Absolute Guarantee Backed by 24 Years in Portland Our Bridge work has been brought to the highett state of perfection. Th. teeth on this bridge ar. interchange able at will without removing from th. mouth. W. use gold or porcelain, aa your fancy dictates. This is only ona of our many original methods- Nervous and weak-hearted people can have their Weth -extracted, filled, bridge work and teeth arplied without danger, or pain. Out-of-town patients' work completed in one day when necessary. All work is done imder the personal super vision of Dr. Wise. Lady attendants. . , :i - : - . FAILIlfG BTJILDrNQ ecoad Flor. Take th. EUevatav. THE WISE DENTAL CO. Southeast Corner Third aad . . '. Washington Street..- Office Hours-DaUy 8 A. M. to 8 P. M., Sundays 9 A. M. to l r,, ; .-..e free. Phones: A 2029, Main 2029. -