The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 17, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 3, Image 15

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Oakland Out of It, in View of
Captain of San Fran
cisco Aggregation.
McCmdK', Speedy Pitcher. De
clare Mohler. Will Sot Offset
Effectively- ThK Feature.
Bar Clir Baseball Talk.
SAX FRANCISCO. Cal- 6pt. 1.
(Special Captain Kldd Mohler. of th
Keals. Is out wt'.h an opinion favoring
Happy Koran' Vernon Villager to
beat oat th Bavr for pnnant hon
or la th Coast League. Th Kid ng
an. It oat that th heavy hitting- of
Vernon coupled with th fact that Ho
iib'i men play th hit-and-run -
reedlugly wall will enabl them to
maintain their present leal.
-Two weelia aco I thought Oakland
waa th likely team to catch and beat
. oat th Beaver declared Mohler. "bat
Happy team ha com fait and Wol
verton' crew haa seemingly dropped
back. I look for Vernon to win th
pennant. Portland haa a grand staff of
pitcher bat they are lacking aomewhat
la pepper and If anything goea against
them I look for them to auffer.
Tha Seals, of course, are oat of It
a far a this season la concerned. W
were CP In the race for a time, bnt I
tell you th Seals missed Bodt a lot
mora than moat people Imagine. I waa
hoping agalnat hop that Ping would
scare the draft for he would B
been th mainstay of oar club this -on.
A club with a clean-up hlttr
Is a big factor to any aggregation. Mo.
Credl evidently realises of how muc
value Buddy Ryan 1 to hi club, and
th Oaks have some clean-up sluggers
who made the team. The Seals have
nt had a reliable man all season for
the fourth plac In th batting order
and w have lost gam after gam
because of that very reaon."
Parttaad Crwaad Blamed
Kid Mohler haa a version all hi own
relative to th reason the Portland
pitchers are so ftecttv on thlr own
"The Portland grounds ar without
doubt the hardest on th batters not
used to there of any In tho league.""
declare the Kid. "The advertisement
sign on th fences ar trying on th
eye and the ground 1 about the color
of a baseball after It haa been soiled.
It Is awful hard to follow a low ball
and th Portland pitcher ar en to tho
fart and keep the ball right around
the knee a deal of the time. The amok
also Is bad. and I would sooner go to bat
In any park In th country than at
Poet lian ge-rteal Hi ibid.
A scheme has originated here, to have
an all-atar big league team play a poet,
series with tti winner of th Paclflo
roast League. The plan ar to gather
eu-h players aa Puffy Lewis. Gregg,
Hal Chase. Walter Johnson. Rube Ellis.
Hooper. Bodl and other stars who
winter on the Coast and tackle th
pennant winner. It I proposed that
a week's aerie b played In Saa Fraa
riaco and a week In Portland or Lo
ngelee. wherever the pennant ao hap
pens t' fly- The play haa taken with
.ome favor her and may b definitely
arranged If all parties ar willing.
Tkree Player -la BaeV"
It I well-known around th San
Francisco park that Harry Sutar.
Hunky Shtv and Tommy Tennant ar
"In bad- with th local management.
Not one of tho trio haa been playing
anything like Clssa A ball during th
peat several weeks and It la whispered
around that they are due for a cbaag
of acenery. A man connected with th
association had th following to ay
concerning th trio.
-Manager Long I getting disgusted
with Harry Suter. Th big southpaw
does not seem to poeaoea th heart and
head to make a good pitcher, although
he haa everything a successful slab
ster should want. Tommy Tennant haa
gon all to pieces. He can't hit a bal
loon and haa been shoved down In th
batting order nest to tho pitcher, which
la not the p. ace for a first sack sr. Shaw
Is too Indifferent to be considered. Ha
la sort of Insurrecto and play ball
on theory rather than on the field."
It la quite evident that they ar
charter member of th -in-bad" club,
feleasaa Ileal Pre sale.
Oleaaon. the Portland high school
catcher, picked up by Harry Wolver
ton. la working out dally with tha
Oaks and shows eora promise. Wol
vortoa declare that tha lad la th most
promising backstop ha haa n la
yaaxa aad be Intends to hang on to tha
boy for awhile.
Mnsrl Oat fee Keep.
It Is almost an assured thins; that
Harl Mags-art will not be seen la ac
tion la tho Coast League again this
aeesen. If ever. Th troublesome tar
of Wolverton outfield ha been work,
rng out dally, keeping tn condition, but
he ha waited la vain for th word
to Jump Into tha fray, Manager Wol
verton has given op all hop of tam
ing Maggart and haa Intimated that th
suspension will last until th clos of
th aeason. In Patterson. Soy. Hoffman
aad Zacher the Oaks have plenty of
outfield material and can get along
without Maggie.
Bals lie te Keep Weaver.
San Francisco la hanking Its hope
on retaining Weaver for next season.
Although the sensational youngster has
been recalld by the Chicago White
sox. Danny Long has written to Comls
key and hopes to get the Ofd Roman
to let the younrster stick another sea
son In th minor. Long declare that
Weaver needs a lot of training at bat
and In team work and It would b to
t'-.o lad' advantage to stick here. While
tMs Is Joyful tidings to local fans Buck
Weaver was In disgrace the first part
of the week. He heaved away the
opening game with Oakland and all
toid plied up 11 error In seven games,
since he got back In the game after
bring Injured.
Meeslrr te Lay Mde-vialhav .
Kid Mohler contractor for laying ce.
nent alriewalka. That's what It will
be tMs Wlr.trr. . The Kid has planned
to go In buslnees wtth his brother-in-law
In Los Angeles Immediately after
the season closes and he will forget the
diamond until time for Spring training
rolls around.
X B-itijh te.-hnl.-al pipe, referring to
ae of lo.B-l-t.'wn a.rop.en. races
t .t occurred on th. In Slav re
S.rd tktni e. endlr.g the practice of or.
gan'tlag f'y'-f meet, ovor tncloe-4 g-wunoe.
a'4& eff.4 em element ef danger aad
Tw itsp 4 Vw IU- , - m
JJ sx-fTT.r Jjk f jy
' -j-j . n
Home-Run Record of Ping Bo
die May Go.
"XKrpesters" WtraW Figure) Xortli
wcetrrn League Batter Will Top
Frrcrntace Over King Bee
8 rugger of Ooast teaf-o-
Just aa If ha had not cinched that
old batting championship long week
ago. Art! Bue keep banging away
a" the same old -J ellp. Mr. Buee
haa not varied 10 point lthr way
from .15 for two month or more. vS
hall have to conoluda that h 1
real. lmon-pur. .16 hitter, and It Is
time w wer alo realising that for
steady, consistent swatting. Bues Is
tha beat thing tha Northwetern
I tti,-"- haa turned out In many a day.
Let us fervently hop that next year,
when ha geta his trrout with the New
Tork Olanta. he shall not prove the
same dismal failure a did -Steamer-Flanagan,
on other Northwest batting
Tho real Intereat for "bug" who
study the dope must now center In
whether or not Mr. Bues shall finish
with a higher percentage thaa Buddy
Ryan, the king bee alugger of the
Boa topped hi Hth homer ever th
Beattl fence th other day. aad It waa
only his 145th game, too. That' a
better record, proportionally, than the
redoubtable Ping Bodle hung up la
the Coast Leagu laat year, for Flng
haa 112 gsmes In which to shoot at
th fences. Bue ha a few mor game
In which to chalk up atx horn run
and paaa tha uodle record.
Kaarl Back la Lead.
George Engla. the veteran, la back
again In th lead of th X. W. pitchers,
but Willi la th real star of th twirl
ing department of thJa league, never
mind th per cantag column
Pug Bennett still continue to flit
about tha baaea as merrily as th
honay be doth flit -about tha clover.
tr pretty nearly so.
Th week s statistics follow:
. AB. R- K. Ave.
Oorn. Tmcoma .......... 10 S - T .Stl
Knlsbt. b.atUe 11 2 4 .S3
Ku.a. geaitie 543 2 13 .Hi
HnimH Victoria 3" 1 10
Melrblor. Spokane 143 ' I 4 .fit
bwaln. Vancouver ......8S3 62 Its .gig
Nordjrke. Spokane 6.-0 81 10 .
Householder. Seattle ....93 Hi 151 .307
Mundorff Portland i .9 01 d4 .3113 '
Netzel. Spokaae .VtT 10.1 1H .303
Ttra.hear. Vancouver ,...SM e 121 .33
Klppert. 8pokane 4rtO 3 13 .goo
Moore. Portland ...1.'4 23 87 .28 Vancouver 14 15 .2.17
Crulkihank ti.atlle ? l.VJ .2-3
Weed. eeatUe .4!3 M 144 .2V1
Prl.k. 4l m .23
Goodman. Victoria BM K7 l.M .27
Klmmtmiin. hpokaae ...224 83 14 .283
titovail. Portland 63 T3 193 .244
Jamva. Vancouver 474 S3 ,2i
Hrtnker. Vancouver 0 138 .20
r-h.a. Seattle 3.'S 41 loo ,2Tu
T. Archer 11 8 .273
Col. man. Tacoma J.' 6 131 ,27 a
Mentor. Port l.nd 3ri0 71 loo .272
W lih.m. Portland .Vis J 143 .271
Lrtica. Tacoma 413 48 112 .271
Conner. Spokane .......iti0 113 1W .2"0
Vllllon. Victoria o4 TT 10
Abbott. Tacoma 403 49 10 ,3A7
Hracller. Vancouver 1!2 It 30 .27
l-ettlfrew. Portland 3H3 49 M .2 -a
Brennan. Vlctorta l.H 14 3 .2H1
Upeaa. Portland 33 3 i .24o
Itrna. Tacoma . . ..4. i4 loo .JNfl
c'ltnt.ntM.n. V ictoria . . . . 2'1 84 7 .234
l.-ard. ialtl. 47 1' 133 .2.-.J 4. Portlajid . 12 23 .247
More.. Tacoma 42 114 .247'
Annla. Ta-oma St 12 23 .247
Ort. aeattlo 4.14 .14 17 .343
Paaeev. Tacnroa 4 1ST .2.9
Droat. Victoria .......2 24 4 ,2:T
Caudle, gpoaana 18 21 S3 2J
Bcharaey. Vancouver . . .
I. .wis. Vancouver
Slebt. Tacoma
CartwrlgUt. Spokane ...
Tonnceoo, Portland ....
McMurdo, Victoria
Cocaah. flpokane .......
Kennedy, Victoria
Kellar. Vlctorta
Coltrtn. Portland
Raymond, (.rattle
Catee, Vancouver
J. Shea
Ward. Victoria
Ademe. Vancouver
Htrand. Spokane .......
llariia, Portland
Jensen. Portland .......
S.aton, Seattle
Caaer. Tacoma-Portlsad.
Wlllla. Spokane
Pullerton. Seattle
Gordon. Tacoma .......
Ft.her. Taooma ........
Wlllett. Vancouver .....
Hlsglne. Tacoma .......
Rorkenfleld, Tacoma ...
63 127 .25
88 (49 -214
4 IT .233
59 10 .X-'
11 3(1 .224
32 02 .223
c.4 93 .227
83 5S .223
44 91 .224
87 63 .221
M 117 .21f
13 84 .21
4 20 .21.'i
88 82 .214
49 64 .213
H T .213
28 63 .21
5 IT .210
13 84 .210
63 92 .209
T 23 .207
17 .20T
T 18 .2f3
R 94 .202
2 89 .201
18 .200
48 .19
20 .192
Bom Leads Homers.
Leaders rn heme rune Buee. 23: Leard.
1. Weed. Shea end Heaeey. 11: Goodman.
9. Mundortr. Fiaher and Householder, 8:
Iievost. Lvnch. Crulkabank and Frl.k. 7;
Klppert, Kordrke. Ort. Swain aad Scham
veber, 8: coeney. Zimmerman and Sea
aett. 5.
(readers la three-base bits Frlak, 14
Coleman. Fcharnweber and Frlnker. 11;
Ooodmaa, 10; Netael and Zimmerman, 9:
Klppert, 8: Nordrke and Houeenolder. 7t
Coon.y. FUher. Lynch and bwaln. : Mua
dortr. Crulk.hank. and Jamea. 0.
Leaders In two-baae hit. alundorfr. 83;
Swain. 81: Weed. 2t: Kordrke, 27; Klppert
and frulkehank. 26; Buee. 28; Frl.k. Ort and
Leard. 23: Notiel. Jamea and Householder,
23; Zimmerman and Brlnker. 21: Blovall and
Cartwrlght. 20; Coonay, 1; Benaett and 18.
Leader, la total extra beee hit. Buee, 108:
Leard. 7T; FTUk. 73: Mundorff. 7; oood
maa. 4- Weed and Swain, 61; Klppert and
Householder. SO; Nora.. 68; Crulk.hank,
67; Zimmerman. 84; Haaaey. 33: Fl.her and
Brlnker. 62; Shea and Scharnweber. 6;
Netael and Coleman. 49: Ort. 47; Cooney, 46.
Leadera In stolen b.e Bennett. 63;
Cooney. 4: Netael. 43; Storetl and Baaeer.
41: Klppert and Mundorff. 87; Leard. 85:
Brlnker and aloree. 83; Raymond. 81: Zim
merman. Kennedy and Jamea, 28; Burna,
24; Nordrke. 23; Speas. Million and Abbott.
23: Pettlerrew and Braahaar, 31: Crulkahank
and Buee, 20.
Leadera In sacrifice hits Nordyke, 84;
Speaa. 37: Cartwrlght and Braehear. 26;
Coosey. 73: Casey and Coleman. 24; Bursa
and Crulk.hank. 22; William, and Harris,
19; Klppert. Bennett and Jamea, 18; Million.
17; Raymond. 16; Zimmerman, 15.
3 62
.24 8
Spokane 4t9 T42 1294
Seattle 4.41
Vancouver ....4Sf
Portland 4794
Taooma w. .4791
Victoria 53d
S49 1207
67 1233
631 1173
572 1122
495 1128
. TeasB Records eoettaed).
Seattle 140 19 21 99 6.15
Spokane If 14 as 83 444
Tacoma ,173 J2fi 68 51 409
Vancouver ........ISO 163 56 37 , sl
Victoria .....1U4 140 di ee ana
Portland 14 169 89 2 831
Pitchers Beeerde.
. Won. Loot. P C
Brlnker. Vancouver 1 0 LOOO
Engle. Vancouver ......19 5 .792
Vaxmyer. Portland .......... I 1 - .750
Wtxce. Seattle .........13 5 .730
W!l:u, Spokane ............. .23 9 .788
Pullerton, Seettle 13 1 .682
Gervala, Vanoouver ....... ...12 A .67
Skeela, Seettle 10 5 .667
Annla. Tacoma 15 8 .633
Schwank. Spokane 12 7 .032
Baker, Tacoma 8 ' 3 .025
Garrett, Portland 16 10 .615
Jenacn, Vancouver-Portland.. .13 10 .600
Gordon, Tacoma ..15 11 .577
Archer. Portland. Seattle 4 8 .571
Krlckaon. Vancouver-Victoria. 12 9 .571
Holm. Spokane lo 8 .5o6
O'Lourhlen. Spokane ........ 3 4 .&56
Lamllne. Portland 12 10 .343
Catra, Vanoouver 14 12 .538
Kraft. Spokane 13 13 .5:46
Hlg.lna. Tacoma 13 12 ..'.20
Zackert. Seattle ....! 16 .300 Vancouver ......13 18 .500
Bloomleld. Portland 12 13 .500
Hall. Tacoma 10 10 .30O
Seaton. Seattle 8' 8 .noo
Sage, Seattle 8 M .300
Ea.'.ley. Portland 3 3 .5O0
fonntr, Erokane II 12 .473
Schmuts, Tacoma .18 14 .461
Horse Show Plans Cnder Way.
Officer of th Portland Hunt Club
will hold a meeting this week to make
definite plans for the annual Horse
Show, which will be held about the mid
dle of October. Since the sale of the
site of tbelr stables on the exposition
grounds, it has become a matter of
some uncertainty where the show could
be held this year. Th ring I still
there, end In good condition, and It may
be that th Hunt Club will decide to
build new stables and hold the show In
the old Oriental building, as they have
done heretofore. Members of the com
mittee that will to formulate def
inite plans are: A. 5L Crorln. H. L.
Corbett. W, E- Prudhomme, Dr. W. S.
Wood. Sidney B. Lowecberg and Jamas
Nicol -.
Beavers Get Promising Young
sters for Next Year.
Two Pitchers Are Among- Players
Grabbed by McGredle to Pill
Vaoanole Left by Big- League
riald One Draft Fall.
ATJBTJRX. N. Y-, 8epL 16. Secretary
John H. Farroll. of th National Asso
ciation of Professional Baseball
Leagues, today gave out th draft
mad In th minor league drafting sea.
son. which ended at midnight. They
Include th following: .
By Ban Francisco Rafarty, from
Wllkeabarre; Hartley, from Albany;
Hofer. from Oklahoma, City; Ullford,
from Oadsden. Ala.; Westmoreland,
from Cleveland. Tenn.
By Oakland Pope, from Savannah;
Hall from Columbus; Oasklll, from
Scr&nton. disallowed: Rohrer, from
Dayton; CLoughlln. from Spokane.
By Toledo Frtea. from Butte.
By Lo Angelea Derrick, from Osh
koah; Core, from Grand Rapids; Page,
from Springfield. Mass.; C. Brooks,
from Boise, Idaho.
By Denver1 Vance, from Great Falle,
BXont. '
By Portland Mathes. from Butte
Fries, from Butts, disallowed; Kibble,
from Helena: Byrd. from Helena; Ban
croft, from Superior, Wla: Peter, from
Trenton; Straight, from New Tork.
Seven of the eight men on whom the
Portland Paclflo Coast League Club
levied th draft on September IS have
been allotted to the Beaver for th
aason of 111. The lone player drafted
by McCredle to be disallowed Is Frlee,
th Butt outfielder, who was drawn by
th Toledo club, of th American Asso
ciation. Pi toner Byrd. of Helena, and Green
well, of Springfield. Mae., will beoome
Beaver next season. If they have tha
ability to make good In thi league.
Byrd 1 a (trapping right-hander, who
pitched a short time for Taooma last
season, and who haa mad a great rec
ord for Helena In the Union Associa
tion' first season this year.
Greenwall Is a left-hander, recom
mended to Portland by Roger Peckln
paugh and Bill Rodger, both of whom
saw him In action In tha New England
Leagu last season. -
Third Basemen Peters, - of Trenton,
and Kibble, of Helena. wtll try out with
the Beavers next Spring, as will Short
stops Mathes, of Butte, and Bancroft,
of Superior, -Wis., while Outfielder
Straight, of the New York Tri-8tate
Leagu olob, will have a chance to tak
Buddy Ryan' placa for th Beaver of
191 1.
The San Franolsco club ha drafted
Tom Raforty. the ex-Portland outfield
er who arlfted from the Cleveland
Americans to the Wllkesbarre olub, of
the New Tork State League. Lo An
geles has drafted Clarence Brooks, th
Fresno lad. who played with Botge this
eason, and Oakland has drafted Pitch
er O'Loughlln, the Oonzaga College
youngster, who has been doing good
work for Spokane this season.
Ludy Langer, Swimmer, a Wonder.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 16. (Spec
ial) McWood and Pomeroy. the Olyra-
plo Club swimmer who competed In
the Redondo Beach swimming tourney,
declare that Ludy Langer, the Los An
geles boy who won the 880-yard dash
In 12:48 3-5. is the greatest swimmer
for his age and experience whom they
have aver seen. Langer la but 17 years
old and has only been competing in
races a few months yet ha defeated
some of th crack swimmer of th
Coast In the tournament.
Buddy Takes 6-Point Tumble
in 24-Inning Tie pame, but
" Sticks at .350.
Vernon Hnrler Lead Coast Pitchers
With Steen Topping- Portland
Curve Servers Krueger Sets
His Sail for .300 Mark.
That long tie game at Sacramento
Sunday caused Buddy Ryan to drop six
point in his hitting average, but
despite this he 1 still leading the
Paclflo Coast League batsmen by the
comfortable margin of 35 point over
Stlnson, hi nearest rival among th
regular. Ryan Is hitting at a .350
clip, by long odd the best batting
record in the Pacific Coast Leagu
sine t'3e days of Harry Lumley, of
the old Seattle team.
Artie Krueger continue to climb
th percentage column, for th big
Dutchman ha now passed the .280
mark and promise to butt into the
slugging class in a few weeks. Stln
lon, Brashear and McDonnell have
been pounding the leather like demons
In tho last few weeks, and all have
advanced Into th .800 class.
Caatleton, Carson and Stewart, three
of Hogan'a cleverest heavers, are
among the leading twlrler of the
Paclflo Coast League. Their work 1
what ha put Hap's bunch to the run
ning as a contender for pennant hon
ors. Brackenrldge, Hltt and Raleigh
have also won most of the games they
have pitched, while Big Six Steen is
the premier of MoCredlea slant
artist. ,
The average up to and including
last Sunday's games follow:
Batting Averagrea.
Player, club
Gaddy. Sacramento . .
Drlscoll, Loa Angelee.
Williams. Sacramento
Ryan, Portland
Hltt. Vernon
Stlnson, v.rnon
Jlagsart. Oakland ...
Stewart, Vernun .....
Hraahear, Vernon ....
Zacher, Oakland
Wolverton. Oakland .
McDonnell, Vernon . -
.. 2
... 25
.. .699
204 .350
-ft .324
. .. .4J8
.... HO
.. . .549
1 Rl
40 129 .315
97 '17
51 153
ut tit
62 123 .302
84 165 .801
Heltmuller, Loa Ang.
Carlisle, Vernon
iloore. Loa Angelea.,
Powell. San Fran
Ho. a, Vernon
Shlnn, Sacramento ..
Hoffman, Oakland . .
Lobar. Loa Angeles .
Mohler, San Fran....
Tl.nna TMrt1.nf1 ....
39 .BOO
12 X.2-J5
140. .285
801 141
4119 M
.... 63
. .474
149 .293
.11 63
103 178
89 174
135 .2S5
144 .283
Holland, Ban Fran....
14 39
14 SO
Lindsay, i-ortiana
;"".- t,r- i
166 .281
Madden. S. F. A 8-v 512
Tledemann. Oakland . -
Burrell. Vernon o3
Danalg. Sacramento ....ovs
88 .21
S4 .281
163 .279
70 165 .278
Wearer, baa x ranciacu. --- --27
O. Patterson. Vernon 633 107 173 .274
n ..... .... Oublan 53 8 15 d
IT ". 471 4.1
43 129- .273
union, to. uiic... -- --
Thomaa. Sacramento ...460, J
u.ihII, Ben VrmnclSCO. .573 79 155
.27 2
Tennant, San Francisco. .593
Hoep, Vernon 43T
Vltt, San Franeleco h5
Plater. Oakland 3
Schmidt. San Francisco. .197
117 .268
47 103
18 .263
B2 .2t4
A. Smith, San j-ranciaco. iua
A. DHUiu, -' " . . . .o
Thornton. Sacramento ..los
28 -2S9
TA 14 .2.-7
Metzgsr. Los angeiea... .ut
18 69 .257
Moaklman. San Fran.
Shaw. San Francisco
Chadbourne, Portland
Rodgera. Portland ...
Cutahaw. Oakland
Howard. Loa Angelee
Toaer. Lo. Angelea..
Hel.ter. Sacramento
.. 98
. .631
.. 16
. .433
S 23
64 159
83 68
6S 154 .25(
72 133
81 107
26 73
O'Rourke, Sacramento ...617
63 127 .246
Mahoney. Sacramento ...eoo
61 115 .246
11 29 . 248
61 138 .244
29 74 .244
17 21 .244
88 104 .243
11 26 .243
45 112 .242
63 140 .241
59 131 .241
60 89 .240
74 108 .:39
8 VI .289
28 68 .237
74 188 .233
24 67 .233
Seaton. Portland
Pecklnpaugb, Portland
Hetllng. Oakland ....
Chrlatlan. Oakland ...
Delmaa, Loa Angeles..
Pernoll. Oakland
Akin. Los angelea
l- V. V. . n Onrll.n
.. 86
Van Buren. -sacraxnento. .u,-.
Coy, Oakland 371
Kane. Vernon 453
Henderson, Portland .... 88
Kuhn. Portland sJJ
Wares, Oakland 588
Murray, Portland S4S
French, Ban Pranclaoo... SO
Gregory. Oakland 6
Delhi. !. Angelee.. 180
La Longe, Sac and Port. 118
Koeatner. Portland 389
Berry. San Francisco. .. .371
Caatleton, Vernon 93
Naylor, San Pranclaoo. . . 81
Mltae. Oakland 840
Lewis. San Fran.. Pac. . .313
Ieeerens. Loe Angelea ... 45
Steen. Portland 113
Abbott. Lo. Angeles 233
Kerne. Sacramento 43
Fanning, 6an Pranclaoo. . 14
H. Smith, Loe Angeles. .878
Neblnger. Sacramento ... 99
Hasty. Vamon 19
Lerchen. Sacramento ....628
7 .233
18 .231
SO .231
28 .230
32 .230
25 .221
61 .220
4 9 .219
S 214
80 .213
40 111
Pitchers' Records.
CLCB. !3
'. ; crrrjrr
0I1O00 01 O 01 01 01 0
0 1000 10 10 0 0
0 . 704 8 0 0 2 1 1
1 .680 6 0 8 14 8
0 . 877 6 0 1 0 4 8
1 .687 0 0 0 1 1 1
1 .652 0 0 0 1 1 8
1 .649 2 1 0 2 2 6
0 .ill 0 0 0 0 1 8
0 .619 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 .407 5 0 1 1 4 1
1 .814 8 0 3 S 4 6
0 .843 8 0 0 0 8 4
0 .571 2 2 0 1 5 8
1 .571 6 13 17 9
0 .560 3 0 0 1 0 0
0 .(( 7 0 113 1
0 .562 18 0 0 2 8
0 .MS 5 0 8 1 2 8
0 .600 0 0 0 8
0 .600 0 6 0 0 1 0
0 .500 0 0 0 0 0
e .600 oooolo
1 .481 3 0 1 1 0 1
0 .447 3 0 10 0 1
O .450 1 0 0 1 1 1
0 .444 1 0 1 0 2 1
1 .438 1 0 1 1 8 8
0 .433 0 0 0 0 2 1
0.429 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 .400 2 0 0 0 1 1
0 .400 1 0 1 0 1 4
1 .333 1 0 0 1 1 4
0 .333 2 0 0 V 1 1
0 .304 8 0 0 0 1 0
0 .294 3 0 0 0 0 1
0 .278 0 0 0 ft 1 3
0 .200 0 0 0 0 0 1
6 .147 1 0 0 0 0 1
0 .147 10 0 111
0 .000 0 0 0 O 0 0
0 . 00 0 0 0 Oj 0 0 o
Tozer. L, A.
Mart'nlTo. ..
Gregory, O.
Abies, 0 ...
Caatl'fn, T. .
Carson, V. . .
Stewart, V. .
Steen, P. ....
Cbrtft'n, O. .
Brkd'ge. V. ..
Hendra'n. P.
Kostn'r. P. . .
al si
l l
17 12 8!
28'l7 8
si 2i io:
1912 a
24 10 S
.88-24 18'
'29-; 18 11
9i!i3 a
Henley. 8. 7.
24-16 10
Delhi. L. A.. 45 3618
Beaton. P.
36 20 15
75 1411
21 18i
40 31 19
Haum, c. ...
Pernoll, O.
Hltt. V. . 1
Sutor, B. T..
Rai-gh, V. ..
Melkle. 8. T.i
Drse'll. L. A.i
Thornton, 8.
Pltig'ld. S. ..
Arrln'a 8. ..
Halla. L. A..
Byram, 8. . .
Miller. S. F. .'
Levr-ns, L. A
Glpe, 8. ....
Brwn'l, 8. F.
Flater. O. . .
Thmpe'n. S. .
Kllroy. O.-V.
nrlrer. I. A..'
8 8
1 1
11 14
15 7 8
01 8111
33'U IS
16 7 9
7 SI 4
Moskm'n, S.PI17
Arnev. L, A.
18 t 13
Fann'g. S. P..
Hunt, S. ....
Hrk'na P. .
Stayer, L. A..
El II 4
12 : 10
y li e
1 0 1
1 0 1
Gaacy. e.
Also a no-hlt game.
Miscellaneous Becords.
Leading sacrifice hitters Weres, 45; Mc
Ardle. 85; Cutahaw and Burrell, 83 each;
Mohler, 81; Kane, 30; Daley. 27: Metager.
26- Delmaa, 25; Sbeehan and Weaver. 24
each: Vltt and O'Rourke, 23 each; Dillon.
22- Ryan, 21: Chadbourne. 20.
Leading bae atealere Cutahaw. 2; How
ard 58: Dalev. 64: Moore, 53: Ware., 51;
Carllale and Shlnn. 47. each; Chadbourne. 45;
Powell. 41: Vltt and Kane, 39 each; Hoff
man. 87: Ryan and Patterson (Vernon). 83
each- Rappi, 32; Pecklnpaugb. 30; Maggart,
28; Knitter and Metxger, 27 each; Weaver
and Brahear. 28 esch; Tennsnt, 24; Burrell,
23- Mohler and Madden, 22 each; Sheeaan,
Ehw and Hel.ter. 21 each.
Leading run-getters Carllale. 141: Pat
tereon (Vernon). 107: Shlnn, 103: Ryan and
Brashear, 97 each; Hoffman. 89: Daley, 84;
Krueger and Moore. 81 each: McArdle and
Kane. 76 -each; Metxger and Wares 74
each: Howard and Maggarr 72 each:
Weaver. 71: Danilg. 70; Cut.hawT 68: Rappa.
6; Sheehan, Ho.p and O-Rourke. 63 each;
Chadbourne. 64; Powell. 63: Pecklnpaugb.
and Tennant, 81 each; Coy, tV.
Leading two-baa hlttera Ryan and
wr,i-v 4- each! Patterson (Vernon). 39;
Solan. 88: Zacher, Brashear and O-Ronrka,
32 each: Carlisle. 31: Pecklnpaugb.. 28;
Moore. 2: Stlnson ana Danxlg. 20 eacn;
Sheehan, Rappa, Weaver and Mohler. 25
Leading three-baee hitter. Carlisle, 17:
Howard and Daley, 12 each; Kane and
Shlnn. 11 each; Kyan and Danzig, 10 each;
Van Buren, 9; Mahoney, 8; Krueger. Mc
Ardle and Maggart. 7 each; Pecklnpaugb..
Rodgers. Tennant. Dillon and Hoffman. 6
each; Sheehan, ' Powell. Delmaa, Brashear,
McDowell, Hosp. O'Rourke and Lewis, 3
Leading home-run hitters Ryan 20; Car.
lisle. 16: Dsnslg. 15; Mahoney, 12; Mag
gart and Braahear, 8 each; Weaver, How
ard. Zacher and Patterson (Vernon); 7 each;
Daley and Hoffman, 8 each: Cv. Cutahaw.
Wolverton and Stlnson, 5 each.
Cobb, Lajoie and Wagner Humiliated
by Pitchers.
Those discussing the relative merit
of the big league batsmen, Ty Cobb.
Larry Lajoie and Hans Wagner, can
no longer remark In any argument
against Cobb that the world's great
est ballplayer has been fanned three
times in one game while Lajoie and
Wagner never underwent that torture.
Manning, who used to pitch for the
New York Highlanders, set down Ty
rus three times In a game played In
New York. That was some time ago.
Still Wagner and- Lajoie never ex
perienced th same displeasure until
two weeks ago, and a peculiar coinci
dence was that both Larry and Han
fanned three times on the same after
noon. George Suggs, former Tiger, pitch
ing for Cincinnati, handed It to Hans,
while Ed. Walsh, who won fame this
season by pitching a no-hlt, no-run
game, struck out Larry In three out
of four times at bat. :
Recent No-Hit Game Causes Talk
- That He Should Get Auto as
Man Helping Team Most.
Big Ed Walsh, of the Chicago White
Sox Is tha latest man to claim the
spotlight In th discussion among th
fan as to who will reoelv the Chal
mers trophy this year. Laat year Mr.
Chalmers offered an automobile to the
leading batter. Everyone remember
the close race between Ty Cobb and
Larry Lajoie.
This year It has not been confined to
batter, but the award Is to be given
to the player in the National and the
player In the American League who,
in the opinion of the committee of 11
newspaper men, has done th best
work for his team.
The great work of Walsh when he
let down the Boston Speedboys with
out a single hit. has brought to the at
tention of the fans and critics every
where the wonderful record which the
big fellow has been making for him
self with the White Sox.
WTille this Is the nrst game in which
Walsh has not allowed a hit, ha has
come very near to this record several
time before. In 1806, the year in
which he was so largely- responsible
for the world's championship won by
the Sox, he pitched two games In
which only one hit was made off him
one against Cleveland and the other
against Boston.
These particular performances of
Walsh, however, are only a few of the
many remarkable things which he his
done. His great strength and wonder
ful ability to come into a game with
practically no warming up makes him
very valuable to the White Sox. When
ever any of the other pitcher have
begun to show weakness, Walsh Is the
man who Is always called upon to res
cue the game. Moreover, he can take
his turn regularly every other day
without apparently losing his strength.
Among the other American League
players who have been most favorably
mentioned for tho Chalmereftrophy are
Ty Cobb, of the Tigers; Eddie Col
lins. Bender and Coombs, of the Ath
letics, and Speaker of the Boston Red
Sov; Jackson and Gregg, of Cleveland,
and Ford, of New Tork.
Manager Stovall, pf the Naps, has
served notice that none of his men will
be allowed to play on an all-star team
this Fall to give the American League
champions practice in preparation for
the world's series. - The Naps are ex
pecting to play a post-season aeries
with th Reds, for the championship
of Ohio.
Johnny Kllng tried to unnerve Marty
O'Toole In his first game when he
faced the Beaneaters, but he failed.
Kllng- has generally 'been successful
In times past In rattling opposing
players, and getting their attention off
the game as he did with Ty Cobb In
the first world's series between the
Cubs and the Tigers.
A report from Boston saya that next
Spring there is a strong possibility that
Trls Speaker, the demon clouter of the
Red Sox, will bo converted Into a nrst
aacker; that Is, the conversion will be
attempted. Might not be a bad move at
that. With Harry Hooper, Duffy Lewis
and the sensational Olaf Henriksen In
the suburbs and Speaker on first, the
Boston offense would not be weakened.
McCarey's Arena," Burned.
LOS ANGELES. Sept. 16 The Jef
fries prizefight arena, built vby the
former heavy-weight champion several
years ago, but since operated by Pro
moter T. J. McCarey, was burned to
the ground early today.
Geo. Lurick vs. John Berg
The Russian Giant, . Lightweight,
Graeco-Roman Champion. Catch-as-catch-can Champion
GraecoRoman Style Wrestling.
Heavyweight Champion
of Canada.
. Japanese Jiu-Jitsu.
Detroit Wonder Clouting .420,
While Hans Has Healthy
Average of .350.
i a imp ic mrri i nn im CAPC
LMJUIC IO HULL Ul 114 nnuu
Marquard, Leads National Pitchers
. and Works Those of American
Circuit, ,WbHe Veau GrcRg
Has Dropped Down N'otch.
The latest statistics compiled for the
big leagues show that the two old re
liables. Honus Wagner and Ty Cobb,
are still leading the race for batting
honors in their repectlve leagues. The
Pittsburg shortstop has an average of
.860 and the Detroit wizard tops the
Junior league with the magnificent
figure of .420.
The "Flying Dutchman" of the Pirate
ship has but one man ahead of him.
He is Jackson, of Boston, who has par
ticipated in only 81 games. Lajoie keeps
up his wonderful batting, running a
good second to Cobb, with .406.
The batting average bring out a no
ticeable point in comparing the two
leagues. The National has 20 men
hitting in the select "300" class, while
tho American boasts of more than SO
players who are sapping th pill above
the .299 mark
New York and Pittsburg sire tied for
club batting honors, with Cincinnati
following and Chicago next. Detroit
leads the Americana In this respect,
with Philadelphia a close second.
Marquard, of New York, and Works,
of the Tigers, are th leading pitchers.
Gregg's present record is 22 victories
and seven defeats. Ho is next to Chief
Bender, whose record Is' 16 won and
five lost.
Following are the names of those bit
ting .280 or better:
American League Batting.
: : : i 8 .?
: ; : T g j-
502 128 211 70 81.420
312 22 86 B 7 .405
478 113 12 82 4 . 402
65 9 21 4 1 .88
487 94 181 S3 14 .373
68 9 24 0 1 .853
455 81 160 38 7 .353
414 75 145 83 16 .850
58 5 20 0 0 .843
46S 74 160114 20 .343
511 85 174 32 20 .341
232 80 79 4 10 .340
124 28 42 6 5 .839
437 90 146 20 24 .834
83 4 11 1 0 .833
420 75 189 22 14 .331
869 62lll819 18 .82
446 67ll46 29 16 .327
154 24 50 6 7 .325
492 90 160 38 26 .825
118 28 88 4 2 .822
410 70 18,1 18 20 .820
222 27 71 8 6 .820
480 84 150 12 4 . 818
80 4 25 0 0 .813
521 96 161 47 8 .809
356 44 110,13 10 .309
444 83 135 35 15 .804
391 64 119 6 20 .304
448 59 136 16 22 .301
419 72 128 18 24 .301
220 80 66 15 4 .800
77 4 23 0 0 .299
419 57 125 4 18 .298
27 5 8 e 3 .296
478 77 141 12 18 .295
27 42 82 11 14 .294
208 88 61 21 10 .293
191 81 47 9 8 .292
72 12 21 0 4 ,293
457 61 133 11 15 .291
and club.
Cobb. Detroit
Lajoie. Cleveland
Jackson, Cleveland
Henrlkson, Boston
Crawford, Detroit
Lange, Chicago
Cree. New York
C . 1 M .. . A.hlstt.
Walker. Washington
Delananty, uetxou .
P Baker, Athletics .
Easterly, Cleveland .
Lapp, Athletics j. . . .
Murphy, AthletiSs
Schmidt, Detroit ...
Speaker, Boston .....
Schafer, Washington
Chase, New York....
Gainor. Detroit
H. Lord, Chicago ...
Coomba, Athletics . .
Mclnnes, Athletics ..
Lellvelt, Washington
Mclntlre, Chicago ..
G. Mullen. Detroit .
Birmingham, Cleveland.
Hooper, isosion
Lewis. Boston
Hartzel, New York..
Oldring, Athletics- . .
Drake, Detroit
Block. Chicago
Laporte, St. Louta...
Hartael. Athletics . .
TJ T. Atfelerica ..
C." Walker, Washington!
Dougherty, unicaifo . . .
Hemphill, New York...
Wlllett. Detroit
Bodle, Chicago ..
National League.
p. 53 1 ,x to
: s ? 1 1 1
l 5 5
: : : ?
: f s '
.1115.241 42 9 5 .365
,' 400 77 140 18 10 .350
363 BS 123 10 11 .844
822)89 110 8 5 .342
43 8 14 2 3 .829
248 18 80 6 7 .823
25 1 8 0 2 .SiO
458 74 146 18 14 .819
451 88 144 19 30 .31)
76 15 24 1 2 .318
217 64 68 14 7 . 814
495 59 149 23 9 .814
417 76 180 28 18 .812
354 68 110 20 12 . 311
447 56 188 4 8 .809
431 73 132 28 11 .308
460(62 140 8 15 .804
89114 27 5 1 .803
415i79 125 29 11 .801
437 63 181 24 13 .800
14 5 22 2 2 . 287
490 69 145 18 20 .299
277 24 8 2 0 4 . 299
88 9 25 0 2 .291
450 69 181 23 22 .291
488 74 127 36 20 .290
43 9 13 .0 2 .29
488 88 141 58 6 .239
422 62 128 9 12 .285
222 22 63 4 6 .284
862 52 103 9 15 .234
81 11 28 9 4 .284 '
451 78 128 49 7 . 284
464 78 131 18 16 .283
181 21 87 6 9 . 282
64 9 18 1 8 . 281,.
178'28 60 8 2 . 281
424165 119 89 28 . 231 '
75 7 31 0 2 .289
and elub.
Jackson, Boston .......
Wagner Pittsburg
P. Clarke, Pittsburg...
Myers, New York
Almeida, Cincinnati . .
Dooln, Philadelphia....
Ferry, Pittsburg
Zimmerman, Chicago . .
Schute, Chicago
Esmond. Cincinnati ...
Fletcher, New York. . .
B. Miller, Boston
Bates. Cincinnati ....
Magee, Philadelphia . .
Luderue, Philadelphia
Sweeney, Boston
O. Wilson, Pittsburg...
A. Wilson, New York..
L. Doyle, New York...
Mitchell, Cincinnati. . . .
Oowdy, Boston .....
Holitzel, Cincinnati . . .
McLean, Cincinnati ...
Adama. Pittsburg
Daubert. Brooklyn ....
Herxog. New York ....
Mclntyre, Chicago ....
Bescher. Cincinnati . . .
Evana, St. Louis -
nndin fit. I.mila
J. Doyle, Chicago
Marsans. Cincinnati .
Devore, New York.
Konahy, St. Louis
Stark, Brooklyn
McCarthy. Pittsburg ..
Titus. Philadelphia ....
Snodgrass. New York. .
Snggs, Cincinnati
, L
.. of Portland. 's