SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 20 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AD MARKET REPORTS PORTLAND. OKl.NOV SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 17, 1911. NO. 38. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO. PirTTKE n1IITO BY MPFRT frf:k l.K0! irih crochet FRKL LESSONS BtSKKT MAKI.Mi UPMAN, WOLFE & CO. W. B. AXD MODART CORSETS VOGl'E SHIRTS FOR WOMEX DR. JAEGER'S l'DERVEAB UPMAN, WOLFE & CO. ECI-IPSE MAWCURE ARTICLES THESPIAN COLD CREAM CLIFeb) FLORAL CREAM UPMAN, WOLFE & CO. New Fall Things Invite Your Inspection at the Lipman, Wolfe & Co-. Store Ppstscript Hundreds of Women Who Have Heard of but Not Seen These Remarkable Ostrich Feathers Will Be Here Monday for Their Share of . Ostrich Feather Bargains By all odds the greatest and most important Ostrich Feather Sale ever held in Portland. French Plumes and WiUows made of the very best male Afri can stock in black and white. Long heavy Rues hand-knotted and tied. Fashion once more decrees that ostrich plumes be given the first place on all elegant millinery creations. The imported shapes are de signed especially for ostrich feath er trimming. In this sale, these unusual ost rich feather bargains come from a manufacturer who commands us as follows: "Sell these ostrich feathers, gentle men, with the guarantee that if any feather proves unsatisfactory reimbarse the customer andsendtheplnmetome. With such a guarantee it is with the greatest pleasure that we offer on sale tomorrow these substantial bargains. Willows in Black and White S 7.S0 13-inch Willows, special $4.95. Willows, special Willows, special $9.95. Willows, special $13.95 Willows, special $15.95 Willows, special $19.95 Willows, special $24.95 WiUows, special $29 5 WUIows, special $37.95 Fashion Note From New York The lavtshneea with which ostrich rood la the form of plumes. half-plumes, tip of All alias, oncnrled olumea and novelty effects aro beln need upon a lirn proportion of tho flneet hats tsdlcatea that tha lata Fall and Winter sea- ' aon will find ostrich In tha aaxna commanding- poaltlon In millinery fashions that It deeervea. Many of tha newest model hats ara literally loaded down with oetrtrh In soma form or other, and soma ara cov ered entirely with bua-e roaettea and uncurled plumes, and the beauty of such hats Is so elesant as to keep them from loatn their eiclusfveness. Thst ostrich la tha accepted form of trimraln for tha htrheet class and moat ultra hats Is easily verified If one will take the time to visit the better-known shops on Fifth avenue and tha larcer stores that handle only tha finest goods to bs had In tha Una. $12.50 16-inch $15.00 17'tnch $20.00 19-inch $22. SO 21 -inch $30.00 22-inch $35.00 24-inch $40.00 29-inch $50.00 30-inch French Plumes in Black, White 14- inch Black French Plumes, 98c 15- inch Black French Plumes, $1.48. 16- inch French Plumes, Special $2.48. 17- inch French Plumes, special $3.95. 17V2-inch French Plumes, special $4.95. 18-inch French Plumes, special $6.95. 20-inch French Plumes, special $8.95. 22-inch French Plumes, special $9.95. 23-inch French Plumes, special $15.95. A Big Rug Sale The Next Event on Our Programme Beginning Monday we are privileged to offer to the discerning judgment of Portland women a sale of worthy rugs, embracing the foremost rug manufacturers of America. Particular attention is called to the designs and patterns of our rugs the exquisite blending of colorsthe total absence of loud, undesirable designs so often seen in special sales. Regular $65.00 Wilton Rugs, 9 by 12, special $55.00. Regular $50.00 Wilton Rugs, 9 by 12, special $41.00. Regular $45.00 Wilton Rags, 9 by 12, special $34.85. These Wilton rugs are exact copies of real Oriental rugs in soft. rich colorings suitable for library or living-rooms. A large variety of all over effects, also pretty medallion patterns. Regular $35.00 Body Brussels, 9 by 12, special $26.85. Regular $40.00 Body Brussels, 9 by 12, special $30.00. Full "five frame" body Brussels rugs of superior quality in a large variety of small, neat patterns, suitable for office use. living rooms and dining-rooms. Just the rug for service and durability. Regular $35.00 Axminster Rugs, 9 by 12, special $23.85. Regular $30.00 Axminster Rugs, 9 by 12, special $19J5. New Axminster rugs in Oriental, floral and conventional de signs. A very handsome rug for the parlor or living-room. Regular $18.50 Kazak Wool Art Rags, $13J7S. Regular $17J50 Kaxak Wool Art Rugs, $12J7S. A new shipment of 9 by 12 Kazack wool art rugs, in plain or figured patterns, made with pretty two-toned borders in key or scroll designs. All these rugs are exact copies of the imported Scotch rugs, that retail for $35.00. Can be had in tans, browns, blues, old rose or green. Regular $12.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs, $8.45. New wool and fiber rugs, size 9 by 12. in pretty patterns suit able for bedrooms. Colors of blue, yellow, tan, brown and green. We Never Use the Word "Value" Merchandise is measured entirely by the worth a customer puts upon it Price reductions have little or no bearing upon an article if merit is missing. The word "Value." used to create immense price reduc tions and impossible bargains, has lost its significance, and is, therefore, never used in our advertisements. Velveteens and Corduroys Fashion Note From Paris Paris the Poiret collection one says this name with bated breath. x Conforming with the red tape for malities which are required in this unusual house, I was permitted to enter the beautiful salon, and sat there wondering what new atrocity -Paul Poiret would laundi upon our already long-suffering spirits, and I was'agreeably surprised to find that M. Poiret has apparently overcome his very artistic eccentricity to a cer tain extent and is making a far more practical and presentable line- this year. Among the materials that Paul Poiret affects is the pompadour toile du jour, carried out in printed vel vets. The red metallic and brocades, generally in gold, the satin embossed in huge flowered designs and plush materials predominate. In trotteur frocks Poiret shows many models in corded corduroy. Maple, as he calls Autumn shades of brown, is still the favorite with Parisians. Beautiful models were shown in king's blue and other colors. One particularly striking corduroy gown was fashioned in king's blue, relieved with vivid mustard yellow. Worn with a muff of white fox edged with red fox. Costume tailleur by Beer of brown corduroy trimmed with wide cream colored silk fringe. Tunic button ing in front with deep cream taffeta buttons. Hat, brown corduroy com pletely faced with cream broadcloth and adorned with brown ostrich plumes, . Attracted by the numerous an nouncements of the arrival of Fall and Autumn fashions, I made a tour of the store, and I want to tell you about a few of the things I saw. My first visit was to the dress goods department In a twinkling I was deep in the mysteries of this season's favorite novelty the two - tone reversible' serges. Fash ion has fairly imparted her own variable self to this fabric such are the possibilities for different combina tions of cloth and color. One side ' of the cloth is used for the founda tion of the garment, the other for "trimming.' The most approved colors are blud. brown, purple, green and gray in combination with black. This cloth comes 56 inches wide at $2.25 a yard. Then there is the reversible polo doth, also 56 inches wide, at $4.00 the yard. We all love this coating, if for no other reason than we just can't help it The lines of the polo coat are so simple that it easily lends itself to the skill of the home dress maker, which explains in a degree the steady demand for this doth. - I didn't mean to say a word alfout millinery this time,' but. as I was pass ing through that section a gleam of dazzling white in the case caught my eye. "Grapes from Paris," I was told. The white, waxen cluster of fruit hangs beneath delicate white satin leaves and curling tendril. There is a glint of frost about them all which, with the snowy white, are the only concessions to Old Winter. Other grapes there are. These soft, velvet beauties, also from the land of the vine, come in afl the befitting shades. They hang loose from the stem and invite bunching and deft arrangement for skillful fingers. Among dozens of appealing treasure-troves at the jewdry counter a little silver enamded pendant is mak ing its first bow for favor. East In dian in design. East Indian in color ing, it is captivating enough. Alongside it is a vanity case. This comes in engraved silver, also in fine Austrian leather.. Here we find the mirror, the pencil, pocket book, memorandum book, , card case and what not Can Vanity herself add another item to this dainty fitting? The prices of these cases run from $12.00 to $15.00. When Gibson created his Ameri can girl he put a soft, black velvet band around her throat With true Yankee shrewdness milady at once adopted -the style. She never ex plains why other than "It's becom ing," but she had immediatdy grasped the utility as well as the charm of these little neck collars. She could tell you that they can be worn to make long faces short, round faces long; that they can cover multitudes of blemishes and, indeed, that they are always the interesting note of accent whatever her toilette may be. These velvet collars, ornamented with rhinestone bars, are to be had in the jewelry department for from $4.00 to $7.50. Parisian atmosphere is fairly per meated with perfume. In the pres ence of her entire court Dame Fash ion lifted on high her glistening bot tle, with perfect abandon removed the stopper, and fairly doused her own fair self with sweetness. Already sweet whiffs have reached us in the form of Cory's Chanticleer. This perfume has a delightful fragrance and at the same time dignity and re finement Chanticleer may be ob tained at the drug department for $4.00 an oz. or for $730 in the original bottle r-r-r- Mr. Business Man Here Are Your Fountain Pens At a Price That Is Really Astonishing When You Take Into Consideration the Guarantee lii iJ il D lilt D 0 NON LEAKING FcruritaiixPert J Every'pen made by us is guaranteed to give'abso futely satisfactory service in every, particular. . event of any dissatisfaction within one year from dote of purchase this certificate entitles yoa' to return this pen to us with your name, address uxnd description of the trouble, and wejvtll either . .J.'...l a...aas If A T give you a nmw ptnQrjwj 7uuuv 98c absolute, satisfaction. 1 Sir. 'DIAMOND POINT PEN CO. Svt M ttriifuMUit uyrfit utnftrttom usMrttct. SELF FILLING 5000 Fountain Pens 14-k Gold Points Priced at $3 to $5.50 Self Filling Fountain Pens. Security No Leak Fountain Pens. Cold Filigree Fountain fens. , Chased Gold Fountain Pens. Rferlinar Silver Fountain Pens. Gold and Pearl Fountain Pens. Gold Band Fountain Pens. In tine, medium, coarse and points. Tha C,iriVv Fllltne" Pens are made with the new adjustment far superior to the soft rubber bulb. The "Security No Leak" Fountain Pen is made in vest pocket size, which can be carried without any tear - of leaking. stub A Smart New Dress Now Shown la Made of All Wool French Serge In black, navy and brown. -This dress is made with the new kimono three-quarter length sleeve. The waist sleeves and belt are fancy braided. The. yoke is fashioned of net braided to match the waist A new model gored skirt with silk lined loose panels reflect the latest Fall models. Selling at $18.50 To Be Exact We Offer 463 Silk Waists ' ' At $2.50 We induced a1 waist manufacturer to give us his show room samples on the first of September. , They arrived a few days ago by ex press, and depict the very latest modes in waist fashions. Very few duplicated in the lot which necessarily gives you an immense assort ment to select from. Among the more prominent fabrics used are taffeta and Peau de Cygne. plaids and Persian silks, embroidered and lace waists in black, navy, brown and all the light shades and changeable effects, with kimono, elbow and long sleeves. THE LATEST FICTION "Weaver of Dreams." by Myrtle Reed; "Mary Midlthorne," by Geo. McCuteheon; "From the Valley of the Missing." by author of "Tess of the Storm Country;" "The Common Law." by Robt Chambers; "Winning of Barbara Worth;" "The Secret Gar den." by F I-L Burnett. Women who give ready-to-wear apparel more than pass ing notice and who keep in close touch with the fashion changes know from, practical experience that our Tailored Suits for Women and Little Women at $25.00 Are in a distinctly indepen dent class by themselves. Much thought is given i these suits. Only the best of wool chev- iots in black, navy and brown, J also imported Scotch mixtures in tans, grays and browns are employed in their making. I he model on sale tomor row has a jacket 28 inches long with semi-fitting back, lined with Peau de Cygne. The skirt is made with the new panel front and, back. Ladies' New Pinkie Rings To Be Worn on the Little Finger Priced From $3 to $5.50 1 fs5.fl 9 New fancy stone Pinkie ring in corals, turquoise, matrij ' jade and cameo. We show these extremely popular rings in over a hundred styles, in carefully selected stones of ex quisite colorings. - The mountings are solid gold and hand-made in the new, pierced and plain designs. May be had in English, Roman and rose finish. These rings are enjoying wide popularity in the East and in Europe, and we believe this collection is the first shown in Portland. We call your particular attention to the very moderate ; prices. Marabou Is Fashionable Tomorrow We Display Neck Pieces, Muffs and Sets as Shown in New York and Paris