1 t i 4. A Official Photographs of Pendleton "Round-Up" on Sale Here See Remarkable Collectionof Over 500 Kiser's Hand-Colored Photos of the Northwest in Lobby of 7th-FIoor Restaurant Exclusively Tuesday See Paper Monday for Other Store News 12 TTIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. rORTLAXP. SEPTEMBER 17. 1911. "TTI FRANKS THE MEIER FRANK COMPACT. ESTABLISHED 1857. MEIER FRANK'S. THE MEIER & FRANK CO., 5TE, 6TH, MOBRISON & AUEB The Great Garment Salons, Radit With Art tumn Charm! . t tr rT? rriATifVis nnA months our Garment "chief" has been studying in Tala la Tala la Baater Maaalas Tkla la Bridget Maaatac Tkla la ......... Mnmatas Tkla la Molly MbbsIbs; The Munsing Union Suit "Naming" Contest for Children ITI1 the aSSlsmnce Hefe ,s the 1 the,fLrst to bring in correct or Tkla la 1 the manufactur ers of the celebrated perfect-fitting, popular-priced M n n i n g Union Suits, we offer to every child chance to win a prize for trying to correctly name the six teen happy Munsingites whose pictures are shown in the border. Every one of the sixteen delight ed users of Munsing Suits has a name. At the top you see Cupid Munsing daneing gaily with the hearts to show her happiness for 'the perfect-fitting, non-irritating I'ninn Knit. Anil the names of sev eral others are given, just to get yon started right if Here Is the HAPPY "MUNSING FAMILY Jack MbbsIbk To at nr Ma as lac Captel Xrailac Brlaaet Maulu IVdar Maaalaa; Mallr MbbbIb Munr Maaala 6try Mnl( Billy Maaalaa Bloma Maaalaa; Freddie Maaataa; Alice Maaalaa Valeatlae Maaalaa; Dollr Maaalaa; (inn Maaala B mater MaaalaaT answers: The First Prise Will Be ,10 Cash The Second Prize Will Be $5 Cash The Third Prize Will Be ?3 Cash And a handsome Molly Munslna; Colored Doll Cut-Out will be pre eented every contestant. At elocfc arxt Taaradar tnara laa, tftlrnkrr Zl. we will atart re rrlvtas the a a a w e r a, aamberlns tfcrm eoaarrntlvrly aa tkey roma la. To the lett you'll see a complete list of name, whlcn are to be arranged under the pictures you think cor rect. If a Bomber of eblldrra are aajaally accurate, eaak artaea will ka awarded o be tkree ameaaea aear eat correet baaded la first. Rraaesaker tkla kave yoar unit aad yoar .areata! Bad address lalalr wrlttea oa tkla ad. Munsinswear" for Men, Women and Children at "The Bjg Store" Tkla la . ... Xaaatac OS MUNSING SPECIAL! Women's $1.25 and $1J0 Munsing Union v Suits high or low neck, long or short sleeves, ankle length. White and cream. All regu lar and out-sizes, to- QQ morrow at, the suitOC Women Munsingw'ar At 3e Women'. Heavy Mun- slna; Vesta and Pants. Out sues. 76c At I.T Women's All -Wool Munsln Veata and Pants. Out elsva. 12. At SI.TS Women's Wool-and- Cottoo-Mlxed Munolnc Hulls. At SX29 Women's Fine White w o o lr a n d - lisle Munslog Vnlon Buli. At KM W o m n's Fine Ribbed Wool MunslDK Suits. Out sues. It. At asjieW o m a n a White Lisi. aupiini wu.w. Stilts. Out . At aae W omens Lifnf Wslcht Lisle Munslna- dulls. Children's MonsinRw'r At Se Children's Fine Ribbed Munsln; Fleeced Vesta and Van is. 1 to 1 jeara. Out slses. 45c at si. Children's Fin. Ribbed White Cotton Slun slnc Union Suits; drop seat At A Children's White and Qray Ribbed Wool Vests and Pants. Out sixes. $1. At !. Children's All-Wool Munslna Union Suits. Regu lar and out sixes. Mnnsingwear for Men At Suva Men's Oray or Ecru F 1 e c e d Cotton Munsing Union Suits. At NJe-Mrn't Oray Worsted Ribbed Munslna- Union Suits At S3 Mea'a Llalo or Wklta and Natural Worsted Union 6ulte. At txso Men's Medium W e I a- h t Natural Worsted Munslna; Union Suits. MUNSING SPECIAL! Children's Munsing Union Suits heavy fleece-lined, in white or gray, with high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, drop seat. Regular sizes, 75c grade, C "T 47o; out sizes, 85c, at - Tkia la M nasi os" Tkla la . MaasInK At S4 Men's Heavy and Medium W e I a n t Worsted Munslna Union Suits. At S-i.&o M e n's Medium Weight Mercerised Lisle Munsing- Union Suits. Mnnsinjrwear for Boys At SI aad SUMl Roys' Ecru Fleeced Munslna; Suits. At S1.SO Boys' Heavy Natural Grav Wool Union Suits. At Sl.TS Boys' Medium Wele-ht Worsted Union Suit. At 2.50-r-Uoys Heavy eia;nt luril Q t a r Worsted Union Suits. N Maaala a Tkla la Maaetac Tkla la Tkla la Maaalas Tkla la Mub.Ibb- ThU U Maaalaa- ThU la Mama I as: FOR months and months our Garment "chief" has been studying in detail the style tendencies of the season and has spared neither time nor labor to gather tor you me master prouuci-s ui wunu mmuuj maacia b"'""1"1 discernibly fashioned from abroad though, modified to suit the American idea of cor rectness and grace of line. , , , ' , , , . No wonder, then, that The Meier & Frank Store has come to be known as the fashion center of the Northwest. Come tomorrow! You 11 enjoy it. Splendid Line of Fall Suits at $25 If you've decided on $25 as the price of your Fall Suit you shouldn't fail to see the unequaled line we offer at this price. They're the practical, tailored Suits whose chief charm lies in their severe plainness and perfect finish throughout. Wide variety of Fall materials and colors. All sizes. See the $2 5 Suits tomorrow. - Exclusive Dressy Suits There's grace and beauty in every line of these exquisite two and three-piece costumes. Velvet, broadcloth, regal suede, self -striped zibeline' and English whip cord. Short, dash ing jackets, large revers and collars. French paneled skirts. . Rich trimmings of velvets and brocaded silks. Beautiful street and evening shades. Priced from $40 to $175. Prettiest of Fall Dresses Variety the keynote'of these wool, silk and velvet Dresses for Fall. Side; front and back fastenings. Empire, Princess and wide girdle models. See, too, the new Norfolk Coat Dresses. Light and dark colors. Plain, checked and nurtures. Priced $12.50 to" $75. New Furs Beauties! Everything that's new in Fur Coats, stoles and muffs. The favored Furs of the season are Natural Mink, Royal " Ermine, Hudson Seal, Persian. Lamb, Alaska Sable,' Russian Pony. See, too, the children's Fur Sets. The prices are from $10 to $450. Modish New Coats Never such an array of Fall Coats for street, auto and evening wear, from the se verest tailored models to the fanciest even ing wraps. New Fall woolens, velvets and polo cloths. Shawl, roll, 6ailor and cape collars. Trimmings of velvets, buttons, braids and fringe. . Coats of double-faced materials, as well as reversible models. Every new Fall shade, triced irom -pxu to $250. Fall Waists Are Lovely Every day sees new arrivals in the Waist Sec tion of crepes, crepe de meteors, fancy silks, nets, and imported voiles and marquisettes. Both plain and dressy models. A special line of tailored and fancy pongee and foulard Waists at only $5.45. House Dresses. Kimonos Women will delight in graceful lines of these new House and Tea Gowns Kimonos, Lounging and Bath Robes. Silks, albatross, French challies, eiderdown and Navajo blankets used. Priced from $3.50 to $24. tec liii (y Iffti 9 mi HI npire siyies. ine $1.19 Women's $1.50 Night Gowns $1.19 MEIER at FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR O UCII a splendid offer 3 ing in Gowns that we've filled a big Fifth-street window with them! Every one fresh, new, immacu late. Made of fine quality Mus lins and Cambrics trimmed in pretty, durable embroideries, linen and VaL laces, tucks and hnarlines. Hisrh and low neck. long and short sleeves. Hubbard, Bishon and Empire styles. The splendid $1.50 Gowns, for to morrow, only Sample Combinations $3.85 Corset Cover and Drawer Combi nations of fine lawn, nainsooks and batistes, daintily trimmed in fine laces and embroideries. Regular $9 to $13.50 at $6.75; and C O OC $6 to $8.50 now on sale P-,HJ Simple Undersk rts at $8.75 A high-grade maker's , line of Underskirts, made of fine lawns and nainsooks, with wide elaborate flounces. Worth $12 tC 'JC to $16.50; on sale at - To $ 1 2 Princess S ips, $5.95 Women's fine quality lawn Prin cess Slip, finished with wide flounces and dainty laces, headings and ribbons. Worth $8 ttC QCI to $12; tomorrow at - TO 9 FRENCH GOWNS, 3.75 Hand made of fine naineook and percale, beautifully embroidered: hlftn - neclc and long-sleeve styles. Res-CO 7S ular 15 and $6 gowns at. . 0J. The , MEIER FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR. BEAUTIFUL beyond words are the Fall Hats we've received this week. Such handsome materials such exclusive styles, such chic and charm in every oaa,of them 1 You'll marvel at the unique, combinations of materials, trimmings and shades every new fashion fea ture shown. We've beautiful creation from such modistes as Gage, Fisk, Burgesser, Hyland and Phipps, aa well as wondrous models from French makers and importers Lichenstein, Mme. Louisa, Rebeoux, Gennaine, Lewis & Callier. Every' conceivable shape and style, from the close-fitting hood and bonnet models to the large, graceful picturesque Hats. Straight, rolling, up turned and bent brims. Note the high Hats! They're the furore ! Crowns high and exceedingly high. Trimmings that soar aloft, upstanding bows, feathers and flowers that end in peaks. Plumes, laces, bands, fringe, tassels and novelty ornaments prominent as well. Rich velvets, velours, broadcloths, soft and stiff felts. They're beautiful! You could not but be delight ed with the charm and becomingness of these lovely models. American Hats, $5 to $25 -French Hats, $20 to $75 Fall Opening Sale Laces and Embroideries - . 7 nnnrn .r MAIT- i -TbbbT- I I I iJL1 " 'I j cj m f n.t.ii 3 c iwai r awa--w IN connection with our beautiful immense new regular stocks, we present to morrow tremendous special purchases of Laces and Embroideries which you will rccocrnize as the greatest bargains in years if not, the greatest in our history. Every lot advertised is fresh and new shown in our department for the first time tomorrow. The Embroidery purchases represent huge accumulations from the St. Gall factories. The Laces are surplus stocks from the largest importers and European makers, picked up on our manager's Eastern trip in Au trust, at almost her own price. Bead every item below see many of the bar gains displayed in Fifth-street windows today. for 55c to $1.10 Famous Elyria American Valenciennes traces VM (T Really astonishing.39c for the identical grades of famous Elyria American VaL Laces which we have ? sell m VWthe regular war for 55c and $1.10 a bolt. But our manager went right into the Elyria factory, at Elyria, Ohio, and . . .v. i " vi. -V-.1 t 0,. y,Mrr haA nn n an1 "FMtrea and Insertions to match. W to 4 Inches wiue. wujt nforiy cirry bui uiua uun v. v t.. n W 'I X fcT V V a a 40c to 75o Net Tod Laces Daintiest patterns in white and cream, 4 to 9 inches wide. For frills, neckwear, etc. For Fall open- nf ing sale, the yardabOC iOo to $1 Venise Laces Edges and insertions to match in white and cream, half to four inches wide. Dozens of lovely de- or- signs. The yard at I 85c to $1.25 Embroideries Now 3?c nandsome matched sets of edges, insertions and bands, 3 to 12 inches wide. ATso 18 to 27-inch Flouncings. Elaborate patterns' OQ on fine Swiss and Nainsook. In opening sale tomorrow, yard 07C If they hadn't come in this tremendous purchase, we'd have to sell these Embroideries for 85c, $1 and even $1.25 a yard. To $2 Embroideries at 49c This lot consists of the loveliest Embroidery Flounc ings from 18 to 45 inches wide most of them 27 inch IWautiul, deeply worked eyelet, floral and convent patterns, running as deep as 17 inches. Really worth a m Aa W s A AV1 a 4Ua l.ou up w at Edges $15 to $1.75 Net All- Oven 13 inches wide, in white and cream. In high demand for waists, yokes, nndersleeves, etc. A good value. Yard can Valenciennes Laces W ncan VaL Laces which we have to sell in i a to the Elyria factory, at Elyria, Ohio, and im at 89c itch. $15 to $2 Spawrled Chif fons 45-inch, for evening dresses and waists. Silver and gilt, spangled, in black and a erood assort- "7 r ment of colors. Yd. 7C $3 to $6 Sample Barrettes and Combs, $ 1 .98 MEIER FRANK'S- FIRST FLOOR. ONE of the best purchases our jewelry flWof marlft nn his recent Eastern trip beautiful, -18-carat gold inlaid and Rhine-stone-set Barrettes, Back Combs and Braid Pins at half to a third the prices we should have to ask regularly. ; An entire sample line hardly two alike. .-Actually worth $3.00, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00 and many even higher. Almost every conceivable new design shell and -tinged with amber set with glittering brilliants and handsomely gold inlaid. There are the latest shapes in Barrettes, Back Combs, Bandeaux Combs, Braid Back Combs several illustrated on the right. See them today in rt A A the 6th arid Alder-street win- jjfo J ,7() dow. On sale tomorrow, only; ' 50c to 75c Embroideries Now at 25c m j 41 Ti AT A. ' 3 Almost endless range of beautiful patterns 01 eyeiex, iiorai, tuei bhu convent work.' Embroideries for undermuslins, children 'swear, nf etc Positive 50c to 75c grades, in Opening Sale tomorrow, yd. ilut Nearly 10,000 yards of new Embroideries in this lot alone. Edges, insertions, bands, 18-inch Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries. 75c New Silk Messalirtes 49c " .v. wnnavwfa riDiT XTT.nnn. ORDER BY MA1X. inKaklZiH " Mil -e .r - r AND in nearly every beautiful Fall and Winter shade you could possibly imagine. Rich, shimmering Silk Messa- 49c .n ..trcrW onncrht now for new waists, dresses, linings, ete .New browns, new grays, blues, tans, wine, lavender, helio, neach. coronation green, Alice, Helen pink we can't name a third of them here. Regular 75c Messalines, tomorrow, yard i yard. .$1 to 2 Baby Flonae inc 27 inches wide, on the sheerest, of Swiss. Charming, new patterns. In FaQ Opening '7Qn Sale tomorrow, yd. BBMaaSMII I Bll fc I aafU IF H h aT ' ? T I .mHHI ' - b1 Wt'J'ry3g--"---- , mr Other Exquisite Silks Some so fine and radiantly beautiful you might think they came from the looms of Fairyland. New plaids, new Roman stripes. new bordered designs, new Persians, new irridescent and gradJ uated colorings. ' ' " " . And, of 'course, all" the hew Autumn shades in staple Taffetas, Moires, Mes salines. -Crepe Meteors, Bengalines. Prices from $1 to $7.50 a yard. New Dress Goods New Suitings for the "tailor-maid," in rich Autumn browns, new grays, tans, greens, blues, the smart rough weaves predominating. Yard, $1.50 and $2. ' " New Imported Broadcloths from the finest looms of France, Germany and Austria. All - daytime and evening shades. Yard, $1.50 to $3. New Polo Cloths, high in Fashion's favor. Plain and reversible colorings. Yard, $2.50 to $o. New R. & S. Silk Poplins, $1.5.0 and $2