' TIIE 6UXDAT OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, SEPTE3IBER 17, 1911. " Iff Yoo Aire SeeMmg sum Einive Iff You Desire to Establish, a Consider Seriously Suss loesi Consider mt To) A est v v The New G.T.P.Ry. Town Where 577 Lots Sold in 660 Minutes for s25 1,648.00 If you are seeking an investment. If you desire to establish a business or enlarge your present one. If you have many dollars or just a few that you wish to put into a new town of Western Canada, this advertisement of Mirror will interest you. 1 Mirror is to be a divisional point on the Edmonton-Calgary Branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. It is in Central Alberta, 111 miles south of Edmonton and 123 miles north of Calgary. The surrounding country is one of the most fertile of Central Alberta and is well settled with progressive, prosperous , farmers. The new town, itself, is situated near Buffalo Lake. You Can Become a Factor in This Growing Town i ! 4 slri.ta" i., i&gMw '2 i'r'im s&hU$ rk&?U w feki BUYERS FROM WINNIPEG, EDMONTON, MONTREAL AND OTHER POINTS, ON THEIR WAY TO THE MIRROR SALE. The New Town is Situ ated on an Elevation and is Near Beauti ful Buffalo Lake When the town Mirror vu laid out mty advantag of tb. natural feature was taken to facilitate. business.' and to Insure an attractive residential auction. Reservation of land for muni cipal building, schools, churches and two parka have beeo made. Two broad boulevards and wide streets are feature. The town la situated upon an elevation which runa north and south and alopea grnliy westward to tha railroad and eastward to Buffalo Lake. From this, elevation a magninoent view la had of the surrounding- country; tha Tlew westward being broken by a low line of hills miles away. A pleasant half hour's walk east brings one to the edge of FufTalo Lake, which la 11 miles lone with an extreme width of I miles. An Indented shore line and numerous Islands enhance the beautlea of this lake, and aa Ita wmtera are fresh, ram fish abound, while ducks and other water fowl fa ror It aa a breed In plaoe. And tha moat logical way to become one Is to Invest In Mirror sow, at first prices, and get tha firm footing- that makes for success. Tha mere fact that more Chan a quarter of a million dol lars were lnreated in Mirror Lou In eleven hours should help you to decide In favor of Mirror. Tour own best Judgment should tell yon that a group of business men with that much money in vested there, will exert their efforts and Influence to the Interest of the town. To stand shoulder to shoulder with them, will mean much to you. Their Investment has already lifted Mirror above the commonplace and has started It well on the road to a thriving- town. Confidence such as these men displayed In Mirror la "rare; when you meet such confidence let it serve as your guide. Con fidence like this eliminates doubt; It fosters success. But what established this confidence? What Inspired men from two continents to assemble at Mirror July 11th and 12th and invest mora than a quarter of a million dollars there? There are other opportunities, good ones too, in other parts of Canada and elsewhere for safe Investments. Men do not travel hundreds of miles to seek an Investment unless It is an - especially attractive one, yet there were men from the four points of the compass at Mirror and they bought Mirror Lots they bought 677 of them in 6 minutes; almost a lot a minute. Why? Simply because Mirror is to be a Divisional Point on the Edmonton-Calgary Branch of the G.T.P.Ry. and Because Mirror is Surrounded by Alberta's Fertile Acres .' " ' . . V ) .?.,: ' : . ' ' , . V f ': . V. . ' : ' V,.' ' . r ,. i ; ' j. ' ' -. .1-:: '. -:- . ' , ' ' . - ' ' . . - - . ' - . i -. .,,... . - .;: :. -:. -' ?,-': --. , , .,v:?.- '-A-v. "' . . " . . : - :.''''' . . ; ' -.- '" -; '"-v. '.' s; - .: .' ' ,-'-' Vr :V'5.-.;-:--: :v- - ". - - - . - ; ' , v . - v --f -! .-.. .;'V': - . ?'; . . - " . j v f ' " ... ' , ...--'-. - . v .- , - - - , ': i' " " - : , - ., v.- ; v , -a v MIRROR, ALBERTA. AS IT APPEARED JULY 11TH, BEFORE A SINOL E LOT WAS SOLO. These two facts' taken In comMnatfoif wttS ' th fact that mora than a quarter of a million dollars have already been Invested In Mirror, form the nucleus for. the future growth of th . town. Review these three facts: More than a quarter of a million dollars Invested, A divisional point; surrounded by fertile, well tilled farms. Have yon ever before had the opportunity to es tablish' yourself In a new town with such a bright future? ' . As we have told yon Mirror is to bo a divisional point on the Edmonton-Calgary branch of th Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. ' An area has been reserved for switch yards, depot, repair shops, round house and such other railroad buildings as may be needed in the future. It follows then that railway men will make their home at Mirror, will receive their salaries there and will patronize Mir ror merchants. - The bulk of the farmer trade from the sur rounding country will come to Mirror for it will be the farmers' most convenient point of con sequence to reach. Not from a few farmers will Mirror draw trade but from many, for the coun try is well settled by progressive, prosperous men. They came to the isle in automobiles, carriages, wag-ons and on horseback, a contented, prosper ous lot who, with their fellows scattered through out Western Canada, have focused the eyes of th civilized world on the Canadian West Mirror Is also a focal point of a score or more of other towns from where trad will come. If you wish to establish a business or enlarg your present one; or If you wish merely to ln " vest in a growing: town, wont you consider, Ser tously consider. Mirror. Alberta? Buy Your Lots Now at First Prices Sold for Cash or on Easy Terms No Taxes No Interest To act at oar making your investment in Mirror now, at first prlo win b. a strok mt good buslnasa foresl-bt. Rssnambar ajways im.inbr that to wait miaai you will have to pay hlghar erlca than w. ask. Although ITT lota warm sold in M mlnmtes there are still several hundred non available. By anting at onoa yoa may hav. yoor cholo of these. Ton will find many advan tageously situated for business purposes, while cholo residential lots may b had in all parts of th town. This condition will not last long, howaver, for w ar selling Mirror Lots dally. Bo before something eis crowds this opportunity from your memory, sign and mall th special informa tion coupon to ua. If you desire to buy for cash, a flv per cent, discount oft pure has. prlo will b allowed. If yoa wish to tak advantag- of our easy terms, yoa may pay one-fifth of pnrchas piic down snd th balance la four equal payments la t, , and 11 months, without Interest; or else yoa may pay one-tenth of th purchase pric down and th balano in nlna equal monthly payments, without interest. Ton will hav no taxes to pay until 1111, unless yoa erect a building upon your property during 1111. The Special Information Coupon Points the Way to a Growing Western Town Mail It To Us Today, Please J; i-J :f wrf" 4 ltta.-w"a-yi'.'P ' ss.'SU ill : '' I ' : Th euron to th right has been arranged for your con venience. To algn it in no way obligates you. Pleas placa an X before the business yon think yoa would Uk to establish in Mirror or If you merely da&ir to Invest In lots, plac aa X befor th. word nnrreator." TTpon receipt of the coupon signed by you wa will gladly and promptly send yon detailed information, maps and prices. Please send th. coupon for this information at your earliest opportunity. Now, whJi. th subject is uppermost in your mind, pleas, snail it to Land Commissioner, G. T. P. Ry.t Union Station, Winnipeg, or Transconthental Townsite Co., Limited, 268 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg Portland Agents, RummeD & Oare, 2701 Stark Street, Portland, Oregon SHOWING A PORTION OF THE CROWD AT MIRROR DURING THE SALE. SPECIAL INFORMATION COUPON We will regard your correspondence in strict confidence. Signing this coupon in no way obligates you, LD COflLmoM IKANStOENTAL T0WKS1T CO, LIMITED, 268 PORTAGE AVE., WINNIPEG , . V RUMME1L & CLARE, 27pi3 STARK ST, PORTLAND, OREGON You msy sand m. detailed information about Mirror. I hav. placed X before the busin.ss I would Ilk to establish there. (NOTE Pleas, plao X bafor th. word "investor," if you wish merely to invest in Mirroe Lots.) Investor ' General 8 tore 6ho Store Laundry Bowling Alley Blacksmith Shop Implements Barber 8hos Dry Goods Grain Elevator "a S-17-1L" My Nam is wv w m wa am w w v v Street and Number Town ... um Province mt .v scs Clothing Store ,. Drug Store Pool Room Livery Stable . Hotel Restaurant Harness Shop . ' Hardwars Store N Flour and Feed J Grocery 11