THE SUNDAY fmEflOSIAX. rORTLAXP. SETTE3IBER 17. 1911. 10 ELKS TO BEDECK ! curs ' FOETRATT OF KOTED OREGON WOMAN TJNVEILXD YESTERDAY I j nrnrni 7a nrn TsT rin IB , I1 CITY TO DAZZLE 1 1 J T Proposed Plan of Decoration 25Reduction Thirty-Four Portland Persons Sell Liquor Without Mu nicipal Permission. I Ul VUI I V Veil LIUII III WW. --' orate Ever Tried. BLINDPIGS ION JNOIICEO I? y4 Qff LICENSE fJNLY FEDERAL Checking or Internal Itwnue Rec ord ReTeaU Many In Bootleg gers' " Class Vbo Escape Tolk Eye I -aw Strict. That PortUn.l la well supplied with -blind pigs.- which ar operating In bold defiance of trie city liquor ordi nances and without molestation from the police authorities, la apparent from a careful checking of the records of the cltjr license department with the records of th Inlted Plates Collector 9f Internal Revenue. Eliminating the aames which are considered by the li cense department to be doubtful, thera r-e 14 in the "b-.lnd pig" class." who sold Federal licenses without having rlty licenses. In the list of doubtfuls are soma 20 Federal licenses but soma of these msy be held for the purpose f selling or manufacturing; patent medicines. While many of these un doubtedly belong to the "blind pig" class they have been given the bene fit of the doubt. The majority of the offenders are - r .,.,, whin cltv li censes are not permitted and where convictions unaounieaiT be made under ordinance No. 11.72 wttlH npnvlil! IRAI I ne noiumK . Federal liquor license by any person iiinr. that the person eoaered In the sale of Intoxlcatln i - Th Y'nA anoarently I alive with this brand of "blind Plg" and no apparent efforta have been mad to administer Justice. City's Lleenae Lea Bl. In addition to the disorderly houses are rooming-houses, hotels, boarding houses and the like which have Federal licenses but not city licenses. Ae a re sult of. these the law la not only being violated but the city la losing thou sands of dollara annually In licenses. These places are by no means confined to the North K.nJ district. The fnlted Ptatea llcenae collectors are careful In their work and it la said to be a rare case where a person will attempt to aell liquor without taking out a Federal license. The taking out of tbla license. If not for drug or gro cery store purposes, makea It possible frr the city either to demand a license or make arrests, which the recorda show haa not been done. That a new system of checking liquor dealera Is needed In the city Is the statement of persons familiar with the workings of the city license de partment. They eay there avre no li cense collectors connected with the ttr Auditor's office who are out on the street keeping tab on liquor deal ers and the pollca have been negligent. The fact that no system Is main tained for the proper detection of "blind pigs" Is said to be the reason for the existence of so many Urease Tatar Grew. Another occasion for the Increase In the number during the last few montba Is said to be the ecarclty of licenses. The value of aaloon and liquor licenses during the last few weeks haa gone up rapidly, a license good nntll January 1 now being eatlmated aa worth l:5i). Even at that figure they are scarce. The Government requlrea tb pay ment of a license of Hi a year for every retail liquor dealer, every drug atore which handlea patent medlclnea In which are alcohol, and all grocery stores which handle either liquors or patent medicines. These glva the Gov ernment a list close to 00. which In cludes saloons, drugstores, grocery stores, medicine peddlers and manufac turers, liquor Importers and restau rants. Excluding drugstores, reatau ants. grocery stores. Importer, medi cine manufacturers and peddlers, and checking the city license transfer, the city license list ahould balanca with the Federal list. At present the Gov ernment list la heavier by about S names. Of this number J have been traced down to the "blind pig" class and are escaping the attention of the police department and the license de partment, probably because of the neg ligence of the police. Inasmuch as tba license department la. not provided at present with street men. 34 ea Overflew List, The list of those who are without city liquor licenses, but who have Fed eral licenses, as simmered down and checked in every possible way by the city and Government records, city di rectory, telephone directory. tele-, phones, the license transfer lists aa recorded by officers of th license de partment, who are in touch with the trend of licenses both for liquor deal ers and druggist. Is: Anna Borglund. 10H Third street; A.lel peebe. S N. Seventh: Allle Bell. I Burnslde: Itlbonl Bernardo. ill Front- G. C. Carroll. tV4 Everett: Bert IVhernardls. N. Second: Mrs. J. W. runn ;S N. Third: Elsie Douglas. 44 Pavl- Lulu Eldredge. l.JH N. Third William Flschbeck. 1S4 Twenty-second street North: Fletro Gras stnl. Ii East Third: Louise Gautier. J3i N. Sixth: Geneva Gibson. N. Seventh: Marie Hayes. 1J N- Seventh: Lj:ilan Hannah. 1S N. Fifth; Maxlne Johnson. 3Zi Everett: Blanch Jacobs. 11SS Water: Fred G. Kessler. Anker- Guntof Kohlander. IS N. Sixth; Margaret Leroy. c N. Fourth; O. ll.ietnl. Jefferson: Violet Martin. :7 Front- Frank T. NIsM. Council Crest: May Sanborn. 147 Taylor; Fay Sum mers. N Seventh: Beatrice (it. Clair. JJi Davis; Etta Stanley. 47 N. Seventh: Vlnnle Sudeltn. SO N. Seventh: P. Truelove. j; Pavla: N. J. Wade. J7 .Third: Sam Wolfe. 107 S Fourth: Evylln Williams. 1 Tark street: May Wyn koop. I Fourth; M. E- WalUce. l:a 8! ark. All of these persons hold Federal li censes without rlty licenses mnd ar said to be subject to arrest under the romance. The ordinance reada la part: "It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or In any manner dispose of. or to k fr ssle. Intoxicating liquor within the City of Portland, without first obtaining a license therefor. In ac cordance with the provisions of this orrlinance. . II.,,.. Il..n.a h . 1 1 K rmwtt'Jt either by original Issue or transfer, to t!-.e following persons: Any keeper, pro- building, premises or plac where pros. Illusion Is conducted or permtted; any raining or gambling house, disorderly house, or p'-e resorted to for the pur !( of urnoklng opium, or tor place or visited by lewd women, or any plac directly or indirectly connected there with, or to any person not cltlaen of r i : : : . , ' - ; -"-7 - , q -:. ' I . - v ! ' - - i -: ' - - f , - k K 2 MRS. ABIGAIL SCOTT DUX WAV k i-niiit statesr and no renewal of any existing liquor license ahall b granted after January 1. IMS. n.y person who has not Jegally deciarea ms Intention to become a clUaen of the United ttates;.no retail or restaurant Ilqjor license shall be granted by original issue or transfer to any per son nnder the tie of II years, or to any female person, or any person who haa been convicted of a third vio lation of- thla ordinance or any orai-r..n-. n the Cltv of Portland relating to Intoxicating liquor, or of any of th liquor laws of the Stat of Oregon; any person not well disposed to th peace and good order of society; any person who la not of good moral char acter; any person who haa been con victed of a felony. . . "Any peraon In whoa nam a Gov ernment license Is Issued for tb sal of Intoxicating liquors In th City of Port land ahall be deemed to be engaged In ih. sals of Intoxlcatlna- Honors In said city, and said Government license shall be conclusive evidence tnereoi, witnin the meaning of thla ordinance. . . . "Any person violating any of th pro visions of thla ordinance shall, upon conviction thereof In the Municipal Court, be punished for the first of fense by a fine of not lesa than 1109 nor more than I1S0. or by imprisonment of not lesa than to days nor mora than six months In th City Jail, or by both such fin and Imprisonment. In the discretion of th court. -Far th second violation of any of th provision of this ordinance, by a fine of not less tnan i:o or more tnau IS 00. or by Imprisonment of not less than 60 daya nor mora than aix month In th City Jail, or by both such fin and Imprisonment. In the dis cretion of th court; provided, however, that the convection In th Municipal Court of any person for a second vio lation of the "sunday closing" provis ions of this ordinance ahall Ipso facto forfeit the license held by such of fender. "For th third violation or any or the orovlslons of this ordinance, by a fine of $S0 or by Imprlaonment of not less than aix months In the City Jail, or by both such fine and Imprlaon ment. In tn discretion oi tne court; and such third conviction shall con titnta inso facto a revocation of the license held by such offender and It will be the duty of the Judne or tne Muni cipal Court to certify to th auditor of th City of Portland each conviction had under the terma and provision of this ordinance. This ordinance ahall be In full force and effect from and after April 1. 1911." C. W. JONES IS INDICTED Missing Oregon Hotel Csuthlcr Al leged to Be Embeaxler. The grand Jury yesterday returned an Indictment charging C. W. Jonea, cashier of the Orgon Hotel, who re cently disappeared, with the embezzle ment of 1500. and a bench warrant was Issued and transmitted to th Sheriff. The indictment covers only a few defalcations and the amount men tioned la aald to be only a fraction of the amount which Jones really appro priated. Manager rHcklnson of th hotel waa the principal wltneaa before the Jury. An Indictment haa also been found charging Boy B. Hopklna, formerly ore-anlxer of the Knta-hts of the Rose, a .fraternal aoclety. with wrongfully ap propriating to hi own use money which should have been turned Into the lodge treasury. A warrant was Issued for Hopklna. arrest. He was given a preliminary hearing before Municipal Judge Taswell a few daya ago. He waa held for grand Jury action and admitted to ball on his own recog nisance. WOMEN FIGHT SANATORIUM Consumptive Hospital Not Wanted by Pine Station Residents. A delegation of women yesterday afternoon objected to tb establish ment of a sanatorium for consumptives at Pine Station, near ut urova and Courtney, at a meettns; which had been called yeaterday by the- manage ment of the sanatorium. When the meeting ram to order a delegation of Zi women rrom the Oak Grove and the Courtney distrlcta watt ed upon Sister Theresa, who proposes to onea the sanatorium, and who waa present, and Informed her that they were opposed to the establishment of such an Institution In that vicinity, and aald that they would flcht the es tablishment, of the sanatorium la th courts If necessary. j : HONOR PI LEADER Mrs. Abigail Scott Duniway's Picture Unveiled. ARTIST DONATES CANVAS4 State Suffragist Association Is Re cipient of Painting Displayed In Function at Portland Hotel. Champion Speaks. - -ii nt Mrs. Able-all Scott All uii j ' r. - - Dunlway was unveiled In the parlors of w. rAi.n.i i intol vesterd&v. Th por trait was painted by Kdwln D. Betta, th New York artist, who presented it to the State Buffraglst Association aa a gift. It will be nung in tne .""" Art Gallery at Washington. Mrs. H. Reynolds presided at the function as hostess, and lifted the veil from the picture. Following lira Rey nolds. Mr. Be Us, the artist, epoke . ... . .vmhnl nf rlvillza- 0 1 1 r t i jr vu w - ..w j . tlon aad the measure of progress. He waa roiiowea li j jii u . . . wnfir.-. in th auffrasrlst causa were present, and several spoke. Miss Inex r linn ana sirs, nunc ivui -t. rjwi. d ii.m. Jr.. vava a ID, IDU . . . . , - " - recitation. Refreshmenta were served by Mrs. J. JS. wniie. ur. a.iy uvwp aon, and Mrs. Henry Waldo Co. Mrs. Daalway Appreciative. . . n I . . .vnm.Bat alimHM S nit jars. uuui; . ---- appreciation of the recognition accorded . 1 I V. .... I. n . V. . AM Her. -1 m cwi days,- she said. -Memories of other times, of the days spent back In Illinois and beyond the Alleghenles. and of old friends there, arise before me. I see once more the days when we nettled here in Oregon, with scarcely anything but youth and hope and love and ambition, and I can hardly realise tne past. vc. nnnlwav. barely hinted at the auffraglst movement In her brief speech, but by request of those present, she waa Induced to rise again and speak on that aubject. She took an optimis tic view ot tne tuiurw i - ---- frage In Oregon, and her words were tinged with quiet humor. Orea-oa Victory Foresees. "Th men of Oregon are splendid . .. v. - I rl "Thn who have leuows. -- ---- voted against us are those who cam here across the continent In Pullman cars. The men oi urcgn wo- tn plains - and honored their women, and worked side by aide witn intra iu m wi ternal harmony. Justice, liberty and equality." rihe expressed the opinion that Cali fornia would Join the ranka of the aufTraglsts at the election next month, . i . . w . -Ha vnMtMl Dr.irnn to ana miu v -- Join the galaxy of free state next -I hsre lived to see Washington and Idaho divided from the original State of Oregon, and grant to their women liberty and equality, while the mother state still aits In the shadows." con tinued Mr. Dunlway. "But she will not alt there much longer. dear friends. Sh will soon be free. But to help bring It about each of you must s;o to work In your own womanliness, standing by the men In their manli ness, and convincing them of the Jus tice, of the cause." n4J Itane la Examaffe. ' Mrs. Dunlway likened the suffrage situation to the situation of a horse that waa very much afraid of an opened umbrella, but very fond of ap ples. The owner overcame this by fixing an apple on the stub at the top of the umbrella and offering It to the horse. LKtle by little aa thla practice waa continued. the umbrella waa opened, until finally th horse was no longer afraid of an open umbrella. In like manner, she said, men would aoon learn not to be afraid of wo tnan'a suffrage. She said that women did not want to rule over men. aa they might Imagine, but were asking only for their individual rights and Uteriv- "A man who could be ruled by a woman would not be worth corralling after she had driven him home,- ah aald- w . .i- TOWER TO PIERCE SKY E. E. McF-arland, Architect, Would Have "Light Wires Strung From I Yme Bnlldlnar to Other Sky- I scrapers May Offer Prize, To make Portland the most brilliant ly illuminated tha most attractive and the pleasantest city that ever haa en- the commission of the executive board . . . . . I L I 1 . V. . .nt.rtalll. I o& 1 Liint lias in cuirD mn ........ -- ment of the 40.000 members of the or der who will be here next July. An elaborate plan of Illumination that virtually will place the business district of the city under a canopy of purple and white lights is In course of preparation by E. E. McFarland. an architect of Portland, and tvUI be sub mitted to the board as soon as ha has It completed. Mr. McFarland contemplates erecting a steel tower on top of the Yeon build ing, probably 60 feet above the roof, and connecting It with steel cables ex tending to various other skyscrapers. Electric wiring is to be attached to the cables, furnishing current to the Incandescent lighta that will cling to them. Elk Display Center. The striking feature of the display will be a llfe-alxe figure representing an elk. on top of the Elks Temple at Seventh and Stark streets. The cable connecting this with. the central figure on top of the Teon building will bear nothing but purple lights purple and white being the official colors of the lodge. These bulbs will be arranged to flash and go out so that a streak of purple light will start from the tower above the Yeon building and shoot to the flaming symbol of Elkdom on top of the temple of the local lodge, thus pointing the way to visitors to the headquarters of their hosts. To make the display symmetrical It is planned to extend another line of lights In the opposite direction and to connect a dozen or more of the tallest building's In this manner. The central tower is to be ornamented with a wel come sign. Mr.' McFarland Is' a member of the Portland lodge and has attended many grand lodge conventions, at which he haa made a etudy of electric decora tions. He also attended the Ak-Sar-Ben celebration at Omaha last year .. . J ...!(. rlVPH of tnu CUU1CI ICU .. ...... the Mardl Qras at New Orleans. If his plan Is adopted by the lodge It will .i t . i n h w -,.,ift nf havina the most elaborate lighting decoratlona ever presented by any city. Prise May Be Offered. In addition to this, many owners of buildings already are planning private displays that will be eye-daxxlers. J. B. Yeon. owner of the Yeon building, has plana In mind to present an in spiring sight from his 16-story "triic ture. H. Beckwith, manager of Wells Fargo A Co., haa declared that the Wells Fargo building will be the best decorated and the best lighted place In the city. The board of commissioners likely will offer prises for the best dec orations. Further plans on the part of the board contemplate the elimination of souvenir vendors, programme sellers, beggars and fakers of various descrip tion from the streets. The aid of the city authorities will be sought In this endeavor. They will be requested to issue no licenses to sell souvenirs and programmes except to those having the official sanction of the grand lodge. In past conventions of the Elks as well as of other great organisations visitors have been imposed upon. Duplicates and counterfeits of official badges have been sold and confusion has resulted to the purchasers and embarrassment for the officials in charge. In Oregon .. n, anv nerson to It IS a moeiii ' wear the Insignia of an organisation of which he is not a mew.. BoaM to Meet Monday. Every effort will be made to protect visitors from the usual crowd of street . . ... eniiAa l,r s-nthArlnsra with various "get-rlch-qulck" schemes. Beggars wno - own misfortunes to rey upon the gen erosity of others also will be dlscour- a8The first meeting ,of the board will he held Monday evening. While the most important business likely to be Considered will be the election of a secretary who will assume the respon sibility for the conduct of all business in connection with the convention, it . possible that the appointment will not be made for several weeks. Pending the selection of grand lodge headquarters the hotels have refused to make reservations for any outside lodKe All the lodges In the large cltlea have applied for reservations, but in the rivalry for the choicest plum that the hotelmen can obtain no reement has been made. Colonel John P. Sullivan, grand exalted ruler, and other officials will be here In a few weeks to pick out the hotel In which thv will establish their offices and headquarters. In the meantime many .nterDrlaing Portland hotelmen are burning the telegraph wire, between J" "Ad New Orleans, the home of Mr. Sullivan, in an effort to assist him In reaching a conclusion. The Portland l"dse wUl take no part In making the "Members of the Dallas. Texas, lodge, who Tr. booming Charles A. Rasbury Tf that city for grand exalted ruler. L eaVer to secure headquarters in the Jlme hoTel with th. grand lodge that ?SeV may be close to the "big noise .- The citlei that want the 1911 meet init also are eager to get rooms at the !.7indM hotel. That's why the de cl?u of fh grand lodge officer. 1. of such interest to hotel men. BILL FORGERY CHARGED Woodland Lumberman Declares He Will Explain Tangle. Charged with realizing $1400 on two forsVed I bills of lading. W. E. Gilbert. emerlr a resident of Portland, now ' rblTrman at Woodland. Wash, waa :rreEeT"terd.y by Detectlv. Day. -Vmnlalnt of F. W. Swanton, vlce P?es.dTnt of" the Columbia Milling Com- PTha complaint recltea that Gilbert, bv forging the name of B. F. Lucas. ient for the Southern Pacific rail road obtained ostensible ownership of 1400 sacks of oata In transit. Upon these documents he drew on the mill-In- firm, which, having had former husineM relation with hlia, honored Owing- to the immense growth of our business, we are com pelled to make alterations in the arrangement of our store. We'd rather move empty barrels and cases than full ones, and to this end we have started an Alteration Sale. It won't last long", but it means that those who buy will get high grade goods at less than wholesale prices. We haven't marked our goods up to mark them down, but the same old prices are on the same old goods. Just deduct 25 per cent you can do your own figuring. Everything Reduced One-Four An Idea VJ1U UUW l itto Guckenheimer, full quarts ...Bottled in Bond, 95 Sunny Brook, full quarts Bottled in Bond, 95 Cedar Brook, full quarts - Bottled in Bond, 95 Dewar's Scotch, Imported, 95Q sawaaav -V) "V All Other Regular $1.00 Gold Seal Regular $1.50 Gold Seal Regular $3.00 Gold Seal Regular $2.50 Gold Seal Regular $3.00 Gold Seal Half Gallons and Quarts No Charge for Containers Mail Orders Promptly Filled at These Prices, but Express Not Prepaid old the drafts. Then the railroad com pany refused to deliver the consign menta. asserting that they already had Seen delivered to others upon genuine ""o'lbert. who is held under $5000 bond, says there Is a mistake In setting down ell numbers, whereby hla lpments have gone to another. He says he will be able to prove his innocence when the case comes to hearing;. LODGE CAMPAIGN NEAR Women of Woodcraft Plan to OS tain 100 0 New Members. The Goodfellowshlp Campaign Com mittee. Women of Woodcraft, la about Its third annual camraign for Rheumatism- and all rheumatic affections can be driven from your system- by taking Warner's Safe Rheuma tic Remedy.' Each for a purpose 1 Kidney&Iiiver Remedy 2 iRheumatic Remedy 3 Diahetes Remedy 4 Asthma Remedy 5 Nervine 6 Pills (SSEEE") ASK TOUR DRUGGIST. Conpoa ZrtS W arner's Safe Remedlea Co Rochester. Jf. T. Send me free of charge a sample of your Remedy No Name Address. - STOPS Toothache Instantly. Docs not dry UP- Cleanses the cavity. Dtroya bad odor. Dent's Toothache Gum All Drafit lSe Stltlril V4 OFF! BEER EXCEPTED of What This Means Staple Brands Wines. . .75 Wines $1.15 Wines $1.50 Wines $1.85 Wines $2.25 in Proportion $3.00 Nonpareil Whisky. Seal Liquor 164-166 Second St. Bet. Morrison Marshall 48S FREE DELIVERY Tnamhra- This committee is com posed of Ave members selected from the membership ot each of the follow ing circles of Portland and vicinity: Mount Hood, Oregon, Royal, Astra. Arbutus, Portland, Mount Scott, Monta- vilia St. Johns. Woodlawn. MUwauKie, T3.U.nn Btmnv.lri DnWAfrO. OrP CTOIl City. Gresham and Woodstock, and two circles from Vancouver, mums members. . The campaign will last until tne lain Trusses Like These Are A Crime Get Rid of Elastic Bands. Springs and Ig- 6traps. Such Harness ua " Thousands to Undergo Dan gerous Operations. Trusses like those shown above the belt and lec-strap. elastic and sprtnc contraptions-sold by ore,,,,?s,1j1 mnt house, and many eI'-'Jle Special!.!." make lit. miserable for every body who wears them. And even when drawn tl,ht yon can scarcely stand to keep them on they do no rood whatever. . Instead, they often do Immense they squees. the rapture, often caIM strsnsulatlon di Into th. pelvlo bon. In body who wears them. The Plata Truth Is This. RuPtur-.s explained in ean't be relieved or cured can t even be pt from arowin, worse-unles. constantly IK ,1m. Just as a broken bone can t ISf iS- to. Part. sr. held securely "Tnust . or arftat I the ml7w.r a broken bone can be held the riaht tad of tru. 1. th. only thin In the world that can keep a rapture from coming ""what a difference It wlU mak. when yon ''inVoutly that kind of truss without rl.kln a cent of your money. Tt's the f.mou. Ctathe Truss r Clothe Automatic Massaaer. ' Fa more than a truss far more than merely a device for holdinc the rupture in P'oifferent from everythlnr else for rup tuthat It hi. received IS separate patents, thousand, say it U a. comfortabl. as thNo belt.'nlastlc band or springs around vour wat.t. and no lea-straps nothlne to oTncb chafe, .queese or bind. Self-regul.t-mg self-adjusting. It 1. held in position b lne- n-t shift or .IIP th. only trus. that I. noues.l, guaranteed nev to let th. rupture come out. Try It Without Risking a Penny, xv. have o much faith In the Cluth. Tru.1 S?e have .een It work wonders for 30 manTthers that we want to make on. Specially for your cose and let you wear It "wl 'i you Plenty of time to test It tt tt doesn't keep your, rupture from coming i when you are working and at all other S"' if it doein't put an end to th. trouble iw'vThtjetotor. had with- your rupture. Reduced .$2.25 $3.50 Gold Seal Whisky $2-65 $4.00 Hazelwood Whisky. $3.00 $5.00 Hannisville Whisky $3.75 $6.00 Re-imported Whisky $4.50 Half Gallons and Quarts in Proportion Co. and Yamhill A 1485 I anniversary of the order, April 1, whe the lodges will celebrate with a ban quet at the Commercial Club. At tha last banquet 3775 person were served. The campaign committee held an ex hibition drill at the Armory May SI. when 171 women drilled under the di rection of Grand Banker Sumner Leach and Mrs. K. Stites. Mrs. J. Leach, special organizer for the Wom en of Woodcraft, has the campaign in charge and plans for iie work are laid to obtain 1000 new members. If you don't get better right away then th truss won't cost you a cent. How It Strengthens and Heals. In addition to holding the rupture, tht Cluth. Truss or Cluthe Automatic Massager li constantly giving a soothing, strengthening massage to the weak ruptured parts. All automatically the massage goes op all day long, all without any attention what ever from you. This massase which strengthens Just exercise strengthen, a weak arm is o re markably beneficial so remarkably curative that In 199 cases out. of every 200 rupture begins to get better from the day a Cluth. Truss Is put on. The World's Greatest Book on Rupture. Don't go on letting your rupture get worst don't spend a cent on account of your rup ture until you get our book of advice whlcb two cents for a .tamp or a penny for a postal will bring you. ... This remarkable book cloth-bound, 8, pages, 21 separate articles, and 19 photo graphic pictures took us over 40 year, to write took us that long to And out all th. fact, we've put In It It explain, the dangers of operations ana why they don't always cure to stay cured. Tells why for the protection of the public drugstore, should not be allowed to sell trusses 1 Explains why belt, spring and elastlo trusses can do no good. Expose, the hum bug "method.." 'appliances." "plaster., CtAnd tells absolutelv without misrepresen tation all about the Cluthe Truss Just how It hold. how It give, the curing massage how it i water-proof how It ends all ex pense how you can get it on trial ana give. name, and addresses of over 4000 peo ple who hav. tried It and want you to know about it. , - ... Wrtte for It today don't put It off thla book may be the means of adding many year, to your life and of restoring you to full strength and usefulness. , Just us. the coupon, or simply say in a letter or postal. "Send ma your book." la wrirtng usT please give our box number as below. Box 49 Cluthe Company 1SS East Sd St, New Tork City. Send me your Free Book on The Cur. of Rupture. Street Town 25 Reduction