INDIAN LIFE FASCINATES Ctrl Writes to Chief That She Want to Join Tribe. CHICK ASHA. Okla Aug. J. "I would give mr Ufa to bo wl'h tho In diana. I Imagine." Lena Tlnaley, Ht tlo girl of Jeffersonvtlle. Ind, srrote la a letter. addressed to -Indian Chief. Chlckashs, Okla. The Postmaster at Chlckaaha delivered the letter to Eidon Lowe, the District Indian Agent. It folloas: -Dear friend: I lore the Indiana and I want to be with them. Can I help you out and can I be with you all J Write and let me know anyone that wants to write to an Indiana fr'n?; or I hope I will b one soon. Don l get offended at this, and answer soon. I would like to join you all. wul(J gle my life to ba with the Indiana. I Imagine. Thla makes to letters I have written." Albany May Extend I-1 mils. ALBANT. Or.. A. J'V'nT Extension of Albany's city limits Is being- advocated by the Albany Commer cial Club. The club ha. named a com tnlttee consisting of C. E- So- V Gilbert, r. P- Nutting. A. M- Hiram and J. J. Colllna to lake up the matter with the City Council. Albany now has the same Jlmlt. It has years and several well-popu lated new additions are outside of the city s legal boundaries. DATLT XETIOKO LOO UAL RETORT. PORTLAND. AOS. IS- M.xlmura MmJJ fall since lot.mb.r 1. 44 '"c. f'.'J, iiCT of rainfall sine. 1. I'lOj asi inches. Total sunshine. 13 boors J "..teVlbl- sun.h.o.. U bur. m "in. Frm-tr , reduced to sea ! at P. 3u.M Inch. WEATHER CONWTIONB. mtMn the last 11 hoar, there has been a material ltwr.e of pr.r. or ' the northern Rockies and the N"'i corresponds decreaa. ha "7,?.' other .action.. A hlsH-presur. J n: ,ral rr Alberta and Ssskalcnewso. and I i.dln eo-ihea.t-arU cauln cooler veath-r to the northern plain vreur also oMaln. over the country eaet 5? ThY JtT.tu.lrpl Hirer "in. have fallen within th U.t U hour Sons ,tkota. Manitoba. Mlnn-eota. and from T.s.s "h,"T" ta Main: and moderate 'atn In Weetern jwomi Dakota ard Tnne.e. Thunderstorms Were reported from Mod.aa. Phoenla and -Atlar.titcCltr. -h. th.r "? h. Pacific rout, and from Colorado and w Mexico e..t-ard and north.lwrd to th Atlan.le 1-..L oen.r.lljr cooler ea.her obtain. el.-nr. -laly In th. K1 Ituer Vailer and Nortm.e...rn lak. reslon. T.mporaturea are I to -'"''"-IT ,,ow normal In Alb-rta. I"" and Eatrn Montana, th fclkota. North ern Mlnneta and M "l'oba The conditions ere favorable for fair weather Sunday In thl dieiricl. with ao de cided temperature chances. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly W'oron and TTaahlngton Fair: northerly winds. Idaho Fair. THEOrxRB. pRAKE. Acting; District Forcatr. ConipwKt. fleld-a-laases. barometers, hydrometer. mlcro.-nps. erlentlftc ap rri'i. Woodard. C!erk C MXET1U yOTlCES. THE MODERN PROTHERHOOD OF AMERICA of Portland have united together for an entertainment and dance to be elver, Faturdar evening. Kept. 2d. at the Lily of th Vallee Halt 12 11th et.. for the benefit of a worthy member of Pro. poet Lodg. who met with a aerlou accident and 1 not in the hospital. A cordial Invitation I slven ta a:l who are Interested In a worthy causa. Admlaelon 5S La.lle bring lunch to be old- Cuff free. By order of committee. rVANHOE LODGE. He. L i KNIGHTS OF PTTHIAS. meet vary Tueed.y night la Caatle HmJl. V lit aad Alder eta. E. M. LA.VCS. k. n. m. DIECX JACK In thl. city t hi. let reeldenre. 63T M.UIsor .treat. Soloman Jack. ad o years, 'funeral nolle will appear la a subsequent ROBERT In thla city. Aucu.t 2l. C.eors C Kobert. ad S year.. 1 month. IS dei1 Kuneral notice will appear In a el.eq.uect luue. RE.VIIAVEN At 1014 Macadam street. Faul RMhaeen. Auruet 3- aed 60 yeara. Re main at Donnlne 4c McEnlW. P.rlora. rOUUL NOTICLS. OLIN In this city Aogurt 5S. Lottl Olln. cd 21 year, dauchter of Mra. Matthew F Olln and leter of Hilda. Henry. Frad and Augut Olin and Mr. Mall. da Mohan . liner. Funeral ervlce will be held at Running McKntaa'S Chapel Monday. Au cual SS. at 10 JO A. M. Friend Invited to attend. Interment Greenwood Ceme tery. 1-ARSON A!ava Peter Larson, aged RS y.ira S months aid 4 days. Funeral Mrvlcee wlU be held today (Sunday). A-jfJ.t rr. at 2 P. M.. from Prron' rhapl. and 3T1 Kull si. Member, of the ilrala Ktndri local. No. 4. are reouestrd to attend. Friend, and ac euaint.ncea are re.pectfully Invited. Inter ment Hum City Cemetery. 6MITH At Patton Home. AuSust 2. 1:30 P. Mra Mary Cathvrma oratth. aved St v..ra moathe 2 day, mother cf Mr. Kubea rlmlth. Funerel from Holm, e 1 ndertaklng Parlor Monday at J P. M. Frienda repectfu.;y invited to attend. Burial Lena Fir cemetery. KERR1THEW In Ihle city. Angust 2. ovorg. W. Merlthew. aged a year. 1 monm and 24 dava Funeral wi.l take pac at Flnleys parlor to.l.y tSundeyl Augu.l 2T. al P. M. Interment at Muit. nnn-.ab Cemetery. Frienda are reapecl fully Invited to attend. KING The funeral rv1ees of th Ute Ben J.mla F. King will be neid t lielmen'e cbapaL. coraer Third arid Salmon etreets. tly (Suaaeyt at t P. M. Friends In vited. Inteemeat Lone Ftr cemetery. IWMtfN rt-ORAt. COw MAKvlL'AM JUKI. rheaeoi Mala Sli A1ISS. A- . tLl tl CO.. 4S4 WUIIanaa avw. mA luaa. c less. Lady Mieaetaaa gL t la) getler-Byrwea ta Imsui M Alraaitea. eaieral U Tib aa. J lee. Fkaje. Maia, e. SlMaal. OSIew ml taaavr tee A P. gLNLIK BON. S4 aad M Ldy nltewaaag. Fa M Mala S, A ISse. " nU Ikli MOUIAM tVs Faaaewl 1I. ... Ill sd C Laej aaaialaa. Faaaw M. sal. " hast BIUK Faaerml Dtrectara. eagraee a . a. Loalaa. lae. sal. U&BCH. I advert skev. car. Kae Alaee aad lUtk. iea Jal. H lass. Ul aeael.a CLASSIFIED AC. RATES PaUy ea aada. La See chaxgaw mr lbe sseet ragae apply la advartlsaaia - -w laoay" aaa aueae ll.aigai tl guvyuug ta llleul tJlaalt-ae Huue, Frttaie FsaBJUas. a. ITIval Samiilea. Sag me acieaaieaaiiea eg paigwaa, I a Q 1 1 . r wlU aoeaea clae.Hled auveru an ever lata Iwpu a. iw.iulag lua a- , n inrr la a .il. i r-n tt la aluaag poaaa. fte gracw. SUI S ! avav tmm poaaa. aa ua ulaa) avar u. pawaa wepeaUe asjaaj las i at IBs pajaeaal ai llapuae k aeiaauaa w ais aaa rr- Haeaaeata wlU Bat w ear taa teleuBeas. Orwers lor aae IsaerUea i. a.111 ka aarealael far "Uaaaaa lar agaltara lar ten," "Maela. Opparti tiaa." -aleaBilsg ax "" agaS "Maaued eF rr Llaa sjaaae aa tee ai.ratlve Uaeea. . ....... .14 S aw gaewa ea..i aUva uaie ...awe Sj.iar ad eea e eaa alw .Awe "aa"! saasg a aae lis aa ea.a aaV mumsmou S aw a aaiaa la aae ISM lt luaa t Baa aaa eel netl a t la aae ru la ewa astaute Una law eae-lima gate apauaa. 4ka enage ee baaa wan m.u I a. alawse wu. ae aaeea aa las actaai inn ag hai- ainarlag la IM aac. egaillgig al IM Bvailiie al ww la aacB lie. latel mil seteruMWeu. ar aawers eaij. a na ae gaa aaa a. Xaa gala aia anas OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Ul ICE CITT HALL. Mala MS. A ' BlTMA-K OrFlCEJL. gitgeaag Craxa, Itealdnca. 4 B. setk K- Kaat STTa. w A. satre, Rea. S9 Waace SL. -T. Ulal Ba 7S K. lSta- ITsa, Hers Ambuiaaea, A S101: Ft. Ka. . "rgkis. Seadays and ktoUdsjrs, A Slfwi Fa e a TraaS f. rw TOD AT. MCtloriSfltes ON TUE-DAY NEXT at Biker's Aartlew Honae, 1-" aret. we aell the f-raleklnaa, ete re moved fro. Mr. E. F trdrlrf.r. pri vate reeldeare for rwwve-ieae to. Ule. e-mgrlalagt Three sets sectional b.okcae L,lobe -W rn'"'sr,J one tLree-door aalnut bcase. quar tered oak oval library table, several parlor and library rockers Invar lous finishes. Wilton and AJtmlnster rugs, cable net curtains, electric reading lamp, brlc-n-brac. mantel clock, pic ture, liprlght folding bed. quartered oak dining-room -ulte. vis. round-top pedestal table, buffet and set of ch rs with leather seats. The bedroom fur nishings are strictly up-to-dBte, In cluding steel and Iron aprlnga and mattresses. fe"hr P"' woollen blankets, satin- tlnut, juar tered oak and maple uressers and chiffoniers, sepsrate chiffonier n oak 45 Inches In width, genuine mahogany ladya dressing table (old Lnallsh de sign), drop-head Singer sewing ma chine. Niagara steel rajige with water Dlpes. rtracn hose, window shades, eic Also we shall aell dining-room furni ture in early English ""'"vftfJ-Va library table and chairs, with 'Of" to match, walnut hall tree, center tables, three-quarter-slia Iron beds, sanitary couch, kitchen plate and oven, rolrrora. oil painting. "'Awetloa aale Taeaday aest at 10 A. M. Auctioneer's Note to Parties FurnLhinjj This Is another excellent opportunity to pur.haao high-class furniture at your own price. These must bo positively sold st this time. oa ara ture. etc tomorrow (Monday) at l3 ftrg ejireei. W. C. BAKKR 4 C. A. CROW KLI, . Aaetloaeera, ON THURSDAY NEXT we have the IwrBlehlB als-roors rwttace. Tbeae geed. ran a aeea as Wedaeeday aliersaes. ...... Mallei ThwirsdJijr iv v n C. BAKER at C. A. (HOWELL, Faraltarw Dealers aad Aaetloaeera. AuctionSales AT WILSON AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill RECLLAR SALES DATS Monday, Wednesday, Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. "LAKH EST AtCTlO'V H(SB OJT THE (OAST." . ..II all Alada of Seed BoaaeBold fwraltare, carpet rwga, llaoleam. gaa, ateel raagea, heailag atavea, rwokatavre. gaa water Beatrre. ete. Ales OFFirK KIHMTIRE. lacladlag rail lap aeaka. kookeepera' ataadlag draka, tyscnrller deaka. rrvolvlag rkalra, arm ehaira, typewrttera, ete. also FIREPROOF SAFE In Tarlooa At 1T1 GCOn STREET, adjoining ..tlnn.rnoto. We Sell ti RIM ' KH E . CLOTHING. SHOKS, STATIONERY. M I C E I. I. A E tl V ! MAltnw n PORCELAIN B1H TIBS, IVILtlJ, . 1V1TARIKI. ETC. 'Before yw kay aee awr ataeka. Ml kaaw we caa aave yea sjeaey. J. T. WILSON-, Aactloaeer. r..h naid for furniture. stocUie of merchandise, etc. Call Main 16. . A 4J43. Auction Sale A Quantity of High-grade OAK FURNITURE, STEEL RANGE, CARPETS, ETC LOT XO. 1 Is a $100 dining set- buffet, round pedestal table anl chairs, all perfect: two fine oak dressers, one bedroom suit, refrigerator, hall tree, three Iron beds with springs and mat tresses, parlor cnairs ana rocaers. strong and pretty center table, drop head eewlng machine, gas range, wash maihlne. oil paintings. bookcase, child's writing desk, combination desk, extra fine Krusels carpets and the usual kitchen and laundry furniture. I OT NO. 3 Is a fine mission oak buffet, round pedestal dining tsble. with five chairs: mission chiffonier, etc.. with the ueusl number of beds, chairs, rockers, steel couches, cook stove, couch covers, portieres, folding beu. etc. LOT 0. 3 Is a very pretty blrdseya maple chiffonier and dresser, en suite; also room-slxa rugs, etc Tkla ssrlleg will bearla at S P. M. vkerp tomorrow, Asgwl 23, at 211 Ftrat elrcef. FORD. Aactloaeer. AUCTION! We wish to announce the opening of our auction moms, and solicit con signments of merchandise", stocks aud household furnishings. Don't fail to attend our opening jle of a large consignment of domes tie and imported china, cut glass, ham mered brass, toilet sets and crockery which e are instructed to turn into cash in the shortest time possible. Sale starts WEDNESDAY, 2:30 P. M and continues daily until the entire lot is disposed of. WHITAKER & C0D0EI, Auctioneers. ' Office and Salesroom, 3So Wash 'ton. GILMAN Auction & Commission Co., Inc. Buys stocks of merchandise, advances money on goods fur sale; buys house hold furniture. Main 2473. Office and salesroom. No. 126 Second street, between Washington and Alder. Oilman Auction At Comm'n Co., Inc. PIA0 STIDIO Of Louts H. Boll open about Sep. 1. Address communications cars Kohler tt Chase Ilano House. Waahlngtoa at. 1 TOE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. rPIMXAXD. BEAVERTON- REEDVILLE ACREAGE One acre Is mora than J08 feet square, or equal to one city block of algbt lots. The new Postofflce block aold at tain oflo Manv blocks In the city could be sold for several times this amount: this because of tne growiu of tha city. Get an acra or mora only 40 minutes out on both steam and electric Unas. Fourth-street steam road paases through center of our trsct. four stations on tha ground; road to be electrified this Summer: tha tunnel under Council Crest will rsduca run ning time to 25 minutes. AU these Improvements mean rapid advance In values. The very best of soil for fruit, berries and gardens. Tart of tha family may woi In tha city, so get a home that will eon tribute to your Income and grow In value. An acre here or probably two acres can ba had for the price of tho &0xl00 lot you are living on and can ba bought with the money you now pay aa rent; modern transportation will help you along-. See as at onca and arrange to look at this acreage we are selling at 1250 to 500 per acre In any slied tract you may deslra and upon easy payments. The Shaw-Fear Company 101 Fourth StreeL Main St 1600 $10,000 BISLNESS PROPERTY 63 ft, freatage on E. Plae Bear Grand aveane.. Iacosae S03 Per anonth $18,000 IV EW MODERX FLATS E. 2Sth St. Corner lacarne B300 Per Meath $25,000 APARTMENT SIT 100x100 Ft. Corner Zlet at Kearney St. Present Income S1SO per Moatk $30,000 APARTMENT CLOSE IJT South Portland Coraer SOxlOO Ft , ' Monthly I a come $230 Can Be Haadled cm Oae-Thlrd Cash H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 31S Commercial Club Bids. We buy. build, sell and exchanga homes and all Rinds of business prop erty, acreage, ranch, fruit land. We have 140 acres of fruit land with five-year-old bearing trees. Hood River district. Price 35.000. Also two new houses In Irvlngton. Just completed. Prices IS0O and $9500. Will give good terms. CALL ANO SEE IS FOR FUR THER INFORMATION. THE OREGON HOME Bl ILDING at CONSTRUCTION CO, IS Ckaaaker of t'ewmrrre Bldsr. 150 Feet on Track Switch already in. Good lo cality for warehouse or plant. Paved street within one block- $8500 hSg KEASEY hUHASONJEFFERY 1) 232 ChAmbsr of Commerce. Having t On resldencea. willing to sll one. Beaatlful S-room hotiaa. reception hall, bath and two toilets, full basement and Una garden, at THO Ivon St.. near two carllnes. Also 1 S-room reeldenee. reception hall, hath and back leaping- porch, hardwood door, two Breplacea. built-in buffet, at Colonial av. and Overlook boulevard. Buy from owner and aave commtsalon. Cloa In. Bee owner at Oregon Hardware Co. tore, 107 Hlxth t. RIVERDALE ACRE $1500 One acre In Rlverdale dlst--t. close to Rock Spur Station, high ana sightly. CHAS. KfPPER. CHAPIN A HERl.OW, Me sab era ef ike Portlaad Realty Board. S33 Iksnker f reatmrrrg. IF TOU DESIRE THE TRUTH ABOUT ROCHESTER Call On Us LOTS LEVEL AND CLEAR tit. Terms As Low Aa il Down and $1 Monthly. NO Interest WHITCOMR BROS. 1010 Chamber of Commerce. Open even In gaTtoSundajraJtoSRM. NOB HILL HOME near Twenty-Fifth aad Jobaeoa, $12500 CHAPIN at 1XERLOW. Mesabrra of the Portlaad Realty Hoard, sU3 Caaaaber at Ca sum area. rQ R e c o Sk. L BUILDING t ""V COrANY e WESTOVER TERRACE the coming high-class resi dence district of Portland. Conditions make it so. Un excelled riew, close and eas ily accessible to business center. A New Block of Lots Just Placed on the Market To get advantage of location and prices selections should be made at once. W car to Forestry Building, then three blocks south, or, call the office and make an ap pointment for use of our auto. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. The Highlands of Yamhill THE SHERIDAN ORCHARD DEVEL OPMENT COMPANY HOLDS SMALL ORCHARD TRACTS, PLANTED OR MrLUiuJl LARGE TRACTS, CLEARED OR PAH. TI ALLY CLEARED, AT REASONABLE PRICES AND CONDITIONS. THIS IS THE MOST PROMISING, LARGEST AND SLFERIOR FRUIT DISTRICT ON THE COAST. WE SELL ONLY UPON PERSONAL INVESTIGATION. FOR INFORMATION INQUIRE 104 SECOND STREET. $60 Per Acre fine Oregon City Farm S30-ACRE FARM. Beautifully rolling. 0 acres high state of cultivation, balance nearly all tillable when cleared; no better land in ilr.rnn' flna trout stream and a heavy flowing spring: for hogs and dairying It cannot be beaten: good house, large barn and outDuildings, lair orcnara, on county road; church and school on ad inii.inr firm! located east of Oregon City and 22 miles from Portland: if too large will sell ISO acres. Including all the Improved land and buildings. aX 165 per acre. A timber contract worth 11800 g-oea with the farm. Thla farm was left to preeent owner by his mother, and, ss he Is In business In Washington, must sell to raise soma money. J. F. DIEFENBACH 424 Vees Bldg. Magnificent Building Site innvSnrt. S. TV. corner 54th and E. Washington. Beautiful elevation, good surroundings. Adjoining property is selling from $1200 to $1500 per lot; can sell this site for $3200, $800 per lot. Small amount cash, balance easy payments at 6 per cent. See us imme diately about this. F. E. TAYLOR CO. 404-5 Lewis Building. Marshall 802. A 4414. n argain! 50x100 on 12th street, close In. Good apartment site. Good 12-room house. Rent $60 per month. v g3 KEASEY Si inUHASONJEFFERYl 3 232 ChaonberTf Commerce. A Splendid Investment $8500 will buy a three-story bulldlns; situated on a prominent corner on West Side; present InwTnie $85 per month. One half cash will handle It. UTT0 & HARKSON REALTY CO., 1S3V, First St. " Hotel or Apartment Site Nob Hill, close In. most desirable location. Price 125.000. Nominal pay ment down If Improved. Present 1m orovements pay about 4 per cent. Ad- dress Owner, P Is. Oreronlan. AUGUST 27, 1911 srvr topat. Heninger's Little Farms BIGHT ON THE CITT BOUNDARY 5c Carfare. Graded Streets, Water and Sidewalks. Ground Level, Cleared and in Garden. Quarter Acre Tracts $500 and Up $25 Down, $10 Monthly Better Investigate. Our auto is at your service. Mail This Send particulars about Eeninger'B little Farms. Name ...... Address PMllips- Thompson Co. 306 Ry. Exchange Bldg., Portland, Or. Just east of Lents. 40 minutes from the city by elec tric car. New depot in center of tract. W are now nlattine the southeast portion of Sycamore Acres, running from tha electric line across donnson th Foster road. "Very de sirable property. Now is the time to make your selection. Call and get plats of Sycamore Acres. W. H. GRINDSTAFF 1125 Yeon Building. Main 875. A 7342. GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark St. Main 392. A 2392. C ASSY 9-RDDM HOME III IRVINGTOH LlTlngr-room. dining--room, den with built-in desk, bookcases, disappearing . . mi . n...U V. i t . oea ana iirrpiace, iuitii ri-hcui ,.... enameled; wash - room and t o 1 let aown emirs; iito uui uuuia, dressing - rooms In connection: grlass- nclosed sleeDlnir-Dorch. bath and toilet upstairs: finished attic, plaster m A Inro. nnre h PR ' thl nrepiaces i tioonwuuu m.. ui nnc . first floor finished In quarter-sawed U&M., BeCVnO IIUUI 111 nun. marssgany; dirio una hivbim, wk, dowo throughout; speaking- tube, elec .(. Annw nnAnAf .Tim t.lnhOne COn nections. dust and linen chute and many other conveniences. Street lm Built for a home and complete In ... j n . n 1 1 Ciin.rvtDln. rrhtt.i.t n n every uri.i i. ...'...r. " the Job every day. Must have money at once, and will sell at cost. Phone owner Sunday. C 2242; during- week. Main 60S or a oouo. T ' s. -I tti i THr THIS BUNGALOW FOR S22S0. trge llTing--room with fireplace and disappearing Deu; uiuins-iuuiu, -'"-l. kitchen, larfre bedroom with closet, bathroom and toilet. Also large porch hn..m,nt Lot SOxlOO. near Kood carllne: 1250 cash, balance to suit. If Interested call Mr. Guthrie. Main 37, or A 2693. Western Oregon Trust Co. 272 Stark St. 10 Net We have for 6ale, for a short time, a business block yielding the above returns on the investment. After April next will net 12 per cent. Price 119,000. We can recommend this as a good investment. McCargar,Bates&LiveIy 301 YEON BLDQ. Rose Gty Park Snap New. swell, six - room, two - story house, fireplace. douWy constructed throughout, bookcases, china closet. Dutch kitchen, three bedrooms and sleeolng-porch: lot 60x100; etreet 1m pVovPemenPt. paid: on East FIftj --first street, near Thompson 100 feet from car! Owner leaving city. This price onlv for a few days $370, S00 cash and $35 per month. Including interest; 1600 worth of new furniture for sale at ,325' GRrSSI ZADOW, Sir Boar of Trade Bids;., 4th aad Oak. RIVERDALE ACRE $1500 One acre In Rlverdale district, close to Rock Spur Station, high and sightly. CHIS. KI PPER, CHAPIX A HER LOW, Memben of Ike Portland Realty Board, 332 chambes of Conuneroa. SYCAMORE ACRES KEW TODAY. ROCHESTER LEVEL CLEARED LOTS RAILROAD CENTER Tha townslta nf Rochester Is at the Junction. of the Northern Pacific, Ore gon & Washington and MllwaUKee rail roads. New electrto line to be extended to Rochester. Surrounding- ranches are being: cut up Into small tracts and set tling up rapidly. One factory under construction, others flsrurinsr on free cites, and business bouses and new nomas are going up. ONLY A FEW LEFT While th In t we will sell level. cleared lots close to stores, school, de pot and railroads for only These lots are already to build on or put Into garden. We have only a few of these lots lert and tney won t iiwi long.. Sold on very easy terms. REMEMBER Theee railroads are completed and 12 passenger trains stop at Rochester every day; the natural resources could not be better and Rochester is bound to make a good town. Every lot is going to Increase in value and some body is going to make this profit. hy not you? Call and see photos, sou, etc., and get names of Portland people who have seen Rochester and own lots there. You can easily visit the townslte and return to Portland the same day. We are sending parties to Rochester every day. WARRANTY deed and FREE certi fied abstract of title with each sale. We are owners, not. agents. American Home Investment Co. Owners 1016 Chamber of Commerce Take elevator No. 1. Third street side. WHITS ALL THIS I HEAR OF BEND,0REG0N? Thousands of times that question has been asked on the streets of Portland every day this and last week. Come to our office and find out about BB.ND. J. J. Hill and the shrewd managers of the Harriman System found out about Bend three years ago and since then they have Invested over. TWENTY MILLION DOLLARS In railways to reach Bend, the geo graphical center of Central Oregon, where there are unlimited opportunities awaiting you. and since two railways have saw fit to spend millions to reach this hustling, bustling, growing city, don"t you think it time for you to invest, a few dollars In those business and close-in residence lots 60x140 within three and four blocks from tho UNIONDEPOTSITE THE AVERAGE PRICE IS ONLY $200 $200 $200 Terms (10 Per Month ..This property is selling fast. It coats you nothing- to investigate, so call today for free maps and informa tion. Office open evenings until 8 P.M. THE NEWLON-KOLLER CO. IXC 301 Buchanan Bldg.. 286 V, Wash.. St. Northwest Corner of Front and Hall Streets 100x100 $17,500 Wakefield, Fries & Company 85 FOURTH ST. NEWIRVINGT0N HOME F0RSALE 60x100 This beautiful home consists of 9 rooms. First story is finished in se lected fumed oak, hand rubbed with wax. Is finished to the ceiling-. Hard wood floors, beautiful den. The sec ond story is white enamel, tut-glass doorknobs, etc. Hand-made gas and electric fixtures. All windows are plate with transoms. There is absolutely nothing in all Irvlngton to compare with this place, and ae the owner built It by day labor for himself It is no "Built-for-sale" proposition. The owner Is compelled to move to Los Angeles. Cal., for business reasons, hence this great sacrifice. Between now and tha first of Septem ber you can buy this property for $7500. With but $1500 cash. Inquire of 903 Yeon Bldg. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Building. WATER FRONT. Some of the best water front on Puffet Sound for sale; close to the most popular Summer resort and also good for all-the-year-round residence: some Just across the channel from Tacoma; send for plat show In location, size of lots, price, etc , AMERICAN LAND CO, 604 Bernice Bide.. Tacoma. Wash. A Real Bargain In residence lots from owner. Two lots. 100x100 S. E. corner Tillamook and 35th St.. 1S00; 60x100 37th and Hancock and 50x100 37th, bet. Broad way and Hancock. $1900 for both. See Kersey Eldridge. 109 Front st. $400 Cash One nice 5-room house with usual conveniences. 1125 E. Grant. Decided bargain at $2100, balance easy. See owner. Kersey Eldridge. 109 Front st. LOT OWNERS. We pay cash for equi ties in vacant lots. Denier A Dealer Rty. Co, 640 Chamber Com. Main 6594. XEW TODAY. Cheh alem rciiaras The Chehalem Mountain Orchards TY.ipts am the most beautiful coun try-home sites in the Willamette Val ley. Over 200 families are preparing to live in unenaiem urcnaras ana u the electric sendee to Portland next year. The tracts are planted to apples and will be cared for until bearing by expert horticulturists. Meanwhile purchasers may improve their prop erty and use the land between the trees. Five acres cost less than one city lot. The electric service will place the Chehalem Orchards 40 minutes from the center of Portland. The unexceptionally low price and liberal contract terms under which, Chehalem Orchards are sold make it possible for you to own a beautiful country home that is also income property. You want' to know all about this, call A. J. HESKETT, Sales Agent, 204 Henry Building. Phone Marshall 2625. Only Per Acre Here Is one of the best buys In ths Willamette Valley and one of the best platting proposition right out here on the Oregon Electric line, about 30 miles from Portland. Or. 340 acres; about 150 in high state of cultivation. Some small timber and about 20,000 cords of standing wood an place, more than enough timber to pay for putting grounds in cultivation. Place ties nice and level, with Just enough elope for drainage. There can be at least $30,000 made in the next 12 months by platting and selling In small tracts. This Is a won derful opportunity and If you are look ing for a proposition of this kind, don't let this ellp. This will only be on the market for a short time. Come give us a call and sea photos of land. A. O. WELLS 639 Hamilton Bldg., Third. Bet. Alder and Washington Streets.Portland, Oregon. Phone No. A 5566. A tract of land with 260 feet front age on East 33d street .North, begin ning about 100 feet north of Knott street and extending- west 500 feet; is above grade, level and la the equiva lent to more than 22 Full-sized LOTS LOTS, 60x100 feet. Located midway between Laurelhurst on the south. Ale meda Park on the north, Beaumont on the east and Irvlngton on the wests will be sold For $8000 Wakefield, Fries & Company ss FOURTH ST. I? We will furnish a fine large tent house free of cost to every lot buyer for the next thirty days. , 10 PER CENT CASH $10.00 PEE MONTH GREGORY HEIGHTS OFFICE, End of Rose City Park Carline. Over 10 Net We have had listed with us this week three dtfferent properties, ranging in price from $10,000 to $50,000, that will produce over the 10 per cent NET men tioned above on investment, while property is ALSO Increasing In value dally. C K. HENRY HENRY BUILDING, Fourth and Oak Streets. WATER POWER, LAND AND TIMBER. 900 horsepower at low water (without dam): S2 feet natural fall in i mile; S7 acres mostly level and sood land; 4.000.000 feet yellow Or (dead timber) on river bank; miles to railroad station and spur track; li miles to lumber flume, 2 miles to saw mill 44 mile to school, 35 miles to city limits of Portland. Other improvements, rights and options Included if taken soon. Price. $15,0(MX Come and see H. McMurni, owner, miles southeast of Yacolt, Wash. MORTGAGE LOANS CCtf JOHN E, CRONAN, noT J JO ixia Spalding Bids. fl (J COLLIS. BBHRIDQS THOMPSON. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS. Al DITORa, Commercial. County and Municipal Asditlnc. Invsstlsatlns and Systsmatlslas), (14 Werosatar block. Faeae Mala Moun tain Ok 1 Rent