TIIE SUNDAY OREGON! AN. PORTLAND. AUGUST 27, 1911. 12 All' Credit Purchases Tomorrow and the Rest of August Go on September Accounts, Payable October 1 -Lunch in ""f ' 15c Astoria Centennial SouvenieivEdition of Sunsetagazme, lomorrow -n5 " r MEIER & FRANK'S THE MEIER t, FRANK CO.-5TH, 6TH, MORKISON AND ALDER ST3. T1IE MEIER & FRANK CO.. EST. 1857 MEIER & FRANK. S wtAiiifc fuiir,.: " THE receiving room has been a veritable kaleidoscope of ne Fall styles and merchandise the last few weeks. With the return of most of our corps of buyers from the Eastern and Euro pean markets, have come the fruits of their labors by nearly every express and freight. - - Autumn styles have not been prettier in years, yet they are the most practical. More emphatic than ever will be the vogue for Tailored Suits. The Coats are picturesque, with their big revers, immense collars and all-enveloping lines. . And knoekmg at r asnion s aoor are xne cmc, ucn .new iwa "" - j- "' - TTcTTT7TTdni An Unequaled Line of Fine Exhibit of Irish Industries V N. w Tailored: Suits S25.00 Will Continue Th is Week j XCLAMATIGNS of delight are heard daily in our DRESSED in their quaint costumes that wi in Ireland in the loth Century, the thi rough -weaves in Dress Goods, the beautiful Autumn Silks, the hundreds of lovely new conceits in Neckwear, new Gloves, new Hosiery, New Veils, new Footwear, new .Clothing and Haberdashery for men and boys, new Handbags, new Jewelry, new Corsets and Lingerie. : XTCJTTrr, Up-to-the-minute in fashion-AS USUAL, THE LARGEST, MOSPBBHENVE, MOST AUTHORITATIVE ASSEMBLAGE OF NEW FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE JSS wjjv i irnwS?RT wttt. T?"F! FOUND AT THE MEIER & STORE THIS SEASON. Come and see all of these new fashions now, whether you're ready to buy or not. fere worn ih Inth Centurv. the three Irish Colleens have attracted thrones to the Gaelic League's Exihibit here every day last week. Hy request, the demonstration will be continued until next Saturday night. Come and see the making of Carrickmacross Lace by Brigit O'Quinn. of Banada, Abbey County, Sligo, who learned in the school whone Queen Mary's coronation robe was made. The making of Irish Rugs is demonstrated by Bridie MaeLanghlin. NO ONE SHOULD MISS SEEING THIS WON DERFUL EXHIBIT ON THE SECOND FLOOR. The First New Fall Hats Are Ready HERE'S dash there's chic there's charm in every one of the new l'n TT f'ra her for vour insDection! . Stunninr creations from mich modistes a Burgesser, Fike, Gage, Highland of the roll brim sailor, the helmet and Napoleon and the pretty bonnet types. Black and light and dark colored, soft and stiff felts, velours, silks and velvets. We've any of the models pictured above, aside from the trimmed hats to suit the every requirement of young and old. But come see them youH scree thev're charming! UNTRIM5LED FELT AND VXLOtTR SHAPES, NOW S2.25 to S5.50 THE TRIMMED HATS RANGE IN PRICE FROM 36.50 to S25.0O EXCLAMATIONS of delight are heard daily in our garment salons over the remarkable quality .of these handsome new Fall Suits at $25. They're the strictly tailored models that are so attractive. . , . Jaunty short-length jackets with fitted, semi-fitted and Empire backs the fronts in straight lines. Skirts narrow, though graceful, panel plaited back and front, as well as the clever loose panel back. o i i : i v.n j M.iBmala .iKftlinA tiavintg. - worsteds. .homespuns, mixtures and diagonals." Blues, black and neh Fall tones of tan, brown, grays, etc. You'll wonder at their perfect tailoring, style and finish, at $Zo.OO More elaborate models are $35.00, $37.60, $40.00 to $75.00. Afternoon and StreetCowns Beauty and grace are prevalent in these serge and Panama Dresses for early Fall wear. .The slightly raised waist line the pretty peas ant shoulder and sleeve the sim ple trimmings of silks, buttons and lace the narrow skirts following the supple lines of the figure all help to make them the attractive, becoming models that they are! Priced from $15, $20 to $75. Lovely New Silk Waists Simplicity is the distinctive fea ture of many of the early Fall Waists. Beautiful indeed are these we have of rich, lustrous crepe me teors, in blues, white, grape-purple and chestnut-browns. Note the new shirt sleeves the quaint finish in velvet buttons the attractive tail ored plainness! Priced from $6.00 to $10.00. Coats That Are Distinctive Make it a point to look at these Coats for women, misses and jun iors. See the new reversible models the fitted cape collar styles with single fastening at extreme s'.de and the stunning models with peas ant shoulder and raglan sleeve cut out from the waist line. Note the hood and roll collars and deep, wide revers the large buttons and vel vet trimmings! Of rich imported materials, mannish worsteds and tweeds. Every new Fall . shade. Priced from $10.00, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00 to $65.00. Misses and Juniors' Suits Two and three-piece models for th mlK of from 14 to 20. They'ro attractiveness Ilea In the. plain, ulra- Fle line and perfect finish with ust the correct degree of style to make them girlish and becoming-. Durable aerges. tweeds, cheviots and mannish mixtures make them practical for school and college wear. Skirt and Jacket Suits ait well aa the one-piece Dress and Coat models. Priced from 13-30, 15, S17.60 to S40. All Entries Must Be in This Week for the Photo Contest ONLY one more week until the opening of our First V Amateur Photo Contest, for which 17 prizes, total- K ing $280 are of fered ! .11 Entries must be in by next Saturday night. They are being y received at the executive office, 6th floor. This contest is open to all Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana and anything A from the smallest Brownie snapshot to finest amateur work will II be considered. First prize, $75, for best collection of 6 pictures g or over. Second prize, $40 for best single picture. Third prize, $25 for second best single picture. And 14 class prizes, $10 each, A in photographic merchandise. II The New Fall Silks and Dress Goods OUR first floor sections are fairly teeming with a won derful array of beautiful new Silks and Suitings. Yon must visit the departments tomorrow it's worth while! Don't fail to see the new Semi-Made Marquisette Waists that have just come in! Cut in the peasant shoulder and sleeve and round neck style, they're easily and quickly completed. Choose . . ... , t-. ii i i on rrrv a J a ,4 ezt from three beautuui new r au siyies at ip.ov, ?- -ULL .p.jv. Handsome Tweeds and Suitings Perfect for tailored costumes, in the newest of Fall weaving. Rich tans, grays, blues, etc.; 5G inches wide. Priced at $1, $1.50 and $2. Polo Cloths Themost popular of imported wool textures, unusually thick, though marvelously light weight and downy. Used for fash ionable topcoats, for motoring, driv ing, etc. 56 inches wide. A yard, $2.50 to $4.00. New Shaded Crepe de Meteors 54-inch, in exquisite colorings, blend ing off from lavender to royal pur ple, light pink through coral to bright flame. Yard, $4. ' Silk and Wool Poplins The fa mous R. & S. make. Beautifully fine, perfectly woven and with a rich sheen. In every new street and evening shade. Full 43 inches wide. Priced, a yard, only $1.50 and $2. For Women and Children 111 r' - I 1 : 50,000 Women's and Men's Handkerchiefs, Close to Half-Price mcdi av a jt caic om thit MAIN AISI.F. ORDER. BY MAIL viorvni . - -- The managers of our Women's and Men's Handkerchief Departments, joined together in this tremendous pur chase! Over 50,000 in all the surplus, sample and slightly irregular lots from the biggest Handkerchiet house in America. READ EVERY ITEM BELOW. COME EARLY FOR THE FIRST CHOICE. For the Men and Boys Women! 20c Handkerchiefs Sheer pure - linen with hand-embroidered initials, in all letter; 4 4 our sale price is only 1 ::F Women! 12e Swiss Emh. Kerchiefs, now 7t Women'! 15c Sheer Lawn Kerchiefs, 9J Children's 6c School Kerchiefs at 3 rr - Women'! 7o to 10c Handkerchiefs Francy Swiss and linen with embroid ered initial and corners. Scores A pretty designs. Tomorrow, each'iC Men'i 20c and 25c Kerchiefs Pure linen, embroidered initials; also plain. A fine quality. In this extraor- 1 1 dinary sale tomorrow at, each 1 1C Women's 25c Emb. Linen Kerchiefs, 16 Women's 35c H'd-Eb. Linen Kch'fs, 24 Men'i 10c White and Fancy Kerch'fs, 5 Men's 15c Handkerchiefs Pure linen with Va. V.y and 1-inch hems. Also fine corded cross- rj barred cambric, at C Men's 25c Cambric and Jap Kerchiefs at 8 Men's 25c Merc, and Linen Kchfs, 2V2f Men's to 50c Linen Handkerch'fs 17 S.-i AT ' 1 1 .. I Araazin? ; Pupchase' White Eiamel Fpraitwe PROBABLY the biggest feature of this Great August furniture movement nas ueen ieit ior me last! More than two weeks overdue, this huge purchase of beautiful white enamel, Natural finicVi Ti? mnm TTiirnitiire. has inst arrived. Nearlv a hundred dif- UMl, IlicllU'JrtlJ ill! VI X A 11- " "J iuu.iui.vu.w.- , -r-T- "I ferent designs in Dressers,Chiffoniercs, Dressing Tables, Beds, Che vals, TO SELL AT PRAO- A Last Four Days of August Event! TICALLY A THIRD LESS TILA.N REGULAR. PRICES. All the, enamel furniture is done in five coats and may be thoroughly cleaned without injuring the finish. Any piece will be sold sep arated or in sets. Note the designs illustrated below. All other August savings throughout our great Furniture stock in force until Thursday night, .look ior tne icea iagsi 1 'ill This $32.50 White Enam el Chiffoniere, exactly as illustrated. finished in five coats of enamel. Round French plate mirror; now on sale at on f; $24.65 The Other Beds $37.50 Wh. Zaam. 4-Postr. S26.80 $17.50 Mai. Fin. Cane Bed, $34.15 $33.00 Mah. Fin. Post Bed. $22.95 $2150 Nat Ash 4-Postr, $15.10 $3X50 Wh. En am. 4-Postr, $21.60 $65 Mah. rin. 4-Postcr Bed. $40.60 $57.50 WaL rin. 4-Poster, $39.93 TheOtherDressers $17.50 vhiU enam. Dresser, $13.19' $2X50 white enam. Dresser, $15.65 $25.00 white enam. Dresser. $17.90 This $30 Enamel Dress ing Table, - finished in beautiful French pray. French bevel plate mirror; splendid - cabinet work ; on sale Ani 7C at only 1 O This $35 Four-Poster Bed, ex actly as illustrated in handsome .French gray finish: May be had in full or twin size. Nothing prettier' in .the bedroom. . Priced in this great Sale at only $25.75 This $25 White Enamel Chiffonier, exactly as il lustrated, with square French beveled plate mir ror. .Large spacious draw ers ; n o w at only $18.79 This $22.50 White Enamel Dresser, to match Chiffonier at the left. Square French bevel plate mirror. Five coats enam el ; on sale at only S15.49 $23.00 white enam. Dresser, $16.35 $33.00 white enam. Dresser, $22.95 $30.00 famed finish Dresser $20.75 .$20.00 Early Enf. Dresser, $14.95 $15.00 Early Enf. Dresser, $11.85 Other Chiffoniers $14 white enam. Chiffonier, $10.69 $2X50 wh. enam. Chiffonier $14.85 $22.50 wh. enam. Chiffonier $15,45 $25 white enam. Chiffonier $17.90 $34.50 wh. enam. Chiffonier $24.25 $4X50 wh. enam. Chiffonier $29.75 $60 Men's Dressinf Case at $43.80 This .$37.50 Full Size Bed, exactly as illustrated above. A handsome, pattern with cane head and foot-board. A dainty and practical design in white enamel. .The sale price is only This $4,0.00 Mahogany Finish Dresser, exactly aa . illustrated, with cane back, to match the bed at left. Sale fnQ K( price only j).COu This $32.50 White Enamel Princess Dresser, precisely as . illustrated above. "Five coats of enamel, highly polished. Our sale dQ A CtVL price only DaCHrv0 $26.00 $1.80 Brussels Carpets, 95c A SENSATIONAL feature on splendid Body Brussels Carpets for the last week of our Great August Sale! Beautiful pink, Nile green and chintz designs, in lovely colors, Q? suitable for bedrooms. $1.80 grade, sewed, laid and lined, at yd. 5OC I 1 if YOU CAN'T COME, ORDER BY MAIL OR BY TELEPHONE To $22.50 Rag Rugs at $16 Nothing prettier for bedrooms than these dainty Rag Rugs. The 9112 foot size, ranging from djf ff $18.00 to $22.50, only P 1 W $13.50 Rag Bugs, 6x9-foot, $9.35 $22.60 Rag Rngs, 7.6x10.6, $17.85 size, grade, $22.50 RoxburyRugs $17.95 You'll probably never have another chance this year to buy the famous Roxbury Rugs so low! Full 9x12 The best fioo (1 7 QC offered at only P "3 - - - ..