The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 20, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 13, Image 25

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roil nrrst.
. DCBL.E room IT 2 -nti-mrw f'mp'
It furnii1. in private fiir:iv. h-t bath
anr hur, m'm hat. e : j caritne. 1
nmutf .A 10 fomrt Mr. W offer
ti rHm for rnt to ei:men only.
rr wnti f.r on, or tor two. Call
" 4 Cnrr-! tr "? tommirc. Khon Mi
i'"1. A for rt-ene.
FLtAsANT las f.w rn with ftrep.
a.-.4 operttnc oq ia- porta tth on of
finNt . la rUy; ay walking o!a
taac. on two cari'nea; n- n m or -luat;
rtrac4. 435 14i b. corntr C oil Fbon
a avx
It COM. prl-t f-nl.y lift en1 tr clouts, on aultaoi 'r lar,
formerly njp!e4 hr ra1ute nur fr
2 fLim.- hail. bat, eleofria
Phon Main B.VSl
NEWLT furn!rie4 nd a'tiact' bedroom
w:ia very I.-, cioa-t. for rent to youn
man: 10 b.ocata of Fot jCH P"
rr a
jb:; n c.::lfn la
Mirriiil S'ii. M:a
TWO attractively "furnisnl room with al--..
auitah' for J of 3 jr-nt!ema; bth.
-i i h hat and rhoaa
Wear Id wa'km fllstano. Phon A
FOl'R ur.f urn ihed room. atrlrCr modern,
ll pr rr.n;a: 3 furnlahed for Pf
raicih. T6 W. .-iumnar at.. oar I'nar ava.
ht. Johr.a cr.
M JELV farntah'd front room. 13 pr woak;
InaMa ro-nn. IJ.iO pr wek. anle o,
floub.a; a.o bouaekooplnf room. ui Co
at.. ner Park.
a ianv room In a Dractkoal homa. niod
rn, a.ectrlc llrhta. phone, bath, lara-a
porch, tl month, breakfast arrd it
dl"ed. Ewt
ti t. JA.NT front aulta. 2 laxa roorna, pri-
va:a bah. X-jr vents' apnmnt;
a rooms; bait, running wator. So
WOULD '.Ik 5 men to occupy thre nlcy
f irnnhad roorna with bat& In m r"v"
family, cs 1". n Rosa city carlin
AL S44. OrgiEian.
Dr.ilRA HI.E well-fumlsied norn. aieam-
heaceU aDrtment. auttabia for hnsm-a
woman; ob Hiil; rarranca. W 14H, Or
FT K N ; S f i E L roo.T. arlate family. ba:n
ar.rt aiaetrle llahta. uic of i,h'n. near
P?ltaont barna, a month, lld M'.nna
ota ava. phon Wood. awn 5int.
FOH RENT 7v Johnaon at., ona Una
font aicora room, aiso ooa imt.l room,
la a qu:t bom, so e&tldraa; gntlmca
prrerrai. ,
"ICE. c!-an r.d Iia;ht room. 9 month; nloa
Irg front room for to. iz a mom.t.
Grant at., near 3d. walking distance Mrha!l rS '.4
MELY f urntahed room. In new. modern
home; oper.lnf n larsa randa: alec
trlcity. fcata. rhona. 104 East 2Ttn at.
P!nria Eat ITlo.
Mi"F.LT furnished room In print homo
priv iaaT of k itch an. good horn to re
fined lady; v9rvthtr.c modern: refer-
enrea. Phon Main
JCT"Cl-T fimtaha room. waTklas; diatanc.
745 Koyu
VERT deairabla room. suitahta for 1 busl
na man. with r wit h out beard, la
strictly p'lat h"T. at d75 Ford at
Dnv. Prior A
IEVTRAL plasantly fumlshsd roorc tn
d-s:rb.a n: t;aohood. Cl-s In. V-'eei.
Phon, :e--:c ht. atam ht and baUu
Phrpe A STi.
LA FtE. baauttful. minny rornar room. fur
n tar. ad. el. trio light, steam heat. biki.
phon, Sut?b! for X or person. Clo
In on th Wt P d. Phon A aS74-
SAA Hoyt il. beautiful. lrg. clean,
light. chearraL wa.. -furnished room, roa
onb! rant.
V.'lL-ri,RMKEr room, "TV car. a I
m odm tni p ro ro n ts. oMA K eamy. 34
EXTRA w:i-furrihd rooms, elactrlc light,
ha tii. t!phon ay walking diaXancex
Peasonsh:. .V-j' Market St.
FfftMSREO rooms and furnlahed Koua
keep:rg room. 09 Irving. btwn 17tb
and l:h
rT.V" d'r . t urn lahed room. modarn
flat, refined r'gh.Dorhod. fod board
ritar. TT4 Lvej-. Marshall K-2.
NICilLV furnished ro--m. wniklnf dlaiarv.
m )4ra, Cja.aing bath, Main .& 4li
T O l.:d front room. 6a iocAtioo. ninJ
em ronvrln'-. 4 15 Mnt. cor. lltru
Phone Maraha:! 3 "2.
CLE V.v. w .i-furn :ed rooms in sirtcty
moi-rn houa, $2 pr waak and up; walk
tng t'-rirr t. 2-4 W'h.
ll t jrniar.ed rm for gn:lmn, near
Ar:ner bta.. Mt. bott Una. fca Wl;on,
N4'"ELT furnish! roorna. for 1 er 1 gentie
mr t. tn prltai famuy. 41 iw Xa4.oa.
n, mp1oyd. desire hea'r n t,
girl a roommate Call Alaia
r a -v
nert.n frnt riom. furnished. aJ
modern; al aaighborhood. 7 L J oh nana
f at 3.
Fl K.N iriLD roor us for two gentlamen tn
m"drn horn. 4A4 10th at. Phono Main
WELL-iTKMSH iZT houak ping rooms.
moU-.r n . a single rooma. auitab for on
or two gentlemen; a near 33.1.
EWLT f'.irntehd rooms, gn'.emen on.
with breakiast. 7 Jonain, Phone
Ma:n Cd-
fl-EASANT front room for two young men;
furnace heat. bath, phone will g.v ak
fsst. 4 K. 13 North. Phone H lft-A.
CwKL or woman to sLax small hous with
g.rl. low rcnu Call l'v.4 E. J.h at. N. ;
AIea car.
MCELT furnished rooma. horn comfortm,
rate reaaonabi. Phon Mrshail 2120.
4 J Ea st.
TOR KENT Mo front room
out board, clow In. 27
W! Ill am art
rtth or with
Cherry and
RCnDM for lady In attractive East
hon.a, um of piano, laundry. lo
331. Or-gontan.
NL'A LV funusned rooru. sultabl
fa mvlrn an i raODbi.
aw jtji R. 1 Jth.
1 for on or
Phon East
Y HNlHED or unfurnished room, mod
ern. 1 block fr-im either Jbrooklyo or rell
wood car. 5Q Co'. at.
WILL rnt a a-iit of rooms or S rooms to
your.g tnn; convenience, fireplace, reason
ab.e. 4o3 East Alder t.
TH RES or four furn ished. clean, p lee ant
rooma bath. gas. phic. cloeets. waUkmar
d. stance . a-lul: onLy. 49 1 7th at.
4iS TH Large, modernalry-Lhlrd-atory
room, walking d'atanc. To gntliasa
at IV
LA HG front room In new bungalow,
other roomere. CltcKtmu at.
FRONT room, au::ab for- two gntitnn.
wifh boar-1 fr lHth at.: reference.
434 eTH 8T. Larg front room. Bailable
for two. rea sonaOte. inoOern.
4:4 dTH sT Fin, with s'plng porch
modern, tie an, waklng d tat a nee.
NICELY farniahel rooru faquir 40
rtark st . Ht- 10th end 11th.
"ELY furniah-d room for I or t gentle
pi en. ,r.i ertt st . flat fi.
LA R'iS. light front room, fumac ht.
a-h. phon. M FL Ankery
SIC ELT f aroii!
31 'tl at N
.U room, raasocaol. call
NtATLT furc.sivd front room, sultabl for
two gent, cioe In. 3"A Or-!.
FiRM-HED Tat. 1 rooma and bath: no
children. 40 4th st.
I afurniahed Rooms.
FC75 REVT-n'h-l.
4 rortme.
lowar floor, unfu!"-
T.J 4'h. Wet hid
Komna aa Haaro,
DOES a home apreat to youf The Whltah L
cor. h a&4 Maaian, large rooma. bat a.
breed verandaa. quiet, cioa tn. near car.
4 b.ock from P Q. American p!n
UMBE.WV. 54 Cowdt. Cor 17ta ood
fiArd ar. 1 ce3. w...furn'ahed rooma; end duub.. w.ang d.ataAce; Lab.
board . M'n t A AM
w? ILL A Larga. airy rooma. fin
grounda. beat boar i ta the dry. on block
from u aanmgton t- 40 North 17th at.
ruttlLA.ND Women a L'alon. 3J4 year;
reom wit ft bord. ujo of wlng-rooan. li
brary. 4'0 Fiandera F. N Heath, sepi.
iiANITCU-2dl 11th. sew
tt. tboroufh'T renovated:
rxi; caou-e p-ard. Ma.n 1 1 4
CiiOtCS boad d larg room, facing tee
park, very reason o e. 374 1 Ark,
JLM aai board. vrythlng flrat-c aaa. 33
N r.h 17:h t. 1 b.o-k from Wash ir.gtort.
THB CALVARY, 4A2 Morriwa St.. rooms
en u:- or e.ngl. modern cocn nln?a.
goaai vtui rwral t rrt at rimily
&ZmZ Z bixd and room foe oa gotleoin.
5: -i Iavta -
R(0M aad board, two gentlemen. privt
ta n. T. 37 La id ava.. near Hawthorn.
f-t R T5HE r room. with bcerd, price pea
aonanie. 5a K- Oik B 3rt:6
LAR03 room wl?h boau-d. S week; 3 gen-
(r&a; paone. beta. Mt Tarn hi: j st.
RC O -Xr'5 f "r
North lWh. eorr
two geatla
KOOM end board for r
new suoslem harm
or four a
1U4 M
KoofBi Wtrh Board ta priTt Family.
La roc front room In fine home; mitt
.I furmahed. Jar are porch, yard, ate;
nifh-cias net borhoo3. wa king 1:anc
board tn prl at hoot text door If 1
sed. 2S4 K. ;4 st. N.; outhat corner
Muitnorneh st.
TOT'NO coup! 9. private horn. hT S cn.
light. new ty-furniehed room, uttbi
for 2 or 4 cent. amen; no other roomer;
with hrealti and home pr.vllejre; bath,
hot wrr. walking dlaiene; reaaonabi.
Eaat 04"6.
WiNTED Two ladle or grant. em, to
pord and ehar room ; ale .arc room
and all modern conveniences; In pr1vt
Tamiiy; rric " natwe: we i Kin a ei-
i aat
Ea-t eV-1,
tXb at. North- Phono
NEWLT furntahad at tract I v roome with
board, sultabl for two cnt1em-n. aepa
rata bade: f:n location; eaay walking dls-
tance. vrythtrg modern. A alRa. 4 -4j
flth at,
TWO light, aan I --anr bdrcm. bath, b
feen . also a front pari or bedroom, larg
lawn, nriTt modern ho ma. atxiotiy noa
cooklag. Phon SllwKd L not In feol-
T'O nteeiy iurnishad rooms, with boar
exclusive us of sitting -room, piano: aul
aal fr four tea char a. near Puck man an
Hawthorn school and Washington U.g
6hool. ol E burnali st-
LA K il front room, wall furnlshad. wit
board: pnvat noma, furnc haat, ebatU.
waikjna riiatanc. guttabl for l or a ousi
nM men. CaJ lhs b. aat ma fu,
Phon B
AlAN and wl or ? gentlomen wlahing nie
room and good board, whera they ca'
hava avtrr hem cnnTnlrc': ftmtlT o
tvo; Tclnga. 1010 E. 2Sd sL North,
An?rxa car.
LaHOZ. plea fit front room and two me
for two young men who would apprecla
Bleasant bom with refined family 1
obotc locality; aay walking dJstanoa. AH
v, crgon:an.
iAROE room. I p-onlai also alngl room
pheasant surround inaa. walking distant,
fod horn cooking; Urmi raaaonabl.
Main :i0.
NICELY furniahed room adiolns bath. I'llt
abia for two vnunr man. aood board, re a
aonabU. walking dlstano. Nob Hill dis
trict. Ti tavt at uain twto.
A 0Xlf st room for two refined your.
Iadi: xci;nt board: West Pirt. walk
lng dlstano; fin viw: hornollkai 95 p
week. phono Marshall 248.
FOR RENT An attraotlv room In pleas
ant suburban horn to young man ieeir
in oongenial horn; breakfast and dinner
givn. H 8.& Oregon lan.
TH care of on or roor childran. unde
a yer prferrd. by rtlrd nurs. wh
understands their ncada. Phono Tabor
LAROB room, new house, modern, horn
ooktnr- 6M Noiihrup St.; tak W can,
Main 411V
LA ri-iK front room for 3 gentlemen with
board; m"t glv rfranc Call Phon
A 4714, 115 11th at.
LaRCK front room, also small room with
sleeping porohv 615 Morrison St. Phona A
KiCEIT furnishl room, with or without
board ; modern Improvements, furnace.
heat and rain- 4f7 Mont if ornery at.
BOARD and room. 3 ladle or gentlamen
prlvat family; clos in. reasonahl. bath.
pnone. e3. regonian.
PLEASANT furnished room In nrlvat resl-
oenoa; reasonaei; walking oiatanc. nuu
Eaat Taylor.
MODERN nwly furnlahed room and board
for gentimn. 070 Coach and lHth, apt.
iII'L'LK-A'itD aomaa cn havo a home la
thi slurbs for her oompanv. inquire at
M Frederick at.; tak Sellwood oar.
CI. KAN, pretty rooms, clos In, with all
horn pnvt'eajea. Board for 1 or 3 If de
sired. 89W Mill.
1 NKELT furnlahed room with board
yrung lady. 12' Call fiJ loth iu, &ar
v4 ahlngion.
WANTED A gentleman with 1 or t chtl
dren. nlo home, good board. A-N 54
Orgoni a,
IF ou want a etc, clean room, with or
without pord. In privnto bom, call at
loaj. pe'mont St.
SMALL. rh:Idrn boaxi d by practical aura
v-t csxh s. b. X, Mt- bcou car Tie-
mont etatlox
ONE larg front room and bath, wall fur
nrshed. eirnr ore kt aat or fl:nnr or bom.
10S4 K. Taylor. Tabor lf7.
rLfAAA.VT room. god board, phon.
bath . all noma com lore; waiking da
ta nr. flft month. fiJA Clay.
F1KST- LAPS board nd room In rrli
femiiy. wa king district. rt bid 1 bona
IKT -CLASS room, with board, for twoj
privata family, va inn at. .n. Main 4aa
Ghd room with board In privnt family
waiKing aistnnca- Main sihj.
C rioU'K board. Dal rooms, buine peo
p 1 Qiissn st. .
ROOM and board In rf ined horn.
50& &,
Ah, cor. 15th. rnon tat 1141
riRT-CLASd rooma and board. V9 vr
W ELL-FUR NISH ED room wh beat boardf
large porcn ana grounaa, warn rf'Jtj.
Kc-MS with boar.i. CaJl
Private boarrtlng-houo.
ftO Taylor st.
ROOM with fireplace for 3 gentlemen; with
boaxa. tt 41.
ROO M with board 1 n prl v to f am ily.
rock av. Take "T car.
Apart men a.
and Coiumhli ta. Flrst-claaa 2 and S-
room furnisna and unrurnlshed apart
mnta; oil modern convenlnc. bat lo
cation In th rlty. fronting th parka and
only 6 minute walk from th bualn
renter. Apply to manager.
Til Washington; under new manage
ment; 3, 3 and 4 -room apt furnished
or unfurnished; up-to-date, clean and
modern prl vat bath ; telephone; ratea
reonabl; beat aervice, Phono liaxa
rAHk APy.RTMKNTS Park and Harrtao
eta.. baaMtlful 3 and 4 -room apartment
furnish wi for howakplng: TrTthing
Bw an i modern; elevator, telephone fraa.
is to so.
tJkCUBlVE apartments: g larg room ao
teth; prira- entrance: large front and
beac private porches; maid a room la ba.
mnt: heat, hot water, vacuum cleaning
aystm; rangea refHgeratora. 791 Korth
rup Phone Main
DRfERLEIuH aperomtnta. cor, Grand ae.
end Eaat Stark at.; new flreproo brick
building, furnished, two and
tbr-rooro, private bath, fre
phone, hot and cold watr 1c box. no
carfare. u Tuner rate. Phone Etn ftuu.
elegantly furnished 2 and 3-room
apartments, privet telephone. stra hak
aiectrlo light furnlahed; Janitor aarvloei
price 2'i.bO up.
3-KOOM apartxnanta, dw, unfumlahed.
privet bath. ga. aleotrlctry, phone and
otjr convenience, cioe to Ed cr tine,
IS minuter walk fo poatofflc. ad East
U?h. or call E 527
N5WLT fumtshed on and two-room house
keeping epartmant and alngl rooma;
stm heat, modern conveniences. 3 min
ute' walk from Poatoffice. 3!lH MllL
Phon A7431. Main 412. Call Monday.
VERY dealrahl 2 and 8 -room" apartment.
cioe la. walking distance, new bouse,
elegantly furn!shd. Th Orlando 20th
for rent, everything new. 3 ceMlnea with
in one blo-k, rent ery reesonsble. Ap
p:y 751 S Thurmn at., cor .Vt
IHi WAiHN3TON. fi Northrup at.. A
room unfurr.ishod apartment, vacant bep
tamher 1. Ink th "W oar at 31st and
NEW 3 -room suite, modern coavenlancea,
n;i furnlanad. fin for two or 3 bualnesg
omen. 7" Flande-a.
ROHE-FRIEND, 6. W. cor. 7th and Jeff or.
son Modem 4 and 6 -room unfurnished
prtments: steam heat nl water.
ON EO.VTA, 17 17th 3 and 1-room iiltea;
hot d cold water In everv apartment
r-iaoihTe. Phone Miin 47.
FIR N I S H F D apt-, w hot or part of
rooma Kept- 1. Marlborough Apart.
31at and Flanders
THE Veranda, two or three-room apart
ments; aew and modern. 54 E. Madl
on st.
ll'.'l'ERV furnished and unfurnished apart-
u.UI. 4.aow ktuoa SVA.N.
NEWLY furnlahed modern apartment, eholo
location, near Faat 2.14 and Hawthorn.
Phone East 2Ai.
704 Lave.'ov eleganuy furnished, 3-room
?t Mershait ?t14.
GRACE AFT. 14th end Northrup .. e
room apartment ; front va.-mnria and .en-
Irg poruh. water, beat. prtv; phone.
TWO or iree-roora apartment In private
home, eloa In, Faat 81 la. New cleaa
and modern. D 3.v. Oregortlan '
FOUR ROOMS completely furrtebei. fjT
Apartment 3. th h,f:d. Ma p ioe
T. CLAIR- 1 vrn mu, mod am 4-room
apartmnw "- rnon Main 41 J4
ALTaIToSt. 304 flTge-f t-ictiy modern $
and 4-rootsi apt, Mala Reaj,naMr
yODCRt fnrn'j1 t and 8-room apart-
aneciTav a ewwa m
Hfah - Clss Furnished
Apartmenta at Summer
Rates Very Reaaonabl.
39th and Marehall ta fluperter
8tret car Servloe.
C:gantly furnlhd 3. 8 and 4-room
apertment; tn most beautiful snrround
Ina ; nw fireproof Btructur. with all
modrn improvement. atrlct'.y up to
date; beat of serWce. and will ooat yoti
leas than inferior aerwice la other part of
the city.
A superb city home for Bummer real
dent or trsnslent via 1 tor to th ctp; .
Inv-attgat th merits of the 'rob
Ulll before you looete.
A high-class apartmaot-booaa offered at
reasonable rste.
Phon MarsaaU 101X
Cor. park and Taylor Sta.
Cor. Tenth and Salmon bia.
Walking Distance.
ComplatAiy furnished 2, 3 and e-roorn
apartment, buildings new ana otnctly
modern ; orvlc f lrsi-cles.
These elegant S-reom unfurnished apart
meats, which ar now completed, are ait
sated la the heart of the city, within 10
minut walk of the business center.
Reservation may b mad from owner
on premUca or by phone. Main 4703, A
Cornr of 13th and Jeflfereotl atav. font
and fiv-room apartmenta, unfurnished,
with reception hall, automatic oivator,
Paclfio Ptatea telephone In every apart
ment and th moat modern convenience
found in the city. Phon Main 2063 or
call up main offloe. Main 07o4.
THE BARKER, cor. flat and Irving BL
thia nw 4-atory brick now open; fur
nished and unfurnished In 3. 3 and 4-room
suites; reception ball, electric, automata
elevator. Hotniaa disappearing beds, built
in buffet and writing ileak. gas rang. lc
box. plenty of clot room, both phones,
scuum cleaner fre to patron. If you
want something nice, come to tne Barker,
Phonoe A 1744. Marshall 141.
New concrete builiiing. 634 MaxshalL be
tween 19th and 20th. by far th most
home-like apartment-house, with eJahor
atly furnished 8-room sprtmnt. Nob
lit 11 district, modern convenlencea. private
bath phone. verandaa. lawn, flowers,
waiking distance. Janitor service and
reasopahle. Ceil and judge for youreelf;
fake "W" car. Main o3J. A 31fl.
tRlCK8TON APARTMENTS 443 11th st.
4-story brick building; 2 and 3-room
suites; atrtctiy modem; automatic elevator
end dumb waltera, private hath, telephone
end lock-room for ach apartment, laun
dry room with atam dryer; bachelor
apartments a spcc.alty.
0 Lrvtnr st- One four and one five-
room unfurnished apartment ; have gas
range, ref rlgaiaior, ndes, hot and eoia
water, steam h.t na janitor aervic
all oatslde roorr. verandas; rata ree-aon-
shie; mferencea Phone A 22X
BT0 Couch. 1 block from Washlnrton St..
on 14th st.; tel. Main 1112. 3 and 4-room
modern apartments, steam heat, eleotrle
elevator, hot aid cold water, telephone
ird janitor Apply 01 managr;
rereren cere u 1 rea.
3 and 4 room apartmenta. beautifully rnr-
nlahed. large rooma and porches; elect rlo
and flrc'e;- cooker, built-in ice boxes,
privet baiha and phone rferaoe re
Cor. 30th and Kearney.
New and beautifully furnlahed and n
furnished 8-room apartment; splndld lo
cation ; 6ummer rata. Call and se man
ager at Apartmenta or phone Marehall 369.
Elegantly furnlahed and unfuratahedi
comfort of bom; prlt phon and
bath. lvatora, private playground for
cht.aren; ideal looatloa. JUa N. uth at.
Marehall 3u.a
near aiain : eiegant a-room apts.. private
balcony, large rooma. ovary modern con
venience, with .two aleeplpg compartmenta,
f snd t-7 60; 4 rooms for 340.
Corner 14ih and Clay ta.. solid brick,
splendid location, electrlo elevator. We
have a few large 3 and 4-room aul tea.
unfurnished, $34 to $&4 per month.
LINCOLN APTS.. cor. 4th and Lincoln ata.
Completely iuranuro a-room aprtmnts
for housekeeping, new and modern, hous
Just opened. ealk:ng distance; no chil
dren; $23 to f30. phone Main 1377.
Park street, corner Madison.
Furnished 3 and 4-room apartmenta; In
dividual phones; convenient, downtown
Very deslrabl 4-room. newly, complete
ly furnlahed apartment poelng all
niodsrn oonvenienoesi very reaonabl
ferson sts. a a -room api. wiin oath,
unfurnished; all outaid rooms; evary con
venience; giodern and only ft mla, walk
from P. O, Very reaaonabie rant.
407 Hall au. new 3 and 3-room furnlahed
apartment, walking diataac; Janitor serv
ice. Phone Main 4299.
Corner 22d and Gllsan; fnmlehed and
unfumtahed apartments. porches and
phones. Marshall 16t4. A 27lid.
King and Washington Sts.
Elegantly furnished 3-room apartmenta,
evry comfort, both phone.
429 E. Morrison, corner of Tth; 3, 3 nd
4-room pa,rtiiienta furnished up to date;
private baths, moderate price, now m'gu
BANNER APARTMENT. 489 Cla at., new
management. room euiie. Xurnishd.
phou and bath, first-olaa aervaoe, come
and see us.
WELL-FVR.NI3HED four-room modem
apartmsnt, poron; reeponsiDi people; two
months or longer; .oo MllL a.
&4& Or-
1T0 8t. Olair; 3 nicely furmahed 3-room
apartment and on unfurnished 8-room
apartment; fre phon ln,ach apartment.
ROOM apartment. $-5; deslrabl and con
venient, e-eo jar.11.wr, u a. 01 uuy.
and Kearney, or Morgan, Fliednar A
Royc. 5-'3 Abington bldg.
ISJNOAriURY apaktmlms, -ora at, nar
Waantngton ; '"siu uhudj. 00m-
nlete and modern; two sleeping compart
ments snd private balconies. 3J5 and 140.
S and 4-room suite. igaotiy furnished.
260 20th sl Nona. Phon Main 444, or
Main 1178.
ROO MB Furalshvd or unfurnished, en suite.
with rree paonw im vmin, titvuor serv
ice :i day and mghL The Tourny, 3d
and TayTor.
410 Bth Furntehea end unfurnished,
etrtctty modern apartmenta; waiking dis
tance; price reaior.abl; no chlldrn.
Cor. Cih and Montgomery.
All outside 3 and 3-room aulte treat
gl to $45. Marshall 1378.
(UK Beryl Larg rooma laxg ioata.
00 1 ana airy tor sum mar; eom rur
Kwaned apartment. 21t aad Levejoy;
take W ear.
BRAINTREE Elegant five-room apart -
sunU est piu . wiiKwg aiaLaA rent
reaaonabi. Main 774L
HE JUAN IT A llth ac; nicely fur-
CLhd i-iwra Bmuuiaj modern.
SUNLIGHT apartment. furnihd ele
gant. S rooma l.'so Belmont. U I04I.
Tbor --
BOZANTA APARTMENTS, newly furnlahed.
i.y nioutn. p-"ivai nai.s, pnone. eto.
ltS Nrth 23d st, 3irs
linLfM AN Apartments. 730 Hoyt New,
modern 3. 3 4-room apts.. sleeping porchea,
prl vat phone, bath. Iectrl cooker.
THE King Da via, corner King and Davis
ata: on 8 end on 4-room apt.
illS LOVEJOT apartments, 17th and Love
joy Modern, newly furnished. Vain 215.
THb hAKTKOKP-Bet modern at. in la
ciiy- lt nd Flandera,
THE ELMi 3 and 5 -room apart man a fur
n isheq.131.iy a St. Ms in 4444.
LEONCE Modern apta.;'Kob H!ll d!tru41
conventent to 3 aeriln . 1M 23dt.
rny. AVALON FurnUbeq prunertrv Roaa
a4 Ca ea aft) a ia ihoaa h.aal aUTA
The elegant new brick at th comer of
jtn ana m rn son street a. just oeing com-
?leted and 80 par cent already rented,
h rea eon. an abaoluteiy htgh-cl a part -ro
ant-house, managed by the owners and
the best service guaranteed, at extremely
reasonable ratea Some of the choicest
three-room, apartment with every mua
rn convenience, furnlahed and unfur-
niahad. era atlil for rant to dealrabl pax
tl-s with references. Telephone Main
thk AMkRiCA.N, 2ix ana jonneon
complete f pu 1 : finest, brightest and
best ar ran red anartmenL residence la th
city; 3, 4 and 4-room; all outaide. day
light rooma; convenient to car, walking
distance. prl vat telephone In very
apartment, a team beat, water, ga ranges,
refrigerators, laundry facilities, vacuum
rlanrL ate. American Realtv Company,
724-724 Board of Trad bids. Mala 333,
A S67C.
704 Everett.
Two, three and four-room apartments,
completely furnlahed for housekeeping;
avarvthlna new and atrirtlv modern
steam heat, first-class service; also few
single rooms. A 7105. Main 620a.
Nw 4-torv" concrete hnlldlnn. 2. S and
4-room apartmenta, furnlahed and unfur
nished ; new f urnlt ure, modern. Apply
the Chetopa. 18th and Flandera ata.
HEINZ APARTMENTS. 14th and Columbia.
4 blocks south from Morrison street; new
brick building, completely first-class, fur
nished In 3. 3 and 4-room family apart
ments: privet bth, reception hall, steam
heat, hot water, elevator, free phone, com
pressed air carpet cleaning. Janitor erv-
lc; rent per month 3o. 3U ana up. jsust
be seen to be appreciated.
Comer E. 14th end Stark.
New apartment of four rooms and bath.
beautifully furnished; why pay 30 and
a month on the West Side when you can
sret these near-lr; modern apartments for
940 ana 34 j a month? 10 be convincoa
cell personally or phone East 8 1 Oa.
044 Everett at.
New and lgantly furnished apart
menta, 8 rooms, reception hall and Bleep
ing porch: automatlo electric elevator and
private paclfio telephone; located in one
of the choicest residence districts, sur
rounded by elegant L; walking cu
landa finest apartment-hoiues; 4-mlnute
car setvce; beautiful part city to ltv
1 13S- Alblna ave., cor. Killingsworth.
Take Mississippi. L or Kenton car at 3d
and Wash, sts., 15 mln. ride; 3, 3 and 4
room, completely furnished, $17. SO to 330
mo.; also unfurnished spt- Woodlawn iteSA
A claa by thmelva; front - lawn,
fountain, lobby. See them. New prop.
References required. Phone Marshall 15-3.
Prop, and Mgr. Janitor. Marshall loo.
roon unfurnished spartment with bath
nd all modern Improvements, Including
te. -phone, gaa range, refrigerator, electric
light, gaa. steam heat, hot and cold
water, janitor gervice. ate
Phont-s Main 45i6. A 1133.
Place, betw. lth and 20th ata; Just fin
ished; moat magnificent apartment on
th Pacific Coast; rentals ronblo;
sleeping porches; private ha'.lwaya and
every modern convenience: rcfereacea r
qulred. Phone Marehall 62. -
DESIRABLE partlee, with referenceA may
now engage apartments at the Be una
Vista. The new and attractive brick
apartment-house. Just completed at eor. cf
11th and Harrison st, ; 2 and 3 rooms,
furnished and unfurnished, with evory
modern convenience. Phone Main 105.
NEWCASTLE. 4-aS d "l- housekeeping
rooms; steam heat. yaa. bath, phone.
ft-ROOM modrn upper flat, jgood loca
tion, walking dlstanc. 60 Eaat Alder.
Eaat 8245.
FOR RENT Lower flat, hardwood floors.
A 1 neighborhood, very central; respon
sible partie only. Main 6240.
NEW d-room upper modern flat, furmtce,
large sleeping porch, gaa range. two
block from carlin. fll7v Eaat Main su
FOR RENT Modern 4-room flat and bath,
furnace beat, rent 323- Call at 330 sToss
st. Telephone Main 2114. East 3710.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping flat, nice
location, waiking distance. 333 Mont
gomery. 6-ROOM furnished flat In exchange for
gentleman s nosra ana room, uot tamn
ave. N., close In.
8-ftouM mouern flat; fine locality; walking
dlatance, a44a iionigomaiy. rnooi j,aai
6a 10.
ONE new 6-room upper corner Tat; hot
water beating, nrepiace, up-to-aaie. tur.
E 17th and Madison. Eaat 284
MODERN 5-room flat, walking distance $20
per month. 174 -at l st- zvorui. tele
phone Woodlawn 812.
MODERN 5-room fiat, waiking distance, on
West eide; hag porcn. nrepiace, eic rent
$30. Call 42d College st.
TWO modem four-room upper flats; private
basements and furnaces; nne view, uu
Sunday 11 to 1. 44Q-443 12th.
6-ROOM modern flat, gaa range, furnace.
nice front porch, walking distance. -tf.
including water. 464 Hall, near 18th.
UPPER and lower flata, 728 Belmont; $25;
also lower flat, bus we 1 mont. corner
flat. 101 E. 19th. $30.
6-ROOM flat furnace, phone, range, beater.
fireplace. x 24tn, net. Ankany ana uurn
side. MODERN 4-roomed flat, fireplace, pleasant
outlook, central west biae. inquix zta
Halt at.
FOR RENT Five and 8-room flats, with all
ImproTernente. in oeat condition, inquire
at 223 Hooker at. Mr. J. Enkella.
NEW 5-room flat. No. 629 Clifton il, Port-
lend Height car; close in, unusually at
tractive. Key at corner house,
4-ROOM flat, new. up-to-date furniture.
$4o0; rent -. luciuaea neat ana water.
62 E. th st. N., flat S.
MaDERN furni-hed 6-room upper flat;
large bath, attic cement oswrnent, wasn
tra. polished floor. d Ella st-
IX large rooms, modern, complete, fire
place, steam rurnaca, oesr. raiaenc ais-
trict. e. iii.
MODERN 4-room flat. bath. gas. electricity,
fireplace, woodllft. etationary tube. 14
East Morrison. Phone Tabor 17HH.
PLEASANT furnished
central. West bide;
22b Hall st.
flat, private bath,
reasonable; adulta
A MODERN 4-room flat, rent very reason
able. Inquire 1027 Corbett sl Take S
WEST SIOE 344 Grant St., 00 r. 7th, 5-room
lower fiat, modem. D. B. Kelly, Seward
Hotel, owner.
FLATS Modern conveniences, separate
north porches, two block from Washing
ton. 5fl2 Salmon.
61X.-ROOM lrtr flat,- larre aleeping porch.
496 Mill, near 14th, $63. Key 867 ltith.
oa' Side.
3-ROOM flat, furnished or unfurnished. 434
E. Pine, cor. 7th. Inquire 47 E. 7th.
modern 6-roora flat in Walnut Park.
1114 Williams ave.
Phone Woodlawn 653.
$23. 60 6-ROOM flat, model
Call 412 Wasco. Phone
modern convenience.
Eaat a 8 0ft.
JiO-l-ROaM flet. coK
Phone East 1U0S.
Wasco and E. Ath.
6-ROOM modern flat, unfurnished. 30
7th Inquire 33 14h. Phone A 4073.
5-ROOM furnished flat, modern,
an. Cll Sunday.
-ROOM upper new flat, modern improve
ment: rent $35. Inquire 424 Oregon at.
FOR RENT Modern flat, near steel brldgo.
phone Woodlawn 1S3&.
MODERN fi-room flat, 3 block from Gteel
bridge. 303 St McMlllen.
3-li jOM unfurnished rlck fiats; all eot
venlenoea Inqulr 223 Market at.
t-ROOM unfurntahed brick flata, all
venlencea. Inqulr 325 Market at-
CNFURNIH3D fiat. 4 rooma modern, fall
8 4H Montgomer7 st. Phone Main 5f41.
ONE furnished flat,
. ISth and Ash.
FOP. RENT 6-room unfurnished
Apply Janitor. 325 llth. near Cly.
BEAUTIFUL furnished 6-room flat at 408
Jefferson aa. Phone B 15Q4.
S-lvOOM flat, close In. magnificent view, $3
month. 4US iewi piag.
MODERN" -room flat. 6th. nr Jckji"n.
Vhi Sifli. 10 mln. walk. Mln or A 1221.
EWLT furni.hed 5 roonn dult).
Ho!lay K.jr at ,7.
TWO new flata. Eaat SIda, central,
Phon. Eaat 2190.
6-BOOM lo.'.r flat, hl. caa nng.
hot and cold watar. 6'" E. Main.
1-POny la-w.r moH.rn flat. 4 blorV. from
(wl rkl,. Apply SoL4 lialaer at.
E. 2VTH AND STARK 4 and -room flata;
neer, modern, convenient; ga rang; lino
leum; 35 per month.
HTHv AND COLUMBIA One 4 and one
8-room flat; 320- and SoO per month, re
E. 17TH AND RHONE Large 5-room
flata; new, modern, convenient; 320 and
ftUo per month.
12-213 Commercial Club Bid.
Phonea Main 86i9, A 2663
FOR RENT Modern 6-room flat, on West
Fide 10 mlnutea from bualnea center;
steal range and gas plate, built-in ward
robe and pantry, large closets, large, well
lighted rooms, gas and electrlo lights, por
celain hath and waahtubs; rent reason
ahle and will not start till Sept. 1. if
taken now. Key at drug store. Front and
Olhh sts.
FINE 6-roora, futt In Holladay Addition;
steam heat, and thoroughly modern, and
In fine shape. Look this up.
333 Chamber of Commerce.
Members of the Portland Realty Board.
Wfi HAVE houses, flata and stores for rent
In all parts of the city. Let us know
your wanta.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Memnere of the Portland Realty Board.
125 Modern 5-rnom flat. 894 Eaat lot. be
tween Hancock and Schuyler; easy walk
ing distance; bast car service In city;
fireplace, Dutch kitchen, larse front
porch and backyard. Phone Main 324.
SEE thoe new flata, Ainaworth and Al
blna aves., overlooking beautiful Peuinsala
Park, convenient to cara, high and publlo
schools; aoon ready for occupancy. P.
H. Lewla. B Lewi bid.
MODERN 5-room lower flat, bet- 15th. 16th.
K. Alder; reasonable rent. Btecglin, BSl
Lovejoyjor. Main 172fl. Owner there Sun
day, bet. 1 and 4 P. M.
TWO new 5-room flats In new modern
building, on Williams ava. Call L- T.
Peery, 55S Williams ave. Phone East
i2. COOL 8-room furnished flat, private
bath, shade trees, 671 Belmont St., near
Eiist Huh, block from Morrison car. Eaat
T KOO.MS and sleeping porch, private fam
ily. B2tt llth. near Market. A 3907.
NEW modern 6 -room
Phone East 5463.
In Irving ton.
Housekeeping Rooms.
THS BEAVER, 12th and Marshall, fur
nlshed for housekeeping, gaa range, eleo
trlo lights, hot watar, bath, laundry, free;
flS per month up; a clean place, best la
fa city for th money; short dlstano
from Union Depot, Tak " or lta-t.
ears, north, get off at Mar ah all sC No
WELL-FURNISH ED honsesT"flatsroomg; 6V
room cottage, $20 month; another, $17.50;
suites, two furnished housekeeping rooms,
. 310, 312 month; "S, $15. Apply 864
2-ita at. North. "V car from clepot. 6th
west on Morrison to 26th. block north.
CAMBRIDGE BLDO. Furnished and un
furnished housekeeping rooms, single and
ensulte. Room, 3d, 3d and Morrison;
v ry centra 1.
8-ROOM suite, nicely furnished. Includes
gas, heat, light, use of phone, $20;
block from W car. 367 N. 20th at. Inves
tigate them. Marshall 2822.
4i.i TO WKL:K; clean. furnlbw
tousekeplrt room, free laundry, bath.
phone, clean linen, heat. 40d Vancouver
ave. and ZQH Stanton; take V pan.
Furnished or unfurnished rooms, alngl.
en suite; an conveniences; best location.
M1LNER BLDQ.," 860-A Morrison C
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th. com-
pietety iurmsnea nouaeiteeping; rooms,
FURNISHED housekeeping; room. large,
leasant, $2.50 up- lo4fe Union ave., cor,
TWO unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Ugh1
ana ciean, very cneap; oan t overlook this.
t-tephenson Court, 515 Mill. Main 3110
3 NEWLY tinted, painted rooms; wood, gaa
range. W.-W. car to 87th. Call 1128
rraucis ave. -
HUtbLivEEPlNO rooms In new concrete
oidg. Phone Wjliwn 197 o- J378.
FURNISHED housekeeping
and aleeping
rooms, 41. on, week. 2i st.
Housekeeping Rooms In private Family,
FRONT housekeeping room, alcove kitchen,
nice noma lor one or two working girla
waiking dtanoe; cheap rent. 626 Mont
gomery st.
isPLli.sDID housekeeping rooms, suitable for
woraing people. 9s to 31. per month or
ny wvK. bA e'ouori.
TWO newly furnished houaekeenina rooms
every convenience; iignt, water ana phone
ONE nice large furnished housekeeping
room. neat, clean and desirable, suitable
Tor two; 6 DIock from F. O. 251 7th st.
2 HOUSEKEEPING room. with gas:
also sleeping room. 227 N. 17th St., near
TWO neatly furnished bight housekeeping
rooms, bath, ga-. all furnished, 1S month
ly; nest car service. 41. W ygant st.
THREE large housekeeping room, hot and
com water, eieotrio light, havth 734
Raleigh t.
PLEASANT, newly furnished housekeeping
rooms. 44 tfeimont st., cor. Zith. call
after Sunday.
TWO or three well furnished housekeeping-
rooms; mooem convenience. .n weia
ler, cor. Union ave. Phone C 2H05.
TWO furnished housekeenlng-rooms: rent
reasonable, 275 2 1st at. North, cor. Over
TWO nicely furnished, pleasant rooms for
housekeeping; electric fight, gaa, phone
ana nam. .au r. itn st.
WALKING distance, on West Side. 4 rooms.
clean, modern and reasonable. Inquire
151 i2tn st.
N. 2rtth st.t nicely furnished - 2-room
housekeeping suite; also single; strictly
2 ROOlr!?. pantry, bath and basement, eleo
trle lights. East Side, close In. Phone
East 5624.
FOR - RENT Suite of newly furnished
housekeeping rooms. walking distance.
Phone East 0144. 407 E. Market.
TWO-ROOM suite, ground floor front, rea
sonable. 15 E- Gth North.
$14 FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas plate, range. oTS 7th st. Main 4."29.
2 UNFURNISHED room, suitable for house
keeping; no children. 24t 14th.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooma, reason
able rent, clo-e In. 392 4th st.
NICELY furnished room for housekeeping;
tath, gas, phone. 473 Taylor at., near 14th.
ONE suite nicely furnished housekeeping
rooms. 69l Everett at.
4 CLEAN, unfurnished housekeeping rooms,
upstairs; cheap rent. 257 Ivy at.
BUTTE of 8 rooma for housekeeping, modern,
first floor. 749 Mississippi ave.
HOUSEKEEPING- rooms, fine location. 415
Mill St., cor. llth. Phone Marshall 2572.
l&3-i 10th Largo complete kitchen
bedroom, suitable for two girls.
Mf'ELV furni-hed housekeeping rooms. 67
N. 14th st, Davis and Everett.
HOUSEKEEPING suite and aleeplng-room,
$3 per week. 264 Jefferson st.
FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms, ground
floor, bath and gas. 10 E. 22d st.
DESIRABLE 2-room apartment,
house. 452 Market st., $17.
TWO suite. 2
light, pantry.
each, gaa,
521 Mill.
WELL furnished housekeeping rooms.
33. 50 week. M2 Karl st. Pell wood car.
FOR RENT Newly furnished housekeep
ing 'rooms, reasonable. 406 E. Oak.
FOUR furnished housekeeping-rooms, ground
floor; large yard. 202 East 45th, B 2882.
1 HOUSEKEEPING room, $10 a month, T21
First st.
TWO large, airy housekeeping room;
a month. 54$ E. Ankeny.
TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms
en unite. 248 North 17th,
9 10 Four furnished housekeeping rooms.
341 Parton Main 4-29.
CLEAN light well furnished housekeeping
rooma S& 6th st. Main 8117.
THREE fine furnished housekeeping rooma
with balcony. E. 14th. cor, of Taylor.
CLEAN and modem housekeeping room with
kitchenette; walking distance, 887H Mill.
TH RE hi furnished rooms for light house
keeping. 170 10th. near Morrison.
yOh RENT Wednesday, housekeeping suite;
dca!rab. reasonable, central. 445 6th.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nicely furnished,
bath and gaa 3S4 Park su
UNFURNISHED housekeeping roomg $4;
close to Grand and Hawthorne. 371 EL 7th.
Fl'RNl?HED houkepln rooma. In auita,
r.aaonabl.. 866 lat. near Montgomery at.
FlUNISHED rooma, prlTHegea of kitchen,
hou.e. yard, bath: $10. 223 Eaat Oth.
THREE furnlahed houaekeeplm rooma Xor
rent. ?9 Eat A.h at. Eait 4tS.
irrrsi hou.ekeeplns rooma with oloaet.
bath, phone, yard. 88 X. 81aL
FTTRXISHED hounekeeplng rooma In prl
vate family. 614 4th. Main 27S2.
1 CLE A V honnekeeplnff room Xor twot no
children. 526 Columbia,
FRONT euiia of 2-houekeplna; rooma. well
furnlahed. 421 th b
Housekeeping; Rooms In Private Family.
THREE unfurnlhed housekeeping room
modern kitchen, bath, etc; private
8 minute from Poatoffice; no children. 2
Clay u Inquire Saturday afternoon
Sunday on prem isea. Very reasonable.
PORTLAND Height. 3 nice, large. Ugh
partly furnlahed housekeeping rooms, gas.
water, phone; 10-mln. ride to Poatoffice.
Phone Main 2257. 4Sa 21st at., bet. Clifton
ana juyrtie.
FRONT and back parlor, newly furnished
xor Housekeeping ; extra bedroom If d
el red; phone, gaa and water. 784 E. Yam
BEAUTIFULLY furnished housekeeping
rooms, rtrst floor with sink and every
convenience, right downtown at 350 Oak
rnca very reasonable.
33.25 WEEKLY, newly furnished house-
Keeping; rooms; use of laundry, phon
bath, yard, gaa. 669 Commercial St., near
vrranam ave. ; u car.
flu TWO pleasant front room: lrgo sleep
Ing-porch ; walking distance; Brooklyn
car: lights, phon. bath. Phon SeUwood
1 uw.
ONE nloely furnlahed room for light house-
. coping; reasonaoie; gas. bath and pnone
nee porun ana lawn, use or piano. Mai
Dt I .
2 LAROB. light front rooms, suitable for
or 3 adult, bath, light, phone and heat.
mi irom a xo o . j. ooi Jffveretc sc.,
cor i7tn.
TWO four-room suite, houeekeeolna room
upper floor, $27.50; lower floor 30; light
ana water furnished. 749 Johnaon st. in
quire next door.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for light house
keeping; running water and sink m kite
en, S2.25 week; suitable for single man.
o.i Market st.
TWO nicely furnished rooms for house
keeping. Bath, electric light, gas. steam
heat and phone. Splendid location. West
bide. Phone A 8874.
THKEB furnished housekeeping room
freshlv Dalnted and naoered. orivate fam
ily. phone and bath, $15 month. 4M
TWO furnished housekeeping, rooms; g
and bath. Gall Monday or later. Ad
575 E. 28th at. and Brooklyn. Take WW
car. irice reasonaoie.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms, two nicely fu
nlshed front rooms, ground floor; bath
ana teiepnone: vacant Monday; 00& Mont
luiuai bl, r nunm jnsin tfotro.
DESIRABLE unfurnished front room fo
light housekeeping. 803 13th, near Mont
DESIRABLE furnished rooms, eom house
keeping, walking- distance, bath, phone.
o-5 lutn st.
TWO nice housekeeping rooms, first floor,
one single room upstairs, gas, and bath.
x(t . inn si.
THHES furnished housekeeping rooms
new, modern home, reaaonabie. 781
Yamhill at.
FURNISHED houeekeenlnr room, walkin
distance; front bay window; reasonable.
j 940. uregonian.
NEWLY furnished Housekeeping- suites.
per week and up; free phone and bath.
isortn iTtn st.
FTHNISKED housekeeping rooma for rent
uatn ana pnone; walking distance. 0.1
East Ash.
318 MONTH 8 nicely furnished housekeeo
lng rooms; 2 cars, walking distance; light
ana cooking gaa inoiuaed. tf.o ivy st.
SINGLE or en suit, walking distance
prices reasonable. 601 Washington sL
Main 466S.
TWO clean, furnished or unfurnished, house
keeping rooms; low renL 1108 E. 26th st
n., Aioerta oar.
FOR RENT Four light, clean partly fur
nlshed housekeeping rooms, water, gas
side entrance; walking distance. 2.V 14th,
TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms
in new, modern and private home; every
convenience. (w e. Maaison.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooma
everything clean and new; $a to $4
week. 403 4th st.
A SUITE! of newly furnished housekeepln
rooms, close In; phone, gas and bath; rea
sonaoie. w 2a st.
THREE clean, light, furnished housekeep
lng rooma, gaa, yard, 514 month, tti
TWO pleasant housekeeping rooms; al-o
single room, nice location, reasonable. 421
CLEAN, weli-furnishecf housekeeping suit
In strictly modem house; choice corner
large porch. 115 N. 23d.
FOR RENT 4 furnished housekeenfn
rooms, 3 bedrooms; in private family. 5ul
.ast uaK at., cor. 10th.
8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, mod
em. nice location; no children. 234 East
18th cor. Main.
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms,
ngnt on canine; tast tiae.
NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms
per montn, wood ana ga range.
Montgomery at., between 6th and Tth.
THREE furnished rooma for light house
keeoina. private natn. modern improve
ments. 643 Belmont. Phone Tabor ln3.
6UITE 3 completely furnished housekeep
lng rooma; walking distance; $13.ov. 626
TWO light housekeeping rooms for rent.
reasons-Die; gaa. not water, .rnone a.
6379. 5U2 E. Pine t.
STRICTLY first-class newly furnished front
room, steam heat, walking distance; gen
tiemen. odd iitn.
TWO rooms, upstairs, front, comfortable
clean, two people ; one first-class front.
one or two people; reasonanie. 413 iotn
CHOICE housekeeping rooma, also large
basement rooms suitable for family; free
phone, bath ana laundry. 047 Morrison,
3 FURNISHED attic rooms, electrlo light
and gaa. furnlahed for cooking; rent $12
per montn. 19 onn iitn st.
DOWNSTAIRS, nicely furnished, modern,
for rent, a montn or longer. tva a, bai
rn on. Phone East 6366V
TWO nicely newly furnished housekeeping
rooms, electrlo lights, gaa, oath, phone,
first floor. R-S or U car. 678 Gantenbeln.
CONNECTING parlora with fireplace and
kitchen, aingle room, Nop tuii. ee jan
ders st.
FOR RENT Furnished single rooma and
housekeeping suites: terms reasonable,
lit 5 North 2&& at. Phone Main 785.
8 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 828 14th st.
Hon see.
THREE perfectly aound-proof flrst-clasa.
very large 0 ana s-room nets to oe com
pleted Sept. 1; Eaat 25th, between Haw
thorne and Madison; price, $50, $46 and
6-ROOM cottage, hot and cold water, elec
trie lights, bath, close to car. Phone East
Tc l v4.
FOR RENT 6-room house. S0O Union ave.
North, $20. Lawn, fruit, eto. Phone C
1 1X Woodlawn 1737-
MODERN 8-room houae, large -yard, barn,
furnace, gas, electricity, no itoaney ave.,
cor. Knott. Phone Main 179S.
FOR RENT Plain 6-room houae, cloae In,
between K. 11 tn ana lm, on i. Jbincoin,
Phone Tabor 2144.
MODERN 5-room bungalow. 63 Bast flOth,
between star ana uac ata.; Key avt .2
East 30th st.
FOR RENT A -room cottage, hot and cold
water, bath ana eieccrio ugni. yt4 uan
tenbeln ave.
FOR RENT 7-room houae, 13 E. 22d St.,
$17.60 per montn. inquire ax i tu. .aa at.,
corner Pine sL
NINE-ROOM house for rent. Mason, 13th St.,
SIS per montn. Appiy bacramenxo at.
Phone East 8213.
Modem 6-room bungalow, half block
from car. Phone Tabor 366.
PHYSICIAN'S residence for rent, cheap;
East Siae, gooa location. a.u 4, ura
gonian. FOR RENT Furnished cottage of 6 rooms.
Call Monday and auesaay forenoon. 483
East Market.
FOR RENT First floor, 6 light room, mod
ern convenience, witn vara. 41. inquire
849 East Stark, near 28th.
TWO 6-room modern houses for rent." East
Mh and cnerman sts. i ei. cast e.174.
SIX-ROOM house for rent, 323 Larrabee st.
Apply 361 Sacramento at. f none .East SZi.
MODERX -room house, oloaa to cax; rent
$20. Call at 221 failing Diflg.
NEW, clean, modern 7-room houa, on Haw
thorne carllne. Tabor 270.
FOR RENT 6-room houae at 710 4th
Inquire 714 Water at.
7 JiOOMS, modern, aleeping balcony, oloao
"to river. $23. 41 S. tth; Brooklyn car.
DESIRABLE 7-room houae. Burrell neigh
borhood, vacant August 24. 863 E. Main.
$20 Ooodmodern alx-room houae. 690 Ker
by at- Phone E. 63S4.
XEtV 6-room houae. 1280 Atlantic at. Phona
Woodlawn 885.
FOR RENT 6-room new modern houae with
gaa. at T48 E 3Ttb. at. Call SeUwood 174&
8-ROOM houae cheap to email famlly;Eaat
Sida Phona Tabor 1177.
MODERX new 7-room houaa. E. 24th and
Ash. B 24P3, .
$20 7-ROOM house, 382 SL lat at. North.
J. J. OEDER, Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny.
7-ROOMED housa 804 67th and Eaat Lin-.
ooln. Hawthonv-caxv aialn-2266
6 rooma. 491 -V. 22d at.. $13 '
7 rooma 8.M Vancouver ave.. $3V '
6 rooma 79fl Long View ave.. 25.
rooma, 702 Corbett at. $17.
6 rooma 67."i E. Ankeny Bt., S2T.
7 rooma, 24 Hamilton ava, J18,
rooma, 9S1 E. Ankeny at., 15.
6 rooma. 7 E. Slat at., X.. J13.S0.
6 room.. SO E. 22d at., N.. 3S.
rooma. 801 Cleckamaa at., JSR.
rooma 4l4 E. 12th St.. X.. f3V
6 rooma.. 814 Tlllnmoolc at.. $45.
R room.. 1214 Clinton at., 130.
7 rooma, 1128 FVancl. ave.. 9-15.
6 rooma. 12 Morris at.. $16.
6 rooma, 24H1, East 14th at.. $07.80.
6 rooma Prttf E. Salmon at., $30.
6 rooms. 446 Larrabee at., $25.
5 rooma, 2O0 Grand ave.. X., $2.V
5 rooma 200H Grand ave.. X.. $17.60.
ft rooma 224 E. lat at.. X., $25. .
R rooma, 4H4 Hall at.. $26.
8 rooma. 673'i E. YTaahlnSton. $23.06
n rooma 101 E. 19th at.. $S0.
A rooma. 103 E. lth at.. 33.30.
6 rooma. 103 E. ISth at., $30.
. rooma 871 4 Pacific at., $23.
S rooms. X. w. cor. 3d and Sheridan, $30.
ItO Alder at.
Horn, hunter., visit our up-to-date ren
tal and Information department. 4th floor,
main building, and ae. the vacancle. w
have listed of desirable house, and flata
You'll save time In getting properly and
oomfortably located. We keep In touch
with all vacant houses, flata and apart
menta In the city. We also keep a list of
new buildings in oourse of construction.
The combined list of all real estate deal
era Thl Information la absolutely frae.
GOOD 7-room house, located West Side, in
good residence district, 15 blooka frop,
Poatoffice, half block from llth st. car
line, house built for owner; haa reception
hall, living-room with good ftreplao,
dining-room and kitchen, three large bed.
rooma with two windows In each room,
bathroom, large closets and attio, A-l fur.
nace aud range, all window ehadea car,
pots on first floor; good home lor busl"
ness or professional man with grownup
family; no children or "roomera" will ba
allowed; rent ItiO per month; good reduo.
tlon for lont-time lease and aatiafactory
tenants. AC 347, Orgonlan.
modern house; large yard, rarpeta ahadea
and llKhtlng fixtures; $40' per month.
DENA STS. 5-room modern cottage; $20
per month. ,
212-213 Commercial Club Blag.
Phunee Main SSPS, A 2653.
BEAUTIFUL new house, in th. best part of
Irvington. This house ts a beauty, naves
been rented before. Will lease for a term
of years to responsible people. Thia is the.
best house for rent In the city. Sae us1
for particulara
833 Chamber of Commerce.
Member! of the Portland Realty Board,
4-ROOM house on E. 26th street. $10.
Nice five-room modern bungalow, Al
berta carlina 817.60.
6- room house on Gay atreet. $10.
7- room modern houaa with two Iota,
fruit trees, garage. $25.
133 hi First Bt.
FOR RENT S16 per month. House. 6
rooma attic, basement, modern plumbing,
Kitchen range, large lot. beautiful trees,
on carllne and hard-surface street, at Unl
verafty Park. Francis I. MoKenna, room
727 Chamber of Commerce. Main 4622,
A 2143.
CHICKEN ranch, garden, lots fruit and ber
ries, large nousi. Darn, sneus, near u.3
carllne. Montavllla suburbs: city water;
$17.60 month; snap. Apply 3 Xortn 26th.
W car west on Morrison to 2ilh, bloclc
6-ROOM cottage, sleeping porch and larg
bath; furnace heat, imam unoieura m
the bath, pantry and kitchen; Monarch
combination range, duplex .hades; a beau
tiful yard, whh fruit. Irvington, 654
Tillamook. .
WE HAVE houses, flats and stores for rent
In all parta of tne cnyu u.
your wants.
832 Chamber of Commerce.
Members of the Portland Realty Board.
NEW. 7 rooma. In the trees at Rose city
Park, corner on car, tido. ana wnuy i".
hardwood floora, beam ceiling, fireplace
and furnace, electricity and gaa white
conorete; J3S. Phone C 1823.
FOR RE XT Dealrabla 8-room house, Wil
lamette Helgpta on oarllne juce lawn
and eetabllshed neighborhood. Pnone Pun
day. A 4518; week daya. A 1380 or Main
FOR RENT Xeat cottage. West Side: 15
minutes. Large garaen. eo cnican..
complete furniture for 5 rooms and bath
for $225 cash. Rent cheap. H 347. Ore
gonlan. FOR RENT T-room house, bath. gas. largo
yard or will sell on easy term., savins
city. Call 828 B. Morrison st., near 30th
street. ' .
FOR RENT Five-room cottage; moaern.
tine location; pipea, wirtu, m
E. Morrison, near 30th. , Phon Main
6.138 Monday. '
FOR RENT New, moaern o-room nou.
825 per montn: win sen
linoleum. 6S East Oak at., near 20th.
Phone Eaat 4017. ; .
82 EAST 22D NO., new house, close In, fine
nelghDornooa; every ,:
will rent reasonable to right parties. Call
and ea this! .
SWELL 8-room modern housa In Ladd Ad
dition, rent ou, turnnu iur .v,.
Inquire Grussl Zadow. 817 Board at
Trade bldg.. 4th and Oak.
COTTAGE of 6 rooms, basement,
$18 a
barn of
T2 ,ta'ila rent $13 a manth. Call 625
ah- MTccrccTDPt A v V b room, aaa
ment, floor In basement, 1 block to car.
Key next ooor. Ln.a".
8-ROOM modern house. West Side, near
two canines, eiecinu uu e
porcelain bath, etc., tc; refi-ncea Tele
phone Main 4830. ,
IRVINGTON Attractive 8-room nousa, ne
carllne, cnoico locanui.,
1, $35. References required. P 333. Ore-
MODERN deslrablo 7-room hous. Grand
ave. and Hancoca. win u. v-""'
1. Inquire SU9 Hanco-'k. East 1635.
685 E. ALDER, corner 14th, walking dis-
tanc. moaern u-ruura u """"
hall 748.
-ROOM house, some carpets, shades, gas,
electric, paved atreets. large yard. 865
Eaat Couch. $23. eeuwooa in.
STRICTLY modern 9-room house la .well
district, see nouse ul j.
Rent reasonable. Phona Main 8072.
-ROOM modern bungalow, good locality.
best car aervice. r-none r,..i.
MODERN 6-room housa hot water h e a
some furniture ror ai. ""v ..
ave. B 2398.
COZY 3-room house with bathroom, close
in In good locality on " L . " J
month. Call 414 Spalding bldg.
8EPT. 1 8-room modern, cloao In, E. llth
and Lincoln; "
or phone lapor i...
PORTLAND HEIGHTS Cozy, oomplete 7-
room noami -
Ellera bldg. '
FOR RENT Modern furnished 8-room irI
dence to rjwmiw l'
ONE suite of four rooma furnished oora.
p ete, grouna noor, . .. '
best for the price. 11S1 Kerby .t. C 2667.
prr-R NISHED flve-Toom house, with piano,
nlc. vard. near Jefferaon High School.
Phone Main or A 14.
FOR RENT 7-room furnished house, gar
den, nan oioca iu . .iw- w "."
ava, SeUwood car.
MODERX furnished 6-room upper flat:
large bath, attic, cemeui uuciuoi,.
tr.vs. oollshed floor.. 63 Ella at.
HOLLADAY Addition, $40, nicely furnUhed
modern B-room nome.- Awtiuium
anta; reference. C 3016.
FURNISHED 7-roomed house, every con
venience, goou - ' "
R-ROOM handsomely furnlshesd home. West
.tjii , i-.-l.. ..-ill fn. nne
year-. hcne I Marshall' 8!M3.
EAUTIFT-'LLY furnlahed five-room flat.
walking qistance. r.q..
KOOM cottage, partially furnished, gas,
electric lights. 48S East Clay.
NICELY furnished 6-room house.
ROOM furnished cottage for rent. 533
East 19th. pet, t-iinton ana laggan.
$12, 8-ROOM furnlahed cottage, in Unlver.
siry trs-TK. ijui. in."
FOR RENT Furniehed housa 243 Munro
Fruit ana yara; u car.
ROOMS, completely furnished. 126. 8.10
East 8th st. North.
FURNISHED flat; owner will oard with.
party If desired. 147 gist worth.
SIX-ROOM furnished house, with barn. In
Holladaya Addition. Call 459 B. 8th X'.
(40 IRVTXGTOX. modern furnished hou
7 rooma Phona Eaat 4359.
IRVTXGTOX Fumlahed house; larg imrd