THE SUNDAY OTIEGOXIAX. PORTLAND. AUGUST 20, 1911, 9 Kg! I. aUTATX. IRVrNGTON. 9473 New tnl mrwim Irwlntton horn, rooms and s.eplr porch; -mn t tMiurit. (u;ni4f and flre p.a.e. at carntf K. emit end Wld Lr sts.. r&jj term. WJU-NUT PARK. , fO-OO Lre T-room horn In Walnut lark, with (aniM.. nr.-place end a. coatniT--. beautiful aaade trees, iot Wii-. tt-rma. CEN'TRAU KAST K1DE. $ . .-room mdm and conveniently arranged home on - Hurnside at-, betwa :v;a and --4 ei-. terma. LAt'RCLHVMT. 4JJCM-rotm n-w and modern I.arei- entrance and bathroom tlt moat cum;- ie btu on ri4-.rern I'.ace. within 1 oi carline; h.e.- and ail.t!r; trma. IRVINGTON. $00 -room new ana modem XrrlnftoTt homt, face - on carline. lot ft. ; ail street Improvement Is; icrrna. WILLAMETTE HEIGHT?. -.a, A rixm. modern. beautiful view. on LvfJ aire:. on U.ork from car r. .Willamette Helfhta. HOLLADAT. vV 7-room modern houae on corner E. rh and rhuyler ara.. 1 bio-k from iiroadway; flrep.aca. large verandaa, ei-plnf porch, all eireet tmprovsmenis in and paid, com petax furnished. CLOE IN. WrJT MDE. $J1.0 T-room modern house on cmer 14th at.. nar i'oruand Academy ; la futura panmrt -nous property: 2 bedroom, steeping porch and Mrvaot'i room, H. P. PALMER-JONTS r. tl2-3 Commerctal Club Pldg. Ptiones Main A 2A3. LAU R ELHVH5T. fleelnf la beMeeine an4 you will be )!v what I tali yon whan you o this beautiful horn, eitertor 1 unusuai.y a:irac:tve. with massive Jr.-k columna on porch and drtveway. T laxjre rtKnie and two aleeplnjr porrn. Ilvina'-room and den m In mahof any, while other rooms on Brat f toor arq In Ivory ana met and thre chamber and bath, second floor, ara in whita ecsmel ; bard wood floor, beamed ceilinars, butit-ln buffet, twokrae-s. aeata. fireplace, ate rull cemenl b.meat. wiin furnace, laundry traya. frultroon. etc.; um of French window mak-e Interior very rfe-tl we. Phone Main bvOO. Woodiiwa 144. owner. 4.M Lumbermcoa b.ds. N commission to pay. NX S9000V PICTURESQUB HOME. If yi are. in market for a beanttful home at roet. sa l hte one; looaloo, cor ner, aaat face, rt. cement porcn. wun maaaive brl k cIumni; hardwood floors. teamed cell in, banel wainecot tug. Put it In buiTet. boukcasea. 3 flrep:ac a. tiled tath. lu large room and s eeninr porch: Interior made attractive by mesne of Lass door, very handsome Hen ling fix turaa. highly rstr!t ted d.lrtit: eaay terma, tnr. 4.o Lumj- rmana. ftUa. Phone M. vX Woodlawn 144. $7000 IRVTNOTON IT000. This property will appeal to a seeker for a choice home at a bargain. ReceDtion halL large living-rooms. beamed celling ia dining -room, hardwood floor. Put I cement basement ; with fine laws,. AN execptionai opportunity. CHA". RINOLER CO :il Law la Bldar. JiT A PEW ATTRACTIVE HOJaEi. $Ha. 44 laurel hurst. Ii'ih), Irvtngton. --. Irvtngion. T.'m. irvington. I mprov amenta tncluded. $ . 1A. "W t Side. West Milt. $ l 1i"X ;4mx furnished horn. Hae homes in all deatrabla locatlona. fce the l:et before purchasing your home. Heat of terms given. Zimiut rmaa, J ll Hard of Trae bMg- Office Open Sunday. FINE HME FOR e1?&9. Have a T-room house In Sutmvatda on E. :d St.. X blocks from Mt. Tabor and the "3S" oars: haa t hree large sleeping rooms and bath on second floor, parior, ltving-rom. dining-ro-jm and kitchen on A ret flor; fine light Tlx turaa gnd shades go with the plsje; la on a corner lot S')i1t9. ntce lawn, shrubbery and. fmtt treea: hard surface atreets; will take lAtf4 cam. b!ar can be arranged; this plaoe la worth $4i')0. AH 3-2. Oregon tan. EXTRA. 9 -ROOM HOUSE IV IRVINOTON FOR f TWA. It Is In the heart of Irvlngton. sur rounded br beautiful homee: hardwood f loora downstaira: 4 sleeping room a and g.eepir.g porch u pat airs, can be handled on aaay term: this I a bargain. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO.. Railway Exrhan. Office Often Sunday. IRVINOTON. Very swell home on 19th St.. 12-room, H-a:ory residence. 2 bathrooma. i porchea SO feet by 19 feat; dining porch, eleeplng porch with dressing room; gar age, ate: everything complete and No, L For aale CHAPTN A HERLOW, H Membe-s of Portland Realty Board. 39-33. Chamber of Commerce. WESTMORELAND. Good car service and facee Reed College eampua, 5 rooms and attic, eaat front, concrete baaement, tuna, shades, fixtures, oement walks, fireplace, beamed ceilings. Dutch kitchen, double const rue: ion, f!rt ciaas l..w; $2- cash and 10 par month. NEII.AN at PARK H ILL Spalding bl.lg. MT. TABOR BL'NQALOW. A Broomuttstlo hungaJow with a grand view of Mt. Hood, f down. :& a month. TONY O. ANDEReON. 401 Lew la bldg. KENTON HOME. $ Mocks from bank, n-roora bungalow. 1 51 00. terms or $30 cash, balance to suit. Thla la a anap tor aomaone. For aale by CHAJPIV A HERLOW. H Members of Portland Realty Board. a33-8a Chamber of Commerce. ROtiE CITY PARK. On 47th. S blocks from ear. Lot BxIhA east front. New modem 7-room house ; fine large living-room, fireplace, ever vp-to-da:a feature: only $4.uyi and f AirO rash will gtva poeaaaslon with monthly payments like rent, Ni an A Parkhlll. wV S?a1dlng bldg- 1'" PUTS you In poaaeealon of a large A room bungalow atyle houae, ft room a com pleted. 3 rooms unfinished, eaat front, new. 4 blocks from car on lth N. Month ly payment to suit purrhaawr. Inquire CHAPIN A HERLOW tH) Msrrrrers of Portiand Realty Board, t35-o3e Chamber of Commerce. WANT A HOM E? M net be aeea,to be appreciated; STTthO fet. In swell location . a p pies, pears, pearhea, cherrlee. qulncea. almonds, small fruits and roes in abundance; house tght rooira; gaa. wter. Owner, phone Tabor B InOo; or AS SIS Ore gon Ian. FINE HEIGHTS HOVE. Classr home of a rooms on lower H.tanta on ear and comm. ntl Ins? an tin . nrAHil ti.w: beautifu::r a ard well built; new; hard -.ur fared streat. all paid; th. pr.c. wi;i tnt.r-at too. R. r. BRIAN. 500 Chamber of Commerce). 6EE THIS SNAP. Near!? new 5-room house. Eaat Side; modem plumbing, corner lot. clo. to ear. Owner bouaht fam property and must tiav. moner quk-k. A baicaln you can't afrnrd to mlas. 6m Mr. B'.nop, Kartman A Thompson. 4th and tark. ROSE CITT Bl'NAIX)W. Kar. la a bargain: 7-room new bunga low, herdwood floor, flrep'.ce. shadea. Isrr kitchen with alt bullt-tn convent acea. aOil'W lot. b.ut'f i: v!-w, O. W. M. REAL ESTATE. MO Oerlln.r PMv. TINE 1-ROOll Bl-NJALOW . with dandr sleeping porch, fireplace buf f.t. paneled dtnlng-room. cabinet kitchen, full eem-nt bimnl and attic: h.rd surfso. street and aewer; very sightly lo ', 1 block to bet c.rlln. in city; iv $5V cseh. TaSor ISJ. THI Ir IT fine, new. mo4 in bungsJew wtrh bul'.t-ln feature.: d: far out: good r. ghborhood: near ear and achooi. Or.:y fmall payment down. ba!snc Ilk. rent. Ast ulck. C.:l at 741 East Madi son St.. or phon. East 47SS. ;jn rfa and lia par month, new t-room mod-cn bunralow, 1 block from oar. X a thorns district, full bassmaot. lot it It). HKH.ET WI!HOF. m t It. )v"ILl. aeil chap for ciih Hon. and cor ner !ot. tn Pon'h Port'and. adjolnlcg new hou:ard. w:kfrg dietanca, 0. E P. Pufur. Z UamUtna bldg.. r A U3. Or.f onl-a REAL ESTATE. km r-ala Ho ROPE CITT PARK. X'ew .Vroom bung-ajow. full cement pmrnt, elect rl-K y and ara. fire place, beam relllcaj. paneled dtn 1 re room. larca purch on front and tak. hardwood floor a. laundry tray all lare liaht room, lt ftlti; tan-foot parking, no bonded lndbt"tna. houa la d ubl cn trurtel h route t out. clwee to car nd a;x4 location, price IOu; m caah, balance monthly. SWELL UOME. New ft-mum bunaalow. lot fio lf. fireplace, furnacw, full cement basement, elwctrlctty and p eied dlnlnsT-roorn, hardwood floors, sieeplna; porch, pretty buff-t. I Mcka from car and one of the best locations In tha city: this house) la douMe conatructed throuarhout; wae built f'r a home; price MiiCW; 100 coah. balanca inonutiy. New five-room hnnaalow. $2O0. New 6-room bungalow, :t'n. New T-room houaa, Irvlnajton, S svrt. New ft-rooitt bunclow. Haw thorne, 14X1). New -rocra bunalow, Haw thorne. $4C0. - New -room bungalow, Roa C!ty. ew a-room house. Haw thorna. New 6-roora bouaa. woedlawn, $1S'. These houaet ara all modern and extra good value. HL'NTER REALTY CO.. 2ii-5 Poard of Trade Rid, liarshall 1777. A 0307. BUILD AS APARTMENT -HOUSE. FLATS OR ARTlsnO HOME. A KEW BUILDING IP A PROFITABLE INV EST it PVT. WHY IS THI3? Recauee we incorporai In onr bulia f n as every modern con on lent-, combinad with artistic beauty and the coat la esa than you pay for something ready bui;t for material la t a low figure now. Plana and eecitlcationa furntshed fra. Our ref erence our cliente. It will pay you to pee ua. Spenrer-McValn Co., 46 Lumber- mens bTMg. fhoi a M. twvv. 1X1.000 IRVLNOTON I1L0O0, This Is a home located In the center of Irving ton's beet homes, beautiful surroundings; every thine new and complete; a home you would be proud tw own; let us tell you about It. CHA?. RINGLER A CO., 11 Lewie Bldg. ROPE CfTT PARK HOME. WR Lfk THIS DESCRIPTION'. 4 rooms, furnace. flrepUce. electrio light flxturea. double glass doors between IIxing-r-Mim and dining-room, two siair wava. flreiesa cooker, corner lot, SOxiOft. Th.s la only a block from the car and faca eat. What more could yoa desira for a pleasant homeT iuvtf 11 A K TM AN A THOMPSON". Chamber of Commerce Bids;. pi in)T. 7 -room house, full basement, tubs, elec trio lights and gas. Dutch kitchen, v. nin btiiit-in huffet and book- eases, modern bath, sleeping porch. 4 riit and at ore room. Lot 5ox ItK). S Urr treea aood lawn: hard surface IVmo: trmi: or for eoultv of would take good acreage on Oregon Elec tric not mora than 12 mllea out. Would aaflume some If Improved. Neiian parkhlll. Hreldtng bldg. FOR SALE. FINEST HOME IN UNIVERSITY PARK. S block from car: H block from hard amrrace si. ; T-room nouse, nam. cmca-o-houae and runs; all kinds of fruit, berrlea and shrubbery; 2 blocks from Poetoffire. stores, school and church. $".: $2oo0 LA IK FLU I'RPT SNAP. $iiM $7i0 CASH. Hardw ood floors. Veautiru! paneling and buffet, large fireplace, 3 extra large bedrooms with fine closets and Urge sleeping porvh, full cement basement, fur nace, fixture and eh ad -s; excellent ar rangement and beautiful finish; not quite completed and can make changea to sun. $l"0 un-iir anything else In Portland. Tabor 2A.. IN IRVINOTON. 7-ROOM HmISE FOR K50S. This Is a brand new. 7-room house, hardwood f loora downstairs, 4 sleeping rooms o pet a irs. all wtto enameled ; haa every modern convenience and an attrac tive houae to look upon: this price Is about il.v0 i-ea than othera of thla type of dwelling CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY. 5 1 J 1 Railway Exchange. FOR FA LE seven-room modern house, at tic, baaement, corner lot. atixlio feet, hair block from carline and hard surfaced atreet. cement walk, graded atreete, large ornamental treea. at University Park. Price t32K terms 25l caah, balance ST0 monthlr. Including Interest. Coe A. Mc Knna A Co.. M 4'-2 A 2113. Room 7"7. Chamber of Commerce. FR SALE -401 ROSELAWN AVE. 12 foet east of L'nlon eve., brand new 6-room house and den. full concrete basement, furnace and laundry, walla tinted; 3 eleeplng rooms, with large clos ets; combination fixtures and window ehadea. price f-1500. OODDAKD A W1EDRICK. 2U Ftark at. WILL TAKE AUTO ON ACCOUNT I.VVU HOUSE. East Side location. 0 rooms. large re ception hall, den. large porchee, full con crete baaement, fine shrubbery and gar den; owesr will make moat reaeonable tsrma. CHAP. RINOLER A CO., JU Lew la Bldg. FL'RN ISHCD 5-room bungalow, Roaamere, block to car. lawn, iiowrrs, trees; gaa, electricity, phone; houae complete In every detail; furniture almost, new; Includes ev erything that could be desired; S4'ro0; 11 cash, balanco easy monthly pay ments, eTT E. 3lth su North. Koea City car. PRICE SHOO 1400 CASH ctaiance eio per raonm. Bfwm lot oOxlCK east front, ft blocka from oar; a snap on 17th N., for sale bv CHAPIN A HERLOW. (H) Member of Portland Realty Board. 533-334 Chamber of Commerce. .H0 CASH. Brand new 5-room -bungalow, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement baae ment and attic; tinted throughout; etrlct lv modern and a toarealn for quick sale. Call llo5 Ellsworth St. Take Richmond car to E. Rfih. go one Mock south. e-&)0, EAT TERMS. 6-room modern bungalow, juat off Haw thorne ave. on ftOth: thla price Include furniture; without, e.'tiO; lot (VOxDM); this la cheap for the price, 401 Lumbar Ex change. 23 and Stark. WE have a strictly new modem 6-room house on eoxian-rt. lot, uaa Aoanion. on EUhott art,; owner must aelL Call and aee ua and make offer. S. T. DOVE. Inc.. 420-423 Board of Trade ARTISTIC bungalows. 1179. IIC.S Ivon St.; select neighborhood: paved district; 1.100 below value: small payment, balanc. monthly: investigation buylpg. Own.r. 130 Grand North. $JTs BITS t-room moj.m house. S blocka l'nlon ava., near Preeoott. .0x140 lot. full basemont. everything nrst-ciass; worth ftS&o of any man's monev. HIOLEV A BISHOP. 11 Id BC , SACRIFICE, strictly modern -room houta, all Improvements In: on good car line. If- Cook. 404 Rotbchlld bldf. Mar shall No asents. CASH and IIS per month; new 6-room J mooern ounR.iow. diockb lbso-k buuwo lot 4ioo. high and :shtly. H IGLET sx BISHOP. 1JJ Id 8U FOR ALE .-room house, neatly furnished, lot 4VIl0. Brentwood Addition, corner Spring and sloCor. Price fuuO. Al. Ji4. Orenlan. . BY OWNER, a t-nm houe. and large lot on Mt. Pcott carilne: ch.ap for ca.h; no agenta Address E. H. M.. box lii, Lenta, Or. FOR CALE My brand new t-room hou.e, I biok north of Hawthorn, ave.. corner lot streets all paed; $!io down, lm per month: price I'jDfQ. Puon. Tabor M. b-HOOa modern bou... West Plde. 10 min utes' walk from Poatofftce- cement walk and wa-j; convenient and quiet. Terma. A 17. BO?E CITT PARK FW.-room mod-m bungalow. unusual opportunity; I1S0 down and 155 per month. Phone C Sli'7. (.ROOM bungalow furnished. S4;h St. south of Hawthorne. $S1V: l.lrto eah. 15 and Interest monthly. Needham S-11 wood l.'loi e-KCOM modem bung.low, lot .1x2i. two rMckea-hous.a. fruit; terma, W 355. Ore gonlan. $-!. iOx oottaae, full lot. clcs In. t---)0 cash b'1 $13 per month. 361 X. 11th St. X. $02$. REAL ESTATE. For Mix -Hou. MODERN' HOMES. room mndtrn bun,.1.w. with looxioo rt. lot; r!hi on c.rlln. ; nl mama ir. trull, rioo.ra, ll-krit !ln, b'.fh and inatijr; prir. fjaau; urmt. 7-room modern houao. In on Ctrk .m. pt. : llntnK-room. furn.. ftr.ular, full r.mnt b..m.nt. .t.tlon .ry mlL combln.lton fllur: lot fttK l'": irult trm. nlc. (rJn. Improved lr.U; price 0)0u. 7-room modern hooie on Rodner In Wtlnul p.rk; lut.".0x1i with lS-f"oi viler: n.rd purr.r. street. . r-ment .m. v.Ikl: on. of th. flne.C home. In m dis trict of (In. borne. ! ,cririce; prlc ROOM modwn bun. alow, with Mxl"0 ft, lot; nlr. location. r!oa to rar. fin. fruit trees surrountllnK. ' f ull concret. be.emanl. rsmsnt floor, statlonarr tubs, fireplace, built-in bookcase, and buffet; price $3000. t-room mod.rn bungalow, on East 8Tta n.. oiocKS irom liawtnorn avs. oi Wav.rlr-Richmond car: all street 1m pro.aments In; lot ftOxoO; pries IZ&OOi 'jov catn. ba,anc. ajv per ntonta. T-room modem hous. on East 10th, near erooKiyn; lot .vnluu: easv walklna dirt anc. from bualnera .district; a good buyl pric. ,ouuu; terras. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 244 Aider su DM. 14 CASH. 15 PER MONTH. 1NCLCDINO INT. Fin. new 4-room bunsalow. street lm provements con.lstlnf of sraded streets, r.ment sidewalks. Bull Run water, all In ana paia for. Call or phone OREaORY INVESTMENT CO.. 41S Corbett bliir. Marihail Ji7. A 1644. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. HOME IN TilVlMJ . Cheap, leas than cost. W(0: 8 rooms nn Data, gaa electric light, furnace, cement basement, all modern, large lawn, an Klnoi or rrult trees: lot 60x130; all newly fitted up Inside and out; panted oui.ine: win trade ror home in I Ortland. ADDlV AilA flrpnnlan hl Fhon. M SJiis or Marshall ltU. J. P. AllenJ inorougniy modern house. re- r.cita aietrlct. full cemnt basement. cement noor. wssn trays, furnace, fire place .lectrle fixture, gas range, lot 50x HK. lawn, fruit and rose trees, all atreet iuiyivincni in ana pain. SWEKK A BTRXE, 61 J Swctlar.d Bldg. Phon. Woodlivn 1H66. CHOICE 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Every modern convenience, beautiful and practical; bookcaae. aideboard and nnen closet bunt In; fireplace, full base ment, stationary tubs; can finish 3 fine rooms upstairs: Improvements paid: owner tner. aunu.y afternoon. 4!Hh and Mad- iwon sta loderate price; term IKVINOTOX HOME FOR SALE. Only two blocka from th. t.nnls court, east facing, Just a good height from tre-et; fine homes close by. Lots of wood work and bullt-ln things. Two bathrooma ana a Hover bath. Double floor up ami down. Hardwood floors down; sleeping pori-n lor iwo ocas. -''Jin St. .vortn, ROSSMERE. -room house, strictly modern, corner lot. g.s. electric fixture.; toilet and bath, hardwood floors: price $4l'o: $:o casn. oatanc. jo per month. Call Sunday corner 3:th at. North and Braxea at. JOHN TV. COOK, 42 Lewis bldg. STOP! LOOKI LISTEN! :l00 below market value. If you act quick. Am compelled to offer lOuxlOO on beat street In 111. labor, with a modern It-room house and bath, for th low price of .4iK0; 4 cash, balance 6 per c.nt to suit: street paved; 3 carline; near new City Park, X 3S?, Oregonlan. 1RVINGTON HOME. Furnished or unfurnished, new and modern. -room residence, lot 60x100, 7Kiu or isnou. Only fi'i'Oo cash needed. 1J5) HA HTM A N A THOMPSONS, Chamber of Commerce. VERNON. -room modern bungalow on fw by 100. ft. corner lot. on East ItKh. I block from Alberta carline, a snap at lUdOO, and only I4UU csah. KAL'FPM ANN A MOORS, S-. Lumber Exchange. NO INSTALLMENTS. A-room houae, bath, pantry, electrio llghta. gas, cement basement and floor: lot 60xloO; fruit and berries; 1 Mock to car. a blocks to school; 1.TMJ0; l.vm csh, be lane s and S year. Phona r-ellood 1.-.73. A LIFETIME TO PAY, Moving to Mexico: offer modern o-room dwelling, clear, near car. store., schools, churches: fin. comer, 150xl: fruit: small payment, balance SO years. Main 4:2 or A 7317. HAWTHORNE LURTRICT. 6-room house, bath and. toilet, comer lot. east front, close In: owner leaving city; aacrlflce for quick sale; terma PRICE 16imi. H. H. JAMES CO.. SS luth. near Stark. Fl'K.MSHED bungalow. rooms with den: restricted district. 11000 to IJ000 handle this snap: small balance on eny terms. Might sell unfurnished. Owner, at V85 Eaat loth N., Alberta car. BY th. owner, a modern 6-room house, lot IS by loo reet. with beautiful fir trees, on Atlantic street, near Killingsworth ave. A bargain, taOOO oaan or terma 618 Wor cester bldg. IF TOU MEAN BUSINESS I hsr. an 8-room bungalow that you will rav. over; must sell: prlc. I right. UNITED TRUST CO., PIT Board of Trde. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Modern T-room bungaiow. all conveniences, Ruud heater, fine neighborhood, beautiful view. 9 blocks car. near school and club; $6000; terma Main 3.1M. BROOKE. A 3 -ROOM house. Ldd Addition: all 'modern convenience. Inoludlng sleeping-porch, S'-'Oo cash: balance aaay payment, phon gellwood 1753, v y $is today:. 25 sept. i. Then $13 a month buy new. modern bungalow. 3 block from Mt. Tabor car. Price $loo, S loth, near (Stark. I-KOO.M. modern, two-story house, i.esrH treetcr lines, high and sightly, price 1000: $500 cash, balance easy terma J. H. Tipton Co. $jh,r THREE beautiful lot with excep tionally well-built house, including most of furniture; Est Side; well locted; part cah. Miller, 416 Chamber of Commerce. $100 $15 PER MONTH: nice 5-room cot tage, lot 100x130: lit. Ecott Be car. Thla la a dandy. H1GLEY A BISHOP. 13J Id St. BEAUTIFUL modern 5-room bungalow. Rose Ctfy Park; to appreciate thi horn one must see It; $3500: $500 down, balance like rent. Phone owner. Tabor TOrt. ACRE, new 6-room cottage, 6 blocks Mt ttcott sc car; city water: only novil; worth $2000; $500 rash, balance easy. HIOLEY BISHOP. 13J Id St. IRVINGTO.--. 6-room. new. modern house In Irvln ton near 2 carllnea; price $5000: very eaay terma Owner. X 85. OrexoniMn. FOR SALE By owner. 4-rom modern house In Sellwood. do, to canine on Hiiier ave. prlc $15u0. $150 down, $10 a month. Call Sellwood 174S. FOR 6AI.E Modern 5 -room bungalow. Rose City FarK: s.ou casn. oaiance s.j per month. 437 chamber of Commerce. Han eon ek Roswell. $lftno TAKES 5-room modern house, 2 block rrom Mt. scott car; .30 uown. owner, AN 351. Oregonlan. IRVINOTON BARGAIN Beautiful, modern home, facing east, diock irom canine; easy terma Phone East 804. No agenta $.1100 Modern 5-room bungalow. 14-vi Wl- riona St.. woociawn; tenant win snowjou through. Owner. 1104 Rodney ave. CONNECTING tenthou In Gregory Hgta. Lot fully improvea. A real oargam. jtiipiy WS E. 73d N. Phone B 3070. FUR SALE t'ioee In. 2 bungalow, one cot tage, ait renteu: one vacant corner, .un able for flat; part caah. Phone Eat 2017. ROSRMERE. New T-room hoiix, 41 at st.. 2 block te car. beautiful huuse. Main 4144. 8-ROOM heuse. modern, Hawthorne tracL 374 East tayior: parr casa, oaianc. o per cent. Eaat 42. B 2242. BEST bargain In city, new modern 6-room bungalow on c. .-a sc. .i.,o. ou easy terma Phone B 16H4. 8. B. Ward, owner. FOR SALE 8-roora houae. trlct!y modern. tine location, cement warn, gas, near ear. $6no. Phone Woodlawn 233a. IRVINOTON Will aell my beautiful mod ern. T-room home at a sacrifice. Phone Owner. Eest 447H. STRICTLY new 6-room house, large lot. soma fruit. Mt. Tabor. $4750; trm rea sonable. 305 Lewi bldg. M 3503. PIEDMONT New 7-room houae for sale, cor. Garfield and Killingsworth ave. Phone Woodlawn 1904. XEW T-room cottage garden. $13. W.-W. car to 87 th t. call 112$ Franc! ave. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Hou $.'000 New 7-room a-story house In Irving ton : hardwood floors, modern In every wy; lot MtxlOO; east front; street pHVed; $600 down, balanu XV a month. 8-room tnodorn hou.e In Sunnyslde: ex tra large fooms and porches. god barn and chlrkn-house. fine lawn, fruit and walnut trees; lot o' 1hi; city Improvements paid: this place csn b. s'lght:y remodeled and rented for $.o a month; It la worth much mora than the price asked. llit'O cash, balance to suit. $3400 New fi-rooni bungalow In Rose City Park; hardwood floors, cement bas.ment, furnaco; lot 60x100; $500 down, balance $2.1 a month. $3200 splendid 7-room house with sleep ing porch: 100 fet from car; treet graded and cement side walks; OoxHHl lot: beam cel'liiKS, panel dining-room, fine fixtures, Dutch kltahcn, fireplace; thla la an excellent home. T-room house, nearly new, on East 10th xtreet North; .'i00. $-oO cash, bal ance monthlr. $2500 Nearly new 6-room house on paved street; cement sidewalks. II block from Killingsworth avenue. 1 block from Jufferson High School; a aplrmiid buy; $5o0 cash, balance hk rent. $2320 Neat 3-room house; full cement basement, IVOxlOO lot. 150 feet from car: good neighborhood; nne little place: $2.r,o caeh. balance like rent. GO WEN-IDE TRUST CO.. Lumtormens Bldg.. ,1th and Stnrk. $J2iO. $.260. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Built to meet all the requirements of attractiveness and comfort; on paved treet; beautiful surrounding homes; 7 rooms, sleeping porch, hardwood floor. fi:ep!ace, bullt-ln bookcases, china closet. fianeled dining-room. French door open ng Into tun parlor, a real home comfort: Dutch kitchen. screen porch second floor. $ large Iry sleeping room and large bath, fuji cement basement, fine furnace, hot water colls, cement laundry trays: very attractive axterlor, large front veranda and cement walks, steps; yard graded: everything for a complete home; ' take Richmond car to 89th St.. walk one block south to Taggart; one of most at tractive location on East Side and close In. For terms, owner on premises, or phone Tabor l.Ot. HAWTHORNE AVE. Price $2'ii0. (too cash; new and modern It-room bungalow, only 150 feet from Hawthorne ave.. In a beautiful residence district, surrounded on all sides by nice homes; nice reception hall and coat closet, parlor with beautiful fireplace, paneled dining-room, with beamed cell ing, Dutch kitchen, two nice bedrooms with bath between and clothe closet, full attic, cement basement and laundry trays; If you are looking for a nice little home, this certainly ought to answer your re quirements. T. A. Sutherland. 3tth and Hawthorne. Tabor 2017. open Sunday. ON W-W carline, new. modern o-room bun galow, fine view, huilt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, woodllft, full basement, laundry trays. siim uown. easy terms on balance. Phone owner. Sellwood 816. For Sale Bnslnea Property. FOR SALE At a bargain, a who, vacant block: very central, on th. East Side; suitable for manufacturing. wholesaling or warehouse; would sell half th block If dealred. bounded by Eaat lit, 2d, Oak anr Stark sis.; trackage on 1st and 2d st. For price and term Inquire Jos. M. Relg, Gerllnger bldg. QUARTER block. 21st and Everett. Have tenant who will take Ill-year lease and guarantee lu per cent interest. Plans al ready drawn for building. Thl is a firt- clasa opportunity; $.il!,.t0. CASCADE REALTY CO.. BIO and 611 Swetland Bldg. SPOKANE WAREHOUSE. ' Warehous. having 21.000 square feet floor space with ground H00xl20. on O. W. R. A N. and Ureal Northern tracks. Price $27.oo0. with terms It desired. Rosephaupt A Weaver. Spokane. Wash. 100x100 13TH and Clay: big map. $28,000; pians aireany urawn, nait excavation done and have tenant who will pay 10 per cent net. 7A3CADE REALTY CO.. . BIO and oil Mwetland Bldg. TWO lot.' lUth and Mill. Portland Height. nil view, canine above and below, one block distant, suitable for apartment houae; price and terms reasonable. In qulr. 92 Yeon bldg. Marshall 630. For Sale Acreage. ACREAGE. Fruit, garden and poultry ranches, only 40 minutes' ride from center of city; right on the carline at J2.", to $.HA per acre, on easy monthly pay ments: good water at 24 feet. Locat ed wett of the city and the best of oil. Part of th family can work In the city. Go with ua, without expense to you and see this prop erty. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. - x 3500. OPEN FOR SETTLEMENT. ORCHARD LANDS. JRP.H5ATED. NO CASH PAYMENT P.iiQUIKED. We need Settlers- not iHelr monev Land ready for the plow and water avall-J anie ror irrigation.' Location In famous Rogue River Valley, Southern Oregon. Unequalled for productiveness and climate. Proposition and financial standing of com pany Indorsed by National banks and leading business men. Only irrigation com pany in Northwest permitting aettlers to make the land pay for Itself. Send for descriptive matter, ROGUE LANDS IN CORPORATED. 1018 Chamber of Cotn merce bldg., Portland. Or., or Medford, Or. SOME BARGAIN 4 acres, or any part, all under cultiva tion, orchard, good well, etc., 4-room house, large hed and barn, on Oregon Electric. 20 minute from city, by owner; no agent; $050 an acre; terma AH 342 Oregonlan. ' IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. Oregon-street S acres; $1000; easy terms; abut th city, close to treetcar Be fare; all the advantage of the cltv without paying city taxe until limit extended; highly cultivated and In frui'a and b.rrie. E. O. Tooker, 821 Yeon bldg. CLACKAMAS 10 acrea in cultivation, m mile from Clackamas station, fine soil, etc; will sell for $5000; terms; thl 1 $100 an acre below vaiu. O. W. M. REAL ESTATE, 51Q Gerllnger Bldg. TUALATIN Valley. 2 five-acre tracts, fine biacK oii. 10 mile from city, Canvon road, hort distance from Oregon Elec tric. T train dally, 33 minutes' from city chean for cash or easy terms: for sale bv owner. Phone Main 1028 or Marshall 2626 or A 2223. 0 ACRES All clear, 4-room houae, barn, outbuildings, fine orchard, 100 trees In bearing, only I mile from station, on electrio carline, 9 miles from Portland; price $2600. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24H Stark St. CHICKEN RANCH. 2H acres, highly cultivated. Fine mod ern bungalow; chicken-houses; only $500 down, laiance to suit purchaser. AMERICAN" TRUST COMPANY. 213 Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL 114 sores rich land on Oregon City carline. 11c fare to Portland, haa splendid 7-room house, bam. orchard, ber ries, grapes, eta: price 14000; easy terms; might take part in trade. WESTERN LAND CO.. 24l4 Stark St. FOR SALE 2SO acre orchara? and farm land In Coo County, near railroad town, million and half timber, small orchard, ome cleared, about one-third bottom, all easily oleared: tiiooo; no trade. N'. E. MNDyUIST,. Portland. Or. - 2-ACRE tract, close to electric carline. very convenient to Portland, all cleared and in potatoes; price $1150; can pay lit tle cash down: easy terms on balance WESTERN LAND CO.. 24 H Stark at. 10 ACRES Nearly, all clear, on county road, convenient to good town, on electrio car line: price $1350 ; 4 cash, balance easy terma WESTERN LAND CO.. 24$ H Ptark St. TEN acres. Improved land, house, ham and Implement: om stork; 7 miles from Portland on Southern Pacific; will sell or trade for city property; prlc. $5750 terms. Phone Tabor 2143. 10 ACRES. $175 per acre: 9 acres cleared; 4-ml',e from elation. U-mlle from Che halem Mountain Orchard; reasonable term. AJ 34. Oregonian. DO YOU WANT FIVE ACRE8T T have the place for you. opposite Ryan station, near Oregon Eleotrlc Una Owner. 267 Oak. room 2. 6 ACRES in the beautiful Tarlton Valley, 80 minutes walk from Council Crest; price $400 per acre: $4"0 cash, balance time. 49 N. 17th. Main 7759. SO ACRES of fine land, close to CK W. Co.; surrounding land selling for $150 tn $200; prlc 125 per acre, cash. The Wetern Heeurltlei Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. $1250 3-room house, bsrn, chicken-house and 2 acres of land, all fenced chicken tight, on West Side. 6 miles from center of town. E S52. Oregonlan. $1400 Five acre, good land close in on West Side; 200 cords wood, standing: house. Improvements nominal: terms rea sonable: a snap. B H.M. Oregonlan. 7 ACRES. S-room houae. ' fine spring. $1250; terms. 326 Worcester hldg. good orchard. Call forenoon. 1 AND 2-acr tracts at Taggart station, planted In R-year-oM appi trees. $600 per acre. Call 421 Hamilton. f. REAL ESTATTC -Acreage. MELDRUM. $9000. 2 Suburban home, 9 acres, right at Mel- . drum Station, on the Orecon City carline; , modern, strictly up to dale country home. . with all the conveniences of a city home. ' Including S00 peach trees In fine conill- j tlon; house has five room, bath, hot and I cold water basement. White i enameled woodwork. Two large porches overlooking- the county road and carline. Depot on place. Beautiful surrounding homes. Beautiful home for same gentle man who hes business In Portland. Close to Willamette and Clackamas river. We can divide this Into small tract if dealred and price accordingly. CHAS. RINOLER & CO., 211 Lewi Bldg. SO-ACRB SNAP. ABOUT HALF PRICE. Owner living In Montana, will accept $0 per acre for 80 Vres In Beaverton Reedvllle district, and almost adjoining similar land held at $123 per acre: enough cordwood timber to pay for clearing; sur rounded by excellent orchards. Tula bar gain will be snapped up soon. GODDARD WIEDRICK. 243 Stark St. 10 ACRES. IT nille from Portland. 2 miles from Hillsboro, 5 minutes' walk from station: finest kind of soil, all under cultivation: $400 cash will han dle It: very good terms on balance. This 1 an excellent buy. BRONG-STEELE CO.. Lewis Bldg., 267 V Oak St. CHICKEX RA.VCH. 15 acres, located at Slfton. Waah. ; 1 tjlock from electric road; 15-cent fare out of Vancouver; now In fruit but will make Ideal chicken ranch: price $4000: EAfTT TERMS or will exchange for house and lot in Portland valued about $3000. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewi Bldg. EXTRA FINE BARGAIN. 10 acres, all In hlirh state of cultivation. all fenced with woven wire. 6 acrea young III lllie UUIIUUIUII , ,MD I'd Jlia. like a garden spot on main county road, 6 blocks from Oregon Electric station, 32 miles from Portland, close to good schools and churches, line places all around; price for quick sale $2500; $500 cash, bal ance 10 years 6 per cent. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-320-521 Railway Exchange. 105 ACRES. Tn Beaverton-Reedvllle district, about 40 acres cleared, slopes well and Includes some bottom land: worth not less than $125 per acre. We can aell for $80 per acre with terms. GODDARD WIEDRICK, 243 Stark st. FOR SALE 5 acres, all under cultivation; large house, barn and outbuildings, good oil, located about 7 mllea south of center of Portland, . West Side; has well and springs, running all year: wtl Itake good cltv lot or Jots and some cash for his equity of 220o; mortgage of $2300 enn be assumed. For further information call on C. F. Pfluger & Co.. realty dept., solto 13 Mulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison t. DO YOTT WANT THE PESTT Acreage, all cleared. In high state of cultivation, set to fruit and in full bear ing; apple, peach, cherry, prune, plum and strawberry and all kinds of small fruit; beet of rich, deep soil, without rock or r ravel. Buy now and get the crops. Price 1250 per acr and uo. CHAPIN A HERLOW. fR S32-S3S Chamber of Commerce. Members of the Portland Realty Board. RIVER FRONT HOME. T acres fronting on Willamette River, splendid soil, fair house, all cultivated; can be made a beautiful and productive home; school, P. O. and store 200 yards; price only $1500. easy terms. Will ex change for equity. In citv property. GltUSSI ZADOW. S17 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. AT WEST STAYTON. OR. Beautiful country home. 10 room, plas tered, hardwood finish, with from 2 to 26 acres of fine Irrigated land : $3000 for Improvements and site, balance $250 an acre with perpetual waterrlght; one-fifth cash, balance at low Interest. See Mr. Bishop at Hartman A Thompson, 4th and Mark. NICE LITTLE RANCH. 12H acres. 10 In cultivation 11? young fruit trees, berrlea of ell kinds, level, black loam, small box house. 1 H acres in po tatoes, bam 16x24 and 2 chicken-house, stock and cron goes without, $2800. A. B. HALL & CO.. S02 Rothchlld Bldg. FORCED to sell, leaving Portland and must dispose of my two acres on Salem Electrio at Tlgard station. Finest of soil: all In cultivation: new house and new furnish lng. good well, large chicken-house and ,10 chicken; make me an offer. AT 343. Oregonlan. RIVERFRONT HOME, WEST SIDE. Over acre of ground, nice new bunga . low, modern plumbing, etc.; lota of na tive trees: only 20 minutes from down town; close to station: bargain for quick sale; terms. 422 Chamber of Com. bldg. $375 BUYS 10 acres deep red shot soil, adapted to fruit and vegetables; all smooth and tillable; no rock: wood and water: close to" school, postoffice and store: within easy reach of Portland and the cheapest land on the market. 612 Couch bldg.. 109 4th st. $25 TO $35 PER ACRE 10 and 20-acre tracts of high-grade, logged-off land, well watered., practically level, excellent for fruit and diversified farming; two hours' ride from Portland, near good town and railroad. Neuhausen A Co., 703 Lewis bldg. 52 MINUTES; from Portland. 20 acres cleared land. dee; black loam soil, plenty of wa-ter, on main county road; near high achooi and graded school; cheap price, easv terms. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO., 405 Couch bldg. 1 SNAP. TWO ACRES. ALL PLANTED IN 6TRAWBERRIES. ON 45TH STREET. FOR SALE. Price $2400: $1100 cash, or $22.50 caah. flee owner, O. Huldobler. 1144 E. 22 d st. N. FOR COLONY. 1100 acre alfalfa or fruit land In one of the best Irrigated districts in Califor nia, Zhk miles from good R. R. town, $37.50. Mark Lane Co., 149 Montgomery at., San Francisco. 7 ACRES GOOD TIMBER. 11 miles from Portland, near electric and steam lines; timber will pay for clearing. Low price, easy terms. PACIFIC N-W DEVELOPMENT CXX. 405 Couch bldg. lO ACRES BY OWNER. Best aoreage on Salem Electric: deep, rich, cultivated soli: will sell In tracts to suit, very easy terma W. F. Feller, Don ald. Or. WILL SELL an acre In Rlverdale district, near station, fine view, level, on county road, water In. for $1500. CHAS. KUPPER. 332 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 10 acre at Tigardville on Ore- gon Electric, cut and burned; will aell cheap for caah or trade for Portland Home Telephone bond. T 342, Oregonlan. GLADSTONE S acr. near Chautauqua Park, partly wooded, fine for chicken ranch or country home; lo minutes' walk to electric line. Owner. 906 Spalding bldg. 10 ACRES In cultivation, close to Portland; also some good small farms to sell or trade. See iletcalf. 310 Yeon bldg. Mar shall 2432. - jiuLlTT of $700 In a 10-acre traot of cleared land for trade: $100 cash and will take city property for the balance. B 330. Oregonlan. CHOICE lo-acre tract, good buildings. 1 acre orchard, lota small fruit, all fenced and cultivated. 361 E. 11th st. E. B023. WHITE SALMON, Wash., fruit and hay lands, for sal. Write for particulara. Homer G. Day. White Salmon. Wash. ACREAGE and farms, from $12.50 per acre up- large and small tracta Call Kinney ft Stampher. 531-2 L,umner Kxcnange bag. . ACRES on Base Line and Mount Hood Railway within 3 miles of Montavllla; bar gain; easy terma Main 51g. FOR SALE cheap, one acre of land at' Jen nlng Lodge, on Oregon City carline. B 835. Oregonian. 16 ACRES near Portland, on aplendid road; cabin spring, 1000 cords wood: a bar gain tenrrs:03man. QUARTER acre cheap, easy terms; best buy in Brentwood. T. Doollng. Brentwood, Tremont. Mt. Bcott car. Bo ACRES, unimproved. $27.50 acre. The "B. K. Clary Co 48 Aider. REAL ESTATE. For Bale Acreage. CLOSE-IX ACREAGE. 10 acres, all In cultivation, good -room house, good barn, chicken-house, good well. 14 miles from Lents, surrounding prop erty has all been sold In city lots; price $00;. will consider trade for city prop erty to value of $3000. 10 acres. 7 In cultivation, S In heavy fir timber. 6-room house, large barn and other outhouses, good well and running stream, best of soil. 300 14-year-old apple trees, all in good condition. 3 miles from city and electric line, on countv road; telephone and H. F. D. ; price J.'.OOe, or will trade for Improved place with no fruit. 7? acres. 15 miles from city, on county road, . mile from eloctric carline. all in cultivation, good house, barn, well and small stream; some stock goes with place; price $3600. 5 acres, all in cultivation, very best soil, at Covell Station, on Oregon City line. $700 per acre; terms. 5 acres at Gates Station, on Gresham line; 10c car fare; good soil, no rocks or gravel; price $3500. THE LAWRENCE CO., 218 Alder Street. Good acreage at Low Prices, $125 PER ACRE AND UP. 10 per cent cash, balance to ult. One mile to electric station. WITHIN THE 16-MILE CIRCLE TO PORTLAND. Close to school, church and stores. The land lies level, best of soil; no rock or gravel. Suitable for poultry, or chard or diversified farming. It you want this planted to orchard, we will make you an attractive proposition for planting and care for a term of years. The land borders the Clackamaa Kiver, making It Ideal for homesltex. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 84 4th St. 50 ACRES. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. . ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY. 25 acres beaverdam, -5 acres onions, 28 tons timothy hay. baled, barn filled with hay. 4 milch cows, 10 hogs, 60 chickens, some furniture, all farming tools: every thing goe6.good buildings; 20 miles from Portland, on Salem Electric; $3000 will handla or will trade for Portland prop erty. RAND. READ CO.. 316 Board of Trade. WEST 8TAYTOS?. Where things grow all Summer I 1 to 20-acre tracts, fine for fruit or alfalfa; easy terms. You owe It to yourself to find out about this. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. (Se Mr. Bishop.) ; Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark. HERE'S that little fruit farm you've been wanting; 2 acrea located near Meldrum station, Oregon City Electric line; all under cultivation; 105 bearing fruit trees, apples and peaches, berries, hothouse for mushrooms, etc.; chicken-houses have concrete floors; new house, not quite fin ished; 7 rooms, fireplace, cooling rooms In basement, septic tank, running water and force pump; Oregon grape hedge, shade treea. view of river; $5500, terms. See Kupper. CHAPIN A HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board, 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. A BEAVERTON SNAP. 20 acres fronting on Farmlngton County road; 15 under cultivation, balance In pas ture; ntce big rfouse and barn and all klnda of outbuildings; family orchard in bearing; finest of soli and level; with place goes 2 good horse and harness. 3 wagons, 2 plows, 1 disc, some oows, pigs and chickens: price for a quick sale only $2S5 per acru; terms; land adtolning is being sold at $400 up, without improve ments. For particulars call on 0. V. Prtuger & Co., suite 12 JIulkey bldg., 2d and Morrison ts. RU1T, ALFALFA AND GRAIN RANCH. WASCO COUNTY. 1100 acres, close to good town and trans portation; 100 acres in orchard, apples, pears and cherries, 1 to 8 years old; about two-thirds in cultivation; most of balance can easily be put in cultivation; good water supply; splendid roads, suitable buildings. A real bargain and splendid platting proposition. Price $75 per acre; hi cash, balance to suit 6 per cent. JOHNSTON. BOTHFUR & WESTON. 90S Chamber of Commerce. YOU CAX'T BEAT IT. 5 and 10-acre tracts, best of soil, no rock or gravel, no Irrigation required, all cleared and in crop; t mile from ship ping point on S. P. Ry. and one mile iiom eiocino railway ana a growing city no wumy seat; splendid country, on good county road. Price $150 and $250 f"i r.asy terms. BUY NOW OF CHAPIN A HERLOW. (R) 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Board, CHICKcN' and fruit ranches near Portland walking distance to good town; running water, best soil, free wood, splendid fruit uisinci; view or Columbia River and enow peaas; 2 acres. J250; S acres, $400: 10 acres. $700; 10 per cent cash; easy pay- jiiciiie, uiiier tract near railway station, $25 to $40 per acre. FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. 309 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Or. SACRIFICE SALE. Metzger acre, only 29 minutes out on uregon i.ieciric- an cleared and In cultl vatlon; would make beautiful home, finest kind of garden soli; 3 blocks from station; this 1 a bona fide sacrafice: we need the ",uuw, iKtca n; .iuo tcasn, bal ance can run 2 years at 7 per cent. 603 Swetland Bldg. $1750. 2 i acres, on new Mt. Hood Electrio line, 8 miles from Portland on Base Line road. Thi Is an Ideal place for country 1IUIUO, . CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 211 Lewis Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY WO-vriv 2 blocks from carline, acre ail In fine garaens ana iruit, new 4-room bungalow, new woodshed and fine large barn; thi la an ideal home for you; better see this today; price $2500: terms, $300 down and Daiance to Bull. DeYOUNG A HARTSHORNE, 614 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6068. 1, 2, 3, 5 and 10-acre tracts, close to Port land; good electric car service; best soil; good roads, mall, telephone, etc; $100 to $300 per acre; easy terms; best In vestment today; big Increase In values for you If you bxiy acreage now. J. w. Hefferlln Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg. oth phones. ONL.Y 10 PER CENT CASH. Balance will pay Itself on our B to 20 acre tracts. 22 miles south of Portland and 2 mllas from town of 4000: "red shot" soli; best for fruit, berries or vege tables; macadam roads; $200 per acre. Eager & Watson. 810 Lewi bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. BEAUTIFUL S to 7 acres, suburban home: 6-cent fare, 18 minutes heart of city; small bungalow with bath; all In cultiva tion except small natural park around house; water on every foot of property; few places like thi. Owner S 354, Ore gonlan. 6. 10 OR 15 ACRES. All In cultivation. 35 minute out; all in potatoes; crop goes with this at $350 per acre for all or part; 1-3 cash, bal ance easy. Act now. - A. B. HALL & CO., 302 Rothchlld Bldg. LOGGED-OFF LAND. Over IIOO acres; lies well for cutting Into tracta and will make fine stock farm ; railroad goea through place; price $17 per acre; will take some trade In Port land property. ZIMMER2tIAN, 810 Board of Trade bldg. PART IN WORK. 10 and 6-acre tracts, close to station on Salem Electric; springs and running water on some; very fine deep, rich soil, no rock kor gravel: cultivated and fenced. Prices low. easy terms. C. W. La Barre, 209 Commercial blk.. 2d and Washington. WHY PAY $30O AN ACRE when we ara selling a good or better land In small tracta, near Portland, at $80 an acre, on eay term? No rock, living water, plenty of wood, sightly location and close to railroad station. 512 Couch bldg., 109 4tn CAN YOU SPARE $5 PER MONTH? Big West Side lots, 35 minutes from 4th and Stark sts., $250, and $5 down, .5 per month; 5-acre tract. $8 per month. PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 405 Couch bldg. ACRES choice level farm land, on car line, close to Portland; creek running through the place; can be used for irri- f a tlon: $110 per acre; worth $150. The Vestern Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. 21 ACRES of my 84-acre farm in Estacada fruit district; 18 acres cleared, 6 acre fine timber; running water: mast sell im mediately. Taylor. 874 Clinton. Phone Sellwood 1040. 84 ACRES, nice lev-el land, second-growth timber; 2 miles east Vancouver, Wash., on public road; high and sightly. Only $175 per acre. HIOLET & BISHOP, 135 3d St. 80 ACRES unimproved wheat land, near Hatton. Wash.; easy terms. K 321, Ore gonlaar . - , REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BONITA ACRE TRACTS. ONLY $150 PER ACRE AND UP FOR 1. 9 miles from Portland, Bv minute ride ( by electric line, 5 minutes' walk from i station; live stream on some of the tracts; the most desirable and cheapest acreage near Portland; prices will be advanced arter part of the tract haa been .old. Get in on the ground floor. Terms, lo to 20 per cent down, balance easy. ATCHISON & ALLEN. 218 Gerllnger bldg.. 2d and Alder. Phur.ea Marshall 2UT9. or call evenings. Mnln 4060. 5-ACRE tracts down the river on West Side, only two miles back from Willamette River, the city Is growing In thf direction very rapidly; good soli, good water and school on tract, a few tracts yet at $150 per acre, on monthly pay ments. Sue us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth Su Main 33. A 3500. $70 SEVENTY DOLLARS $70 LEVEL. CLEARED LAND $70 SEVENTY DOLLARS $70 PER ACRE. 5 and lo-acre tracts; finest land In the state for fruit, berries, garden und chickens; close to the best markets on the Coast; deep., black, sandy loam: docs no overflow, and best of all, you can plant your crop the same day that you tuy it; no stumps to uig out. no promt . to clear; $70 and $80 per acre, on easy ; terms. We sell our own property. Call or write for folder. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., 1016 Chamber of Commerce. FORTY ACRES ADJOINING TOWNSITE. ' Junction of two important railroads. In high state of cultivation; excellent soli: 3 lilocks from Union Depot and business ; center; all kinds of business; destined to be the most important commercial town ; on the two roads; a fortune will be mado 1 here. Why not you? Price $TOO per acrr. with terms. Owner haa other buslntsn -that cjalms his time elsewhere. Photos uL offlcd. ZIMMERMAN, 310 Board of Trade Bldg. I ACREAGE. I 12 acres, half a mile east of Mllwau- i kie, $5000 cash, easy terms; may consider ; exchange A half-acre tract, 2 blocks from the , Mtlwaukle postol'fice. One acre, 4 block east of Main St., , Milwaukle, $2500. Fivo acres, near Courtney station. Call or write First State Bank. 5Iil- i waukie, Oregon. CHICKEN AND FRUIT RANCH! AT SACRIFICE. 9 acres In hisli state of cultivation, on electric line, 5 minutes' walk from depot: excellent orcjiard. fine new modern bun galow, water piped to house and fine re frigerating svstem; good chlckenhouses; all stock includeiL This Is one of finest places in the slate. SEE ME EARLY FOR THIS SNAP! M. D. llobbs, 213 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 2 -acre tracts, few miles j from Portland. Oregon City carline; best of soil, highly cultivated; beautiful view. , graded streets; telephone, electric light'. ' mall and grocery delivery; graded school, desirable neighborhood; no shacks. This is choice property. Price reasonable. Easy 1 terms. See R. J. Llddell. 133 12 1st St.. ! room 3, opposite O. W. P. waiting-room. : 5IOUNTAIN VIEW PARK. 3 acres on ridge above Willamette Heights; unexcelled view, on county road ; ample water from perpetual spring; price t $4O00, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2653. 10OO ACRES LOGGED-OFF LAND. Excellent platting proposition: every foot Is A-l fruit land, close to transporta- ; lion. See us Monday. This is biggest . snap on market. Owner must raise money. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. For Sale Homesteads. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON WO-page book gives amount of Government land open tu homestead In each county In the states of Oregon and Washington and de scription of same; gives homestead, des ert, timber, stone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colors, 21x2S. showing R. R. In operation, one showing all proposed R. R. and electric lines, in cluding Eastern and Central Oregon; 2t'c each, or three 5oc; map of Washington In colors. 21x28, 20c .Mmmo, Runey A Co.. Hamilton bldg. GOOD CENTRAL OREGON HOMESTEADS In well-settled valley, where I Jive; ltj guiles of good 9 months' school; now L.r vestlng good crops; have two duily malls, towns, sawmills, good roads, etc. now there. Valley surrounded on three sides , by heavy timber; can locate you on good : homestead If you can go with me Wednes- . tiay morning, the 23d. Ask for mo at 422 Chamber of Commerce. Alvln S. Hawk. JUST In from my homestead, found several good homesteads not taken; dark volcanic t ash soli, near railroad; see samples of grain grown near; 25 to 60 bu. per acre. 125 X. ltilh St. HOMESTEAD relinquishment; value $7oo: sale or trade; what have you? team, wagon, harness and farm implements pre ferred. Box 11, Coburg, Or. FREE homesteads in Southern Oregon, lit- ' tie clearing to do, no irrigation, plenty of water, near railroad and town, come quick. S23 Chamber of Commerce. . FOR SALE liio-acre homestead relinquish ment in Rogue River Valley, 4 miles from thriving town. For particulars address M 345, Oregonlan. TWO homestead relinquishments; drive to ; Portland and back In day, 2 miles to I', j O., store and school. AG 344, Oregonlan. I FREE homesteads, level land, pure water, large timber, near river, R. R. and P. o. j Covey. 207 Oak, room 21. SOUTHERN Oregon homestead relinquish ment; price $400. Address 5311, S. E. 72d st. FINE timber claim. 7 mil 526 Worcester bldg. ;s. Call forenoon. For hale Fruit Lands. HOMESTEAD relinquishment of 80 acres In t-o-ithern Idaho, under Govt. Irrigation; 00 acres in alfalfa, balance In grain; good Improvements; 0 cows, 3 horses.' tarui machinery and crop go with place; a tine hog and cow ranch, cheap for cash, or will take part Portland property. 20-acre homestead relinquishment un der irrigation, near Hermlston; Hue fruic and alfalfa land: good improvements; good young orchard and all kinds of small fruits: tnese are both money-makers. Call or address R. R. Lewis, Hotel Houston, Portland. Or. FOR SALE Fine city orchard in Ashland. Southern Oregon, In the famous Rogue River Valley; 2. acres Red Spitzenbergs and Yellow Neivtowns; crop sold for an average of $1100 per year for the past four years; apples now on, trees worth considerably more; city water irrigation: ideal climate; splendid residence city of 60OO; only 10 minutes' walk from church and school; four blocks above paved street. Address the owner. O, H. Barn hill. Ashland. Or. IDEAL FRUIT AND POULTRY FARM. 20 acres, part under cultivation: good spring; magnificent view of the Columbia River; 1 miles from depot. Price J75 per acre, and $300 will handle It. This la an exceptional opportunity for you to become Independent raising fruit and poultry. DEVLIX & FIREBAUGH, 07 Yeon bldg. APPLE LAND BARGAIN. 140 acres, 80 acres of which is a fine apple land as can be found in the Hotod River country, put under cultivation; spring; fine view; 8 miles from the town of Hood River, and only 2 miles from R. R depot. Worth $12,000, but I need the money and will sell for $8000 cash, or will take unencumbered Portland prop erty for part payment. E 842. Oregonian, COMMERCIAL PRUNE ORCHARD. Over 1000 big. strong 12-year-old trees In A-l condition, on 10 acres, beautitul homel site. overlooking the Columbia River; view of Mt. Hood and north part of Portland; only 45 minute by rail; this is a genuine snap at $3000, one-half cash. BEE MR. CAKR, 91 5th St. BULL RUN now reached by ML, Hood Ry. bAN orcuaru awvi vuuuwj tracts 25 miles from Portland, between Sandy and Bull Run rivers; bet volcanla shot soil, an abundance of pure water, beautiful acenlc surroundings, boating, fishing; 1 to 20-acre tracts, easy terms. Henry C. Prudhomme Co., owner, 9i6 Spalding bldg. NON-IRRIGATED FRUIT LAND. 115 acres 7 mile from Goldendale. Klickitat County, Wash.; about lo aert s In eppleft, 2 to 11 year old: 10 acres mole cleared; house, barn, . creek and spring on place: no better apple land on i-ani,; $10.oO0, 1-3 cash. W. G. Davis, owmr. Goldendale. Wash. PRUIT trees, finest budded stock, el low, st prices: aeecripiivo ca.ia.iuue, couiaimiiK valuable information, sent on request. Carlton Nursery, 416 Chamber of Com-, merce. Main a67. 520 ACRES of fine fruit land in Yamhill County at low figure Of $ia per acre, 'lin.i is choice redshot soil. The Western Se curities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. 20-ACRE orchard tracts, facing on WHITE SALMON RI V EK, ?5U per acre, mommy payments: no agents. . C. . H. Piggott. owner, 142 y. Second st. Room25. FOR SALE cheap, 10-acre orchard, 4 years old, hair mile irom town; uouom lana. Grits Gerllnger. Dallas, Or. . 60 ACRES, best Mosler land. C. G. Dwight, 659 Feitlgrove, Phone Main 9253,