- rut? cnvniv nnrnnvnv TnT?TT. VTV X rriiTTST 20. mil. Why Not ROCHESTER Railroad Center Rich Natural Resources Lerel Qeartd Lots Rneheater Is lo.sted In very rich valley, at the Junction of the Northern Pac'.'-!? Oregon-WasMngton aad Mil waukee ral'r.d.s Fl.L'Tntc ilne to ha extendel ! K-M-l -Mi-r. Surrounding; tanchea being cut no lot" email tr. is nd eett'lns up rapl.I'v. Sash, d or "n't nog factory und-r construction, ani bje'nrai liojs.e and no homes K'na 'P $25 LOTS-525 While they last we will sell 'evel. cleared lots on!r two block from rail road at $25 each. Only a few these lot left. Bu-lners lota ru'it H tn-j junction of thes railroads for $40 each. Discount for ras'i .r on ifrmi that any one (.an r.an.ii-. REMEMBER TV. ar not eei'lne; tMee oWi.Vn tranctn or wnai is ' hut on the stren.th ofwh.t cr there now. Th railroad, tare com pleted, running dally ' rln,:,,,tl; ,TT' sources back o? tMls town c ould not b. better, and R'hm la bound to be ood town. F.very lot ' '"" "raa.a In value, and 'bdy ' ""'"I to make tnl profit. Why not ou. Call or write for foldar. ws sell ur own Irot-iP2 vtp i5 direct from owners. WARBANTE oaad and FREE abatraot of title. AmericanRDrn3lnv2StT;8ritCo.GwnBrs 1016 Clumber of Commerce On Stark St. Between 34 and 4th Take Elevator No. 1. Third St. Side $30,000 APABTT&ENT ON South Portland Corner SOilftO INCOME $230 PER MONTH Terms Can Be Arranged $40,000 Wholesale Site lOOs lOO Corner 14th and Flanders St H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. 5 ACRES $150 DOWN $75 PER YEAR A GOOD PLACE TO PVT TOUR MONEY. J?5t buv 5 acres of good garden land, located within an hour rid of Portland, within one ml of a va'ley town, with one of tbe best high schools In the atate. It ha 3 steam rall roadi and 1 electrl? line with In 25 mlnutu' walk of six dif ferent railroad atatlon. The land la level with suffi cient alope for drainage. The aoll Is a deep rich loam, free from rock and sravel. on the main 0-ft. county road In a highly Improved district. At the price thl 6-arre piece la below value and will double In price within the next year. $750 for ( acrea; $160 down and ITS e year. per cent In terest. RALFH ACKLEY LAND CO., IT Fifth -. . Powtoffloa. AN IDEAL COUNTRY HOME WITH 9PLEDir) nrCOME. Five acres one-half mile from Oresjori 1tv carline Just outelde city limits, on good country road, with every modern c:ty convfrj!nre. TMe tract la set to fruit In full beartnr apple, pear, peach, plum. prune, cherry, four stand ard varieties strawberries, fonsebcr rlea and currants and a fine vineyard, four standard varieties. Tula tract Is a fent.e south slope, and In center la a TUO-STORV '1K-ROOM HRIDEr8 elegant! ftnlehed. bath and toilet, elec tricity. Mlnlhorn spring; water (better than Bull Ku-i) piped Into house, fcile. srant lawn, beautiful roses and shrub bery. Barn and outbu.ldlnas all In anod condition. This la one of tha most beautiful homes near Portland, and Is within the $V,-mlie circle. PKICE 91S.OOO. Terma can ba had. Call for C- G. Rest-tan. BUT NOW OF Chapin & Herlow Mesa Iter a mt Iertlaa4 Realrr Bar4. M2-M Chamber of Com mercer Trade! Trade! Trade! . What hava yooT VThat da you want? Wa moke a specialty of exchangee. Write, phone or rail and tlv us your propoalUon. A. W. LAM3ERT & COMPANY, svs Rut Alder strs-s-t. East a, n ii Income Investment IJI.ee TOxlOO corner, closa In en Cast fide. Fuiiy Irrprored with stores and f.ata. Income $M per month, pres ent rent very low an 1 can he Inrsasrd. lreMte this. W. o. Wa.idall. J0 Lumber rtxehansa. Dairy Complete It miles from Portland on Columbia River and county road. Kaey tarma. fall J"hn Dl-k. : Henry n;.la-. COIUI BERRIDUS tllOHHOS. Ft-BLIC ArCOl'NTA.VTS. At t;TORa. Ceanssarslal. Cssntr sad sfsntetrsl 4i':eg. lavtistLaa sa4 aateimt taav lt wwmr fctoga. Pftoae Man Hlf. t';H SALC Frc!n. Lo'lclns-tious res vsqrsat. Cook lens SHS- -i mer . aoT Kthiik. A ft.i4r. Xlsm I --... - 1 -sftgig 1 1 "t,.. r LOT BARGAINS Lots 7, 8 and 9, block 7, in Arbor Log. The lots are 33 1-3x110 et each, and run from Curti street to Villard avrnn tiro frontaftes. They are about 4 feet above prade level, 2 block from the St. Johns electric car an-I risrht near Portland boulevard. Curtis street is graded and side walked. Lots 12 and 13, block 48, reninstj- Jar Addition So. 4. These lots are riht near the rnanafarturintr district .ff Kenton. I.t block 29, Capitol Hill. VTater main and sidewalk in front of this lot. We will sell the above lota way be low tha soiling' prices, or exchange for carline acreage, or equity in improved or vacant Holladay or Irvinjrton prop ert y. W. H. GRINDSTAFF 1125 Yeon Building. Main 875. A 7343. GEO. D. SCHALK 223 Stark St. Main 3S2. A 2393. $18,000 MODERN FLATS E. 28ih St. Corner Income $200 Per Month H. P. Palmer-Jones Co. 213 Commercial Club Bldg. NORTH 20TH ST. Corner lot, ..0x100 feet. Rental value $125 per month. Two modern double flats. $16,000 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fonrtta St. SING FOR LAND Don't pay $.")00 an acre Don't pay f400 an acre Don't pay $30 an acre. We are offering choice level land in crop now for $175, close to town and only an hour and a half to this city Why, we are only asking $300 an anre for genuine onion land, all In cultiva tion and crop now. Wallace Investment Co. Orepnian Bid?. We will furnish a Tine lanje tent house free, of cost to every lot buyer for the next 30 days. 10 PER CENT CASH $10 FEB MONTH GREGORY INVESTMENT CO. 418 Corbett Bldg. Marshall 557. A 2644, $15,000 Cash BALAXCK OX MJkSr TXRM1, O ftcraa on VV-.t lld. cl in: 1 ?9tPl4 pitn. Juit th thlr.r (or p;itln. 36 mrtat' t from Third ina Wahln(rtosa. 11 Bor4 H Timd. $400 CASH One rlc ftve-room hotse with vstial conveniences, 11 Kast Ormnt; dad led f.rsain st Ill'O, balanee easy. See owner. Kersey zridrldaa. 109 Front street. N r" W s-rwm Dtirrsiew fer sala aheap. Free Kent ffiyr IRRIGATED -NJjOX v PUBLIC LANDA f, OPENING. 5 i II VOOAtlNTITlE0T0IU.Oel N lle4 leOAcntsorianioAtcoiANO. j T MAKE APPLICATION NOW Jj Vvi iwnniiti S&ff MORTGAGE LOANS 5 JOHN E. CRONAN, HCf. 1M Sealdlas; Bids. 0 V KXst KATATK DEALERS. Berk. Winisa O.. (11 Fslllna kids. DKLBAJtiR A BtMUlC. 6vS McKay h it- a. Cbaput A Herlow. SSI Chamber Conuaerae, Cook. B. a Co., AS Corbstt Md. J.nnln.i Ce. at sin til. JOS Orssonlaa, PaLm"-JONE3 CO.. K. 111 Commu nal Club bids. Tbs Orsson ttsal Kstate Co.. Grsnd eve aad alaltssnsJi St. (Holladay Addition). REAL ESTATE. TOUR OPPORTUNITT. 1OTS. ii.ro. lOezllo. corner, on Portland boulsrsrd. J blocks to oarllns, all fenrsd and has rood bara and a sood concrete founds uon for a house: Improvements are worth strain J300; will take jlvOD cash, bal ance on time; tills property Is reasonably worth K'iOO: 1st me show It to you: you can well afford to take Urns to Inspect It. P. B. LENT. ll Corbett Bids. ROPE CITV PARK SNAPS. Tins level lot on E. 7t h St.. MxloO. between Msnton snd the A Ismerta ; , price (or a quick sals only Js.so: $sn rssh hsn dlea bsl. to suit; also. 2 elrssnt lots f0 ft. aerth from cornsr of the Alamsda, on East both at., faclns sast. beins KXizino; prloa ooly tlSOO: 5O0 cash handles. baL to suit, for further psmculsri. oall oa C. F. Pfluser A Co.. reatty dept.. suite 1J. Mulkey bids.. d and Morrison- a.V BARGAIN ! BA RC1AIN JSIN. bplsnmd. lot eOxlOv. cradsd sttest. ce ment sidewalk and curb, sll "paid. Prl $!li. Hi cash, balance W per month. 2io Intertsu Buy Now. CHAPIN A HERLOW. iRl M'mWn of rortland Realty Board. &8J-3.18 Chamber of Commerce. - A MONEYM AKER. Bunch of It lots at esch: restricted rssidsnoa district; osraent walks. Bull Run wster; Iota sslilna at 1490 to J 7 10 sschl rsaldsnca aow beins ersctsd almost ad Jomins at coat of J00OO. OOOOARO A W1EDRICK. a Stark ti. rORTUNU H EIGHTS. lOoxlUU. CHAPMAN A SPRING. J 11500. J8500 eaiih, bsl. J yesrs. CHAS. KIPPER. 53J Chamber of Commerce. Main IS.-J. WEPT SIDE. LOTS lluO. Jtlsht on carline on upper Wsshlna-ton St.. West 8Bth snd TsmhlH St., beyond City Psrk; sa.v payments. NATIONAL RKALTV A TRtST CO., ill Chamber or Commerce bids.. Main 61 -'9. HAWTHORNS DISIRU'T. West of ftoth st.; JOxloti, with street Sraded and cement etrtewalks In and all caid: served with fEWKR, WATER. OAS. ONLY J75IX Terms. $T6 rath, $1& per month. In tersil 6 per rent. W. H. ROSS. Big Spalding Bldg. LOTS. SOxlOO, J7S to J250; easy terms; 1 to 4 blocks from sleetrlc car station; mall, telephone, close In. West Side property; best for homo or Investment; big Increess In values for you; buy now. J. W. Hsf fsrila Realty Co., SO Corbett bldg. Both phones. ROSS OITT PARK. SOxlOa lot. nesr nsw concrete school now being built; SSOO; eaa ssil on terms and help you build horns on same; good location. One vlsw. O. W. M. REAL ESTATE. MO Qerllnger Bldg. SPECIAL SN-Ar. For a few days only. Lot SOxlOO.. on East 11th at. near Shaver; Ilea about 6 feel high. eut Is protected by fine retain ing wall. Price only , half cash. OODDARD A WIEDRJCK, 344 Stark st. LOTS. Wa are headquarters for all kinds of bargains In residence lots, arid we offer you things right Be surs to consult ms before settling finally on your home site. The Western Securities Co, 414 paldlng Mag. WEST SIDE LOT J400. 01(7, practically level, magnificent view, near Portland Heights carlines; will take Jl&o cash snd J12 per month; a snap at this price. Address AK ttt. Oregonlan. V1FW alts on Portlsnd Heights, odd-shaped piece, about 1 4t lots, big frontsgs. fices city, has unoostructed view of mnun. tams; 110.000 home built on four adjoining lota. This Is for sale cheap (or a short time. W. J. Baker. S19 Board of Trsde. loOx 200 choice, sightly tract of ground, cov ered with fine besting fruit trees, on a good carllns; must he sold st once: no reasonable olTar refused. Tbe Western 6e curltlea Co.. 414 fepsldirg bldg. WILL SELL an acre In Rlverdale diatrlct. near ststton. fine view, level, on county rosd. water In. for 11.100. CHAS. KI'PPER, 332 Chamber of Oommerre- ROSB CITV PARK CAR. BEAUTIFUL residence site. 81st and Pacific. SiixloO; g young fruit trees; price J12AO; psrt essh. balance arrangsd. Phone Tabor 9181. WILL sell an acre in Rlverdala,dlarrict, near station, fine view, level, on county road, water In, for llsoo. CHAS. KUPPFR. S32 Chamber of Commerce. WAVER LEIGH HTS. SNAP. Beautiful corner lot. on carline. 4(1x100, aaeassaments amounting to SHOO paid; price J00. worth JHOu; $50 cash han dles, bsl. to suit. A SMALL bungalow, furnished, st Mllwau kie Heights, nnxino lot. well, chicken house and 60 chlcksns: tooo cseh. Owner, 1 Washington st. Msln 4. fEB Le Nolr A Co. for WEST SIDE REAL TT. Exclusive dealers In WEST SIDE PROPERTY. Ground floor. Chambsr of Commerce. APARTMENT OR FLATS. T have a fine comer 3 minutes walk from rnlen ava. and Russell, looxioo, 3SfV0. might divide. F 8.1 .t. Oregonlsn. WT. TABOR. "xi4,. adjoining City Park, two blocks from cr; view site, overlook ing city; some besutlful trees; J17."VO. part caeh. S21 Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON. A fine quarter Mock on Plsklyon st.. nice shads trees, faces southeast. 18200; Inside lot tiaso. V 834, Oregonlan. IRVING TON PARK SNAP. 14B0 cssh buys choice lot 6ilOO nesr Alnsworth ave. Owner, AR 34. Orego nlan. IRVINOTOrf dlstriot lots; prices right: I Mxioo inside; 1 doable corner It, blocks from Broadway car! ready for building. Owner. AE 141. Oregonlan. WE have $80,004 to loan on real estate se curity In one amount or will divide. Thayer A Fulton, 1414 let St., room 4. Main JMJ. 3RVINOWOOD. Take Broadway car. get off at Kllokltat and walk to the office toward the east. Tf yea haven't a home, be sura to go. a, ACRE. J1S down, $10 per month, near Mt. Soott Se car; city water, street graded; all In cultivation. HIOLET A BISHOP. Ill d St. A SN'AP Corner lot In Rose City Park, on the bill near A'ameda: a bona tide bar gain, at cost: this Is sn A No. 1 Invest ment. Phone eel I wood 42B. 85x12.1 ON north side of Hsrold street, 100 feet east ef Milwaukee ave. Price very low for gulclr ssle; easy terma See owner. 1114 Mllwsukle ave. THREE choloe luta at Bayocean Park for one-third prassnt value. H S4. Oregon lan. 60x100 view property, surtounded by besu t'fu! homes: 43JOO. The E. R. Ciary Co., 24S Alder. IKHtioo LOT on JSd and Oregon. 8 blocks from Ssndv road car; make me aa offer ror this. Tabor 2"44. TWO 2ft-foot lots for sale, north of Jones- mors: 2o a lot: $10 down. $3 a month. T 844. Oreaonlsn. TWO tots for sals In Rose City Park, big sospa inquire ss lotn, near wash ingtnn untncurnbrta ISout h Mt. Tgbor, to szchsnge.for bungslow in good loca tion. Address V 844. Oregonlsn. ftoalOO. MOUNT TABHR. gsirfV. Vsry deeirahle aad ssoo under value: eaav terms; a snsp. Tabor rnz. l"OR SALE Fine eornsr lot. 30th and East Pine: fins apartment site. Call Tabor J4A t.iO CiSH; cholc of two tins Irvtngton lots between Klickitat and Freemont. Owner. Blgelew. Msln 1121 or A M5. FOR SALE Lot In trvlngton. close to car; snap for tnveatmsnt; must sell. Address owner, AR 141. Oregonlan. flOSE City Psrk bargain, east-fsclng lot. near canine. . j. t saa. uremnisn. ;nr.V1VV soap, large building alts, un obstructed view; low prioa: terma to suit. 8(. Oregonlsn. lOT (or sale: a snap If taken at once. East Hth. intone M. J04J. M. t"4J. ROASMERE Lot on 44th. between Thomp- S"o snd urssee, .too. Tabor XQ44 HS BUTS eorner lot nesr Uth and Killings worth. Owner, AP 847, Oregonlan. LAURELHUP.ST. If you are Interested in Iurel hurst property, either :o buy or sell, we believe we can help you. . We have handled thousands of dollars worth of Laurelhurst prop erty, and believe that our Judgment Is worth consulting. We have many choice building lo cations at low figures. One lot In psrtlcular can bs had at a snap. If taken quick. We aino have four modern, up-to date homes, all new and ranging in price from $400 to J."0. F.asy terms csn be had on all of this property. Residence on tract. 33th and Oilman. CHAS. RINOLER A CO., 211 Lewis BMg. 17RO ROntt CITV PlKk' LOTS $70. Thsss lots are located on the high snd sightly part of Roee City Park, sur rounded hv sTiljtnfilil raii1enfa. not shack In sight; cement walks, graded liw.il wafor ,UtH M r h ' Ml and telenhone. Price 7.'0 for lnalile lots. $'.0 for rnrn,r lot llta tnn. 1111 oer month; mill discount the price of each lot $1"0 for all caah and $ per iot discount for nan caen. BUT NOW OF . CHAPIN A HERLOW, IRl 812-83S Chamber of Commerce. Metnosrs of the Port'end Realty Board. HOME bITt. T3X100, Irvington. $4000; lmproven-ie Included. nta 4 lors, Beaumont, $1ir0 each. BOslOo. Irvington. eat facing, $1T0V ."rOxlun, Irvlnston. llrVSO. ,ixlOO. Mt. Tabor, improvements. $1100, 1 1 1 0, Went j;icle, iew Int. $lR.0ix. liMtxluO, rorlsmouth. Jl-f'O. 10Oxl'0. buslne-. West Side. I1S.0O0. IIMMKBMAN, K10 Board of Trade bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. 100x100. CHAPMAN A bPRLNG. $f00. $3800 cash, bal. 8 ysara CHAtJ. KI PPER, 838 Chamber of Commercfa Main 1062. WALNUT PARK, test on.rtor block on Williams ave fsclng north and east; all street Im provements In and Included in price; S44UO; a snap. KAIT.'MANN A MOORE. 825 Lumber Exrlisnre $10 DOWN. 110 l'EK l rl. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, rs s'rieted district. nsr car. cement walks, nii To.m n . ,r frtttt riran for free of charge. 202 Board of Trade bldg. Mar ehsll 473. A 1022. $10 CASH AND $10 PER MONTH buvs a fine aoxioo lot. .1 blocks from carline. In a good residence district. Lots 40 and up. Call Main .17 or A iHS.. J. V. Guthrie. 72 Ktark St. UNION. AVE. SNAP. . Lot 62 li 1 110. corner Ros,sn ave.: an Ideal location for business block; price $4830. GODDA RD A WIEnRICK, 24J fitsrk St. THREE LOTS IXSOO. Suitable for factory, werehouee or stable. This Is west of 2Sth St. snd soutn of Ssnny rnsd. HARTMAN A THOMPSON. Chamber of commerce. n A L.r I rvj- r.. For cash, two or four lots at J.1O0 each In Irv1naton: lots aiVloin'.ng these are selling at $1000 to $12'0. Io you want a HALF PR1CI-. n u k ' " " ' - . " IT.... irO V tt'Aa FOR SALE or exchange Two large lots, by oTn.r. at 1 East 87th and Stark sts.. Mount Tabor, for a good farm, close to Portland; a good location ror a tire resi dence. Write or cell; owner can be seen after S o'clock every evening. W1LDWOOD. Do von know about it? 20 minutes from the heart of Portland; only $275 per lot. This won't laet lonn. Get In on a good thing. Western becurltles Co., owners, 414 SpaMins bldg. E. 22P ST. 1 1 "AO Corner lot. 50x."0, two blocks south of Rose City Park carline. easy terms. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. Ef'OEVE oronertv. 2 eleeant elrhtly lota, two blocks from csrllne. caah or trade: also ens lot between Sprlngneld snd Eusene on streetcsr line, one mile from Eugene and half-mile from Hprlnxreio. mono a. ji Lowry. E. 39. UTH STREET SNAP, llfinft for rCxIOO on 11th st.: posltlvelv the only lot offered on this street under $7.10O; msgnlticent view or tne city sna an Ideal location for a home. AK !-'0. Oregonlan. ' rOXTB A CTOR S. How would vou Ilka to trade In second mortgages nt face value for good lot-? Call Main M7 or A.83. J. V. Guthrie, 27J Stark st. WEST STARK AND R2D STS. Lots $.o. esay terms: best bur in the cltv- nev carline building: ee us at once. EMPIRE REALTY TRUST CO., 492 Teon bldg. siarsnaii 84. GREATEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. Corner, almost 8 lots. 8 minutes walk to Washington and 2Hd; suitable for horns or spsrtment site; JuOOO. terma Main . t.gii DDI, will buy lot corner Roaslawn and E. bth St., S0xr,2H. terma. CODDARU Jr. t'ttlUtv, 243 Stark St. rnR SALE Equity In two lots In Hvde Park Addition: near Roee City carline. Exceptional bargain to one who wlahes property witn a ruture. an r.. i. Stretcher. Muln 23St or A T3H0- Monday. YOU GO TO IKVINOWOOD tf you want a fine re-rrlrted lot at $72.1. Don't wait, but Kn today. Take Broad wavcar. get off at Klickitat st.. and walk ena't. Agent on the ground. $72 BUTS a nne slchtly lot In the Irv- lnston niSTriCt. in.m is nimnns: "r nam tllture' left except this propertr. Pesutiful riocwood and llr trees. Call 414 Spalding bldg. WILL SELL an acre In Riverdale district, near station, fine view, level, on county road, water In. for I1."n". CHAS. M'PI'EH. HR2 Chamber of Commerce. MORRIS STREET. NEAR UNION. Lot, frills, facing south, 120 feet from Vnlon ave. Price $10oo. GODDARD A WIEORICK. 24S RterTt st. CORNER. Anahel Station. Jo0; toO down. balance 111! montn; lot nose i.itv t-ara. block H from oar on 40th St.. JtfiO. AB S47. Oregonlan. TWO hlgh-cleis lots for sa'.e or trade, In Foe-mere Aoauion io - r-nrimnu; $2ooo: I wleh Improved acresse; owner only replr..- Address Boy 8.1. Granite. Or. LOTS. T.OTS. IlTS Choice lots In Willamette Addition, rea sonable and on terms to suit. See owner. Geo. W Tabler. 4S N. th st SVAP FOR CONTRACTOR. Fix cheap lots. $.i'!'l each. E. lth south of Division, worth $1200 each. Pment A Krlder. 24t Madlaon et. YOUR choice of 4 nice lots on 4cth St.. 1 block from Beaumont, $1"o below market price. Cssh or terms. Improvements paid. O 340. Oregonlan. OWNER will sell at a escrlflce lot In Irv ington on 17th near Siskiyou; Improve ments all In. assessments paid, call A 741'3. FOR SALE Comer lot nOxinOr 47th and Tillamook. Rose City Park; 1 block from carline; cheap, with easy terms. Tabor 17SI. NINE lots. Bremerton. Wash. (Puitet Sound Navy-Yardl, unencumbered, f'Jiju, all or pnrt for equal vslus Portland. Owner, Main '6274. $1000 infhtlOO South Mt. Tabor, three blocks from Mt, Tabor Park: terma Phone G 2M7. . . apf ENPTD view site, fractional lots on lower Portland Heights. Sea owner. 24J Alder St. tii,o-i LOT corner East 21st and East Oak eta walking , distance. Apply No. ei East 20th St.. cor. Osk. BARGAIN A $700 view lot In Eaat Side re stricted district for $100; part cash. riwner. O a.io. .resonien. WILL eell or trade Waverlelgh Heights lot for good Isnd close to railway station. S 341. vtrep.-inw., $S0O LOT FOR $.K Rose City Psrk. E. 4Vh and Stanton; $0.1 rash. $20 monthly Owner 41 Board of Trade. $rt7.1 RIVEP.SIPE district, lot .10x100. re rrent walk and water paid: terma Inquire 1001 Maryland SVo. COUNCIL CHdoT PARK lots.. $f00 up; Javed streets, sewer, gas snd water. W. . Baker. 81K Board of Trade. $10 DOWN. $10 a month buys my SOxIno lot: unrestricted, with city water: total price $4O0. See Leonard. 84 4th st. A LOT In Cedar H'il. frontms Cliy Park, for ssle. Apply 211 Washington st. MARSHFIF.LD lots for trade. What have you? 0-1 Chsmber of Commerce. llK'xtOO. on Kerby. with alley, one block from fir. By owner. 4ia Tillamook st. FOR SALE One lot. 1 block to car; small payment down. A T228 WHO made money the past few years ill Portland realty? The man who bought West Side, who made the BIG no"" and retired? The man who bought West Side property, close in. Did It take brains or Judgment? No. A Idiot made a na'l pavmcnt and started a fortune. was there any time at anv stage of the gnnie. when he couldn't have aold at a tg profit T No. . Then why didn't they all get In and make an Independent fortune, on .close-m property like he did? Because they wanted to wait awhile. They lacked the nerve; that nerve which comes n'y throush confidence. What, good Is all the brains and lurlsmerit in the world without, nerve? This feature never both ers the live Investor. Think it over. Vou can at this time buy a piece of property, - within easy walking distance of the business center and on the West Side, for Jll't."; the terms Invite your at tention. A 3&0. Oregonlan. STRIKING Build your own home among the beautiful homes on Portland Heights; work out your own original ideas. Have your horns amidst ths choicest and most exclusive people: environment is what you need for the children: on a nice level lot, on the Portland Heights carline. with a view that will make your heirt glad. On the making of a reasonable initial payment we will furnish the money for you to build: you can pay the balance In suitable installments. This Is no cheap proposition, but a square orfer to a business man who wsnts a nice home In a locality suitable with nis nusiness condition. Ths lot Is low prired. $1K.'.0. you can see whether you can manage this, because It Is unusual. T 841, Ore gonlan. 22D STREET LOTS NEAR SAXny BOULEVARD WALKING DISTANCE Wa offer a few elogant residence lots close In on East Side that will Increase In vaJue fast; prices from $1250 to $2,100; also a few busines lots on Ssndy read and 2 2d St., for $2200 upwards, this close In property will- make you some money by Its rapid increase of value and will make fine building site In walking distance from West side. Take Rose Cltv car to 2Qd flnd Sandv. Affent on ground. Portland-PaoHio Inv. i'o., 418 Railway Exchange. Marshall 2753 It is -lose In West Side property that sells quickly and brings the big money; Just thick, a lot on the West Side, within easy walking distance of the P. O., with 4b-ft. frontage on one of the principal streets In the city, for f 1300, terms. Then consider what a snap It Is when this price includes all Improvements, pave ment, sewer, gas and water mains and excellent car service. The West Side is the place to live and It Is the place to invest your money. v uregonian. 1 WE CAN SELL. Houses, business property and lots if priced right; have Inquiries now for all of above. Write, phone or call and see us. GOWEN-1DB TRUST CO.. Room 1; Lumbermens Bldg., 5th and Stark. RKN'D. OREGON. Is where a lot f the brainiest men of the country are rredlctinr a cltv of 2,1.000 in five years: 2t'.0O0,0uO spent In building two railways there; that's the reason we have sold 67 of those B0xl40-foot lots within four blocks of the depot, the last week. Prices while they last average trfuo. Terms. $lo per month. THE NKWLON-KOLLBR CO., INC.. .KM Buchanan bldt;., 2v4 Wash. St. For fiale Houses. WEST SIDE Admittina the fact that few $4,'mi0 homes on the West Side are more pretentious than mine, more gaudy, more elabotaie nnd conspicuous. 1 know absolutely that no more Ideal surroundings can be found than those which csn he enjoyed than in the locality where my home is located. A charming: French Chalet of 7 nuimsj The price is right at sk.'ico suitable terms. A H4"5. uregonian. HOUSES FOR SALE. New bungalow, modern In every re spect. $180o if tsken soon. House and lot. within J block of Main street. Mllwaukie. Cheap. House and two lota, 1 block from Main street. Mllwaukie. Writer or call. First Stats Bank. Mil waukle, Or. THIS IS MY BEST BARGAIN. Modern 5-room house; every conveni ence: full size lot; restricted district; choice of two carlines. Price I2too: $100 down: $20 a month. A. N. Searle. Take "M-V" car; get off st K. 76th st. Office on the corner (open tundaysl. Auto to show property THREE HANDSOME RUNOAI.OWS. Ilrand-new. high snd Blsrhtly lot. choice restricted district, sll Improvements paid, close In, near carline. 1,1 minutes to city; all the new snd pretty features combined with the practical. Owner there Sunday afternoon. 2Uh and Waaco. Moderate prices; terms. FOR SALE by owner. 5-room oottage. with sll modern convenience; large lot: nice lawn, plenty fruit and berries; over 100 of the choicest roses. On account of leav ing city this plaue can be hsd at a very reasonable price. inquire jv;i i,ieveiana le price, e U car. tok 8-ROOM and R-room modern homes; best location in city; high-class districts; will sclent acreage or lots up to $2700 on one snd up to $5001 on another; also two modern homes on West side to let go the same vay. J. E. Smith, 513 Chamber Commerce. 8 BEAUTIFUL HOMES! Irvington. $."i;tnri, $7000. H750; $.100 cash each will handle sny one. A very fine place; lot ".IxJiO. 12 rooms, elegant home. C ISflfl. Esst 27.1. No agents. W. H. Herdmsn. Jril V'E-ROOM end sttlo modern bungalow, full lot, on Division St.; lawn, roses and cement walks: full basement; light fix tures and shades s-o with house: may be hnd furnished if desired; $3400 on terms. Phone Tabor 21411. A SWELL HOME SNAP. Swell 8-room modern buntralow. large porches, fireplace, concrete basement and floor, wash trays, etc.; lot 50x100. Esst Flanders, one block to car; only $3.1oo: terms. Owner, Washington bldg., room 8. SEE THIS; MUST BELL, Don't Pay Rent. $200 Cash: $15 Month. Modern 1-room buntralow. close In; w-111 sacrifice for quick sale; will trade. See owner. g 10th. near Stnrk. hO-Al'RE farm for trade; good bulldlnea, betwe.n HI and 40 acres cleared; will ac cept unincumbered city property: agents need not answer. Poatoffice box 2017, station A. SI N N YSI DE. 7-rnom house, larre lot, room for other bulldlnir; improvements paid: near car; price $.1,100. terms to suit: less for cash, or will trade; has to he sold. Owner. I2 E. Morrison st, near 30th St. 6 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern and convenient, everything first class, hard wood floors, and hard-surface streets, cluso In. price $42.10: $.100 cash, balance easy terms. J H. Tipton Co. &-UOOM HOUSE, MODERN. Will sell at great sacrifice, lot 80x100, on Woodstock carline. AMERICAN TRUST CO. fp) 21.'! Chamber of Commerce. SPECIAL HV OWNER. Have two Very choice homos, close In; will sell one on easy terms. Take your choice, no commission to pay for. L 355, Orepnnlan. ' 7-ItttOM house, three full lots, variety of fruit, garden, lawn, shade trees and roses, on carline. improved street; price $.1000; part eash. Owner, A P. 344. Oregonlan. MODERN -room nouse. corner lot. balance easy terms. Owner, Blgelow, Main 1122 or A I045. IRVINGTON New 7-room house for sale by owner; rn'J'i'-i" d.... u-,u-.,nuc, Ib. oak floora, fireplace, part cash. East 217. K1N''9 2D ADD, NEAR 2 ID ST. 1 A-room house, lot 30x100. IS500 Income a per cent, worth $10,000, D H-ll. Oregonlan. FOR SM.E 4-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. :t blocks trom canine; iiiruisnea complete; price 1'JOOO; small payment down and bal ance 11.1 month. Tabor 3151. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Beautiful homes, homesltes and acreoge, all locations, views and nrices. Main .1.1.11. BROOKE. A 8K39. $-'im) FOR 5-room house, corner, 10ox tine location: easy terms: 2 blocks to 100x100; car: $s.n cssh w'll handle. Phone Woodlawn ai'-.u or C 242 SEP l e Nolr Co. ror w fcST BIDE j-iOMEc. r.xciusive n.Bim in v, eer hhk) We have some good bargains at the -present time. Chamber of Commerce. BY OWNER New 5-room bungalow on Kllllngsworth. Cash only. No agents. A J 3.12. Oregon lan. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Modern fl-room house, restricted district; would take lot as psrt pay. B 2141. FOR SALE $100 down, balance on monthly payments, nuys new o-niflm nouse on JUT. Scott cnrllne. R 354. Oregonlan. NE1V rt-room bungalow, the beat ever, $320O. Cement wmii. r -j .a.j m ma. phone East 5A14. Mi'inyRV ,-room n"uw. ima, iruit Of all Kinds. rosea. .hi. n- jaou. cuj payments. Main 137 t FtVlN'O cltv; will sell new modern home a, sm E. stith st. for t'.ioo. IN IRVINGTON For sale. modern resl- gen.CS. X Or KlUUluaie a"VMV V. MO $4S.10 BUNGALOW $4S50. LAURELHURST. SEVEN ROOMS and sleeping porch, ab solutely the best finished house for the money in Portland; living-room entirely in oak. beamed ceiling, reception hall with elegant oak hall tree and mirror. Dining-room finished In mahoaany. pan eled; Duich kitchen with cooler, metal drain boards; enimeled bedrooms; light fixtures and hardware to match through out; full cement basement, furnace, laun dry travs: lot rvoxioo, 2 blocks of car. Price $4M0; TERMS. CHAS. RINGLER A CO.. 211 Lewis Bldg. RO.-E CITY PARK SACRIFICE. We can sell you a large 8-room residence In Rose City Park, large front veranda, east front, large living-room, large artis tic fireplace, waxed floors, built-in hook cases, large paneled dining-room, beamed celling, elegant electric chandeliers, built in buiTet. full cabinet kitchen and pantry; large airy bedrooms, elegantly finisr-ed; ba.th and toHet. shower bath, large clothes closets; full basement and laundry, powei washer, furnace, gas. telephone, electricity. Lot 7.1xl0. beiutlftil lawn, fine ro.es and slirtibberv. This lot is one block from Besumont and :s high and sightly. On y three blocks from Beaumont car. on y $.VKH; $l.'iO down, balance on monthly payments. Call (or C. G. Reagan. BUY NOW of Chapin A Herlow. Members of Portland Realty Board, 8S2-388 Chamber of Commarce. NICE HOME CHEAP. READ! READ! READ! Nice 6-room cottage bungalow, modern, gas, electrlctv. wash trays, cement base ment and sidewalk, lot .10x100 with 20 fodt alley, near Union avenue, $2','o0; $100 cash, balance $15 per month with inter est. Nice T-room house, modern, gas. elec tricity, wash trays, cement basement and sidewalk, corner lot, 60x100 with -0-ft. alley, near Union avenue. $3200; $.100 rash, balance $20 per month with in terest. riT'Dota a. cnnPirrTT Washington bldg, room 8. EAST SIDE BUSINESS PROPERTY. l'.7.i Union ave.. lot 5i'xS0. 7-room house, rented at $30; In rapidly advancing dis trict; small additional investment will bring Income up to JI'O per month. Price $6,100; $3300 caah, bal. easy. Choice corner. 50x100. Kllllngsworth and Mississippi aves. : frame house, rents for $15. Surrounded by business blocks and value constantly growing. -Price Sl.ioo, :;.".00 cash. C. T. Prall Board of Trade bldg., member fortiana xtean-y dpti. NEW 8-room Irvington home, $7.10 below the market: large, elegant living-room, den with lavatory, model dining-room with hullt-ln buffet. Ideal Dutch kitchen, window seat, reception hall, 4 bedrooms. nniH.o Btti f'irnace. laundry trays, sleeplrig-potch. Would consider lot or mortgage as flr.t pssntent, balance easy terms, phone owner. East 411; Sunday, East 1322. MR. LOT OWNER. HERE IS TOUR CHANCE TO IMPROVE YOUR PROPER T7 WITH A HOME. FLAT OR APART MENT: WILL FINANCE IT AT A LOW RATE OF INTEREST; PLANS FUR NISHED FRES. IT WILL PAT TOU TO COME IN AND TALK THIS OVUH. J. S. ATKINS, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. HENRY BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. s:t"in PASH. T rooms, built-in buffet, bnokesses. solid oak floor, furnace, fireplace, laundry travs mirror door, all Improvements In and paid; price. $38.10; cash. $3.10; terms, s"5 ner month. National Realty & Trust Co, Room 723. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main OIJJ. 7 ROOMS, LARGE SLEEPINO PORCH. beamed ceilings, panel wainscoting In din ing-room, built-in burret. Dutcn Kltcnen full basement 40n30: furnace, full plumb ing. This bungalow is on the hill In Rose City Park, a1 -'olocKS Trom canine, ana Is an excellent duv at 4i.-": lernip. COLUMBIA TRUST CO.. 4 4th St. liaoo SIX-ROOM COTTAGE $1300. A six-room cottage, dandy little home, well finished on good lot: fine garden, chicken-houses and runs: five blocks from car in good locality, close to good school. jjuy .ov. CHAPIN A HERLOW. R , Members of Portland Realty Board. 332-3'lS Chamber of Commerce HOME AT BARGAIN. Tar rr 8-room house with modern Itn provements. comer E. 47th and Haw thorne: for terms and particulars. Inquire of owner, next door. This is worth look ing into. Phone iaDor io-to. FOR 8ALE. $SO00 EASY TERMS. Classy, modern, convenient 7-room bouse In Laurelhurst; 2 lots, lawn, bil liard-room, laundry, shower bath, tireless cooker. 2 rirepiaces. rurnace, ourrer, re Tnenr haaement. aduarlum. etc.: will con aider lot first payment. Tabor 1038 or Marshall 2.100. fV'S McKay bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $5200 8 rooms, on corner, 100x100. built for a home; fireplace, breakfast-room, sleeping porch, full basement, cement floor, built one year. If you want a beau tiful place, without any lnllated value, see this; essy terms. Fred W. German. 82d Bumslds. M. or A 2n0. AH ABSOLUTE BARGAIN. Nearly new 5-room house, modern plumbing, nice corner lot. close to car line; 5o fare; East Side; nice district: owner bought a ranch, needs money quick; will sacrifice fill exceptionally easy terms to turn this quick. See Mr. Bishop at Hartman J nompson. sin end stark. DON'T PAY RENT. We have 4. 5 and fl-room homes, all modern. In restricted districts, for sals on easy terma Provident Investment A Trustee Company, Board of Trade. Marshall 473, .. f i.c BEAUTIFUL modern home, Six inlnn. rooms, iivo tins" mwn, mac ne lawn, lilac. rosebusnes, uenuu uun irw, cnerry. ap , nliiir. and nrune 1. rtln.i. nl. carline; ,i . 'm a enl ttren t view .T DIA r gontan. S-ROOM modern home In good residence district: property is easily worth S4OO0, but owner needs money and will sell for 1100. Be convinced by seeing the place. The Western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. A DESIRABLE new bungalow for sale on sightly Mount Tabor. Seer, water, gas, hard-surface streets; 100 feet from the best car service In Portland. Prices and rms rlgnt. owner, aj oregonlan. MUST sell; owner called from city; modern bungalow, completely furnished with piano, full lot. nice lawn, large porches, one block to school, near car; best offer: Part time. O-iO-ri aan, Bl., noom tv GOOD. 8-room house, lot 50x100. 104 East ' 9th st, between Alder and Washington sts ; can be altered to flats: fine loca tion (or apartment-nouse. trice $5000; will consider trade. OWNER will sell beautiful Vancouver resi dence; 8 rooms, with all modern Im provements: beautifully situated; $10,000; can give time on part payment, Postof (Ice Box 448, Vancouver. Wash. FOR sale or rent, a furnished house on Klrby and Webster sts.. opposite the Jef ferson High School; $30 per month rent, or will sell on easy terma Inquire Calu ment Hotel. 150 Park st, COUNTRY home of T large rooms, good modern house; 2 acreg of ground and about 100 bearing fruit trees; price to suit your purse and terms. The Western Securities Co., 414 cpaiaing bldg. (FylV, modern 5-room cottage, close In on East 2Sth St.: lot 50x100: fruit trees on place; $2,100; J.KiO casn, balance $20 per month. The Western Securities Co., 414 ri'MIUlUK iua IRVINGTON Will sell my beautiful new 6-room modern home at sacrifice if taken at once; net price $6S00; cash $1500, bal ance on terms: no agents. Call East 4318. $21.00 BUYS a modern 5-room bungalow, on lot ouxivo, i" iwo iciiuciiue uiftiriei, close in. Don't overlook this If you need a home. The Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg; FOK SALE iModern 7-room" house, $oS00; 3 corner lots. 12uo each; 8 Inside lots, $900 each' restricted district; easy terma In quire 10.18 Montana ave. 1250 DOWN 810 a month, buys new 5-room plastered1 cottage on corner lot. 41x100 ft., .lock from csr: price $1180. Lents Real Estate Co.. Lejits, Or. CASH buy in Vernon; 8-room bungalow. 2 blocks from Alberta car, on 2oth St.; price J2.10O; $150 down, balance easy T.-ma Phone Tabor 491. JOIN the Home Builders" Club; $.10 down, $1.1 per month secures you a home, 604 BeCK Oiny.. im van. FOR SALE by owner, the handsomest e reom house In Irvington. 4U ti. 2otb st. Is. Call and see It. MODERN -room house; will take lot as part payment; walking; distance, 33$ Eugene st. IRVINGTON HOME New, strictly modern, 7 rooms; occupied toy owner: no agent A W 34ft, Oregonlan. NEW modern 7-room house. Ladd Add, sleeping porch, den, furnace, etc. 361, E, 1 1th st. E. 5023. ' $4'00 FOR modern 7-room house; best -bargain on Portland Heights. Owner, H. 839. OregonlaA WALNUT PARK. JtiOOO This is a fine comfortable home, well located. $7500 Modern house, one block from car and including all furniture. $0000 A handsome home on quarter block, one block from car: fine lo cation: garape and handsome grounds. $7000 a new 2-flat bldg. of 5. S rooms each, now rented at $50; plioui-i bring $U0; modern: lot .10x108 on. Williams ave, terms: fine Invest ment and home combined. CHAS. RINGLER A CO., 211 Lewis Lldg. THREE BARGAINS. NO. 1 IN LAURELHURST. New modern, up-to-date ft-room house, just completed, hard-surfaced streets, beautiful view. Owner says to sell on easv terms; lion cash and balance to suit. Price only $42.10. NO. 2 21ST AND MULTNOMAH. Modern 7-room home, which was built for a home and nothing but good mate rial used. Owner wants to buy farm and savs sell for $:..1oo; worth $ii.100. Terms $l.iot cash, balance on easy terma. See i his. NO. 3 LOOK ! LOOK! IXJOKI Modern s-room house In Al condition, with large barn, 1 dozen fruit trees; en corner. Streets Improved.. Lot 7oxl0O. Price $4500. with easy terma For full information on above see Mr. Wilson. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, Room f. Board of Trade bldg. BEST BUY IN CITY. ON HAWTHORNE AVENTE. New 9-room bungalow. 7 rooms com pleted, 2 more can be added; finished in elegant style, large reception hall. IsrgS living-room, elegant electric chandeliers, selected fir finish, paneled dining-room, beamed celling, bullt-ln buffet, full cabi net kitchen, hot and cold water, bath and toilet, gas, large airy bedrooms, finished off In finest material. Full basement piped or furnace. Lot 50x120. besutlful lawn, eement walks, street improvements all in and paid. Price $4600: $1000 cash, bal ance on easy payments. Call (or C. G. Reagan Buy Now. CHAPIN ft HERLOW. 332-S3S Chamber of Commerce. Members of Portland Realty Bosrd, IRVINGTON HOMffi $1600 BELOW SALE PRICE received on sale of same class of TrtouM next to this one. Owner will sell his mod ern 6-room house, with furnace grate, gas and electric fixtures, bathroom, ce ment cellar floor, finely-built double boarded house, close In. fine residence lo cation for Irvington. handy to both car lines, price way below anything in the section: $.1200 cash, or $.13.10 on time: hard surface street improvements In and paid for; day time, call at 320 East Mor rison st. , IRVINGTON HOME, $8500. 8 rooms, new and modern, hardwood floors downstairs, finished floors upstairs, beam ceilings, Dutch kitchen. sleeping porch, hand-ome woodwork, full cement basement, furnace, 2 fireplaces, large at tic, shades and lighting fixtures complete, faces east, on carline, lot 50x100 feet, all street Improvements In, price $6500. terms $.1000 cash, bal. on mortgage. Thla price Is $500 under the value and Is (or quick sale. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8SH9. A 2353. 8PTH ST. NEW BUNGALOW 80TH ST. New, modern, every convenience, ele gantly finished, large artistic flrsplace, paneled dining-room, beamed celling, full cabinet kitchen, larga bathroom, hot and cold water, largo veranda, well-kept lawn, lot 4.1x107. Thlspropertv Is the best of the best. Price $34.io; $.10O down, balance like rent. Call for C. G. Reagan, Buy now of CHAPIN HERLOW, Members of Portland Realty Board, 332-8S8 Chamber of Commerce. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME PROPERTY? IF YOU OWN A LOT, WE WILL FURNISH TUB MONEY AND BUILD RESIDENCE OR FLATS. PLANS FREE. IF WE BUILD. OUR REPUTATION YOUR PROTEC TION. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEB US. L. R. BAIT.EY CO, INC, CONTRACT ING ARCHITECTS. 324 ABINGTON BL-P. NEW S-ROOM HOUSE", $4000. Large living-room with fireplace, dining-room with bullt-ln buffet. Dutch kitchen, reception hail, 8 fine bedrooms wtlh large closets, also dressing-room, and bathroom; full cement basement with fur nace and laundry trays; hardwood floor; fine porch, good view; might take In lot. Call Main 637 or A 2SU3. J. V. Guthrie. 272 Stark. $5650, ON HANCOCK ST., AND PAVED STREET. SOxlOO corner. street Improvements, paved, 1 rooms, reception hall and sleep ing porch, large floored attlo, full base ment, furnace and fireplace, rooms tinted, built-in tireless cooker, price Includes elec tric fixtures and shades; house about 1 year old; price $5650, half cash, phone owner. Tabor 2297; no agents and I vtlH pot trade. BEST value in a home ever offered; one block to Rose City Park car,, on 62d St.: four trees on an east-front lot; 8 large rooms and attic; all built-in effects; small down payment; balance like rent. If you are particular this will suit you. See owner. J. S. ATKINS, Henry Bldg. MT HOME, delightfully situated In llr . grove, high-class district: 2-story bunga low, 7 large rooms, sleoping-porch, ce ment basement, fireplace, gas and elec tricity; built-in furniture; full lot and allev; $.100 below actual value; near 7 carlines and Jefferson High School. 1104 Rodney ave. rhone C 1173. j HAVE a rew large modern 7-room home. 2 large open verandas, basement, ges. electric lights, faces east, fruit trees, lawn, cement sidewalks, lot 80x100, good neighborhood, right distance to oar; no water shortage; cheap at $3000 net, rent for $20; reasons personal. Owner, 450 Magnolia. Woodlawn. NEW 8-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2850. Looated In a rapidly-growing sec tion. Lot 50x100. Call up for terma Main 937 or A 203. J. V. GUTHRIE, 272 Stark su FOR SALE A RESIDENCE Of seven rooms; situated one block from good carline, on East Side: party going to Europe, will sell for $4750, with terms to Bult purchaser. Address A 346, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE Entirely new 7-room house: fireplace, UUicn Klicneu, ppampo celling etc- near carline; $1200 mortgage for 3 years: price $3000: $it00 cash, balance $25 per month. Address owner. A 342, Ore gonlan. HOME with Income New 8-room house. strictly modern, two jjuicn aitcnens. suit able (or home or renting purposes, be tween L and 17 cars; will consider Im proved lot as part payment. Price $3850, terms, inn jiuinu. MODERN 7-room home in Piedmont; finely improved; IS cjose 10 new .leneraon i-llgn School and Columbia Psrk. This Is s nat at $4500: can be bought for $500 cash. Tho Western Securities Co.. 414 Spalding bldg. 875 KELLY AVE.. In Waverly Heights, fl- room swell nouse, jiaruwuou iioors, every thing first class, fireplace, cement floor In basement, kitchen enameled; It will pay you. to go and see this. Price $4000; easy terms. Jacob Haas. 408 Yeon bldg. ELEGANT 7-room house. 4R E. Uth st. North, irvinsyioii, ueiwwen 1 nompson ana Brazee; strictly modern; must ba seen to appreciate. Inquire at residence or Geo. Rooney. 128 d st GOOD seven-room house; bath and electrlo llgnts; aiso Aa 1 o kiuuuu, iees man 6 blocks from streetcar at Woodstock; very cheap and very easy terms. L. E. Thompson, 228 Third st. 6-ROOM bungalow. Grant st. and 35th: VV .1 ,-. 1310- rmir. 1..I..4., $2,10 to $.100 cash. bal. $15 monthly, 7 per cent Interest. Owner, 214 Commercial Club bldg. MODERN 5-room bungalow and 1 acres of ground on tne Oregon i-ity una. This Is a bargain and can be bought on terms to suit. The western Securities Co., 414 Spalding bldg. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow; buy of own er at a oargain; new Hun muuern; east front; half cash. 607 E. 60th at. N.. block from carline. (.ROOM house, right down town, between Broadwav huu oicc ....ubd, ,uw; some cash- suburbsn lot, balance 8 years 1 r"r cent. Owner. 3Q2 Falling bldg. W'E are leaving Portland, will sell our new modern nome, i.. . n. xurnisneo for what house cost: agents need, not ap ply. Phone Tabor 1379. IRVINGTON s.nai tw saie by owner, 50x lis, on i"." , - --."."ii ana Sis kiyou. Call 147 13th st. Phone East211S. FOR SALE New modern S-room bungalow. 2 lots 4"xiv, ,,.,u, wuor suing away. Tabor 2113. - FOR SALE 1-room house on lot 50x100, $1200: bet, Hawthorne ave. and Mt, Ta- bor line. 1251 E. Main. Phone Tabor 467 SWELL bungalow and one acre only $2650: easy terms. Phone owner, Sast 1481, A