The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 20, 1911, SECTION TWO, Image 13

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Pages 1 to 18
NO. 34.
Sale of Hair
$7.00 German dC 7C
Switches npDmiU
3-oz. 30-inch three separate
strand switches, made of fine Ger
man hair. All natural shades.
$6.00 German f A
Switches O
These switches are made of all
24-inch German hair in three sep
arate strands. Just the switch for
use in the new coiffure, styles.
$4.00 Empire. t QQ
. Cluster
These clusters contain 1 6 small
soft puffs dressed with or without
curls. Made of fine German hair.
mounted on weft.
$5.00 Aeroplane
Puffs for
Puffs of low hair dressing cov
ering the entire back of the head
and falling in clusters over the
ears. Made of real German hairs
30-indi 3 02.
CIAL, $2.60
24-inch 2 Yz oz.
Toilet Goods
At Cut Rates
$1.00 De Miracle Remover. 69c
50c Cream Elcaya 27c
50c Palm Olive Cream 33c
50c Brown's Wonder Face
Cream . .39c
25c Brown's Wonder Face
Cream I6c
50c Theatrical Cold Cream.. 26c
50c Melorose Cream 39c
50c Daggett Ramsdell Cr'am 33c
25c Bathasweet 16c
50c Bailey's Talcum Powder 23c
25c Sozodont Tooth Paste . . 1 6c
25c Graves Tooth Powder.
2 for 25c
$1.50 Mme. Yale's Cream $1 33
$3.00 Mme. Yale's Cream $2.33
50c Malvina Cream 29c
25c Pears" Scented Soap. ... 1 3c
25c Pears Unscented Soap. .11c.
25c Resinol Soap 1 4c
15c De Miracle Soap 7c
5c Borax Soap, 7 for 25c
50c Traveling Mirrors 39c
50c Hand Scrub Brushes... .35c
25c Hand Scrub Brushes. ... 1 9c
75c Cushion Back Hair
Brushes 49c
$1.50 Bristle Hair Brushes. .98c
10c Soap Bark 5c
10c Cascara Bark. 5c
10c Epsom Salts.... 5c
10c Flowers of Sulphur 5c
25c Boric Acid, crystals. . . . 1 6c
$1.00 Nau's Dyspepsia Cure. 69c
$1.00 SaL Hepatica 69c
$1.00Ayers Hair Vigor. . . .68c
$1.00 Peruna 69c
$1.75 S.S. S. Blood
Purifier $1.19
New Low Prices on
Dainty Jewelry
$10 CHAINS 75c.
Gold filled bead neck chains.
Very pretty.
Neck Chains
Roman pearl bead neck chains,
15 and 1 8 inches long. From one
hundred to five hundred beads on
the string,
An assortment of gold-filled
neck chains in French gray finish
jet. rose gold and Grecian gold.
Mounted in different precious
Ranging in price from $1.00 to
$15.00 each.
Gold-filled hat pins in over a
hundred different patterns.
Gold-filled lockets to hold two
pictures, in plain and engraved
patterns. Ranging in price from
$1.00 to $4.00.
August Sale of Toweling
Huck Towels, Special 21c Each
Regular 25c 30c and 35c each. This sale includes twenty-five
dozen broken lines of linen bleached huck towels with hemmecT ends
in a variety of self fancy borders. Large size, firmly constructed.
Regular 12 h2c Russian Crash 8c Yard .
1 7-inch wide wash Russian crash. Won't lint especially adapted
for seaside and mountain use. Full bleached.
20c Hemmed Dish Towels 15c
Hemmed linen dish towels, size 17 by 33 inches. All ready
for use. . .
Our Stock
One Thousand Tailored Suits
Latest Fall Models
Received per Express the Past Few Days
Soft Clinging Petticoats
In a Great Sale
Monday $2.65
Through a special purchase are we enabled
.A to offer to the shopping public of Portland
tne finest line or petticoats ror tne price that it
has been our good fortune to secure.
Petticoats that are made right and fit right.
giving the long, close, clinging lines.
Petticoats made of soft mescalines and Peau
de Cygne.
The color range includes black.
navy, gray, brown, tans, reseda,
rose, myrtle, lavender, light
broDm, pink, Copenhagen and
light blue.
These colors are in the richest and softest
tones imaginable.
Fashion demands that some bright con
trasting color be worn with the suit or dress,
and now is your opportunity to secure the col
ored petticoat you so much admire.
The Three Leading
New' Books -of
the Year
Non on Sale at our Book
"The Winning of Barbara
by Harold Bell Wright $1 .30
"The Ne'er-Do-Well"
By Rex Beach $1.25.
"The Harvester"
By Cene Stration Porter
Many other new books in.
Hand Hammered
Russian Brass
Half Price
These handsome and unique
bags that we just received are
being sold at an unusually low
price, and are just the smartest
styles imaginable.
Novel little square shapes of
black and white striped fancy
silks the very newest shape
called the "Chinese skirt," of
fancy tapestry, odd pieces of
Chinese embroideries -r- black
Persian leather soft suede in
all shades, as well as black. Car
ried by long fancy cords with
The Color of the Coronation Is the
Leading Color Note in Autumn Millinery
Purple, the leading color of the season today in Paris and
London, has taken New York by storm. It is at its best in the
pretty hats we show made of taffeta and combinations of taffeta
and velvet
They are particularly charming with a high crown and upper
brim of the purple taffeta and the under brim of a rich black velvet
These saucy two-tone tailored hats are becoming to all types
with their jaunty bows and loops of silks and drooping brims that
partly shade the face, and fit close to the head.
-Prices range from $3.95 to $8.50.
Knit Wear for
Women and Children
Forest Mills t - ff
Union Suits. . tpl.UU
Women's light weight cotton
union suits, with long sleeves and
ankle length, high neck. This is
an extra well made garment and
just the right weight foY early Fall
wear. ,
Women's Union J 1 Q C
Suits ..tpl.O
Medium weight ribbed cotton
union suits, high neck and short
sleeves knee length and high
neck long sleeves and ankle
Women's Vests
and Tights .
Medium Weight white ribbed
cotton vests with long sleeves, and
the tights are ankle length.
"Wearweir OC
Hosiery OC
Women's hose, a make which
is famous for its wearing qualities.
Made of fine cotton in medium
weight with extra spliced feet
Guaranteed fast black.
Stockings .
"Wearwell" stockings for chil
dren in sizes from 6 to 10. Extra
quality ribbed cotton in medium
and heavy weight, with double
spliced heel and toe and double
knee. Guaranteed fast black.
Women's Lisle
Stockings .
Fine lisle or silk lisle stockings
in and tan. made with extra
wide double welt garter top and
spliced sole. In medium and light
weights. Regular and out sizes.
Closing Out Sale
Of sofa pillow tops library
scarfs imported novelties in
artistic designs stamped on art
linens, canvas, novelty burlaps
in tan, brown, green, cream and
various other good shades.
Regular prices: 85c, 98c,
$125, SI. SO to SI. 69
At 65c
Massage Cream
To admire and envy beauty is
natural. To do nothing toward
preserving or improving your
beauty is pure neglect The occa
sional use "of Pompeian massage
cream will not only make ' you
look your best today, but will also
help you to keep your good looks
long after the neglected woman
has become wrinkled and homely.
SOc Size, Special 29c
75c Size, Special 49c
Special 15c
Regular 25c Yard
The kind of shirting that laun
ders without being impaired in fin
ish or color.
Thiskinadras shirting comes 36
inches wide. White grounds with
colored stripes in black and blue
and many other desirable colors.
Specially adapted for women's
and men's shirts and also waists.
Wash Goods
10c Yard
Sells at 15c, 18c, 20c
Final clean-up of printed ba
tiste with or without borders.
Printed dimity fancy voile
and printed wash foulards.
Wash Goods
One-Piece Dresses for Autumn With
the Charm of Simplicity
Tailored suits are not the only new things in the women's ready-to-wear
The other day came a flock of new dresses designed of serge,
basket weave and soft clinging materials.
These frocks are so simply finished and yet so delightfully fend'fJ,'
nme we are sure many women will welcome them at their modest
In navy and white hair-line stripes, amethyst new blue, brown,
tan, white and black.
They are becomingly fashioned with their short empire waists
and short sleeves, and the ease with which they can be donned
makes them doubly attractive.
Some have high necks, and others with a dainty little yoke of
lace or soft net
The trimming is very Frenchy in its style, being braid and but
tons so cleverly applied that you wonder how anything so attrac
tive and exclusive can be bought for so little.
Prices range from $20.00 to $30.00.
The illustration represents one of these new models.
4 w
Particular Women Will Be Delighted With
This Sale of Fresh, New Lingerie
Extra Special Corset Cover for 28c
t Lot 1 Consists of three distinctly different styles made with round
necks and trimmed with embroidery and lace insertion, dainty lace
edging and beading strung with soft ribbons.
A Regular 50c Corset Cover for 33c
Lot 2 Also consists of three different styles made of good quality
cambric, with round shape neck and trimmed with embroidery medal
lions or insertion and fine or cluny lace insertions. Edging, beading
and ribbon.
A Regular 75c Corset Cover for 48c
Lot 3 Consists of six different styles made of good quality cambric
and trimmings of val and cluny laces, embroidery insertion, beading
and; ribbons forming yoke effect Also allover embroidery forming
yokes and finished at neck with lace and insertion.
Another Opportunity to Buy Fine White Petticoats
At Half Regular Prices
Made of fine cambric, or long cloth with deep embroidery flounce of blind, eyelet or open em
broidery. Some are made with wide band insertion, beading and ribbon, others finished with veining
or cluster tucks.
$4.00 Gowns.. .$2.00 $6.00 Gowns.. .$3.00 $8.00 Gowns.. .$4.00 $12.00 Gowns.. $6.00
$5.00 Gowns.. .$2.50 $7.00 Gowns.. .$3.50 $10.00 Gowns.. $5.00 $14.00 Gowns.. $7. 00
Lace Curtains at Remarkable Reductions
Great clean-up sale of lace curtains, including all of our bob
binet, scrims, Nottinghams and cable nets in many different pretty
and attractive patterns in both the Arabian and white color; 2z
and 3 yards long and from 40 to 50 inches wide.
$1.50 and $1.75 Lace Curtains, Pair .
$2.25 and $2.00 Lace Curtains, Pair .
$3.50 and $3.00 Lace Curtains, Pair .
$5.50 and $5.00 Lace Curtains, Pair .
$6.50 and $6.00 Lace Curtains, Pair ,
$7.50 Lace. Curtains, Pair $4.95
$10.00 Lace Curtains, Pair $6.95
. 98c
Traveling Cases at Low Prices
Traveling Bags $5.95
In this assortment you get the
choice of the following sizes: 16,
1 7 and 1 8-inch. They are made
of sole leather on covered English
frames. With extra quality locks
and catches.
Rattan Suitcases, Special $3.95
Extra large size rattan suit cases, linen lined. Built on strong
basswood frame. Has full size pocket Sole leather corner pro
tectors, firmly riveted. Brass locks and clasps and ring handle.
Matting Suitcases, Special $2.95
24-inch Japanese matting suit cases. 7J2 inches deep. Solid
riveted on basswood frames. Cowhide corners, linen lined, and
brass locks and clasps.
Fiber and Matting Suitcases, Special $1.95
24-inch fiber grass and matting suit cases, 6J inches deep.
Solid riveted steel or basswood frame. Strong leather handles,
cowhide corner protectors. Brass locks and bolts.
Royal Purple Millinery
Sale of Curtain Materials
25 c Curtain 1 "7
Scrims, yd . . I t
Colored reversible art curtain
scrims in pretty Oriental and con
ventional patterns, in color combi
nations of tan, red and green,
brown and green. In light and
dark grounds, 36 inches wide.
60c Fancy A Q
Curtain Nets.TOC
Fancy curtain nets and cream
madras, suitable for curtains in the
artistic house and the bungalow.
Comes in mission, filet and conven
tional designs, 45 and 50 inches
wide. Regular 50c and 60c yard.
Exclusive Agents
Modart Corsets
Vogue Shirts
For Women
Fall Models Now In
LiFm3n?wblie Go.
-i Merchandise of rleril Onlx-