The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, August 06, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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Railroad Refuses to Recognize
New Organization of .
Shop Employes.
:IX-mnd for More TJ nt Shorter
Honrs Made tJ 000 Men Called
Xnjut by OfriclaU; No
Mrlke Action Vrt.
SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 5. (Special.)
Demands have ben mads by. shop
mptovs and mechanics In the employ
cf the Hirrlman Uns for larger
and ahorter hours. The demands have,
been refused by official of the com
pany and both fide are now awaiting
further development. than in men of the Pacific
srtem of the Southern Faclflc are. In
volved In the demand.
From the office of K. E. Calvin, vlce
prement and iteneral manager-or the
Southern Pacific Company, the tate
tnent wa authorised today that there
ha been no chanice In the attitude of
, tt;e company toward the demand for
Increased pay. horter houra and many
other demand made by the federated
hop employe of the Harrlaian line,
recently oraanlied under the name or
the Kallroad fcniploye Federation.
Crafts Are llPooCiU-tf. . r
It vai announced that ! further
dealln would be hsd with the federa
tion, the company official recoajnlxln;
enly the varlou craft doing ahop
W"reemen( are In force with the dif
ferent craft and It 1 aerted that the
company official are perfectly ""lln"
at any time to hold conference wltn
thee or;anltlon-
Tfce company refusat to meet tot
demand of the federation wa an
nounced by II. J- Small, general uper-Intendt-nt
of motive power for the Pa
cific system, in a letter poted late
yesterday in all the Southern Pacific
hop 'of the Pacific ytem- Several
conference had been held previously
between company official ami officer
of the federation.
No action ha been taken today by
the federation looking to further con
ference with the company official
here or to a strike. If l ald that an
attempt will be made to ecure favor
able consideration of the demand from
the Eastern official of the Southern
pacific and that if the demand are re
fused there aetrlke rote may be
Demand Called l'njn
Small said today: The mechanic
have made demand that the company
cannot grant. The men working In
the company hop her and at other
place along the Coast are gettlna- bet
ter wage under working condition
than anywhere In the United State."
Asked If the company eSintemplated
any trouble. Small added: l don't
think so. We have refused to grant
the demand made by the men. and I
think w have Justification for do
Manager" S He Didn't Fly
nd Put Hliu Out for Season.
CHICAGO. Aug. 5. Joeph Tinker,
shortstop of the Chicago National, wa
suspended for the ret of thl playing
eason and fined $150 today for "In
different fielding." a charged by Man
ager Frank Chance. Tinker' failure
to purue Dauberf short fly In the
sixth inning wa charged by Chance
with responsibility for two run.
Immediately after the game Chance
held a conference with President Mur
phy and Tinker" sentence wa pro
nounced. Zimmerman i ld ' to be
dated for the berth made vacant by
Tinker" removal.
Well-Know n Actor Engaged to Pres
ent Wife of Joe Coyne.
NEW TORK, Aug. 5. (Special.)
Returned voyager brought new to
day from London that Alexandra Car
Hale, now wife of Joseph Coyne. Is en
gaged to marry Robert Loratne.
The Coynes have not been seen In
public together for a long time. Mia
Carlisle once met Nat Goodwin. She
accompanied him from London to New
Tork a few year ago to be hi leading
lady, but remained her only two day
and did not appear with him on the
New Tork stage.
Fine Particles Clog Pomps and Pen
dleton Has No Water.
FENDLETOX. Or.. Aug. 5. Special.)
Pendleton was absolutely without
water for several hours today a a re
sult of lust evening's dust storm.
Th storm shut off the electric cur
rent which pumps the water, and the
auxiliary steam pumping plant could
not be placed In running order for
more than half a day.
Aid Promised In effort of Federated
Catholic Societies.
ST. LOUIS. Aug. S. Letter from
leading theatrical producers in the
country, pledging their support to a
movement of the American Federation
of Catholic Societies to "uplift- the
stage, will be read at the tenth annual
convention of the society at Columbus,
t. August 20.
Prominent producer promise their
aid in suppressing Immoral dramas.
Impure Supply I Pumped at North
yaklnia. Finds Coirrt.
NORTH TAKIMA. Wash.. Aug. S. A
-conviction was secured this afternoon
In tii criminal action brought by the
City Health Department, rharglng the
Pacific Power Light Company with
wilfully permitting the Cascade Lum
ber Company to pump polluted water
from It mill pond Into the city malna.
. The action was brought under a law
passed by the la-it Legislature, mak
ing it a gross misdemeanor for any
person or corporation supplying the
public with water to allow tbe Intro
duction of Infection of any kind. The
offense is alleged to have been com
mitted In May. and the epidemic of
typhoid occurring In that month re
sulted in an agitation which brought
Pr. L. L. Lumsden. of Washington.
D. C of the United States Marine Hos
pital Corps, to North Yakima to take
charge of an investigation by the city
and county.
This ult wss the culmination of the
probe. A fine of $99.9. the maximum
- I
i , , ' i
v A . j
i -V J) J
t - ' ' : i
; . , t
: .-'! " i
t'oteael V. C. Greeae, Faasaus
Oisfr Mlaer mm Premoter
Whw Died Veeterday.
In a Justice Court, wa Imposed. The
Pclflc Power A Light Company' at
torney. Ira P. Englehart, served notice
e will appeal. -
i :
Cannae Scone-of Last Hours of Rich
Man Whose Funeral Will Be
Held In I-os Angeles.
CANANEA. MI- Aug. S. Colonel
W. C. Greene, one of the most pictur
esque copper magnate in the South
west, died here at 6 o'clock thla morn
ing from acute pneumonia.
HI meteoric rise from a pennlle
prospector to a dlrecVIng genlua In the
Cananea. copper territory gave him an
exceptional standing in the region. A
corps of physicians from El Paso ar
rived a short time before Colonel
Greene s death.
Colonel William Cornell Greene was
born August 2. 1851. at Duck Creek.
He first came to Cananea in l7g.
He waa married in 188J to Mrs. Ella
Moson. Two children were born, one
of whom. Mr. Harry Langstow. of
Rochester. N. Y, Is atlll living.
Mrs. Greene died in 1898. Colonel
Greene married a second time In 1901,
the bride being Miss Msrie Proctor, of
Hollywood. Cal. Six children were born
of this marriage.
..It was decided today by his rela
tives that the burial should be In Los
Angeles, his home, after special serv
ices here Monday, to which the dead
man's Intimate friends will come In
special trains from Blsbee. Tombstone
and Tucson. Ariz.
It was as a farmer that Colonel
Greene made the "stake" that enabled
him to purchase from the widow of
Governor Pesqulere, of Sonora. Mexico,
the old and practically abandoned
working of La Cananea mines. These
old working Greene developed until
they reached their present productive
capacity of 100,000.000 pound of copper
annually. .-
The panic year of 1907 forced Greene
to give over the actual management of
the Cannnea propertlea, but he Btlll
maintained large Interest herj and
wa the owner of great cattle ranoiies
In various parts of Mexico.
Immigrant Who Tries to Be Deport
ed in Cnusual Fix of Being Com-
pVUed to Remain.
ST. LOL13. Ag. t. An unique method
for getting trips to Europe at the ex
pense of the United State Government
wa revealed yeterday by the arret of
Karonk D. Qarambdlan, an Armenian,
snd the recital of his alleged scheme
In a warrant for conspiracy Issued by
Assistant United States District Attor
ney Charles H. Daues. Another Arme
nian, aald to be Implicated In the al
leged conspiracy. Is being sought.
The plan was Arcadian In its slm-
1. MwmimtmJt In I m 111 S t In W SOmS
PUIIW 1 v.-..-.--- " - ;
disease or other affliction such as would
render the presence oi m person m
. . . .lAl.iInn nf thm lmml-
l U 1 cuuuw i . .v- -
gratlon laws. Thereupon, the Govern
ment would insist upon me urpui lo
tion of the person, paying all expenses
GaramJrilan. according to Attorney
Daues. pretended to be crazy, and was
confined for 3J days In the observation
ward of the city hospital without re
ult. and confessed the deception.
I J8 Trademarks Registered.
SALEM. . Or.. Aug. 5. (Special.)
There are ltiS trademark registered
in the state, according to a letter sent
out by the Secretary of State's office
Cures all blocxl humors, all ernp
tions, chairs the complexion, cre
ates an appetite, aids digestion,
relieves that tired feeling, gives
vigor and vim.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
chocolated tablet called tarulsks.
Drug Sundry Specials
Liquid Face 'Powder, 50c Grade 39c
Yii important sale of Wisdom's Ro
bcrtine Liquid Face Powder comes in
cream, white and flesh color, and- is
unexcelled as a complexion beauti
fier; sells regularly at 50c; QQr
this sale only, at 17
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
Drug Sundry Specials
Viola Talcum Powder reduced to. 7$
Eastman's Tooth Powder. -10
Mermen's Liquid Dentifrice. . ..15
Palm Olive Pace Cream. . 25
Fancy Toilet Soap, 3 cakes 10
(V. hnv PaDer with Envelopes. .12
i nn "RplinhlA Alarm Clocks. . . .69
Great OdLdfe
V , ; 1 : ' - ; : :
and End Bale AniionncedL
For Tomorrow ! amd Tuesday
Thhere SeW'cdtha? on your list of needs. After such a busy season as we've been having, we've accumulated a large qtrty "
o? odds and UlotsTbrSen lines and remnants, and we are going to clean them out on this occasion. So come and help us get our
stVs in Rrir, for FAll business. The great bargains you'll find here will certainly repay the effort.
The Greatest Values of
the Season in Beautiful
New Tfluslin Underwear
Our popular Muslin Underwear Section is teeming from
end to end with unmatchable. offerings of well-made neatly
trimmed garments. It is a sale that .many prudent women
will nrnfit bv. .
Muslin Gowns, $3-$d.zo
Values, $1.98
rAn extra fine showing
of women's Night
gowns in the. low-neck
slip-over style, made
of extra fine quality,
nainsook or crepe and
daintily trimmed with
p r e t ty embroideries,
laces and ribbons. Reg-
ular $3.00 and $3.25
Srals, priced CM QQ
this sale . ..W j-.-
Corset Covers, $1.25
$1.50 Values, 98c
A omr loTTA cn!orf i nn
nf Cnrsot Covers "of fine oualitv nainsool?, all daintily trim-
n .ed with fine embroideries, laces and ribbons. All hand
somely designed, well made and finety finished. QRr
Regular $1.25-$1.50 values, specially priced at
Muslin Drawers, $1.50-$2.00 Values, 98c
A very fine line of Muslin Drawers, shown in the wide cir
cular and umbrella style, made of very good quality cam
bric or nainsook with trimmings of dainty lace and em
broideries. Regular $1.50-$2.00 values, QRr
speciallv priced this sale
uit Values
With tbp Fall season not so verv far away, it
wll pay ypu well to investigate this early
showing of Fall Suits. We are receiving ex
press shipments daily -of the most select new
season styles. Coats are smartly tailored in
medium length, with collars of same cloth, vel
vet or satin and otherwise plain or braid trim
med. Skirts are plain gored or made with
small pleats. Everything considered, you will
find these garments the smartest shown for
many seasons. Materials are shown in a wide
variety, including the popular serge cheviot
suitings in black, navy and. other plain colors;
also tweeds in rich brown and gray mixtures.
$15.00 1 $19.50 $25.00
i 1
Silk Petticoats
Extraordinary values in Petticoats of good quality silk taffeta and messa
line. They are shown in numerous popular plain and changeable colors.
Several styles, including plain, corded, sectional flounces, while others have
accordion-pleated ruffles, underlay with dust ruffle. , fiy2
Extraordinary values at. . . . .:. . . . . .. Hr
Silk Dresses at Ten Dollars
Astonishing reductions on Silk Dresses. " Regular fifteen to twenty-five dol
lar dresses at ten dollars. They include a lot bought at half price and many
of our regular stock. - Shown in this season's choicest models; plain or with
lace yokes and daintily trimmed. Materials are good quality taffeta and mes
saline in plain colors and dainty patterns. Also a few of wool S! 1 A A A
challie. Regulaivprices $15 to $25. Special Monday-Tuesday.
Waist Snecial Fine quality Lawn Waists in many pretty styles. All-over
embroidered fronts; others with lace yokes and some in neat tucked effects.
Open back and front, with long or three-quarter sleeves
Exceptional waist values at . '.
A Surplus Stock of Beautiful Black
Silks at Noteworthy Reductions
Again we emphasize the merits and attractive saving opportunities of this
nreat sale by. offering some 2000 yards of beautiful Black Silks at specially
reduced prices, inree lots tocnoose irom, au oi guarauietu. quam .
Black Messaline, 65c Grade at 45c
800 yards of Swiss Messaline Silks,
full 19 inches wide, shown in a per
fect black and guaranteed to .wear
satisfactorily. Best 65c AFC
Arm l-i -io cola rmlv of AC V-
J.ClLltj LliAO OUIV iv
Black Messaline, 85c Grade at 59c
600 yards of extra heavy Black Swiss
Messaline Silks, full 26 inches wide.
Comes in a perfect weave and a deep
rich black. Best 85c RQr
An cola of
i. due uii ocu. c. u ,
Yard-Wide Black French Messaline Silks of Best $1.25 Quality, on Sale 89c
900 yards of French Messalines and Pailette De Soie Black Silks of excep
tionally fine quality; silks that are perfect in both weave and finish and are
extremely fashionable. They come full 36 inches wide and sell O Q p
reguiariy at pj..j-ci jaiu. j. hccu j.jj. imo now
French Voiles 75c Yard 1
40-inch French Voiles, shown in the
most desirable shades with Novelty
Jacquard silk overstripes in self col
ors. It is a sheer, beautiful material
especially adapted for evening ,and
part' dresses, waists, etc., ' r7r
specially priced this sale at. . '
R. & S. Poplins, $1.25 Yard
42-inch Killarneen Poplins the fa
mous R. & S. silk and wool fabrics
shown in over twenty colors in street
and evening shades. It is a fabric of
graceful weaves that drape beauti
fully and is extremely fash- S -i . O C
ionable, moderately priced XmmUO
Embroidery Remnants Half Price
We have arranged another extraordinary sale of Embroidery Remnants, for
tomorrow. The assortment is even greater than before and the values 'are
simply unmatchable. You will find remnants of bands edges, insertions,
flouncings, corset cover and waisting , Embroideries in beautiful patterns
suitable for most any purpose. They come in all widths in lengths from y2
to 4 yards each, and are strictly high-grade goods.. All are as fresh and clean
as when they left the factory and are exceptional values at our regular low
remnant prices. Remember you have choice of the entire assortment to
The Season5 s Great
est Sale.of Women's
Pumps and Oxfords
$3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50 Grades,
your choice at
$1.98 Pr.
All Styles, All Leathers, All
Sizes, One Price
You should have seen the crowd
of women who attended our Shoe
sale the past week. The response
to our advertisement was imme
diate and generous, proving to
our satisfaction that hundreds of
prudent women have learned to
wait and profit by our annual
August sale. For tomorrow and
Tuesday we have arranged an
unmatchable offering of thou
sands of pairs of Pumps and Ox
fords in every conceivable style
and in all the popular leathers,
including a complete range of
sizes and widths. The brands are
all well known and include "Sherwood Shoe Co.," "Chas.
K. Fox," "Val Duttenhoffer," and many others.
The values are $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00. No matter
what you may want in Pumps and Oxfords, attend this
sale and make a substantial saving. qh qo
The price will be .1..-.r...-.H-.,..N?--'0
Plenty of experienced salespeople to render prompt service
Sale Thousands of Yards of Pretty Wash Goods
Few women will care to miss this important sale of Wash Goods,
IOr SUCH VaiUCS as lutsts etie nut met niiu vaj.
18c to 25c Values at 15c
8000 yards of Lawns, Batistes,
Organdies, Voiles, Foulards and
other equally as desirable fabrics
shown in a large variety of styles
and colorings, suitable for waists,
gowns and dresses. Regular val
ues from 18c to 25c a yard. Your
choice at
12Vc to 18c Values at 10c
An unlimited assortment of at
tractive new styles in Lawns,
Organdies, Batistes, etc., all this
season's goods in neat colorings
that have sold regularly, from
121'ic to 18c a yard, are now re
duced to Jess than wholesale
price, the yard 10
First Showing of Fall Cottons
Complete assortments selected with the greatest care from the best
foreign and domestic mills, insuring patrons best possible values.
New Kimono Velours, shown in
a great variety of styles and col
orings, at .15
New Bordered Challie delaines,
shown in neat designs in dark
colors, at .... ' 2o
New Kimono Crepes, shown .in
attractive new styles in medium
and dark colors, at 19
New Outing Flannels, of best
standard quality, fancy and plain
styles, at , 10
Our entire stock of Hammocks, including many styles in desirable
colorings and ranging in price from $1.25 up to $7.50, at. . . OFF