13 TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POItTLAyP. -TULY 30, 1911. CITY WILL BE HOST Rotary Club Delegates Due Here August 21. ; i " WE WISH SPECIAL TRAINS COMING New York. Kansas CItj, Chicago, 3L. Paul and Minneapolis Will Be Crpreaentcd by Delegation at National Convention. PeU-ts to th (Moid annual con vention of th. National Association of the Rotary Club of America, which will b held In Tortland Aurust II. will com. In special trains from tha East. New Tork probably will send Its (location Tla tha Canadian Pacific. Kansas City by th. Union Pacinc Chi cago by tha Burllncton and Minne apolis and St. Paul ha. already ar ranted tor a seven-car special oTcr tha Poo-pokane-Portland Una. A bean tltul Itinerary booklet published by the Soo Una has been received by Iw1a;ht Edwards, president of tha Port land club. It bears a cover deela-n of roses and speaka of Portland In en thusiastic terms as "tha flower city of America." Tha destan on the other rover pace gives a map of tha United States with all lines leadlnc to Port land. The Minneapolis and St. Paul clubs have distributed these booklets widely throughout the East. Reception Are Planned. The special from Chlcaco will leave August IS. over the Burlington route, selected by the transportation com mittee f.r clubs east of the Rocky Mountains as the official route for the delecstes. Receptions will be given by clubs In cities between Chicago and Vancouver. B. C. and the Eastern dele sration will be escorted from Vancouver to Portland by the Seattle Rotary Club. San Francisco and other southern cities will also send many delegates. All of the meetlncs In Portland will be presided over by Paul P. Harris, the orlclnaror of the Rotary Idea, and president of the National orranlxatloa. Bealnnlnc Aucust SI. the bimtness sea sons will continue until Wednesday, Anrust 13. "Althouch the roster of official dele-Kates.- says Mr. Edwards, of the Port land association, "probably will not e-eed I'lO. there will be many mem bers of Kastern cluba who will fol low the reculsrly appointed delegatea West. Urcely for the sake of the trip. I expect to see an attendance of mora than 1 " Including these." Programme I Elaborate. The procramme for the convention, published in tha last Issue of tha Na tional Rotartan. follows: Saturday. August U Arrival of delecstes In Vancouver: escorted to Seattle br the Seattle Rotary Club and entertained at the Rainier Hotel. Sunday. Anrust S" Entertained In Seattle and Tacoma by the local rotary clubs Monday. Aurust St Arrival In Port land. Mornlnc from to 1J. pres entation of credentials by delegates: report of credentials committee and rollcall of offtcera and delecates; re ports of officers: sppointraent of com mittees cn resolutions and nomi nation of officers: discussion opened by r. U Cadr. of New York, on '"In What Proportion Should Business and 80 rlahilliy and Civic Work be Mixed In s Rotary Club?" Afternoon from J:lo to . presentation of resolutions: re ports of committees: discussion opened by R F. Orelner. president Kansas Cltv Rotary Club, on How Much Pub licity Does the Rotary Club Want!" Evenlnc: Report of eommltteee on resolutions; consideration of resolu tion's: discussion opened by F. l Thresher, of Minneapolis, on "Shall the National Association Have a Perio dical!" Reception at tha Commercial Club at o'clock. Tuesdar. August SI Excursion to Cascade Locks and return with din ner at Bonneville. Evening: Meeting of reneral committee to elect three directors for National Association: meetlnr of committee for nomination of officers; "Round Table" aesslon for club secretaries to discuss waya and means of handling the office of sec retary of a rotary club. Wednesday. Aucust JJ Morning: mlsceUaneous business. discussion opened by R. R- Denny, first vice president of the National Association, cn -What Is the Platform Upon Which All Rotary Clubs Can Stand?" Pres entation of Invitations from cluba and cities relative to holdlr r next Con vention, report of nominating com mittee, election of officers and instal lation: adjournment of ruslness ses sion. Wednesday afternoon to be spent seelnr Portland. Banquet In the even ing at the Commercial Club. SHOTS MISS MAN-TARGET Inventor's Volley Interrupted When Officer Ilenra Fnsalllade. Upon tte eve of leaving for the East, to start tha manufacture of a new multi-color press. Invented by himself. A 1- Meader waa arrested yesterday afternoon by Patrolman Lyon, to the an of firing a close-range shot at Charles Rayl. who had already stood fire twice from Meader weapon with out heme hit. Neither principal would discuss the affair at lenrth when taken to the police station yesterday. Lyoi was called to 330 Belmont street by the sound of two pistol shots. rd arrived Just In time to catch Mrader's arm as h levelled the weapon for the third time. Lyon wrenched th pistol away from him. Ravi and Meader had been friends, but fell out recently, and In a quar rel precedlnc the shootlnr. Rayl la said t. have threatened Meader with a r,)r Both men had been drlnklnr Rayl had Jt finished a sentence at th. City Jail for attacking hta mother-n-law. STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN! The wonderful Wurlltier band organ which will be In operation at Council i'rest durln th. comlnc week wss sold br Messrs. Kohler Chas.. J7$ Wash ington street, who are distributers for the Tactile Coast of the famous Wur li:ir line of band organs, orchestrions. nrlc pianos, etc. This band orcan Is something very nv.l and attractive and will supply Council Crest and Its patrons with the latest In operatic hits, musical comedy hit, etc Ilntrher Chop Off Man Hand. A mis-stroke of a cleaver In tha bands of a fellow workman severed th thumb, two flncer and moat of th palm of the r.ght hand of Frank Rob inson, seed : years, a butcher, llvtnr at Seventh and Montgomery streets, yesterday. Robinson waa rushed to t'.e Good Samaritan Hospital, where the wound was bound. He loet much blood and was very weak last night. J TO INTRODUC F lt- OURSELVES We Want You to Know Who We Are Our Past Record What Our Business Is and What Our Future Policy Will Be ' a, - RftadWhatBanksandBusinessOrganizationsofOurHomeCityH 9 April 17. 1911. Ts.Vbesj It ley Concern: In behalf of the"lxeeutle"Cociltteeof "thirAssoelatlon I desire to express our sincere regret at the reaoval of thie eltyif Wsj. jend Harry J. Denier, two of Port Huron', cost I regressive an enterprising young aen. During the lJ r. Trn. Sealer ws Secretary of thi Association, and, the originator f lte organisation, instilling into its first JeL" existence tha enthue laser which has wai. It on of th best eoameTOlal erg eniietlone In Michigan. take with thea thecsa will and best wishes or this city leading nnti and business sea. aa they have been associated with every novement 1 e lal of aen of la leaving Port Huron the Messrs." Denier ta 'will and best wishes of this city's leading av V ... ...anl.ted with e f.r the lnduetrlal development and eoclal welfare of our city, few young aen leave a eoasmnlty bearing such a high tsstiaonla the eeteea of the entlr business and general publlo. "ng " cd aorele. high integrity nd that honesty of purpose which oawend the reepeet and adalratlon of all their aeaoolatee. The best wlshsa ef this Aasoolatlea go with thea.' . 1 m. dat Vi.al naaa thnul A ain thea a hieh ulace in vr locality lefortuoete to secure, theav, Y and n what .Secretary Toung len' Business Ass'n. Portland Bank References Furnished Upon Request DENLEK DENLER REALTY Posrr Htmoet Avisoa Bass utraow Mm Kay 3. 1911. To Know If Hay Concern It la with great plessnr that w testify to th high regsH In Mcb tilliaa T. and HarryJ. Denier have always been held 'by all who have known thea Both yonrg neo have lived in this city since their birth and haw always bona an enviable reputation for honesty and integri ty and exceptional business hility. is partners, they haw cosdnoted on of the leading real stat agencies In this city for the past six yean, being proain rotl identified with the coamercial development of this city and ricisity. It is with great regret that the business interests of this eoavgraity learn of their contemplated reaoval to the Paoifio Coast Toot truly. Cashier. nn dy4& First National Exchange Bank Umud Slats. ItopoMtary J B MILL, -w. rmfm Ova niii.CMt. P.D.BB0O..ftfi Port Huron, Mich. Kay 3. 1911. To Vfcoat tt Key Concern: Hr. Esxry J. Denier and Hr W. J. Denier have been In the real estate and insurance Business In this city for the past even years, alwaya conducting their busineaa atlBfactorily to their customer and working for the best Interest of the city: 000 laered responsible and honest in all their dealings. Er. W. J. Cenler held the position of City Assessor for two terns, giving the best of satisfaction, also Secretary of the Young Hon! BHslnee Assn. for ons tens. ax eorrj to hear of their leaving the city, but underatancj that they are leaving fox a larger field, and we con. gratulate the city in which they locate on getting two such -lively young business aen. Tours 1 very truly MEMBERS: Portland Real Es tate Board National Assn of Real Estate Dealers National Assn of Fire Insurance Underwriters CM.9 WCLLM.M MTOCt' C A SMINA Mtf Mfllftt CAPITAL $ 100000 00 SUSttUS S 10000000 ?ort Huron Mich May z." 1911 To Whoa It May Concern - Thie ie to etate that Kesere- BllllaB 3. and Harry J. Denier, who have been doing bueineee in thie, City for the past eix year under the firm nene of Denier Denier Realty Company, are young oen of exoellent oharaoter end high olaee business qnelifioation. They have been leaders in their lin of buelne and oloeely Identified with the industrial growth of our oity. Their euooeea ha been due to honeety and trestle. We bespeak for theo euooeae in their new fields of effort St. Clelr County Saving Bank. I By Caahier We have recently opened offices on the Sixth Floor of the Chamber of Commerce Building, where we will transact a GENERAL REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE BUSINESS As to' our business policy, would say we did not come to Portland with the idea of remaining: in business a short time and resortnig to all kinds of sphemes to make money. But we did come here determined to make Portend home and continuing ouf past policy, thereby hoping to build up a business by honest reliable .met Before deciding to locate in this city we thoroughly investigated the entire Pacific Coast, but unanimously decided that PORTLAND IS THE CITY WITH A GUARANTEED FUTURE and we are going to do our share of the work to make Portland bigger and better than ever. AND NOW We want to get acquainted with you and if you want quick, honest, reliable, expert service for moderate compensation, we would appreciate your business REiL ESTATE BOUGHT AND SOLD RENTALS AND LEASES FIRE INSURANCE OUR BUSINESS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS ESTATES MANAGED HOMES BUILT THE DENLE DEMLEK REALTY 640 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 6594 CO.