n THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, PORTLAND, JULY 23, 1911. HE WIDOW rcvunn W crs r -q- V. 1 -X 11. ! 4 . V -7 p. ' : : i n r.-w,l I IP 1. "Now, visit me in Munich, dear, and promise without fail! Wrote that artistic Yankee girl, Miss Arabella Vail; And when this letter from her friend she held before her eyes, v rxiiu WMWJI una IV.UVI 11 Will 111,1 1I1V.11U OUW llblU UV1 Vk "JvO lt wtnout more delay," observed the Widow Wise, i r '': 2. She found dear Arabella in that Paradise of Art, "4. A student of the ardent sort, and acting well the part, In most bohemian quarters, in-Tan- artist crowded house, Her hair arranged in simple braids, her dress a long gray blouse. 3. For fun the Widow also donned a like artistic frock, And joined in studio parties up to any old o'clock; tldtwas at one of these affairs there came into her thoughts That mctestn"eticTfuite poetic youth, young Friedrich Plotz. 1 1 1- . . J . 5 Barney lei.' I I 19. V ' .I r .. : . r. v I- wi Ml 4 Pi V 17 ft; -. i t 3A1 wm 7 0dl 5' 4 Young Friedrich painted Uttlet but he talked in such a way The Widow foundVersef in love with him with small delay, And said, 'I know thaiTyou'lI succeed, you've such a noble heart!" "Ach, yas!-he said, "I'm in der race to be der King of Art! 5. "Next vcek, down at der Hofbrau Haus, der contest grand takes blace! The Widow beamed. 1 hope." she said, "you'll conquer in the race "Und if I do," blushed Friedrich, "I vould something say to you." "You may, "replied the Widow as she dropped her eyes of blue. 6. Upon the night in question to the Hofbrau -Haus she went, -In wonder at the details of the great and grand event. She entered. looked about the place, saw crowds, heard cheer on cheer, And voices raised in wild accord, "Bring beer, more beer, MORE BEER! 7. And in the thickest of it all young Friedrich she espied. Surrounded by. a shouting mob, with glasses every side. . He spied her, too, and cried, "I vin! Und all for you, sveetheart! 'r I've joost drinked ninety-seven beers, vich crowns me King of Art!" 8. He sTniIe,danrimaesthetic smile, through eyesa trifle glazed. The Widow, blushing crimson, at her fallen idol gazed. 4Bah! King of Art!" she cried at last, with horror in her eyes; AT HOME WE3dJLJnr KING OF SOTS!' exclaimed the Widow Wise. (COPTOGHT.-ignfBTTHZ H3JW YOEX HERALD CO J All Right Bettnrad.