The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 23, 1911, SECTION SIX, Page 3, Image 65

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FROM the years ! to 101 ln
dualv Mr. Sherlock Holmee wae
a T.ry busy mn. It U
mmy that ther wa no public- ea
of anr difficulty In which h wii
not consulted during thos elghtr
years, and ther were hundred or
private cum, kim of them of tb
moat Intricate and extraordinary
character. In which bo played
prominent part. Many etartllng uc
(mmi and a few unavoidable failures
van tha outcome of thin long period
of continuous work. A I hav pre
served very full notes of all these
rases, and was myself personally en
gaged In many of them. It may be
imagined that It U no easy task to
know which I should select to lay be
fore the public. I shall, however, pre
serve my formes rule, and give the
preference to those cases which de
rive their Interest not so much from
the brtitality of the crime as from
the Ingenuity and dramatic quality of
the solution. For this reason I will
now lay before the reader the facts
connected with Miss Violet Smith, the
solitary cyclist of Charllngton. and the
curious sequel of our Invest 1 nation,
which culminated In unexpected trag
edy. It is true that the circumstance
did not admit of any striking Illustra
tion of those powers for which my
friend was famous, but .there were
some points about the case which made
It stand out In those long records of
crime from wh!Ti I gxther the ma
terial for these little narratives.
On referring to my notebook for the
year HS. I find that It was upon
Saturday, the 13d of April, that we
first heard of Miss Violet Smith. Her
visit was. I remember, extremely un
welcome to Holmes, for he was Im
mersed at the moment In a very ab
struse and complicated problem con
cerning the peculiar persecution to
which John Vincent Harden, the well
known tobacco millionaire had been
subjected. My friend, who loved above
all things precision and concentration
of thought, resented anything which
distracted his attention from the, mat
ter In hand. And yet. without a harsh
ness which was foreign to his nature.
It was Impossible to refuse to listen
to the story of the young and beauti
ful woman, tall, graceful and queenly,
who preaented herself st Baker street
late In the evening, and Implored his
assistance and advice. It was Tain to J
-. .... . . t a e.iiiv I
urso inti ru 1 1 ii i r . . . . r ...,
occupied, for the young lady had come
with the determination to tell her
story, and It was evident that nothing
short of force could get her out of the
room until she had done so. With a
reatgned air and a somewhat weary
smtle. Holmes begged the beautiful In
truder to take a seat, and to Inform
us what It was that wss troubling her.
-At least It cannot be your health."
said he. as his keen eyes darted over
her. "so ardent a bicyclist must be full
of energy."
8he glanced down In surprise at her
own feet, and I obaervcd the slight
roughening of the side of tha sole
caused by tha frtrtloa of the edge of
the pedal.
"Tea. I bicycle a good deal. Mr.
Holmes, and that has something to do
with my visit to you today."
My friend took 'the lady's ungloved
hand, and examined It with as close
an attention and as little sentiment as
a scientist would show to a specimen.
"You will excuse me. I am sure. It Is
my business." said he. as he dropped It.
-I nearly fell Into the error of sup
posing that you were typewriting. Of
course. It Is obvious that It Is music
Too observe the spatulate finger-ends.
Watson, which is common to both pro
fessions? There Is a spirituality about
the face, however." ehe gently turned
It towards the light -which the type
writer does not generate. This lady
la a musician. "
-Tes. Mr. Holmes. Z teach music."
"In the country, I pt.iuroe from your
-Tee. air. near Farnham, on the bor
ders of Surrey."
-A beautiful neighborhood, and full
of the most Interesting associations.
Ton remember. Watson, that It was
near there that we took Archie Stam
ford, the forger. Now. Miss Violet,
what has happened to you. near Farn
ham. on the borders of Surrey T"
Thai young lady, with grest clearness
and composure, made the following curi
ous statement:
"My father la dead. Mr. Holme. He
was James Smith, who conducted the or
:heatra at the old-lmperlal Theater. My
another and I were left without a rela
tion In the world except one uncle.
Ralph Smith, who went to Africa
years ago. and we have never had a
word from him since. When father died,
wa were left very poor, but one day we
were totd that there was an advertise
ment in the Times Inquiring for our
whereabouts. Tou can Imagine how ex
cited we jrere. for we thought that some
one had left us a fortune. We went at
ones to the lawyer whose name was
given In the paper. There we met two
gentlemen. Mr. Carruthers and Mr.
Woodley. who were home on a vtalt
from South. Africa. They said that my
uncle was a friend of theirs, tfcat he
ha.i died some months before In great
povertr In Johannesburg, and that he
had aaked thm with hie last breath
to hunt up his relations, and see that
they were In no want. It seemed
strange to us that I'ncle Ralph, who
took no notice of us when he was
alive, should be so careful to look after
us when he was dead, but Mr. Carruth
trs explained that the reeaon was that
my uncle had Just heard of the death
of his brother, and so fett responsible
for our fate."
"Excuse me." said Mr. Holmes.
"When was this Interview?"
"I.ast I'ecemher four months age."
"Pray proceed."
"Mr. Woodley seemed to roe to be a
moat odious person. He was forever
making eyea at me a coarse, puffy
faced, red moustached young man. with
his hair plastered down on each side
of his forehead. I thought that he was
perfectly hateful and I was sure that
CyrU would not wish me to know such
a person."
-Oh. Cyril Is his nsme said Holmes,
!The young lady blushed and laughed.
"Tea. Mr. Holme. Cyril Morton, an
electrical engineer, and we hope to be
married at the end of the Summer.
War me. bow did I gt to talking
about him? What I wished to say
was that Mr. Woodley was perfectly
odious, but that Mr. Carruthers. who
was a much older man. was more
agreeable. He was a dark, sallow,
clean-shaven, silent person, but be 'had
polite manners and a pleasant smile.
He inquired how we were left, and on
finding that we were very poor, he
suggested that I should come and
teach music to hie only daughter, aged
1. I said that I did not like to leave
my mother, on which he suggested
that I should go home to her every
week-end. and he offered me a hundred
a year, which was certainly splendid
per. So It ended by my accepting,
and I went down to Chlitern
Orange, about six miles from Farn
ham. Mr. Carruthers was a widower.
but he had .engsged a lady house
keeper, a very respectable, elderly per
son, called Mrs. Ilxoo. to look after his
establishment. The child was dear.
and everything promised well. Mr.
Carruthers was very kind and very
musical, and wa had most pleasant
evenings together. Every week-end I
went home to my mother In town.
"The Brst flaw In my happiness wss
tha arrival of the red-moustached Mr.
Woodley. He came for a visit of a
week, and oh! It seemed three -months
to me. He was a dreadful person a
bully to everyone else, but to me some
thing Infinitely worse. He made odi
ous love to me. boasted of his wealth,
said that If 1 married him I could have
the Onset diamonds In London, and
finally when I would have nothing to do
with him. be seised me In hla..arms one
day after dinner 4e was hideously
strong and swore that he would not
let me go until I had kissed him. Mr.
Carruthers came In and tore him from
me. on which he turned upon his own
host, knocking him down and cutting
his face open. That was the end of his
visit, as you can Imagine. Mr. Car
ruthers apologised to me next day. and
assured me that I should never be ex
posed to such an Insult again. I have
not seen Mr. Woodley since.
-And now. Mr.-Holmes. I come at last
to the special thing which has caused
me to ask your advice today. Ton
1 - M-fP "" jvzarS
muat know that every Safwrdny fore
noon I tide on my bicycle to Farnham
Station. In order to get the 1J:IS to
town. The road from Chlitern Orange
Is a lonely one. and at one spot It Is
particularly so. for It lies for over a
mile between Charllngton Heath upon
one side and the woods which He round
Charllngton Hall uon the other. Tou
could not find a more lonely tract of
road anywhere, and It la quite rare to
meet so much as a cart, or a peasant,
until you reach the high road near
Crooksbury Hill. Two weeks ago I
was passlnar this place, when I chanced
to look back over my shoulder, and
about 100 yards bekind me I saw a
man. also on a bicycle. He seemed to
be a middle-aged man. with a short,
dark beard. I looked back before I
reached Farnham. but the man was
gone, so I thought no more about It
Hut you can Imagine how surprised I
waa. Mr. Holmes, when, on my return
wn the Monday. I saw the same man on
the same stretch of road. My aston
ishment was Increased when the Inci
dent occurred again, exactly as before,
on the following Saturday and Monday.
He always kept his distance and did
not molest me In any way. but still It
certainly wae very odd. I mentioned It
to Mr. Carruthers. who seemed Inter
ested In what I said, and told me that
he had ordered a horse and trap, so
that In future I should not pass over
these lonely roads without some com
panion. .
"The horse and trap were to have
come this week, but for some reason
they were not delivered, and again I
had to cycle to the station. That was
this morning. Tou can think that I
looked out wien I came to Chsrllngton
Heath, and there, sure enough, was
the msn. exactly as he had been the
two weeks before. He always kept so
far from me than I could not clearly
see his face, but It was certainly some
one whom I did not know. He was
dressed In a dark suit with a cloth csp.
The only thing about his face that I
could clearly see was his dark beard.
Today I was not alarmed, but I was
filled with curiosity, and I determined
to find out who he was and what he
wanted. I slowed down my machine,
but he slowed down his. Then I stop
ped altogether, but he stopped aleo.
Then I laid a trap for him. There is
a sharp turning of the. road, and I ped
alled very quickly round this, and then
I stopped and waited. I expected him
to shoot round and pass me before he
jrould stop. But he never appeared.
Then I went back and looked round
the corner. I could sse a mil of road,
but he waa not on It. To make It the
more extraordinary, there was no side
road at this point down which he could
have gone."
Holmes chucklsd and rubbed his
hands. -This case certainly presents
some features of Its own." said he.
-How much time elapsed between your
turning the corner and your discovery
that ths road was clear?"
-Two or three minutes."
"Then he could not have retreated
down the road, and you ssy that there
are no side roads?"
-Then he certainly took a footpath on
one side or the other."
"It could not have been on the side
of the heath, or I should have seen
jjo. by the process of exclusion, we
arrive at the fact that he mad Ms
way toward Charllngton Hall, which,
as I understand. Is situsted In Its own
grounds on one side of the road. Any
thing else?"
"Nqthlng. Mr. Holmes, save that I
waa so perplexed that I felt I should
ot be happy until I had seen you and
had your advice."
Holmes sat In silence for some lit
tle tlmev
-Where Is the gentleman to whom
on are engaged?" he asked at last.
He Is In the Midland Electrical Com
pany. at Coventry."
He would not pay you a surprise
"Have you had any other admirers?"
"Several before I knew Cyril."
"And since?"
"There was this dreadful man. Wood
ley. If you can call him an admirer."
"No one else?"
Our fair client seemed a little con
fused. VWho was her asked Holmes.
"Oh. It may be a mere fancy of mine;
but It had seemed to me sometimes
that my employer. Mr. Carruthers.
takes a great deal of interest In me.
We are thrown rather together. 1
play his accompaniments In the even
ing. He has never said 'anthlng. Ho
Is a perfect gentleman. But a girl
always knows." s
"Ha!" Holmes looked grave. "What
does he do for a living?"
"He Is a rich man."
"No carriages or horses?"
"Well, at least he Is fairly well-to-do.
But he goes Into the city two or
three times a week. He Is deeply in
terested In South Africa gold shares.
"You will let me know any fresh de
velopment. Miss 8mlth. I am very busy
Just now. but I will find time to make
some Inquiries Into your case. In the
meantime, take no step without letting
me know. Good-bye. and I trust that
we shall have nothing but good- news
rrom you."
"it Is part of the settled order of Na
ture that such a girl should have fol
lowers." said Holmes, as he pulled at
his medlative pipe, "but for choice not
on bicycles In lonely country roads.
Some secretive lover. beyond all
doubt. But there are curious and sug
gestive details about ths case. Watson.
-That he should appear only at that
point?" .
-Exactly. Our first effort must be to
find who are the tenants of Charllngton
Hall. Then, again, how about the con
nection between Carruthers and
Woodley. since they appear to be men
of such a different type? How came
they both to be so keenjupon looking
up Ralph Smith's relstlons? One more
point. What sort of a mensge Is It
which paya double the market price
for a governess, but doe not keep a
horse, although six miles from the sta
tion? Odd. Watson very odd:"
"You will go down?"
"No. my dear fellow, you will go
down. This may be aome trifling In
trigue, and I cannot break my other
Important research for tha sake of sit.
On Monday you will arrive early at
Farnham: you will conceal yourself
near Charllngton Heath; you will ob
serve ' these facts for yourself, and
act as your own Judgment advises.
Then, having Inquired a to the occu
panta of tha hall, you will come back
to me and report. And now, Watson,
not another word of the matter until
we have a few solid stepping-stones
on which we may hope to get across
to our solution."
We had ascertained from the lady
that she went down upon the Monday
by the train which leaves Waterloo
at 7:60. so I started early and caught
the :1I. At Farnham Station I had
no difficulty In being directed to
Charllngton Heath. It was Impossible
to- mistake the scene of the young
lady' adventure, for the road runs be
tween the open huath on one side and
an old yew hedge upon the other, sur
rounding a park which is studded with
magnificent trees. There was a main
gateway of lichen-studded stone, each
side pillar surmounted by mouldering
heraldlo emblems, but besides this cen
tral carriage drive I observed several
points whsre there were gsps In the
hedge, and path leading through
them. 'The houee was invisible from
tha roAd. but the surroundings all
spoke of gloom and decay.
The heath was covered with golden
patches of flowering gorse, gleaming
magnificently In the light of the bright
Spring sunshine. Behind one of these
clumps I took up mv position, so ss
to command both the gateway of the
hall and a long stretch of the road
upon erther side. H had been deserted
when I left It. but now I saw a cycllet
riding down It from the opposite di
rection to that in which I had come.
He was -clad In a dark suit, and I saw
that he had a black beard. On reach
ing the end of the Charllngton grounds,
he sprang from his machine and led it
through a gap In the hedge, disappear
ing from my view.
A quarter of an hour passed, and
then a second cyclist appeared. This
time It wae the young lady coming
from the station. I saw her look about
her as sh came to the Charllngton
hedge. An Instant later the man
emerged from his hiding-place, sprang
upon his cycle, and followed her. In
all the broad landscape these were
the only moving figures, the graceful
girl sitting very straight upon her ma
chine, and the man behind her bend
ing low over his handle-bar with a
curiously furtive suggestion In every
movement. She looked back at him
and slowed her pace. He slowed also.
She stopped. He at once stopped, too,
keeping S00 yards behind her. Her
next movement was a unexpected as
It was spirited She suddenly whisked
her wheels round and dashed straight
at him. He was as quick as she. how
ever, and darted off In desperate
flight. Presently she came back up
the road again, her head haughtily In
the air. not deigning to take any fur
ther notice of her silent attendant. He
hJ turned also, and still kept his dis
tance until the curve of the -road hid
them from my sight.
I remained in my hiding-place, and
It waa well that I did so, for presently
the man reappeared, cycling slowly
bark. He turned In at the hall gates,
and dismounted from his machine. For
some minutes I could see him stand
ing among the trees. His hands were
raised, and he deemed to be settling
his necktie. Then he mounted his
cycle, and rode, away from me down
the drive towards the hall. I ran
across the heath and peered through
the trees. Fas- away I could catch
glimpses of the old gray building with
Its bristling Tudor chimneys, but the
drive ran through a dense shrubbery,
and I saw no more of my man.
However, It seemed to me that I had
done a fairly good morning's work,
and I walked In high spirits to Farn
ham. The local agent could tell me
nothing about Charllngton Hall, and
referred me to a well-known firm in
Pall Mall. There I halted on my way
home, and met with courtesy from the
representative. No, I could not have.
Charllngton Hall for the Summer. I
was Just too late. It had been let about
a month ago. Mr. Williamson was the
name of the tenant. He was a re
spectable, elderly gentleman. The po
lite agent was afraid he could say no
more, as the affairs of his clients were
not matters which he could discuss.
Mr. Sherlock Holmes listened with
attention to the long report which I
was able to present to him that even
ing, but it did not elicit that word of
curt praise which I had hoped for, and
should have valued. On the contrary,
his austere face was even more severe
than usual as he commented upon the
things that I had done and the things
that I had not.
"Your hiding-place, my dear Watson,
was very faulty. You should have been
behind the hedge, then you would have
had a close view of thle interesting
person. As It Is, you were some hun
dreds of yards away, and can tell me
even less than Miss Smith. She thinks
she does not know the man; I am con
vinced she does. Why, otherwise,
ehould he be so desperately anxious
that she should not get so near him
as to see his features? You describe
him as bending over the handle-bar.
Concealment again, you see. You really
have done remarkably badly. He re
turns to the house, and you want to
find out who he Is. You come to a
London house agent!"
"What should I have done?" I cried,
with some heat;. ,
"Gone to the nearest public-house.
That Is the center of country gossip.
They would have told you every name,
from the master to the scullery maid.
Williamson? It conveys nothing to
my mind. If he Is an elderly man he
Is not this active cyclist, who sprints
away from that young lady' athletic
pursuit. What have we gained by your
expedition? The knowledge that the
girl's story is true. I never doubted
It. That there Is a connection between
the cyclist and the hall. I never
doubted that, either. TJiat the hall is
tenanted by Williamson. Who's the
better for that? Well, well, my dear
sir. don't look so depressed. We can
do little more until next Saturday, and
In the meantime I may make one or
two inquiries myself."
' Next morning, we had a note from
Mis Smith, recounting shortly and ac
curately the very Incidents which I had
seen, but the pi,h of the letter lay In
the postscript:
"I am sure that you will respect my
confidence. Mr. Holmes, when I tell you
that my place here has become diffi
cult, owing to the fact that my em
ployer has proposed marriage to me.
I am convinced that his feelings are
most deep and most honorable. At the
same time, my promise is of course
given. He took my refusal very
seriously, but also very gently. You
can understand, however, that the sit
uation is a little strained."
"Our young friend seems ' to be get
ting into deep water." said Holmes
thoughtfully, as he finished the letter.
"The case certainly presents more fea
tures of Interest and more possibility
of development than I had originally
thought- I should be none the
worse for a quiet, peaceful day
In the country, and I am in
clined to run down this afternoon and
test one or two theories which I have
- Holmes' quiet day In the country had
a; singular termination, for he arrived
at Baker street late In the evening with
a cut Up and a discolored lump upon
his forehead, besides a general air
of dissipation which would have made
his own person -the fitting object of a
Scotland Yard Investigation. He was
immensely tickled by his own adven
tures, and laughed heartily as he re
counted them.
"I get so little active exercise that it
Is always a treat." said he. "You are
aware that I have some proficiency in
the good old British sport of boxing.
Occasionally, It Is of service; today, for
example, I should have come to very
Ignominious grief without It."
I begged him to tell me what had oc
curred. "I found that country pub which I
had already recommended to your no
tice, and there I made my discreet in
quiries. I was in the bar, and a garrul
ous landlord was giving me all that I
wanted. Williamson is a white-bearded
man. and he lives alone with a small
staff of servants at the Hall. There is
some rumor that he Is or has been a
clergyman, but one or two incidents of
his short residence at the Hall struck
me as peculiarly unecclesiastical. I
have already made some Inquiries at a
clerical agency, and they tell me, that
there was a man of that name in or
ders, whose career baa been a singular
ly dark one. The landlord further in
formed me that there are usually week
end visitors 'a warm lot, sir' at the
Hall, and especially one gentleman
with a red mustache. Mr. Woodley by
name, who waa always there. We had
got as far as this, when who should
walk In but the gentleman himself,
who had been drinking his beer In the
tap-room and had heard the whole con
versation. Who was I? What did I
want? What did I mean by asking
questions? He had a fine flow of lan
guage, and his adjectives were very
vigorous. He ended a string of abuse
by a vicious backhander, which I failed
to entirely avoid. T'.ie next few min
utes were delicious. It was a straight
left against a slogging ruffian. I
emerged as you see me. Mr. Woodley
went home In a cart. So ended my
country trip, and It must be confessed
that, however enjoyable, my day on the
Surrey border has not been much more
profitable than your own."
The Thursday brought us another
letter from our client..
"You will not be surprised, Mr.
Holmes." said she. "to hear that I am
leaving Mr. Carruthers' employment.
Even the high pay cannot reconcile me
to the discomforts of my situation. On
Saturday I come up to town, and I do
not Intend to return. Mr. Carruthers
has got a- trap, and so the dangers of
HOLMES lBY b a. conan doyle
the lonely road, if there ever were any
dangers, are now over.
"As to the special cause of my leav
ing, it is not merely the strained sit
uation with Mr. Carruthers, but it Is
the reappearance of that odious man,
Mr. Woodley. He was always hideous,
but he looks more awful than ever now,
for he appears to have had an accident,
and he is much disfigured. I saw him
out of the window, but I am glad to
say I. did not meet him. He had a
long "talk with Mr. Carruthers. who
seemed much excited afterwards. Wood
ley must be staying in "the neighbpr
hood, for he did not sleep here, and yet
I caught a glimpse of him again this
morning, slinking about In the shrub
bery. I would sooner have a savage
wild animal loose about the place. I
loathe and fear him more than I can
say. How can Mr. Carruthers endure
such a creature for a moment? How
ever, all my troubles will be over on
Saturday." '
"So I trust, Watson, so I trust," said
Holmes, gravely. "There Is some deep
Intrigue going on round that little wo
man, and it Is our duty to see that no
one molests her upon that last Journey.
I think, Watson, that we must spare
time to run down together on Satur-
day morning, and make sure that this
curious and inclusive Investigation has
no untoward ending."
I confess that I had not up to now
taken a very serious .view of the case,
which had seemed to me rather grot
esque and bixarre than dangerous. That
a man should He In wait for and fol
low a very handsome woman is no unheard-of
thing, and If he has so little
audacity that he not only dared not
address her, but even fled from her
approach, he was not a very formidable
assailant. . The ruffian Woodley was a
very different person, but, except on
one occasion, he had not molested our
client, and now be visited the house of
Carruthers without Intruding upon her
presence. The man on the bicycle was
doubtless a member of those - week
end parties at the Hall of which
the publican had' spoken, but who he
was or what he wanted, was as obscure
as ever. It was the severity of Holmes'
manner, and the fact that he slipped
a revolver Into his pocket, before leav
ing our rooms which impressed me with
the feeling that tragedy might prove to
lurk behind this curious train of events.
A rainy night had been followed by
a glorious morning, and the heatb-cov-ered
country-side, with the glowing
clumps of flowering gorse, seemed all
the more beautiful to eyes which were
weary of the duns and drabs and slate
greys of London. Holmes and I walked
along the broad, sandy road inhaling
the fresh morning air, and rejoicing in
the music of the birds and the fresh
breath of the Spring. From a rise of
the road on the shoulder of Crooksbury
Hill, we could see the grim Hall brist
ling out from amidst the ancient oaks,
which, old as they were, were still
younger than the building which they
surrounded. Holmes pointed down the
long tract of road which wound, a red
dish yellow band, between the. brown
of the heath and the budding green of
the woods. FST away, a black dot. wo
could see a vehicle moving in our direc
tion. Holmes gave an exclamation of
Impatience. .
"I have given a margin of half an
hour." said he. "If that Is her trap, she
must be making for the earliest train.
I fear. Watson, that she will be past
Charllngton before we can possibly
meet her." - .
From the instant that we passed the
rise, we could no longer see the vehicle,
but we hastened onwards at such a pace
that my sedentary life began to tell upon
me. and I was compelled to fall behind.
Holmes, however, was always In train
ing, for he had Inexhaustible stores of
nervous energy upon which to draw.
His springy step never slowed until sud
denlv.when he was a hundred yards In
front of me. he halted, and I saw him
thrown up his hand with a gesture of
grief and despair. At the same Instant
an empty dog-cart, the horse cantering,
the reins trailing, appeared round the
curve of the road and rattled swiftly to.
wards us. , .
"Too late. Watson, too late! cried
Holmes, as I ran panting to his side.
"Fool that I was, not to allow for that
earlier train! It's abduction, Watson
abduction! Murder! Heaven knows
what! Block the road! Stop the horse!
That's right. Now, Jump in, and let us
sea if I can repair the consequences of
my own blunder."
We had sprung Into the dog-cart, and
Holmes, after turning the horse, gave It
a sharp cut with the whip, and we flew
back along the road. As we turned the
curve, the whole stretch of road be
tween the Hall and the heath was
opened up. I grasped Holmes' arm.
"That's the man!" I gasped.
A solitary cyclist was coming to
ward - us. His head was down and
his shoulders rounded, as he put every
ounce of energy that he possessed on
to the pedals. He was flying like a
racer. Suddenly he raised his beard
ed face, saw us close to him and pulled
. i .n.lnfflnir from hiR mac hine) That
coal-black beard was in singular con
trast to the pallor'of his face and his
eves were as bright as if he had a
fever. He stared at us and at the
dog-cart. Then a look of amazement
came over his face.
"Halloa! Stop there!" he shouted,
holding his bicycle to block our road.
"Where did you get that dog-cart?
Pull up,' man! he yelled, drawing a pis
tol from his side pocket. "Pull up, I
say, or. by George, I'll put a bullet
into-your horse."
Holmes threw the reins into my lap
and sprang down from the cart.
"You're the man we want to see.
Where is Miss Violet Snth?" he said,
in his quick, clear way.
"That's what I'm asking you. You re
in her dog-cart. You ought to know
where she. is."
"We met the dog-cart on -the road.
There was no one in it. We drove back
to help the young lady."
"Good Lord! Good Lord! what shall I
do?" cried the stranger, in an ecstasy
of despair. "They've got her, that
hell-hound Woodley and the black
guard parson. Come, man, come, If
you really are her friend. Stand by me
and we'll save her, if I have to leave
my carcass in Charllngton Wood."
He ran distractedly, his pistol in his
hand, towards a gap in the hedge.
Holmes followed him and I, leaving the
horse grazing beside the road, followed
"This is where they came through,"
said he, pointing to the marks of sev
eral feet upon the muddy path. "Hal
loa!! Stop a minute! Who's this in the
It was a young fellow about 17,
dressed like an ostler, with leather
cords and gaiters. He lay upon his
back, his knees drawn up, a terrible
cut upon his head. He was insensi
ble, but alive. A glance at his wound
told me that it had not penetrated the
bone. ;
"That's Peter, the groom." cried the
stranger. "He drove her. The beasts
have pulled him off and clubbed him.
Let him He? we can't do him any good,
but we may save her from the worst
fate that can befall a wotnarr"
We ran frantically down the path,
which wound among the trees. We
had reached the shrubbery which sur
rounded the house, when Holmes
pulled up.
"They didn't go to the house. Here
are their marks on the left here, be
side the laurel bushes. Ah! I said
As he spoke a woman's shrill scream
a scream which vibrated with a
frenzy of horror burst from the thick,
green clump of bushes in front of us.
It ended suddenly on Its highest note
with a choke and a gurgle.
"This way! This way! They are in
the bowling alley," cried the stranger,
darting through the bushes. "Ah, the
cowardly dogs! Follow me, gentlemen!
Too late! Too late! by the living Jin
go!" We had broken suddenly Into a love
ly glade of greensward surrounded by
aDcient trees. On the farther side of
i, under the shadow of a mighty oak,
there stood a singular group of three
people. - One was a woman, our client,
drooping and faint, a handkerchief
round her mouth. Opposite her stood
a brutal, heavy-faced, red-moustached
young man, his gaitered legs parted
wide, one arm akimbo, the otherswav
ing a riding crop, his whole attitude
suggestive of triumphant bravado. Be
tween them an alderly, gray-bearded'
man, wearing a short surplice over a
lighttweed suit, had evidently Just
completed the wedding service, for he
pocketed his prayer-book as we ap
peared and slapped the sinister bride
groom upon the back in Jovial con
gratulation. "They're married!" I gasped.
"Come on!" cried our guide; "come
on!" He r"tr9hed across the glade.
Holmes and I at his heels. As we
approached the lady staggered against
the trunk of the tree for support. Will
iamson, the ex-clergyman, bowed to us
with mock politeness and the bully,"
Woodley, advanced with -a shout of
brutal and exultant laughter.
"You can take your beard off. Bob."
said he. "I know you, right enough.
Well, you and your pals have Just
come in time for me to be able to in
troduce you to Mrs. Woodley."
Our guide's answer was a singular
"one. He snatched off the" dark beard
which had disguised him and threw it
on the ground, disclosing a long, sal
low, clean-shaven face below it. Then
he raised his revolver and covered the'
young ruffian, who - was advancing
upon him with hl3 dangerous rlding
crojr swinging in his hand.
"Yes," said- our ally, "I am Bob Car
ruthers, and I'll see this woman right
ed, if I have to swing for it. I told
you what I'd do if you molested her,
and, by the Lord! I'll be as good as my
"You're too late. She's my wife."
"No, she's your widow."
' His revolver cracked and I saw the
hlood SDurt from the front of Wood-
ley's waistcoat. He spun round with
a scream and fell upon his back, his
hideous red face turning suddenly to
a dreadful mottled pallcf. The old man,
still clad in his surplice, burst Into
such a string of foul oaths as I Have
never heard and pulled out a revolver
of his own, but, before he could raise
it, he was looking down the barrel of
Holmes' weapon.
"Eno'ugh of this," said my friend,
coldly. - "Drop that pistol! Wafson,
pibk it up! Hold it to his headl Thank
you. You, Carruthers, give me that
revolver. We'll have no more vio
lence. Come, hand it over!"
"Who are you, then?"
"My name is Sherlock Holmes."
"Good Lord"
"You have heard of me, I see. I will
represent the official police- until their
arrival. Here, you!" he shouted at a
frightened groom, who had appeared at
the edge of the 'glade. "Come here.
Take this note, as hard as you can
ride, to Farnham." He scribbled a few
words upon a leaf from his note-book.
"Give it to the superintendent at the
police station. Until he comes I must
detain you all under my personal cus
tody." The strong, masterful personality of
Holmes dominated the tragic scene
and all were equally puppets In his
hands. Williamson and Carruthers
found themselves carrying the wound
ed Woodley into the house, and I gave
my arm to the frightened girl. The
Injured man was laid on his bed and
at Holmes' request I examined him. I
carried my report to where he sat in
the old tapestry dining-room with his
two prisoners before him.
"He will live," said I.
"What!" cried Carruthers, springing
out of his chair. "I'll go upstairs and
finish him first. Do you tell me that
that girl, that angel, is to be tied to
Roaring Jack Woodley for life?"
"You need not concern yourself
about that," said Hoimes. "There are
two very good reasons why she should,
under no circumstances, be his wife. .
In the first place, we are very safe in
questioning Mr. Williamson's right to
solemnize a marriage."
"I have been ordained," cried the old
"And also unfrocked."
"Once a clergyman, always a clergy
man." "I think not. How about the li
cense?" "We had a license for the marriage.
I have it here in my pocket."
"Then you got it by a trick. But.
in any case, a forced marriage is no
marriage, but it is a very serious fel
ony, as you will discover before you
have finished. You'll have time to
think the point out during the next ten
years or so, unless I am mistaken. As
to you. Carruthers, you would have
done better to keep your pistol in your
"I begin to think so, Mr. Holmes,
but when I thought of all the precau
tion I had taken to shield this girl
for I loved her, Mr. Holmes, and it is
the only time that I ever knew what
love was it fairly drove me mad to
think that she was in the power of
the greatest brute and bully In South
Africa a man whose name is a holy
terror from ' Kimberley to Johannes
burg. Why, Mr. Holmes, you'll hardly-
believe it, but ever since that girl
has been in my employment I never
once let her go past this house, where
I knew the rascals were lurking, .with
out following her on my bicycle. Just
to see that she came to no harm. I
kept my distance from her, and I wore
a beard, so that she should not recog
nize me, for she is a good and high
spirited girl and she wouldn't have
atayed in my employment long If she
had thought that I was following her
about the country roads."
"Why didn't you tell her of her dan
ger'" "Because, then, again, she would have
left me, and I couldn't bear to face
that. Even If she couldn't love me.
it was a great deal to me Just to see
her dainty form about the house and to
hear the sound of her voice."
"Well, said I, "you call that love,
Mr. Carruthers. but I should call it
"Maybe the two things go together.
Anyhow. I couldn't let her go. Besides,
with this crowd about, it was well that
she should have someone near to look
after her. Then, when the cablo
came, I knew they were bound to make
a move."
"What cable?" , . .
Carruthers took a telegram fromnis
"That's it," said he.
It was short and concise:
The old man Is dead."
"Hum!" said Holmes. I think I see
how things worked, and I can under
stand how this message would, as you
say bring them to a head. But while
you wait, you might tell me what you
aThe old reprobate with the surplice
burst into a volley of ba.d lanBuaB,f- ,
"By Heaven!" said he. "if you squeal
on us. Bob Carruthers. I'll serve you
as you did Jack Woodley. You can
bleat about the girl to your hearts
content, for that's your own affair
but if you round on your pals to this
PUin-clothea copper,, it will be th.
worst day's work that ever you ld.
"Your reverence need not De ex
cited." said Holmes, lighting a cigar
ette? "The case is clear enough
acai'nst you and all I ask is a few de
ttns for my private curiosity. How
ever, if there's any difficulty in your
telling me, I'll do the talking and
Sen ye will see how far you have
a Sauce of holding back your eta.
In the first place, three of you
came from South Africa on this game
yo Winiamson, you Carruthers, and
WffJiW one." said the old man:
"I never saw either of them until two
months ago, and I .have never been in
Africa in my life, so you car . Pt J.
iri your pipe and smoke it, Mr. Bus
body Holmes!"
"What he says is true," said Car-
rU"Weli well, two of you came over.
His reverence Is our ow" "f6"1"?'
article. , You had known Ralph Smith
to south Africa.. You had reason to
believe he would not live long. You
found out that his niece would inherit
his fortune. How's that eh?
Carruthers nodded and' Williamson
' She was next of kin,-no doubt and
you were aware that the old fellow
- "Couldn't read or write, said Car
ruthers. ,
fSo you came over the two of you,
and hunted up the girl. The idea was
that one of you was to marry her, and
the other have a share of the plunder.
For some reason, Woodley was chosen
as the husband. Why was thatr
"We played cards for her on the
voyage.- He won."
"I see. You got the young lady Into
your service, and there Woodley waa
to do the courting. She recognized the
drunken brute that he was. and. would
have nothing to do with him. Mean
while your arrangement was rather
upset by the fact that you had your
self fallen in love with the lady. You
could no longer bear the idea of this
ruffian owning her?"
"No. by George, I couldn'C'
There was a quarrel between you.
He left you in a rage, and began to
(Concluded on Page 7.)
QD 108.2