1Q THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND. JULY 23, 1911. lew Met hod Kanie Wins Icton The Gas Company of the City of Washington, D. C, Compelled by Public Demonstration and Popular Demand to Connect Their Service Pipes to The Celebrated "Mew Method" Gas Ranges This Is th That Win e Burner s the Crown of Victory figsT Guaranteed to Save One-Quarter of Your Gas The body of the "New Method" Gas Range is made entirely of steel, and all outside parts are treated with best bakin? japan, baked on both sides of the plates. This finish insures lasting qualities equal to castiron. They cannot rust out. Apartment-house owners will have no other pas range, after giving the "New Method" a trial. . We carry many styles from the single-burner plate to the high cabinet gas range. Special in troductory prices on all. City Forces Gas Company to Time The Washington, D. C, Gas Monopoly Company refused to permit the '.'New Method" Gas Ranges to be connected with their mains. Thereupon, the "New Method" company went before the peo ple of Washington with a publicity cam paign. They showed the consumers just WHY the gas company did not want the "New Method" Gas Ranges used dem onstrating uion the street corners day after dav that the "Xew Method" Gas Ranges consumed ONE -FOURTH less gas than tin? old style gas burners on other ranges. The public demonstrations were so conclusive and so satisfactory that the City Council passed an ordinance requiring the gas company to connect the "New Method" with their mains on the same footing with other makes of range. Since then the gas company has gone out of the gas range business. The' sold a castiron range that was a great success as a GAS CONSUMER. A similar fight is being waged today in the Citr of New Orleans. ,. Ji' M'. lit 4 AH other gas ranges are built alike very much" alike but the "New Method" is decidedly different. It possesses eighteen superior points over any other style. Let us show you this week let us show you tomorrow. It will be con nected free and you have an opportunity, to test it for a single dollar payment. Let us show you. OLD STYLE What Is the Great Improvement? 1 - Too will naturally ask, "What is the Improve-' mentf First we call your attention to the old style burner used on all gas ranges, except the V New Method." The ow-styie Durner is mue w . '..., castiron, very thick and very soft iron, to permit of the small jet holes "being drilled through it. Notice the small size of the jet holes ancj also the small size of the opening for the passage of gas from the service pipe. Compare thisTrarner with the "New. Method" burner held aloft by tha figure. It Is All in the Burner Employed The "New Method" burner, as sh6wn in the illustration (held by the' figure of the woman) is made from sheets of stamped steel, heavily enameled like the ordinary cooking vessel. The large opening in the stem of the bpner (grasped by the figure shown) permits of a large volume of air from the mixers to blow into the burner along with the gas; the funnel-shaped -jet - holes through the than sides of the "New Method" burner permit the gas and air to reach the point ot combustion without friction. And this gas and air are so thoroughly mixed by the time the match is applied that there is no "popping back." This danger is entirely avoided in the "New Method."; You will readily see that the more an- or oxygen you burn with the gas, the less gas will be consumed, and the same results gained.' The air mixers are easily, regulated . according to the gas. pressure m the mains. ' ' And they are Guaranteed to save One-Quarter of your Gas. These "New Method" burners are vitrified enamel cannot rust, crack or break; may be removed and washed like enamel ware. To Introduce This Great Gas Range To introduce this great money-saving Gas Range ve not only offer special terms, but great special price reductions. Note the spe cial prices, and remember you can have any of these ranges sent to your home and con nected free on payment of a single dollar. A 2-horner Gas Range ...$10.00 A 3-bunier Gas Range SI 2.50 A 4-burner Gas Range ..S 16.00 Pay $1.00 Down and $1.00 a Week; Connected free of charge. These ranges have a good-sized baking oven and are fitted with the "New Method" enam eled burners, which not only cut down your gas bills, but "cut out" the odor of the gas while in use. ' ' Another Great Rog Sale! IT. $7.50 Another great shipment of Rugs received on Saturday direct from the factory affords us the opportunity of presenting another "rug special" for which this house has become noted in past years. Three special values are offered here at prices far below the regular market rating for these rugs. $13.50 Tapestry- Brussels Rugs Full 9x12 Feet in Size. Over 30 different designs from which to make your choice. They are full size 9x12 feet are suitable for any room in the bungalow, cottage or beach house. Floral, Oriental and conventional designs, rich color ing, strong weaves; genuine Tapestry Brus- Jy CQ sels Rugs going for only ....... ..r Union Art Squares, 9x12 A good variety of colors and patterns in this lot many of them very attractive. If you are in search of some thing real cheap and at the same time serviceable, this rug will meet your requirements. It is superior to ingrain carpet ana in every -day use will prove more satisfactory. ..$5.65 Refrigerators That Require Little Ice "Alaska" These are' charcoal-filled Re frigerators the very best made. Sold in Portland for 30 years. We are the exclusive agents. A special July discbunt of 15 per cent is now on. Sold on easy terms a dollar or two a week will do. Special Sale Porch Special 20 per cent dis count sale, on all porch goods Rockers, Chairs, Settees, etc., this week. A great variety of de--signs that must now be closed out, as the season for their sale is about ended. You make a sav ing of one - fifth this .week. Easy Rockers, ' comfortable C h a i r s of unique design, with woven seats of r a 1 1 a n and grass. Light, dur able, attractive. "IB mm Milii .... t vxxxxxxxx; mm $1.50 Lace Curtains A special offering for Monday of several hundred pairs of very daintily figured Arabian or Ecru Lace Curtains. See win dow display. These curtains are 48 inches wide by 9 feet long, and are well worth $1.50 pair. Monday we are going to sell them at only 85 a pair. To, obtain choice of patterns, come early. $3.00 Granite Art Squares $1.95 Size of these Granite Art Squires is 7 ft. 6 in, by 9 ft. A well-known Granite Rug, suitable for many purposes ; regular $3.00 values, on sale Monday at only. ..$1.95 FIRST AND YAMHILL AND YAMHILL Springs, $1.65 These Woven Wire Springs are supported hv stronsr sDiral springs, as shown in the cut. ' With one of our $3.00 Mattresses they will make a very comfortable bed. The regular price is $3.00, special Mon day only 5x.oo SECOND I I . . - - ' l . . ., 1 . . i