The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 23, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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n '
On Our Famous
J. Nelson Wisner, Oregon City
Man, Legislated Out of
Office to "Economize."
fL erv tnO
1 Stmt
At Meeting, lipid on Quirt. Action Is
Taken and Now Suite I1h and
Came Comnil?.lon I Sana
Snlfw of Student of Hh.
OREOOS CTTT. Or.. July S.-Speclal.)
J. Nelson Wisner. who n t.o months
fr employed a Stats Superintendent
of Fisheries, has been legislated out of
ffire by ths State Ktsh and Game Cora
filiation. Following a mrrtlni of ths Commit
slon he:j Ihli week. Mr. Wisner was
Informed bjr on member that bis office
bad been abolished and that his services
would not be required after August t.
Commissioners Cranston. Kelly. Ston.
and Hughes were present at the meet
Ins and Commissioner M. J. Kinney ass
Mr. Wisner. whoss home Is In Orrron
City, was taken by surprise at ths un
expected action of ths Commission, but
when seen today he declined to make
any statement for publication. His
friend, however, are keen In ths belief
fiat Governor West's boasted anti-po-litlcal
Commission Is entirely farcical and
thai Master Ftiii Warden Clar.ton and
Ms po.ttlcal allies were displeased when
ths onV. of tate Superintendent ot
Kitcherles was created and Mr. W liner's
arrolntment was announced.
hs tie poed superintendent was, for
about 1v years, one of the two field
superintendents of ths United States
Bureau of fisheries, working first on
the Atlantic Coast, but a majority of
his service was In ths propagation of
salmon and. trout In the waters of ths
Northwest. It having been In charge of
ths Government operations In Oregon
and Washington.
It Is understood that ths reason given
for Mr. Wlmer's enforced retirement Is
economy, but It Is suspected that this
Is not the real reason, and It Is possible
that after Mr. Wisner has severed Ms
connection with ths Commission on
Aurut 1. bs will be Induced to maks
a statement, which may bs highly In
Oovernor West, when In Oregon City
a fsw months ago. said In a speech that
his new Fish and Gams Commission
should establish a record, that It was
Independent of him. and that tt had
plenty of money to spend In further
ance of Its work. Ths abolishment of
Mr. Wisner office leaves ths Commis
sion without an expert In propagation
"Vet Side p tension Delayed Vntll
Superior Court Hears Cm'.
OLYMTIA. Wa.h.. July 82 (Special.)
L'ntll the Superior Court of Thurston
County hears tba arguments upon the
application for an Injunction, all work
on the west side rarltne extension In
Olympla Is being held up. a temporary
restraining order having; been Issued.
Ths Perctval estats la delaying the
work, for It has been found that the
streetcar company In constructing Its
trestls will run directly In front of ths
property and cut oft all access by
team to ths fine old residence over
looking ths bay and which for a Ions:
time was ths home of Albert E. Mead
when he was Governor.
Every effort has been made to settle
ths troubls out of court. The street
car company Insists upon building Its
trestls on ths south slds of the street,
which blocks the Perclval property, and
ths Tercivals want them to go along
the north aid of the thoroughfare,
where there are no houses. In ths
aomplatnt It charges that tha Perctval
property will be practically ruined:
that It meana a dangerous crossing for
teams and that a better and more
feaslbls routs can be secured.
Leap Into Columbia IClver Prove,
ollc for Itetrleter.
VANCOUVER. Wash July :i-
(Special.) A bird dog that dives Into
the Columbia River from a height ot
IX feet, off of the Northern Pacific
lock. Is owned by Joseph Weber. Jr.
The dog. "Sport." learned the trick
yesterday when he was watching a
doien boys swimming and diving from
the dock.
He was Induced to Jump once, to go
after a barrel stave. Since then bs has
male mors than a hundred dives.
When ths barrel stave Is thrown.
Sport runs UP to ths edge of the dock,
sees where the stlrk lands, and then,
with a yelp of anxiety. Jumps far out
lato the air. and lands running. lie
govs nnder ths water, comes to ths
top. and goes straight for ths barrsl
stavs. which he takes back to bs
thrown again.
Pet, a fog terTler owned by Alex
anrfer McDonald, dlvea for rocks In ths
Columbia River, staying as long as 10
to 49 seconds under water.
;rats Harbor MIU Not A Cloe for
Season. Say Producer.
ARERDES-X. July Zi. Curtailing
the lumber output to almost half of
wPat tt was tn May and June, shingle
manufacturers on Grays Harbor ars
having no difficulty In marketing their
wares. While It 1 prohabls that sev
eral of the smaller mills will closs
down the latter part ot ths present
month, the larger manufacturer be
lieve conditions In the shlngls market
will be such as to warrant them to
continue operation.
No change In the price of clears
and "stars" have been noticed by local
producers. They say ths published re
ports to this effect are without found
ation. The present market condition
on Grays Harbor, while not encourag
ing, doea not warrant tha closing down
of mills.
Two Score Acres of Wheat Destroyed
PKNDLETON. Or July SI- (Special.)
Fire, starting from a spark from a lo.
romottva. caused tbs season'a most dis
astrous grain ftrs. when 40 acres of
wbsat running ii bushels to ths sere
was burned on ths ranch of O. D. Isa
mlnser. near Myrlek. Ths wheat was
Insured to IS. extent ot 19 bushels to
ths a era,
- Mejessssssssssssaaasaaaaaaaaasnaaannnnsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
On account of a backward Spring we have entered the sale season with a larger stock than usual. The
Clrav policy is. if possible, not to carry over n single garment. Our Greater Price Reductions Now Effective
mean quick clearance of all Spring and Summer Suits. Choice Patterns and Styles to select from.
Morrison Street
At Fourth
Boise 'May Vote on Commis
sion Plan Soon.
ProtrrrssWeV Preparing: to Circu
late Petitions 'Which Will Put
Question of w Govern
ment Before Feople.
BOISE. Idaho. Julr JJ- (Special.)
Th. commission form of government
agitation In Boise Is still alive, ths
movement having been revived this
week, when a meeting of some of th.
most prominent business men was held
for tha purpose of reorganising th.
"Progressive League of Boise" to cir
culate petitions and present them to
Mayor Frltchman asking that he call
a special election to vote on a commis
sion form of government.
It Is predicted that while a hard fight
will bs mad. In opposition to th. com
mission plan, especially by th. follow
ers of the present administration. It
will carry and that within th. nest alx
months Boise will be operating; tinder
the commission government.
Th. reorganisation of the "Progres
siva League of Boise" resulted In th.
election of the following well-known
business men as officers: President. C
K. Keddock; secretary. (Sustave Kroe
ger: treasurer. Harry Keasler.
When th. "Progressive League of
Boise" first was organized and petitions
were circulated to bring before th.
voters the commission form of govern
ment resolution. It was discovered that
while mors than th. sufficient number
of names had been secured, many of
the petitions were rot Irgally drawn
and It was thouihl best to reoraants.
and circulate new petitions. It was
also discovered at that time that those
opposed to tb. commission plan were
prepared to attack the petitions and
the commission law, raising th. ques
tion of constitutionality.
Th. fact that many of th. larsrer
cities of the country have found the
commission form of greater general
benefit than government by a Mayor
and Board of Aldermen. Is giving th.
movement here Impetus.
fnder ths Idaho commission law
passed by th. last Legislature th. Des
Moines. Oalveoton and Oregon laws ar.
combined. Th. recall. Initiative and
referendum are provided. Five mem
bers form the commission, elected for
a period of aa many years, and th.
chslrmsn of the board holda a similar
position to ths Mayor, but Is given noj
more power tnan any other memoer.
All city positions ars filled by employes
who can pass ths examinations pro
vided. These employes are held In
office not by political pull, which Is
strictly barred by the Idaho law, but
through their ability to perform their
dutlea satisfactorily, and therefor, they
cannot bs removed following th.
chang. of administration, aa has been
the cass heretofore.
It Is believed her. by th. advocates
of tha commission plan that ones placed
under a commission government Boise
will force to th. front more rapidly
and Improvements that ars needed will
be made. Petitions will be placed In
circulation within a few days, a cam
paign of publicity wlU be Inaugurated
sa . I
Reductions -
at only
at only
at only
at only
at only
at only
and It Is expected that .within two
mop ths the commission plan wlU be
ready for the vote of th. people.
Linn County Man Saya Wife Left
Hint Nine Years Ago.
ALBANY, Or.. July J2. (Special.)
After being married almost long;
enough to celebrate their golden wed
ding. A. N. Gaum and Charlotte Gaunt
have separated and the husband filed
suit for divorce In the State Circuit
Court here today.
They were married In Stafford, Mon
roe County. Ohio, December Z4. 184.
and lived together until nine years ago,
when. Gaunt alleges, his wife deserted
him and went to live with her son by
a former marriage. He also charges
that at the time she left she took all
of their furniture and household goods
with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Gaunt have resided In
Linn County the past IX years. There
are no children as the Issue of this
marriage. ,
Kugene Jewelry Store Robbed.
EUGENE. Or, July J2. (Special.)
Burglars, who gained entrance through
the skylight, secured between $300 and
1100 worth of rings and brooches from
the Smartt Jewelry store on Willam
ette street last night. The property
was taken from the show window In
jilatn sight of the street, and waa
secured by means of a hook attached
to a piece of lath, the thief apparently
being concealed behind a curtain back
of the window. The safe was not molested.
i . 1
cwru Or July 22. (Special.) Bishop Smith, of Portland: Gov
ernor West. J C. Linnerburg. M. C. Reed, of Portland; A. V Hofer Dr.
C O Bo er and K. B. Lockhart. of - Salem, wer. among the speakers
Frldav nirht at the First Methodist Church at a Swedish entertain
ment for th. benent of th. Swedish Tabernacle Methodist Eptacopal
Church. Rev. John Ovall Is pastor of this church. -
Thenew church will have its opening tomorrow afternoon. It la the
hop. of the pastor to make It one of the strongest churches of the de
nomination opened by th. Swedish people In the. Northwest.
, S1S.OO
Terms of Sale,
She Would Herself Confess
Murder to Save Beattie.
Alleged Slayer of Young Wife Scoffs
at Sworn Statement Given Kicli
mond Police by Paul Beattie.
Girl Bares Her Life.
RICHMOND, Va, July 22. In the
soft drawl of the South, Beulah Bin
ford today told the men of the Coro
ners Jury, that held Henry Clay
Beattie. Jr., responsible for the death of
his young; wife on the Midlothian road,
live miles south of Richmond, last Tues
day night, that she would herself
confess to the murder of Beattie's
wife rather than see the young
Richmond banker go to the elec
tric chair. The Blnford girl told
of her education at St. Mary's
Girls' School at Alexandria at the ex
pense of H. C. Beattie, Jr., and of their
love that has lasted for four years.
.-'-.TV -
- '
iii lasaiaviT
Strictly Cash
When Beattie was married she said she
had promised to go away. She was in
Norfolk four weeks ago when she met
Beattie by accident. The old lonsrlng
for each other was renewed, she said,
and she returned to Richmond. Since
then she has been with him frequently.
Miss Blnford unhesitatingly related
her relations with Beattie, detailing the
birth of her child when she was 15
years old. In Raleigh, N. C, which she
said was named Henry Clay Beattie
and at whose burial, she said, Beattie
was present.
Father llears Denial.
Undisturbed since his arrest last
night, Henry C. Beattie, Jr.. sat In his
cell today puffing almost constantly at
a cigarette. He telegraphed his father
saying that a statement, sworn to by
his cousin, Paul D. Beattie, accusing
the prisoner of having accepted a hot
gun which Paul had bought at his re
quest last Saturday night, was false.
Paul Beattie and Beulah Blnford
were placed In the Henry County Jail
to be held as witnesses for the prosecu
tion, owing to their inability to give
bond for their appearance.
Police Strengthen Chain.
With Henry C. Beattie. Jr., and his
cousin, Paul D., under arrest, and a
signed statement from the latter that
he bought for his cousin the shotgun
with which young Mrs. Henry C. Beat
tie was killed. In their possession, the
police today started to strengthen, as
far as possible, their case against the
accused husband.
H. C Beattie, Jr., did not seem sur
prised when Informed of the statement
made by his cousin, but said nothing to
Indicate that he would abandon the
story he has told from the first, that
his wife was shot to death by a. strange
man from the roadside while seated
beside him in his automobile. Paul
Beattie went into convulsions when ar.
rested, and was unconscious for some
Fire Burns 500,000 Feet of Logs.
SOUTH BEND, Wash.. July 22. (Spe
cial.) A forest fire on Half Moon Creek
between the Lebam Mill & Timber
Company's mill and their logging
camps was yesterday reported under
control, the district fire warden having
come to the rescue. No standing tlm
br was destroyed but a half million
feet of cut logs were burned. The
company's mill has been idle for a
week as It was impossible to operate
their logging trains through the burn
ing territory.
II t-.
Don't pare them. That doesn't help for long. And
paring; too deep has caused blood poisoning a good many
thousand times.
Don't merely protect them. Don't doctor and nurse
them. Cover a corn with a Blue-jay plaster, and the pain is
ended. In two days the corn comes ont. In the meantime
yon forget it.
Five million corns per year are removed in this cheap,
simple way. It never fails. No harm, no pain, no discomfort.
Why don't you take advantage of this wonderful invention ?
Go get a package now. Get rid of corns.
A In the picture Is the soft B & B wax. It loosens the corn.
B protects the corn, stopping the pain at once.
C wraps around the toe. It is narrowed to be comfortable.
i D is rubber adhesive to fasten th. plaster on. .
Blue-jay Corn
(3) Also BtaHsy Banioa Plssten. AH Drafsists Sell snd Guarantee Thcoa.
If not convinced, ask for sample free.
Bauer & Black, Chicago and New York, Makers of. Surgical Dressings, etc.
Trousers now . f4-.00
Trousers now . $4.50
Trousers now .' 35.00
Trousers now . $6.00
Trousers now . $6.50
Trousers now . $7.00
Morrison Street
At Fourth
Fill at Guild's Lake Is Suggested
Site for Establishment of Stor-
age Station.
SEATTLE, Wash., July -22. (Spe
cial.) Councilman Burgard. who has
been here for three days attending the
Potlatch. has been Investigating oil
tanks, especially those of th Union
Oil Company. He Is a member of the
committee of the City Council "of Port
land, which is now engaged in work
ing out the problem of where to place
the oil tanks and warehouses tnere,
After inspecting the Union Oil Com
pany tanks hero Mr. Burgard ex
pressed the belief that their construc
tion and arrangements are ideal and
that there is no danger from explo
sion or fire.
He Is satisfied that, were the tanks
in Portland to be similarly arranged
the people there would be safe and
property would be out of danger. He
Is inclined to believe mat n me com
panles handling oil there can secure
sufficient property on the fllled-in
lands of Guilds Lake or some such
nlace. It would be a satisfactory solu
tion of the problem that is proving so
difficult in Portland.
"As the Union Company's tanks are
arranged here," said Mr. Burgard, "I
consider them perfectly safe. I con
sider them, from the standpoint of -an
Insurance man, safer than many other
establishments. Oil we have studlod
and we know how to handle It. but the uroblem is electricity. rvow
If enousrh eround can be found, say
on Guilds Lake, I believe the people f
Portland would be satisfied.
"There is no danger- from fire or
explosion, as the modern oil plant Is
built, I am convinced, but it needs
plenty of ground, ventilated buildings.
Of course, I do not wish at this time
to commit myself to any detinue de
cision on this problem, but I am In
clined to believe that the problem can
be solved, as it has been here."
Transfer Men Cut Charges.
NEWPORT, Or., July 22. (Special.)
Rivalry between draymen of this
city has cut in two the cost of transfer
15c and 25c
per package
this season. When a transfer firm be
gan soliciting business on the Corvallil
& Eastern Railroad recently othei
draymen began slashing prices, whk-t
led to the present low prices..
Don't Take Medicine. Try My Guar
anteed External Remedy
Send Your Name on a Postal
Return mall will bring you, prepaid
and without your paying a cent, a regu
lar $1 pair Of Magic Foot Drafts, th
great Michigan External Cure foi
Hlieumatimu, chronic or scute, muscu
lar, sciatic, gout, etc., no matter wher
the pain or how severe.
FaBDKRicK Dyb, Corresponding SecT.
The Drafts are curing old chronic
after 30 and 40 vears of cruel suffering
a well as all the milder stages. Wlij
not test this harmless, simple cure tin
trial fOKta von nothlnfif. Just send u
your name and address,
Drafts when
and try th
they come. The
A i r Actions are
very simple. .;:
Then, if you
are fullv satis
fied with the
ceived. send us One Dollar. If not thej
cost you nothing. Von decide and w
take vour word. Address Magic Fool
Irnft Co, GP 29 Oliver Building. Jack
son, Jlioh. Send no money only youl
name. Write today.
A' Quick Cure
at Small Cos!
Sufferings from Kidneys and Bladdei
Checked by Only Fight Bottles of
Warner's Safe Cure
"A short time ago my kidneys and
bladder were in very bad shape and I
was all run down, having lost over 25
pounds. I commenced taking Warner's
Safe Cure, and after using only eight
bottles I am now
feeling fine and am
fully cured." M. J.
Nolan, C o 1 u m b la
W a r n e r's S a f e
Cure Is the most
s u c c essful remedy
known for all af
fections of the kid
neys, liver and
bladder. Put up In
60c. and $1.00 sizes
and sold by all
W a r n e r's Safe
Pills for constipa
tion act gently but
surely. 25c. a pack
We will send a s
pie bottle of A
ner's Safe Cure, to
gether with a sam
ple of W a r n e r's
Safe Pills, frefe, on
ronnaef XT p n t i n n
Taie Oregonlan Reduced facsimile
when writing.
Warner's Safe Cure Co, Rochester, N. Yi