f m cTTvnv nT?rr.n'TAV PflT?TT, A YT1. .TT7LT 23. 1911. 8 . ' ' . " ' I FW TOI) T REAL ESTATE. ! REAL ESTATE. ' . rw rontr. xiw today. I ww tooat. ew today. ror M u,... 1 tor saie-Mouse.. - - ; I I I I I VWih Three t,rM ln4.. 'already Op eratise 1 I-age Trin. Dly. ROCHESTER k..d tn.a of lb. T. i . L. P. C IMI li l' Intfrurr-an lie- """""J" ' assurance, w. rrob.MT neve i t. giv. you th. profit, lor eae eek loag.r ltd t::l erf.r you our ciiono-ixooK rwrr. or onlt ars.oa. lt CMml Prartlrallv level mod ( Inr. on. 11 monthly - "'"". ""fVrie r-r c.rl oR. F-. warrant-, o'ed "?'T?l i7.tr.ct of tin-. W. cannot 1 oid o ir srlc. down mor tt"-n en. . M.t. wu. ,"" "'-'"..A , tf xc-j ca t com. to onr obi... won., ord.r tor jw Initial pavm-nt end gr.r.tee to make tou M ? ,na rt UK-UMB tlm. ord-r Is rciv.d and .r..l vour crtr.rt r-r return iril. o.sot .nd I1! b.- fr-m Ir.ter ir' . i'lV. oa -r... n ?.' c.-r.r. ... "'"" J, g:. ro.-tM.-d down b.Inr.ce I ''n,''' Too t-.tr.t.. Pt bu..n 1"'. t'''n two d.p-t. th.r. bu.:n l '"" ',T ' i i'tlri 6u-- 70 to -) tt. !.t. IS ard tS: $Ts to li4; l -. ""Blair ThTT'Kht-r I. eot a - - r1, n lm!.ry rIiro.l to bui:d In In th dl tnl fcorln pior. otc. will buna r.'ro.ri. .r. built; j-T ,,'- m tm hk.ry. drut .tor. ttr.. Ir doing buln-.. nd. b " , "'",71; SvO b ri cSo..l .tud. tuht. oo flh Soi b.r mllltd. pm.rcto of c.mp ond ..-mill n.r: eo.l mliUnc l lrlnlty; 1500 KrH !. !' '" ; jjlnlnc t oat. IB fruJI W.o ootd lot to orory porty tfcot h .n thm wlih on to to baying. M roo't Va much ud y u tra to m.'.",-.i pr.,r.to b- "v!'11,"v""7,S! -obi: tri.io ond trn- r llb-ral ti-ot .-rP Ju.tl.V tb'rg rkjnr. K T-.rr.!-r. roihlng -ntu.. nothing Tft. odd. or. .a in -4r f..r Officio! yrjp of :l t- lwn inot J:t port ft 11 . mMum otl. photoo t our orrtco. WHITCOMB BROS. 10 jo rbtmr of Commrei OREGON HOMEBUILDINO & CONSTRUCTION COMPANY IT YOU HAVE A HOME TO SELL IT TOU WANT TO BUY A HOME IP YOU WANT TO BUILD A HOME IT TOU WANT TO BUT ACREAGE IF TOU WANT TO SELL ACREAGE COME AND SEE US Here Are a Few Bargains nnAn takoa g (.room houo on . OZOUU corner lot losH0. Ooorf t-rm. Would bo Itood brs;!n at S ). C 1 tCrtn fr J-room houi nd OlDUU bwmrnL Complllr fr Iilhl anil ready to move Into. Hlf baianco on payment. ? Q Ail taka a 4-room h o u a o. one OOUU block from carllno on lot 4ux IK. Can bo aolJ on trrm. Wo tiTt Mac kaan lor aalo la Irr laartra I add a Addltloa ailrt raa a kadi mm loraaa. WE WANT TO BUT ACREAGE WE WILL SELL TOU A HOME IN ANT PART Or THE CITY WE WILL BUILD YOU A HOME IN ANY PART OF THE CITY ON YOUR OWN TERMS CALL An EK IS. OREGON HOMEBUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION CO, 14 f kiakff ol C oaiaiww Bldgi. 10 Per Cent Net W'w bav for Io. for a short time, busine block jii'lJiu? the aboe riurL on tb in vc;t merit. After April nrit will net 12 per cent. Trice $19lo, We en recommend thi . a S'a. invetmt'nt. HcCargar.Bates&Lively Ii L Vrn n-.iil.linir. WHY PAT FANCT PRICE3 FOR A LOT When yoa ran buy a choice acre io Fruitland Acres FOR 9100. arrl tip. on eay term: small monthly payir-eati. Close to TigarJ anl only !! nunntco. ri le. I;t us show yoa tt:ee choifc ai'rfs. Transportation frve. Kor mar. etr.. ea!l on or ad dre C. P. WELLS, 32.V3J6 Abington H iil'lifv. City. FUNNY ln't It? When you offer property at : on the dollar to cioae an nun lnvtor aro a(rall to huy. TM ifmi l h tho .. Hi I r.. only four Sola of l' 12 I iff.Ted on SIklyou trrt. IJoinlrig; trvlntn. at :0' each. In two )rri tii-c lota will brln IT 500 a,:h. (ut o-ll t"i k tu oii!r tiM lot.. Incluiln oca corner, at i0 pr l"t. h. J. v. DiRtKnni. 42 lfl Hide MONEY TO LOAN city Mon-rrjAora, rtHH snnrt. ti.Lt. IOKXM KATt.a. Ta.ltM TO SITT. A. II. 1SII.I.ELL COM SS3 D'Ktl Bt II.DIkC, Tbtrd aad lk. We mk. prerlalty of 'manxlrn Portland real c.tato for rejl-l.nlt n1 n'nrrM.nt. C o n u I t tin. Illgri-icra'lo banal refarencoa rurmihed. Denier & Denier Realty Co. (to) Ckaaaker af Caaaaaeree. Mais Vi4. Irvington Residence f."00 down, balance Vent. New, B'iern rriilacr Irvington. UcXENZIE, 1018 Board of Tia4a. ROCHESTER $25 LOTS $25 RAILROAD CErfTER Tha new townnlle of Rochester la lo cate1 at tha Junction of three reat railroad, now la operation. Twelve passenger tralna atop at Rochester every i!av. New laterrbo line to po built. Nothlr.K will build a town quick er than railroads. W ATI TO A I RFmiRrF-S Aj-a a w-- TIocheMer l surrounded by a very rim vaiiey. wnere ifie nmrri den an I Rraln grow In abundance. Is an abundance of tlmbT for loa:s;lna; camps ana aawmuia. tutu . - miles away. INDUSTRIES A larra gash, door and box factory a being; built. Other factories are fl nrlnir fti free lt. Immense deposit of -iay rear the town, suitable for a brick pinri niuinesa nouses an uci. bomra K"lr.(f up. LEVEL CLEARED LOTS Three hundred lota have been sold to Portland people the put JO daya. e nava on.y a tew mora. . una oj 1..f wa will aall lavel. cleared lota. cl' sa to stores, depot and railroads, for only SIS each. Only a limited number of the lots to each buyer. A few ex ceptionally a-ood lot. riKht at the J,lnr: tlon point on llallrood avenue, for o0 cacti. Sold on easy leriua. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to buy lots In a new town, that la bound to make a city. Every lot Is sure to Increase In value. Become an owner of Rochester lota and let pome one pay you thla profit. Call or writ for book let. We aell our own property, you buy direct from the owners. Warranty deed and free certified abstract of title. AMERICAN HOME LNY. CO. OWNERS 1016 Chamber of Commerce Take Flevator 1. Talrd-et. "IHe 100x100 With Income 11th Street $47,500 This Will Surely Be Worth More CHAPIN & HERLOW S33 Cbaaaa f t.Marrc. PORTLAND HEIGHTS A maziiificcnt property on Ravens view Iirivo for sale. Thia home has seven la rye roums, all modern ; ffround value $10.0(K); house cost $lU00. Will sell at $14,0110 on quick sale. , MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Suburban Home WATER FREE! I will aell my new seven-room mod em house with etcht lots all klnita of fruit and berrlea. roses and shrubbery: fine elevtrlc motor water system for the prlre of a house and one lot In town. Fine neighborhood, arood car service. All the conveniences of tha city. V4 KK. First llewae Meal vl It a pert elatloa oa tireaaa City ( arliao. 8 Rooms and one of the most modem and com plete hotnoa for the prl-e to be found In the cllv. Hardwood floors, fine flro- rlace. el-Kant fixture. brenkfi"t-room, niUh kit- hen. tner built this a year ao an 1 It Is as pood as new. lOuxlOl) on rorner with j. K. frontage; one straot hrd surfaced and paid. omt aMaaa. A. II. niKHKI.L CO, 22 leKay Bids, Third aad Stark tin MAI T HOOn F.I.F.ITRIC MutK cii:hh VII.I.K Very choli'e t acres of fruit land, all tillable. sprir.K. running stream, fir and cedar lln.her easily cleared. Ad Jolnlnar land seilinaT from t to 1100 per acre, owner must huve money and will sell for f 10 per acre. RIFF Kin'ORGK, 41 Hoard of Trade HIHs;. $2600 SNAP Very choice llitlo S-room home. I rooms down.lalrs, 2 bedrooms and bath tii'stalrs: fireplace, furnace: SOxl'lw lot. Worth 300t; fedA or 100 cash, balance easy terms. A. II. BIMRKI.L CO, S3 MeKay Mlda, TMrd aad Mark ata. A Genuine Snap I.ot 50x111 on Mntrli street. 120 feet from Vnion avenue. I'rlce 1300. (.onniRiu wiKnniCK. 43 tark street. We transact a general real 'estate business and offer quick, honest, re liable, expert e,rvlre for moderate compensation. Denier & Denier Realty Co. la Cbasaber at Coaaaaere. Slala aaaA. RIVER VIEW Vrlce l, nian. 1 ACRE las than a Mo k front st.itinn on anod carllne. It is covered mlth fine shade trees and has a snrlnc on it. Con be made a beautiful ajoi for suburban huu.. pri- II i:s. A. II. Ulllllr:I L to, S(U McKay lle IhUd aad Stark St a. A fine block of beautiful river view Fropertv Is no' offered for sale for the ir.t tine- About iS.OOO si. ft.: fine :. for an anartment or private home. Owner, AH J, Oreso- $3000 SACRIFICE From owner's valuation on 10-room house on porner lot, walking distance. Iloiiaa ia well hnilt and modern ill every way; has living-room, library, dining-room, kitchen, full cement basement and hot-water heat, 4 bed rooms, dressing-room, bath and eleep inj porch; attic has maid's room and . two storerooms. Owner values lot at I SfiOOO: house cost $7000. Will sacri fice three thousand dollars for sale this week. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Acres rown the river on the West Side. In line of industrial development. The opportu nity of a lifetime here. Only satisfy your mind that Port land will grow, then bay this at $200 per acre and double your money. Good terms may be had. Mnst sell. THE SHAW-FEAR CO. 102 Fourth Street. Main 33. A 3500. 14 ACRES KENTON A very choice tract for ware house or manufacturing site. Price and terms attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 202 McKay Bldg., Third and Stark. WESTMORELAND SEVEN-ROOM BUNGALOW NEAR REED INSTITUTE Cheap, Convenient, Complete. $.i00 down, balance easy terms; sleeping porch, fireplace, cooling clos et, fixtures, shades, kitchen stove, fur nace, laundry traya, electricity, piped for gas, cement banement, screened back porch, etc. Inquire of H. R. FAILING, Care First National Bank. The one PEST place In Portland to boy GEOGRAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST DESIRAilLdi realdenca property ef tha city. SF.KIQ IS BELIBYTXO .BBTTF.R go and ee tha many CHOICE) roaU donees under construction and U to prevgmenta going on. The Creooi Real slats Company CIIAXD AYE. AND MCLTXOMAM ST. c .nveston Vote Have 296 acres all laid out into ten-acre tracts that can be han dled on easy terms. Close-in prop erty. 200 acres cleared, balance easy. $0000 cash will handle. See HALL & CO.. 302 Rothchild Building. How Does This Ap peal to You? A full bearing orchard, with view of river and Portland. Hut & minutes of Portland, by rail, making an Ideal loca tion for a suburhnn home. Kor quick sale will lake $4000 and guarantee tht year's crop to net 11000. which can be applied on the purchase price. The land alone Is well worth the price asked for the property, and win aiana cluse Invettlgatten. 4. M. FRESCII a CO, dt24IS AMnaxtnai Wldg, lodtj Third St. Wanted WKST "lOE PROPERTY. I want a lot IS feet (or more) front sue, with or without dwelling house. between Meade and Curry streets. LOANS . II. THOMAS. INSURANCE ZH7 Oak. Itoom 2. INVESTMENT 100x100, 10th and East Stark. f7500 for quick sale. Owner must sell. A N. LAMBERT & CO, 404 East Alder Street. E. 640. B 1910. IRVINGTON $500 cash. bal. like rent. New, mod ern. 7-room liouae; fireplace, furnace, Kas electric llRhts, quarter-sawed oak fioo'rs: all modern Improvements; paved streets; onlv JtOOft. F. vv. a r. F. POWER, SUS paldlog Bldg. CALIFORNIA Irrigated railroad lands at M price to set tler., on railroad and close to large market centers. Krult. alfalfa and vineyard farms: 10. io and 40-ac.ro tract, cbiek.n rensbta. Writs lor full particulars. OI NT AITKFX. t Sia at-, kacnunenui. Cat. ' 160 Holladay's Addition THOSE WHO SEE SYCAMORE ACRES BUY THERE "When you examine this property you will under stand why: Take Gresham-Caza-dero Electric Car at First and Alder. Go to Sycamore, just east of Lents. The new depot is in the center of the property. Note These Prices $250 and upward; 15 per cent cash; 15 per cent every THREE MOXTIJS; 7 per cent interest; 30 per cent off for cash. The more voir look around the more you will find this is be low the market for this part of. Multnomah County.' Special inducements to homebuilders. W. H. GRINDSTAFF 1125 Yeon Bldg. Main 875 A 7342 GEO. D. SCHALK 228 Stark St. Main 392 A 2392 Call and get plats of Sj'camore Acres. Hilwaulde Park Heights Half Acre and Acre Tracts Excellent View Tracts. Unsurpassed view of Portland, St. Johns and Vancouver and of Mt. Hood, St. ITelens and snow-capped Cascades. Picturesque home sites; trees and foliage. HALF ACHE TRACTS, ?550 AND UP. ACRE TRACTS, 1000 UP Easy Terms Can Be Had. Buy Now of (R) CHAPIN & HERLOW 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. . Wholesale Jobbing Site $42,500 100x100 ft. CORNER 14TH and FLAN DERS ST. Adjoining terminal track age and new depot district. H. P, Palmer-Jones Co. 212-213 Commercial Club building. . - Phones: Main 8699, A 26o3. WESTOVER TERRACE A residence district conveni ent to the business center; splendid view from every lot; uniform improvements of the highest character. Take W car to Forestry Building and walk 3 blocks south. Our representative on the ground. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. IRVINGTON LOTS Between Braree and Knott 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th Ms.: hard surface streets and all Improvements are in; 1 block to S-minute rarline: walking distance; building restriction : lnnide lots, Slsuu; terms; never again will you buy cheap er for a lioroe or an investment la tnis ("Hinct: 17 lots rouit be sold. Call John llok. iii lioncx ))uliainm E. 15th St. Bargain TcVMir lots. 2(1(1x100 feet, faclns east; very sightly; 25 bearing fruit trees; northwest corner Kast 15th and faKla more streets; J.1200 takes the bunch. GODDARD A VVIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. ' Fl'lL LOT ON E. GLISAN CARLIXE at E7th reduced to $850: half cash, bal ance monthly payments; also have an other lot close by on carline for J800, all cash. Both fine bargains. Cl'LVER, 615 MrKay Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William Q.. 312 Falling bldg. Bnibak.r Benedict. iu2 McKay bldg., V- (48. Ctaapln at Barlow, 882 Chamber Commerce, Cook. B. 8. Co., M8 Corb.tt bldg. J.nnlng. A Co.. Main 18d. 806 Oregonlon. PAL.MER-JONBS CO.. EL P., 213 Comm.r- clal Club bldg. The Oregon Real Estate Co., 3rana ava. ana Multnomah iu (Holladay Addition). J? EAL ESTATE. For pale Lots. LOTS $26 LOTS $25. - RIVER FRONT LOTS. Bight on the carline, few minutes' rid. from tho business center of Portland at Riverilde Park, no better Summer homo or outlnjr place In Oregon; good boating. Sailing, bathing and tho best .oil for gar den truck on e&rtb. Splendid glace for chickens, ducks and geese. Titlo guaran tee lots $e each; easy payments. Na tional Realty A Trust Co., room 723 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. LOTS. $100. BIOHT OS WtaT SIDB CARLINE. BEYOND CITY PARK. $0TH AND W. YAMHILL ST3. New addition, ten minutes from bast. eesa center; on new Washlngton-st. car line ; lots OOxloO, some larger, $250, aas payments; these lots ar. beautiful home sites. National Realty A Trust Co, room !!2 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mala fit. CLOSE-IN LOTS. tL'.l. $25 down and $10 monthly are tho un usual terms on some line Jfc'xlOO lots south o'f Hawthorne ave. ; plenty of fruit and flowers on them; price $750 and up. Port. Pac. Inv. Co., corner 43d and Haw thorne ava. Tabor 2H4. FOR SALE At Long Beach, corner lot. with large, five-room house, arranged for two families; a bargain at tT5 net; one block Jre-m ocean and four blocks north of depot. Apply 323 Williams ave. Phone E. 53th or Tbeudore Jocobson. Long Beach. SPOT CASH SNAP IN KENTON. I.ot 73xl5 on carllne, up to grade, sew er, water and gas In and paid for. in re stricted district; $000 less than market price this week. Inquire of Chapin & Herlow (H). 832 to 333 Chamber of Com merce. VERY CHEAP CORXKli. $800 buys a fo-rnot corner on Roselawn avenue and East Mth St. Very fine district, close to b-Mt canines in city. This is a pickup. Some terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, SI3 Stark St. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS CORNER. $:uo buys full lot 60100 on corner East 81st and Jlrooklyn sts. Beautiful view property and good, surroundings. Easy terms. GODDARD & WIEDRICK. JiZ Stark st. NOB HILL FRACTION. Nob Hill fraction, suitable for flats or apartment, between two good carlincs and not far out; the price is right; $otoO, on good terms. R. F. BRYAN. Main in3. 503 Cham, or Com. A 122T. BUSINESS OR RES I DEN ICE LOT. Choice corner lnt, suitable for residence or business. Ail streets Improved, ce ment sidewalk, sewtr and watt-r In and paid for. 12 minutes" ride. Price $1H."0, very easy terms. Address owner, AO 237, Oregonian. EUGENE BUSINESS PROPERTY. L. Vilntr IliO.lltll nntv nnA hlnrlr from business district, choice location; price $11,000. which is way under the market price; will take Portland property in ex change to extent $3U00 to $0001). See own er. 411 Henry bldg. A GOOD INVESTMENT. Corner lot, loOxluO, paved street, wa ter, gas and sewer In. Tine location, close in. East Side, $3500, $500 cash, balance to suit buyer. BLOCH REALTY CO., 206 Alder St. LOT FOR SALE. $1600 for choice corner BOxlOO. corner !)th and Oregon,- which Is two blocks south of Belmont. CHAS. K1NGLER CO., 211 Lewis Building. LOTS BOxlOO. $75 to $250. easy terms; 1 to blocks from electric car station, tele phone, mall route, etc.; this clos.-in suburban property will Interest you. J W. Hefterlln Realty Co.. 20 Corbett bldg. Both phones. INSTITUTE PLACE. Corner E. 28th and Holgate sts. Take W.-W. car, get off at Gladstone ave. and walk south 2 blocks. Still a few lots left as low as $liG0. Sea owner, 414 Spalding bldg. ; $10 DOWN, $19 PER MONTH. Fine view lot, matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Bun water, fruit cared for free of charge. 203 Board of Trade bldg. Mar shall 473. A 102a. 13.000 syUAHK feet of tine view property on tho Heights, mountains, rivers and val ley In sight, streets Improved; price and terms reasonable. Purse, 818 Chamber or Commerce. PACKING PLANT DISTRICT. 100x100. all in garden, small house, University Addition. Price $1100. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Ankeny. 108 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY. Nice lot, near stone gate, in Belle Crest; 150 ft. to car; cement walk; street im provements paid; electric lights and tele phone. Phono owner. Tabor 31M0. WEST STARK AND B2D STS. Lots $.10, easy terms; best buy in the citv; new carline building; see us at once. EMPIRE REALTY & TRUST CO.. 403 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 349. SNAP. Improved lot, on 2Uh St., COxlOO, over looking Irvington; fine view of the city; STftO; part cash. Phone owner. Marshall 74. A SNAP. In 2 nice 5-room modern bungalows, corner lo, 72x100; $4U50 for both. $J100 'lillbcH REALTY CO., 2"6 Alder L PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Choice homesites and acreage. Some forced sales Just now. Can suit you. Main 3651. BROOKE. A 3S39. AN exceptional cbauco, Rose City Park, for $5o0 cash: 3 blocks to car; Improve ments paid for; will sell equity. X 2U7, Oregonian. $200 BELOW MARKET. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. ON EAST 41TH STREET. OWNER. TABOR 1T.S3. BNAP. $550; $223 down, $8 80 month; water. street graaea. trees, level, u.o ...... utcs' walk Crest car; fine vlow Tualatin Valley. Owner. Main ftlo. I MUST SELL THIS KOSS.M6KE Ull at once ror jouu. nv- mic, - good locality; bargain; terms. U08 couch bldg. Main 0.159; IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. Sightly lot, beautiful trees, adjoining fine homes. Phone East 801. Terms. $5 PER MONTH buys nice, level lot, near 5c car. witn cuy . ft.v. HIGLEY BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. PRETTIEST portion of Mt. Tabor. 100x109, choice property, $2liOO cash: East 57th, near Hawthorne. Buw, 210 Stark street ONE lot "for sale. Rose City Park carllne Sweetorier oivisiuu. -nn . , - - 42SS. MUST SELL, make offer, lot 3. block . llh HelKhts. Owner. R i7, Oregonian. HAVE cienr vacant lots to trado ror equities merce. FOK BALE Thr beautiful lots. cofn ytn ana iiiiaiiiiwn .-., AddreM P. O. Box 480. city. LOSE CITY fAKiv tuiiici iaAv, termi: 1200; $120 cash, $?0 per month. rarKQaio - ' : nlnn. It s on Tibbets. near 36th, north facing. W 37. urpgoniaa. THREI. large lots at Myrtle Park, Mt, Scolt Jlne, 9 iin aon, iii ji 269, Oregonian. m FOR SALE or trade, $140 'equity In lot at 22d and nian. BUSINESS lot 100 feet on Alberta, corner 37th. $1701': terms. .ouui-n ..... WELL located Portland Heights lot, $4000. Purse, sis l-hhi""" . v-"'--J WILL sell "two "lots in Railway Add. cheap. X ill., w rM"" JTINE block la Piedmont; terms. Phone I7r.ii nnK city pirk' lots $750 These lots are located on the high and sightly part of Rosa City Park, sur rounded by splendid residences, not a shack In sight. Cement walks, graded streets, water, electric lights, gas and telephone. Prices 7io for inside lots. $000 for corner lots; $100 down. $10 per month; will discount the price of each lot $100 for all cash and $50 per lot discount tor half cash- BUY NOW OF CHAPIN HERLOW R) 332-33S Chamber of Commerce. CORNER 50x100. Southwest corner E. 11th St. North and, Hancock; fronts on 11th St.; all improvements in. TERMS. UARTMAN & THOMPSON;, REAL ESTATE DEPT., Chamber of Commerce. BIG BARGAIN. $1760. 100x100. on East 31st street, near Stark St.; sewer in. street graded, 10iw cash will handle. UARTMAN & THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT., Chamber of Commerce. SNAP. $550 CASH $550 CASH. fiO-foot corner East 9th st.. near Alns worth. This lot Is cheaper for CASH than lots are 3 miles further out any carllne you go. The owner wants money. Call at once, 1020 Yeon bldg A LOT OF YOUR OWN. measuring 50x100, with city water, in a high and well-drained location, near good carline, would be a tine thing to have, wouldn't it? We have one for you; give us $10 and $10 every month, and the lot is yours. No dagoes In this neighborhood. Se e' Le o nard. C'olum b i a T ru s ti . ,8 1 4 th st. I RVI NfJ TO N QUARTER BLOCK $3750.' 100x100 feet, at corner 19th and Bra ree sts., faces north and east; price $3750, terms. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. Phones Main 8699. A 2633. LACRELHURST. I have two choice lots that can be bought below value: owner is hard up ami needs the money; you can buy eaulty cheap. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 2tl Lewis Building. IRVINGTON. 100x100, south of Braze. St.; corner on the market; $3750. MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST cheapest GOING TO BUILD? Two of tho best lots in Rose City Park. $1100. worth that apiece Plans and specifications TEN DOLLARS. Finely Illustrated bonk of homes free. PORTLAND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, 124-214 SOUTHEAST CORNER. East Stst and Thompson. Irvington district; splen did homes neighborhood: fine trees and sufficient space for attractive home and artistic grounds. Owner. 267 Oak St., room 2. IRVINGTON lot. on 25th st.. loo feet north of Itrazee. block from Broadway car; faces east; part cash, balance easy terms. See H. J. WARNER. Marshall-Wells Hardware Co. I HAVE two choice residence lots on East Side Hawthorne carline. Built up dis trict. Value $500 each, will sell for $350. very easy terms. AP 254, Orego nian. WE are headquarters for acreage at Mult nomah station on the Oregon Electric, also lots, now is the time to buy. West ern Securities Co., owners, 414 Spalding bldg. oto i?nriTV In two lots in Montclair Addition. Rose City Park carline. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand Ave. and E Ankeny. WE CAN SELL YOU 12 lots In Rose City Park cheaper than you can buy them any place else, you .bJ!' .0.r""- tl LC H.ht ltl-JAI-1 I i.w.. .nw i. ACRE, $10 down. $10 per montn. near Mt. Scott 0c car; city water, street graded; all in cultivation. HIGLEV & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. FINK lot. 50x100. on East Grant St., near loth This is in a fine location and will be sold cheap af sold soon. 301 East 11th st. East 0023. LOTS in the city limits at $300 cash or $323 on very easy terms; city lots at these prices are now hard to nnd; you II have to nurry. a l, j m, jie&wt... EQUITY in two choice lots Tualatin lew Park, Portland Heights; $225 will handle. C. T. Haas, 00 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Marsliall vmhi. CORNER lot, 12th and Killlngsworth, $650. Lot near 52d and Hawthorne, $.o0. Lot near 25th and AInsworth. $ot)0. Owner 420 Swetlnnd bldg.. 5th and Vv ash. ..-n, .itv mot' niRC.tlM ' - . Fine view, east front: $050. easy terms. DB YOUNG & HARTSHORNE. ml r-hnmher of Commerce. Main 006S. FOR SALE One of the most sightly lots In Eastmoreiand; this is your chance to make money; part cash; terms. Ad dress, owner, a v iij, mt."""" 5eE Lo Noir & Co. for WEsT BIDfc prop ertles; exclusive dealers in WtST blDh. realty. Ground floor. Chamber of Com merce. QUARTER block, 100x100, vicinity E. 7th and E. Ankeny. Price J1S.00O. J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grand Ave, and E. Ankeny. Lone Fir Cemetery lot' full size 10x20 feet. Phone after 0:30 P. M.. Main 1184 or can ii join IMPROVED lots. 40x100, 2lith and Glad s'one streets; cement sidewalk, sewer. Bull Run water, $700; one-half cash. Phone owner, Marshall 532. WEST SIDB Large building sites, beau tiful view of rivers and mountains; 5c fare. $350 to $000, terms. AJ 2S0, Ore gonian CHOICE lots in Irvington Park and In Willamette Addition; roaonablo for casli or" terms. See owner. Imperial Pharmacy, 48 N. Otn. $775 LAUREI.IIURST BARGAIN $ .5. Large lot, all Improvements nearly com pleted; sure money-maker. 008 Couch bldg. SPECIAL sacrifice Lot 14. block 14. Ina Park- choice location; must Bell; make ofler.' owjgrJJ30Grand, North. THREE nice lots, easy terms. Improved streets, one near Keod Institute. Phone Sellwood OJ. IRVINGTON Choice 60x103, S. E. corner Hth and Thompson. 4til E. loth Js'ortn. phono tasi m. LoxlOO-FT.. ROSE CITY PARK, east fac ing, close to car, good -location, corner. Main 7U2S. VPKVON' lot " one block from Alameda Park; $00O. C. J. McCrucken, 304 McKay Dldg. EAST 4TH ST., between Everett and Flan ders" 50x100 lot for sale at a bargain. tiee owner, w -- 13 "5 CASH, nice lot 40xl27',i: worth $500: fi' blocks Mt. Scott car, 1 block to school. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 132 THIRD ST. " .... tAUW RACRIPIPK $4S5 cash buys choice lot near 25th and Ainsworth. Owner, 420 Swetland bldg. FOR SLE One or two corner lots. Shaver and Rodney; streetwork completed. Iu qulre 340 Ross st. ROSE CITY PARK lot. block from car; 7u0 cash; 3 days only. 49th st. AF 279. oregonian. IRVINGTON Fine double corner, south east face. $3350. terms. AK 275. Ore gonian. HAVE two lots in Rose City Park will sell away below the market for cash. Address T 277. Oregonian. NER HAWTHORNE $800 cash buys 50x 100, worth $1000. Owner, AK 277, Ore gonian EQUITY in Rose City Park lot at a dis count: two blocks from Beaumont. R 2,8, Oregonian. For Sole Houses. 7-ROOM, modern, furnace, fireplace, gas. electricity and everything modern and tine location; price only $5000. Will accept good lot as lirst payment and term; on balance. Owner wants to move away from Portland, hence this opportunity. J. 1. Smith, 513 Chamber of Commerce. " $2400. $150 DOWN. $15 PER MONTH. Brand new 5-room bungalow, lot 50x100, In fine district. 2 i blocks from car. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway Exchange. Olllce upen Buimay. MODERN 7-room dwelling. 10th St.. 3 blocks off of Washington st., a bargain for quick sale. Owner. AM 289, Orego nian MUST go on my homestead, will sell my -room modern bungalow at a sacrifice, 1 hlock from carllne. Phone Tabur 052. pnsE City Park bungalows, get full de scription at the branch ofrice of Hartman tc Thompson. 5Sth and Sandy road. NEW 5-room bungalow and 2 lots. Mt. Scott line. Price $30. W 2"0. Oregonian. FOR SALE House and lot at 1030 E. 17th St. ti. WHY NOT BUILD And save money whiio material and labor are at a low cost? We will put you up a new. artistic and modern building at the present time for much less money than you will pay fur an old or poorly constmcted house. Apartment-houses, flats and artistic homes our specialty. Plans and specifications furnished free. Money loaned tor building purposes. No thing but first-class wurkmmshlp and material furnished. Our references satis fied clients. Consider this. Call in and talk it over. It will pay you to see some of our convenient and artistic designs. SPENCER M'CAIN CO.. Architects and Builders, 42(1 Lumbermens Bldg. IRVING TO;.w-If taken at once owner will sacrifice six-room modern home, Just com pleted; three double porcues extenuin full width of house, making an idcai sleepy lng porch upstairs and breakfast porch oif dining-room; beautiful brass electric fix tures, oak iloors. old ivory and mahog any paneling: something new; built-in bookcase, buffet and Dutch kitchen: newly and completely furnished; furniture can be had at the option of purchaser at les. than cost; $18XH will handle It; $20 a month on balance. Call East 4310 morn ings for appointment. No agents. MR. HOMELOOKER. It will pay you to see me before buying or building. I have two 8-room houses o:t 62d st.. one block to carline. and one 6-mnm bungalow on 46th St.. all in Rose City Park. They have all the up-to-the-minute built-in effects and complete in every detail; small down payment, bal ance like rent; also two lots In Beaumont on which I will build to suit your Idea See owner, 1 to 8 I. M. J. S. ATKINS, Henry Bldg. PARTICULAR PEOPLE WANT PARTICULAR HOUSES. I will build a modern 5-room house, cost from $1700 to J2000, on a beautiful $700 lot. Houfc will be ready In 90 days. You pay me $30 down and $30 a month from the time you order the house; no other payments necessary. A. N. Searle. Take M-V car: get off East 70th St. Ofrice on tho corner. See me today (Sunday). I have auto to show property. FAMILY WANTED To live In my new 5-room bungalow, modern and complete, and pay me $25 rent money, monthly. &ame to apply on purchase price of $2400. at 10 years' time. Don't be too late to get this unusual offer and a fine home. W. M. BANSCHRACH, 1O20 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE BY OWNER. A BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME Overlooking the Willamette and The Oaks: close to Reed Institute; will al ways be an unobstructed view; 8-room house, modern In every detail: one-half acre of ground; lots of dog wood and evergreen trees: 1.1 minutes' ride from hecrt of city; best car service in Port land. For price and terms, phone Sell- wood, 10S4 or SSS. $050 CASH and balance of $2000 on time will purchaso a beautiful 5-room bunga low with large attic, full concrete base ment, large bedrooms and clos'-l. built-in bookcases and sideboard, paneled dining room, cabinet kitchen, white enameled tiling in kitchen and bathroom, line high lot, cement walks and curbs. Lo; .1 II. McCarthy, owner, 808 Lewis bldg. Phone Marshall 2'i!H. $14.000 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Splendid, large, modern residence. Just completed, ready to move into; 6 large airy bedrooms, 2 sleeping porches, 3 fire- filaces. 2 bathrooms, automatic hot water leater, largo biliiard-room. lovely screened dining porch, native trees, secluded loca tion; garage, finished driveway and lawn; everything complete. Can arrange terms. owner, hoo s-pqiumg Plug. ; A., 1 block from Oregon City carline. near river; young fruit and nut trees; fine garden; S-room bungalow; large sleeping porch, cblckenhouse and chickens, wood Bhed. etc.; bargain at $15uu; easy terms or trade 3a rt. DKITZ-MUELLER CO., 310 Atiington bldg. " S - R OO it MODERN" HOUSE, $2300. Restricted neighborhood, cement walks, within 3 miles circle. This is a bargain, and it takes $1300 ensh. BRUHAKER & BENEDICT, 502 McKay B ug., Third and Stark. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGALOW. $5200 8 rooms, on corner. 1011x100, built for a home; fireplace, breaklast-room. sleeping porch, full basement, cement floor, built one year. If you want a beau tiful place, without anv lnlluled valye, see this; easy terms. Fred W. Gorman, 329 Burnslde. M. or A 277(1. $4200. FOR SALE Fine home, six rooms, bath, den and pantry; large cement basement end washtrays; piped for furnuce; best electric fixtures; window-shades; polished floors; fileepiiig-porch ; beautiful lawn: lot IibxlOO feet; W.W. car stops at Raymond; house No. 5105; 41st streeet S. E WALNUT PARK. A beautiful home for sale, all modern, in this attractive home district; price and turms to suit. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY. NEAR UNION AVENUE. Beautiful 7-room house, all modern, full lot, line garden and roses, halt' block from 5 " carllnci. Price for eliort time. $3200, easv terms. DE YOUNG & HARTSHORNE. 514 Chamber of Commerce. Main HOPS. SPECLVL, near Pelilmont, (1-room modern bungalow, il blocks south of the Mount Hood electric; sub sta. 4 blocks west of LTnion ave.; have 5 boarders, two rooms rented furnished; price $3500; terms. Phone Woodlawn 1300. " HAWTHORNE PARK. Full corner lot 50xloo, with large home. This property located between 2 good car lines. It's a real bargain at $0250. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark sis. $3100 Modern bungalow, 7 rooms; furnace, fireplace, gas range and h.--i:tcr, shades, fixtures, full cemtnt basement, laundry trays; this is a snap; easy turms. Phono Woodlawn 3229 or C 212'.). PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful modern horiie, largo grounds, grand view and desirable location; price $14.ou0; terms. Owner, 1008 Spalding bldg. Fhone Main SCO. ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 7-room. 2-story house, good condition: price $3730. $500 first payment, balance X"Oiitbly. Columbia Truat Co., S4th 4th St. (A). e-ROOM cottage, large rooms md pantry, bungalow style, corner lot, 75x100; bear ing fruit trees and berries: end of W.W. carllne; $1250; terms. Call owner today, Sellwood 227. AM forced to make a change: will sell the best double flat on Nob Hill, earning ! per cent, at a lrice you will appreciate. See owner at 500 Yeon bhlg. FOR SALE New modern bungalow. 6 rooms, every convenience, $2K0u; equity about $700; monthly payments $20. own er Sellwood li73; wlli rent furnished DOUBLE flats, near business center of Sellwood. paying 9 per cent; will sell for $.1150; $350 cash, balance $30 per month. AK 274. Oresonian. 7-ROOM BUNGALOW. In Richmond lor $:i:;oo; $.00 down, bal ance on terms.. Columbia Trust Co., 84 4th st. (AK FOR SALE by owner, six-room modern houso on 50x101 lot. on carline; a bar gain' price '$2000, $500 down, terms on balance. Address box 520. St- Johns. pTmTLANDHE fOH TSEX CLL" SIV E L yT Beautiful homes from $2050 to $50,000. Have one to suit you. Main 3551. BROOKE. A 3S3B. aTioovT-bungalow on Improved street, tin to date. In WW district, for $2500; $500 ini-n balance monthly. Columbia Trust Co., M 4tn st. (A). 11000! $1000! $10001 $1900! Swell little 4-room bungalow, new, block from car. Archer Place. Fred German, 329 Burnslde. M. or A 2776. RAhOAlN 4-room. hoube, cement basement, tu-loot lot, on Brooklyn and 23d streets; finii'O terms. Main 3o'i9. Trovt SALE By owner, new modern 8-room house. 3 lots. 60x104. $2800 cash. Tabor 2i'13. NOTHING down, $25 monthly. Including lrteret for new 4-room bungalow; price onlv tl'soo. Owner, 630 Worcester bldg. HANDSOME 9-room Irvington home. Just completed, elegant location. $7500, terms. AH 200. Oregonian. is ir MTTIFUL East Side Homo; lot 75x100; sioToOO. C. J. Mccracken, 304 McKay bldg. , NFW 5-roora bungalow in Rose City Park, $3900, easy terms. Phone Marshall 600 or East Zi'-'O eye,..,- r-- kitv 1 e Noir & Co. for WEST SIDE hon Exclusive dealers in West Side propert omes. Exclusive dealers 111 west oiue piupertiea. Ground Floor, Chamber of Commerce. i", 6-;o 6-room cottage, fuliy furnished, bet. Hawthorne and Richmond cars; genuine jmatKRalston. 823 Alder, barber shop. rnR KALE by owner, tne hnnusomest 9 roovl house in Irvington. 490 2oth st. N. Call and see it. TuviNGTON New 6-room housb, $5300 $500 ' below value, Phone owner. K. Is .2. HOME buyers, come to . 428 Lumber Ex- rliance. pui w... IN IRVINGTON For sale, modern residence. Jfor particulars, shone C a--14