1? Npw Showing of Women's Felt Outing Hats, Milans and Rough Sailors-Fall Line of Women's and Children's Sweater Cgats fZl xlorrn Music-Long or Short Kid Gloves Cleaned for 10c a Pan; MEIER & FRANK CO. 5TII, 6TII, MORRISON AND ALDER STS. MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK'S I MEIER & FRANK'S MEIER & FRANK CO., EST. 1857. w First AaisMai AiMtew P . mSM) f&SSR j$M0$vf gS0 Street MmmB SiHI ifc window Great Purchase of Wash Dresses 100 Different Models--Look at Savings MEIER &. FRANK'S. SECOND FLOOR ORDER BY MAIL A DOZEN different makers figured in this immense collection of charming, new Wash Dresses, here to sell to- -A. i it.- J. l- VO coinniro rf iha SMsnn! One big house sold us 600 fine Gingham and Chamhray Dresses-the sort you'd never buy regularly under $7 oO and $S-so we can "ur .... i . i i o: l n.noloD flmmlirovo lIsrirnsM Alar- rrioe them $4 43. And so through all the lota-a tnn-a to neany nan unaerpnee. ".u.u.,, v., -----. alettes. Batistes and Washable Foulards in solid colors, checks, stripes anT all white with colored embroidery. Note the charming models pictured above. All sizes, 14 to 20 muses' ana d to women s S2.50 and S3.00 1 CO Wash Dresses PAJO $3.50 and $4.00 i Wash Dresses $1.95 $4.50 and $5.00 $0 00 Wash Dresses P $7.50 and $8.00 $ A A C Wash Dresses PvJ $9.00 and Wash Dresses $14.00 Wash $1A9C Dresses f or P 1 v.aCnJ $16.50 Wash 1 9 IC Dresses f o r P $20.00 Wash A Art Dresses f or P holographic Contest Will Be Held Sept. 5 to 16. Open to All Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana '! 7 Prizes, Totaling FOR months we have had under consideration plans for this Great Amateur Photographic Contest. Nothing' has been spared to make it the most notable event of the kind ever held 'iu the Northwest. . Every Kodak enthusiast in Oregon, Washington, Montana and Idaho shoidd start now ana prepare pictures which will capture one of these splendid prizes! Anything from the smallest Brownie picture to finest amateur work wiU be considered. No employes of the M. & . Co. allowed to compete. , In all $280 in cash and merchandise prizes are offered. Contest opens Tuesday September o and closes Saturday, September 16. Entries will be received from August 21. SLND OR OA IjIj AT .KODAK DEPARTMENT FOR APPLICATION BLANK AND FULL PARTICULARS. We only ask that, when possible, your Kodaks and supplies be purchased from us. Grand Prize $75.00 Cash, Best General Collection, Six or Over Second Prize $40 cash Best Single Picture. Third Prize, $25 Cash Second best Single Picture. 14 CLASS PRIZES, $10 IN PHOTO GRAPHIC MUKUiiAJNLua 10 Order Best Landscape picture. $10 Order Bent Marine or Seashore. $10 Order Best Picture of Still Life. $10 Order Best picture Telling a Story. $10 Order Best picture of Baby. lilt rti-rlnr TtAt TVlrfrftit $10 Order Best Automobile picture. $10 Order Best picture of Hunting or Flshingr. $10 Order Best picture of Flowers. $10 Order Best Animal picture. $10 Order Best Humorous Picture. $10 Order Best Freak picture. $10 Order Best picture Showing Motion. $10 Order 6est Series of Post cards, showing scenes In Meier ' & Frank's Store (exterior views not to exceed 2. Hair Ornament Specials FINISH the pretty hair dress with a hand some Barrette of am ber or shell. We've a large special group that are unusually attractive and neat, inlaid in gold and set with fine quality of rhinestones. Fitted with firm clasps. "Women will be eager for these, so make vmir choice early. The $1 Barrettes at 69c; 65c Bar-f C, retes-are placed on sale now forXriJC 25c Side Combs Shell or amber, pr 14 35c Back Combs All sizes and shapes in plain shell and amber, 19 Ribbon Hair Bands Plain and fancy styles. Incomplete assortments, ranging J t rr ce from boc to so.ou. luonuay au i July Sale of Lovely Embroidered Robes MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. TAKES only a little work to make an ex quisite Summer dress of these semi made Embroidered Robes ! . , , Made of fine white Marquisette and Batiste, with tlio highly-popular colored embroidery. Each Robe pattf.ru consists of 44-inch flounce for skirt, with plain material and bands for waist. $10 Semi-Made Embroidered Robes for only $6.98 $12 to $18 Semi-Made Embroidered Robes, $8.98 Big July Cleanup of Lapes for Trimmings Two Large Lots of Dainty Embroideries Swiss, Nainsook and Cam bric, Edges. Insertions, Gal loons and Flouncings, 2 to 9 inches wide. Also Flounc ings and Bands, 9 to 27-in. Scores of handsomest de signs: $1 to $1.50 Grades at 69 65c to $1 Grades for 39 Extraordinary reductions on daintiest Lace Bands, Edges and Galloons in white and oreain, for trimming silk and chiffon gowns: $1.25 to $1.75 Laces, 9S $2 and $2.25 Laces, 1.39 $4 and $4.50 Laces, $2.98 $1 Waists at 69c HMF.H A FRVK. KCOMI FLOOR. DON'T be prejudiced think thee WaiMs t nd are rhcap bwiuw the price is low. You've bought many a wnist at fl.30 or more that i;-n't equal to thee at tii'c Nicely made of white-tarred dimity, aheer and coo I. Two different models, exactly M illustrated. .Choose early! Model 1 it a jaunty little Waift with the . pillar peas ant &Itcve and Miinll nailor col lar. Trimmed in bias band of blark and white Mripcd lawn. Mode! 2 i the plain tailored style, made with long sleeves, linen laundered collar. Front 35c-50c Neckwear 25c MEIER A FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL THOSE big, lovely Cascade Jabots, exquisite rabats and fancy novelties in Summer Neckwear which sell regularly for 3."c and 50c. Note the ff pieces sketched at the T right. Choice tomorrow 25c to 35c Kind 16c 25o and 35c Neckwear Dozens of daintiest conceits in jabots, rabats, stocks, Dutch collars, cas- r cades, silk novelties now for X OC To 85c Byron and Trouville Collars, Special at Only 43c Biggest fad of the season. Of fine embroidered linen. Kegu- 35c and 50c Fancy Ribbons Tomorrow at 25c the Yard 8-inch plain and silk moire, 5 and 6-inch fancy Dresdens and Warp Prints. Tomor- row, the jrara at only J 1200 Yards $1.00 Silk Foulards, 69c MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. WE'D like to give the maker s name you would recognize the Foulards as sold America over for $1. , .... But it was only on the condition that the name wouldn't be adver tised that we secured the lot ot lUU yards to sell at this splendidly-: lowered price. Season's best de signs in navy, green, dT Q tan, brown ana Tomorrow, yd. Fancy Silk Suitings 20-inch m stripes and checks of A Q navv. erreen. Alice, tan. tJtJj wrmta rtu Rnorls Remnants l1? to , AAA UV v.wu t 4-vard lengths of Serges. Panamas, Mo hairs, Henriettas. Reg. 50c to j. rL II gray, black, 75c smart brown, Four Rousing Specials on Summer Vash Goods 50c Wais tings at 35c. Nothing wears better or looks neater for ordinary use than thes fine white Mercerized Waistings. Launder beau tifully. 27 inches wide. 50 pieces ac tually worth fHc a yard, on Monday we sell thes goods at OuC 50c Printed Mulls 25 c The prettiest of silky Printed Mulls in both light and dark colors. Espe cially desirable for cool Summer dresses. Full 27 inches wide. 100 pieces to choose from. 50c Of? Mulls, Monday, the yard forOC 39c Import. Voiles25c It isn't often that these splendid 27-in Printed Voiles are offered at such a price as this. Popular for Summer apparel. For quick selling we gj offer these 39c .Voiles at, a yd, 3C 39c White Voiles 25c Remarkably attractive are these White Striped Voiles. Used for skirts, dresses, etc. Full 27 inches wide. Only 25 pieces remaining. So make your choice early. Actually worth n 39c a yard. Monday for only JC $2NightGowns$1.22 MF.IKH A FRANK'S SECOND FLOOR. ORDER BT MAII A PRICE on our best $1.75 and $2 gowns which will mean quick selling omorrow! Made of rplendid Cambric and Nainsook in high and Jow-neck styles, trimmed in em brodery, lace tucks, inser- tion, etc. Excellent work- X I J manship. Choice, garment afaT Women's $5 Combinations Corset Cover and drawer, of fine nainsook and lawn, trimmed in dainty Val and Tor- CO QC - - r, Women's $5 Skirti Tops of firm Cambric and Lawns, with wide, elaborate flounce of laces and era- CO 7 bmiderv. Separate dust ruffles. Tomorrow Women's 1.75 Short Underskirts Made of cambric and nainsook, trimmed in embroidery tucks, fl? 22 lace edging and insertion. Tomorrow at only r Women'sS1.75anl $2 Drawers. $1.22 Made of strong Cambric and Nain sook in circular and regular styles with fitted r t OO tr'stb'd D Women's $1.75 Chemises at $1.22 Cambric and Nain sook Chemises, are trimmed in- a good quality of linen lace, embroidery edgings, tucks, J 1 OO etc., at Ol Women's $1.50 Pajamas at $1.22 Women's Soisette, Gingham and Mad ras Pajamas, trim'd in silk braid and frogs. The best $1.50 grades suit, at Our Modern Beauty Parlors - urn k?'n ct nnn MEIER FRANK'S " , i, 4. T WE'VE the most splendidly modern Beauty i arlors in the city every branch "of work is m charge ot trained experts, that satisfy the demands of the most exacting. We take orders for the making of Switches, Puffs Transforms vnnr own COmDinffS. X rices aic Manicuring, Women's 25c, Men's 35c Shampooing, by experts, &u? Hairdressmg, iiop wv Face and Scalp Massage. 50S 75?, $1 Children's Hair Cutting, 25 Savings on Best Hair Goods to Kft ffwitfthflft 20 inches. A good quality German wavy hair all shades, $1.98 $8.50 Switches of fine French wavy hair. We'll help you choose your shade. Tomorrow$6.9S $5 Transformations Of extra fine quality wavy German hair All shades. Monday at 3.98 $3 and $3.50 Puffs Carefully made of first grade German wavy hair. Special Monday at $1.9S $7.50 Gray Puffs Of fine French wavy hair all shades of mixed gray. Monday, $4.98 New in Fiction MEIER Jt FRANK'S, FIFTH FLOOR MAKE it a point to visit our Fifth Floor Book Store Monday. We've the lat and best reading of the day. The Tennessee Shad Johnson, $1.20 The Viidoning Glaspell, only $1.35 The Rosary Jlorence Barclay, $1.35 The Mistress of Shenstone, at $1.35 House of Bondage Kauffmaa, $1.35 Members of Family Wister, $1.40 The Long Roll-Miry Johnston, $1.40 The Dweller on the Threshold, $1.10 What's His Name McCutch'n $1.20 Miss Livingston's Companion, $1.30 Broad Highway Jeffry Farnol $1.35 Pure Food Groceries MEIER FRAXK'9 BASEMENT. We believe no store in the West carries a more com plete stock of high-grade domestic and imported Groceries than found here in our Great Pure Food Store. Prices the lowest. Note these specials ior aionaay Pimento Cheese, glass jar 13 Walnut Cheese, glass jar 13 Peanut Cheese, glass Jars 13 Heide's Almond Paste, 5 lbs. for S2. Knott's Consomme Cubes, a box, 30. . $1 Peterson's Milk Wafers, a box, 25. 1 TTsrffipr Melba. Sauce. 72 Virginia Cured Hams, lb. 40 Japanese Rice Cakes at 25 Cassava Wafers, something new, 25. Knoir's Chestnut Flour, pack age, 30. Tillamook Full Cream Cheese, lb., 16. Basement Bargain Square WOMEN will hurry to the Basement for these Knit Underwear specials Monday: Women's 15c vests, of fine ribbed cotton. Low- neck, sleeveless Q styles, special, each Women's 20c Vests, fine ribbed cotton, lace-trim 'd. Basement Sale, of- 1 0 fered special, each A- Women's 35c and 50c Union Suits Fine ribbed cotton, knee length; low neck, sleeveless.OCc Basement Sale, ea. Women's 35c Vests Low neck and sleeveless. Fine ribbed cotton. 1 Q. Basement Sale, at xi7V' Children's 50c to 85c Union Suits, of fine cot ton, long and short styles. 1 to 8 years. Base- OC ment Sale, a suit Women's 25c Vests and Pants, low neck and tight and umbrella style 1 pants. Basemt. sale I II X&ZkZ&sx. FciSn3J7 In-1 Ml V ti ll JJl m if I L3ffiftiraSfi2dSOi I tH IB Jiir'-f tAimw-r MY ' - -. .... -r-rrn . . $2.50 Sweet Pea Vases $1.79 MEIER tt FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. JUST as illustrated to the right, prettv crystal glass Sweet Pea Vases with silver lacquered holder. Are regu larly selling at dji 7Q $2.50, now only D 1 90c Bud Vases, pictur'd, 69 ORDER BV MAIL. ; L 1 i . 1 -