9 yrw too At. LOTS COUNCIL CREST PARK llishort and mct sightly lot in addition sisoo JOEKSOX STREET Near North ISth utreetr lot ."0t 100 feet 511,000 EAST ALDER STREET Beteen Kt Vth and Fast 10th ts.. 50x200 ft., with 2X1 ft. front al on Ea.t -Alder it.. 13,000 HOUSES BIT. 6C0TT CARLINE Near AnaSrl Station. .1 - room rottacf. lot 50.x 19$ fet. F.a-v terms S1SOO EAST 24TH STREET Near E. Madison M.. modem fi-rra. houe, lot :mx10 ft S2750 EAST MAIN STREET Tornrr of East 2-'M st.; welMrailt 6-room house, 33x77 ft..g2900 suxnyside Nice ix-room eottae, eorner lot S3300 JOHNSON STREET Near N. 2th .-t modern fi-room houe. lot 35x100 ft S7500 NORTH 18TH STREET Corner of Johnson t.. lot 50x100 ft.; rent lli50 517,000 NORTH 21 ST STREET N"-ar Wahin-tin St., w-vcn-rnom l:ou.e. lot 50x100 S17.500 wakefieldTfries & CO. S-" Fonrth St. House THAT ARE Right Splendid eiprht-rofm kouse on Kat Side corner, close in: POx 100; fine for apartment. $1500 nr.dor value. $2000 eah will handle. $4500 Modern Irvinjon hme, clos in; $-VW) cash, balance monthly. Gowen-Ide Trust Co. Lumbermen- Bid?., Fifth and Stark B Avoid paying an exces L , sive price for exclu IJ size, close-in and de R sirable view prop I ert7 Jy buying L1 a borne site in kl Burlingame. GA No retaining: walls M necessary. I" THE WEST SIDE CO. Madison Bid;;., 3d & Madison - Mar. 933 A 4747 Free Rent We will furnish a fine Iarpe tent house free of cost to every lot buyer for the next 30 days. 10 PER CENT CASH $10 PER MONTH Call or phone. GREGORY INVESTMENT CO, 418 Corbett Bids. Marshall 557. A Cf44. S1ERE A first-class restricted residence dis trict, with all the improvements, con veniences and requirements of the particular bomebuilder, with prices that are right. Take Rose City ear to 30th itreet. Our representative, Mr. Caier, on pronnd afternoons. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Rosas BMU-d Trade Bide Mala Ml. A IX. " A FRACTIONAL LOT ON FOURTH STREET 4"ppite the City Hall. Brick build in on both side. See CHAPIN & HERLOW .12 Chamber of Commerce. A Good Investment n acres, mnsistlnsi monly of low. roUln. hill land; deep bUrk soil; well w at ere I with a runnln stream. $00 jLt rru hvr been cultivated:- om very fine oak timber scattered on the bal ance t.f lan. I: rood orchard. Might ts'e In trad -rn s;od tncnme-paylnc property. orc:r pr-frrred. Prl. $i- per arre. Fur full Information call on or write j. v. nrK, Albaay. r. Values ROS Snap of a. Lifetime la Aaartaieat lt 60x100 $ la Mil !. Bl- TH- Wilt. TKr. I.IKIU flHT MHT..K 0 l.lK-l rmiPKRTI A r-iR"T p.1 JttiT. w Oaa Oaly. K. E. JAMES CO., 88 10th St KtW TOD1T. FOR SALE Keima's Heights adjoining City Park. 13.44 acres. Laid out in blocks, lots an I streets. 00 lots, 772 each, or $4.jOO per acre. Easy Tor ments. Every lot splendid view of whole city and cast beyond. 210 acres Barnes .Heights. 122 acres Gubser Heights. Cornell Road, end of Catho lic Electric Railway. 711 acres near Cedar Mills. All easy payments. Inquire JOHN KLOSTERMAN 625 Board of Trade Bldg., From 10 to 2 P. M. ME-BOOM HOIJE IX 1RVIXGTO RESTRICTED DISTRICT. IJvlnr room. I0x2: dlnlns; room, with bullt-ln buffet. lxl; den. JIxlS. con tains bnllt-ln bookcase, writing; desk. dlsappearinK bed and fireplace; DuU-li kitchen, wblle enameled: waajiroom and toilet downntalrs: 6 bedrooms, bat li and toilet upstair, and iriass-enclosed leeplnc porcli; dreaslna; room In con nection with each bedroom; larnf altK. basement and porches; 1 fireplaces. Kookwood tile; furnace: first floor fin ished In quarter-sawed oak; second floor, white enamel and mahORany all windows plate glass; front door: Krenrh !"ors In dlnlnir room: book cases, buffet and tran-coms. special de sltsn art (class: eleaant fixtures; rpeakinK tabes; electrh- door openers: extra telephone connections: dust and linen chutes. and many other con veniences. - UJt I S2xl'u; itreet Im provement In and paid. Must be seen to be appreciated. Built for sr home. Hupervlsin" architect on the Job eluht hours eery day. Cannot be duplicated for $1000 above price, asked. 11 1.000; terms. . BTEWART REALTY CO, Mala 32Q4.. 813-M ellla Bldg. Back to the Soil 12 acres of the beet fruit soil; 9 acres in full beariutr, apples, plnms, prunes, grapes, black caps, loganber ries and strawberries; 1 acre in pas ture; 1 acre in oats; 1 acre in pota toes; good 8-room house, Minthorn spring water piped in house; 12 pouU try yards and chicken-houses; bam, good well, wind pump and tank. On good macadam county road, mile from Jlilwatikie postoffice, stores, school, church and Oregon City car line. This tract is high and sightly, ind slopes gently down to county road. Price is rizht; terms can be had. Call for Mr. Reagan. BUY NOW OF CHAPIN & HERLOW. 332-338 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN FourLots,$2850 Bull Run water and paving paid. View of river and Mount Hood. Close to river landing and station on Oswe go line, West Side. No draws. Chapin & Herlow 332 Chamber of Commerce. 8 Per Cent Net on a $"5.000 investment; requires $40,000 cash to handle. 100x100, on terminal track, 15th st. North, West Side. New 4-story brick, leased for 7 years. Wonderful speculative feature. For a few days only. Frank Bollam 12S Third Street. Francis Fruit Tracts Be sore and look this TO Fire and tea mrr tracts from owaer. mll from center f city. 4 muss from city limits: ood rosd all the way. V ran from car. black loam Mlt. rood water, some fruit; you cannot tneke money taster as an Investment for yoo tan mko a good llrma on one of IJM tracts wMIe It Is rrowln Into money. This land la loiated near the Catholic Home ana Hoaphat and beautiful irounrta. I also have m lvrr tracts In cuUIa"on and R arm In ecrtin oak. all ood rrult land. I ratrt at Dalles. Ora-on. on the Elcrtrto rarllna; knoan aa Francla fruit trans. This Dalles land t 475 to- 100 per acre. This la your chanr lo bur olrect from owner. I will jive you aav lnu SO Fifth St.. be tween Oak and etark: will alaa open 8un llir. Call fr Mrs. Tarlor. SEE ML HOOD FROU VOIR OWJf FROXT PORCH. Tou can buy a home In the beautiful Irvlngton lstrlct on monthly pay ments, no mora than rent. Corner Weldler and Twenty-ninth streets; one olock from new Broadway carllne. Thoroughly modern six-room house with sleeping-porch, fireplace, bullt-ln bookcasis, furnace, gaa, electricity. Inquire of owner. FIDELITY TRI ST COMPAXY, Ol Hoard ef Trade Bldg. rt'B Marakall 1TS7. Portland Heights Splendid new residence. IS rooms. 3 fireplaces, 1 bathrooms. I lots. Karaite, native trees: secluded location, beautiful surroundings. Oaly S14.0O. OWSER, o BFALU1AO ' BULDLNG. CLASSY TOE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. PORTLAND, JUNE rw TODAY. Beaverton- Reedville Acreage Close in. only 0 minutes' ride from center of city. 1 Take Southern Pacific train at 4th and Yamhill sts. at 11 o'clock A. M. and ret off at Wheeler, and you will be In the center of our tract. Inquire of the resi dents as to development present and '-prsopectlve; also examine the crops growing. Tou can re turn at lilS P. M. When you have seen this beauti ful valley land, located only miles west of Council Crest, you will appreciate the advantage that must come to this locality from each year'a growth of the city and then see us. - We are the oldest and largest acreage firm In the city, and you get the benefit of our experience) -am financial strength. Any slxe tract from H acre to :0 acres, at $230 to $500 per acre, and upon monthly payments. The Shaw-Fear Co. 1I Fourth St. Main 35. AS500 An Ideal Loca tion for a Home High and" sightly, close in, on good earline, overlooking the entire city. Streets graded and water mains in; in. fast-growing section, restricted to residences only. Lots 50x100. Build ing restrictions, $l."00. Prices $(i00 and up. Terms, 10 per ient down and 2 per cent per month. Take W-W car to 41st and Holgate streets, and walk one block east. Agent on ground all day Sunday to show property. For further particu lars inquire THE LAWRENCE CO. Successors to the Dunn-Lawrence Co., " 248 ALDER STREET PARK ST. CORNER HALL $12,500 Very nice home on this fractional lot. S4500 CASH Balance $103 monthly. Cbapin & Herlow 3.T2 Chamber of Commerce. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD 91 H ACRB orchard in the famous Hood River Valley, beautifully situat ed, with a picturesque view of the mountains and valley. Seven acres In besring orchard, affording a family home of luxury and ease amidst sur roundings of unsurpassed scenic grandeur; 10 acreej of young orchard, and 4H acres'that can readily be put under cultivation. Good farmhouse, barn and suitable outbuildings; spring water piped Into house. Team of horxea go with place. This place is an 1N-l-OMK PRODLVEH NOW. Will accept modem Portland residence as part payment If unincumbered. $2000 cash necessary. Devlin & Firebaugh T-K- TEOS HI. 1X5. Seashore Bargain Near Hotel Breakers. lB0xO. and very choice bungalow. S rooms, patent toilet, good water, fine shade, chicken house, all fenced. Furnfshed wltn good quality furniture and complete for accommodation of six persons. Make us a reasonable offer for this lovely heme. A. If. RIRREI.L en, , ana McKay Blrfc and Stark. Apartment Sites Corner on Washington street (over quarter block!; best location In town. 100x150. Hi and Pettygrove sts.: price. $20,000: easy terms; can ba sub divided. 100x100 on JOth and Pettygrove ts.; price. $20,000. 100x100 on list and Kverett ts.; small Income: price. $.10,000. - 100x100 on 21st and Cillran sts.; price, $27,500. for further particulars inquire of CHAS. K. HK.XRY CO. Heary Bldg. Femrtk aad Oak f-treets, Portland. Or. TEN ACRES This tract is on 60th street, near Mt. Tabor reservoir. Just ripe for sub division, at a very low price, with good terms. RAND, READ & CO. 316 Board of Trade iti to rj EW TODAY. Neither High Cost of Living NorToo Small an Income Will excuse anyone for not investi gating the following propo sition, because' THIS WEEK we offer a homesite so cheap and on such reasonable terms that even those whose rent and living expenses have never allowed a saving of even the $10 of $20 installments usually asked for on time payments on real estate can take advantage of this. We are going to give you an abstract title to a choice of 100 .$2o.00 lots in one of the best-located and fastest-growing towns in the North west, in ROCHESTER FOR ONLY $20.00 TERMS of $1.00 down and $1.00 monthly. WITHOUT INTEREST, that cankerworm of the average real estate contract. "If you've never owned a home, you have never had one." Here is a chance to own one. Yon never heard of a more liberal offer, location, soil, price, terms. We will reserve by tele phone a choice of lot or lots for two days if you can't call and see soil, photos, etc., the first of the week. These are going to go like HOT CAKES. ' WHAT WE SAY WE MEAN we will guarantee Hind to lie practically level and close to depot, stores,.ete. If not as we say, after you have made a trip come and get your money back, with cost of trip addtd. Y0UNO MAN AND WOMAN You have promised yourself that some clay you would start a systematic sav ing of a part of your salary.- Here is a chance to put it wliere it will grow. SMALL SAVINGS PUT WHERE THEY WILL GROW MAKE LARGE BANK ACCOUNTS IN THE FU TURE. SUGGESTION Take a part of .that $23 or $-30 that yon have planned to blow for a "good time" ( T) on the Fourth and apply it as your initial payment on some of these lots or on 4-ACRE BLOCK, ALL CLEAR Right In town, at only $400, with pay ments of only $15 monthly and with out interest. These propositions 6tand the test of thorough investigation-, we court it. Call and see maps, ptiotos, soil, etc., or write for circular of .Rochester and Thurston County, Wash. WHITCOMB BROS. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 2C63. Open evenings. Glisan Street Half Acres The Mount Hood Railroad will soon be passing near this prop erty." The time to buy is now. Here is our proposition to the man who wanta half an acre of land. Our half acrcas are ideal, ffhey are cultivated. Buy now and you get the crop, and that is worth whiie. Trice $fiuO each; terms $65 cash and $13 per month. See us Monday. If you want to walk to the property Sunday, and we advise it, take Montavilla car to East 30th street. See our big sign there for directions. 'Hartman & Thompson Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Building. 3 ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUILDING SITES CHAPMAN AND SPRING $7500 $1000 down. CHAPIN & HERLOW 332 Chamber of Commerce. $12,122 CASH will handle a business block that after paying Jyies and interest on deferred payments will yield over 12 per cent, and this can be increased when pres ent leases, running from IS months to three years, expire. This is a -splendid investment. McCARGER, BATES & LIVELY, 301-307 Yeon Building. Good eight - room house, goo&yard; must sell at once. Sacrifice price. Phone Mar shall Tfl Nob Hill -25. -EW TODAY. "Finest Residence Property on the East Side" ' Is the verdict of the people who - have investigated the unusual of - -fer which I am making to spec ulative builders and home buyers at Murraymead, a beauflful tract of land just south and west of the big Burrell mansion, on East I6th and Hawthorne. MIRRAYME4D HAS HARD SI RFACED STREETS, SEW ER, GAS, WATER. CEMENT SIDE WALKS AND HANDSOME FOUR I.IGIIT CLfSTEH LIGHTS OF THE TYPE VSED BY THE CITY ON SEVF.NTH STREET. , For a few days more l am still keeping opeff my reqiarkable of fer to home builders to accept second mortgage (with the ex ception of a few dollars of good -faith money) in payment for a -wt and to give title to the prop- -erty in order that you may place a first mortgage on the lot to enable you to finance your home, or. If you like. I have In my of fice a hundred plans of beauti ful hemes which are at your dis posal, anj if you wish to you may make"a selection from these, with the privilege of taking com petitive bids'from different con tractor, and I will pay your con tractor for building your home and accept mortgages on the property as security for the " money thus advanced you for your homo. IF YOU WANT A HOME COST- -ING NOT LESS THAN 83-"00 YOU POSITIVELY CANNOT AFFORD NOT TO SEE ME AND TO IN VESTIGATE THIS PROPERTY AND THE OFFER I HEREWITH MAKE YOU. My branch office is open today from 10 until 6:30. Take Haw- thorne-ave. or Mount Scott car . to E. 24 th and Hawthorne and walk: three blocks south. raB-r)on't fa" to come' tioday if ' m.MV you are Interested, as lots have been going rapidly this last week and homes ranging in price from $5000 to $15,000 are spring ing up all over the tract. A. B. Widney 822-4 Board of Trade. Main 6974. Branch Office Cor. E. 24th a-pd Harrison. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Bpautiful 7-room residence on car line; most exclusive part of Heights; walking distance. $8000. Terms. 6-room bungalow, spacious attic; splendidly built; nothing cheap; beauti ful grounds; roses; 2 blocks car. $47s0. Terms. - 6-room bungalow, large living room with fireplace; arrangement very good. 14000. Terms. 6-room cottage, on good cornetr lot; walking distance. $2650. 100x120. level; no finer view in the wrld; close in: overlooking city. $5000. 100x150. level; beautiful trees; fine east view. 3b00. Easy terms. 2H lots, lie beautiful; view cannot be obstructed. 2500. Big reduction for cash. . , Nearlv 2 lots, level; trees; S blocks from car. $1650. Terms. Thia is ab sunllv cheap. Figure it out. Best site on Council Crest for fine home, consisting of 7 lots; unob structed view: 6', 4 lota perfectly level. $80u0. Terms. 2 lots near Heights Club; grand city view. Reduced from $5000 to $4000 for quick sale. Btreet Improvements Included in price. Kiel usive Neighbor hood. I uargrain. IF YOU WANTEBracing Ai?, Accessibility to Town. To Be on the West . Bide. ' CALL MAIN 3551 BROOKE A3S39 LEASING PROPOSITIONS APARTMENT HOUSE SITE on lth st. To lease for SO years. II. APARTMENT HOUSE SITE 100x100; on car line; within 2 blocks of Olds, Wortman & King's. III. ' ' EAST SIDE LOT 60x190. between Grand and Union a.ves in business flection. Low valuations, long leases and favorable conditions make these excep tionally good offerings. Hartman & Thompson Heal Estate Department Chamber of Commerce Bldg. investors! 7 PER CENT NET TEN-YEAR GUAR ANTEED LEASE. Reinforced 2-story and basement con crete building. 100 feet from Washing ton street; foundation will carry three additional stories; price, $60,000, one third cash. For particulars apply to CHAS. K. HENRY CO. Henrr Bldg. Fonrth and Onlt Street. Portland, Or. Hawthorne District . i i . $2100 pome, 3-rooni tuun(s, "3Sth t., Hawthorne. This Is first time tiered; ooxioo corner, ceiuem wun.n, $2100 pays for Improvements and all. Benefit von to call or write c. E. WICKLAND. On Sunday phono Tabor 6E1. - MORTGAGE LOANS COT JOHN E. CRONAN, HOI J JO 903 Spaldlas Bid. f V NEW TODAY. AGATE BEACH JHE NEWEST AND BEST THREE AND ONE-HALF MILES OF BEACH FRONT The Most Beautiful of All Oregon Beach Resorts Write, phone or call for DESCRIPTIVE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET KNAPP & MACKEY 212-13 Board of Trade. is very rapidly becoming one of Portland's finest resi dence districts and those who take advantage of present "choice of location and prices will profit thereby. Take "V car. Three blocks south of Forestry Building. Our representative on the ground. Clark-Cook Company Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. HOLLADAY'S EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN 10-room house, on corner lot. walking distance. House Is -well built and mod ern in every way; ;ias livinK-room, library, diningr-room, kitchen, full ce ment basement and hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, dressing-room, bath and sleeping porch. Second floor, maid's room, 2 storerooms, attic. Owner values lot at 6000: house cost J7000. Will sacrifice J3000 for sale this week. . MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST i COMPANY Home on the River Near Riverwood. Eight-room house, 12 acres. Berries and fruit in bearing. 20 minutes from business center. Good car service. $10,000; one--half cash. Phone Main 9504, or " call 607 Blake-McFall Building. nap; Must sell at once; 36x60, King st, 100 feet from Washington, $5500 - 4 lots, 50x100, East 24th and Ash, $6000 10 acres, Mosier. Call 225 Marquam Building, from 2 to 6 P. M. only. 's The one BEST place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL. CENTER and MOST DESIKABLiJ residence property of the city. SEEING IS BELIEVING BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and the Im provements going on. Ibe Oregon' Real ftate Company GRAND AVE. AND MPLTXOMAH ST. FOR SALE Handsome gray gelding. 19 hands high, weighs. 1L-00 lbs., very gentler ride and drive; also Studebaker surrey as good as new and iina band-made harness complete, outnt cheap, as owner bought an auto. Apply Kramer Riding School, 16th and Jefferson sts. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. LACRELHURST lot equity in first quarter, big sacrifice. R 210. Oregonian. yiNEST apartment site in Hawthorne dis trlct 40UQ. N t!3. Oregonian. GOOD building lot- 12 minutes out on good carllne. F 206. Oregonian. XUiro BUYS lot on Btanton St.. close to Union ave. Phone owner, woodlawn l."95. S0i72'. GRAND AVE. and Hancock, J.iOOO, half 'cash. Phone Main 367. BEAUTIFUL lot. East 22d, near Pine. Thone gellwood 167, priee 314O0 net. L.ADY going East will sacrifice two lots, 11000. Mrs. Hitchcock, 272 Si Park. Holladay Addition f KfiAL ESTATE DEALERS. I 71 n . n T... Ml.. kill. I Beck. William o.. o i- ramus I u-.... a Rndirt. 502 McKay bldr., M. Clfapln A Herlow, 832 Chamber Commeroe. Cook. B. S. & Co.. 5u8 Corbett bldg. Jenninpi. & Co.. Mam 18S. 206 Oregonian. PALMF.K-JOXE3 CO., H. P., 213 Commer cial Club bidg. . The Oregon Heal Estate Co.. Grand ave. ana Multnomah st. tHolladay Addition). WHITCOMB BROS.. 1020 Cham, of Com. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. VACANT PROPERTY THAT IS GOOD yuxluo. ?4000. Nob Hill; the cheapest buy in this locality. 60x100. $13iU. Willamette Height. SuxlOu, $7Gd cash, Ralelft t.; all improvements included; a buy. 75x100, $5250. Quimby at. 100x123. $6000. all cash, Savier at., im provements bonded. GOxlOO. Overton st,, $5250. 75x100, $12,000, m a locality of $30,000 homes. , ... 50x130, $1750, King's Heights, all im provements included. 50x201'. $350, Lower Portland Helffhta; a perfect park. 14.000 sq. ft., $3300; on the Heights; a splendid bargain. 95x100, $1750. Portland Heights. LE NOIK & CO., 7H Chamber of Commerce. A l-PLEXDID investment in a strictly resi dence lot 50x100 on Raleigh at., adjoin ing Nob Hill and Westover Terraces; thia lot Is a decided bargain, as It la more than $400 cheaper than any other lot in the neighborhood; the surrounding houses cost from $5000 to $15,000 to build; the price is onty $3100, and as low at $700 cash will secure it. One will be able to pick up $1000 in a year's time on hia investment. This will stand the most careful investigation and consideration; all improvements are in and. paid for in full. AC 'J1'2, Oregonian. FOR your fine home 100x125, absolutely level with an unlimited view In a highly . improved district; the house and the ad joining lot costs $12,000; one block to car; 1 consider this lot to be $1500 cheaper than any other similar piece of property; there is a 100x100 corner that can be bought for $7500; this can bethought for $0000, every cent cash; the improvements and bonded for 10 years. Write and get full information. AO I'll, Oregonian. TO Homobuilder. I will make a special in ducement if you will build a nice hom ob tii is lot and a third; a fine lot and a swell neighborhood; all the improvements will be included in the purchase price.' If you intend to build within the next Ave months this will Interest you; on, the West iSide; $1750; terms. AB 214, Ore gonian. LOTS, 5100. RIOHT ON WEST PIDEJ CARLINE. BEYOND CITY PARK. iWTH AND W. YAMHILL STS. New addition, ten minutes from busi ness center; on new Washington -st. car line; lots 50x100, some larger, $250, easy payments; these lots are beautiful home sites. National Realty &, Trust Co.. 326 Washington st.. room 51fi. SACRIFICE $150. bal. $1 a month; sacri fice; 2 lots and small house. Including 5oo worth of garden truck and potatoes; 2 blocks from carllne; must sell Monday. AMERICAN TRUST CO.. 212-2 1; Chamber of Commerce. Office open Sunday. IP to 2. m WHY not buv irher. you can make money? A fractional lot on the West Side, really close In, all tho assessments are paid for in full; this piece of property will srll at from $ir.00 to t:000 in the near future and can now be purchased for $1200; terms to gult. AB 215. Oregonian. BARGAINS ROSSMERE ROSE CITY PARK. Rossmere lot. near 43d and Tillamook St., $S(K. terms; Improvements paid. Rose City Park lot. Improvements paid, near carllne, for $830. 503 Lumbermen's bids. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. BARGAIN IN" LOTS. Ji"23- to $75i for 00-foot lots 1 block north of Alborta car. bet. ISth and 15th; easy terms. These lots are snaps. Investi gate. Owner, 60 Sixth st. A CHEAP pick-up, lf0x213 ft., west of E. 20th st... between Morrison and Haw thorne, Tilgh and sightly; only 16000; terms; act quickly. S. D. Stoufer, 219 Lumbermens bldg. ATTENTION For a quick sale I am sacri ficing my high-grade corner lots In Ken ton at bedrock price for spot cash. AH 212, Oresonlan bKi-: Le Nolr & Co. for West Side prop erties; exclusive dealers in close-in and Hill properties. Ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. BNAP Ji'.riO lot, 10 per cent cash. 1 block Mount Tabor Reservoir. Purse. S18 Cham ber of Commerce. QUARTER block, corner Cook and Missouri aves.. very sightly. 3O00. L. E. Thomp son & Co.. 228 3d. ONE lot fir sale. Rose City carllne. Call Main 42S8. CHOTCE sits In Greemvay. Portland Heights; a bargain. AF 207, Oregonian. BUSINESS corner sacrificed; end of Broad way car. Main 27!1. 302 Falling bldg. FOR SALE 4 lots In Bandon. Coos County, Oregon. Phone Seliwood 1327. LOT for sale, cheap. Main 3B67. For Sare Houses. IRVINGTON home, new, modern, seven rooms, ball and bath, bullt-ln bookcases and buffet, beamed culling and paneling in dining-room. fine llrepla-e, hardwood floors, full cement basement: built for a homo; tortus. Phone East 5310. BEAUTIFUL HOME. Best location. Irvlngton. finished in oak and very select fir; modern as possible; lot 7."xl00; also lots, all prices. Kast 27:1, C IStiO; no agents. W. H. Herdman FOH-SALF. 7-room house with bath, gas. electric light, pood basement, roses, lot x7': 10 minutes- ride from 5th and Wash ington; J2S00. H cash. Inquire evenings. 4:j- E 7th st. North, cor, of Tillamook. f.ioo BELOW market price takes modern Irvlngton home of seven rooms, hall and bath; bullt-ln furniture, fireplace. Dutch, kitchen, full cement basement Ihalf cash, balanca monthly. Phone East 5510. fOw5T 2 of the best 0 and 8-room bunga lows In the city for the money: must sell: no reasonable offer or terms refused, leu should see them, for they are beauties; 430 Worcester Bldg, Main 3!'4i. 3000 BUNGALOW. SNAP. No. 1)22 Tibetts St., 3 blocks east of car, 5 rooms, tireplace. tine view, nearly new. Owner leaving and sell your own terms. Owner 414 Couch bldg. E. 8TH ST. 6-room house, lot .13 1-3x100. vicinity E. Burnslde. Price 40. J. J. OEDER. Cor. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. 2-STORT 7-room houso In Hawthorne dis trict, close to carllne. 2 blocks. J.37SO, $7,0(1 down, balance to suit. . Columbia Trust Company, 84 4th st. t5 DOWN and 10 per month, house on 100x100. Mount Tabor district, close ta two carlines; is a 4-room house in good condition. Columbia Trust Co.. S4 4th St. 4-ROOM house on improved street, cement walks, corner lot. brand new, close to earline. price J1600. :0O cash, bal. S10 per month1ColumblaTrus Co..814th St. MUST sell, modern six-room house, lot Wix lo5: lawn and roses; fine street; on East 30th, near Burnslde. Price $3500. Call or write, C."i East 12th St. N., city. FOR SALE Cozv 5-room house (995 Clinton, st.) and fiOxlOO corner lol on earline; $3000. terms. Owner, room 11, 231 Mor- rison. Main 0821, A 4144, $400 CASlfTbal. easy, 6-room modern house, 1U blocks car. lot 80H00. all fenced, flna fruit garden and chicken run, only $.0 00. HIGLEY & BISHOP, 132 3d St. B-ROOM 2-storv house, with bath and toi let; lot 60x100: -W-W" car; a snap. Co lumbia Trust Co.. S4 4th st. $1800. $200 cash, balance monthly. 6-IiOOM lS-st-ry house, new and modern. 40xl50-foot lot. Mount Tabor district, near 50th; $100 down. $25 per month. Coa lumbia Trust Co.. 84 4th st. FOR SALE One new 5-room house. N. K. cor. 44Ih and E. Yamhill) 50x125 feet; Mount Tahor earline; cheap; terms. An swer R lT'i. Oregonian. MODERN 7-room house, sleeping porch, fire place, full cement basement, room fur nished In attic. Walking distance. West Side. Main SS25. K 214. Oregonian. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room modern bun galow, under ennsi ruction, E. 81st st. and Alder; 2 blocks from end of Montavilla carlme. . HOUSE and lot. $S50; 3 rooma. chicken house, etc.; terms; take "V-R" car to 3i;th St.. 4-blocks south. 1113 holly St. FINE K-room house. East Ankeny St.; ex cellent neighborhood, cheap; very easy terms. Phone East 5G54. . HOUSE and lot. finest garden you ever saw J 1350; $300 cash, balance easy. 43" C. of C. MODERN, convenient, 6-room house, with, basement; 15 minutes' ride: quick :iOOO. By owner. Phone Marshall 1010. BY OWNER, 6-room house. $2,"00: close In, on carllne; easy terms. Phone East 3S3i. 474 East Asli sU TRUSTY driving mare, 10i0 pounds, top buggy, harness and whip for $1.'0, If taken quick: a bargain. fiBS East Main.' SIX-ROOM bungalow for sale or rent, fur nished or unfurnished: modern, going East. Call at 5lO E. 32d. Owner. A MODERN 0-room house, lot 33 1-3x150. Call 336 Eugene st. 4