Mi IS MADE WIPE'S SOLE HEIR Passage in Will Leaving To kens to Friends Myster iously Erased. ESTATE IS WORTH $10,000 . Lawyer Wbo Files Document Unable in Kxplaln Crossing Oat of Provision Also Making Hatband Kxrrutor. CHICAGO. June 17. SpclL) Th will of Un. Mattla R- MInard. whosa mysterious drath by poison last Sunday waa Investigated by Coroner Hoffman, resulting In a verdict of suicide, waa tiled today In the Probata Court Clerk's office. Charles W. MInard. principal of I be Marquette Hlft-h School of Maywood. rertaln feature of whose mysterious absence at the time of his wtfe'a death remain unexplained. Is the sola bened riary under the will, which dlnposea of an estate valued at about $10,000. The will waa Bled by the law Ann of Bradley. Harper Khelm. who were attorneys for Mrs. MInard. The will read as follows: -I. Mattle R. MInard. belne or sound mind and memory, do hereby make my last will and testament to-wit: 'I rive and beotieath all tny property, real and r--nal. and all money due me at the time of my death, except as here inafter stated, to my husband. Charlea V. MInard. In witness hereof. I have subscribed my name and affixed my seal this, the 10th day of June. 101. A. TV" The folio Ins; paragraph of the will, which was written la Ink by Mrs. MInard. was crossed out of the mill with three lines from a pen drawn lenathwisa down the pass: -If It be his wish. I desire my en- acement rlns; riven to Mabel llersch hach and my wedUlns; rlns; to Mattte tiranwald. and some token of solid sliver to Mrs. A. T. Mather. Mrs. J. D. Raver. Meille Rarer. Wllmlna Raver. Wlihelmina Mather and Esther Terry: to Mrs. A. II. Grunwald. my a-aroets. nme solid silver and return to her the beautiful china, cut glass, lace and works of art she srsve to me. The said Charles W. MInard to be executor of the will without bond." Attorney Samuel A. Harper, when asked about the crossing out of the pars era ph. said that the will was merely presented for flllna; and that he did not know anything further about It. lished a scholarship In Albany College to pay the tuition of a student prepar ing for foreign missionary work. He has donated IIOOO and the Interest on this amount will be used for this pur pose. The scholarship will be known aa -The Dr. 8. A. Brown Foreign Mis sionary Scholarship." The Board of Trustees has awarded this scholarship for next year to Miss Lena Helnrlcbs. of Albany, a member of the class of 11J. Professor David Torbet. who has been Instructor In mathematics In the college for almost 2 years, waa estab lished a fund for a prls In mathe matics. Despite the fact that he has voluntarily worked for a small salary to assist the college In times of finan cial stress and has made many contri butions to the college heretofore, he has given 11000 In the past four years and the Interest on the fund he has con. 3 TKAR9 OF WASCO WO MASTS LUG LIFE 5PEST IV EAJTERX OREGON t j p ,.77 . S 'L. - - t . . X :f-- SPRINGFIELD GETS GAS Advantage of Large City Knjojcd When iK-rvlce Is Started. PFRINaFTTXP. Or, June 17, Spe eUi!. r'or the first time gas service as supplied to Springfield. In a small way. tonight, giving Springfield all the advantages of a large city. A big gas flame was burned from a high pipe Into the air at the corner of Fifth and Main streets and other demonstrations made. The gaa Is piped from the Ore gon Power Company's plant In Eugene under pressure. The gas main from Eugene to Springfield, a distance of 17.000 feet, was laid In seven days, and the dis tributing system, with about J0.OOO feet of pipe, was laid In less than 30 lavs. The whole system has been com pleted In less than (0 days from the time that the franchise was granted. Springfield has shown Its appreciation for the service by patronlxlng liberally. The customers pay 11.50 per thousand cubic feet of gas. DIVORCE CASE SETTLED Property Interests of Oswego Couple Finally Adjusted. OREG'XV CITT. Or, June 17. Spe cluL) The divorce suit of Mary Zivney against V. IL Zivney. a wealthy farm er, who Uvea near Oswego, was settled out of court today by the defendant paving the plaintiff IS.1I0. She waa awarded the divorce. Mrs. Zivney was the defendant's second wife. The couple were married here In li7. In her suit, which was tried last Iecember before Judge Eakin. she charged her hus band with cruelty and asked tor a part of bis property as alimony. She wsa awarded a divorce, but the matter of alimony was deferred. The contestants entered into nego tiations and a settlement ont of court was the result. Mrs. Jeaaette MeDoaald. VTASCO. Or- June 17. (Spe cial.) The late Mrs. Jeanette McDonald, who died Friday. June I. at the home of her daughter. Mrs. George N. Crosfleld. In this city, was years of age and had been a resident of Oregon more than 30 year. Most of this time her home had been in Eastern Oregon. Mrs. McDonald Is survived by four dsnghttrs. Mrs. J. N. For dyce. of Portland: Mrs. E. O. Mc Coy, of Th" Dalles: Mrs. J. 8. Amos and Mrs. George N. Cros fleld. of Wasco; and six grand children. She leaves a sister. Mrs. William Murray, of McDon ald. Or, and two sisters and one brother In Scotland. The funeral services were held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon. June 4. at The Dalles, onder the direction of Rev. D. V. Poling, of the Congregational Church, of which Mrs. McDonald had been a member for more than SS years. f trlbuted will has used for an annual prlxe or prizes for work In mathe matics. MAN ASSAULTED WITH WIRE Electrical Employe, In Hospital, Ac cuses Fellow Workman. NEWARK. N. J. June 17. James M. Flnnlgan. an employe of an electric company at Harrison. Is under arrest her today charged with a long dis tance assault by electricity upon Al fred Van Riper, a fellow workman. Van Riper was knocked down by an electric shock last Tuesday when he touched a brass water faucet and has been In the hospital ever since. He savs that the faucet was connected with a wire and that Flnnegan. with whom he had quarreled previously, turned on the current, when he started to wash his hands at the faucet. WOMEN TOLD: STAY HOME Cardinal Gibbons Saj Men's Voces Will Be Controlled. BALTIMORE. June 17 Cardinal Gib hons scored woman suffrage In an ad dresa last night at the commencement exercises of St. Joseph's College. He said. "I think the place for woman Is In the home. Women should not want to vote, hut If they took proper Interest in af fairs of their husbands and brothers they could eas'Iy have them cast their ballots in the right manner. In doing his women will be the champions of what Is right." INQUIRY INTO ARMY ASKED Kahn Says Cost Entitles Country to Efficient Force. WASHINGTON. June 17. Represen tative Kahn of California Introduced In the House today a resolution which would provide for a thorough Investi gation of the Array, and which de clares that the United States should have an efficient fighting force In return for the flOO.OOO.OOO and mora expended every year on the military establishment. The resolution would direct the ap pointment of a Congressional commit tee of 10 to sit at any place deemed nt and to call on the War Department for any documents desired. CHINESE WILL BE WATCHED Vnlted States to Have Immigration Station at Vancouver, B. C. OREGOSIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. June 17. Senator Jones was today Informed that an Immigration station for the examining of Chinese destined for the United States will be established at Vancouver. B. C on July 1. and that thereafter Chinese coming from the Orient and landing at Van couver may be examined there by Uni ted States Inspectors. Those passed by the Inspectors will receive certifi cates that will entitle them to admis sion to the United States at any port along the Canadian border. Boy Holdup Arretted In Alley. BENIC1A. Cal.. June 17. Frank Mel ville, a young bandit who recently es caped from the Preston Reform School, snd who Is accused of holding up sev eral saloons In Stockton. Martinez and Livermore. was found today In an alley and placed under arrest by a Con stable. He made no resistance. Rope Skipping Fatal to Child. PITTSBCRO. June 17. Otlllls Dan ner. aged . died yesterday at her home In St. Clair borough, the result of a rup tured blood vessel, caused by Jumlng tha rope. OCCASIONALLY YOU BREAK YOUR GLASSES You need them all the time. Bring the pieces to us. We will duplicate the broken lens, no matter where the zlasses came from. We make the new lens exactly like the old. with only the old pieces to fro by. Many times the work ean be done while yon wait. But you can always hare them the same day. This is a point worth re membering if you wear glasses. DALLAS OPTICAL PARLORS JIO-Z1S FtlLItU RLDfi. Car. Third aad Waahlagtoa Streets. Keerad Fleer. Take Elevator. ALBANY GETS SCHOLARSHIP Portland Man to Pay Tuition to Mactrnt in College Work. JLLBANT. Or- June 17. (Special.) Dr. S. A. Brown, cf Portland, has estab- Instantaneous Hollow Wire Gasoline Lamps 1 to 1000 candle power, adapted to any hollow wire system. Bell at sight. Write for special prtfes. H. W. BIAHIXQ LlftHTISB at srp, CO, US -33 1 Oak St, Between Sixth aad ae-reath. Complete New Lines of R & 6 Corsets in the Mostppjar Styles for Summer Wear -Made of the Finest Batiste and Contil and Neatly Finished With Embroideries and L-wesEvery Pair Folly Guaranteed to Wear to Yonr Satisfaction-We Have All Sizes-Priced at $1,00 to $3.00 the Fair . Surprise Sale Small Wares 5c Nickel-Plated Safety Pins.. 2 10c large size Hair Nets at 15c large Skirt Markers at .10 15c Fancy Collar Supporters at. 10? 15c Child's Hose Supporters at..lO 25c large Dressing Comb at 10t 15c large Dress Shields at. . . . . The Most in Value, The Best in Quality Surprise Sale Small Wares 400-yard spool Black Silk 25 Best Eagle Brass Pins at Large Hand Scrub Brushes at 5 Glass Tooth Brush Holders at. . .10 Large Cube Mourning Pins at Ere Collar Supporters, 6 for Washable Collar Supporters, 6 for 5 Saleof New Summer Goods Temptingly Low Price We invite vou to come and pass judgment on our displays. To acquaint yourself with our qualities, our styles and our prices. Here are spe cial inducements for you to do so; values that you cannot well afford to miss. This is a splendid opportunity to supply your Summer needb. Newest Wash. Goods at '3Low ered Prices Better Bargains Than Ever in This Greatest June Sale French Linens, 75c Quality, 50c A most important sale of over 2000 yards of fine imported French Dress Linens at one-third less than regular. The assortment includes all the popular new shades, old rose, helio, pink, apricot, light blue, cadet blue, etc. Comes full 46 inches wide and alwavs sold at 75c a yard. RflP Priced for this sale at uUll ' Cheviot Waisting, 40c Quality, 25c Another underprised special for tomorrow's sale. Hundreds of yards of Imported Cheviot Shirtings and Waistings, shown in a full variety of neat striped styles in medium and dark colorings. An unusually desirable and durable fabric full 32 inches wide. Best 40c quality specially OCp reduced for this sale to .' .stub Pillow Tubing, "The Pequot," at 22c and 23c Yard Through special arrangements with the makers of the celebrated Pequot Sheetings, we have secured a Pillow Tubing of the same standard quality. It is a splendid wearing, perfectly finished Tubing, that comes in two widths and is unmatchable in quality at the following prices: 42 inches wide at 2- 43 inches wide at 23 New Hammocks at All Prices, $1.W to $7.50 By far the best values and styles we have ever shown. We placed large orders direct with the manufacturers and secured price concessions en abling us to offer unmatchable values. A large variety of patterns in desirable colorings to choose from. With those costing $2,500 or over we give FREE a pair of no-slip hooks. AU Prices From $1.00 Up to $7.50 Each Special in Women's Suits Wash Dresses and Waists Women's Stuits at $12.50, $15, $19.50 Your choice from a great assortment of high-grade Suits in the very newest styles that are not to be had elsewhere. They are shown in fine serges, Scotch and English mixtures, worsteds, etc., in most any wanted shade, silk or satin lined. You cannot afford to overlook these Suit values. Wash Dresses, $2.95-$3.50 Values, $1.98 A sale of about 200 fine Wash Dresses shown in over twenty-four different styles. Every garment is per fectly cut and all are extremely well tailored. They are shown in either the high or low neck effect, with long or short kimono or regulation sleeve. They are made of good qualitv materials that will launder fine.. Eegular selling price $2.95-$3.50. 01 QCj Priced this sale. O I ill 0 Women's Waists at 65c, 95c, $1.25 to $7.50 All the new styles are represented here. Pretty Lawn Waists, with low neck and kimono sleeve or high neck and regulation sleeve. Also a line of Shirtwaists in the popular mannish effect, made of silk, soisette and himalaya cloth and shown in plain - s4 VI T 11 1- i.1 'colors and stripes, uome ana iook iiirougn Lut-ui. Hundreds of new styles have been added since last you saw7 them. Women's Bathing Suits . .$1.75, $1.95, $2.50 to $4.50 Bathing Caps at 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, 65c Middfr Waists 98c, $1.25, $1.50 LongKimonos at. . . . .98c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95, $2.50 Dressing Sacques priced at . 48c and 65c Embroidery Bands 4 to 14-inch Embroidery Bands, values to $1, at 39c 3 to 6-inch Embroidery Bands, values to 65c, at 33c 2 to 5-inch Embroidery Bands, values to 45c, at 25c . sa ft::J Newest JtimDroiaeries at Less Than Half Price Thousands of yards of the most beautiful Novelty Em broideries are now on sale at fractional prices. The rarest and most exquisite Embroideries that were im ported this year comprise this extraordinary sale. It is the most important Embroidery event we have announced in many seasons. Included are fresh, new and exclusive styles in bands, medallions, edgings, insertion and 27 and . -it it in il 45-inch flouncmgs ail at nail price ana less 52-inch Embroideries, regular $1.25 grade, for only 27-inch Embroideries, regular 85c grade, for only 68c 35c 52-inch Embroideries, regular $2.00 grade, for only 27-inch Embroideries, regular $2.00 grade, for only 98c 89c The Greatest June Sale of Dainty Muslin Underwear Space does not permit us to tell of the many other wonedrful values that await you in this popular section. Corset Covers Priced at 50c Just received a large shipment of pretty Corset Covers, shown in all the latest patterns. They are made of fine quality nain sook, neatly trimmed with very pretty laces, embroideries and ribbons. Extra good values. Priced for R this sale at only... - "UU Muslin Drawers, Best $1.50. Values, $1.00 A sale of an extra strong line at this price, shown in the circular or umbrella style. Made of fine quality nainsook, cambric or crossbar dimity, daintily trimmed with fine embroideries and laces. Regular $1.50 values. Specially priced 01 frt this sale for only : W 1 1 U U Another line of Gowns, made of good quality cambric, nainsook or Masonville muslin, trimmed with lace and embroidery. Fine, well-finished garments that sell regularly at $1.25. 0 Q Priced for this sale UUU r Sale of Cheney Bros. Shower-Proof Foulard Silks at 85 Cents a Yard A full showing of the season's choicest colorings in neat new small de- O Ct signs. Best $1.00 quality priced for this sale at Beautiful New Up-to-Date Patterns Just Arrived I Tomorrow we place on sale another great lot of Cheney Bros.' Shower-Proof Fou lard Silks. The assortment includes the newest and best patterns in the most popular Summer shades. They come in navy, brown, green, tan, gray, Copenhagen, etc., with dainty small patterns in rich colorings. There is not an old pattern in the lot. All are fresh, new and beautiful. You should not fail to see this splendid assortment before you purchase. These Silks are perfect in both weave and finish andQf are absolutely spot-proof, the kind that sell at $1 a yard. This sale for Summer Hosi'ry and Knit Underwear for Women and Childr'n Black Silk Hose, Best 85c Grade at 59c An rnirtia fp.hablp. offering of Women's Fine Thread Silk Hose, made full seamless with fast black leg and foot, finished with six-mcii lavenaer top, ex- . t j s- J "I " It cellent wearing Summer -weignt otocKings in an sizes ; the kind that sell regularly at C Q p 85c now on sale at . .uuU Children's Hose at 25c A special offering of Children's Fine Silk Lisle Stockings of good, durable quality, snown m tne new shades of tan, pink, blue, bronze, etc., as well' as black and white; they come in all sizes and are exceptional values at this price. Women's Vests at 25c Splendid new lines of Women's Summer-Weight, Fine Lisle Vests, shown in attractive styles with fancy applique yokes. They come in all sizes and are great values at this low price. At 50c Women's Fine Lisle Thread Vests in form-fitting styles, perfectly finished throughout and neatly finished with handsome hand-crochet applique -okes, all sizes. Boys' Underwear at 25c A special underpriced sale of Boys' Poros Mesh Underwear; fine wearing, cool Underwear for Summer wear. The Shirts are made with high neck and short or; long sleeves and the Drawers come in both ankle and knee length; all sizes; spe cially priced for this sale at, the , O t p garment Zull