0.. -.. I xrtT TOn.IT. " . - l 7 I Far Sale Lota. .1 M ; $31,000 30x100 on West Park, fac ing Park Mock. $35,000 7oxloo on Eleventh, near 3 Tain. $50,000 70 feet frontage on Wash ington street. $45,000 100x141 on Washington and Ford. . $15,000 72x100 on Irving, "2 pmkI houses, fiood buy. $8000 50x100 on Hovt. Small house. Fine site. S KEASEY nUHASDNJEFFERY l) 232 Chamber of Conunerca. CJ East n ri:H( sk pmprty. tnntznn, with trackage on two sides, for JT.O.nOn. or will subdtvlle to ult purchaser. Thl prnpertv l offered below the market price mni V In line ("T dvinc In the nxl Important Fast Side movement. (,HID A IK. nimrlfr block. btwfa Mnrrlnon and .turnslde, ready for uo-Mantl-1 Improvement. US. 000. Information by Interview onir. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY Modern 7 Room Bungalow One of the finest homes In Portland' rn--t exclusive district: built f r home, en. I n"t an investment: hard wxxl Inlaiil flo.rs. pUte-glajts windows nd dr. Tentno stone porches, steps and co4urrns, full basement, all ce mented; two fireplaces, furnace and all Improvement. Inriudlnc l-.ard-aur-la.e.J sfeet. sidewalk and cluster lights. iin'-rtrurte.J view of entire city. "Tri. e. o" In. hiding ail Improve mcnt. : .".no li. THE LAWRENCE CO. (?u-fe!ors to the I'unn-ljirnr Co.) Z4S Aider Street. J9 Overlooking the WILLAMETTE !05 ACRE 3 West Side Kuiiutne water the year round. Has the inabilities f an attractive coun try -.tste or coulil be subdivided to , s.lvar.ta'-e. SometMng Worth While. Chapin & Herlow 332-38 Chamber of Commerce.' 10-room house, on corner bt. walklns; distance. House Is well built and mod ern In everv nay: ha llvlnsr-room. library. tllnln-r-rom. kitchen, full ce ment basement and hot wster heat, four bedrtxtm. lireeeln-r-room. bath and sleeping porch. Second floor, maid's room, two storeroom, attic. Owner values lot at . house cost $7ono. Hill sacrifice t-uui) for sale this week. MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY To Manufacturers We have 13 is acres between O. U. Jd". Co. and Columbia Slough: Ideal loca tion for factory: J.ooO per acre. Goddard & Wiedrick : ttara, rt:'Il. I.Al KKI.III RT RRCIS. I have I! of tile best lots In I-aurel-hurst In t.'ir 1st. i'l ami 4th pints, which J can sell at special price, for cash or on easv terms. If Interested In making an exceptional! v -oo deal In 1-aurel-hurit. address S Oregonlaa. $3000 SACRIFICE THE BUILDING BOOM IS ON AT 1HH ;.st Sunday 1 advertised a most liberal proposition to builders. As the result of that advertisement, six new houses are eontraeted for alonp; East :24th Street just south of Hawthorne Avenue, and one of them is already under wav, the houses, mind you, in addition to the nine now building. The fact of the whole mas ter is simply this: If you like the exclusive features of Irvington see Murrymead it is more ex clusive and ONE -HALF the DISTANCE from town. If you like the extensive scheme of improvements in Laurel hurst see MUR RAYMEAD it has all and MORE, plus a view which is second only to Portland Heights. If you like West Side resi dence property on account of its alleged superior car serv ice, see MURRAYMEAD; it has a better. Four carlines now serve Murraymead and the Port land Railway, Light & Pow er Company-v has just oh-, tained a franchise for a fifth" (south on E. 20th st. to Har rison st. and thence east on Harrison). Now I am not "knocking" anv other part of' the city. It is all good, and if it were not, nor MURRAYMEAD nor any, other addition would be good all would be valueless. BUT I am making the bold assertion and challenge you to make me prove it that MURRAYMEAD is the absolute CREAM of resi dence property in the City of Portland at any less fig ure than $8000 to $10,0C0 per lot. Xovf, 1 will repeat my proposition of last week. Come out to Murraymead today. If you don't think it is all I claim I'll never ex pect vim to believe me again but it is. Pick out your lot make me a very, very small deposit, just a few per cent. You tlxan take title to the lot, build your house (provided that it costs more than $3500), put on as big a first mortgage as jou wish, and give me a second mort gage to pa' for the lot. CAN YOU BEAT THAT Or bring me your plans or indicate to me your ideas for a house and I will have my architect draw the plans and I will finance and build your home for you and you take as long as you wish to pay me for it. Remember MURRAYMEAD is ten minutes from 3d and Wash ington on any one of four carlines. Has paved streets, handsome 4-light cluster lights, sewers, gas, electric ity, water, etc., and: that I want more houses at once. mi l 1 xt.:. I i ills wcck iua euu ims offer. ill you be among the ones who act or not? Take Hawthorne ave. or Mt. Scott car to K 24th and Hawthorne and walk three blocks s,outh to my -tract of fice open todav from 10 to 6:30. A. B. WIDNEY 822-4 Board of Trade. Main 6974. Branch Office: E. 24th and Harrison. THE SUNDAY OREGOSIAy. PORTLAND. JUXE IS. 1911 ..- TAnav " r -1 t . - - i . - - miib Ijoib. 13th and Taylor $30,000 Corner, 50x100. Will con sider good income-bearing property in exchange. FLATS East Side -Rent $180 Pays 23 per cent net on cash required, $7000, or 16 per cent net on price, $12,000 s Apartment Houses Nob Hill Rent $500, brick . .$52,000 Rent $575, frame. .$45,000 Rent $355, frame.. .$30,000 These apartment - houses are new and up-to-date. E. J. DALY 222-223-224 Failing Bldg. TO LEASE For 30 Years 100x100 apartment'site on the West Side: in tlie verv center of the apart ment district. We are able to offer this on most favorable terms. The owner's valuation is lotr. - TO LEASE For 10 Years Knut Side. (fVnnd avenue to Union avenue. Good business location. Low- valuation. HARTHM f THOHPSOH - Real Estate Dept. Chamber of Commerce Bide. 000 312 fine lots in warehouse district, with switch already in. Cheapest buy for a few da vs. KFASEY cS-i uUMASOhWFERY 32 Chamber of Com. j 50x100 13th St. NEAR OLISAN $18,500 CHAPIN & HERLOW S.12 Cfcamfcrv mt Conmrrr. BARGAINS $21,000 40x70 with 2-story brick, leaned for fl6"J0 per annum; near Thin! and Everett sts. Half cosh. S13.500 Hals on 23d street, Korth, paying J13.J per month; choicest location of N'ob Hill. $7000 cash. SS500 AVet Side apartment site corner, near Salmon street. - ARCHIBALD '4'J. Vailinz Building. J. J. OEDER REAL ESTATE EAST SIDE PROPERTY Corner Grand Avenne and E. Ankeny. MOSIER S12.50 PER ACRE isn acres of Mosler fruit land. The soli Is a volrali- ssh. clay subsoil, easy lo rlar and rnt!y rolllnK. This Is a sacrifice. Ili.oO per acre. AH 19. Ore-funlan. - .... , I REAL ESTATE. 1 -EAIESTAT-. - ; I KKAI ESTATE. SYCAMORE ACRES Will be on the market in a few davs in from 1 to 2-acn .tracts. and for a short, time we are going to offer some especial bargains. Sycamore Acres lies 2 miles east of Lents. , '''' The O. W. P. electric line -runs through the center of Sycamom Acres; the O. W. P. is now build ing a new depot right on the tract, the highly improved Foster road nuns' the entire length of Syca more Acres, and most" of the tracts face Johnson Creek. Prices and Terms $230 and upward; 15 rr cent cash; 15 per cent each 3 months, with 7 per cent. interest; 10 per cent off for easily . " ' - For $375 we will sell you acre tracts run ning from electric line .across JohnJion Creek to The Foster road. Can ytm beat this? . -, Go out and compare .prieos-with Sycamore Acres and you will find that the above prices are from $100 to $150 loVer than for adja cent property.' - . .v' Car Service Take either the Greshanf or Estaeada ear from 2d and Stark, and get off at Sycamore.' ' , For information call on - . W. a Griiidstaf f 1125 Yeon Building. Telephones VM a in 875, A 7342. , '. Geo. D. Schalk 228 Stark Street. , Telephones : Main 392, A 2302. DO YOU WANT A 10-Ac're Tract Inside the City limits? Bull Kuft water. Streetcar tracks right by the property. Covered with blackberries, logan berries, strawberries and blackcaps; 2 acres available for garden tract. This will earn a living for you right aor. Price is cheap and the terms are easy., -v HARTMAN & THOMPSON Kcal Estate" Dept. Chamber of Commerce BuihVng. ORCHARDS 21--acre orchard In tlie famous Hood nivT Valley, beautifully RilUuted. with a picturesque view of tho mountains and Volley Seven BTes In bearinff orchard. aftord!nc n family home of luxury and ease umklst surroundings of unsurpassed scenic a-raidi-urj- ten acres of vounjj orchard, ami four und one half acres that can readily bo put under cultivation. Oood furmlloiise. barn and suitable outbuildings; eirlnj? water piped Into house. Team of horses and all Implements po with place. Thl place Is nn INCOME I'KODl'CEH NOW. Will accept modern Portland residence as part jiayment If unencumbesed. $:.'00u cash necessary. DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH UHl-r-H-f) Yeon bid. SEE MT. HOOD FROM VOI R OWJ KROXT PORCH. ' You can buy a home In the beautiful Irvington IHstrlct on monthly pay ments, no moro than rent. Corner Weldler and Twenty-ninth streets: one block from new Broadway carllnn. Thoroughly modern six-room house with sleeplna--porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases, furnace, gas, electricity. Inquire of owner, . j FIUF.I.1TV TRIST fOMPAXY, not Board ct Trade Hldlf. Phone larshnll 17M. I CAN'T MAKE PAYxMENTS AND 31l'T SACRIFICE HOSS1IEKK HOMH, FlIIMSIIKD. Owner unable to make monthly pay bents and will sell strictly modern -room house newly furnished, will make price wav below value if taken this week. Corner lot, street improvements In and paid for, only two blocks from carline. This is a beautiful home, and tn A So. 1 investment: at least 10u(l below value. . F. K. TAYLOR roj 404-. Lewis IMdir. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. V Seek. William G.. 312 Fllln bldf. Bruhsksr ai Benedict. Coi HcKsr Bids, 51 C . . . . .-hrp: A Mr!ow. S"2 disinter remmerc Cook. B. f. A Co.. OS Corbett bl. J.onlnrs A- Co.. Iln 1SS. SOB Creroalsr. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P- 813 Comm.r . clsl Ciub bide TS Orsfoa Rl Ensts Co.. Grssfl ' aJ il-jltnomsh St. (Ho!ladT AdBltlon. M. K THOMP-ov CO 'or. 4!h and OH ta WH1TCOMB BROS., 1080 Cham, of Tom. HOOD RIVER OUGHT TO INTKRESV TOC. Located 2 blocks south of Blmont cars on -loth St.. high up on the Tabor hillsl.le. runnius up to th lnvacre park. Ve have, a limited number ol bulMInc ito In the Or. Vhalice subdivision. Thue sites w so srranged by careful study by th- doctor that no ylew can be obstructed, flier" Is no proiftrty on I lie Knst .Ido with a view of tho i itv like this. Every improvement is In or Bln? In now with hard surf.ica streets. -. These sites ore so accessible, lo cston so choice and prices and terms so reasonable, and view so cian-l we wish you to see them. rl.A KK-'OOK CO.. rtOth nnrl Bel mont, or main office 0 Board of Trade, where our autos are at your Service. ' It AUO.VJ N-llCNTERS AND BUILDERS, ATTK. I li-- : Jnoiioo, (toutn of Braieo xl"f, llalsey St. jooxino Hancock st lOOxloo, Williams and Sumner loolOrt, Iielawnre and Ainsworth . 10A-1tO V..t llih and Mill 37.-.0 2.V0 .si:;o) .1200 Lots B and to. block 11. HnwlnoT'10n0 4 lots. RuVrsii'le' Addition f;;"1!'? Lot 17. block K. Greenwary 40x10".' Kenllworth" ave. ThiisH. East th and Waverlelch r.oxlOO. Easft iTlay srfd East 7lh "J 4 SuxlfO lots on Macadam st. siwuu -The above lots mut ba sold. ' MERCHANTS SAVINGS TRUST fOMBANI. IKVINOTON. j-iMirt lOOxluti. corner tnroadway and 2."th; h;ia no comparison for location and pries. See it. Mftnn Corner ."OxIOo Tillamook, near ".".iii: nice place for home and garase. See If vou can get another al this price. t ' jnq( Have two at this ut price, one on East 15th r.nd one.lyth. near Klicki tat; -s;!00 profit on each, lot for you. JACOB HAAS. 4" Yeon Bldg. LOTS. 1100. RIGHT ON WEST SIDH CARLlNE. BEYOND CITY PARK. . 89TH AN1J W. YAMin LL STS. New addition, ten minutes from busi ness center: on new Washington-st. car line; lots 6ixlO0some larger. 260. easy payments; tnese)U are beautiful home sites. National Realty & Trust Ce.. S.'OVi Wasblnston at.. rooni5iqL LET ME Bl'lLH-YOU A HOME. houses and ki.a13 artistic pk skinki). correctly r-oxstuuctko. kinishep and tjnteo according to the latest methods. money loaned and xi charge for plans When i Vi'ild. twentv years opv iiksiosixs . akp 1:1 ild- INli EXPERIENCE AT yOCrt SERVICE. V.. K. 11('KB, :- HENRV TILD,. THE HOME BUILDERS build BETER CHEAPER QUICKER. On small monthly payments. UNION SECURITY COMPAM, 602 Beck BIdi, 7th and Oak Sts. ROSSMEKE. Fine building lot. very close to car. ROSE CITY PARK. Beautiful view, east front, for 00. IRVINOTON PARK. Fine lot. handy to car. for JOOO. ('ANN & M BRIDE. 4:12 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IRVINGTON PARK LOT. $."0 buys choice lot one block from car line: terms of ono-hlrd cash, balance easy payments. This is a choice lot and Is S10O below market . value; streets all Kraded. cement sidewalks and In restricted district. ' . , . Howard Land Company. BQ3 Swetland bldg. AT FULTON PARK. Beautiful lot aoxioo. 2 blocks from sta tion of Salem Electric and only 75 feet from S. P. R. R.. east front; only 12 min utes' ride from center of city; must sell; no reasonable offer atfused. P 1CJ, Ore gonlan. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. i MAGNIFICENT VIEW, Building site, 70 sq. feet, on sunny side of Summit Drive; handy to car; ' ter and sewer close. price S2730. it-P?''' M!n!-;?'J3. orA jj.132. 50 CSH and balance monthly secures 50x 10O lot near Alnsworth avenue In Irving ton Park, snap buy lor 42... Street Im provements are in and one-half pawl. Ex ceptional offer; must be- sold at once. Howard Land Company. lip:t Swetland bjg. . REAL ESTATE. W. H. GR1NDSTAFF buys and sells real estate, mortgage loans on real estate; 20 years' experience in Portland real estate. ll?r Yeon bldg. Main 875. A 7:142. FINE RESIDENCE SITE, in restricted Nob Hill, upper Marshall St.; all permanent street Improvements! lu and only juu. uwnsr, tat iiju street. LOT East th St., close In. high, sightly and enouL'h below surrounding prices to be worth while; lot .10x103; must be seen to be appreciated; JS.iO. Owner. Inquire 712 Eust Hull St.. or 5124 Alberta St. HIT worth fsM for $:.-.: terms; Rose City Park, also corner, ioth and Pacific sts., cheap. J. E. PARSONS, phone Main 7.137 mornings. SOUTH-MtrTABOR. Three blocks from new ML Tabor Park. Two full lota. luOxlOo. for sale at a sacritlce- owner hab left city and must sell at once; terms. V 174. Orjgonian. 110 DOWN, $10 PER MONTH. Fine view lot. matured fruit trees, re stricted district, near car. cement walks. Bull Kun water, fruit cared fr free of charge. 202 Board ot Trade bldg. ; $1350. IRVINGTON Choice 50x100 lot. on 19th st : Improvements in and bonded. CHAS. RINGLER 4 COMPANY. 211 Lewis bid?. FIS"E RESIDENCE SITE. In restricted "Nob Hill, tipper Overton st all permanent street Improvements In 'and only Ji'.iuo. Owner. 7S7 Lovejoy street. BY OWNER. 100x100 Woodstock corner, near car Koed Institute and Eastmoreland. good district. IS fruit trees. 180 bear ing strawberries; price right, terms reason able AO 17U. Oregonlan. . 1S50 SECURES choice 100x100 lot on Alberta carline; worth $1250: snap If sold this week: easy terms. Howard Land Company. 003 Swetland bldg. IV PIEDMONT Corner lot. shade trees, 100 ft pavement paid; will sell at price they are asking for adjoining inside lots, with no pavement, one block to car. Call at 1 N. -d St., cigar store. I WANT to sell my lot on the Peninsula: price same as two years aco-; streets graded and water In and paid for: will take small payment down and 10 per month. Address AO 173. Oregonlan. I725 LAURELHUKST BARGAIN $725. Large lot. all Improvements except pavement In; a sure money-maker. 503 Lumbermen's tldg. '.ACRE. $10 down, $10 per month, near Mt. Scott; 5c car: city water, street graded, all In cultivation. HIGI.EY & P,ISHiP. 132 THIRD ST. $.".0 LOTS, On West Stark and 52d sts. -carline build ing: best buy i- the cly. Empire Realty Tra)v Co., 4Q Yeon Mdf. Marshall 34. I HAVE some good bargains In Laurelhurst. $ o." equitv for $2Xi; $:lti equity for $175: $415. equity lor $225. C. V. Everett. 414 Spalding. COLONIAL HEIGHTS. TtOnIOO for sale by owner, below value; 200 Jeet south of Hawthorne ave.; suit able for flat. AC 1'J7. Oregonlan. VIEW LOT In Mt. Tabor. 200 ft. high. faces east. lOOxloo ft.; owner In hospital and needs cash. Will soil at $1250 casta. AK 3 87. Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL lot In ' Irvington. $550: owner In hospital, needs money. AN 173, Ore gonlan. - ONE of the best corners In this city for movlng-plcture show. Address V 195, Ore gonlan. jTuSSMERE LOT, BARGAIN; iriiprovements paid; near car; price JSOO. 5o3 Lumber men's bldg. . FOR SALE Lot JOxlOO. East 30th and Da vis sts street Improvements In and bonded- price S15U0. AR 1!'4. Oregonlan. BUILDERS, buv tOxlOO, east front lot, walk, curb and water paid, electric, phone, gas; $r.5.l2one2(ti; TWO choice lots In Belle Crest at a sacri fice: well wooded: within block of car; part cas;JdressWl!IO.OreBonian. 75xToo Corner 27th and Holman, will be sold at 'a bargain price. See- It today. Howard Land Company. 603 Swetland bldg. TWO business lots In Fort George. B. C. good location, for sale. Particulars, Thomson. 4S Burnsltf: T)i?T.?ricrrr. xi-vicv K1TE1 A beautifully wooded tract of about four acres on Portland Heights, close to car. clubhouse and school. Tho view is excellent.' There are many fine fir and dovwood trees From one to six of the most beautiful villa sites can bo made or this tract. This is the most unique tr of ground in the city and is being offered exceedingly cheap. r. v. bbt ax. Main JOB:!. r.05 Cham, of Com. A 1 ' BIG DISCOUNT. TSuslMoss lot on Milwaukle ave. l-. Trvlugton corner, lOOxJOtl. lth St.. '"irv'iiiKton lot. 12th and Stanton. $1130. IrvhiRton lot. Sth asd Stanton, ll.n. Irvington loU -t'th and Stanton. J11"0. West Side apartment-house corner, on 14th St.. near Jefferson. 10.OOO. A. Backus. 519 Hoard of Trade Flttir. BARGAIN'S IN" LOTS. 10 per cent down, balance J per cent a month. V0 for a lot 1 block from Alberta car. near E. 14th st!. 750 for a Tine lot near 18lh. 1 blocK fom Alberta car. . Easy terms. Owner. 6ti Sixth st. INVESTIGATE THIS. Fractional lot on King st., near W asli Inrton, suitable for flats or small apart ment only $J7.-.0 for quick sale; terms; inn xloo'ln Irvington. fine corner, cost owner J27O0; will sell for $25"0. THOS. M'CUSKER, S'Jtf LunibennengJdlc. HERE are some fine . building lots. - each 50x100. with city water: you can ret them for v$40O. nothing down, and $10 a month. Close -to good carline. 1ii rapidly growing district of the East side. See Mr. Leonard. Columbia Trust Com- pany. S4 Fourth st. , LAURELHURST. ' I have several choice lots in this beauti ful tract that -can be purchased at barg-.iln prices: owners cannot hold, and are dis posing of their equities at a discount. " CHAS. RINGLER COMPANY. 211 Lewis Bldg. FOR SALE 50x100. corner Wasco, and I.e Bo sts.. with cement walk, park strip . and curbing, for $700 ca.ih If taken at once. Can give clear deed and abstract. HENRY Van CARY. 5'P) Gllsan st. FOR CHOICE IRVINGTON LOT see 3d lot from corner 21st and Stanton sts. " 'Part of street Improvements paid. I'rice 11600. terms. Marshall 712. Room 2, C. L. Bamberger. Lumbermens Bldg. CHEAPEST LOTS N IRVINGTON 100xli0; onlv $:iooO: in lovely home dis trict; this Is a saeritbe price, as I need money for business; SUMHi cash. bal. easy terms. Square Deal Realty Co.. 82 Board of Trade bldg. ' FOR SALE Lot SOxlnO and store building and stock of roceri.: Invoice about UXiO: a nice growing business in one of the best additions to the city; a snap it taken this week. Phones oodlawn -8Ji A2142. BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE. With view that cannot bo surpassed. 125x110: this would also mako a lino hotel nr apartment site. Price $15,000.. Zim mermau. 310 Board of Trade Hlilg. APARTMENT SITES. In the cream of Irvington. facing East 7th st. Positively the onlysltes l! this district where apartments can be built. t For Information K a77. Oregonlan. SEE LB N'OIR CO. for Wast Side- prop ertles. Ground iloor, Chamber of Commerce A SNAP. Fine residence lot. Rose City Park: will sell my equity at less than what It cost me: must sell: going North; no agents. Atl 191. Oregonlan. . PORTLAND HEIGHTS VIEW LOT, $3M0. On sunnv side 'of Elizabeth St.: splendid view; maple and fir trees; all Improve ments In; on carl Inc.-best buy on Heigh". l.ute Pease, owner. Main 251CI. or A o3-' INSTITUTE PLACE, 'at, the corner of E. rsth and. Holgate sts.. has a few lots letr. This is sightly -property, anil prices nrii right. The Western Securities Co., 41 Spaldlngbiag y. ACRE, near Flrland -station on "'"IA Scott carline: $475, easy terms; Bull Run KXAPP & MACK AY. 212-213 Board of Trade: PORTLANd'hEIGHTS SACRIFICE. ' 72x174. level, beautiful trees. three blocks car. $1650. easy t-rais. Main 3531. BROOKE. A 3S3B. I HAVE 2 choice lots in Kenmore Addition belonging to a non-resident. $500 each; also 2 at $400 each. Chas. Klngler & Co., 211 Lewis bldg. COR. 32d AND EMERSON STS. Only $650. Small cash payment suf flclei.jti!.L. Bamberger, Marshall 712, room 2, Lumbermens bldg. $4000 BUILDING and lot for sale in pros perous Columbia River town; pays 8 per cent -on, investment; terms. AV 123, Ore- gonlau. FOR SALE Bv owner, two full lots, corner: beautiful building site, at less than any corner in same vicinity; restricted district. B 193. Oregonian. $750 BUYS one of the finest lots In Vernon, on E. ISth St.. Hi blocks from car; 2 feet above grade; easy terms. owner, 06 Sixth st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Sightly and highly improved lots, one or two: good house; Inquire owner, southwest corner Chapman and Clifton, block and half from car. SACRI FICE Lot 50x100. beautiful corner on oarline. near Archer place. Come and make us an offer. HIGLEY & BISHOP,- 132 THIRD ST. WILL SELL lot 6. block 7, in Bella Crest: jio reasonable cash offer refused. Edgar "jauiue, 1315 Wells Bldg., Milwaukee. Wis. FiTaVe 100x100 on High St.. only 400 feet from the Reed College campus, that I will soli at a bargain II taken at once. Address Owner. B 40, Oregonlan. S1050 BUYS lot on Stanton St.. close to Union ave.; part cash. Owner, ood lawn 1505. TWO lots. Fairport, 30 minutes from West Side: block from car line. $550 to quick buver: cssh. W am. Orcgonian. FOR SALE It 50x100. Foxchase Add.. $5 quire T 174. uregonian. GOOD Morning Aaouion lot aujoining Swlnton. cheap: close to Kenton car. See owner. - Call 2S Florence st. ON account of leaving town must sell my lots at Kenton. 75x103. corner, dirt cheap for cash. AJ 191. Oregonlan. 120x100 OR more, Woodmere district, for "sale; very easiest terms or trade. P 188, Oregonlan. f TWO choice hits, market price $1500, will sell for $1000. Mrs. Hitchcock. Main 4504. KOSSMERE 30x100 on 44th St., one block from Sandy Road: east front; reasonable terms. X 1S3, OrcgonianJ LOT in Ladd's Addition. $700. terms: leav ing City Friday; must sell. Address W ISO. Oregonlan. WILL sacrifice best lot Rose City Park. H block from car, on 49th. All 172. Ore gon Lian. 1-,7-XEAR HAWTHORNE SNAP. Forty-third at.. 5lixloo lot: bargain at price. 503 Lumbermen s piug. APARTMENT SITE. 65x100 Lovejoy. close to 23d: only $0000. . owner, 787 Lovejoy st. WILL trade corner lot lOOxloo, for small house and lot; gtvo particulars. C 172, Orei'oniam ; WEST SIDE lots. $300 to $900; fine river and mountain view; easy slope. 5c carfare. T 193. Oregonlan. IRVINGTON Choice 50x105. S. E. cor. 14th and Thompson. 461 East 13th N. Thono Easl 670. $5 PER month buys nice, level lot. near Cc car. with city water and graded street. HIGLEV & BISHOP. 332 THIRD ST. BIG SNAP Irvington lot for $025 cash: owner has broken leg and must sell at once AK 188. tirwguniao. UNUSUAL $1500 for two lots on 1'ortlanu "Heights," 2 blocks to carline; $500 cash. O 13. Oregonlan. ROSSMEKE. east front. $7..0, big sacrifice: also Broadway, near 2:(d. only $-o. e-harles Zollinger, 313 Corbett Bldg. COLUMBIA BEACH Ocean front lot at a sacrifice. Owner, AG 192. Oregonlan. 50x72 i- Grand-ave. and Hancock; $3000; half cash. Phono Main 3U07. A BARGAIN- -Quarter block on Killlngs $1700. A 5437. worm ave.; CHOICE Irvington lot. $1400. for sale by owner.AddressJ177.qresonian. t ii-HF.l.HURST Equity in four lots. $520; line view; price $1075. B ion. CHEAP for cash. Portland. Main corner lot In South CHOICE lot In Irvington on 17th St.; $1500; terms. AJ 176. Clregonlr.n; MOUNT TABOR lot, bargain. 50x118; must " sell, phone Tabor 1646. . BF it-tiKUL $1000 lot, Wraverlelgh A e"shfoi00.Maljl.464.'l. TWO I aurelhurst equities at less than cost, bought Feb.. 1910. AJ 174. Oregonlan. ONF lot Tor sale. Sweetbriar district. Rose "Vl'ty carline. Main 42SS landlady. FINE lot. sacrifice for cash. AO 192 Oregoniam S.V" P Two large lots Rose City Park $475 "each. AP 179. Oregonlan. x , DEPRECIATION In value ensues from the dav tho house is finished; the site only appreciates. The man of Judgment there fore always selects a site for his home vhere. he will reap the maximum of In crement. This maximum is insured by the possibilities of the property for busi ness or apartment purposes. Strictly resi dential property has a limited value. In come determines the value of business or apartment property. Htye Is a residence lot with a future. On the West Side. Right on the carli within three blocks or I'.iu ami asiiuisciii. i.oi. oav $173'l Terms. P 191. Orcgonian. HAVE a group of etght lots; tney are sit uated in a very desirable portion of Port land Heights. Right on the carline. This would make an Ideal place for a beautiful home for anyone who desires spacious -grounds. These lots are platted and the man who Intends to build a home can make a handsome profit in selling off the remaining lots. Price $11,000. with a re leasy.clauso in tho mortgage. M 391. Oro- goiiian. . WEST. SIDE 50x200. in a quiet, rustic to eality; verv- desirable neiclibors: walking distance: excellent car servn-e: many beau tiful trees. Anyone who loves nature-like surroundings is sure to admire this- This exremely large lot for $3250. Terms. N 194. Oregon tan. 3 SIGHTLY lots, near Kee.l Institute, $.)00, easy terms. Phono Sellwood 93. For Sale Houses. A FEW CHOICE MODERN HOMES. 0-rm.. lot oxl:l5., E. Salmon. $S2.0. 7-rm., lot .VtxloO, E. Everett, $3iOO. ti-rni., lot Mix loo. Albina St., $3.00. 5-rm., lot 50x100, Cook ave., $3300. fi-rm.. lot :ii;loii, Lincoln St.. $2900. 5-rm.. lot 40x300. Alberta St.. $2300. Those houses must be seen to be ap preciated, i'liev aro all in tine location on or near car line. We have houses In nil parts of tho city and at all prices, and best of terms on all. BI.OCH REALTY CO.. 21 Alder St. SEE IT TODAY. ONLY $2900. New 5-room bungalow, full basement, full attic, large living room. seat, tire place, mantel, bm'let, model kitchen, largo porelres, fine niountain view-, cement walks and street improvements paid, lawn, garden, and chicken park, block to Rose Citv Park car. nice, restricted home district; built for owner. Am leaving Portland in few days. Easy terms. Owner. Tabor 3040, or 815 Spald ing HUlg. Sl-NNYSIDE HOME. . . $25110 33xh2 good 5-room modern house on 37th. near Belmont st. RODNEY-AVENUE HOME. $3730 50x125 Nice ti-ruooi modern house, near Eugene st. HALL-STREET HOME. 44O0O N"ice large S-room bouse, gas aiul electric liglu, and first-class plumbing- . FRED C. KING. 314 Spalding bldg. 3d and Washington. WES T S I DET walking distance. Unlimited view. No climb. Sito cost House cost n-" Tots! ....$10,700 $8000 price Absolutely new. I' Fine environment. Owner forced to move. ;- LE NOIR & CO.. Chamber of Commerce. 1 A SACRIFICE. I need 'money, anil in order to get It, Will sell my MODERN" SEVEN-ROOM RESIDENCE AT A SACRIFICE. One of the nicest HOMES In VERNON. 1 block frolh Alberta car. on graded street, cement walks nice lawn: musr be seen to be ap preciated. ONLY $3500 A SNAP DON'T MISS It See property and get terms todav from OWNER ut 1097 Vernon ave. Phone A PRETTY PLACE. Situated on a high, sightly lot. BOxlno, commanding an unexcelled view of th city Is a pew modern 6-room house that can bo bought at a very nttractlve price. Conic out and see it. Take W-W car. get off at East 41st at and ISth ave.. First, house east. ' Ow ner. OAK FLOORS AND SLEEPING PORCH. $3000 $500 CASH. BALANCE RENT real clever 5-room bungalow with dandy lireplace. bookcases, buffets. In fact, every built-in convenience you could wish for Located among fine houses In re stricted district, whero sewer, s-lnch wa ter mains, gas, etc., are now In. A snap for someone who appreciates a good home. Tabnr 2S32. - - I r" : IF you know the value of property on Quim bv st , you will appreciate the low price niade on my home. Eight large rooms and sleeping -porches witrf all modern uP-.o-date Improvements. Flno exterior. hxM lent throughout. ?0500. Terms. P 19 Oregoniam 6-ROOM bungalow, strictly modern high, sightly location, terraced law-n. 'xl00 lot select district. Will sell for $.!0(l less than market value; $3400. $1200 cash, bal ance terms. See owner. 540 Last oitn St., W. U. car. If you want a beautiful b om e see this. BARGAIN $3050 ' OPEN TODAY 2 to C: S. E. corner E. r.r.th and Hillcrest; new 2-story residence: U rooms and sleeping porch: strictly mod ern and up-to-date. Terms easier than rent. Rose City Park car to E. .i-Q. Just finished and strictly modern In everv detail, extremely well-built and finished; $3250. $500 cash. All Improve ment in,. Take Richmond car to E. u7tu st go 1 blk. south to J1U5 Ellsworth. cor. 37th. 1 HAVE a handsome residence on the Last Side. 10(1x300 corner lot. which Is valued at J60O0. I will trade this in on a West Side home an.l pay tho balance n cash Would consider a $10,000 property. AO j si, oresoiiian. ON" NoKTHKUl' ST., a 0-room house, on a 50x50 corner lot. $0750. A fine apartment si'c. House .is in excellent condition. Nice lawn Thoroughly modern. Splendid neighborhood. Terms to suit. O 194. Ore- ponian. . MT. TAHOR Muste sold almost a gift. .Vroom house. Dutch kitchen, ges. full basement, almost 2. lots line view, hen house, plenty of fruit and roses "er2 39 E. 63d: $2300, terms. .Call from 3 till 7 P. M. siik) cash, $:n monthly, including all in- terest. 5-roo.n modem high-grade bun galow; everv modern convenTence between three carlines; price $2700. Phone today. .1 .1111 1 7Z1 ..-i-.-fPif t-TDETT Vice corner lot r.Oxl'Mi. 8-room house. Vi cinity K. Ankeny; for particulars sea J. J. OEDER, Cor. Grainl Ave, and E. Ankeny. , . . 7- I II T If C'l'tf UTT.T ' 0-room house', lot 33 1-3x100. vicinity K. Burnsldest.j;Priceo$4.;50. Cor. Grand Ave, und E. Ankeny. " HERE IS YOUR CHANCE TO -GET A nice home with very little money. 2 5-room modern houses. $2000, $-J cash, balance same u .T . .Ti . c. lil.OCH REALTY CO., 2Q6 Alder St. TWO fine new houses in Rose City Park. T with east fronts, beautiful view; easy terms and low prices, (-ail at 411 E. ...d st. today or at 015 Lumbermens bids Mon day. 7 . w , ittiFUL homo on Thurman St., 8 AroomAs.blovelr'th,ng modern n.agn,f.cent view- high-class neighborhood. Jxl" lot with abundance of roses and foliage. $sr.0O. Terms. N 190. Oregonlan. b-ltoOM modern homo. Nob Hill district S7--.OII This Is the biggest snap In that iliitrlct. 1 om re idy to prove it. J. L. Smith. 513 Chamber Commerce, Port land. Or. ; HOME on Overton st. Owner will sell his iand-ome residence for $8750. The lot. Lux 100 is worth $5500. Houso is strictly modern with fine garden. Terms. AM ISO. orcgonian. BEAUTIFUL suburban home, a dandy, right un-to-date, 9-room house, with acre, of land. Bull Run water. 5c fare. I want to sell, will give easy terms. Address. ,r 147 E. 28th St. Phone East 1;.4. hviis Is one worth the price asked. East Slue, line view . ni"c : Ing porch: strictly modern: built by owner for home. Just being completed. Must sell. Owner C 192. Oregonian. -TOliY house and large lot, good barn: " price1 $3100; $50o cash, balance mortgage. iS per cent. John P. Weston, 90S Chamber of Commerce. Main 6907. FOR SALE At a great sacrifice. 10-room house; new and modern: parties compelled to go East- $30o; this week only: worth jiuuii more. r nwu.; ,. ......... .. .. 6-ROOM modern, fine lireplace. close to Hawthorne ave. 1 am reducing the price to $2000. I wilf giv very easy terms. J E Smith. 513 Chamber Commerce. TWO choice corner lots, goud house, garden and fruit: two carlines. fine location; $2000. with terms See owner on property, S. L. corner E. 22d and Prescott sts. MODFRN S-room house. East Side; easy walking distance, small payment down, balance like rent. Apply 73 East 10th. corner Stark. $373 CASH large 3-room cottage, lot 50x100, all Improvements paid. $10 a month, no, interest: price $850. From owner, Mon tavllla car. Phone Tabor 2615. ' WANTED A bungalow on Portland Heights, 500x100 lot. Will pay $2500 to $4000. Please give particulars and lowest cash price. AN 190, Oregonlr"-