- t rTTT QTTVTiVV OT?rfiOVIAX. rORTXAXD. JUNE 18, ' - i . Ktrnr TAntv f XEWTOT.T JTOVAT tw TQTT. -1 j'""- I . I ; ; I l . ijCC HOUSES S1825 $2100 $2400 $2500 $2750 $2800 $2800 $2900 $2900 $3250 $3500 $3700 $3750 $4000 RMtiful -rxm hu n Mr. Sirtt cr ltn. nr Fir la nd L"t 4ui4. Jiacrl tir for all cah. Dww1 S-rom rota on CnrDtt rn S crlip. f.ood S-room cottaa on Kst Main at., near 2SL Savn-room housa at 10S K. Main at. Oio.1 &-rm horn. In lower AlOina. nnr Kuell at. Nw, mo-!rrn 3-room bunaa l"w In Wavarlalah lletirhls. New. modern S-room bunga low at 1J0 taat ZiA at. X. -room b"u. X. W. corner IH and fct Main (ta. Modern S-room buna-alow on Kmi lt M- near Haw thorne ave. Fat St!i at., near Harrlnon. bra.itlf til S-tnom bunralow. mall rottaaa. l"t about 'x ! feet.. X. Joth at., near Thurman t- Good l-room 'houM In Al berta. New. nifrtern. 7-room house on corner, near Sellwoo i rarline. Good S -room bouae on Clay t.. near lth. Good f-rnom hou.e on Ivy ax. near lnlon ara. N. Good houa on corner lot on 12th Just weal of Udd Addition. Mo.ern i-room houae In Vetniorrlaad. Good l-room hou. on El JltM at., near Koae City Tarlt car'.lne. Weil-bullt. 7-room houae. corner lot. irrns th atreet frrm echoolhouae. near I ni'-n ve. $4000 $4000 $4200 $4250 $4350 $4750 $5000 $5000 $5000 $5500 $5500 $5S00 Xew. modem houaa. aeven room. Koae City Park. Three cottages, corner on Kull at. 1 romvTllIamook at., near U'l liama ve. Willamette Ilelht.. aeren room. Swell new -room b'unalow. corner lot. on Kaet 3th at. HoIIadiy'a Addition. Fine 7 rnom houae. Alame la Park. Modern 7 room bona. Wakefield, Fries & Company 85 Fourth Street E. Burnside Street PRICE SI 7,500 Inoma IH per month. Lot iStlo. ani t iree fat bulldln- cortlnlna; two four-room fata In each butM:ng. Thl rroperty 1 new and up tt date, haa all m -x'ern Improvementa, Indu.iin fur-.-. f!rp.are. et . Situated at the I;, cc.rner of K. P'imalde and E. Sth ra. Teem-. $"0. caah. balance 3 yeara, ft per Cent. Halsey Street PRICE S1350 Lot slrt- feet. Includina- all atreet Improvementa oaid for: altuated on the -utb H- of 'Halaey at., between K. :') and K. Jl'th atrta. Term a. Clackamas Street PRICE S1250 Lot Sxlon. cement walk a. altuated on f..'kanu at., between K. 3lh and K. A Good Corner E. 7TH A2TD BELMONT STREETS PRICE S11.500 Lot SaloO. a'tuated on the north west co'rner of E. Seventh and E. FW1 tiionl atreet. A NICE CORNER LOT Belmont Street PRICE S2750 forr.er lot. 4x!"0. Itelmont and E SSth etrete. All lmirovementa In and raid. We corm.ler tue above the beat buy In thta diatrlct. Sale or Exchange EAST MORRISON ST. CORNER That fine bulnes corner altuated on t'e S, W. corner if Kat Ktral and Kaat Mortl?on streets, beine; directly aouth cf th E.-vU SI'le paaaencer depot. The uciiers will take aa p.irt pnvnient a K "'d tcsi'lt-rre. For price, terms and 'ill partictilara see us. Mall & Von Borstel J ft. I Srea4 I.aaaker F.meaaaae Bids. Mexico Haa come out of the klnka better than ever nnd tlioe who buy land there wit, an ' dya w ill pay less than there after. In all the turmoil there was not a ripi of diatrirhance In onr prt of tf country, an-1 o-ir atlrneya report o.ir title (wrfe.t. Vf aave the b-at a-'il In tie world, the beot clasa of p. pt in the repuhltc and transportation facilities unexcelled. F.'irrvni Ions In mc.Iflplea of ten acre until fur'ir notice at js per acre, on esy lerm. leared and In cultivation. Six months allowed for Inspection of ;i,l: satisfaction Kuarantee1. , Rabb & Patton XS l.aaiarrmu klda, V aad Stark. Three Extra Bargains LOOK THRU t r. N. W. corner Alblna avenue and Stan, ton: tliM. ;0il03. I'nton avenue, close In. SI350. Sax 104. Took ave.. handsome house. J. D. Kennedy KM I alow aveaae . Fhone Woodlawn 171. ITV 11 I. M RRI.HI RT I.OT." a for mo. win aeii mv fi::s equity in fine xlouhle corner, flrai p!at .f Uaurelhurat. f r '. Golrnc East and must rloae thla week. Adlreaa S Oregonlaa. BEAVERT0N REEDVILLE ACREAGE One rr is more than 208 fet aqinr. or ejnal to one city block of eigbt !ou. The new pos-toffire block i selling at $340.IM)0. Many blin-ka in the city could he mii for oevernl time this amount, this because of the growth of the city. Get an acre or more only 40 minntes out on both steam and electric lines; Fourth-treet xteam road" paaseg through center of our trart. four sta tion on the zrotinrl. road to be flee- jjrifie,! this Summer; the tunnel under Council t re-t will reduce running time to 25 minutes; all these improve ments mean rapid advance in values. The very best of soil for fruit, berries and gardens. Part ff the family may work in the city, so get a home that will contrib ute" to your income and grow in value. An acre here or, probably two acres can be had for the price of the 50xlM) lot you are Jiving on and can be bought with the money you now pay as rent. Modern transportation will help you along. See ns at once ami ffVange to look at this arreupe, as we are t-ellinir at $250 to $500 reracre in any sized tract you may de-ire and upon easy payments. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. Main X. A 350O. Investments t7f11 houae on quarter blocK. rent l"'0 oer month; on Kellv at Weat Sl.le: 1;5u0 uaah. CQ"7Cfi l'""!". bualneaa corner, on doOU Wllllanra ave.: pood houae. QfjrtfvTwo hotiaea and lOOxloe on 0OUU Culld at. near Thurmnn. (in CHA rur fin flata on 8outh dlUrOUV Front at.: rent 144: pay ing li) per cent. nnn Four fine flata on corner SlaJfUUVJ lot. K. Maillson at. Kent 11 J per mo.: ta'V ra" s r nnn SOxlOO on lath at., near O luiUUU I.ove)oy: (rood for ware house; aood house. Grussi & Zadow SIT Board ef Trade Bide, dta aad Oak 10-Room RESIDENCE airy rooms, plenty of clothes closet. lara paniv in connection uh niivuvu. a. ei- trleltv. aeweraite. hot and cold water: full bnsemcnt and laundry, high lot R0xl"0. fine lawn, abumlance of roaes. Located on hord-surf.iced atreet: asuensnients all paid; chie In. one block from Rood carMne. tnly ."CK)0. terms can be had. Call for Mr. Keasan. BL'Y NOW OF (Hint IIRHI.n', S.t3-33 ( kaaker ef t oaaaaeree. DO NOT FAIL TO LOOK THIS UP iS5 for thU property. Will ruaran tee it to net JVr thla year, and no rea. aon why It will not earn more than this every year If properly taken care It Is worth more money than It Is offered for. but I am obliged to diepoae of some of my property at once. 1) 171, OreR-ontan. WEST SIDE HOMES 10-room mrxlorn residence on Hoyt street, $14,500. Comer, with 7-room house, on 14th street, near Portland Academy, JrSoOO. Will trade part. J. J. CAHALIN 63- Chamber of Commerre. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater M. TBted Blreec Big Snap MstftO lot on sr.VKTH ITH RKT, close In: two houses, rental now month. Offered for fiv ilavn only for quick sale. Owner non - resident. PRICE (InOOO. fall room No. &u! Tean bide. 40 ACRES Mut iy r rd ; irtm atrr : adjoin trie Or. .n Airrif-u.tir: f"tiiaT prf..r' UnJ. V.mr P"r. app' an-1 u. nut land. 3 mli frnrn hnd. Ynmhtil mnty; also 1 -'7 ' n rrt, ahnut '-t 1 r'-d. hUncf IlKht tnk: prin4T water: (rood f rutt land. I ml fi om ihrtian; p r rjm for lhr. than S thm ir'.r rthd tor tmltar land in m vtctnltr Wu'. m--t n tav trma. Call i own-r. 413 WVi!i-Faro bid. MOXKY TO LOAX fITV MOHTti ai;i:, i KAHM MtH Tt; Utj, LOVl:T BATES. TfclKMS Tl SVIT. A. H. miUUXL CO., n3 m'k at hi n.nnn, Third aad Mark. OREGON Splendid little place on ood road, near county aeat of 5000. new nouse. new barn, good well. ountr mixed orrharil; every foot-under cultivation, no atonea. no atumps, no frravel Just good WILLAMETTE VALLEY soil: this year", crop Included: 0-aore commercial orchard Adjolnlne. hundreda of acres of commercial orchards In vi cinity, good local market, rail and wa ter transportation to Portland. Terma. fi;;-') cash, balance 7 per cent, t years, or optional. No dealer's commission to pav. Address Owner. Hox K2I. Tacoma. vtash PIEDMONT New ll-room house, all modern, at 111 HaJrhf ave.: 150 fet from car. Offered at a reduced price, cee It at once. IKRCH AT AVnel A 1 RUT COMPACT. ROCHESTER $25 LEVEL CLEARED LOTS $25 ' NEW T0WNS1TE The new townslte of Rochester !. rated In a very rich valley, at the junction of three great rallroada. now In operation. New elertrle line to be built at once. Four milea of this line completed and cars are running. A blic factory Is now under construction and new homes and buslneaa houses are olnir up. YOUR OPPORTUNITY ' Put a few dollars In Rochester while the prices are within your reach. Oet a home that will support you and an investment that will make you bin money. Med ford. North Vaklma. Spo kane and doxen of other towna made fortunes for the buyera who bought wnen theee towns started. LOOK AT THIS Prices 'will be raised 0 per cent on July I. While fhey Inst we will sell level, cleared lots, rlnht at. the Junc tion of theae rallroatla. close to school, stores and depot.- for only lh each, on terms. Three hundred lots sold In Port Innd I test month. Kverybody that sees llochasier buys more. , BUY THEM'NOW And let some one pay you a profit. Those who buy before the prleea rise are sjolnir to make the big: profit. DwVt wait until the best are font Call or write for booklet. We are ownera. not aftente, and wa acll on small monthly payments. War ranty deed and free abstract. warn HOMMWisraai co. Iie CHAMBER OP COM MERCK, Ktark, bet. M aad 4th. 512 for $4250 4i for $2900 Water, sewer and hard surface street all paid for: 1 block to 60-foot public, landing;; very pretty view over river: at station In Rlverwood. the really good suburban dletrlet (old White House grounds). VERY EAST TERMS, Chaoin & Herlow X12 Chamber f CeianarVre. BEARING HOOD RIVER ORCHARD $7SO CASH For IToO cash, balance In five years, we can klvn you a lo-acre bearing orchard In the heart of the lower Hood River Vallev. which la now aelf-sup-portlnr. and in a short time will pay for Itself and make you Independent. Located on main county road, opposite schoolhouse and near snipping station. Telephones, dallv mall delivery and fierpettial water rlaht. Only two tracts eft. Thorough Investigation Invited. Oregon-Washington Development vo. TII-13 Coach Bid-. Marshall IftBX 13 Choice manufacturing site on Columbia Boulevard and O.-TV. R. & X. R. R. Deep water and railroad facilities. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. SPLENDID VIEW TRACTS Mllwaukle Park, restricted district. l"nequ.fled view of Portland. St. Johns and Vancouver, and of Mount Hood, t. Helena and snow-capped Cascades; Hi mlnutea from heart of Portland; less running time required than to St. Johns. Mnntavllla. Lenta or Council Crest. ONK A.D TWO-AC RB TRACTS. Splendid soil, fine water. , Our prices are rlicht and terms In "ttlr.d. In veatlftate. oi o or CHAPIN & HERLOW 3.t3-.VtH Chamber of Camaaeree. SEE MT. HOOD FROM TOt R OWy FROJIT PORCH. Tou can buy a home In the heautiful Irvlngton IMstrlct on monthly pay ments, no more than rent. Corner Weldler and Twenty-ninth streets; one oleck from new Broadway carllne. Thoroughly modern aix-room houae with aieeplng-porch. fireplace, built-in bonkcasta, furnace, gas, electricity. Inquire of owner. FIDELITY TRl'ST COMPANY, ao Board at Trade Bids. Phone Marahall 1TST. INCOME $2520 PRICE 318,000. CHAPIN & HERLOW, MORTGAGE LOANS KOWARD B. GOl'DEY, Lewis Ualldlag. 5 River! ew Lots Acres ' I.I XEW TODAY. ... - Tate Investment Co.s HOME BARGAINS NOTE EASY TERMS , 1 Irvington tCCnn',OM CASH buys a beautl dOuUu ful 7-room bungalow on lot 60x102. Thia house was built for a home, and contains nothing but the best. This place Is easily 500 under tne market value. Rossmere C(Oiin'7M CASH. Beautiful -OXAjUU room. 2-story houee. Just being- completed, and finish work could be had to suit. Lot 60x100. Improve ments paid. East front. Reception hall, fireplace, paneled dining-room, built-in buffet: sleeplngr-porch. Rose City Park t?Cnne1M CASH. 6-room bunga OOOUUlovr. Reception hall, larare living and dininB-room. fireplace, book cases buffet, hardwood floors, win dow seats, model Dutch kitchen, fine shade trees, fine lawn. Tou cannot af ford to mlsa this plaoe. aa It la a beauty. Hawthorne Avenue ) A rift MM CASH. 2-etory. 6-room tfi)4UU house. 1 block north of Hawthorne ave., facing; east, on corner lot. Street Improvements paid. Fire place, beamed ceiling's, buffet, sleeping-porch. A good buy. Waverly Hgts. CSnnfl CASH. 6-room bung-a-sDOUUU low. Douhle constructed, on hlxh. sightly lot commanding fine view. Hardwood floors. fireplace. Dutch kitchen, with cooling closets, large sleeping porch. This place cannot be duplicated anywhere else In. the city. TATE .INVESTMENT CO. Marahall 24. .. .. SOl-2 Coach Hid. Rank In Portlnnd Realty." 400 ACRES '. 23 miles from courthouse. Electric line and Mo Road Mountains in view, river, creek and numerous sprinsp, beautifully wooded, some virgin -forests. BOATING AND FISHING Fine Frnit Land Thus tract is ideally located for PLATTING Into Summer homesites. Invest iprata this. Call 00( Spalding Building. SOUTHEAST CORNER NORTH 18TH AND JOHN SON STREETS. Improved quarter which can be subdivided. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth St. 7 500 Acres GOOD WHEAT LAND $25 Per Acre Will exehanpe for Portland or Ilood River property. a GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark St. Holiday's Addition The one REST place In Portland to buy. OKOOKAPHICAL, CENTER and MOST liESlKAeiyt; reaidence property of the city. SF.EIXG IS BELIEVIJTR BETTER go and see the many CHOICE resi dences under construction and tbe im provements s;olna; on. IIib Oregojieal (tt Company GRAND AVE. AKD MrLTXOMAH ST. Good eight -room house, good yard; must sell at once. Sacrifice price. Phone Mar shall 2o6s.. Portland Heights Splendid new residence, IS rooms. ' 1 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms. 2 lota, flaragre. native trees; secluded ocatlon. beautiful suroundlogs. Only fHKIO. OWKER, Od kflLUl.VO BtlLDLJfO. WMm Nob Hi 1 1911. 1 l COME TO G S R T G I O E R Y Tak' Advantage of Our Big FREE RENT OFFER By the terms of this offer we fur nish you with a nice large tent buDgalow, built on a fine 50x100 foot lot, in Gregory Heights. It is cool and comfortable, and 'you will enjoy living in one this Sum mer. A lot purchased on the easy payment plan is the means of your getting this TREE RENT. We furnish everything. In Gregory Heights, cement sidewalks and curbs are now being laid. Bull Run water is in, and all lots command a fine view. The car ride is short, along the Sandy road, most direct line in the city. Lots as low as $200, on easy terms. Come to Gregory Heights today. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. INVESTMENT C0.W $3700 A new home, aeven rooms, full lot; very neat and tasty; at 1351 Eat Eighteenth, Westmoreland. Terms like rent. Must sell, owner leavinjr. $4750 57xS8. with modern six-room dwelling; paraze In rear a little gem. See at No. 295 East 5th. near Hawthorne. $7500 A large dwelling, pink of condition, magnificent view. South Portland, easy terms. If you want a home this Is a good one, with ground 70x170. $10,000 Four flats on full lot, near Broadway, paying about 8 per cent net. Good future and terms. $19,000 Apartment site near Multnomah Club, West Madison snd Stout; very choice and 6ightly. $22,500 A Nob Hill apartment site. 100x100, In midst of classy homes. Very easy terms. $92,500 Four-story brick, full corner, well rented; Salmon street. Good future. Terms. Jackson & Deering Phonea Main 34S, A S43T. 244 Stark St. Fine new 8-room house, having all modern conveniences, hot water heat, hardwood floors, beautifnl panel and woodwork, built-in bookcases and buffet. This place is located on 25th and Tillamook, among the finest 'homes in Port land and is an exceptional bar gain. F. 1 BOWMAN & CO., . 22d'and Brazce. E. 935. A FIVE-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD WITIIIV .30 MILES OF PORTLAND. FOR $1500 2te Iatereat IVo Taxea VIS Oowa and SI5 Monthly. Northwestern Association SpalUIn Hlria-. Portland ROSSMERE A first-class restricted residence dis trict, with' all the improvements, con veniences and requirements of the particular homebuilder, with prices that are right. Take Rose City car to 39th street. Our representative, Mr. Cater, on ground afternoons. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Room 6 Board of Trade Bid. Main 407. A 8252. MORTGAGE LOANS tZOT JOHN E. CRONAN, HOt J JO aoa Spaldlas Bid. ff V I H afD m mjl 6 Bargain Koad ace Today. All we a?k is to compare Sandy Road Place prices for. homes and future prospects with adjacent properties or properties even closer in. Sandy Road is now double tracked, with a 10-minute car service and hard surface street, thus insuring it to-be a future business thoroughfare. Located at Sandy Road and East 24th street. Fifteen minutes' walk to the business center of Portland. Take Rose City Park. car from Sec ond and "Washington streets, and get off right at Sandy Road Place. Prices and Terms $1300 and upward; 20 per cent cash and 10 per cent each three months, with 6 per eent interest; 10 per cent off for cash. This includes sewer, cement walk and Bull Run -water. Streets are to be hard surfaced dur ing coming Summer. Call for plat. W. H. Grindstaff 1125 Yeon Building. Tel. Main 875, A 7342. Geo. D. Schaik 228 Stark Street. Tel. Main 392, A 2392. BUILDING HAS COMMENCED IN That elegant, close-in West Side residence district. A splendid view from every lot. No nicer place for a home anvwhere. Take "W car. Three blocks south of Forestry Building. Our rep resentative on the ground. . Clark -Cook Co.i Room 6 Board Trade Bldg. B. The Largest Addition of View Property in Port land. Contour Streets. U n Numerous Farics Magnificent 200 I I Foot Hillside i . Boulevard to Down town Very Reasonable 'j in Price and- Terms- C WEST3WBCO. MADISON BLDG. 5TOAN0MADlS0M rURSM.980 A 4747. East Side' Bargain 150x100 feet, corner lot. with 10 r6om residence, good condition, fine lawn, abundance of roses. Fine high lot, .close in, one block from ear; hard-surface street. Price is right; terms. Call for Mr. fceagan, Chapin & Herlow 332-333 Chamber of Commerce. Country Homesites Do you want to buy a five or tn-are tract from owner? I will give you eaay terms. This land ia eight miles from Port land, four miles fram city limits: good road all the way. Part of thia land has fruit on It. The aoll ia extra good. The water la socd. You can make a good living on one of these tracts, have a good country home, and you can't make money faster than to Improve a home like this, for it Is growing Into money so fast. Tracts are platted In acres Joining this now. This land lies right near the Cathollo home and other large buildings and beautiful grounds. Call and sea me. will be In office all day Sunday. 1104 YEOJf BUM. Call for Mrs. Taylor. TERRACE Stop! Look!! Listen!!! The whistles of trains of three rail roads are now heard in that FASTEST-GROWING T0WXSITE, Rochester Real estate is increasing in value rapidly and doesn't need advertising, for most every one has heard of TTTnSF. TTTR.FK RAILROADS now operating as high as six trains daily each wav on a single une; oi ixiai TVTKRTTRRAN L1XE now oneratinsr cars on FOUR MILES of its route; of that FACTORY actually buildinsr; what GOVERNOR HAY, OF WASH INGTON, said about that THRIVING BURG while toasting at me cw cnnSTFP R4KOT7ET: of that TWELVE THOUSAND ACRES OF LEVEL, CLEAR LAND that is now koino r.M in small fruit, berrv and chicken ranches; and of that EXCEL LENT SCHOOL, etc., but to let you u tit.i TXT a liovo livpd in the vicin- ' w tun b - - - ity of ROCHESTER TOWNSITE the i ereater part ol Xt years ana nave se cured AND ARE PREPARED TO SELL some of the, BEST RESI DENCE AND BUSINESS LOCA TIONS in and FARMS AND SMALL ACREAGES near there, we are insert- 1 ing this ad. Some of those Level Clear Lots Each $12.50 (Not more than two deeded to one name at this, price.) Business Lots $35 LOTS on proposed INTERURBAN, A FEW ONLY, $25.00. The above prices 'are only introduc tory and we have only a limited num ber to let go at this, though these are just as good as those sold and selling at four to 10 times these prices. We nor any other firm may ever be able to quote so good prices to the investing public again, so don't be a "foolish virjrin," but fill' your finan cial lamps while it is daylight. THINK OF IT! ! ! Can you invest your money where the returns will be larger or surer than in a rapidly growing and well-located Western town? Think twice, and we are sure yon will call and see samples of soil, maps, photographs, etc., and investigate our "no interest payment plan," or write for circular, Rochester and Thurston Company. Title guaranteed to all lands we han dle. Whitcomb Bros. 1020 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. On Stark, bet. 3d and 4th. Phone Main 2663. - Open until 8 P. M. Mortgage Loans on city property at reasonable rates. CLARK-COOK COMPANY, 6 Board of Trade Building. RIVERDALE DISTRICT 34 of an acre overlooking the river. View of mountains, 3 minutes from station, 22 minutes out : water in ; on county road. Practically level. $1500 Chapin & Herlow SM Chamber of Comnirrre. 160 acres 9 miles northwest of Portland Courthouse. 157 acres on Tualatin River, 9 miles south of Stark street. 120 acres in Washington County, 10 miles southwest of Portland Courthouse; all special buys and will be rap idly advanced in value by the growth of the city. The Shaw-Fear Company 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. SPECULATION 28.6 acres on Columbia Boulevard, mrming back to deep .water on Columbia Slough. Price low. ?2500 cash, balance at 5 on Ion?; time. . GODDARD & WIEDRICK 243 Stark Street. INCOME $2520 PRICE 818,000. CHAPIN & HERLOW, FOR SALE Br' owner, lot in Wivarlelgh Heights, near carllne, J750; y trm. In quire 71 E. St . V