The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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These deposits are kept
separate from the other
funds of the Bank and in
vested in unquestioned se
curities, insuring absolute
safety to depositors.
Accounts may be opened
with $1 or more at the con
venience of depositors.
We Announce the Arrival of a Complete New Line of Iate Model R. & G. Corsets. Particularly Snit
able for Medium Figures Is Style B 80. It Is Extremely Popular Because of Its Simple Graceful Lines
and Displays the Modern Fashion in Gowns to the Very Best Possible Advantage. Price Only $1.50
A Sale of Notions
400-yard spool Black Silk...... 250
Best Eagle Brass Pins at.. ... 5
Large Hand Scrub Bruslies at. . .5
Glass Tooth Brush Holders at. ..10
Large Cube Mourning Pins at. . .5
Eve Collar Supporters, 6 for 100
Washable Collar Supporters, 6 for.5?
A Sale of Notions
5c Nickel-Plated Safety Pins. . .2At
10c large size Hair Nets at 5
15c large Skirt Markers at 10
15c Fancy Collar Supporters at.lO?
15c Child's Hose Supporters at.lO
25c large Dressing Comb at 10
15c large Dress Shields at 10
Surgeons Fail to Find Bullet
Though Millionaire Is
The Most in Value, The Best in Quality
rr.x sATistnAT kvekijcs,
TO .
VSJ n I PI UANUrnM"j-7,, fwm
Evidence That PfCrctlxr Were F.ui
plnyeti to Shadow French Maid
I Give by Proprietor of
Kjnpknrnt Afrnrj.
cial Although C Frederic Kohl. th
mlillon-alre clubman, who waa shot
Taesdar afteraooa by Mla Adele
Verge, still In an estremelr danger.
om condition. eDeouragtng reporte con
tlnoe to coma from the Adlar sane
torium. where ha waa taken ahortly
after th shooting Seere! X-ray
a ml nation hare fa ilea to Bad taa but
let la Koril'a breast.
It waa aaM at tha (Sanatorium toda
that although ha waa atlll anfferln
irraat pain, to pallaat'a condition waa
battar than had beea expected. It
pe4 a fatrly good nlcnt.
alra Frederick Kohl la atlll watching
aaxtoaaly by tha bedside of bar wound
ad husband. From tha tlma of tha
ehootlng until lata yaatarday afteraooa
aha refused to tje a moment a reat
or to aea any of tha frtenda who have
rant by tha acore to Inquire about
Kohl'a condition. Oha will remain at
tha sanatorium until ber husband
out of dancer.
French Ctrl Near Col la pee.
In tba meantime. Adela Verse, tha
French maid who ahnt Kohl, following
tha loa of a ault which aha had ln
stituted against Mm and Frank A.
Miller, proprietor of tha Glenwood Inn
at Riveratde. la In a atata of collapse
at tba city prison. She baa been hr
tertcal In the axtrama alnca tha aboot
Ing. and laat Bight It waa found necee
aary to gtv bar medicine to quiet
har. Hhe la atlll praying that ber vie
tim may recover and declarea repeat
edly that aha did not mean to ahoot
him and dna not know why ahe did it.
Hre will probably be formally
charted with aaaault with Intent to
roramit murder. Her assertion that
she waa being ahadowed by detectWea
received a partial confirmation today
by Mis Eulogia Kelly, who conducts
an employment agency at 111 Butter
street. bllse Kelly aald that wben
the (lrl had Brat coma to ber seek
ing a pooltlon aha told a story of hav-
Ingaoeea followed by a detective ana
n proof pointed to a man who waa
loitering on tha other aide of tba street.
Pet cell to Shadows dri
lls walked up and down for several
hour while Miss Kelly permitted tha
girl to remain Inside, letting har go
later by a door In tha rear of tha
building. Tha next day a man went
to Mn Kelly to Inquire whether ahe
ever bad French malda applying for
work, tihe gave him tha namea of see
etaU but withheld that of Miss Verge.
and bo went away dlasatlsfled.
Mis Kelly also aald that laat Bun
day a man whom aha had never reen
before came In and asked similar ques
tion. Ha went away without asking
ta make the appointment customary
seeking a girl for employment. Miss
Kelly did not mention Miss Verse's
uim Because of tha woman'a ex
treme nervouaneaa. Miss Kelly waa an
able to recommend her to her patrons.
Astoria Constable Trleo to Stop How,
Praws Revolver.
ASTORIA. Or. June IS. 8peclal
Private Roy Janes, of the Coaet Artil
lery, stationed at Fort Slovene, waa
ahot hare thle evening by Constable
John Payer and eeverelr. though, it la
believed, not dangerously Injured.
Savaral eoldtera were fighting on tha
street and the constable atepped In to
atop them, when the eoldtera turned
on htm. The officer pulled his pistol
and In the mix-up Bred, the bullet
striking Jonra la the richt cheek and
enlng through to tha back of the neck.
The bullet waa removed at tha hospital.
As there waa ronalderable excitement
among tha eoldtera. Constable Bayer
waa taken In charge by the police to
prevent further trouble.
KngU'h Work In cma a Relate Morle
of Condition of Poor.
UOXrKiX. June 1 Fpedal. At
tha festival ef the Oaremont Central
Mission the other day Mr. Faraona. a
worklngman described aome aad ecenee
witnessed bv the Oaremont "Cruaad
era" during their midnight work among
the Embankment outcaata during tha
laat five yeere. Aa many aa home
e men aad women were counted oa
one Saturday night.
-We aee men walking along aaleep."
said Mr. Parsons. "I have aeea them
run Into the trees. We have aeen them
asleep oa tie seals, covered with snow,
one man we found asleep on the wrong
side ef the parapet, oa a narrow ledge,
and be aald he alept there occasionally
to get out of tha wind."
He learned to Ride Blcjcle Without
Trouble and Is an Enthusiast.
IiNfOS. June is. (Special.) King
Geo-, who haa Just presented a per
petual challenge trophy for cycllsta.
has long been an enthusiast of tha
wheel. Like ao many other member
f hi family, be waa taught to ride
by Mr Mayva. a famous raring man of
the '. and proved aucb an adept
pupil that, to quota bla Instructors
words. "11 didn't want any teaching,
lie Jumped oa bis bicycle, wobbled
about a bit. and away he went, tiding
it well, not exactly Ilka an old band,
but varv well."
Mr. Mares' Brat royal pupil waa
ITinceaa Henry of Battenbera. who had
her first lesson on a trloyrl. In the
grounds of Buckingham Palace. Queen
Alexandra ithea Prtnreaa of Wales)
had her Brat leeaoa at Kandrlngham on
a tricycle which bad been built In
ore uaya aa a Christmas present for
Savings & Trust
orrirERi axd directors!
W. H. Fear Pvealdeat
W I Hard Caa Vleo-Frealdaat
O. r. many sr. ........ Casblear
E. a. tl !. . . AeeWtaat raahle
Oee. X. Dart. Cawtav Frtewald.
Jaaaew B. Kerr.
attempts to cross a thoroughfare. Tha
popular feeling towards the average
chauffeur waa algnlArantly Illustrated
when a man who, after having been
nearly run down, pulled out a knife and
plunged It Into the back of tha driver
of that particular motor car, waa
greeted with loud and approving cries
by tha spectators of the Incident.
Doublr of Celebrities) Frequently
Cans Strango Predlcamenta.
LOXDON, June la. (Special.) Many
celebrttlee bava had their double.
Grant Puff records that be found "Pro
fessor Sen radar so ludicrously Ilka
Huxley that I went up and shook
handa with him at Lady Altord'a. La
celt a bad Just mad a similar mistake.'
There was a strong physical resem
blance between Tennyaon and Lealle
Stephen. In spite of a disparity In
yeara: and between Julea Ferry and
Whltelev. the Universal provioar.
Edwin Tates was so Ilk the lata
Shah of Persia that bis photographs
were aold In Brussels aa tha Shah's
when Naar-ed-Lln visited that city. Sir
Laurence Alma-Tadema uaed to bava
double In George Lu Maurler. so
cloeely did they resemble eacb other
that a ladr at dinner one aaareaaeo
Du Maurler aa "Sir Alma.- and assured
him that ha was "really not a Pit use
that Mr. Do Maurler. aa people tried
to make out.
Cham ot Missing DoroLhy Arnold
Married In New Tork.
NEW TORK. June 19. (Special.) D.
Hinckley Arnold, brother of Dorothy
Arnold, wboaa atranga disappearance on
December IX last still remains a mya-
terv. this afternoon married ainarea
Culver, a chum of the missing girl. Mlsa
Culver la tha daughter or Mra. laaoai
Clark Culver, and Uvea with her mother
at (41 Park avenue.
She waa an Intimate friend of Miss
Arnold, and during tha search for her
took an active part In It. going to Phil
adelphia several times when clewa to
tha missing girl led there. Pec a us the
members of the Arnold family be! lev
their daughter dead, and consequently
are In mourning for her. the wedding
waa free from all ostentation.
Thar waa a reception, however, at
tha bom of the bride's mother. Mr.
Arnold Is a graduate of Wllllama Col
lege, and la In bualneaa with his father.
Portland People In Chicago.
CHICAGO. June IS. (Special)
Portland people at Chicago hotel to
day were: At the Congress Mr. and
l B. tMldner. o. M. Clark: at th
Laaelle T. W". Inaull. F. Kabb.
Rdlefsen's Sishwood Is superior.
Charm and Elegance
of True Beauty
IStlltwell In Fashion.)
Every woman delights In a velvety
kin and fine complexion, but faw rea
lise the barm done the akln'a delicate
urface by mothering It with powdera
or r osmetic," wrltea Mma. Stlllwell In
A mayatone lotion glvea grand re-
ulta and la quickly prepared by dis
solving a small original package ot
mayatone In eight ounces of witch
haseL Maasaga this freely Into the
akin every day and you will be sur-
rlsed bow soon It Is rlesred and beau-
(ted. while the complexion takaa on
the charm and elegance of true beauty.
"Nothing equals mayatona to protect
tha skin from changeable weather, tan
or frecklea. It la easier to use and
more satisfactory than powder. Is
greaaeleaa and will not grow hair"
Good News for the Deaf
A celebrated New Tork Aurlat has
been selected to demonstrate to deaf
people that deafneaa la a dlaeas and
can be treated successfully In your
own home.
He proposes to prove this fsct by
sending to any peraon having trouble
with their ears a trial treatment ot
thla new method abaolutely free. Wa
advise all people who have trouble
with their eara to Immediately addreaa
Dr. Edward Gardner. Suite i. No. 40
West Thirty-third street. New Tork
City, and wa wlab to assure them that
they will receive by return mall, abao
lutely tree, a "Trial Treatment-"
Aatolats Are la Disfavor.
TARIS. June IS. (Special) Many
automobile, aa they daab along, are
a w-rror to peneetrtans. who often
make any number of futUe aad risky '
Instantaneous Hollow Wire
Gasoline Lamps
1 to 1 candle power,
adapted to any bollow
wlre itiIik. sn at
eight. Write for special
h. w. Mtyvno
X3SWSS.I Oak St. Betwns
atata am amt.
weeping' Snmnier ItedtietionsHere
A sale in which all lines of Summer Goods are involved. Never in the history of this store have we offered our customers such worthy bar-
In some instances price cuts are even more pronounced than we have said. In every case the opportunity to save substantial sums 13
We hope to see you at this store during this great sale. When you come, when you see for yourself the wonderful dis-
marked and decided
plays of Summer Goods, examine the quality and note the special sale prices, you will see how we have kept our word.
More Wonderful Values in
Dainty Hew
Without exception j'ou will positively find
here the greatest Undermuslin values in
this city. Included in this sale are gar
ments of every sort and description
Gowns, Corset Covers, Skirts, Combina
tion Garments, etc., in hundreds of pretty
styles, all neatly finished and trimmed.
Read the description of four of the special
lots picked at random. It is a wonderful
buying opportunity.
Fine quality Cambric Drawers, with ex
tra deep embroidery flounce. RQp
Regular 75c, 85c values at UOu
Muslin Skirts, of fine quality cambric
Avith extra deep embroidery or Q 1 Q Q
lace flounce. Reg. $2.50-$3 vals . . 0 I J 0
Muslin Gowns, $1.50 Values, 98c
An especially fine offering of Muslin Gowns, shown in the high-
neck bishop or low-neck slip-over style. Made of fine quality cam- j
brie, nainsook or Masonville muslin, trimmed with fine laces, em
broideries, ribbons and pin or hemstitched tucks, all made very
full and extra well finished. Regular $1.50 values Qfip
Priced for this sale u 0 U
Combination Suits, $1.25-$1.50 Values, 98c
Fine Combination Suits, trimmed with pretty laces, embroideries
and ribbons They come in the drawer or skirt combination and
are exceedingly well made and neatly finished. Regular Qflft
$1.25-$1.50 values.' Priced this sale at UUu
l a ' f- m t ' a m.
R. & Gr. Corsets Price $1.50
An extra strong line of these Corsets at this popular price. Included
in this lot are .the high, medium, low or very low bust effects with
medium and long hip or extra long skirt models, made of fine qual
ity batiste or coutil, trimmed with Hamburg embroidery 01 C ft
or fine lace. Every Corset guaranteed. Priced at 0 1 1 U U
15,000 Yards Plain
and Fancy Silks 89c
The Season's Greatest Silk Sale
Unrestricted choice from a wonderful show
ing that includes every fashionable weave, in
the most desired plain shades and f
beautiful color combinations. J C
Best $1 quality Silks, on sale at. . .
Such value-giving in beautiful new Silks has never been equaled in
this city. It is a magnificent showing of rich shades and colorings
in the most popular Summer weaves and exclusive designs that are
shown only in silks of the highest quality. The kind that were
made to retail regularly at $1.00 a yard, are priced for this sale at
less than import cost 690 a yard. Here are a few of the kinds
you may choose from at this ridiculously low price:
27-Inch Genuine Kohinoor CoutilPongees in cream, natural,- black,
preen, slate, navy. etc.
27-Inch Genuine Rough Pongees, in a full range of the correct new
27-IncE Natural Colored Pongees in novelty Jacquard weaves, Che
Fn Ponerees. Cloth of Gold and Messaline Finished Tokio Pongees
Full-Width Printed Warp Fancy Messaline Silks in a large variety
of rich colored designs.
New Persian Messalines, Gunmetal Taffetas and Louisines, in ex
clusive designs and colorings. '
New Novelty Messalines, in an endless assortment of solid colors
with Jacquard over designs, in small self-colored figures, stripes,
dots, etc.
And hundreds and hundreds of yards of Beautiful New Silks suit
able for every purpose.
It is the most extraordinary Silk purchase this store ever made and
a showing that every woman will enjoy. Come and benefit by this
sale of best $1.00 Silks at Sixty-Nine Cents a Yard
J une Sale Towels and Toweling
Hotel, rooming and housekeepers should supply their needs for the next twelve months at this
sale tomorrow. Glance through the following offerings and see how well the savings count up
in your favor.
White Huck Towels, 14 by 32 inches, very ab
sorbent and durable, finished with fast col
ored red borders, priced for this sale C n
at 5o0 a dozen or, each. J If
White Huck Towels, 16 by 32 inches; they
come with fast-colored red border and hemmed
ends; priced for this sale at 85 a . Qp
dozen, or each u If
White Huck Towels, 17 by 34 inches; they
come with fast colored red borders, hemmed
ends and selvedge edges, on sale at $1 1 ftp
a dozen, or each lUu
White Huck Towels, 18 by 36 inches, extra
heavy, durable Towels, finished with fast col
ored red borders; on sale at -1010
14 U
3 dozen, or each.
Bleached Bath Towels, 18 by 36 inches, extra
weight and quality, made with neatly hemmed
ends, on sale at $1.35 a dozen, 1 9lo P
or each 14 '
Bleached Bath Towels, 22 by 44 inches, extra
heavy and large, made with neatly hemmed
ends; on sale at $2.75 a Ofjn
dozen, or each. ZJlf
Bleached Twilled Linen Crash Toweling, of
extra durable quality; comes full 16 inches
wide; priced for this sale at, 1 ftp
the yard I UU
All Linen Crash Toweling, full 17 inches wide:
comes in plain white, also with fast colored
border specially priced at, 1 0loP '
per yard 14 'U,
Women's Summer Underw'r, Hosiery
We place special emphasis on the excellent quality of these offerings, and
jev-VT an investigation of the prices quoted below will convince you of the genume
r i bargains we are offering in Summer-weight Knit Underwear and. Hosiery.
Do not fail to profit by this sale.
A decided bargain in Women's Fine All-Silk Stockings, made with full
fashioned leg and lisle garter tops, heel and toe; good, durable Stockings
that are extremely fashionable. They come in all sizes and in black Cftp
and the new shades of tan; on sale tomorrow at JUu
Silk Lisle Hose, 25c Pair
A new line of Women's Fine Full-Fashioned Silk Lisle Stockings in OCa
all sizes and shown in black and the new tan shades; unusual values
Women's Underwear at $1.19
A special offering of Women's Lace-Trimmed
Union Suits, made of fine quality lisle thread
and shown in low-neck style and lace-trimmed
yoke and knee They come wide PI n ft
Oil IJ
Children's Hose, Special at 19c
A fine line of Children's Hose, made of best
grade maco cotton and shown in black only.
Thev come in all sizes and will wear fine. Spe
cially priced for this sale, 3 pairs for, 1 ft n
50, or per pair lull
knee length and are special at.
Great Sale of Shoes
Pumps and Oxfords
In the season's best styles are in this sale,
and each value offered is a real economy.
We feature for tomorrow' 's sale several of
our best-selling lines of men's, women's
and children's Shoes and Oxfords at price
reductions that, it will be impossible to
equal elsewhere. Come, let us show you
these offerings.
Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps, $3
and $3.50 grades, - PQ 07
per-pair l. w4iul
Women's Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps,
$2.25 and $2.50 grades, C1 7 ft
per pair U 1 1 1 u
Chillren's Patent and' Kid Pumps, sizes
5 to 11, $1.75 ft ftp
grade at dull
Misses' Patent and Kid Pumps, sizes
lli2 to 2; $2.00 01 OC
grade at U I i4u
Boys' All-Leather Shoes and Oxfords,
sizes 1 to 5Y2, $3.50 - QO JC
grade at U4i I u
Children's Barefoot Sandals, sizes 5 to
11, $1.50 grade, specially Q Q n,
priced at UUu
Children's Barefoot Sandals, sizes lVo
to $2, $2.00 grade Q1 10,"
priced at Oil I U
Men's Russia Tan Shoes in all sizes, $5.00
grade specially Vnf.fl
J priced