TTIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. JUNE 11. 1911. NEW YORK'S PARK SYSTEM IS GIVEN SHAKE-UP BY ITS TEMPORARY HEAD Superintendent Is Asked to Take Thirty-Day Vacation While Another Man Assumes Charge and Corrects Many Errors Decision Made in Heal Estate Litigation That Has Lasted Five Tears. FT I.tOTD r LOSE RQ AX. NEW TORK. Jan 10. f Spclal. New Torlters are waf-hlne with rest Interest the experiment that la ander war In the city park depart ment. Commlaa toner S'.oi.r. who has rltartte or thlncs In Manhattan and Richmond. was conirlnred soroe tlma a ro that a radical reform was Seeded. lie consulted Commissioner of Accnunta Toadlca. who promised to render all tha aid la his power. The Commissioner of Accounts la real tr tha Mayor's bank examiner, lie ts authorised to so into any department at any time, look over the books and ree erits and find what. If anything, la wmnc Bit ba usually de M rrobln without tha head of tha department un der fir S'ktnr, far Ma assistance. Mr, Btotrer. bowerer. la very much In earnest. Ha really wants to Improve rorvjitlons la tha parks, and was ready to do anything to help tha work along. Therefora ha promptly accepted tha rery first auaaestlon that FosdiHt made. 1 nava a man named llilty here who Is a wonder."" Foadlrk stated, "send your superintendent of parka away on a 3 days laara of abaenca and aire Hllty tha Job. Ha will straighten thlnaa out and provlda a system that ran ba fol lowed with success." Po tha astonished superintendent was asked to ao awar for a while, and Ifllty was Invested with full authority over tha working of tha park statetn. And tla efforts wera shown to ba valuable, right from tha start. Hilly Mir Ip Thins. While no charaw of artual rrookedneaa la made, it haa been shown that the parka have tha most utfr lack of sys tem that was aver heard of. For one thlna. there la no record of tools and Implements on ' hand. If a foreman wants a rake, for example, he aoea and ruya It. rhara-ln tha city. Perhapa at that very tlma there m y he a dosen tftscarded rakna. good for tha purpoaa reotjlrei. that are r ln neglected In soma barn or other building. Kven large horse-drawn lawn mowers ha e been found In out of tha way parts of tha park, exposed to tha elementa. rusted and worthlesa because of tha lack of propar rare. Foremen simply go out and putter around, there being nn orders and do aa much or aa little as they deslra. Gen erally they deslra to do little. Vnder tha new regime, each foreman las given a certain specified section of the park, and Wj held absolutely responsible for Its condition. If he needs additional help he appllea for It. but excuses will not go any longer. Also each foreman Is reoulred in report In writing r h day EUGENE ROSES ATTRACT 'OMMKiiri.iL n.rn wows give m:(ob show. I'oey-Ailnmed C'tiiltlren rarailr and Floral Tableaux KoHow Auto I-agraiM Clones, fete. Cl'lSENE. Or. June 10. (Special.) Kxceedlng In extent and beauty the af fair of last ear. the second annual Hose Snow, given by the ladles auxil iary of the Eugene Commercial Club to day, attracted hundreds of persons to the rlubroom. where blossoms were on exhibition. Five of the nrst prises were taken by roses from the campus of the Vnlverslty of Oregon. Two parades were features of the day. Early In the afternoon a long line of children adorned with rosea marched through the business streets, some In their little pony carts, others with decorated doll buggies or wagons. Mill others of the girls bore their dolls with roe-trlmmed garments. At the close of tUls parade there waa a tableaux. "The Wedding of tha Hoses." when General Jacqueminot took aa his bride the Krlde rose, attended by Caroline Testout aa maid of honor, and including also Krau Carl Druschkl. the groom's mother, and papa Gontler, the bride's father, and others. Illuminated automobiles formed for a parade earlv in the evening. Just aa dusk was making the lanterns effective. Church Has New Hell. FOREST GfiOVK. Or, June 10. Special. The Congregational Church, which has had no bell aince the build ing of the new edifice 1 yeara ago. has been presented one by Mrs- Jane M. Smith, of this city. The old church waa destroyed by fire and the bell was ruined during tha confiscation. DAILY METt.OKOtOt.ICAL RKTORT. rORTt.ANP. Jna t Vailmum lmpr - t -.. a? .is(rrs. minimum. CH . Rivr rdtrs. A 15 1 ft; cHin la THREE SISTERS MEET AFTER V.' 'f--! .v 't, .-. . '.it,' . 1 T ' ' LEFT TO RK.HT-MR4. WlII.I-iM MIKKWOOD, URSI, M, LAM RKI1.HT A1 MK. J. . (.ROHOM.. Re-united after 53 Tfin of partition. Mm. M. Lambrlcht, now Itvlcc in Canada, Mn. Wi.llam Mrkwod. of Portland, and Mn. J. N. Groi.-ior.f. of ilervats. thre ttr who were separated shortly after the close of the Civil YVr. are enoylnj the re-unlcn at the Rase Fes tlval W hen the Civil War closed, Mrs. Groshonff. In company with her father and brother, startei across the plains with an ox cart, en route for Orcon. After a several months' trip with hardships that taxed the strength of the party, they finally reached the Willam ette Va.ley and settled lrt Ge r t a 1 a. She did n.n hear of the ret of the family for many years, and hen she finally received In trill cen.-e of her relatives, it was casu al!?, and by accident. Overhear-in- the name f a neighbor she found that It was the same aa tbst of a brother-in-law. and on inquiry found out that her sister. Mrs. La mbrtchf. was living in Canada. The Rose Festival seemed an auspicious time for the reunion of the fam ily, and Mrs. Lambrlariit took the trip West. as to exactly what the gang under hire has done. Ullty la stirring up tha parks In great style, and Plover wants him to stay there. Hut ha Insists that he will move on aftrr-hts 3 days are tip. aa he haa no desire to remain In that branch of the rlty'a service. Put the work that he haa done has accomplished much. Church Shakc-l'p Comrs. That the merciless pounding to which Trinity fhurch haa been subjected has finally had an effect. Is demonstrated by the year book of the corporation Just Issued. Trinity is enormously weslthy. but the principal criticism to which It has been expoeed. growa out of the tene ments the church owns. They are dirty, ramshackle buildings, a disgrace to any landlord, and especially disgraceful when tne present ownership Is considered. According to the official records of the corporation. Trinity. In tha last two yeara haa apent IJ.IOt'.OOfl cleaning house. It haa removed -25 dwellings, and substituted many others, while a number are now la the course of con struction. An Idea of tha wealth of Trlnlt;' may beathered from the fart that the tax able value of Ita productive property la I1J.6?J.0)4. exclusive of churches, chap els, echoola and burial grounds. Krai F.Male- Itrri.lon Interests. A decl.lon of great Intrreet to owners and realty brokers alike, haa just been handed down by the Court of Appeals, the highest trlbunsl In the state. It la made after five years of the bitterest litigation known to New Tork lowyers. The rase Is that of TL. Tanenbaum, Straus ex Company against Hohem ft form to recover commissions. The brokers were s.ked to secure a tenant for certain Fifth avenue property, owned try the defendants, and brought about a meeting between the owners and I'est 6 Company. Mr. Pall, of the latter firm, agreed orally on the terms of the at a prolonged meeting, and It was then left to the lawyers of the reapee tive parties to draw up the paprs. Sub sequently there was a mlxup. and the lease was never consummated- Then the broker sued for the commission. 122. J'v. 1 per cent of the amount of rent Involved. The highest court upheld them, set ting down the rule that they had done their part by bringing the Interested parties together, and that a failure to algn a Iraae was not the fsult of the brokers. Thla doctrine haa long been applied In rases of tha sale of real es tate, and the logical extension of It In the matter of lenses la regarded by lawyers aa a matter of great Importance to the real estate Interests of New York.' Some times It pays to be a fool In court. Frank llcarn found this so. any last yt hours riae ..1 foot. Total rainfall 13 P. J. in 5 T. M. . nor: total rainfall since tup'mbr 1. litn. lnch; normal rainfall stnre Heplemher 1. 41.7 Inches: d-fli-lrnrT or exceaa of rainfall since fptember 1. 1V1U. 7.7.1 Inches. Tnral sunshine. 15 hours 30 minutes; poett) sun.htne. 13 hours 4- mlnutea. Barometer 1 reduced to sea leval) at J P. it.. "Bt VO Inches. THE WEATHER.' : 1 o 11 5 (4 2, !" i sTAT-lOSs, loloo ......... try x'!m-o lrnvr . . . If-s M'-lnea Puluth . . , OaUfslOA H-lma J,-konvt1l. . Ksnui tli jr. . . . MtrhflIti Montr-ail New orirana. . . . w Tor North H-a.l. North Yakima,. . l'hten.K hM si-llo. ...... Tort ;n4 ...... . RMthurc rsmrnio Si. Louts.. St. TaSUl Sa!I I.k. San Dto h-n Fraaclaco... Siikivou. Strt(tanT. T a coma, . Totooati I -stand1.. Ua la Wali.... Wh listen. ... , Ythntp 1 j. o on. t v ISs o.w-' 4 K 74 . IO Sff Xix .. -.'4 NV 7" n.ixi, ( NB , h- 4 . 4 V lr lfar it'loud Ilrar :'lrar ilt. ttoudy 7 4 t.t. ! W fcs O.nv' 6 SK It T. .'HI NW J rt.OO 14 NW it O.O J, 4 NB K'lrar ;Pl. cloudy IM. cloudy r.ouii v U4 T. S .1 h4 O.O: 1 SW IV NW I. i n 4 N 2 i. m -I N V 7. O.Ort 4 NE 7 o'TJ NW Imi o.iai' 4 S atO.xMI ft S Jk'lrmr H ifr "i-ar riear 'ru cloudy Vt. cloud J xler So o.isti J4 NW ricar m (.-. u nv rt. cloudy IV4 0 W 4 SW V iV 4 SW 74 14 N t 0 1" - NE (l.Vt N &: o.f". 15 n 7i 0.34 . .1. . . tPU cloudj' 'ia.r Ft. clotidj" 1 ear Katn iClsr WEATHER CONDITIONS Th Northweatam hlKh-oreaaur field U pretrdtns aouthaaatwrnrd ovr tb rantraJ Dtatcaa and pUtna a:at. hil relatively low preasure obtalna over the upper lak resign mi ruiwaru to tnm innc vmmi In lha I-lflc rioillhft a trouih of low prruurt eitrn l from Arlmna to the lower M liiameiie attey in ssiern a-'r-n. I.ialit ra'n hmm fallen In Nrthiteatera Wahlnn. In Penn lvania. New York. New Jrrvev. Ontario and Quebec, and mod erately heavr rain haa fallen In t-aa k at r he wan. Yanittba and Alabama. Thunder. lArmi w r rat ren-ortel from Wlnnl&C. Kan aaa 0r. rittbur New York City and Sam It Ste. TUstrie. Tha weather la cioler In Writ era M!auri. Iowa, fcirtuthem Mlnneeota. UlrnoiB) and (Juebe?, and much warmer weather obtalna on tha Pacific Slope, and SEPARATION OF 53 YEARS. way. He Is a Jaunty young man with ultra-English clothes and a Piccadilly accent. The chaaffeur of a taxlcab had htm arrested on a charge of failing to pay 114 after a night ride through the city. If Hearn had been a bright, manly young fellow, the chances are that he would have been compelled to pay up. Put he got the court s ."goaf" right at the start. First, he called Magistrate Stelnart "My deah fellow."" and was promptly rebuked. Then he explained that he had paid the bill once and added: "But you might as well go ahead and fine me. Tm tired of explaining the matter to you. and I would prefer to pay the paltry fine." "No," said the magistrate sharply, "I don't care much for your style, but I am no, going to fine you. It Is your word sgainst that of the chauffeur, and It eeenie to me that he assumed conaid srable risk when he ;et you get into the taxlrab to start with. Had I been In his place I would not have let you ride at all. or If I needed the money very badly would have Insisted upon your paying In advance. "My word." remarked young Mr. Hearn, aa he sauntered out of court- Dreamland Is on Market. An effort la cow under way to bring about by tha city the purchase of the Dreamland site at Coney Island. Since the great fire there the Dreamland peo ple have simply been marking time, hop ing thalt some action will be taken by the city. For the amusement men do not want to rebuild. They have lost money every year since the big resort was opened, and, while they are not saying so. would welcome with open arma any opportunity to recoup to aome extent. At present the city only owns a small stretch of beach, where some public bath-houses are being erected. Advocates of extenslonfavor taking by purchase or condemnation practically all the shore front of Sea Girt. It would cost a good many million dollars, hut, of course, that la only a mere Item. There Is a possibility that the Dream land site may be acquired, but even that Is doubtful. At present all the spare change the city haa is needed or subways if thy are ever going to be built, and the authorities who will set tle the fate of the Coney Island exten sion are much opposed to assuming new responsibilities at the present time. Still this does not prevent several newspaper "crusades" and any number of interviews from well-meaning citi zens, who heartily approve of the pro Ject. because it gives them a' chance to be "public spirited" without the expend iture of one cent of their own money. srenerall eaat of the Ula-lsalPDl River. Tern peraturea are renerallr above normal In all portions of the country, being SO drtcrees above normal In interior w eaiern ureaon. Conditions are favorable for generally fair and continued warm weatner in inis aia- trlct Hundav. except in Norinweaiern ti Incton. where a ho wera are expected. Winds will be aensrally light and variable. rOUECASTS. Portland and vicinity- Fair and continued warm : variable, eaat winds. Ore r on Fair and continued warm; vari able winds. Washington Fair except showers north- wet portion; continued warm in interior variable east winds. Idaijo Kalr and continued warm. RIVER. Tha Willamette River at Portland hai rlaen .1 font since S A. M. It is expected that a stage of feet will be recorded Punday and 17 feet Monday, the river then coming to a atand and remaining nearly stationary Tuesday. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Observer. Compa.'ses, f frld-ftlassea. barometers. nyurometcrs microscopes, scientific ap para t us, Woodard, Clarke A Co. DID. MERVEI.l. At the family residence, 4tM3 t-amt t;.ld su f. E. June IO. utldred it, Her veil, ase 34 yeara. beloved wife of C. W. Sierveil. Mrs. Mervell la survived by her hue band, two daughters and one son. Remains are at LrcU parlors. Funeral announcement later. NEWOARD In this city. June 10. at the ramuy residence. laH Ueiaware avenue. Mary Leeetta Newgard. aged 4J years 7 months -s days, t uneral announcement later. ITTNUELL In this city. Juno IO. at taat Third street North. HasW Newton vvindeii. aged 1H yeara 1 month 17 days. beloved daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert indeii. Announcement of funeral Uter, rt NEHAX NOTICES. KASER In this city. June 9. at the f ni tty residence, li2 fc.ast Fourteenth streeu John K. Kaser. aged 71 yeara 11 months l' days. Friends Invited to attend the funeral sorvlc-p hich will be held at II ol m as w'hapiT toduy tSunday) at 1:0 P. M. Private ser ices at Crematorium under suapicca of Harmony loug, No. li. A. F. and A. M. BOOT In this city. June lo, at the fam ily residence. 4lV Bust Seventeenth street, Mrs. ixtuiea Maria Hoot, ased 71 years. A months H days. Frientts Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at lo A. U. tomorrow tMoudv. June 12. Interment In Hiver tew Cemetery. OLIVER At Walla Walla. Waah.. June 9. June Elisabeth. Infant daughter of Mr. sod Mrs. Robert H. Oliver, of this city, seed 11 months and 20 daye. Funeral StTvlcea will be held at the residence of Mr. E. R. Thorn peon. 1140 Belmont at., at 2 P. M. today taundayi. Friends Invited Interment lireenaood Cemetery. CROfHAW In this city. June 10. at the famUy realdence. 44U Eaat ."7th at.. Han nah Croahaw. wife of William Croatia w, awed 3 years 10 months and 2 daya. Funeral aervlcee will be held at the above reaidence at 7 P. M. Monday. June 12. Fnenda Invited. Interment Multnomah ferns tery. LANLKX'K In this city. June 10. at t. Vincent's Hospital. Frederick Indrrxk. asesl "i. years W mom ha ll days. Friends invited to attend funral aervtcea. hich III be held at Hoi man's Chapel. Third snd Salmon streets, at - :iO K M. today iund-v. June 1L Interment In Hose i City Cemetery. POPANY In thla city. June 9. at the fam ily reeldeoc on Alarquam II lit Frances Fixl-ny, ag-d 74 years. Funeral services will b held at t-t. Lawrence Church, corner of Third and Sherman ats., at l:au I. M. today i.unU). Frleneds ln-lted-Interment 3reenwood Cemetery. HILL The funeral of Ruth rowing Hill win be held from Flnley'a Chapel at 2 1. M. tod-Ay. TONSEni fXURAL CO MAJtgi'AJI ULlKi.. k LUuaL demos. rboaee: Main 61UX; A 110. lnDolna M llfKnlee, ruueral UUeet.ra, 7ta and IMne. l'buoe Main 4Sa. Lad a MtaaL Office of leanijr Cereaer. J. r. IUV m rH. 3d and "Hadlaea. Laity attwuiaau fboae Hala a. A IMS. UIHAKU JiOl-M-Ot to.. Inn.rul Direct ers. tts d at. Ladr at4.tant. l'bae II. h-.Kst MUZ Irnncral Irlrectors. aurcesaers le a. a- Uuanlac. Inc. K. IZ. B t&ii. ' "YeTT t K-B VR N ES CO.. S94 Wll llama are. Waat loaa. C loas. Lady attendant. LI Ki ll. Indertaker. cor. East Alder ana Lady aMtataal. Stub. Lm :tl. U ISsa. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY ortirit CITY BALL Msla sttt. a :ui prmM OPFICLK. Scrsseaat Crate, rlcsldence 24 E. 14th. N. Kast 477. B. A. U.asslre. Hea. 51 Wasco St. V. U. lval.ik itea. 11 H. 14th. till llii. Ken. Amculanoe. A 4101; pr. Ea. 4. Nlssta. Sundays and lloudara A aiOSi Pt. k.z 4: Trunk 1. UTK TO CLASirV. CXR. 14th and t. AldT, -rom modern bouae: per mo. I'hona Mar. 74S on wek daa. UIILNG NOTICES. A. AND A. S. RITE Tmt. fourth tfmi-innuAl reunion. Candidates iwmbl. la Cathe dral at 9 "cloca tomorrow (Uondir) momlnr for reslatra lion, plaaa be prompt. By order Preldln officer. .. . ..-.. -v t nrwP vn. 12. A. A. M. A special communication 1 will be held tnia ounuj - o'clock P. M- tor the purpose of u.i4.,nl In sr tFlss IU ntlSI va our late bro trier, j. n. w-i. our. ted to attentL Visiting brethren wel come. W. M- DE LIN. Secretary. ... . w..-rwitw. t rruzT- no. -v KNIGHTS Or PTTHIAS, set err Tuesday nlht la Castle Bail. 11th and Alder ata. t It. LANCE. K. B. S. rurnoviAN CLUB 29th annual sh erlneeace and dance In the . :os 5d .1.. Haturdajr .v.nlnf. Jn ?Zm did prosrammee.. Tha b.t Sco tcn wallsts and danc.ra win "a"; " ""a Annie Concert SI S P. M- Admlaslon 2S nta mftnunai i-nicti. - v:n. Ti. v n. W. June 11. st : w o cioca. " " Xi.AK.J. of it. ii hi r.aat Blith strt. MmMr Ol U. order and frtaad. ued.Rv .r Grand Guardian N. m-rrv TTt.IZABCTH HIVE. L. O. T. M.. Slith St. Ice crrtm and cake and Prlxea. Admission 1J centa. au ax. - rlt.d. POVT fnr-ret the Ro' "p.TV ror.lon Sunday. June IS. to Multnomah Falls. ...... nn i. . i nn .nil r. ir- la in y." y - t , . , l .hn..nt. Uanclna. Tickets for sale tr rn.mb.ra now and at dock at S A. M bundar. June 18. Boat learea at 9 A. at. X NOTICE Knlshte of the Fose. Court No. l. win noio. a puoiic , . , at T.mpl.. .First " sireala, Monday vnln. June 11. S o'clock. Tn. public I..I..1 r FRF-PERICK. Sec wr.prtnT rnupiKV. NO. t.t. W. O. V. W.bfoot hlst party snd dsnre r"rl dar evcnlns. June Id. woodm.n HalU l.S it-.H .i - danrinc and ic.-crcam; cards. 8.3; danclna. IV. PORTLAND COM PANT. NO. 107. TV. O. VT. VVhlsi and dance. Wednesday erenln";. June It. IIS 11th street. Woodmen Temple. Refreshments. Union music. Sin.TXOMAH CAMP. NO. T7. W. O. W. Members are requested lo attend llfmo morial day services today (Sunday). 2:i0 V. M.. at our hall. 11J K. 6th. CAMP 14t. R. N. of A. will lve a 5 social and dance Thursday nisht, June la. Hall. :d and Washington. Come out and enjoy yourvelf. ' CLASSIFIED AO. RATES pally ar auaday. reeUae. One time eame ad tw. eonaeewtte uneee. .. name ad I lire, couaevullre tuuee, k. - .rf .1 . m .e... I.SMC1IUI, I X. II insula, most accompany oat-of-tewa ta wards etui aa ana Uoe ea cask aa lalaeauau and a. ad eouate tos M tnaa two lines. Wbea aa aarertlaement la aot ran la esa eecuU.e ue oue-ume rate applies. til ciiani e boa mtkumuuu tas .ui be baaed am uie actuai aiimhaf .1 luiee appearina ui tne paper, el tue aumper of worde la eaca line. la New leday Ml aareruaeuaeaU are charge u lueaaure ealy. a lUura le sae ""lha abore rate, apply to adeertlaeraeaU ander -.New Xooay" and all eUlef elaaeilu a 1MB eacepUnaT lue foliowiliat Mtuatloaa anted. Mala. talluaUeaa anted. smala Tor Kent. Mooms. PrUate icamlllas. Kooma and atoard. Private lamUlea. Uouaekaeplna Kooma. JrrWale ramilias. '1 n. rate on the above cla.alfl-nli.a as 1 eeaia a Um each laaerUoa. a or the sueaajatdatioa ef patrone, Tae Oreaonlaa will accept claeetAed advertlaa wenla over the telephone, providing; the ad vertiser la a anhacriber to either pboae. Ne price will be quoted over the piione, boa bill will be rendered the foUowwc day. Whether subsequent advertlsemeau will be accepted ever tne phone, oepeode npon the promplnese of the payment ef telephone sd. vertiMmenla. Mtuatlon Wanted and Per sonal advertuementa will aot be eoeept.d ever the telephone. Orders for one Insertion only will be accepted for "Honaee for Beat, lumlture for bale," -Bnalness Upportaal lies."" and "Wanted la Kent.- ' NEW TODAY. AUCTION KI)RSDAV, Jl-XE 14. '11. We Will Offer for Sale the Katlre Townslte of ST. l.Ol'IS, Klthrr by Lot or 11 lock aa the Bidders May Desire. ST. LOriS. situated on the Oregon Klertric Railway, 35 miles south of Portland and 15 miles north of Salem, offers the most logical location for a townslte between the two largest cltiea In the volley. ST. LOUIS Is hound to he a thriving; town, owing to favorable location. The time to fret a foodhold In any town Is at the befrlnnlna- 1'artlea cno secure Iota la f. Loaln, oi June 14th, at tbelr .wn price, aa every lot will be aold without reserve, and sa very eaay pay ments. TKRMSi Ten per rent of the price bid on the fall of the hammer, bal ance monthly payments to suit buyer, and Intrreet at nix per erst. DO.VT ll- THIS S4.I.K. t.OOli ITMC WILL BE PROVIDE!!. A KINK Ll.Vtll WILL BE SFJItYBD. t'OOPKH at FI-iHKH, Auetlnneera. BKt HTKL IIVXOV, Sales Aernta, Tel. Mala 452, Malem, Or. SALE COMMKNCKS AT 10:30 A. M. G I LM AN Auction and Commission Co. "PKC1AI. AITTIOV SALE OF HOI SK1IOI.I) KIUMTIRE AT FLAT, . 44He KKTII STREET TOMOItltOVft IOM)AV, Jl.NK 13tb AT 10 A. OX A CCO I XT OK DKPARTl'RE. .NO KK9KKVE. Fine 9x12 velvet Wilton rnK. hand some 9x12 Axminster rur. fine Ax minuter hall and atalr rarpeta com fortable rofker. stand tables, lace cur tains, halt rack; and round extenaloa table, buffet and nix din las ebalra, golden oak and white maple dreaaera, tinted Iroa bedateda, very fine floss mattrea'.cs. blankets, sheets, snrearls and pillows. Havlland china, matting, fine ateel raare complete g&s plate, kitchen treasure, refrigerator, kitchen- ware, etc. X. B. This lot of household effects is as good as new and will be" sold without limit at flat. 406 W Seventh street, between Harrison and Hall, to morrow, Monday, iv a. m. sharp, riat for rent. OILMAN Al-TTIOV A3. D COM. CO., Aaetloaeera. Auction Sale of Rugs We are Instructed to sell by nubile am-tlon. Tuesday. June 13. 10 A. M., at 1 second street, 1'a choice tecotch Brussels ruf?s. sizes 9x12, 8.3x10.6 and 2x9: also 20 fine Axmlnster rucrs. 9x12. All new and choice. (ilLMA.X AICTIOX AND COM. CO Aartloneera. NEATT.T furnlsh-Ml small room, $7 per rnouin. V9 luaio. 2 AKCZ. Hood River, 17 orchard 2 to IS 'ara old; sn.Mn; terms. liiHw cash. Ml aoce to suit. 2S$ Alberta su , I'HU'KEN RANCH. Half acre, 5c fare. Bull Run water; 41 roain house: 8 chicken runs: all fenced; younf fruit trees, incubator, brooder, etc., T chlckns: all $1hk; terms. 690 C Uth t.; tke Sellwood car. -ROOM furnished houa In a fine location, for 3 months. 3t9 1tb St.. near Mont gomery. Phone A. TTtMt. WANTED to fa-far from party itolns to Van couver. P. not later than Monday nigbu Call Tabor a 15. - NEW TODAY. TUESDAY NEXT We are Instrartrd by Mr. J. G. Bolll aoa. of Yaneoaver, Waak, to aell the fine furniture, etc, of hie realdence, removed from above city to our sales room, for convenience of auevloa snle, comprising parlor rockers and tables, pedestals, very valuable inlaid table, bric-a-brac, gas readina; lamps, Morris chair, rattan settee, three-quarter elie upright folding; bed. velvet and Brus sels carpets. 9x12 rugs, lace curtains, pictures, library tables and rockers, several volumes of good books, box couch, oak bedroom suite, steel and iron beds, best springs and mattresses, pillows, sheets, blankets, comforts, towels, etc.. oak dressers and chif foniers, birdseye maple dresser and commode, three-quarter slza Iron bed, quartered oak dining-room furniture, glass and chlnaware. table linen, oak bookcase, tabourettes. velvet hall and stair carpet, small ruga, electric Iron, universal steel range (nearly new) with water back, gas range, granite utensils and many other useful lots. Sale Tuesday Next at 10 o'CIock You are Invited to Inspect the goods for above auction tomorrow. Intend ing purchasers should take advantage of thiei, aa the above Is only a pa-tial list, all of which must be sold on Tues day, THURSDAY NEXT we snarl have to offer you the furni ture, carpets, etc, removed from Montgomery-street residence; also furnish ings of cottage from Vernon. Sale at la o'clock. V. C. BAKER C A. CROVVELtu, Ferslfaie Dealer, aad Auctioneers. Office and Saleroom. 152 FarkSt. AuctionSales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE Corner Second and Yamhill REGULAR SALES DAYS Monday, Wednesday,- Friday Each Day at 10 A. M. For all kind, of furniture, carpets, roan, linoleum, at eel nun, aaa ranaea. refrigerator.. In fact we have every thing to furnish a kotel or private home. OFFICE FURNITURE bookeanea, trpewrltera and ataada, fire proof aaiea, etc. Goods aold at private aala at all times. GREAT SALE OF SHOES in our r i , , n r., i ' i jih .... ... -. ... Joining auction room. About 3000 pair, of rente", ladles' and cblldren'n hoes at half prlrei also groeerlee, hardware, etc., at coat. J. T. "iVILSO", Auctioneer. 1.8911 I'HlU 1 ' " luilliiuir, " . " " - merchandise etc Call Main 162S, A Exceptional AUCTION SALE Monday at 2 P. M. AT 211 FIRST STREET To be sold at this sale there la an Immense quantity of Tery fine every day furniture. In the first lot is a fine Bridge Beach steel range. Glacier re frigerator, oak extension table, 12 dining chairs, one buffet, chiffonier, six oak rockers, three Turkish up holstered rockers, English breakfast table, tvo steel couches, five pretty brass-trimmed beds with floss and hair mattresses like new; also splendid clean wool blankets, comforts, pillows, spreads, ewell birdseye maple chif fonier, dresser en suit, some porch pieces, two dainty oak hall trees, drop head sewing machine, one large, one small glass-door bookcase, high oven Jewell aas range, two library tables. one large oil painting, other pictures. cherry dressing taDie. Carpets and Room-ize Rugs These are In fine condition, almost new, large and small: iz Japanese screen, fine china dinner set of about 100 pieces and many other Items, all of which will be sold at this sale. Best goods sold first at Zll rlrst street FORD AtCTIOX CO. A Scenic Tract Slxtv acres that can ba plattted Into snlendid view tracts. This Droperty is eecond to none, close Into Portland, near a good rarllne. bplendld soli and line water. inis can do naa at tne right price and terms, and won't be on market long. Call tor Mr. Reagan. BCY NOW OF CHAPI.t al HrJBI,OW, 332-S3S Chamber of Commerce, A Chicken Ranch l.V THE CITY, with modern five-room bungalow, fur nace, bath and all Improvement: ten chicken-houses and runways: shade trees; 600 well-bred chickens. Lot lOOx 200. Price 5000. GODDARD at WIEORICK, 343 Stark St. View point, overlooking the city, rivers, and mountains. Owner will sell any size -wanted in order to im prove property adjoining. Phone main 6630 or C 167, Oregonian. TENTH STREET CORNER, NEAR MILL ST. 100 feet from Park blocks. AXfTAL INCOME 11830. HALF CASH, BAL. 2 YEARS. A FINE CORNER. SEE OWNER 88 TENTH, NEAR STARK. MONEY TO LOAN CITY MORTGAGES, FARM MORTGAGES, LOWEST HATES. TERMS TO SUIT. A. II. BIRRELL CO., SOS M'KAY BUILDING, . Third and Stark. East Side Income Property STSOO; BOx 100 on Eleventh t.. brings in Shb per tent now, can increase it. Fine for apartment site if desired; street lm-' provements In and paid; on three car lines. P. O. Box 707. Portland. BUY $100 Pacific N. W. Development check on bid. Choice city lot and bouse, $600. - Box 276. Oregon City. Portland Heights fW TODAT. ROCHESTER $25 LEVEL CLEARED LOTS $25 The new townslte gt Bochester, al ready the junction of the Northern Iaclfic Oreyon & Washington and Mil waukee railroads, is to have an ELEC TRIC LINE. Four miles of this line has been completed and cars are run ning:. Think what this new electric line means for Rochester and those who own property there. PRICES WILL RAISE 50 JULY FIRST . Buy now at the opening price. Don't wait until prices have been raised. Let someone pay you a profit. First come first served. While they last we will sell level, cleared lots rlKht at the junction of these railroads for only $25 each. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Three hundred lots have been sold In Portland in the last month. Everybody that goes to see Rochester buys more. If you don't find everything- exactly as we represent it we . don't want your money. We can refer you to hundreds of satisfied customers in Portland. REMEMBER This is your last chance. Don't wait until the best are gone, come in today ana see pnotos or itocnester, or wnie for Illustrated folder. We sell on small monthly payments. w arranty deed ana free abstract snow ng good title with each sale. , AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO., 1018 Chamber of Commerce Ob Stark, Between Third and Konrth, CLEVELAND ACRE TRACTS The suburb of natural beauty. Excels all others In East Portland district. SOLD ON EASY TERMS GO OUT WITH US AT ANY TIME AND LOOK AT OUR NEW SUBDIVISION. Why continue to pay high taxes iwd tne city wntn you can locate just out side where taxes are less than one fourth, and no special assessments, and be able to get Into the city just as quickly. Our tracts are located on two lines of transportation and only 40 minutes from downtown business dis trict. Soil of very best dark chocolate loan, absolutely free from rock, gravel, stumps, roots and brush. Plen ty of water easily had. A live and money-making proposi tion and the choice is growing less. $500 TO $750 PER ACRE. Send name and adrdess for full par ticulars or, better still, come in, ex amine plat and have our representa tive show the property. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, S70 Stark St. View Tracts Splendid high view tracts out of the smoke and fog: pure air and sunshine, good water. Leave center of Portland and In 30 minutes you are on these tracts. High - class residence restric tions. Prices are right and on terms if desired. Seeing is believing. Go and eee these tracts and be convinced. Call for Mr. Reagan. BUY NOW OP CHAPIN A HERLOW, 332-338 Cbamber of Commerce. ROSSMERE A first-class restricted residence dis trict, with all the improvements, con veniences and requirements of the particular homebuilder, with prices that are right. Take Rose City car to 39th street. Our representative, Mr. Cater, on ground afternoons. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Boom 6 Board of Trade Bid. Main 5407. A 3552. $ Property Nominal Income $50,000 CHAPIN& HERLOW 332 Cbamber of Commeret- The one BEST place In Portland to boy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIRABLE residence property of the city. SEEIXQ IS BELIEVING BETTER ro and see the many CHOICE resl- aences unaer construction kuu ui. im provements going on. liie Oregon Real stats Company GHAKD AVE. ABTO MCLTHOMAH ST. SEE Ml HOOD FROM YOl'R OWN FRONT PORCH. Tou can b&v a home In the beautiful Irvlngton District on monthly payments.- no more than rent. Corner Weldler and Twenty-ninth streets; one clock from new Broadway carllne. Thoroughly modern six-room house with sleeping-porch, fireplace, built-in bookcases, furnace, gas, electricity. Inquire of owner. FIDELITY TRUST COMPANY, 801 Board of Trade Bldgr. Phone Marshall 1T87. NATIONAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION WE BUY NOTES. 602 Worcester Bids. Hollaoay s Addition NEW TODAT. COME TO G S R T E H G I 0 E R H Y Take Advantage of Our Big FREE RENT OFFER By the terms of this offer we fur nish you with a nice large tent bungalow, built on a fine 50x100 foot lot, in Gregory Heights. It is cool and comfortable, and you will enjoy living in one this Sum mer. A lot purchased on tha easy payment plan is the means of your getting this FREE RENT. We furnish everything. . In Gregory Heights, cement sidewalks and curbs are now being laid. Bull Run water is in, and all lots command a fine view. The car ride is short, along the Sandy road, most direct line in the city. Lots as low as $200, on easy terms. Come to Gregory Heights today. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. 1 3&2& INVESTMENT C0. S. H. S. Realty Company 313 HENRY BUILDING. Phone Main 3904. Timber claim, 5,000,000 feet, 120 acres. 9-room modern home, Nob Hill, fin ished golden oak close to car and school; must sell. Terms. 2 houses on 50x100, corner E. 12th and Pine sts. Half block manufacturing site, E. 3d and Everett; snap; 200x100; terms. 9-room modern house, 50x100 feet, hardwood floors, every convenience; very sightly; close to car. Location, Laurelhurst. I Must Have $3000 Cash Mosier Orchard Sacrifice 160 acres, adjoining Mosier View orchards; 35 acres in young trees, 50 ready for plow, balance light clearing. Price $9500, $3000 cash, balance easy terms. T 184, Oregonian. $12,122 Cash will handle a business block that after paying taxes and interest on deferred payments will yield over 12 per cent, ind this can be increased when pres ent leases, running from 18 months to I three years, expire. This is a splen did investment. McCargar.Bates&Lively 301-307 Yeon Building. BARGAIN FOR SALE Model Theater 69 N. Third Street. Seventh Street Corner 50x75 One block from Hellis Theater. We can make a bargain price and easy terms. GODDARD WIBDRICK, 243 Stark St. I a.. A.fta-F rm-mr IkTII YOU ARE ENTITIEDTO llf.OI" If II IgbSX 160 ACRES OF IRRIGATED tANO. iL 1 1 VvA MAKE APPLICATION NOW Irlf WCDrTRH.OHGONIRRIt3AriONCr0.iWay YVlfV. 4IS RY "CtlAHGE BUM. SjEw jjvportlano ore. i nn 1 08.0