The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 6, Image 18

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TOoouads of Psopls Visit City Durisc Est anl Eajoy Abnadaae of rio-srsxa. and Strawberries Grown In
District Sarronndlax City SImj Prizes Given. .
V; ' JtfX r.vt:
-, '4 ,
SHLJNT. Or- Jun 1. 4prlal.
tlotcla. raatftoranta and aoclrty
booths wr taxd t thrlr ut-
tnat caracitr TQraday lo aoroinmodat
t ernaifa Uiat ram ts AahJand to at
In4 tha aanual roaa and travbarry
caratvaL Ti buatnraa aaottoa waa dc
era tad from on and to tha othrr. whlla
tha raaidanca portion of tha city wu
artrht with floral and patriotic dscora
tiaaa. Karar lo tha biatorr of tha city
haa aa tnajrninrant a dlaplar of roars
baan arn and navar has thpr baaa
aaanlfaar a hnr tntaraat or a irratar
prlja la tha u rata of a similar afrnt-
Tha aarada startad at 1 10 A. M. at
tha Cast 8lda rVhooL Tha city pull'-a
lad an boraaback and vara folloaraj by
tha jCshtand roorart band. Than cum
tha roaa a.urn. Mtas Nellla Prlsira. la
float sractally daalsnad for hrr and
trlmmad with wsplrs; willow aa a ba k
(roand for whtta msas. Tha droratrJ
autnoab!laa. rarrUaaa. miacrllaricous
floats, datarhmanta of horaobark rlUara.
Willi tla, Rorue BlTar tkrouts, lrts Thrtte:
band and blrrrlaa followed In sucra!n!:.
makins; a Ilea ovar a half mlla lone. Tha
(caral rharactar of tha floats waa uni
formly sorseous. making It dlfflinilt to
salart tha wlnnsrs In many Instatifra.
;nulna roaas wars tha prvsllln da-or.
atrva flowar.
At 1 o'clock tha roaa and strawnarry
aihlMt waa cpaned In tha Orand Army
f h Rapubltc HalL Tha coliartlon was
a larya ana and splanald from the
standpoint of sua. color and totn-a
and tha room waa crowded throuahout
tha a'tamoon. Fntrlaa In tha strawlrr
rv rontaat ware not as numerous ss 2a
airt. but t:.a aua'rtr of tbo rrant
mora than m-ada an for any daf!ctrncy
At I a' clock Mavor Nal! formnlly ae
rptad tha foantaln r'aaantad
to tfea stty soma tlma ri In honor of
fa plonaars. II. M. and H. B. Tartar.
and ts a rlua'ar Hcht recently set up
be O. S. Fut'ar and tha lata Jacob
Thompson. Tha former is ona of th
finest ctvtc ornaments In tha city as
wall aa betnc moat uaefuL It la located
oa tha puis. The latter la placed at
trie antrajsoe to the rite rrk.
One of the nor el features of tha day
waa tha showertna of roae petals tipon
tha spectators Men and woman cn
horseback rode down tha street at either
alda and at a liven signal bombarded tha
bvstanders with roaa pauls. Tha elfecl
was moat spectacn'ar.
Tha baby show hsd a larva aombar of
entries snd was astramaly fssclnst'SB.
Great tnteras: was shown fa Sana Wah
Oiana. the winner In tha contest foe
Chinese bablaa .
T a Naiatortum ballroom waa crowded
tn tie evenlrc. Tha hall was beautifully
decorated with rosea of all kuaa and tha
harmony nf color combined with, th
rarmonr of musla. For thoaa not car
1C to dnca thara were ivlmnliif eoa
tests snd other attraertona ta tha rrtsv
Th prises awarded war aa follows:
talaa- fTrat prlr Mra Bl rtvs;
-vl erla Wra Cue Jaoeti.
mse rim viae Mary Uahwes: see-
ead. Mni Sleatea SITa.
tfreeeackMdere rtrau Mr. and bt-a. W.
W t'Mn. Mlaee OertrttSe Mvtkle
aaif rr(!r Leaaart.
siK-io-iea Bora w.:ua Cabara: strts. BaUa
Soctety oata erat. Wednesday Af'ernoea
r.ufc. aaanad. Uadlea Civic Imprevemaat
Wlid' Foleya drasatoem Honorable
fnoita was tit aeaMeJ te Nlma a
- roe aaeet seeatlCal toaaa aa Hol-n
wta'a a F.eet aad ma llaet SlUa
raraiaT fee art!ati aSe.
at plate rirfc 9ed.!as llarrr Hwat.
Kaet f ate lfaalh fta.Miara
Peel s ale laipreea Oraaea, X. SX Raa
aca rxile pteetserm
as swate S4aira) fawas. X. B. Baal
aiMt raiier riretkera.
aef pt lmyead caausv aa trrlaratad.
A Ease.
i . 2 - . - ,, .
r v-; : T-r " IW i A .. ' - : .'4
v V-fl
l.i .....
t.f i I -2 r . 5; - -: -
WM le ; v.,.- iff.
. aaiV -vl
Boat p1t 11 to 1. N-HI Mnrloa.
f.Mt p:t to 1. rui:r Bro.
JivtfpctikN corararcll pvcke
Itnt rris ly ctton B Mr Uero-
rint pris. cmum S. Mtloii C Mm Poltr
Karl imjtKhL
Hxcd prT. c!M S. Mtioa C Mm, X
Lo Anjle Remembers Well Girl Who Hu Shot Stoke in New York.
Other Topics of Interest In Southern California.
LCa ANGELJES. June SpeclaX)
By the tlma tMs is printed muck will
hay bean said, about a former cltl
tan of Washlnston. ona LIIMan Graham
by name, who th other day pele4 1010
tha llmallaM of tha news columns of
th pa per a by tar attack npoa tha par
son cf Mra. Stakes, who owned or owns
th second tare at and oaa of tha most
ornate boatelrlea la Ootham. Tha
probability Is that moat of you who
read thta know that aha la reputed to
har been a Seattle Krl orlclnaJly. Her
later. Er-.el.a Graham Blncleton, aa
elder woman lf report aaya true than
Lillian, started tba youuaar sister oa
the ay llf that lad to Paris and
stokes. Both alias Graham and Mrs.
Siasisioa are well-known here because
of the. well rather Bohemian what a
useful word thst Bohsmlaa word Is to
be sure life they led when llvlna; hers
i the wile and alater-m-law of Join
bins atoru d!rovrer of Ika Tallow As
ter mine at Kan.leaur;.
It Is whispered imnf thoaa who
nee for coasts roaa away with tnair
discretion that Ulllan was at tba bot
tom of all the trouble that, for so many
J ears baa disrupted the alnfletoa (am- 1
" 4 'AVI c
v Ae
' v tr- vj
mm m. . . c- .k
' Third oris. clu
tvoctioa B B.
Mart Henrietta..
Ftrt prlB. (! 4. soctlOB Z Mm
Th'trnton. Mm John Lane.
First pris. ritii ft. ctton C-Alri. Klum,
rari or th Gard-n.
Iwnd prts. ctaag 4. ectloa
Second prts. rlaa 5, tvectton B Mra. J.
R. HuimII. Mtrtchil N1L
Bcond prts. claaa 4, otlon D Mm M.
Wood. Lm.FraT.ric.
II y. and haa lad op to tha dlvoroa bow
said to be pending. Phe has. It Is said.
what th novelists of the feminine ren
der ara wont ta rail that "fatal beauty"
mat sands a maa rushins to his fat
rssardlsss of consequence. At all
arents ber name became a by-word
n ere among the very fast set before the
Goo Gooa put the ktboeh on the cay
hunts that used to twinkle merrily alons;
soma or th down town district and al
ways It was connected with that of her
e-oneroua and affectionate brother-in-
law. John slnsjleton. O what It Is to
have "fatal beauty.
Jeffries Richest fug.
Almost aa bad as to bo possessed with
aa ovarpowsiinc bleep and a Ions; reach.
Witness oar erstwhile champion. James
J. Jeffrfaa No. thara. Is not coin to be
much about him, but some Englishman
has taken It Into his head to call into
dlapate the statement made by another
John Boll that Our Jim Is the richest
and moft popular bruleer tn the sjcntlo
game of mashing th other fellow to a
pula. Not that It makes much differ
ence, but einre that fatal July 4. a year
ago. lxa Angeles feels that aha has bean
defrauded out of something. Whea you
hare been boasting thst the "undefsated
champion of the world lives In your
tow a and than that "undefeated goes
and rota the block knocked OS him," to
auole the lan-rue of his profession.
what ara you ta do when a chap you
have never seen and don't like anyhow
geta up and tries to remove all tha bloom
that was left on your peach t Anawer,
welL Jim. Our Jim. Is the richest pug.
n or nreeent. who ever pulled on a
mil VT know down her because Our
Tom McCarey. who. by the way. has dis
covered a new white hope, says so. That
ends It.
Nat' "Winning- Ways."
CTIO POUT. ai l.. I wwv .mjtpvuji
haa time and time again asked himself
or herself how th ttlckens does Nat
Goodwin got so many pretty wives. It
was naroiy iii .ai.i . j - -
shows so little gratitude. Hera he comes
with the assertion that the following
I properly wuicn v w .
4 .KntiM wtf -11 H.hti. oome hak to
him again. It's hefty Hat:
l,00iV Coupon Bosos ea aaaean as tw"
gT.500 Lambaf Ciub bonds, frat mortgage.
KnlcKerDocaer rruai imitn.
S1O.0OO FtderaJ Publlahlns Co.. City Trust
N. w Vnrlc InlllM. a MT MDt
gold bonds. 1100O each.
SL04O New York Suaquhaasa Railroad,
Central Truat Co.. New Tark, true,
tee. $1000 4 per cast gold bonds.
;yXV United Rico Vflnee Co. e frr cent
International Trust Co.. Denver,
Colo truatea. Two $1000; eae $400.
$3.000 Five Chicago. Milwaukee A St.
Paul $1000 Sonde. iw England
$10. 0S0 Chicago Edison Oo., $ per cent.
$3,000 Oras-on 8hort Line, five $1000.
Kquiteble Trust Co New Vork,
I trustee
$10.000 Kewheuee kflnaa aad Smelter, $ per
. .... .. i . I x-n.t Pa. M -w York.
truatea. Tn $000.
$S.0 Brooklya Rapid Traaalt, $ par cant.
Centra) Trust Ce.. New Tcwk. true-
Iato.000 fr'n' Anleale A Araaaaa Pass 4 per
ecnl. Central Trust Ce.. New York,
$5.000 Chlrtio. Milwaukee A at. Paul. 5
?r cant, FatMnere Ixiaa Truat
ompany. New York. ..
$3,000 Flvo Oregon Short Line IlOcA
F.qultable Trust Co.. New erk
$3,000 Five in0 Ixialslana Btsts 4 per
cent, due tSle.
$5,00-Flve $1000 Chleago Oaa light
Ceka Co.. B Pr ant geld. Bono,
central Trust i-u.. aw
$6,000 .Five S10O0 I,0ttlav1lle, New Alnsny
A Cblrago, Pr cent. .National
riass o v. tun in-i i., -
$iaono 100 aharea U. S. Leather; T. H.
Dudley, trustee.
$3,0000 boa aharea vt'eatern Home con.
atructloa Co.. beat $40.
No DIvopc Agency Cases Her.
Ins; ths merits of the ens to those best
qualified to aecine -upon tnw fc
seem that Judge Monroe has put his
, ,H n i a th node nolltie
whsn he declares that he will grant
no divorces that oome into his court
, .u. ' I n wr- .Mllflff VOUtS- ThS
aa-ancies were aaaln tha object of his
stack the other any.
... .,,! e inveatls-atlen
Jurist has deolsred that hereafter ha
K Ui II B euww ...
contrary to the desires of the agonal
. i j.,.i.. ..rlu trisla. he la aroi
The maarlstrate'a lro was somewhat
A . w - ,--ivn.t that tha aaren
cles were eolleclns additional fee
from their clients oocauaa ui um
, ..hl.1, -Keen Imnoaad as ns
allies on mo". " --
lease from their matee through auch
. v. krntietil nn In the
case of Martha Kellogg against Joseph
IvSJiagff. ana pnwurou in. e. ..w
sn agency. When she found that sh
j i .. . . - Inn. time fop i
wuuio ue i . w " " " -
ana tno inauee were urvtitiii
"They were married August 17. 109
-. . W C-nAmKAr IK tit t h
na tail vm
. .... h...,..e aha rafuaed to srlva
UP a 11 L 11 a Kill ana tm .
Amonc tn witneaaea ware a mr. an
, , rt Th.u hmA mntuA I, il a I . I
mra. v. i ,, . uv " -
. . n riM In mablnr tha match.
I tireen oaa sent zveuuea w
to Ret soms Duitermua. ais v
. v. i , m..Hnv We arlvlae
manner w iiivti - -
Kellogg to marry har, tslllng him she
had mucn propsrty, nu auviaeu nar i.
marry Kellojg.
. , 1 , 1 1 o tlawana hlt nf On
mra. fcii .- ... - -v.
of tha largest agencies In tbe city, was
called as a witness tn order that some
i.nHn,iin, . . to bar hualneaa mlarht
be elicited. One of her atorneys was
also interrogated.
The magistrate continued the ease
In order that more witnesses might be
orougni oeiuro milt.
Taxis Chars by Weight,
This Is Intsndsd as a gentle warning
to all the stout brethren who proposed
visiting sunny Southern California this
Mummer season. If you come, and you
should, avoid tha taxloaba of Santa
Monica for tha chauffeurs down there
are charging not by mile or hour but
by pound these days. Horrid, out true.
The plan is bslng eonsldsred by offi
cers of tha Topango Development
Company for th auto stag Una thsy
will run this Bummer to th moun
tains. That It costs more to carry the
100-pound man than It does the fash
ionably slender maiden Is th argu
ment used In favor of the proposition.
It is feared, however, that the fat man
might feel tha discrimination too
keenly, and resent It.
"Ha mlaht alao claim," aaya W. H.
Lynch of the Topango Company, "that
his greater weight would give th ma
chine mora momentum In coming down
the mountains and on that basis claim a
rebate. We must take all these things
Into consideration before we decide to
adopt the plan. I believe the weight
system Is the only equitable one tor nx
Ing passenger charges, but It Is such a
radical departure rrom ail eaiaonaneu
methods and customs that It cannot be
put into effect without due deimera
The Topango company does not claim
orlgnatlon of the fare y weight idea.
It was announoed aoout eigne years
a ico for th Buelah Railroad projected
from Pueblo. Colo, to a pleasure re
sort, soma :8 miles distant. General
Superintendent Burns proposed tba
plan snd It tnen attracted ine atten
tion of the civilised world, calling
forth comment throughout this coun
try. England. Germany and other
The pressnt tare charged to the Top
ango resort Is $1. and one of the prob
lems In connection with the Innovation
being conaldered is to strike an aver
age prloe per pound that will meet re
I Eight Camps of 150 Men Engage In
War on Timber Bug.
SiKER. Or June 10. At present
there are eight camps, employing 160
men. In Baker County engaged In ex
terminating the pine beetle, which,
during the last four years, has beea a
menace to timber over all the country.
Seven camps are maintained by the
Government Bureau of Entomology,
with offices in this city under the
supervision of U. E. Burke. The other
camp Is supported by the lumber in
terests of the county, and is In charge
of L- D. W. Sheldon, an expert from
New Mexico.
Lumbermen of the county have
formed the Baker Forest Protective As
sociation, which haa for members not
only lumber manufacturers, but prac
tically all owners of timber claims la
the county.
The beetles work between the bark
and the wood, and are not borers. They
are active in their destructive work
from early Spring until about the
middle of July, so thst the actual work
of the bughunters Is practically ever
for the sea eon, Th Government office
here aad tha protective association are
making plans for the establishment of
more camp. ,
Twenty-three JOelejates Will Attend Spokane Conwtion for Purpose of Capturing Priae Elaborate Plans
Ht Been Made for Entertaining Visitors in Capital City of Inland Empire. .
1!""" B ' " jj," -ei ' 4 ' .' "Xrr -a; 3? -
"if - a I
- -V? it
,- f "tk m? . ... Vl j j
, ft J
d. .
W. B.
C. X. Arsss.
Wm. MciMurrar.
K. W. Hard.
G. T. A Killer,
JLl .
A. O. Clark,
A- c. Black,
Tha Portland Ad Club will send as
delegates to tha convsntlon of th Pa
elfls Coast Advertising Men's Associa
tion at Spokane, M of Its prominent
members. They leave this evening. The
delegation Is leaving for Spokane with
the Intention of bringing back with them
the lilt convention. A splendid pro
gramme has bssn prepared for the con.
ventlon. The delegates will be the
guests of the Spokane Ad Club and the
Spokane Chamber of Commerce. The
programme will consist of business
meetings, which will be held in tha
rooms of tba sipokan Ad Club, June 1$,
It and II.
Among th entertainment " features
that have been provided for are: Tuei.
day, Juns 11, breakfast with the core
pllmants of the Spokane Pally Press;
luncheon, oompllments of the Spokane
Pally Chronicle; banquet, compliments
of th Spokane Spokesman-Review,
Wednesday, Juns 14, luncheon and
banquet, also theater party for ladles.
with the compliments or tne opoaane
Ad Club. Thursday, June IS, morning
tour of city In autos for dslegatea and
their ladles, compliments of th Spokana
bualness men: banquet, compliments of
the Spokana Chamber of Commerce.
A number of ether features are
promised by the Spokana Ad Club which
they refuse to divulge.
Among tha speakers at the convention
win be:
H. af. Alexander. Chicago, Clagna-Palntar-
Jonee AdvartlalnK Agency; O. H. Brock
hasan. Seattle, aavertiaing manager Seattle
Poet-Intelligencer; Joaeph Blethen. Seattle,
Prealrieat Seattle Publicity Club, manager
Seattle Dally and buoday Times; c. c.
Chspraan, Portlsnd, vlce-piesldant Portland
Ad Club, manager Portland Commerolal
Club; Prank J. Cooper, San "ranciaco. Coop
er Advertlalng Company; 8. C. Xebba, At
lanta, prealdent Aaaoelatea Advertlalng
Cluba of America; Walter Foater, Seattle.
Foster A Kleieer. Seattle: John A. Giles,
Salt Lake City, Ollae Advertlalng Agency;
Charlea Green, ban rranclaco, tha j.
1 t a " ? ." -f iarw
i. i' 5
s - ir
Staadlaur Lft to Right) Gladys Rickey, Martraret Sohsuatla, Lloyd Scbram, Roy Johauson, Kenneth Rob
, art a, Herbert Hoaa. May Keat era-en, Wilbur Thompaoa, Lillian Fredolpb. Seated (Left to Rlsrbt) Ethel
tvllkeauwBt Uerbe-rt Bfas, klaasl Mlckoll, Marian Robertaoa. tarl Thompson.
GBSSHAM, Or., June 10. (SpaoisX) Fourteen graduates from the Gresham High School were given
their diplomas on Friday evening at tha school assembly hsll. which was filled to overflowing with friends,
relatives and schoolmates of the class. An excellent programme was given and the graduating address waa
given by Professor Ds Cou, of ths State University. The diplomas were presented by Arthur Dowsett,
chairman of tha board of directors.
This Is th sixth class to graduate since the high school -was established in 1895. The alumni now
numbers 35. the present class being the largest of all. The exercises were followed by a banquet In one of
1 the class rooms, given by the junior claaa to th graduates, their parents and teachers and those assisting
In the programme. -
Harold Kern was toastmastar; those responding bslng Bert Hoss, County School Superintendent: R. F.
Robinson. Professor D Cou. Miss Allda Culey, Mra Wallaoo, Dr. Alfred Thompson. Theodore Brugger and
Miss Jennie strebla.
. O. Seyely.
rjSvrKKmWJV- r---isi.3JCTS
fx X. Shart.
C. H, Moore.
B. H. Hoyek,
' v I ' at b
T-T-r, -;--
K. W. Bdwarda,
P. Jy. Maraland.
Charles Oreea Company William C. Hunter
(Colonel "BUI" Hunter), Chicago, president
Boyca'a Weekly; Gaerse W. Kleieer. Port
land, Foster A Kleieer, Portland; D. O. Live
ly, Portland, vice-president snd general man
ager Portland Union Stockyards; William
A. Meers, Loe Aagelaa; C. B. Merrick. Port
land, az-prealdent Portland Ad Club, Post
maatar; David N. stoaeaaohn, Portland, prea
ldent Portland Ad Club; publleher the Jew
lab Tribune; C. V. White, Seattle, editor
"White Saylnga": William Woedhaad, San
Frsnetaeo, prealdent Advartlains Association
of San Franc laco, bualneaa manager. Sunset
afagaslna :
Th Portland delegation consists, of
the following:
David N. MeeeasohR, publisher Jewish
Tribune, president Portland Ad Club; c. C.
Chapman, manager Commercial Club, vlce
praaldcnt Portland Ad Club; A. G. Clark.
With Wsdhsms A Kerr Bros., vies-prealdent
Portland Ad Club; M, W. Hard, with Pa
eina stationary A Printing Co., noting sec
retary Portland Ad Club; Charlea B. Mer
rick, Postmaster, former president Portland
Scotland Reports Great Growth" in
Number of Attendants.
LOXDON, June 10.' (Special.) "What
ever may be the case elsewhere, the
membership of the Church of Scotland
seems to be Increasing. In the annual
report of the committee on statistics
of ths church, juat presented to the
general assembly, it Is stated that at
the close of 1910 the number of com
municants on the roll was 71,0S9, an
Increase of 2828. The number report
ed as having communicated at least
once last year was .613,758. The num
ber of elders Is 11,978, an increase of
182. The committee on temperance re
ports a decrease - in drunkenness
throughout the country.
"Though there has been greatly in
si - .
J- '
o t
: :S3r ' yV)
fjU X, Aa W T
-- I "
rr- :t ' . . '
? If
Si i - - 3
C. MeAlllater..
C- B. Merrick.
Y K - I
af !
A- Whltmore,
W, I Campbell,
4iJ f
f 3
P. W. Chausse.
C. C- Chapman,
lh Ajtl
U. W. little.
O. L. Ferris.
Ad Club; Cheater A. Whitemore, prealdent
Irwin-Hodaon Company; D. O. Lively, vic
presldent Portland Union Stockyards; A. C.
Black, publicity manager TTnlon Meat Com
pany; W. L. Campbell, manager Pacific
ftallwaya, Advertising Company; William Mc
Murray, - general paaaenger agent Harrlmany
linea; C. H. Moore, manager Pacific -Telephone
A Telegraph Company; R. H.
Crosier, advertlalng manager Hill lines: O.
L. Ferris, Manager Columbia Trust Com
pany; W. B. Cole, manager the Brockle
bank Company: Herbert W. Little, manager
Oregon Title Men's Association: H. C. Me
Alllater, real estate; F. L. Moreland. with
Kublt Miller Company; George T. Atchlcy,
retired; F. W. Chauase. Chausae Prurlhomme
Company: R. W. Edwards, with Hieka
Chatten Engraving Company: C. E. Arms,
manager Oregon Engraving TJomnany: H. B.
Hayek, with Kllham Stationery A Printing
Company; D. T. Short, with Emmons 4
Correapondents of the Portland dally
newspapers will accompany th dele,
creased employment for the artisan
population. In comparison with the pre
vious year." it says, "there has not
been, to the same extent as formerly,
an Increase in the amount spent on
Knife Is SJelted by lightning.
LONDON. June 10 (Special.) John
MoCammond, a Belfast golfer, had a
startling experience the other day on
Malone course in that city, while play
ing a game with a friend. A thunder
storm came on. and the pair took shel
ter In a small oorrugated iron building.
Mr. McCammond sat near the door., and
while waiting for the storm to pass
commenced to cut up an old golf ball
with a knife. Suddenly a very vivid
flash of lightning struck the knife.
In the ball, and scorching Mr. McCain
mond's fingers. . - -
v ,
' SM
s 1 1
" a
5v i