The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1911, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 14

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    , nTjrrnvnv PORTL.LVD. JT7XE 11.
xiiti au.tnAi yiiv,.- .
-Champions Win Biff-Bang
Affair by 8-to-2 Score.
Thorsen Is Victim.
Baddy Ryan Lawes Ball Bard Fp
Against Right Garden Wall and
Dm J jr. for Visitors. Lands on
Koestner for Home Ran.
Btung by two successive defeats
handed thern by tho Anln McCredle's
Beavera want after Elmer Thorsen
from the atari of a biff baas; affair at
tha Vaughn-street park yesterday and
defeated tha Southerners I to 1
It waa a iuu brim full of bear?
hitting, and tha extra baao hits la tha
'summary do not Indicate all of tha
Iocs; clouts scored by tha batsmen, for
Buddy Ryan almost duplicated Pets
Daly's homer by lacing ona high one
asralnst the right Held wall, which
would have gone over had the ball
been a foot nigner. This nappened In
the eighth Inning and scored Rodger,
who had tripled to left, but netted
Ryan only one baae. aa Bernard took
tbe bail on the rebound and held the
batter at tha first sack.
Tborsrn Is to Blame.
Portland got busy with Thorsen In
the erst Inning, though It waa his
own wild bears of a bunt In
the effort to catch Rodgers at third,
which allowed that worthy and Ryan
to tally In tbe opening Inning. With
two out la tha second Inning Chad
bourne drove a pretty safety to center
sending In Koeetner. who bad forced
Murray at second and then stolen that
bag. la the fifth Krueger and Rapps
doubled after two men were out. and
Sheeban's single combined to register
two mora runs for the Heavers.
In the sixth singles by Murray and
Chadbourne. followed by Rodger two
bagger tallied two more runs, and tha
anal ace acquired by Poniino came in
the eighth as detailed a bore
rte Ia!y. first man up la the fourth,
clouted a home run for the Angels, and
In the fl?th the visitors landed on
Koestner for three hits and another
run. whereupon McCredle jerked
Koestner and substituted Beaton, which
stunt ended tha run getting for Dillon's
rrew. At the time the Angels wera
only on run behind.
Howard Podge Hero's Role.
YVhea Beaton went oa tha hill there
were two out and two on th sacks
and Koestner had pitched three balls
to Daly, featon failed to get lb drat
on over and DeJy walked. Ailing tbe
bases, but Howard missed a chance to
be a for the visiting nine, when
be pop filed to Rodgera. ending th
Inning. After that featoo was Invinci
ble, though, when Metxger opened the
sixth with a bit. McCredle sent Ferd
Xmkte and BUI ateen to warm up.
II inkle has been secured from th Se
attle cluo In exchange for Fullerton,
McCredle completing the deal with
Iugdal yesterday. Illnkl la a left
bander and will be need In bis first
game against Vernon at Loe Angeles
Bevt week.
The score of yesterday's game la aa
Lee Ana' I remano
Ao. It re. a- r.
A.H Pe- A-H.
m lb
-Vme.rf I O
!. rf.
II m r.l.:f
M .r.e
T ma.. ?a
1 RU n lk 1 1
I Diu '( 4 1
Km e.r If I I I
Kappa I. I HI
vhn.2o S t 1 lis
Vurrar.c. I S
J s
1 11 I
1 K'tnr.a. 1 s s
tsraiua... 1 J
Total. IT T 3Tl "tl Total-. U 14 SI 11 1
le Ang-elee
Ynrtlsnd ...
I I I I 1 I I-
1 lft 1
Illlllll 14
a Paler. Grind:. Chabeera.. Red-
E.tA Krueaer. Kappa. Sfurrav.
Ktnr. wtrwck out Pr K.e.iner4. 17
a.toa 2. Pa, oa ane Off K.eetnf 1. off
tetoa t. oft a. Two-baoo bite
Krwtn. R.ppa Hnlpni Tre-Ie bit
I...:.r II .me run rler
Nlmu to 1'lUoo. anfu-a hits rtoraard,
.t..t. at..:.o b.a-e Koinr,
;.tn.t; pllche.1 By Koeatner
ll.i rr,t Victor to Koe.tner. te. talte
oft K'f-nn 4. runs 3. Time et game 4
hour 3. mlnat.a t mplre t'laaey.
Ha m-ball Notes.
Klmer Koeatner might hare finished
..i.r.liv me all rlaM. but McCre
dle thouacht It beet to taks no c Dances
entt f 1 In Beaton.
H-iddy Kyan came within an are ol
fitting a home run in tne eianio. 1
t drive hit Mat against the right
field fen,, but It bounded back Into
in weitlne- hands of liernard.
t . . u.,..rj rlnallv oeaeed Artie
Kiu'or nicely and by playing far
aaainsl the left nelrl tenre in me
e' In. he robhed the big Iiutchroan of
a sevond tao-oaxger.
T.mmv Viimv was hit on the ahonl
der bv a foul t!o In the atxth. which
came near Ms retirement. How.
.r te eame Utlie Irlaliman stuck
O'lt rv.e contest, much to th delight of
the fana.
Bennr Henderson Is slated to pitch
for Portland true afternoon, which will
be the last lint of the Is Angeles
series, ar.l Pti'.on will likely send
-k'l.nie' twllil aaalnst Portland. It IS
Acnw t'irn. or even Couchman might
be rlcht today.
mu Rrxiaera eave two demonstra
tions of ped en the bsses ye.terdav
irhrn he atret.'hed hits both time In
t.-.e !via he got two ha- when Daly
tumM.l s'ightiv and In the eighth he
took three on an ordinary two-base hit.
I. t .lKS Innlnr Rva
stnie .-or" .1 and rtnnev Tret ca.led him
nt an.-t aer he nnal'.v til.-overed that
Xetiar-r m.tra.l of lelmaa. who cov
ered the hex. had the bell, he reversed
fc' Ue nlofl and ruled correctly.
I'e-klnp"xh enlivened th gam
ailn a lion end throw or Iel
maa' hard hit aroiinder toward left In
te fourth I'eck'a throw to Kappa
was sltctlr to one etoe. bTit BUI made
n ene.han.ld stab of tue ball and Del-
rnae wa. out.
ean lirrit loet a game for Cleve
land ve.ler1i.4v. thouah he allowed on!r
f .ir hue. whi'e hi. toerr.i-uitoe corralled
. oniv five binge "ft Ja k Werhop. who
tii'i h.1 for -w York, i.reeg eeems to
1 e same, lu.t like Weiler Johnson.
Too bed both are not with good cluba.
All rf the Northwestern Learue cluhs
ht been strergtreped ei'-ept Port
land arid Victoria. Terhars th.e trams
sre content to remain In tr'e out
If bo It look, orettv .hakv for th
las te. aa enckan and iteattie, the
ma.i.siaya. ar hot drawing any loo
M-Or.dte haa traded chartear Fuller
ton to r T ! for Krrd M:rk. T.e let
ter will loin the parinc t'oaat league
t.m and t.'ie ort h w e.ter a team Is
.tl I s.'-y of pit. hers. Wwllams' le
1 a!- thv of other material and no
aai.APie r.iief men ar In sight.
rnjf-iei.ter Fetftgrew. the new man
.iiKht f-om t.-.e Wichita Vestrn
IaKii f!ub. arrived it FortTand ye.
trrlav and was In srlform wlt.'t tbe
Veav.ra xsstaxday afteraooa. lis la
. .J , . ,-. I - V ''.'' '. i BAKER S SUPERB PITCHXXQ BE-
a. ",- - ""f-- '-Y.' FEATS 60CTB BEXD.
Ma. "1 -JLm- :f ' -" ! i' ' . :
t ' ' - ... r " ' 'av--'-J 'V oenfrVl'la
K . . - t -.- -.v-.- f"'- V"''f -5 t Raymond
f '- '' 'ige V' '"- J V South Bend .
' ' i T -J ' I -' "" V, RAYMOND,
built something Ilk Baddy Ryan and
aema to know th game.
SEAIjS take
Senator Drop Second Extra Canto
Contest of Series.
Francisco won lta cnd lf-lnnlng
gam of th present serlea with Sac
ramento today, giving th lacala three
out of th Ov games played.
Two-baggers, two each by McArdie
... H.iuiniilil. roe tha
Kw Rm.n fPranclscO. Mllle
give way In th eighth to Browning
after th former bad been found for
two run and thre hit for bla ahar
Of th gam. Score:
Sacramento JSea Francisco
ab II Pe A El AbHPoAB
hlnn. Sb 1 1 'l"e If J
o n'k. 4 0 3
rtniri alio
Oails.ia 4 0 14 0
OT.nn' 1 I 0
1 Melch'r.rf 10 2 0 0
I. Mo'ler.Sb 24X0
o'erm' 4 3 3 0
o lierry.c. 4 0 8 0
Miller, p 3 1 1 O 0
,t . i o a o
M.h y. if 4i
K -r n If 3 O 3 1
rnom'ec 4 3 0
t'in'ii.H o 3 1
Hunt. p. 4 IO v
lM.d en.rf 0 O 0
V.k'n.u 1 O O
IBr'a'nx.p 1 0 0 O 0
JSch' 110 0 0
Za'1'ok.rf J0S
Total 3i 4 21 IT 1 Total. It 10 W U 0
aarrament 1 0 9 I 0 0 0 J J
u. bite o 1 1 1 00 i 4
t.fVr.; iz.;
Be bits 0 03100113 310
xHatted for Melcholr In seventh. xxBat-
trJ for iliilee in elxbin. mttalie.i ir
Berry In ninth. Two rune tarn
Mlllw la aiaht laatnsa.
Rone Khlna I. MeArdle 3. Miller.
Tee-bee. hue McArrtle 3. vT.avM' 3. c
r.Oc. hue T.naant. Mhler. ?T?nJn
hue ea called b.lle Huot . Miller l.
Br-eaina 1. toa teie Shine 13 Car
n,.n. etrock out Hunt 4
Brswams X. Hit by ptt.-hee Jhlna 3. Pu
ie pi.. Hhina to tniic. Time of gams
3.1A. Umpire MlldeOvand.
Villager and Commntero Pound
Opposing; Twlrlcra Bard.
lOS AXGEI-ES. Jun 10 Pitchers on
both sides wer ay for th batters
today, bat Vernon was mor lucky than
Oakland and won. to 4. rne v ii
lagera need three twlrler and Oak
land two, but the gam waa won In
th .third, when Kllroy. tho Commuter
southpaw filled th bases, and then
allowed thre hits.
The score:
Oakland Vera
AhJl Po.A t- A e-'
OPrl lb
1 It
O .--lala of A 1 4 0 0
kt.rrt if
Cut' w.Sb
fjrhr.ff'S 2b
3 O
a . -n. t a a 1
4 1
c l i rn.lo 4 1 10
1 0 ptln'n.rf . 4 3a
1 O Hoep.Zb. 3 3 1
4 OM'K' 3 1 a
3 O 3 11
t 1 Mroen.e. 3 3 4
3 v Hitlelsb.B O 0
3 O O
0 V HIII.P. . . O
IBreee'r 1
O 0 1 0
0 o o o
Total. 31 34 1 t! Total. 3T 0 SI III
Mltie eatted for Abelee la ninth.
e'Braahear batted for Ralel(h la second.
-:::::::::? 5
Vernon 0S01010-
iivST .j::."."....o i3iiio io
Runs Hoffman. Maexart. Xarher (I). Par
II.;.. Jtttn.oa. Hop fit. M.K.naa J2. Bur
rrlL Throe. bee. Ml-Rurroll. Two-baM
hue Zchv t2. Hnllnx. Hoffman. Hit
g.rt. riim.on. ttacrlfjoe hit I'.arce. Bur
roll !'. Kaa.. filiwop, Hltt fit. s''n
Mere- w.rnk Carllela. BorrelU
Ba-ee on Of? Kllroy 3. off Ab.i.i i
Double pure Zaoh.r te Out.haw. Wild
pV."a-AV...a lilt b pitched ball Ho
ind Pattereoa. by KUroy. Tims l.eo.
Vmplre McOreevy.
Wrestler Preparlnc for Go.
VANCOUVER. 'WasrL. Jun 10. 8p
claXV Clyde Ldeser. a well-known local
wrestler, has begun training for his
bout with J. F. Ayr. champion of
Iowa, at Sheridan. Or, on Jun 17.
Both will meet at 140 pounds. When
they met before. Ueser threw Ayers.
rr Leagwea at a Clsnee.
Pacsse reae. I Meetbweetera.
v. i.fO w. u p r
Port'aed .. .:t Jpokane -. ;; r;
!.n lr.B..J '.l .M.'l"fl ....34IS.J-4
r.m. xJ 4- v..o.over .31 it
O.k.nd ...MS att,e . MPS .4..1
L Anr-l- 44 J Victoria
1 1 40 .21
Xw Terk. I'll -o.'3 Petrelt .. ...S I .! rhlle
p. . J l .13 lo.iea ...
m . t M..m ;l f 1 .-' New York.
w. U P C
M 14 .T '.-O
.3 If .-"
,; Jl
. 13 IO .S-3
13 1 1 .Sit J :i .4t. lev.l.nd
p-ookija ..141 .3 Waehrtot
Boetoa ....13SI . Low
.3 3J .4'M
.IT J .370
,.11 II .111
leaenlarl KeeaJta.
Pacific Uin Portland . Los i. rraaciec 3. Pacrasaeata 3.
son a. O.k aad 4.
Norit.Mtani lje Pert, and . Tao
enKor 0 i foff-itr.1 . tipoaaae a. Seattle 4:
Ti.ann li Vwior.a J.
N.ti.-aal Ueea-4. Plrt.burg . Breoalm
CM-ee . H 3: t'la lnn.ll i. N.a
tor 1: ft. Louie 0. rhll.4;phla .
A-n.rlo.a Uu- Boeioa 4, Detroit 5:
PM ado:rba 14. t Louts : IS.
vtaebifigwa T. i'w Xea 2, Clevena 1.
lWXXnfO GAME I . ' . . . i
v Iliwiiwwiai4w
.Mi. i . i i. i - . i
r II ; i - ' . ' II
I ' -i--a-ll--'J
Beaver Shortstop's Work on
Diamond Looms Up. "
Though Not t31 Tears of At Be
lias Record or Two Years In Pro
fesalonal Game, Klgnlnir First
With Cleveland Club.
One dav earlv In alarch aa tha eleo-
trio train connecting Santa Maria with
tha main line of th Southern Pacific
at Ouadaloupa arrived at the former
.ur. a nattily dressed, athletic-ap
pearing youns; man alighted. 4nd then
deferentially assisted a cnarmmg
young woman from th car, and quiet
ly asked tha whereabouts of Walter
McCredle. manager of th Portland
Baseball Club, which trained at that
Th young man was Roger peckin
paugh. and th young woman his
brrae. From that moment th couple
Immediately became favorite In banta
ilarla. and the athletic young husband
appeared on tn aiamouu oi
noon and hla ability as a ball player
Immediately caused Joy among the
players, fans and scribes, for It was
quit apparent that the Cleveland Club
had sent Portland an athlete thor
oughly eapabl of filling th shoes of
Ivan Olson. Portland's shortstop of the
110 champions, who was taken from
us by Cleveland.
Peck Jumped Into th gam Immedi
ately, and his wonderful work at short
stop has been th marvel of th Pacific
Coast League ever since the season
opened. To date he ha pulled off mora
sensational plays and contributed less
errors than any short fielder th
Beaver ever had. He Is fast on his
feet and seems able to get over a lot
of territory at hi position, and his
throwing arm Is the delight of the
fans, for It Is quite seldom thst this
capable and energetic young player
contributes a poor throw.
Pecklnpaugh 1 a native of Cleveland,
and flrt played baseball with the
grammar school teams of that city.
Later h Joined th Cleveland T. M.
C A. and played svrl seasons with
that team, and It was while with that
team that be attracted the attention
ot th Cleveland American League
management. He la not yet Jl years
old. and ha been playing professional
baseball about two years.
It was In 19 that he attracted
-.i t . n .i' attention ' and that club
signed him and turned him over to the
w Haven ciuo in too i.ouimw-ui
League. That Fall he was reclaimed
pr Cleveland, and offered to Portland
for 110. but alcCrcdl still had Olson
nd was not In need of a shortstop.
Clsveland had also turned Mile Net
sel over to McCredle as a third base
man otherwise the Portland leader
might nav tried reck out at third last
When Cleveland claimed Olson last
Tall that club Immediately turned
Pecklnpaugh over to McCredle In ex
change, and tbe Beaver leader la well
satisfied with th exchange.
Pecklnpaugh Immediately Jumped
late favor la th league, for h wa
th sensation of tha opening serlea at
Lo Angeles, and baa continued to
please the patrons of the game by bis
steady work ever since He Is an am
bitious player, and believes thst a suc
cessful season In this league thl year
will insure mm auvam.-rHn.-M Uu
rrmon.nt berth In th big league In
th near f utun
Victors Iatnd on Bronshton for Six
Hlfa Nettlne; Five Runs Dar
in. Elchth Inning.
.... 3
Wash.. June 10. Speclal.)
nltchlng superb ball for
Raymond, beat South Bend today 9 to i
Th game waa hotly contested up to the
eighth inning, when Broughton. South
Bend's bojr pitcher, allowed six hits
which netted five runs. Baker has
pitched seven games for Raymond and
lost but two, and In thes two games he
allowed two hits In on and three hits
In the other game, which went for 11
Innings. The most hits he has given In
any game so far Is seven. Today he al
lowed but Ave, and those were well scat
tered, striking out eight men.
Outside of th pitching feature was the
.tiov .nrk of th home team, two two-
base hits and a triple figuring In the
play. Score: "
e R. H. B.I R- H. E
Raymond :.. 16 f8outh Bend. .4
Batteries Baker and Wineholt; Brough
ton and Troeh. Umpire Hall.
Customs Ruling Permit I let urn of
Horses Free of Doty.
WASHINGTON. June 10. Racing of
American-bred nornes in
Europe will not be affected by the Cus
. . miin. which lmDoses a
duty on all domestlo animals when they
are returned to tnis country.
Horses which go to Canadian tracks
' Cno-lanA will be ClSSSed
or lu r i a.uuo " " o -
as animals for exhibition and may be
re-admitted free of auty.
. . n.nroir.enthnraemen have rep
resented that If the court s rule wer
applied w " --
ent a great obstacle to horsobreedlng
In this cohntry.
Hill Course Record Lowered.
new HAVEN. Conn.. June 10. David
Bruce-Brown, driving a 100-borse-
powor Flat, estaonsnea a new
. . i L-wi.u vtm onnn. today, cov
ering the nine-tenths of a mile up hill
tn 46:J seconos. in me luurm
wiii-oiirohino. contest of the Yale and
New Haven Automobile Club. The
time was .J0 seconds better than he
made In 1909. His nearest compcuiur
was Fred Belcher of Sprlngneld, Alaas..
in . oiv.evilnder Knox, whose time
was BLT4 seconds.
'rr k
Roy Land, Pitcher for Arletau
Roy Lund, the 18-year-old
pitcher of the Arleta baseball
team, has made a wonderful rec
ord so far tills season. This Is
his second year In tho box. and
he haa developed great speed and
control. In the eight games he
haa pitched thl year, the Arleta
team has lost only one, and that
waa due to poor support given
He has averaged 11 strlke-outs
for each of the eight games and
nex'er more than three hits have
been made off his delivery In a
single contest, although some ot
them have gone IS Innings. The
Arleta team has met the strong
est of the Sunday League and
taken them Into camp; due large
ly to the excellent work of Lund.
Though young. Lund has great
speed and headwork. He la seen
at his best In tight places and
when his teammates ar disor
ganised by ragged plays. In
those cases he is cool headed and
does the most of his retiring; on
strikes. He haa wonderful con
trol of the bsll. The youth
stands a few Inchea over six feet
and. when In action. Is a right
handed Vera Gregg In build and
Lund Is taking good care of
his arm and hss the ambition
to be a pitcher.
i e
I 4
? f .-4yrrj:vs;:.;,jv.. 1
nninnTrnn uvr .s.
Recalcitrant Vancouver Man
ager Refuses to Obey
Angry Crowd Besieges Official as
He Is Leaving Grounds Brash
ear Makes Attempt to
Change Baseballs.
Vancouver, B. C June 10. (Spe
cial.) With the score standing 8 to 4
in rimr nf the Roadsters. Umpire
Longanecker forfeited the game to
Portland after three ana one-aair in
nines' play.
t tmiih BiartM uriiRr in lit
h,n Ton otj nor kor tl fO(t 11
Cates out of the grounds. The Van
i a..ii him " mlnnlM hefore
he forfeited the game. This happened
In the second, wnen mo ne.voiB w
In th lead. Cates disappeared within
h allotted time. Brashear refused to
comply with the umpire's demands in
the nrst or tn iounn miumus u
hot- 1. whloh the h.lla H IO k PD t. I
was getting dark and new and dark
1 1 1 v...... halno. Mxrltoheit.
UB1JD 1 1 1 O v.uo, "
Brashear finally took the satchel
m-o . n . K k .in i'..,' hprnh and keDt
It there. Longanecker ordered him to
. . 1. i . n.lirlnQllv WO
put It . ucia .
and t"he Vancouver manager threw out
all the balls In sight on tne neia. um
minute was allotted nun 10 put uio us
, i k . a-omA --ni,M Ka forfeited.
uni.iv wi . " bu.w u .
After replacing the bag, which belonged
to Brashear, Longaoecaer oiucicu nnu
to place tne oaiis dock again out -.'". u
oa .nlhlnv .tlrrlnv and the game
waa forfeited, 9 to 0. The game was
- ,. .. hail a iivaiv rima wirn
the crowd and players while coming
.. S . V. - s-nna kilt XfttVOe TftVlOf
happened to be on deck and threatened
to arrest any man who interior, wim
the umpire.
Tacoma Flayers Feast on Offerings
of Visiting Twlrlers.
TACOMA. June 10. The locals won
v.--v.i,tino. B-amA triie arternoon in
i. : . v. . Kl,.h.,a nftwA hr Vic
toria were sacrificed for the good of
local batting averages. Victoria
played a loose game In the field, the
o.f nmllftlin Vl O t n QT O V P Tl III OT ft
numerous than those specifically re-
coraea as ox commiasiua. .xwu e
Wlil oe piayeu tuuiuriww.
The score:
Victoria I Taeoma -
Ab.H.P0.A.B. Ab.H.Po.A.B
n.vl. If . 4 0 S 0 0 Baasev.lf. fi 3 6 O
D'.-M'r h .
01 ; la an. io.
i s i a
Oman.3b 4 1 1 'JJI!
, wu m t ' a i i j i . . vj . m w v
H' x e .A.ooii;.ri. . w w r
i e 1 S
1 C
1 J
liBurns.0. .
14 0
j l
2 7 0
10 1
3'mao.c. 4
r Bn- r. a a a a
Okke'r.p. t 1 0 3
Total. 13 III S 4 Total.. IS It 27 f
Victoria x 0 0 0 X 0 0 1
Tacoma 6 1 1 0 0 1 4 11
Runs Householder 2. Ward. Basxey. Cole
man. Rockenrleld 1. Morse. Abbott 2. Burns
8. Fisher. Sacrifice hit Fisher. Sacrifice
flies Hlsslns. Ward. Two-baee hit House
bolder. Three-baae hits Fl.her. Basaey,
w.rd. noma run Bumf. Hits Off Lane
in 1 Innins 2, runs 6; off Okker in 7 Innings
12. run I. Htruca out ay uiKsina z, Dy
Qkker 1. Base on balls By Lane 1. by
nwicor 4. Hit b Ditcher McMurdo by
Hlxslns, Fleher by Okker. Wild pitches
Lane 1- Time oi game noun.
Sensational Support of Willis Is Re
sponsible for Turks' Loss.
SPOKANE, June 10. Klppert was the
whole show today, cutting off two
runs for Seattle by spectacular throws
and driving in two runs. Sensational
support all around saved Willis, the
ex-San Francisco pitcner, wno nas won
ten out of 11 games, from defeat.
The score:
t , I I Sookane
Ab.K.Po.A.E.1 A0.H.P0.A.B.
Leard.Sb. 4 2 4 S o's'etlel.Sb. 4 11X1
D'dson.lf. 2 111 l,;"ooney.s. 4 2 15 1
C'k' 4 1 t OFrlsk.rf.. 2 12 0
Bues.M.. 4 2 1 OlN' 4 1 11 1 0
"ocuh.rf 4 0 t 0 OjZ'rman.lf. 4 0 10 0
k . i n e m n i.-' t . . i A
R'm' 4 2 11 1 C't'shf.rb 4 12 10
Shea.c... 4 3 1 opst'dieK.c 4 2 I 0 o
Z'kert.n.. 3 1 0 5 0 Wlllls.p. .41110
Weed'.,. 1 0 0 0 0 T'scher.lf. 0 0 0 0
Total. 34 11 24 15 2 Total.. 32 11 27 13
'Weed batted for Zackert In ninth.
Seattle .... 100010204
Spokane 0 0 0 03 1 0 1
Rnm T.rd. Davidson. Cruikshank. Ray
mond. NetxeU Frisk. Nordyke. Two-bast
hits Davidson. Cooney. Three-base hits
Sha. Leard. Ostdlek. .Stolen bases Kipport,
Ostdlek. Double plays cooney to sorayae;
tlnmrl to Ostdlek. Struck out by Willis 1
by Zackert 2. Base on balls off Zackert
4. Wild pitch Zackert. Hit by pitched
ball Frisk. Left on bases Seattle b. Spo
kane . Time of same 1:40. Umpires
Baumsartner and McCarthy
Chicago 6, Boston 3.
CHICAGO, June 10. Chicago defeated
Boston today. .The locals bunched hits
and with the assistance of good base
running, bases on balls and costly er
rors, had little difficulty in winning.
Kllng and Kaiser and Graham and
Goode. who figured In the big ex
change of players ;roday, participated
with their new colleagues. The score
R. H. E.I R. H. K.
Chicago. .. 11 ljBoston. ...3 6
Batteries Brown and Graham;- Mat
tern and Kllng. Umpires Rlgler and
Cincinnati 5, New Tbrk 2.
CINCINNATI. June 10. Infield hits
were the chief feature of the scoring
in today's game, which was won by
Cincinnati. Four visitors' bits came in
the sixth Inning. The score:
R. H. E.I R. H. E.
Sew York.. 2 8 2::incinnati. .S 11
Batterle Raymond, Crandall. Mar
quard and Meyer; Wilson, Caspar and
Clark, umpires caaon ana jonnstone.
St- Louis 9, Philadelphia 8.
8T. LOUIS, June 10. A ninth inning
rally made the local team a winner
over Philadelphia. Th game was
featured with Ave double blays and 19
bases on balls. Tbe local team maae
14 assists. The score:
R. H. E.! R. H. E.
Pbila'phla. -8 8 JSt Louis. . .9 10
Batteries Beebe, Chalmers, Burns
ajut tin-Tig i eaUan,. Geyer, L. Lanier
Plttsbnrg , Brooklyn 0.
PITTSBURG, June 10. Pittsburg to-
da-e defeated Brooklyn. They began
the seventh by bitting Scanlon and run
ning bases freely, six bases beizg
stolen, there neing vwo uoudib sieaia.
The score: t
. R.H.E.I R.H.E.
Pittsburg. . 1J iBrookiyn. . . x
Batteries Adams and Simon; fccan-
lon. Bell and Bergen. Umpires Klem
and Emslle.
Chicago 18, Washington 7.
wietjTviiTnw Tn.. in Chlcasro
romped away with Washington today.
driving three pitchers from the box.
The battine- of Waker and Bodie fea
tured the game. The score:
R.H.E.I R.H.K.
Chicago. . .18 1 SiWashlngton 7 10 S
t-. i. nlmrlaan TtTnlsh and Stil-
llvan: Sperry, Gray. Oley, Herrell and
Philadelphia 14, St. Louis S.
PHILADELPHIA. Juno 10. Philadel
phia easily defeated St. Louis. Col
lins and Mclnnls worked the trapped
ball trick on Hogan and Clarke in tne
seventh inning. The score:
R H. E.I R.H. ti.
St. Louis... 5 U JPhlla'phla .14 18 1
Batteries Powell. Hamilton. Harper
and Clarke; Morgan and Thomas.
New York C, Cleveland 1.
XTCW VAD XT TitTi. 1H X W York
won an exciting game from Cleveland.
Both Gregg and Warhop pitched finely,
irtia wintiin. run was scored on a pass
fo Daniels. Wolters double ana
Knight's sacrifice fly. The score:
R.H. E.
mevetnnd- .1 C OINew Tork..2- 4 i
Batteries Gregg and Land; warhop
and uiair.
Boston a, Detroit S,
BOSTON. June 10. Playing through
.-ow ohnvAi Rmitfln defeated Xe-
. i . in ,1.. tonlh Innlnff when Bush
dropped NunamaKers nara anve, ai
lowlng Terkes to score. The score:
R. H. E. R. H. B.
Boston. . . .6 11 UDetrolt. . . 6 18 S
Batteries Woods and Nunamaker;
Work, Willett, Lafitto and Casey.
College Baseball Games.
At Providence Brown, 7; Harvari 1.
At Princeton Yale, 6; Princeton, 3.
At Indianapolis Indianapolis, S
Waseda, 2.
TEAM, 8 TO 2.
Nes Perce Aggregation Loses Eecond
Contest to Clubmen by All Sorts
of Ragged Work.
Swinging the scythe or herding sheep
the Nez Perce Indians may be very
proficient, but as ball players "Good
night!" Multnomah beat them again
yesterday 8 to 3 on Multnomah Field.
Efforts of the red men to play Inside
ball were farcical, even to a point of
risking their lives. With the bases
full in the second inning the Indian
infield nlayed in for a bunt. Shortstop
Penny advancing to within five yards
of the batter. Munson. batting, nit one
a terrific smash, missing Penny by a
foot. Thereafter the Indians confined
their tactics chiefly to playing where
thev ought not.
Ed Morris was on the firing line for
the winged "M." letting the aborlglnles
off with three hits and whiffing 12 bat.
ters. The players yesterday were:
VnHnnmftll Nri 5erces
Patterson. Gleason..e Benjamin
Morris p. ... '.Harrison, Mooda
Barton 1b
Campbell lib
Hathaway. Pattern. 3b
McKenna. Myers. . . .ss
Myers. Hathaway. . .If
W. Gleason, R.
Gleason rf
. Penn
r. A A. C 1 4 2 0 1 0 0 0 8
Indians O0O0 0O01 12
Umpire Buck Keith.
League Team Loses to Collegians by
Score of 6 to 1.
Or., June 10. (Special.) The Willamette
University baseball team kept up its
winning streak today by beating tho
Salem league team, which at present is
tied for first place In the Willamette
Valley League, 6 to L
Willamette made only one error. Wil
lamette scored in the third inning on
doubles by Oakes and' Harrison, again
In the fourth on a double by McRae.
aided by a sacrifice by Steelhammer and
an error by Salem's catcher. Willamette
scored two runs in the fifth on hits by
Harrison and Oakes and an error by
Jones. In the sixth hits by St. Pierre
and Blanchard and a misplay by the
shortstop gave the collegians two more
runs. The leaguers were shut out until
tha ninth, when a fielder's choice and
three hits eave them their only run.
Beauchamp struck out eight men and
allowed Ave hits. McRae had nve diner-
ent assists at short with no errors.
Oakes, Harrison and Steelhammer played
well for Willamette. For the league
team Humphries. Allegart and Jerman
did the best work, score Dy innings:
Willamette 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 0 0-
Salem 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 11
Umpire Kay.
Crowd of 1500 Sees Well-Played
Game at Fair Grounds.
CEXTRALIA. Wash., June 10. (Special.)
Centraiia openea tne aiaie ueague aL
the fair grounds today before a crowd
m iua . Vi a H hAlnff the nnnnsltlff
club. A parade preceded the game, which
was participated In by players, directors
and several hundred fans. The new dia
mond was in' excellent shape, and in a
fast and well-played game Chehalis won
l to 2. Holils anowea x nits, nut.
The only features of the game were
fh. tiani hittlne of Rerrv of Chehalis. a
running catch by Dusty Miller, that
threw him off his feet, and a home run
by Moore. Score:
R. H. B. R. H. E.
Chehalis ....4 16 3iCentralla .3 S 3
Batteries Fechtner and Wilkins; Hollls
and White.
Miss Sears Will Play With Miss
Hotchklss at Philadelphia.
BOSTON. June lb. (Special.) Miss
Eleanors Sears, of this city has ac
cepted the Invitation of Miss Hazel
Hotchklss. OI i;amornia, lub iircacui
woman National tennis champion, to be
her partner In the doubles division of
tne ttwT"lfll atiqnai woxaau. a yiiauivluu
1 LV .
fit flT-ll ll F
u crt a mtq
One prayermeeting won't j
make a saint but we can j
eonvert a man to (our) store j
with just one suit.
After that he becomes ai
regular customer.
Contributed by famous;
manufacturers who have
been making clothing forj
years and who have a life
long reputation to sustain,
our clothes simply must be
right, in value and style ;
They are! .
They're the pinnacle ofj
perfection. !
Well show you if youH
come in.
285 Morrison St.
Between Fourth and Fifth.
ship tournament, which will start Mon
day at Philadelphia. ,
Miss Sears will not. In all probability,
be an entrant In the singles division.
She will be practically tbe only Boston
participant. .
Rose City Park Winner.
At Jefferson grounds Rose City Park,
... r c f. Q Ratti,HpH KftrtnOl-
eray and Drlscoll; Edwards and Shaw.
Plenty of Boxes and Absence of Dis
ease Encourages Sport.
. nr:DT TV .Time ib- (RDecial.) The
sporting season In Ireland, just closed,
proved abnormally good as regards
scent, and that means a lot from a fox
hunting point or view, on mo wnu.
.u. ..,nT.i nf fnr,i haa been crood. and
1.1,9 " " I 1 ' J ... '
, . .,..,..11- freA from
IIIO LUUIlliy fi
mange. Occasionally foxes have been
seen in Ireland witn Daia pmuues, uui.
this often arises from their having
. a...-, nr nnlannmia fnodaand
E&icu Bumn f" - wi
Is not disease of a serious nature.
Lord ingan s secona ieim ui "iodi
ership in Meath has expired, much to
the rejrret of everyone connected with
the county, but he found the calls at
tendant on a five-day-a week pack
, ..i!!. rr, rAnlcn at the end
of the season. It is conceded that dur
ing both his regimes no one cuuiu.
have acted more impartially, or con
sidered the claims and representations
of all classes with more scrupulous
fairness than he has done. It is there
fore no wonder that he has been so
i -. tav... 'i iinirin, who suc
ceeds, has been associated since his
boyhood with tne Meatn, ana xno coun
try has been lucky in finding so excel
lent a successor to Lord Fingall living
in its midst.
Factories In Spain do not employ the
same scheme for distributing their products
as In the United States, but either main
tain thetr own retail shops or sell direct
to the retailers through traveling salesmen.
A shipment of these
famous cars just re
ceived and are now
on exhibition at our
new home, corner
14th and Couch sts.
Nine models built
on our chassis.
Auto, Company
Fourteenth and Couch
Streets, Portland, Or.
Nez Perce Indians
Portland Colored Giants
St. Johns Car to Gate.
JjGood Game! Funny Coaching!,
T U -