CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 18 VOL. XXX. " PORTLAND. PRECOX.- SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 11, 1911. XO. 24. All Outdoors Is Calling-Let Us Help You to Get Ready Bon Voyage to Silk Coats Selling Regularly at $20.00 Tomorrow $12.75 first in favor with alt wo men for service. These silk, coats hold first place in popularity, and deserved ly so for they combine style, ap pearance and neatness, whether worn for automobiling or travel ing. These silk coats on sale to morrow are made 56 inches long of pongee, cloth of gold and Tus sah silks, in all the newest natural and tan colors. Some of these coat are made in plain tailored styles with nannish notched collars and re vert, others have sailor col lars and deep shawl revers. Some are trimmed with silk, while others are braided and braid trimmed. A Trio of Dainty Wash Fabrics on Sale For Matron or Miss, You'fl Not Go Amiss Imported Organdie, Special 19c Printed imported organdie 32 inches wide, white and tinted grounds, floral designs in beautiful color effects. For the first time offered for less than 25c Victoria Foulards, Special 19c The balance of this most popular wash fabric, about 500 yards in all. Patterns and colors identical with those found in the high priced imported silk fabric Regular 25c Imported Voile, Special 23 c 2500 yards imported voile, including printed floral designs, plaids and solid colors. Light, medium and dark, in all the standard and new shades. Demonstration .All This Week Modart Corsets By Mrs. L. C. Redding Announcement To the many of our custom' ert who were unable lo make appointments for fittings of Mo dart corsets during Festival week. &e extend this invitation. w-We Drill continue the special exposition of Modart corsets, for which Toe are exclusive agents, throughout the Week, and we hope to have the pleas ure of showing you and your friends this distinctive and won derfully Well-made corset. You will not envy other women's figures after you have once seen a Modart corset fitted to yours but you must ac tually see this for yourself first. Telephone tomorrow for an ap pointment or drop in when you are downtown. A fitting by one of our expert corsetieres does not carry with it an obli gation to buy. Your Summer Cottage Surely Needs Pictures 25c to 75c We are selling hundreds of attractively framed, inexpensive pictures for beach cottages. houseboats and m o u n t ain camps. You can buy framed Christy pictures, pretty marine and landscapes in carbon and hardwood frames, water color prints in gilt frames from 25c to 75c Surely it requires but a small outlay to give your Summer house a cheerful, homelike ap pearance. Tomorrow we place on sale a thousand new pictures rang ing in price from 25c to 75c Real Cluirty and Irish Jabots 95c Hand embroidered and trimmed with bits of real Irish and real cluny lace. Smart neck fixings that lend ap extra charm to your Summer frock also other examples in real Irish and cluny at $1.50 and $1.95. Dutch Sailor and Coat Collars 95c to $2.95 These come to us from one of the best manufacturers in New York. They are sent as examples of his latest Summer neckwear. Charming conceits in real cluny and real Irish, sailor and coat collars. Only one or two of a kind. Shetland Veils $1.95 Additional arrivals in very popular Shetland lace veils come to us in plain, round and octagon mesh. These veils are growing in favor as the season advances. The newest and most durable veil that is made. Colors are black, navy and brown. Chiffon Auto Veil Many chiffon automobile veils but this automobile veil we offer at $1.50, we believe to be the very best chiffon veil manufactured. It is two yards long with hemstitched hem inches wide on all sides in all the pop ular colors. Time for Hammocks S3. CO Hammocks, Sp'l $2.39 S4.00 Hammocks, Sp'l S3. J 9 $5.00 Hammocks, Sp'l $3.85 $7.50 Hammocks, Sp'l $5.95 Hammocks of superior quality, made of durable twisted hard finish yarns, with deep valance, up holstered pillows, and concealed spreader. Large variety of plain T figured designs. Silk Gloves in All Colors and Lengths Just a Minute! I Must Have My Sweater Never to be left behind on an Outing trip. The most popular sweater ever designed for athletic inclined young women. After tennis, canoeing, walking, riding, the beach, or in the moun tains, these slip-over-the-head and coat sweaters are ideal. Made just like the men's sweaters in the plain white stitch with colored collars, cuffs and bottom bands. $5.00 and $6.50 As Well a Lamp Without a Light As a Lingerie Dress Without a Princess Slip But why be without a Princess Slip? Certainly with the variety of styles and range of prices you should be able to find just the princess slip you need. A Dollar Fifty Princess slips of fine, soft-finish lawn in pink, white or light blue. Three Dollars Princess slips of fine quality mull, made with lace-edged ruf fles in light blue, lavender, corn, pink and white. Four and a Half Princess slips of all silk Jersey cloth in black, pink, corn, laven der and light blue, made with Messaline flounce Five Dollars Princess slips of all silk Jersey cloth, in white, black, light blue, pink, corn and lavender, made with accordion plaited flounce of silk Messaline. , Farewell to These Fine Suits Sell Normally to $38.50 Tomorrow $22.50 . Tis as We Said Way Back Last January Suede Bags You see them everywhere on the street, for visiting and in the theater. In black, gray and other delicate shades to match your Spring gown also moire and satin bags find favor, this being essentially the season of novelty bags. Tomorrow we show many new models. 95c, $1.45 and $1.95 Assuredly a modest price for a suit that you have the guar antee will stand the roughest usage during the entire Sum merand at all times retain its original shape and appearance. Strictly man-tailored suits in plain tailor-made and braid-trimmed styles. All late Spring mod els in 24 and 25-inch lengths. The materials are fine imported Eng lish serges, worsteds and fancy mn wear materials. The colors are black, navy, gray, tan and king s blue. Every jacket is lined with finest Peau de Cygne. The skirts are made in the most approved models. Of Course, We Are READY for You Smartest Bathing and Beaching Suits 1911 Models Three Dollars Women's bathing suits of fine quality brilliantine. in black and navy, made with square neck and short sleeves, trimmed with braid. Three and a Half Women's bathing 'suits of fine quality navy brilliantine This suit is made in a new Princess model with square neck and braid trimming. ( Four Dollars Women's bathing suits of extra quality brilliantine in navy only. This suit is made in a new Prin cess model and is trimmed with wide, plaid mohair bands. Five Dollars Women's bathing suits of extra quality navy mohair, made in a new Princess model, with plaited waist and skirt The square yoke is braided with white soutache. Bathing Shoes, Caps Midsummer Millinery Is Ready With sighs of relief women wel come with delight the decline of the hood and the quill-trimmed turban, and accept with greatest favor the flower-trimmed, broad brimmed Milan, than which, no other hat was ever prettier, or more becoming. Roses, . small buds and wild flowers in delightful combination with maline, chiffons and ribbons are used on a dozen different be coming shapes. Tomorrow we make an exhibit of trimmed mid summer millinery. $6.75 Pretty'Flowers 25c Four tables piled high with hundreds of bunches of Spring and Summer flowers in every color. Regular to 50c Back to the Country Home Again " Need a Suit Case or Grip? HereThey Are Good Ones, and Modestly Priced Heavy Cowhide $6.50 Genuine cowhide suit case, 24-inch, 7-inch deep. Is linen lined. Has full-sized shirt fold, inside leather straps, but ton lock, brass bolts, all around straps. Extra Heavy Hide$8.95 Cowhide suit case, 24 and 26-inch, Wi and 7 inches deep. Linen lined, with full sized pocket, ring handle, hand sewed, solid-riveted corners, button locks, brass bolts and straps. ' Waterproof Fiber $3.95 Fiber grass suit case, 24 inches long, 8 inches deep, linen lined, full-sized shirt fold, steel frame, cowhide corners brass lock and bolts, all around straps. Best Rattan Cases $4.50 24 and 26-inch rattan suit case, steel frame, linen lined, full-sized pocket, brass lock and bolts, all around straps. Genuine Leather Cases $3.95 Genuine leather suit case, 24 inches long, 6'2 inches deep, linen lined, fullsized shirt fold, solid riveted cowhide corners. Good lock straps. 35c jmoiLVfe si Gb. No Liquors No Restaurant I Nr Mat Markmt L J No Bakery JL VgrchandUao ot yreqijLrr . . EvenTho' Modestly Priced You'll Find These House Dresses and Kimonos Attractive Regular $2.00 and $1.75, Special $1.29 Made of fancy figured percale, neat seersucker stripes, high neck, with collar, round.'collarless neck, piped bandings as trimmings full gored skirt. Regular $1.50, Special 89c Ladies' long challie kimonos, fancy Persian design, plain band trim mings, yoke style front and back flowing sleeves. Regular 75c, Special 49c Ladies' short kimonos a dressing sacque made of light figured lawn square neck, short sleeves and peplum trimmed, with fancy banding at neck, sleeves and belt Regular 75c, Special 49c - Another style of light flowered lawn, shirred yoke and waist, V-neck, with yoke plain, lawn bandings for trimming. Regular $1.35 and $1.50, Special $1.10 Made of good quality of long cloth, nainsook or cambricin open front and slipover styles square or V-shape necks, with dainty em broidery, lace, insertion, beading and ribbon. Regular $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00, Special $1.10 Ladies white petticoats, made of cambric or long cloth, with deep flounces trimmed with lace, insertion, cluster tucks and embroidery. These petticoats have the under dust ruffle. Regular $1.50, Special 89c Ladies long lawn kimonos, made of light flowered lawn, with yoke in back and front, plain bandings, V-neck and short sleeves. Rugs of Quality Greatly Reduced $65.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12, special - $55.00 $60.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12, special $45.00 $55.00 Wilton Rugs 9x12, special $41.00 $35.00 Body Brussels Rags 9x12, special. . $24.75 Handsome rugs of superior quality beautiful patterns in Oriental, conventional designs. We have just die rug for your home, at trenchant reductions. - Watch Repairing Picture Framing Free Lessons on Irish Crochet Stockings for Town, Country or Shore Use Dependable hosiery for women in the various wanted weights and styles, and priced reasonably throughout. Tan stockings an abund ant supply of the new shades in cotton, lisle or silk. - Of silk lisle tan or black extra strong and durable and the right weights. Of gauze cotton lisle or silk lisle in fast black. New tan shades in pure silk, silk lisle or lisle thread, gauze, light or medium weights. All have the double garter tops and strong heels, soles and toes. ' Sheer fine gauze silk stockings, made with the durable silk lisle tops and soles, in black, white and the new tans and bronze shades. These stock ings match in fineness those of French manufac ture that sell at $3.00 a pair. Thread silk stockings in tan. bronze, white, black or colors, with lisle lined tops and soles, also better and finer grades of black in all weights at $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 a pair. Very Best Qualities at 50c The Very Best Hose for $1.00 Silk in Black and Colors $1.50 25c Picot edging. Untrimmed Hats Special $1.95 For women who prefer trim ming their own hats we offer a great inducement Milans, seven end chip, hair and hair shapes, in black, burnt and white. These hats sold regularly from $2.95 to $5.00 each. Sunburn, Freckles, Tan Vanish by These Creams Eclipse floral, greaseless, hygienic, 50c. Thespian prevents sunburn, 35c, 50c. Casavera, cooling and clean sing, 50c. Hygeia Almond Lotion for. hands, nsck, arms, 25c bottle. Cream Ormonde with perox idi, 5Cc. Peroxide(.Eureka)for bleach ing and whitening 25c and 50c Theatrical cold cream, one noand farm. 50c, 35c Women's Knit Underwear tor Summer ! COMPLETE STOCK of vests, tights, drawers and union suits in every wanted fabric regular and out sizes and all priced ex tremely low for such fine qualities. WHITE RIBBED COTTON VESTS with pretty crocheted necks, or plain low necks with White ribbed union suits with lace knees. LIGHT OR MEDIUM WEIGHT white cotton low neck vests also several new patterns with crocheted necksv PERFECT FITTING UNION SUITS of Swiss ribbed cotton, or fine ribbed white lisle thread. LISLE VESTS WITH IRISH crochet necks. Kayser brand lisle vests with band tops, also are shield shape. Medium weight silk lisle vests, low neck. Wide knee lace trimmed drawers of white lisle. UNION SUITS OF WHITE lisle, crocheted necks and wide lace knees shaped lisle vests with the durable ribbon-band tops. FOREST MILLS BRAND of white cotton .11 ....1 ..,:l,f i.ri'fo tracts viYimn ci l he ail u i r- . l i wt i w n v i n r i v or tights. 50c 50c 75 $1.00 Enjoy Your Victor Talking Machine While You Are Paying for It 50c Down, 50c Week A Victor Talking Machine, with 12 records of your choice, will be delivered to your home upon the first payment. Why not take a Victor on your vacation? ar"rTr"" ii "Merchandise, of - - - -