The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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    lust Week off Great June wmte Pays
Final Week Teachers' Travel Contest
S What 3 Will Go to Europe?!
! HE winners are by no means decided yet! The last 6
A I davs of this Great Contest will undoubtedly bring A
THIS will be a week of big events at Meier & Frank's!
Our Big Annual Sale of Vacation, Outing and Seashore
needs begins tomorrow with many splendid offerings on
everything to make your Summer trip enjoyable.
Amidst the greatest enthusiasm and interest, tomorrow
begins the closing week of our Great European-American
Teachers' Travel Contest, inaugurated in commemoration of
The Meier & Frank Store's 55th Anniversary. This is also
the last week of our, Great 11th Annual June White Days
Don't fail to supply your Summer needs on all White Mer
chandise before next Saturday night!
Last Week of Annual Undermuslin Reductions
Last Week of Annual Table Linen Reductions
Last Week of White Wash Goods Reductions
Last Week of 'Kerchief, Neckwear Reductions
The prizes 1 Three trips to London or Paris, all expenses paid- One trip to
New York, with 10 days' stopover and all expenses paid. One month at any '
Oregon Beach. Eight additional vacations of two weeks at Moore's Hotel,
Seaside; Gearhart Hotel, Gearhart Park; The Breakers, Long Beach; Bay-)
ocean Hotel, Bayocean. These include all expenses and round trip passage.
List of highest Contestants up to 7 P. M. Saturday
Read, Mrm. A. Ocklry Greo..l,(t7S,B,
BnxhopK, Mra. J. IrvinKton.. 977,0."SO
Mlklr, Vivian Hawthorne 02,O73
Schneider, M. Jrf frrnon High.. 54K.100
Thayer, HHontaTllla 51825
Jennlng-, MUa B. Harmony 1,04,900
Carter. Mlaa Irene MllTiaukle..l,02S,27S
J Int. Mlaa Freda Yamhill 710.8O0
limloirtt, 31 ins uora juiuni
Coaper, Mlaa M Snlem
Webb, Mlaa Nora I'nion
Oatrander, M. Cen. St. John..
Thompson, G HnntlnKton. . . .
Lilly, Jennie Oregon City Hish
Klclteraon, Mlaa A. Springfield
Dlrklnaoa. Mlaa N. Shattnek. .S,S4fl,5TS
Roarera, Mlaa Anna Ladd 2,232.250
Porter, Mlaa F. G. Palling 1,89,875
Heggle, Mlaa Mande DnWa. . .1,640,125
Bingham, Mra. I. Conch 1JI19,R25
Chance, Winifred Falling..... 803,975
De Graff, Mlaa Grace Ladd... 874,525
Barnea, Caroline Lincoln High 7011,025
. .. , I .l.l A47.77K
0 Bleeg, Mlaa H. Lincoln High.. 302,000
SMnrphr, Mlaa Cora Hlghland- 8,102,875
Catlln, Blaaohe Hawthorne.... 2,7,25
Tanbenhelmer, M. Sellwood. . .2,726,475
Black, Lain E-Pena 1,660,225
Chancy. Mra. Snanyalde. 1,310,650
S34,80 ,
Last Week of White Glove Reductions
Last Week White Footwear Reductions
Last Week of Infants' Wear Reductions
Last Week of White Waist Reductions
Last Week White Serge Suit Reductions
Last of White Dress and Skirt Reductions
Last of White Silk. Dress Goods Reduct'ns
Last Week of Lace Curtain Reductions
Last Week Embroidery, Lace Reductions
L . a V v v. . ir.tirtrti a ra&K-. ftETOTED FLOOR.
SJS ' W- ''t v1Ae anticipate one of the biggest crowds
Iy ' V? tomorrow our uarmeni more nas ever
L' viX'"' ' witnessed, in response to this astonishing Sale of
A in Int fnllv a hundred
if Kf t i li i is rrr a
1 v J IT. Ml . I : tm y
IJifferent, beautiful models of Silks and 'Wool Fab
'rinn Dr'MM von'd never expect to buy for less
than 18. 20. $23. $30, $35 and even $40.
Materials include shimmering silks,
Messalines, Foulards, Taffetas and the
Wool Serges, Panamas, Chiffons, etc.,
in every wanted shade and smart style.
Waists are finished with chiffon jokes
and lace undersleeves. Other styles in chic
rdniisp pffpets with Dutch necks and
waist trimmed in handsome Bulgarian em-
Skirts plain plaited, gored or
effects. All sizes, from 16 misses' to
44 women's. Be here at 8 o'clock to choose
from over 1000 of these $18 to .$40 Dresses
fiH waist tru
' jij- broidery,
tunic eff
U .1
'M in all the sea-
-" son s smar
est . models at
the low price
2$1 1.85
$18 to $40
Dresses Only
$38 to $45 buperb
Tailored Suits
Waists Only $5.22
these charming
Summer Silk Waists in
this phenomenal New
York purchase, on saiet
at 8 o'clock tomorrow J -
morning! j-. -
Made of stunning
Silk Foulards in all
colors the smart polka
dots, stripes and fig
ured designs. High or t, m
low necks, plain or one- : 5
inc. L-imnnn clvc . w
trimmings of plain col-
nrH nininn'S and fancv
buttons. .Also a wide range of handsome Silk Pon
gee Waists, tailored or fancy, with trimmings of
blue, brown or red. They're our f
rtmlar S7.50 tn $10.00 Waists. B
" ft " -r t " 1 M nw 9 Saw Saw I
on sale tomorrow at only, each y
TTCtTT trrade man-tailored Suits in the
A M.
inr'-t advanced models the same styles
makers are showing to us as samples of their Fall
lines. Splendid imported Tweeds, Cheviots, Serges,
Homespuns, and mannish mixtures. Also lovely
Worsteds in light grays, tans, navy, black and
brown. Plain tailored or fancy trimmed some
with big, picturesque collars of satin or embroidered
linen. Also aasning comDinauon suits a rrencn
model with plain colored coat and checked start.
Uur regular $aa.uu, jjau.uu,
$45.00 and $48.00 Suits, for
tomorrow's ereat sale at only
$7.50 and $8.00 Tub Dresses 1000 for tomorrow's
sale, of sturdy Ginghams, Percales and Lawns, in
dozens of charming Summer models; J y QC
to be placed on sale for only, each OtOO
at and checked skirt.
A Big Cleanup of Embroidery
8cto 25c Grades.Tomorrow 5c
FINAL week of June White Days' reductions on all Em
broideries and Laces. Over 5000 yards of . Swiss and
Nainsook Edges and Insertions, 1 to 12 inches wide, in great
variety of daintv evelet and floral designs for undermuslins:
Lot l-ic to 25c r " Lot 2 15c to ( I Lot S-4?c to Ogc
Embroideries, now ioc Embroideries luc I 55c Embroideries
$1.00 to $1.75 rioandngs, now 69c I 75c to $1.00 Floundiigs, special at 49c
$1.75 to $2.00 Flouncing-, now 98c EemnanU Chiffons, Allovers Reduced
Charming Summer Millinery
MEIER at FRANK'S, Kllu r
OUR expert milliners have evolved
exquisite, typically Summer Hats
of Milans, Leghorns, French Chips and
all the other popular braids.
Many of the finer tailored models are trim
med with only a jauntily-placed quill or rose
atte. Others are a mass of lovely flowers. Sum
mery laces, ribbons possibly a briffht-hned
breast or wing. The creations of Gage. Fisk.IIy
land and other noted houses, also find place in
this varied showing tomorrow
f.V.-aS-v h-'J
$6.50 to $30
A June Sale of Knit Underwear
65c Garments at Only 37c
nrlllS is the last week of the 13ig J une Y hite mys'
reductions on ail Jvnit unaerwear ana Ae
planned many extra specials which are bound to throng the
partment tomorrow i
A large lot of Women's regular 65e fine ribbed Vests,
Tants and Union Suits of medium-weight lisle and 09
cotton in low neck, sleeveless style umbrella or
tight-knee. All regular sizes, eacn, xor mis utue,
15c Fine Eibbed Vests
Low neck, sleeveless Style in
all sizes. Extra special Q
for tomorrow's sale, ea. IC
Women's 25c Vests Low
neck, sleeveless or wing
sleeve. Dainty lace trimmed
and crochet yokes. In all the
regular and the out
sizes, now for only IOC
Women's 60c Vests Fine
ribbed cotton and lisle in low
neck, sleeveless style. Lace
trini'd and crochet Q J
yokes. Extra sp'l St C
Women's $1 Union Suits
High grade, fine ribbed
lisle in low neck, sleeveless.
style ; also lace trim- 0
med pants. At only OOC
Sale of Natural Pongee Silks
GENU INK Chinese Hand-loomed Pongee Silks in the
natural color, so favored now for modish Summer
coats, suits, waists and dresses:
$1 Pon$e Silks, 2G-in., at 79
$155 Ponree Silks., 26-iiL, 9SC
$1.00 Pongee Silks, 38-uu, S9C
HJ25 Pongee Silks, 36 in. S1.09
$1.50 Pongee Silks, 36-in. $1.29
$1.75 Pongee Silks, 36-in. $1.39
Women's 75c and 85c
Underwear Fine ribbed
Union Suits, Vests and
Pants. Low neck, sleeve
less; in umbrella
or tight-knee, ea. "r C
3 to $4.50 Eayser Silk
Underwear Big lot. of
celebrated Kayser Sample
Tights. Extra special for
tomorrow's tf 1 QQ
selling, only 0 J. 70
To $6 Kayser Silk Un
derwear Famous Italian
Silk hand - embroidered
Vests and plain silk Unior;
Suits. While lot lasts to
morrow for d0 QQ
low price of &00
Special Necessities for Camping
White Dinner Sets for $4.19
JUST. what you want for the Seaside cottage or camping.
White semi-porcelain Dinner Sets of 60 pieces, j Q
KTwinl for tomorrow's selling at the low price of V1- 1
A l TTTnnA art Plotaa
30c Whits Wash Basins, special 24c
S5c White Wash Basins, special 28c
15c White Dinner Plates, special 12c
10c White Enameled Saucers for 8c
15c White Enameled Cups, special 12c
18c White Enameled Bowls, special 14c
50c White Enameled Flatters for 42c
Other Specials
9-inch Paper Plates, dozen for only 4c
9-inch Wooden Plates, dozen for 6c
9-inch Tin Pie Plates, each, only 8c
18c Tin Sauce Pans, special for 15c
65c Copper-Rim Tin Tea Kettles, 52c
18c Tin Coffee Pots, special for 14c
15c Steel Frying Pans, special at 12c
20c Steel Frying Pans, special at 56c
20c Galvanized Pails, 10-gt., at 17c
15c Flour Sifters, special for only 12c
10c Paring Knives, special for only 8c
40c Steel Butcher Knives, special 32c
10c Steel Can Openers, special for 8c
35c Tin Dish Pans, special at only 27o
$1.75 Hammock Chairs
Tomorrow for $1.14
IDEAL Chairs for porch, lawn, camp or
seashore. Good size, strongly built Ham
mock Chairs in red and white or blue and
white stripes. Sell regularly at $1.75. Spe
cial for the Annual Vacation a a
and Outing Sale at low price of tbl.14
$5 Folding Camp Cots $3.69
JUST as illustrated here, strong x)oiomg vaiup vuio,
light and convenient. Splendidly braced and folds up
bundle. Regular price
$5. Special for Annual
Vacation and Outing
Sale at only