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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 4, 1911)
TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUXE 4. 1911. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF v r'reala J aAeclr.i a aaitna. r.s Il-l Editar Mala T"T Ma s Tr T"T .......afaJa TITO ......Van ToT am w;e A A A A VS A A euJ -SAKE TW ICJITTTH f Mot rla Jih eainpo'ta in -The ;ret Il- Ide This aforaooe at ea-1 uo.nt M 11. OUPHaTfJf TB T TF R f M -TTl X Fsth aad saa: h Ve'j(avi:le. Tssa erteiweee at 2 11 aad tool II at 1 H THUTC1 P"ra and Weehtss e Teiada-T:;, TMe eXteraooa at 2 1J; aiai at tse aad a. aUTAOtd THKATXH rnrte) i) mark VnatTt k Tale atteraooa at s.le; ta- aiiai at m aa a. MX N.JALOW IHIATnt-tTaimt aad Aferrlaoe,) I.yra Musical Camedr Coaa- Sanr Tha PKiaa'e Bail. Tb n-mofl el 21 J aad tool at at T.JO aad V U0TB. tar. iftctDI. en inT omav. TT Voi.t ruat raa aUctana, 11 a kV. II r. M- OAgS UPK-Ban4 concert and natUal conneov. Tata aftarnooe aad t. riarhu Rt RKATIOX p VHK -T.otr rourtl an 4 una oaabaL Oakland ve, Jeruaad. inw arteraoee at Z.i'K 0g TJTITAL. WtEL MaU la. na, frWaa ta the Tsje Oreawaasa aWrtaar Ik Hoes Faa- ttval aax akty adiltaaj at Jaaw 11. (eaaplete aajj naualhi rrparta atlk aaaraaa high class kaJftaaaa Uleatralfasae wall a laai Omiiy. Tka feel hand Aa. a aad i rmlral ha been wlaVir aa-itrtl Iknaihaal the I alleal Malea aaal aa airi artrartivs teatl- yaaar frteaub eeald fee gtvea IpOeei tat Oreajsa's great abut sharUag the aweat. OraVra (Waal a i a at Ife bailaiae esTkw mr Wat V aaall la Tka Oeegvalaa will receiro aaaaaaA altaetksa. Unban Iptlaai price far ia rat Ira week. lartaaUaa; eae. le era! a. Japakeib Stab aid Rom Mak. Accusing an unldentmed Japanna of navlng assaulted and robbe,! him. WIN llam liart. a loitKcr. went to the police nation at I o clock nirrilr morn ing and asked for medical assistance. na nao. Dean drinking, one ear was nearly aeTered and he had three knife wounds In bla back, lie aald that ha asleep on a dock near the police eiauon ana titott to nnd the uulUnt bending over htm. knife In hand. Pa trolmen Kpe. Robaon and Veesey made an loventl:ation and found a trail of blood iradinar from Second and Iala afreets toward the rler. Ther were nnahle to find the assailant. Hart sent to it. Vincent's Hopltal. licirKsmRs. Bt tt.niNfj IHoxrmRS. Rut. Ktat Mux. Make me a propoal tlon for the splendid aoufheast luxloo. corner Twenty-first and tiltavan streets. It Is now resdy for Improrement. This ts central the Fifth and Washington and "kins-pin" corner to the Nob Kill country. I have tenants waltlntr to leaae storerooms on this corner or apartments. I will consider proposi tions to Improre or to sell Interest In property or to sell entire. There Is a fine Income to be had hera any way you nature. 1 will airs a Rood layout. J. M Arbeson. JT Morrison street, with the Acheeon Cloak at bult Company. KmSAt l Cotxjnta to Itot t CoKMitci t?rr. The commencement week ex ercises of Kimball I'oll.-jre of The oloay of Salem, will brr in todAy with the baccalaureate aermon In the First Methodist Kpiscopal t'hurch. Hal em. by Ir. Klrhard .V. Arlson. at l:l A- M. j The alumni and seniors anile In a ban- quel at Hotel Marlon Monday nlKUt and en Wedneerlay nlsht. In the First .Methodist Kpiscopal fhurch. the bac calaureate address will be delivered by l'T. H. H. Wilkinson, of Kucene. The rhsrse ts the class will be drllvered by I -ran Kimball and diplomas will be presenteu. I'a. r. E. toasih a ill talk to wo men and preachers In Second Haptlst fhurch. Fast Serrnlh and Kast An- keny streets, at J o'clock this after noon. All women .and preachers cor dially Invited to be present. The doctor will continue his aervlcea to ail people at 4 o'clock this afternoon and aari.ln at 1:39 !. M. at which time he a ill icive his cloalna service, to which everybody Is lovlnaly Invited. To save the coat of storaaa on two IS. horsepower return tubular boilers which we are now taklnar out. wo will sell them at a barcaln It taken at one. These boilers are of the Kewaneat typo ana in gooa condition. Complete with ill fttttnas and feed -ater equipment, ready for Immediate Installation. For further particulars call at room 1(1 Oreconlsa bids;. THr tSraves home by the Oolf Links la the showiest place to be seen from the river because the lawn rolls Just rlcht all the way to the bank. Very fine shrubbery. the three acres of grounds and such a comfortable look Inax roomy house Is exceedingly at tractive. Ak Crispin llrrlow about the price, etc.. 11 Chamber of Com merce. i "He ll. hair mattresses retail at wholesale prices, for 10-pound beds from l sa and up. Wo renovate mat treaaea and return them the same day. We also renovate feathers. Portland Curled Hair Factory. II. Mrtiarer. pro prietor. SZt Front at-. Main Ts. A !;. IHAVi-B ACQCAIXTAJtOI fTIUIA lllff T. Hlihop. a transient, living at the olvmida Hotel, reported to -the police yesterday mcrnlni; th.t he had been robbed of llfr by a chance acquaint ance whose name he did not know and with whom he had been drlnktait. SrA-iAU MrsicAi. Pmvici this mora ine at II o'clock, at the Church of Our Father ll'oltarlanl. Seventh and Tarn hllL Rev. W. O. Eliot. Jr.. minister. Visitors IB the city particularly wel come. Kvenlns; services Intermitted for the Summer. a Coumi MinciuL Horn. Col lins. Wssh.. newly furnished: new. modern, up-to-tlate bathhouse: electric ItKhts and steam heat; accommodations and meala excellent: an Idral place to spend your vacation. Kates on spplt catroo. a Rroaa to I.k akk. Tom Tl or Y Sara. Ui4T. Is Hut or KsTAit. riirrntcT. No Btrrrn Ixm-atiok ix Cm. A 141. osnu. a on of the very finest apartment houses on the I'scldr Coast about to be built wl.l be leased to responsible parties. Address W 153. Oreajonlan. Ot-r-or-Tow visitors to the Rose Carnival sill And the Philadelphia House a modem, respectable and rea sonable place to stop. 312S Third, corner Kalmon. Phone A 2?l. Pnric Statka Fiaa Ixn Kami Coat r!iT. home office. Portland. tr.. room Tee Chamber of Commerce bulldina. I hones: Marsh.tll f(. A 4111. WAjmrtv A fiirrishe.1 residence, choice cation: Weet Stde: June 1 to October -,j wll pav !: a month. Mrs. Fro h man. Flanders street. WATrtn-ompletely-furaished home, from June la or July I to October IS. r . Marquam bld. city. e ATTaVAOTrva ela-ht-room. furnished house for rent. West Side, rhone Mar shall Ueranlums. fsacy dbL red. for beddlna. Vanklrk Ureenery. t Stark and iota. W. M.msJa. the artist, for oil por traits or priotocrapha. seventh and Slark. Tmi week tao fine photos for Sac. studio re lixe. Kilers Music bldsr. jaeKUua I lurna, Baaver Thcslsr. ilon DIAMONDS THE VERY FINEST OTR STOCK OK DI4VUn and other precious items hss been very carefully se lected and contains some of the very fin est sems ever shown on this Cosst. OIR DI4MOXD4 ara all sold under a posi tive irus ran tee. and If we tell you a stone fa perfect you can depend upon It being so. V4K HAVE ETPFRT DIA10D SRTTF.Hil, and can manufacture any kind of a mount 'm you wish, either In a rics;. brooch, scarf ' pin. stud or any piece of jewelry you wish. ALIFORM A btm OK ALL KIND. In cluding the Kunsele Tourmallne. Hyacinth Beryl. Topaa and Perl dst: also a complete stock of all Oriental asms. Gmeralds. Rubles. Sapph Iras, pearls, etc. M V. ask tor to compare our diamonds and Hems with others In the city. Tha prices sre sll marked In plain figures, an i If vou ara In the market for a diamond, wa feel sure of Interesting ycu. PHI v ATK DIltlOM) KMM We have a private diamond room where you tan taks pieaty of t'me In looking over our st'x-k. THE LARGE JEWKLRV STORE. ' Ml MORKI.SOX ST, BET. Sd aad 4k. JAEGER BROS. TR i:hi THR CITV are welcome to make our store their headquarters during tiie Kose Festival. All parades pass the store. Comfortable resting places. Both telephones are at your service. Pa. D. Bt-rHAKAK to Spbak. Dr. Davidson Buchanan will address ths People's Forum at Its meeting In the Medlcsl building, at Park and Alder street, tonight st S o'clock. His sub' ject will be "Australian Contradlc Hons." T r. Buchanan Is recovering; from a long Illness and this will be his first public address for several months. OniEVTAi. Ri-rsa. We Invito Inanec Hon of our Immense stock of these besutlful floor coverings. New im Donations arriving daily. Our prices are at all times lower than those quoted by others under any clrcum stances and we are confident that I visit to our store will be of advantage to you. w e would consider It pleasure to show you our goods and quote prices. Tou re under no obllga tlon to buy. Cartoxlan Bros., tm porters. 473 Wash., near 13th St. F.XTRA SESVICC O CaSAOERO LlKr. June t to IS Inclusive. Leave First and Alder streets, extra train to Gresham, li:3u P. M-: regular Gresham. train. 11:33 P. M.. will run through to Eata- cada. both trains will connect with train to Troutdale. I- Cm Aral ah to IjK-Trac. Dr. C H. Chapman mill lecture In Western Academy halt. Second and Morrison streets. Sundsy at I P. L. on the sub' J.-ct: "Machiavellian! and Socialism." Admission Is free and the public la Invited. To th VoTgna or thi Eiohtb Ward. A vote for William Schmeer for Councilman Is a vote for good gov ernment and a vole against a man who unworthy the office. James N. lHavis. Itl Hawthorne ave. (Paid adv.) Fxoesskr liirnmiKi Com pa sty. manufacturers of Can t Bust em over alia and Argonaut shirts, permanent sample room, room 231 Sherlock bldg. hone Marshall 0. Ip a Councilman Is dishonest he wants the Kills paving amendment. Jf he Is honest It will make a lot of bother for him. Vote 141. X No. Paid adv.). auxKsptB SoHooi. or EXPRgSSlOX. Commencement exercises will be held Tuesday evening. June 13. In tho Wash ington High School auditorium. ORgnox Statb Dcttal AsanriATtox. free clinics. Apply Monday. 1:30 P. M.. st Dental College. Fifteenth and Coua-h. Beat operators on the Coast- PatVATB party will rent their five passenger Apperson auto during Car nival week. Apply Kenneth Holbrook. Seward Hotel. Wiu. Tradk a 30-foot. lS-horse-power launch Tor real estate; value. 100. Address PoetorTlce boa 42. lmx out for the Joker In the Ellis paving amendment. Vol 141. X No. (laid adv.). Geraniums, fancy dbL red. for bedding. Vanklrk Greenery. K. Stark and soth. Sag Wooeter. 40S Wsshlngton St. VETERANS PLAN REUNION Indian Wars lo He Thcnic of 15cm Inlscrncra Jane S. The SCth annual reunion and business meeting of the Grand Kncampment of the Indian War Veterans of tha North Pacific Coast will be held In Woodmen of the World Hall, oa Eleventh street, between Washington and Alder streets. Tuesday. June -0. and a business session will begin at 10 A. M. Officers for the ensuing year will ttten be elected. Officers elected a year ago were: Grand commander. T. V. B. Kmbree. Dallas: senior vice-commander. H. W. Scott. Portland: Junior vice-commander. A. B. Stuart. Poniard: grand adjutant. Otto Kleeman. Portland; c dap la In. w. I). Kwlng: grand commissary sergeant. Charles Cnanibreau: grand captain of tiie guards. John Storan; grand mar tial. Patrick Maloney. Grand Com mander Kmbree and Senior Vice Grand Commander Scott have died within ths vear and the office of grand command er has devolved on junior i m-van- mander Stuart. Mayor Simon will deliver tha address of welcome. The forenoon will ba de voted io general business and tha re nt on and social will be neid in tne ait' ernoon. The ona ana lauxnien soclatlon will provide refreshments. IMPERIAL HOTEL GRILL r-pwlal After-Theater Kntcrtalnnrrnt Special table d'hote dinner every Sunday i 10 to f P. M. II. Music at dinner ( P. M. to I.JO P. M. After the theater special menu and musical entertainment 10:30 P. M. to 11:10 P. M. under the leadership of Harold Bayley. Kntrsnce main lobby, also on Stark street. MRS. R. H. TAIT RETURNS HEAD OF ORKGOY CO.NGRESS OF MOTHERS TELLS PLAN'S. Good I load and Child Hygiene Com. mitres to Be Named as Crged at Convention. When Mrs. R. H. Tslt. president of tha Oregon Congress of Mothers, appoints her committees next week she will add committees on good roads and child hy giene. Mrs. Talt has Just returned from the ISth annual convention of the Na tional Congress of Mothers and the sec ond Internstlonal congress on child wel fare, held at Washington, D. C. where the Importance of these subjects was urged by msny speakers. "A great deal of time was devoted to discussing the need of keeping the coun try boys and girls on the farms." ssid Mrs. Tslt. "Good roads were urged as one of the great requisites, aa in many parts of the country It Is at times Im possible for the children to go to school and for tho people of the community to gather for entertainments. Social af fairs In tha school buildings were de clared to be necessary to relieve the monotony of country life, but above all good roads were emphasised. 'Representatives were present from Great Britain. Belgium. Italy. Greece. Persia, China and Japan. Speakers said that the system of parent-teacher work, when rightly conducted, is so effective that the educational value of tha schools is doubled without extra expense. "It was the consensus of opinion that fraternities and sororities should be abolished from our educational institu tions, but that something should be sub stituted which would provide entertain ment and at the same time prevent the children from forming cliques. The opening of our homea and our school buildings for all parties and glee clubs was suggested. The moral questions was taken up by many able students of child life, among them being Mrs. B. F. Carroll, wife of Governor Carroll, of Iowa, presi dent of the Congress of Mothers of that state. 'Children should be taught consistently from birth tho value of morality, the speakers contended. False modesty was scored. It wsa urged that the development of human character must come from co operation between the church, the home and the school. The church. It was ar gued, should devote Its energies and money to developing a more Intelligent parenthood. Educational literature In re gard to the care of Infanta and children hould tie provided parents free. A child-welfare commission, composed of mothers and fathers, who have given the subject special attention, was recom mended for every state. It would be the duty of these to inquire Into conditions and suggest and urge remedies." On her way back to Portland Mrs. Talt visited the Child Welfare Exhibit In Chicago, and Is enthusiastic In de scribing Its educstlonal value. She would like to have a similar exhibit In Port land, and later may Inaugurate a cam paign to raise the necessary funds. This exhibit." said Mrs. Talt. "shows the actual conditions of the children of the city In which it is held, and sug gests ways and means of improvement.' 111 " NO BETTER EXAMPLE of value-giving could be found than the $20, $25 and $30 suits we are now selling; they stand pre-eminent in a class by them selves. We display a very great variety of distinctive models for men and young men. In fit, style and service they offer to men of good taste the best pos sible clothes at $20, $25 and $30 Best suits that can be made are here in plenty,' the best weaves of England, Ire land, Scotland and America are drawn on priced $35, $40 and $50. Road." The road ts being straightened and the old survey cleared so that it will Join with several streets of the town. Much of the work Is being do nated by men who are Interested in road Improvement and others are giv ing money. This will be one of the most besutlful drives in Oregon when completed. CLUB TO STUDY HISTORY Story of ' Rome Comprises Year's Work of Portland Women. "EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL" "W hat Wontlrrf al Reductions. Are the comments called forth by the Oriental russ selling at sacrifice prlcea at Atiyeh Kroa. reoiovai sale, con noisseurs a! ou;d nut miss this rare op portunity. Sale now In progress at the store. Tenth and Washington streets. WHERE T0 DINE. All the delicacies of the season at tka Portland Restaurant. Fine private eparV BBenta for ladle sot Wash, sear eta ex. Special chicken dinner and maay deli cacies at the 1'eerless Cafeteria. $4 aad it Fifth st. Open all day: muslo front 11 to 1 and t to I o'clock. rHI'.K BSSKOIDKKt U:0. Krrv day at the 'tt Jltcraf t Shop, ell lsniiiiU IUU, HUSBAND DECLARED CRUEL Injunction Against Inquiry Asked by Mr. Gnsxte Smith. Charges of cruel treatment were made against Frank Edward Smith, the manager of a large printing establish ment of Portland, in a divorce com plaint filed yeaterday by Oussle Smith, who asked for an order restraining her husband from making good his threat to Injure ber tf she sued him for di vorce. Although Mrs. Smith declares that her husband has an Income of between 110 and tioe a month, she says that since January 1 he has contributed for the support of his family onlr'IS a month and that she has to keep lodgers. Mrs. Smith says her husband beat her. He baa some property and she has asked that he also be restrained from disposing of any of It until the divorce case has been settled. She also asks ISO a month alimony and S0 a month for the support of their two children. Anna Hampton filed a suit yesterday for divorce from J. M. Hampton, charg ing him with Intemperance and cruelty. They were married at Big Clifty. Ky January 27. 181. ' Grace Williams sued T. H. Williams. charging him with beating her and stabbing her In the arm with a knife. They were married at Vaacouver. Wash, August I. 101. Henry Beckman filed a suit against Ruth Beckman, charging her with de serting him in September. 10. They were married at Vancouver, ash., De cember 21. 101. The Portland Progress Club closed its year's study with a final reunion and social at the home of Mrs. William F. Fleblg, Oak Grove, last Thursday. The day was one of the most enjoyable in the history of the club, refreshments being served and Impromptu talks be ing given. For the ensuing year the club will study Roman history and the following Is the programme: . geptenaber 23. rally day at the home of the araaldrnt. October 2. "r?eusraphv of Italy. Early . Inhabitants. Foundation of Roma," Mrs. E. A. Hammood: "Virgin Arnald." Mrs. L. H. Knapp. October B, "The Time of tha Klnsa te tha Brslnnlng of the Raoubllo. 7U-40S B. C " Mrs. W. H. H. Taylor: "Macaulry Lavs. Rape of Lucrecr.' Mra. L H. Walla. October 18. "The Re public In the Ganllah Invasion. AO-3eo." sitae Marietta atueaadorffer: "Family Ll( In tha Earlv Din of tha Republic" Mrs. D. P. Raa. October 2S. "Gaulish Invasion. Ro man Conquest of Italy." Mra. H. Goodwin Beckwlth; "Tha Works of Ennls and Cato. lira. W. T. Fletcher. Octofc-r 30. "Shake speare'a.Corlolaaua." Mrs. William F. Fie Mr Novamber a "Carthaa-e. the First Punic War." Mra. John P. PUUnston; "Works of Mvy. Mrs. Jamaj M. Moore. - November 13. "Tha Comedies of Plautus and Terence." Mra. W. O. -Brown. November 20. "The Becond and Third Punic Wars," Mrs. Law rears H. Knapp. November 2T, "The Greccl. Arraclan Wira" Mra. John D. Colt man ; "Roman Religion and Mythology." Mrs. 1 C Phillips. December 4. -The Social War, MMhrldatlc War. Mtrlus and Sulla." Mrs. Horace Kenton : "Tacitus and Sallust. Mra. H. W. Goddard. December 11. A Friend of Caaaar." Mra. F. 8. Myera. December 18 The Life aad Work or Cloero ." Mrs. F. R. Cook: Christmas party committee. January IS. "Roman Conquest." In GauW Mlas Ethel C. MrKercher: "Caesar's Commentaries. Mrs. Fletcher. January 15, 8hakespeares Jnllua Caesar." Mra. Beckwlth. January "The First and Second Triumvirates.' Mrs. Phillips. January 29, "Augustus Caesar, the Roman Empire. Mlas Meusadorffer. Feb ruary 5. "Ouo Vadla' by Hlenklewlcs. Mrs. Wells. February 12. "Architecture and Art of the Golden Age," Mlas McKercher. Feb ruary 10. "Roman Law," Mlas Brown; "So cial Life Under the Empire." Mra. God dard. February 20, "The Augustan Poeta, VlrglL Horace and Juvenal." Mra. PUling ton. March 5. "Cooking Demonstrations," committee: "Roman Banquets." Mrs. Myers. March It, "Reign of Tiber! ua," Mra. Fletcher; "Public Games, tne Ulrcue uaxlraus." Mrs. Moore. March 10. "Roman Philosophy. Lu cretius." Mrs. Myers, i March 20. "The Em perors from Caligula to Domltlan." Mrs. Taylor: "Seneca." Mrs. Hammond. April 2. "Porapen ana rlerculaneum," Mrs. Cole man. April 0, "Nero." Mrs. Brown. April 10. "Tha Good Emperors." Mrs. Pllktngton: "Roman Roads." Mrs. Brown. Aoru 23, The Enrparor." Mrs. Fen ton. April 13. "The Romans in Britain." Mrs. Moore; "Tacitus Agrtoole." Mra. Raa. May T, The Em perors of the DecJIIne. Mrs. Cook. May 14, Ths Barbarian Invasion." Mrs. Beckwlth. May 21, "Death of ths Gods," Mrs. Flablg. May 20. "Constantino to tha Fall of Roma," Mlaa at Jane 4. closing picnic. $180,000,000 INCREASE! The Census Bureau reports this e-nor-mons Increase In farm values In Idaho In 10 yeare on account of Irrigation Similar results will show In the Wil lamette Valley. The Willamette Valley Irrigated Land Company will show you how you can have your share of this wealth If you will call at their office In Hartman aV Thompson's Bank; ask for Mr. Hartog. ' day afternoon, died at St. Mary's Hos pital In this city last night. The body will be taken to Portland for burial. Anderson's right arm and right leg were so badly mangled in the explo sion that amputation of both was necessary as soon as he readied this city yesterday afternoon, and, besides these Injuries, he suffered a great many cuts and bruises. CHURCH HAS CIVIC DUTY DINE AT THEP0RTLAND. Dtne amid pleassnt surroundings. The Hotel Portland grill and dining-room is a delightful place to dine during the Hoes Festival week. Outdoor orchestra under lesdershlp of Herr Waldemar 1-1 nd. . Choice Restaurant Location. T . r .tara 9AR Mad'son street. Lease IlKflrjIir- Kl SS M UflNUhS for term of years. Reasonable. A.M. i rcsirreu vo acivaj diuk, aonu uu We have secured the agency for these I Oak streets. well-known caadles. Fresh shipments received every few days. Packed In one-half, one and two-pound boxes. FRANK XAU, Prescription Druggist. Selling building. Sixth and Aider. Baptist Association Would Aid Solu tion of Public Questions. Resolutions were adopted at the an nual conference of the Willamette Baptist Association, held lna the High land Baptist Church. Thursday and Friday, declaring It the sense of the meeting that It is the duty of the churches to take part in solving all civic problems. It was set forth that these problems are pressing for solu tlon in all the cities, and bear on moral and purity questions. In which the churches are deeply concerned. The association also declared for prohibi tion. The general reports showed that there had been a gain of 300 members within the confines of the association. a gain of more than 10 per cent. Re ports showing growth were received from the young people's. Sunday school and state-wide missionary de partments. One new church, the East Side Baptist Church, was reported by the pastor. Rev. Albert Ehrgott, and was received in the fellowship of the association. Professor L. W. Riley, president of McMlnnviile College, made a report showing substantial Increase in the number of students and better finan cial condition. Professor Riley said that never In the history of that In stitution wan the outlook better. The college property, he said, had advanced in value and throughout . the state there was a growing interest amon the young men of the Baptist Church in the institution. Addresses .were de livered by Rev. D. D. McLaurln, of Walla Walla, and Rev. Mr. Jones, of McMlnnviile. Rev. EL A. Leonard, who presided was re-elected moderator, and Rev. A. E. Patsch. of Montavilla, was elected secretary-treasurer. V N N Candy Hungry Shetland's candies are the kind. There is delightful satis faction in every piece in every box. Purity in the manufactur ing, freshness in the sell ing, daintiness in the packing, the " Know How" all goes to make them the most popular sweets in Portland. Tried Kg Bsjrtermllk at the Big soda Fountain THE, POPUlaA .SWtET .3 hop. af fr-Vl -aOTatF' saT M JT W JeF' r af Invitations are Out for Graduations and Weddings Nothing would make a better showing in elegance and appropriateness than Jewelry, Silver, Cut Glass, China. For money invested, no other line of gifts could approach the splendor of any of the above, each one of which will give daily service, and yet be in style a lifetime. We 're in the last days of our remarkable Removal Sale our low prices have made things hum but we had a gigantic stock to dispose of, and there are still many lovely things left. They must go and . we "re going even below bedrock to see that they do. Come early in the week. 286 MORRISON STREET -NEW ADDRESS, YEON BUILDING- Thee usiness THAT BUYS A SOLID DESK OAK OR MAHOGANY Hood View Road Worked. SANDY. Or, June 1. Speclal. Work Is rspldlv being pushed by Su pervisor Wagner on the Hood View road, gtoerailjr kouva as Us ' Qlull CARD Or THAAKi, To the many friends who were so kind to us In our great sorrow we give our thanks. H. U SAXDIS a. AND CHILDREN'. Anderson Dies or Injuriea. ALBAXT, Or.. June t 8peclsJ. W. A. Anderson, the Portland man who walked over a blast at Niagara Just beiore It exploded at 1 o clock yestsr. HOTEL STEWART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, above Union Square Just oppeeits Hotai St. Francis European Plan $1.60 a day np American Plan $3.00 a day np sTew steel sad trick true hire. Tm-nisheaat cast of $300,000. Every comfort and can. veaiaace. On cartinee tranafarriim all ever city. Omnibus assets trains sna staeffiera. Sand far Beeklet with mas of 6aa Vxaacisca) ICE MAIN 622 A 3 136 Liberty Coal cfc Ice Company does not have to buy plate-glass to protect the top. If the desk is scratched by accident or damaged by wear it ean be refinished as 'often as you like and be made as good as new. This you cannot do with a twentieth of an inch of "veneer surfaced" desk. Inspect our splendid assortment of high-quality Office Furniture and Modern Appliances of all kinds. 1CILHAM STATIONERY & PRINTING CO. ' Fifth and Oak Commercial Stationers, Office Outfitters, Printers, Engravers, Book let Makers and Bookbinders. Headquarters for Architects' and Engineers' Supplies.