The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 04, 1911, SECTION THREE, Image 41

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Pages 1 to 12
XO. 23.
See Exhibition of Coronation Robe, Morrison Street Window Today Carnival Bunting', Flag's, Festoons,. Pennants, Tissue
Paper Decorations, Etc. Carnival Caps, Official Colors, Low Prices See Grocery Sale Announcement Page 5, THis Section
Improved Individual
DrinRin g Cups
The big store, as usual, the
first to show and adopt the
. L' ft newest and most improved in
i S" pi, vent ions of the day. has in
stalled in various parts of the
store This Automatic Cup
Vending Machine, the latest
ami best step forward in the
tuberrulosis fight. "Xo more
v'vf' V public tlnnkin cups is tue
yV-T- t-jjj National cry. A new cup for
11 even drink of water. This
1 macmne nas neen approveu dy
111.. M ' I 111 w ft ... V A
y Health Officer. It's use is free.
We Clean Your Diamonds
and Jewelry
Let us clean your jewels. At the demon
stration booth on main floor, the demon
strator of ."Diamond Shine" will clean jour
diamonds and jewelry with permanent and
lasting effect, FREE to demonstrate to
vou the superior merits of this discovery.
1 ,rf?iS2E3mri
tr- i i. - La. r
. il.I,niLl!l I t If t ft ltaX
Free! ft
$1.25 SilK Hose for 95c
45c Lisle Hose for 29c
Women's Thread Silk Stockings with
lisle tops and' lisle soles, extra high
spliced heels and toes; black and all
colors; our regular vaI"Qfcp
ues, offered special at, a pair '
Lisle Hose, gauze effects, with wide
double tops, extra spliced heels, toes
and foot; full fashioned, and OQ
Hermsdorf dyed; vals. to 45c '-
Prompt service in oar Tea
Room on Foarth Floor.
Best menu in the city.
' 1. , x' . flr J . 1 I
!w ,
Special 25c Dairy Lunch
and Ice Cream Parlors
in the Basement ' Store.
Rose Carniv'l
Visitors Are Invited
to Make Headqu'ters
At Oxir Store
Rest Rooms, Nursery, Etc.
The superior facilities' of this store for use and conveni
ence of the public will be at the disposal of out-of-town
visitors to the Rose Carnival. Our rest rooms, retiring
rooms, nursery, hospital, writing rooms and stationery,
telephones, our auditorium and tea room lobby are for
cial prompt service in our tea room. Dairy luncheon
served in basement, i Ice cream parlors and soda foun
tain in basement. The comfort provided at this store will
be found superior in every way to that of any other store.
12ttfo Ainumual " Jsne WMtte Days
ose Fiesta A. Carnival of. Rare
Great Sale Watclhies
and Jewelry Novelties, All Kinds
By Mail
trio 2 0' r - .v m.TO xU
vvA- w
$12.50 Watches
Special at $4.89
$15 Watches
Speci'l. $7.49
t4 m
Lot 2 Women's O-Size, open or
Hunting Case Men's 12 or 16,
J ii'.r. it J
size. Open or Hunting' Case.
All htandanl, reliable movements
Swis-Ameriran, Valengine, Langen
dorf or Lonville; 7-jeweled, lever
movements, plain, fancy or gold dials,
in 20-year gold-filled eases, engine
turned and hand-engraved patterns.
You ran carry one for 30 days, and
if not as represented and a good time
keeper, you may return it. "That's
fair enouch." Regularly JJ7 A O
Jewel Caskets
SI Values 47c
$3.25 Vals. $1.48
Carnival sale of Jewel Caskets
in the Ormolu guM ami Freneh
gray, silk-limtl, many pretty de-
suitable for the June
bride; $ value at 4Tc; rejr
ulnr J" valuer at C 1 A C
S-. and val. X.-U
worth $lo.tK), special for
Sale Hat Pins
$1.5Q Vals. 69c
$3.50 Vals. $1.89
Lot 1, Men 'a or Women's Watches, Sizes 0-12 and 16,
open or hunting cases; Lonville, Valengine or Blon
dale American-Swiss 7-jeweled lever movements, with
plain or fancy dials, in ten-year guaranteed gold
filed cases, engine-turned, engraved or plain pol
ished for monogram.
Every movement is thoroughly tested
by our jeweler. We sell them on 30
days' trial. If not satisf actor-, your
money is cheerfully refunded.
Remember, these are all good, dependable $ A OQ
timekeepers, actually worth .$12.50, for SkTT.O
$6.50 Watches $3
Lot 3, Men's Open-Facfl Watch, Size 12 American
Swiss Pearlhara movements, high-grade, reliable
timekeepers, nickel or gunmetal jointed case, gold or
fancy dials. Sold on 30 days' trial, guar- flJO QC
anteed timekeepers; worth $6, special PJ0
$4 Mesh Bag's at $2.49
$1Q Mesh Bag's at $5.98
Hundreds of German Silver, small mesh bags, 4 to
7-inch size, lined with white kid, with pockets, one
piece frames, etched, plain and fancy designs; $4.00
values $2.49; our $5.50 values at $3.49; our $6.50
values at $4.19; our $7.50 values at C QO
$4.89, and our $10.00 values, special, at DJ.I70
3 great Hat Pin specials, an im
mense variety, imjHissible to de
scribe: must be seen to be appre
ciated. Sample lines from the
world's best makers. $1.50 vals.
f!V; $2.25 values at frl QQ
VSe, and $3.50 vals. Pl.Cil
Coral Beads
$1 Values 49c
$4 Values $1.98
Well matched Corals, even sizes
or graduated beads in 15 to 52
inch strands; very popular neck
pieces; $1.00 values at 49c; our
$1.75 values at 78c; our regular
$2.25 vals. 98c; $.3 CI QQ IVXV
vals. $1.49; $4 vals. $l.iJO HJIAV
White Sale
of Undermuslins
$1.75 Gowns 95c
Re. S1.95
Gowns for
Only $1.19
! J V:
Women's (towns, made
of fine Nainsook iu the
lip-oer styles, with
short sleeve, round
necks, and with em
broidered initials trim
med with linen lace and
finished with -b rib
bon: our w-QC,
ljr $1.75 values -JOC
Women's fine Muslin
(.owns in the slip-over
ftyles. with short sleeves,
yokes of wide embroid
ery and lace; all very
welt finished and well
made ; $1.95 fl - Q
vils special ?-'
Combinations Corvt
over and lraers cut
f-i!l and trimmed in wide
linen iiisrrtmu and lac;
re "lar $2..") (1 QQ
values for ?OV
Mission Chairs
and Rockers
New designs in substantial "Crafts"
Furniture, with genuine Leather-covered
seats and backs; our regu- CI C CC
lar $22.50 chairs; special P 1 U.OiJ
$26.00 Chairs, special $21.00
$20.00 Settees, special $16.25
$12.00 Chairs, special at $9.50
$16.50 RocKers, special $13.25
$22.50 RocKers, special $16.85
$78.00 Davenports for $59.50
$80.00 Davenports at $61.50
$28.00 Library Table $21.75
?31.00 Library Table $26.00
$21.00 Library Table $17.25
Sale Imported
Dress Fabrics
$2 Values $1.39
In the Dress Goods Store, main floor, a
sale of sheer French and German Dress
Fabrics, 45-inch French Voiles in seeded
and plain effects; a full line of colors;
our regular $1.50 quality; 11 (Ck
now on secial sale at only VPX.V
4-inch plain and two-toned effects
crisp finish voiles: our best fl 1 'jQ
$1.75 seller; special, yard
French Crepes; $2.00 vals., yard $1.39
Crepes, 45-inch, . silk and wool, soft
clingv materials in polka dot and plain
effects, beautiful fabrics for Summer
frocks, exceptional $1.50
All our White Goods are now Reduced.
exceptional $1.50 ql fCk
special, the yard l.VlI7
All our White Silks are now Reduced.
All White Trimmings are now Reduced.
Sale of Aluminum Ware
There are no seams in Aluminum ware N's enamel to flake off and mix with foods
No possibility of poisoning the foods Aluminum-ware gives good satisfaction.
20c Drinking Cups for 12c 20c Jelly Molds, special 15c
15c Measnring Cup, only 10c 10c Egg Separators, only 5c
10c Salt ShaKers, special 7c 10c tooth PicK Holders at 8c
10c Pepper Shatters, only 7c 85c Saucepans at 59c
3 Great Waist
I MSnS. -
' II
$4 Waists at $1.39
$5"Waists at $1.89
$& Waists $2.79
LOT 1 Lingerie Waists of Batiste and Lawn
materials; a great variety of styles to choose
from. Trimmed in Valenciennes and Cluny
Lace or colored Embroidery, with high or
Dutch neeks and short kimono (1 QQ
sleeves. Values to $4.00; special
LOT 2 Lingerie Waists in Batiste and Lawn
materials, trimmed with Cluny Lace and hand
embroidered, or with pin tucks and Valen
ciennes ruffled effects, with long and short
sleeves, high and Dutch necks; " OQ
Values to $5.00; June White Sale 4XOU
LOT S Lingerie and tailored Waists in Bat
istes, Lawns and Crepes, with high or Dutch
necks; trimmed with Valenciennes lace, hand
embroidery Irish crochet medallions or Cluny
lace, with tucked fronts; also plain embroid
ered and plaited fronts with collars and
cuffs. Some pure linens. Val- ttO 7Q
ues to $8.50 for June White Sale
Entire StocR
of Women's
Stiits on Sale
$4Q Suits Now $17.95
$5Q Suits Now $26.85
Women who study economy 'will appreciate
this opportunity tp secure high'grade Suits at
less than the cost of manufacture. The styles
are authentic, the materials are dependable,
the workmanship is of the highest order and
the suits fit with becoming' grace.
Values to $40.00 are priced at
Another lot of higher-grade Suits of English
and French Serges- Tweeds, Cheviots and
high-class novelty materials, mannish mix
tures, etc The very latest styles in an assort
ment so extensive that every taste
may be satisfied. Values to $50.00
All Other Wool Suits Reduced
White Serges, also Black Satins included. In addition to the
above great specials at $17.95 and $26.85 we offer you choice
of our stock of Wool buits and lack Satins at iollowinp; prices:
$40.00 Wool Suits for $30.60
$42.50 Wool Suits for $31.88
$58.50 Wool Suits for $43.88
$45.00 Wool Suits for $33.75
$50.00 Wool Suits for $37.50
$62.50 Wool Suits for $46.88
Summer Wash Fabrics Reduced
35c Ginghams 25c
In the domestic aisle, main floor, we offer
Anderson's Scotch Ginghams - in plaids,
stripes, checks and solid colors. Our regu
lar 35c values, very special during OC.
this sale at the lw price of, yard"''
Irish Dimity, white and colored, inOC
checks, stripes, dots and plain; yd.
5Qc Swisses 33c
St. Gall Swisses, beautiful Summer fab
rics, dotted and embroidered; our 99
regular 50c values, special, yard
White Nainsook, for fine underwear, soft
and sheer; 12-yard pieces, put' up in neat
boxes; priced very special PQ A Q
for this sale at $3.38 and P'0
Best Percales at 15c
Figured Percales, hundreds of pieces in the
newest bordered etiects; the best grades
made, suitable for children 's dresses, 1 C.
offered verv sneeial at on v. a -vard OC
"Voile Eflure," in lovely stripes, floral and
rainbow effects, for dresses, waists, (Sfi
etc.. nriced sneeial. vard. f0 and OvIC
"June White Days" Sale of
All Table and Bed Linens
$6.50 Table Cloth $5
Separate Tablecloths of pure linen, extra weight,
very appropriate for gifts. On sale as follows:
2 ijxgyj yd. Cloths, $ 8.00 vaL,$6.50
2Ux3 yd. Cloths, $ 7.00 vaL $5.50
2Ux3 yd. Cloths, $ 9.50 val. $7.75
26x3 yd. Cloths, $10.50 vaL $8.25
Table Damask
By the Yard
$20.00 Table Sets $15.25
An unusual linen event, planned at a time to
give the June bride the full benefit. Beautiful
gift linens are all priced low for the month of
June. Richardson's finest quality double damask.
2x2 yd. Cloths, $20.00 sets $15.25
2x2i yd. Cloths, $21.50 sets $16.50
2x2 U yd. Cloths, $33.00 sets $25.00
2x214 yd. Cloths, $36.00 sets $27.00
75c quality for 58c
$1.00 quality for 75c
$1.50 quality at $1.25
$4,25 Fine Linen
Napkins at $3.50
300 dozen Linen Napkins, in good
quality, pleasing patterns ; our best
reeular $4.25 values, ffQ CA
offered special, dozen
Center Pieces
Scarfs Etc. 13 O ff
500 pieces soiled and slightly
mussed Center Pieces, Scarfs,
Squares, Lace U -T
18c Pillow .Slips 12V2C
June White Sale of 1000 dozen extra heavy
Pillow Cases, neatly hemmed, ready, for use.
Those who need them for hotel, ronniiiig-liousc
or for household use had better 1 O fty
step lively. Regular 18c values at
75c Double Bed Sheets now 64c yy
70c Double Bed Sheets now 53c 3Qc Towels at 21c
60C Single Bed Sheets now 45c Extra heavy weight blached
Irish Linen Toweling yard 10c and cream color Bath Tow-
m ; z ; - - els. such as sell ree. o 1
15c Bleached Bath Towels for 10c at 30c each. Special 1 C