THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE , 191i 11 HELP WATmwMAU. IWir.KNT (Om of MaT OfV Secretary Km.jjiBOt Department V M. C. A. To-jcg man. cut f work $- r . (m i -: if I pay oo f.-r p .al mptm-nt I will b oeij $;5 left tittA me and Starva tion. , , rtrT If yoo Tr 15 special mp:mbi ni?nt-rs!iip you wi;i hae lb V. it C. A. w ,tn urn resources botweea o uil funaiivo. Record for Afar. 1HL :; for mn. ...... tim l i .r unt:t :i ... . i ii ITJ Employment membership gnaranteeo em - !,;.ntnt or r-fur.d of mmtrnip. re; (itft td wion;?-' fill m.Trhip prtv-ti-. 14 mnb' oial pnwt-t and un-n-rt' to prty -n;.i -d Junt-f tn f4l l-rra f amUHi? without further chart. Wo nae const nt demand for h'ri g,lr. H mn- Art you f i::el t-r a better iMcrtHry eanplojment department T. M. C. A. DON'T BE QUICK TO INVEST. Wha yrtt aro offered! something for BotbttaT vo rai bt " I wili t noth ing f r (omftlor. Com xon sens shot:. t-ri you tna: bo ana is aolnaj to Ul Ida) a "gold mirV w!tf u- y buy whi be 1 anxlu to si . esa ..n what h is acitoui i p. "A f.; and his money ir kwd parted. ln t be fool. Advisory Department. T. M. C. A. TANTEIV-C a1rfman. $3,501 tiicbt v.ttr. up. Two crti n lii1. .o(.di ic mr. 5V 11 HI ant yjnimto. $J 23 to I - "4 Vta and w f dairv. and found. Via and wife oa pcit piac. 15 mad found. rm haarfs anil mlUr. f. Witr. country two. ilu. room and bord. Large ht of other work. Opa Funly. 10 A. M. to I P. M. PACirii- EMPLOTStKNT nMPANT. Mato oSuf, 1. N. Wod St. W want four m a who aro sImn la fact a nrlt aa in r.ari; mro ho po rjf nt iinTl:r an4 aaTrrivo nvtoai4m to rum.nan'l I hm r!1! and ci'nfl.ltio ff t -nc r : mm h mm tn.on will sMni ut lh n to rt?-ria b yond th arnn c mrfy a I la;. To wa mn. httr yon hvt had t- prl nr la Ulnar ral tat or not, ran ailw toij a powtMoo with rpportun1tirs tf vamlfic nva-w tnan pai:ly - hav over arnH. and a c. ific f r promotion to a Tmar.nt. !uTti- dpartn-n! poaltioa. THK MIK t i'MI'ANT. VaJ'Ma Mill.. Third and Mal..a Pta. H AI.FI AV. Somothlrc otir-.r Uili-fnt: fltio lots la fin aw cltt-a ta mrl lroo. od two at-w railrtMJa. f -r Vkh ao ltiril; Iarc omm!tnn. Prsm Truuat lvv lop meat Ct 4' 4 Corbwtt biii;. HALKSMAN. C-ntral Orar a ! " lfr thm ya tf (h aattr public, w hav aa cntlr.y aw prorxaittoa In bw clt:- la (ha rmprr and If u mr a M,nnn cf b,Itfy. we h4 an ttKn.n for fox Ad drM box U 11. trtocUn. llt.I.P WANTKH Mat Ton ar trlM m-t-nry pualna Thamta aifitts tnaka bt mMir: r hour a. b-.aichtul work: y r4q a UJrpnl-ct; lt ua pna to you mnr of our aarata tnjka airadr Inroma of i:o day. loa'i oo think you ot it to ours:f to spd r-om vwnt for p-atai to io.)k iaio this o.1r J't . 'T.i ma h w I ran inak III Uar. Thomas Co aJH Plach Iaytoa. O. WANTKH At a-lt-naa fannln rtiina for Aattncms, 1 rcs;on and KKtlio. : s ar Uailers In thir lm and wll estab tisha. in territory. hpleaoid propoatttoa pr ntahrna pt-aa to t ie n;ht ?ata experience and r f-rnrea. Koaatoa Minufi' turlt-ar Co., M-rruna Par. bL I'aul. alt tin. W ANTK I Traiellnc salesman to handle line of poet card for on of the largest rtouawe la lh business). l ommlMion ba;a. i:i.. iuU territory A lrg Itna of aam-pt-e furnish l rishl tn. rotate eperl n. and rnrDtta la reply. Addreaa AV" U ir(;ilan. M'ANTKD Aa-greele travellnaT sal ma a awiflf arol appr jrin.. cunnijima" la aneth'Mis of I't'lLa butnas and ability to II. I high paving pvs.ttoa in r4 terri tory, we advance m-ty to repaid man. A ldra 11. t Ituiktrjr. tales maaafar, TJl .lve St.. lt. lul. Wo. tAl.El N". su-rrful in 'lilr.f standard ap laty prop-tain. n, surh aa computing a -, Jwrtry. al r'tui-r. etc to ror rt-ifU- oaat . stt'i lir--. on new and enrvptional l-rms wet h y advanro for ripen, a. rrf era a. illics P. '.. C.r'anil. .. $Ai.i;.tvi"' ur side He mea rr S dar wh:' w tiilnc for trjir. thoroughly h -xd. d.rn.iil propoitioa any nui can eai p. Uh rlli r any Tii: It.K-ral t-omT";on r-pat toslnraa. V if aathwa. JJ- Tbotuaa b:Jrf , ia- InB. O W H T Utr endure lnM druds-ejr lie our rprnt ti dottig outaste h-ithfui work. ea Um. n tairr - d.lT i:p wards s- !-ng ruuaUM.rr. many mxkmtf Id v. rp"nu unn-rwwv. P A T-'t t C.. I t'arruiiaCMrafOj i"x 1 . u KN -? ; vrt.! '.-1 for rt crext T tu ! rarntngs t utli laing tin: tt la WAi:mg for trains: la trrfs nr'hants a.: ;iua. Iitxrl com en rp- t bu s M H. Mathwa. tH Tnoroas D'-ti . l-ton. tX IH iVE a g.l sile i:re fr po;--.-.! sil-s- m-a or a-im-n r.::inf on staifonr. ."l fr cnt romn'..MU'B . full r rt it tor r Cat. a-ai trru e. to rcfrBr. Wm. ric Sruttb. !an in.a 1IM1I-GR DR s.!men; rermiMDl poal t;.i. Hn to 1 month: . (all ir.J ta lTt. ri. Tti"-y emrense a-! an-vd rm..y . no amp t" cam. tr!trnattoa a; . . t J k 1 -v-e Ml. layt'-n. ftAl.r.VxS w n:rd br lea.l rg EiroDa mAnura turrs i4 tr-Tortra to - I popu lar Ias a ad r rr it-nd- ts . 1'b--rJ rn -nt en S.inpl-S -O lbs. V 1 tn. 41 liro N- w ofk. Vahit P-n positw.n for a flrt -class re-ialte saies-nan. The American Multi--rh fa!' Co . T. W. Hammond, branch m a t a 9 jjs K d-tevtiT. ern from f ! to er month. trat orr the world. Writ a. T LuJalg. : bcaurritt Kansas City. e,oo MONTHLY. era. to trirI. dis tribute samples f 'r big manutacturrr; !r:r work. K. axhef:r. tr., E. h tcag. , !" baaf'a asr rpwlar Una of tailor-made s'ttts r wore no Use. l-V samples nn- Puil pxtlcuisrs urn rrgucsU i-.i. h Woon Mt:i. Dai;ss. Tela. i" K'. VIS UKK Kraternal lr.urBt.-e 01 d-r. maa or woman. .v contract, good t r rtt.r In Vrvguo or Washington. 1 Orgonin. , , NTED Tailor cr clothe rl-aner. Call at 1.1 and la.'rton. New 'aatl Apt- N -j. .or time Sunday, week das after A sna;v V! r 'l -X9 spotting ( H'.'.a sa;esrran. ore'rtJ n ll hraachea, AM lid. orgvnTaa. A NTEl- IarTe 'with for g.od city biiama propoaif t-a : ca d-nMt money Fetlal week. I Iw. vresontan. 5 a.v'ViJ w:f-." "rrHa, homueV.y rpe ri'aoa la ivg camp, com ary. .1 N. 4 at. W N T E I e:rer!-n-d clothing and sha man; must ta marrted. AO ii Cto aian. WATiirw-A a-tVi-ral a:at sales man: m ist have c ?t eir rten.-a. luixl A. aft;e Cv. h3 Yeon b !g r li' 'T to lt rartnf fntrcl. m T" poniS prti coitaldered. HI Cbam (r t ammw bUtg tTr n tTTk J N f at ' ' ' ? P- ' ' t y t r h th-c as w r. - 1 1 AlarqaarB b U.. Moa di . tn K A. J iV A N T E D T--- m -' t-x ! : In if- ai . r'--,-i contract f.-r live men. at a R..-r,-hi .1 t.dg. MAKE mon-v wrlttrc a.irt etori-e or for papcs. b'g pav : fe. boo rt te".s how. fn::e,J pre ? n-1 at . Mi Kr-i ;i 'V pT!.rH el rte (T "-d reow- m!P x-'U. Aj a ATtmcr vf C,m- CiC.W HELP WTIXD fEMALL WANTED--TOrXQ LAD 11 FOB TLI PHONK OPERATING WITH OR WITH OCT EXPERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC 1KLEPB0NE 4k TELEGRAPH CO, CAST TH A.VD ANKCXT aYTS, WMT PARK iM ALDKS. EAST 19TB ANT BELXOST. OR K1XXXXOSWOBTB AND ic;c-an ate. WANTEI MONDAY. Took; and second cook fir beach. $3. ok iaun-irr. tirt laiauran( rooa and waitress. $AA i'avirr ntnkt 14. nd l.aL 1iVaitr. , : sirls for rommvrclat n"it. i.i a-h. Houk-tri, t5 to iirl f.r shotlnar valtvry. t30. 't ambrrmaid. I" pr wcrk. Kumiiy co..k, to t".i :nrai trnuar v.M-k. f lO Othr ajood posliluna, PACTF-fC EMf'LOTMKVT rO. tsiilfi' Ir ." s Morrison. WATTCI Kirlticd youna lady for fan cy r.e'lwork department; good salary. Apply Itar.n-.n A Co.. JiS J K Morrison at. near lirand ate. Mt.NiriPAL. iwrtrtnicnt of Public Pafety for Tojr'ar omn. Adrtc or aaslsianra ar.ariiy a vn to all young worn a. Mrs, ioia . ti:uin. hart., room at x. w. c . tii!a:-. .ta and Ta) lor si a, TKA' HKHS Wsirtn( ronfmul and weil- piui employment durtnc hummer, ootn ci:y and out tow n: UrTd party bit.c o-raBii"i f.r hummel work, oa Coast, ii l Uf.1 ( on ta n. C!RU WANTED. Apply Standard Factory Ko X. Grand aaa Aat xajior au WAX 7KI A comHnl maid for general rioua wurk and coo'Uni aad to to t; ar- hart Ilcach for bummer. Appif &03 Sutn t.. rr. iirt. i'houa A ioo.'. WA.NTKB tilrl for Krueral housework and cook. n ; no laundry work: only on who undrntandi h-r bualneaa dmI apply. 43 t tn iio city I'ark. WANTKl-Neat. ret la Me arirl for aanera hoaork; 2 la family; wares f.liA, 42 r.Ami rit at. ortn. near liiUmouk. Take n road way ear. 6Tt:vHiHAl'!l KK will give ou use of office and machine for public work In return lor answering phone. X Ore aronian. WANTED fllrl for scneral hwusewnrk. 3 "li family; small boua. must be nrst-claso puia cook, with eKperienc; no other need apply. J 3 Mat s:.. N. U car. WANTED apable woman for iceoeral work and houakep.nar la family of two; aood, permanrr.t position for rihl person : refar ences. I'hone Tabor 655. G I P. 1.8 wanteoT to work In factory. Pacific loasi iiiscutt lompany. i:tn aaa Davia. LADT a are n ia wanted: bis; money: pat -n ted apevialty; ticiuaUt territory. 30 Lumber r.xchana;e. WANTKI Kperlencd jlrl In apartment: no wihin or Iroainar; sjood vaaca. Call TOt'N; rirts wanted to work on ladies rte-kwear. Western Maanfadurlns; CO.. at Hftfi at., third noiir. WANTED A srirl tQ assist with work af- I o-n'Mna tin? tt 7 :3 for coupi ; Knt :ith or y-i::h girl J re f. rrd. 1 1 'rjor.lan. WANTED Skirt and coat hands, ladies' at. tTillnn department. H. M. 3ray. 27.1-273 Morrison. WANTED ";:r's for nurses training - h.wt. outh Bepd Gen. Mort ft School for Numes. IK Tot are a rustlrr and ran li't and sell rooming-houses. ea:i 41T Hoard of Trade. No mony ro4ulr-d WANTED Mi'tPe-ag eJ housekeeping. fam i: no children. 4tt Commercial v'lub bUg. WE want aa up-to-date riut-iw woman to w ork on rooming-houses. Wtm Inrcst nient Co.. 417 Itoard of Trade. WANTED Refired. capable woman for re s port alb!e position. V:arf Co. 6n) Kota cftild bl'lg.. 4th and Washington. WANT E D mood g'rl for general housework, small famli. 4v East SU N. Phona Kasl :3l. TMRFR salesgirls wanted In th crockery. kit-hen war and toy depart menta at the iutl t'lbhs store. W A NT Et Eperlenced ren estate lady to work for saiarr In nir office, ii est refer snres. AH HI. Orrgonian. EXPERIENCED aales!adls for mustin tin derwsar. hoirv. trimmings and embrold erl. Roberts proa. WANTED Girl for general houwork. bungalow, two in family, be 11 wood WANTED A snidd:e-agd tady for taking r ir of a baby, mornirgs and evenings; Sa-r.l'sh prW.-rTcd. I 11. Oregonlan. ENERvlETIC woman over 35 for position w.ih wholesale house; experience) not re quired. M 1 -" 1. regor lan. WANTED v:rnorr tpher with ep rience In fire lnitraitf- offlc: stie etperlenrs and sa'iry wanted. AN !.! Orfon an, WANTED Ihjbllo stenographer to taUe over o'd-eat ablth'd butns p tf r g larg monthly income. R 140, Oregonlan. TOt'NtJ girl wanted for perking re-eram conea. piece week. Can call Sundar after. t;ovn. J.:? Johnson St.. Marshall 4-ii W ANTE rw Young glrl to"aaslst "with house, work ard care of baby. No. 71 East 10th st. North, near Iavia m it sT"h o w (rTr.APi tsr age set, JS Wash tr cton St. Tt.-om S14. atatn Jn or A a.ta. HANSEN IJxDIES AOtNCY. Washington at. cor. 7ta. upatiira Phone Mala S43 W ANTK D 1 r I. general houaework. amxlt two chUdrea, live p:aia. Viuihn. WANTED rT-t-cIas altrea for Mndxv ni-rning; co-n prepared for work; steady p-t"a. if sattsf n-lorv. 1Ol1th st. Jo-jth. ANTEl -tilrl to aaa 1st m houwork: s-holg:rl preferred. 6t Kavensxlew drtxe. A STlI. WANTED ;trl for light housework. Wood lawn 1W. CIKt. for grneral housework aad cooking. Maln M" WANTEI German goeerneag for one child In pnvt fami'r. G 1 "-. Oregonlan. WANTED I-a.Iv atenocraher who can Co hahi book kplng. V L'2. Oregonlan. VTAN rED--Eprienced waitress. Apply 4i4 E-t Hurnsi-i st. EX!'EUIKNKD waitress wanted Il'ba'a, 4"4 Wsshirtfton. between lth ard 11th. NKAT a-!rl f-r gepr rcl hous-aork. two m faml'v. "l Eatl:hN. l't ne Ust MaV-;LK girls hanil Iropers, mafhln girls. P a a r 1 -a u n 1 r H. 1 0 tjri an dE vere 1 1 . GIRT, fr light housework. Phona Wood lawn 1 COAT fmiViers on men's coats; must ha rxperlrnced. H Yamh'U St.. room ft. WANTED A general housework girl; must be a g'od rook. la!l J to N. --d St. GP;I. for coking ar.d general housework. 7.1 ';rnai1wj s:. l"on Kast lT'2. i; 1 K i-S to st ud r f r prfestonaI nurses; special tndn.-emcms. App y tw Msrquam. - M AU f r mixed work, dtnlcg-room and chamber work- J". I I.Vh ar. WANTED lTcsser Work. Broadway T)ya It:!, wanted for 1 ht bona work. 4T4 th St. North n-ye t nr 1 ara WANTED il-d girl f r seneral housework; ages i. Phone C "J WANT E D 1 1 r I for general housework; good mac. Va.n - V.. WANTED -Girl to 1 second :d. ri-TiT Ilort; sork. 141 WNTEl C.'1 maid for light housework. Apr' v y-a'C'-""'1 are. A lilHI. t - ait in housework In small Jth;:. : J e rt n St W ANTK I l r for general house crk. sms;ifmil. s.' Minnesota aie. NTi K wTaman for"ighl services, small wages. 11 VarsiialL W xNTEI-A xoung g'l 'o h'n take care of -m irx a"d APPj? -irrtt"t- iv7lTf-r general housework. AppW morn- it g. 71 r'ere't corn "M Main 3l"J xV NTEl-- Va exr-erietiee- tauvicag a HEl.r WANTED FEMALE. COOK, boarding-hoase. Hi. Cook and helper, ftkk Fanilly rook. Chambermaid, gl day. Waitresses. $11 and. S week. Hotel waitress. e--5. Nurse girl. $1. . . becond gir's. 2Z and $30. labeling. $1 day. Girl for general housework. tO to $.13. Patrons desiring help for Rose Carnival week kindly place orders as soon as pos sible. HANSEN"! LADIES" AGENCY. 3it Wash. St., Room 7. WANTED Good cook to go to Hood River after Knee show lor two or three months, hei-rem-eg desired. Address J. R. Law rence. 7i Flanders. WANTED Five will-dreased. Intelligent women of some business experience to sil 2preiia Cj.ael. priclia Coi-set bhop, 40 7 be! i Ing tM g. WANTED Active, intelligent women, pos sessing me business qualifications; per manent positions. Call tfpirella Corset e-nop. 4t7 belling riau. WANTED refined Christian woman to help care for convalescent old lady. Light work, good home, fair wages. Glra tele phone number. AE l."b Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Call Mon day morning. 7:W o clock. Hotel Burton. V am hlil and Sec on 1 street. HA.Ni.KY EMPLOYMENT CO North Second. Proncs Mam 7-7. A 200. EXPERIENCED second girl. $.W: family cosifc. g.t."(; housekeepers. Si, Loula Agency. 3"3 4 Wash. Alain lhC. A 4775. WANTED CSlrt for general housework. Ap ply 3aa Grand avenue North, cor. Broad- WANTED For the beach, after tlV lMh. la ly cook and helper, dining-room girls. Apply now. tiT North l.'th. t ANTED One lady between 40 and SO to do housekeeping for a man; a little house. Address J l.M. Oregonlan. WA NTKD Woman preaser. Peninsula Dye ing and Cleaning Co.. S44 Killings worth near Williams, WANTED Girl for general housework: two In family; small house; call Sunday after noon. 710 Marshall street. L.m'aL business wsnts cashier; must givo caai bond or make Investment la husl- S 11!. Oregonlan. GIRL to assist with baby and second work. )-" per month. &"4 Meitnda av., head Johnson and '.Vth sts. EXPERIENCED hrlp for the alteration de partment. New York Outrittlng Co.. 1C5M 1st st. WANTED A telephone operator from 6 to v r.o p. M.. at the 11111. :id and Wash Inrton. WANT ED Experlem-ed coat and gown hands. I. Govurtg at. Sons, Cd and Yam- hit.. ONE evperleneed waitress at the Hill. 2 Id and Washington. WANTED Girl to a;t ith housework. 7"9 Marshall, near ".'d. EXPERIENCED wait re taurant. 144 4th St. Thompson's res- WAN.TED Girl for renera housework; ao cooking. b"l Corbet t t. DEMONSTRATOR Give age. addreaa and telephone number. A N l.'7, Oregonlan. GlHL. to aaatst In hous.wnrk. good home. s,ood wages. ?,S Marshall st. WANTED Flrst-clats seamstress. ticchtmsn. blO Deaum bldg. GOOD girl for gene-al housework. Thompson, corner luth. GIRL for general housework. Call at Hoyt St.. near lllst. WIIOWF:it wishes lady as housekeeper; no objection to child. AH 154. Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced body Ironer. Apply Pacific Laundry Co.. ?.'! Arthur st. WANTED Experienced collar glrL PacllVc l-aundry Co. Apply A HOY to help around the place, good w a gee. 311 Main st. WANT a girl to take rare of 2-yenr-old baby and help around dishes. C4J h ront st. GIRL to assist with general housework; 3 in family i'hone is 'Joi. WANTED A girl for 1 Ight housework, a t once: good wages. C:ill B U44. GI HI. w anted. American laundry. Twelfth and Flanders st. WANTED Comptnt person to care for 2 children. A'ldrcrs AR ir.7,Oregonlnn. NORTHWESTERN Hospital A saoc la t Ion. 7'l Yeon bldg. Main a2(V BE IP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MAN or woman to take restaurant, fur nished ex.-ept dishes, in hotel, for rent tor boarding one. Hieeplng room Included, fnap. Apply .Ho I North i'titb. W car west on Morrison, to 2th. block north. WANTED Pranch Manager each state, also Representative each county. want man or woman with brains, ability and push. Address with references Falco, 424 Bout a Lrosdway. los Angeles. Cat. WA Nl ED Tao waiters and one waitress; must be experienced. Barr Hotel, Ota and Clisan. M IMFXLAXtOl S. WANTED Capable orchardist who has l.'uOO to imest In hlgh-ciass orchard prop osition In Hood Hlwr Valley and take In terest In the property and care for same; part bearing orchard; team and all Im plements furnished; irood house. H lii, o r eg t n l a n. REM EM HER Our employment department can furnish you competent stenograpuers and office assistants, without charge to elthr employer or employe. Try us. Miss Piearns. manager employment de partment. Remington Typewriter Com pany. Main o. A aU3. POSITIONS for graduates last year; men and women learn paroer traae ia weeks, help to secure pos.tion; gradu ates earn from $13 to $2 weekly; expert Instructors: tools free; write for cata logues. Won It Ftem of College. 0 North 4th st., Portland. Or. BELMONT ALTO SCHOOL Wanted, cnergetla, man to take course In auto repair work and driving; best equipped school on Pacino Coas beo us befors snroiung elsewhere. Tako bS car. get vtt ac aV, 2Jd and Morrlsou, LEAP.N real estate business I y mall; great possitdllties even as siue line; smau cost of course is covered by absolute guarantee of satisfaction. Wo will help you set started. Write for free particulars. Na tu'cai Co-operativo Realtv Company. W 7'Ji. Mardan blag., Wasiiingtou. D.C. WANTED More scholars In millinery school; take lessons now. pre pare for all pe.iaun; at tons and positions secured: latest methods taught, old hats made oer, hats (rtmtned to order; bring them. Make over rhop. 375 Aller st. Marshall Hm5. iv.lTI VKi.Y no expensa to learn trsde and Ho apprentice or neipcra worat require a ; actual urk on contract jobs; electricity, automobile, plumbing. bricklaying. v9 atudents Ut year. Write Cnited Trad bchocl Contracting Co.. los Angeles. WILL start you earning $4 dai:y. home. spare time, severing mirrors; no cap ital; free lr.struetle booklet, giving plans oieratton. G. F. Redmond, dept. wd. lios iou.Ma. W E teach Utiles millinery or dressmaking In a few weeks at in noimn rcnooi or MiMlnerr and Dressmaking. 274 Williams ae. I'hone East ;:V FOR HALE Established commission busi ness on paing ba;?. r.asiern tints: Ul sell at reasonable price. AL 152. Orego nlan. WAN TED Mreet entertainers for f reo at tractions for 4th or July celebration, also bahoon SJtcenpfons for 3d snd 41 h of Jul Address F. 1- Whlttaker. Albany. Oregon. "lTfEpI . K hand -painted port ra It from gny photograph or tintype: we guarantee a perL. rt 1 1 at M-rr:?..n st. -rt likeness; onty -c pi'i'i.o lbti A. Uanes. art. at. WANTED To learn a good system or cut ting aDl ntting lanirs ianor-a garments; au:- price and system, AK 143. Ore g .! n. STENOGRAPHERS to Join day and night classes lor secta: wora in moa era ouai ness college, tit h and Washington; positions when competent. START m?rror fsctory. We fsrh. trust you; Vc brines sample ;eon: nai.y cuar- ant.l. Hut'.inT', Francis Hie, 1 nd. LEARN automobile driving and repairing; actual practice I rp-nruLr, 7 r Ings. W ashington st . room 415. MAKE money writing shnrt stories or for St'rs- tlg pJ. iiw . .-i vii now. nlted Press Syndicate, Sac Francisco. MX ladies. to a. be r.. i Kel. rvafemeni, i u wi v w and 7 Fun day. WE need x-oung men lo tcai-h moving pic- COMM N D Ml salarte,; r r.ed men for met ln picture op'Tanng. -aa. W ILL I't't r-ius tr a .. and paint nous t J-.xur price, l .'n ne t.m FI?K TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. 611 bmet:a:.d PPIVA1E Fc'iool SHORTHAND and TYPE!. INTiritN ATION xL Cr,rrpontI,m S- huola, ikcal onico a aviuca a- M ISC IX LANE OC 9. AMATEL'RS AMATEURS! AMATEURS! THE ROBERTSON SCHOOL OF DRA MATIC ART. CLIFFORD ROBERTSON OP LONDON AND NEW YORK, DIRECTOR. ACTOR AXD COACH. We prepare you for the drama, musical comedy and vaudeville, special course In elocution, voice culture. stage dancing, dramatic srt, practical sta-e training and th art of making; up. VAUDEVILLE ACTS WRITTEN. RE HEARSED AND BOOKED ON COAST TIME. Special attention given to ama teur performances, etc. We ' place our students when competent. THE LARGEST AND ONLY LEGITIMATE SCHOOL FOR PRACTICAL STAGE TRAINING IN THE CITY. Open evenings and Sunday P. M. Suites 314 and 3o0, Marquam building. Secretary's of flee, p:;0. PROF. WHEELAN'S VAUDEVILLE AGENCY AND SCHOOL FOR MAr. TRAINING. ACTS BOOKED ON GOOD TIME. HAVE YOU GOT ONE? nOV ME. IF NOT. I CAN GIVE YOU ONE AND FIT YOU IN ANY LINE AND GET YOU BOOKED. THAT'S WHAT I'M HERE FOR. TERMS TO SUIT YOURSELF. ISN'T THAT REASON A RLE ? SEE ME AT bTH FLOOR MAKO.UAM lL,OU MAIN S32. WANTED MOVING PICTURE OPKRATOHS In all cities throughout the world; oper ators earn 925 to 140 weekly; actual thea ter experience given; wt have the largest ana finest eaumpea school in ine wortci; theaters make 410 to $10O daily; theaters equipped on easy terms. Open evenings. 1EV YORK EXCHANGE, 6204 Wastu. nr. 17th. SALESMEN No experience reoulred: bun dreds good positions now open where you can get practical experience, earn good w-ages while learning; our students earn $1Kjo to ."otM year, expenses. Write for full particular today. Address nearest office. Dept. 3.r7, National Salesmen's 1 raining Association, cnicagj. ?tew lork, Kansas City. Seattle. Js'ew Orleans. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN AUTOMO BILE REPAIRING and driving, plumbing, bricklaying, electrical trade, civil en glneerlt.g, surveying. In moat practical way. Our students earn $3-$5 a day; po sitions secured; satisfaction guaranteed; catalogue free. National School of Trades. 21 10 W. 7th. Los Angeles. CURTAINS laundered 2frc and up. Wood lawn 2S4. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeeper and Clerk. AN experienced salesman and office man de sires to make a change: has had ex perience In the clear, confectionery and drug sundries lines: also has had ex perience in contract work for public serv ice corporations; oest ox rexerences. .v 147, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER and general office man, 28 x years old, with over 7 years' experience In wholesale bouses: best of references, de sires position. V KOt Oregonlan. Bookkeeper wants association with smalt concerns to keep their books and ac co'ints. make trial balance, statements. Main 2372. YOUNG man. Just from New York. d. -sires to go to work Immediately; highly educat ed; typewrites; could act as private sec- 1 e t ary. V 103. Or eg on tan. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS tip nooks, pif part halances and statements. Install systems. Oil ling nam. auditor, 411 Lewis bldg.. Marshall 717. BOOKKEEPER, cost 1 years of experience. 1 57 Oregonlan. accountant, manager A-l references. AS GROCERY clerk. 7 years experience, mod erate salary, city references. AK 350, Ore gonlan. YOUNG man. 27. wide office experience, experience to paying teller. also psit wishes ton. AD 148. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted as stenographer or assist ant bookkeeper; four years' experience; best of reference. R 15Z, Oregonlan. EXPERT BOOKKEEPER will assist in writ ing up and adjusting your accounts for a moderatofee. AF 147, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED stenographer, bookkeeper, best of references. AH :'., Ore?onian. M I seel laneooa. WANTED By Industrious young man steady work In automobile repair shop; have had some experience; trial is all 1 ask. AL 1 52. Oregonlan. BREAD foreman, thoroughly practical; have had chat ge of many of largest shops on Coast; satisfaction guaranteed; solicits po sition. A 14W. Oregonlan. SALE S MAN. 3 1 10 years' experience, en ergettc. aggressive, capable handling spe cialty; staple article; references. Y 144, oryKoman. BAKER Capable young man wants position on bread and cakes; sober steady, re liable; city or country; references. A K 147, Oregonian. EASTERN young man. sober, steady, de sires position at anything: will work on a farm with good people; state full particu lars. F 15;, Oregonlan. POSITION as engineer and machinist with mlnl:ig company: age So; single; will go a n y w here. J 155, Oregonla n. LICENSED chauffeur wants Job In private family; can furnish references. F 158, Oregonlan. MAN wants place; steady. understands gardening, horses, can milk; moderate wages asked; Jonghaus. Gervals, Box 33. YOUNG man, experienced In all branches of hotel and restaurant worx, wants oay or night position. AE 160. Oregonlan. HOUSECLEANING Job or boue floors re polished. Phono Main 0573. evenings. Green. HOUSE-CLEANING and window-washing by a colored man. Phone Woodlawn 082. &;S E. 12th.. N. n ENGINEER wants position. Engines, dyna mos, concrete mixers or pumping plant; first-class testimonials. AT 15i. Oregonian. FARM or orchard work by single man; ex perienced, competent and reliable. D 153, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED practical farmer, capable of taking charge of stock or grain farm? ex pert on machinery. K 140. Oregonlan. GOOD, honest, young man. steady: has served In cavalry; desires position to tako care of horse. AC 14. Oregonlan MARRIED man. steady, sober, desires posi tion at any kind of work. L 144. Orego nlan. FIRST-CLASS florist, gardener and decora tor wants work or petition; first-class ref- T 1 M.Ore gom n. CA RPE NTER foreman, reliable and expe rienced, desires position. AD 156 Ore gonlan. INTELLIGENT man desires any kind work during Rose Festival. Phone during week, Marshall 2 .'MI. GOOD all round baker, thoroughly reliable, town or country. Rex. 321 E. bth N. Phono Kast 2010- C11A1' FFEl'R wants pooltlon driving nights from 7 to 12. holding shop position dur ing da vs. AH 155. Oregonlan. GOOD honest young man desires any kind of position; experience In driving and gar den work. R 150. Oregonian JAPANESE, flrst-lass cook, waiter on tha treble and housework. Homo phone A 451. ."15 Couch St. WANTED By young man. position as time.-k-e per or material clerk ; experienced; will go my rd4g- AH ?52. Oreconlan. SALESMAN" making; Or-Bon and Washing ton In auto wants good side line on com mission. M 143. Oregonlan. GA RDENERr experienced, also handy with tools. sober. reliable. E. Ryan. 206 Couch st. OFFICE position during vacation by boy of 11. 2d-ear high school. C. Shinn. 013 Mllwaukie st. POSITION wanted as Janitor or watchman or driver or garden work, with reference. AP 159, Oregonlan. ; JANITOR Single. steady. strictly sober man wants position. Courthouse Restau rant. 21." Fourth st. LICENSED chauffeur desires position driv ing: can do own repairing ; references, phone C n04. AN 141. Oregonlan. W ANTED To surlrkle lawns and clean porch for th ue of basement rcom. A dd reus P. Q. Box 3 n- clty. YOUNG man wants steady prition In gar age; rome experience: satisfied with small a ages to start. AO 140. Oregonian. iToVsEci.EAN ERl Trlndow-washer, by day, hour or contract. Main SH55. Martin. VA RTY of men wants to like contract to cut cord wood. AT 1f'. Oregonlan. CA RPPNTKR. first-class finisher; n day. AM K9. Oregonlan. CA R! 'ENTER will design your hotire free and build It cheap AM 15". Oreconlan. BA KK IE good bread rolls; Lilief. 0 Revero st. city or country. JAPANESE wants work before 10 In morn ing. W 154, Oregonlan. " EXPERIENCED grocery clerk wants posi tion; A-l refercr.t-e. AN 153. Oregonlan. BY our.g man as collector. 2 years expe rience. K 141. Oregonlan. j PANF.SE bov wants any kind of work; m o -n!n g a n de centrg. K 1 4 0 re go n ian. CA RPE NTER wishes portion by day or contract. A. Young, Sellaood 1712. TOINii man 22 desires work of any kind. Af; I4. Oregnrlan. HOUSE cleaning or Janitor Job wanted by c o m pc t e tm a n . A H 1 5 j0 re Ron I an - W ork be 14-year-old hov during vacation; has wheel. Woodlann 713. SITTATIONS WANTED MALE. Mlseelianeooa, V A. 1 Ll-rOBlUUn L J mnu, X 1 . UAaiitsvt, practiced law in Chicago 15 years, as sisted In organization and management of several of the so-called industrial trusts l$6-li00: logging in British Columbia a new start; willing to begin as a sten ographer or In any capacity to get in with good people in a promising business. M loo. Oregonian. MAN, oarmanent resident of Mty. fair edu cation, wide experience. ires position with corporation as speciu. officer or watchman or -general utility man; have had experience along these lines; also cau handle typewriter and telegraph and do detective work; best of habits and can give surety bond and city references. S l.4. oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman desires a change; Specialty man; also well posted on general building materiaf (paints, glass, sash, cement, etc.) Record absolutely clean. Salary or commission, city or road. No real estate or security stunts. B 150. Oregonlan. GARDENER, experienced vegetable garden' er, who has first-class references and who can drive and take care of horses and do all ranch work, handy with tools, wants work, private or ranch. Y 159, Ore gonian. WANTED Bv a miller of several years experience, steady work in a mill, in the valley preferred. Write C C. Gibson. 2i0 Marguerite ave., Portland, Oregon. Phone IS 153. CAKE foreman, economical, thoroughly ex pcrlenced in all lines of cake and pastry work; am thoroughly acquainted with your requirements; solicits position. AC l.l, Oregonlan. YOUNG man. experienced, wishes position cook's helper, kitchen man or dishwasher. Can do plain cooking, good on pies or cakes: night work preferred, ao ao ore gonlan. WANTED Employment by reliable man who can drive and care for horses and au tomobiles, run gasoline engines; will do anything, go anywhere; good references. A Jos, oregonian. EXPERIENCED Janitor, Is employed In one of the finest apartment-houses in Port land, wishes to take full charge of one or the new. first-class houses; references. oregonian. EXPERIENCED clothing and shoe man wants position In medlum-sixed city any time alter June 1. Can trim windows ana write cards; good references. AB, Ore gonlan. WANTED By married, sober, industrious man, gardening work; handy with tools and gasoline engine; no objection to coun try. H 152, Oregonlan. MAN of excellent habits and fair ability desires a position as night watch man where faithfulness and care will be ap preciated. V 155. Oregonlan. CHEF wishes position, who understands his business where first-class services are re quired; best of references. W. J. Smith 246 E 31th st. WANTED By married, sober. Industrious man, steady work, carpenter, painter and gardener; good references; no objection to country. II 1 53. Ore gon ian. EXPERIENCED general merchandise de sires position with good firm either In or out of city; Coast experience. AB 158, Oregonian. YOUNG man 20 wants work; place of ad vancement desired ; best references; have been collector for 7 years with one firm. X 153, Oregonian. WANTED Position with steam roller, sta tionary, plowing, thrashing or donkey en gineer; experienced and recommendations. 337 W. 10th. Sled ford, Or. WANTED A place In drafting room to learn drafting by good man of good char acter. I. C. S. st udent. Address P. O. Box 132. Walla Walla. Wash. CARPENTER, quick worker, can save you money; no pro lit charged; will work by hour. 271 f Morrison, room 11, or phone A 3720. YOUNG man and wife from Eastern city want work, on truit ranch or farm: man Is handy with tools and wife is good housekeeper. O 154, Oregonlan." CHAUFFEUR, sober, honest and reliable, wishes steady position; experienced me chanic and also ood gardener; fefer ences. AM 154. Oregonlan. COLORED men and boys can be furnished for various employment; nothing but re liable help recommended. Phone East 4470. 302 Morris. 6ITTJATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper desires position; 15 years' experi ence with large corporation In the East. Phone Tabor 2J90. EXPERIENCED etenographer and book keeper wan is position by June 15; neat, accurate and can be depended upon; ref erences. AR 153, Oregonian. BOOK KEEPER, stenographer, thoroughly competent and experienced ana capable ot holding position of great trust. N 151, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS stenographer; over a year railroad experience, 3l years' mercantile business office; own an Underwood. AK 157, Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER, competent and accurate, desires permanent or temporary position. Phone Main li:(7. LADY stenographer desires position; ex perienced in legal work ; will substitute ; references; $10 per week. Monday A 2609- YOUXG lady, experienced collector, would like accounts and rentals for collection. W 1&9, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer. beginner, wishes position; had one year's business experience. N 152, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes perma nent position; will begin on small salary; references. Call Main 1273. on Monday. STENOGRAPHER with some experience de sires permanent position. Phone Wood lawn 221. YOUNG lady wants position as bookkeeper; has had a year's experience. Phone E 0443; address 407 E. 9th. WANTED Position by capable and expe rienced young lady stenographer. Y 157, Oregonlan. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING by expert dressmakers: all work fully guaranteed; we allow no work to go out that Is not entirely satisfactory; our dresses are not pressed to fit they are made to flu Main apartment 6, 614 Jefferson. FASHIONABLE dressmaking and lady's tailoring at home or by the day. Phone C 24 M. PLAIN SEWING, monthly customers pre ferred. East 4034. Cajl Sunday after noon. EXPERIENCED dressmaker can tako few more engagements. Phone C 2313 or Main 7710. PLAIN sewing, children's clothes, quilts for sale. Mrs. E. A. Lursen, 809 East 20th st. North. A car. EXPERT fitter wishes few more engage ments by the day. Main 32&. MRS. DAVIS, dressmaking. 1S9 West Park. Main 3207. FI RST-CLASS dressmaker, best references, phone Marshall 652. LADY wishes to sew with first-class dress maker. Call Monday, Main uov.t, A 4422, Nurses. LADY recently from Boston, competent, re liable, practical nurse; maternity cases a specialty ; would care for invalid; refer ences. L 141. oregonian. TRAINED nurse. comfortable, srfb urban home, would care for Invalid, convalescen;, child or adult: good room and board; charges reasonable. J 14. Oregonian. PRACTICAL nurso wishes engagements: 18 years experience: maternity preferred; doctors' references. Main 0iK. EXPERIENCED nurse desires caro invalid, sf k. maternity; references. Main 2039, A 4775. YOUNG woman Scotch) wishes housework by day: no cooking or washing. East 035'J. WANTED Car of invalid In home or san itarium. D 152. Oregonlan. Mvwaekeeperm. POSITION as housekeeper for widower; no objections to two small children. Call at 194 N 15th St.. or phone M B12L Mrs. Andersen. WIDOW from East with 2 little girls wants housekeeping for widower or bachelor; country preferred, lua Union ave.. Delia Tomblin. MA II R I ED lady, g-od reference; experi enced ; will cai for rooms in exchange for 2 or 3 housekeeping rooms. J 157. Ore ronia n. AN educated, refined lady d '-sires position In the city sn housekeeper for refined bachelor or widower; r.o objection to one or two children. I- 357. Oregonian. REFINED, educated widow lady with boy Id van. housekeeper in widower's or bachelor's home; very best references. AV 177. Oregonian WOMAN with girl years old wishes a po sition as housekeeper; can take full charge; country preferred. Phone East is:;7 or 414 iast Pine. YOUNG woman wants position as house keeper in or out of K. 15. Ore gonlan : A LADY wishes situation as housekeeper for bachelor or widower; none hut the best of parties need answer. AO 151, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. WOMAN with experience would like full charge of widower's home or first-class apartment or rooming-house; the best of references as to character and ability. L 153. Oregonian. r FIRST-CLASS hotel housekeeper, position; one who is worker. E 15$, Oregonlan. Misceliaueoas. A SOUTHERN woman who has traveled ex tensively in the United States, Canada, Mexico and Europe, desires a position as companion (not nurse) to a lady or as chaperon to young ladies; references ex changed. Address M 141. Oregonlan. LADY, neat and of refined character, with a child of 44 years, wishes sewing or light housework in private family; small wages, the object more for a home; can furnish the best of references. E 153, Oregonian. YOUNG woman would like work In pri vate home: no children; for room and board while attending business schooL AP ISO. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS embroiderer, experienced In all kinds of fancy work, wants position; can give Instructions. Address Mrs. Theresia Barton. 73S No. 13th st., Lincoln. Neb. WOULDN'T you like to leave your children in the care of a reliable girl when you go out of an evening? Phone Main 1852 after 5 P. M. EXPERIENCED lady clerk in delicatessen, grocery or confectionery store, wishes po sition: can furnish best references. Phone A 5586. WANTED AU kinds of painting, cottages, houses and stores, by p actfeal painters. Call 734 2d st. or teleph ne Marshall 812. EXPERIENCED cook wants work, restau rant or boarding house; country preferred. 320 Clay st. Main 8106. YOUNG lady wishing to learn dressmaking will sew for private dressmaker; small wages. AM 153, Oregonlan. WANTED Waitress and chambermaid wants work In country hotel. Main 0427, room z, or L 143. oregonian. POSITION wanted by young lady as piano player in or out of city; no traveling. Y 154, Oregonlan. YOUNG lady, stranger In town, would like housecleanlng, S2 per day; good worker. I MAKE a specialty of laundering fine lace curtains; references. Phone Marshall 3051. EXPERIENCED cook wants a situation in not too large a family. Call at Women's Union. 16th and Fianders. Miss Main. COOK Good all round; wife helper; board-Ing-house. private or country hotel; ab stainer. AP 153. oregonian. FIRST-CLASS cook in private family or boarding Institution; many references. P 15S, Oregonian. WANTED By good plain cook, situation at beach in small family; excellent refer- ences. B loo, Oregonlan, A COMPETENT colored woman would like work for all day Monday. Call Marshall 1 S85. NORWEGIAN woman wants day work, washing, Ironing. Marshall 1727. CAPABLE woman cook, restaurant, hotel. boarding-house. Main 2030, A 4.a. GIRL wants daily work, washing". Ironing or cleaning. j-none a iai WANTED Work by day on West Side, washing, ironing, cleaning. Mara ha ii 1319, CASHIER or office girl at country hotel or Summer resort. p 150. Oregonlan. WANTED By a colored laundress for Tues day or:ly. Phone Main 5567. LADY wants day work housecleanlng. Call evenings after 6; references. B 1074. LACE curtains hand laundered. Phone Main 3480. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work for Monday and Wednesday. Call 423 Davis. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants work by day or hour. Phone MalnBUiS. WANTED Position as cashier, ten years' WOMAN wants day work, $2 per day; good worker. Phone A 2645. WANTED Day work by capable woman. Phone Main 4304. EXPERIENCED woman wants any kind of work by the day. Phone Main 4217. LADIES laundry called for and delivered at reasonable rate. Main 7 0 2. YOUNG Finnish woman wishes day work ISO Page st.. Albina. WOMAN wants day work, half days- Phone Main 5500. LADY wants day work. WroodIawn 97. WOMAN wants day work. Sellwood 180. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS earn big money selling latest styles French foulard dress patterns, braided waists, dresses, drawn work, em broideries, etc.; catalogue free. National Importing- Co., desk 4. 699 Bway, N. Y. City. RELIABLE salesman can make big monsy selling our well-known line of hardy non Irrigated trees, shrubs, roses, etc. ; out fit famished; cash weekly. Address Ore gon Nursery Company, Orenco. Or. LADIES, write for our $23 reward offer and free sample for demonstrating our Im proved skirt supporter. Edwards Skirt Supporter Co., Buffalo, N. Y., and Bridge bun;. Canada. WANTED Agents to sell Raydith genuine egg shampoo. The only perfect shampoo. Advertising proposition. Steady work. Salary. Raydith Perfume Co., 320 N. Stat St., Chicago. AGENTS to handle biggest money-making fire extinguishers; special starting offer; exclusive territory, $75 to $300 per month. Badger Chemical Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. OUR little wonder pocket tool scissors com bines 18 tools; light, neat, compact, use ful ; Imported novelty just being Intro duced. Write for terms; free sample. N. Sollmano, 4828 Finch bldg.. Das'ton, O. 100 PER CENT profit, new combination tool. 15 in one; for household, farmers, electricians, machinists, plumbers, auto owners. Sample free to workers. B. Thomas Co., 1523 Finch bldg., Dayton, O. WANTED To sell our high-grade im ported chewing gum; best on the market, 0c full-size package; prices, terms, etc Damler Chewing Gum, 213 West 28th sU, New York. AGENTS Either sex, sell guaranteed ho siery; 70 per cent profit; Roods replaced freeH If hole appears; experience unneces sary. Address "Wear Proof," West Phila delphla. Pa. POCKET cash register, coin purse, saves money and time: agents sample and "06 reasons whv," 50 cents postpaid. Pocket Cash Register Company, P. O. Box 1VG8, Los Angeles. Cal. M FGRS. agent or salesman with office want ed to handle Portland trade to mfgrs. agent controlling seven live factory lines; sam ples furnished and good contract. P. M. Jenks Sales Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. PERFECTION pocket adding machines; latest invention; lightning seller; big profits; agents wanted. M. W. McConnell & Co.. Clinton. Iowa. LADY representative everywhere, big money, spare time, no canvassing or so liciting. Absorbo Co., 435 Paulian bidg., St. Louis. $22-50 WEEKLY soliciting for leading fash Ion magazine, either sex; every locality. Hulslzer Agency, Kansas City, Missouri, box 704. 400 PER CENT profit selling Gordon photo pillow tops; high-grade work; samples, particulars free. Luther Gordon Co., 166 Washington St.. Chicago. AGENTS get busy; write today for exclu sive territorv for the quickest, easiest all around seller ever offered. La Croix Nov eltv Co., 222 Northern Bank bldg., Seattle. FREE sample first letter; something new; every firm wants it; S10 a day easily made: nice, pleasant business. Metallic Sign Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago. (36 WEEKLY salary. 11000. Life. $150. Div idends, $10. Weekly health accident pol Icv. "Brotherhood," box S65. Denver, Colo. EXTRA liberal proposit ion now oftVred agents handling our line of useful quick sellers. Write today. Ulrich & Co.. 27 Thames st X. Y. FREE SAMPLE Union hand cleanser. Ex clusive agents, hustlers only wanted. Write today. Seed Mfg. Co.. 93 lieade St.. w York. ONE distributer In each community for Thomas guaranteed nosipry ror men. wo men and children. S5 to $15 dally. Thomas Co.. 2l,:;t Mathews bldg.. Dayton, o. BEST side line on earth; clean cut proposi tion ; pocket samples: prompt commis sions: cnsign-d goods. Dyer Mfg. Co., 1420 P. Michigan ave.. Chicago. $25 WEEKLY, expenses, trustworthy people travel, distribute samples for big whole sale house. C. H- Emery. F 21. Chicago. AGENTS WANTED $5 to $25 per day sell ing automobile specialty. Free particulars; write too a y w. . f l. ... vfir can know about profits mado suppl ing perfumes to families. Addrefs Lcffjer & jo.. bl. wui. -io- BiO money selling gold and silver letters. novelty, cnansvanie mun rn .o.k- nlogu-. umax oveu u., ru i.uuis. LEGITIMATE substitute for slot machines; oateniea: ten 011 hkmi x - ticuiars. Oisha Company, Andrson Ind. SALESMEN wanted; good salary; no order WANTED AGENTS. HAVE you heard the great noise? Our "Lucky Leven" combination $3-20 value), you sell for $1. will put you on easy street. Juclest Spring proposition out. If you don't have daily profits of $6 to $10 you are due at morgue. New come averages 30 boxes day, profit la Look good ? Sure thing. Great crew managers preposition. Good for $-lin) weekly profit. This is only one pippin in "27 varieties." From factory to you no middleman's profit. Get aboard. Davis Soap Works. 00 Davis bldg., 1423 Car roll ave., Chicago. LAND AGENTS Western Louisiana High lands now offers the best field in the South to locate homeseekers. Its health, climate, rainfall and sure crops are an absolute guarantee of ready sales. Our well-developed farming community at Pickering. Louisiana, is advantageously lo cated near the Gulf Coast, on the Kansas City Southern Railroad. Now Is the time to make yourself familiar with this sec tion. Liberal commissions. For particu lars address J. D. La Brie. No. 537 Keith & Perry bldg.. Kansas City, Mo. WANTED A high-grade stock salesman In your territory to act as our local repre sentative and sell dividend-paying stock In home building company with large assets; stock Increasing in value rapidly; splendid opportunity for advancement and profit to right man; give references and past ex perience. Address the Investment Building Company. luvS W. P. Story bldg., Los An geles, cai. SIX sales day means big income selling 3-lb. Easy Wringer Mops. Two turns of crank wrings mop dry. Women eager to buy. Snyd r. Napoleon. O., sold 40 firs; ten hounfc Great opportunity, eaiy money; don't need experience. O.talof ue full ln formationo free. U. S. Mop Co., 1374 Main st,, Lelpslc, Ohio, NOW Is canning time; sell our patentod lock Ud preserving kettle: wonderful invention; low priced; big demand. McNelt. Mich., sold 172 kettles In 9 days. Huntington sold 724. Send for proofs, terms. Sample free to workers. Thomas Kettle Co., 4728 Finch bldg.. Dayton, O. INVENTIONS of merit should be manufac tured properly; our equipment Is modern and complete, backed up by ability and good service: estimates and full informa tion cheerfully furnished. The Metal Spo- ' cialty Co.. dept. H., Cincinnati, O. $24 A WEEK-New patented . automatic clean curry comb. Takes Just half as long to clean horse. No clogging with hair dirt. Big demand. Big profits. Free sample to workers. Auto Comb Co., 4628 Finch bldg., Dayton. O. WANTED Salesmen everywhere, new office specialty for business firms; steady busi ness, continuous profits; 3 sales dally average $25 weekly; sample, partlcusnrs free. Uptodate Novel ty Co., 621 So. Broa dway, Los A n g e 1 es. THE NEW MATCHLESS CIGAR LIGHTER. Agents, Just out, new pocket lighter. Shaped like a fountain pen. Territory going fast. Write today for sample of fer. Schiller Mfg. Co., Dept. 224, Schil Ier bldg. Chicago. WIDE-AWAKE agents, male and female, for the best-selling office, store and household article ever offered; big com mission. Call Monday or write W. C Heaney, Hotel Netherlands. 13th and Washington. FREE sample. No-splash waterstrainers are winners. Dally profit $5 upward. Let us prove it. Send 2c (mailing cost).( Seed Filter Co., New York. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent accommodations for 16 foot gas launch. AC 100, Oregonlan. Houses. WANTED. Handsomely furnished house, 4 bed rooms; our client will pay about $150 per month. HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Ex. 20 A 2050. WANTED Furnished residence. West Side onlv, from June 1 to October 15; about 30 "rooms; prefer corner; will pay up to $100 per month; best of care; give full particulars first letter. Mrs, Frohman, 604 Flanders St. WANTED By young couple, to rent 5-room modern bungalow, nice lawn, with 1 or 2 lots, suitable to keep chickens, not over 25 minutes out: give full particulars; not over $16.50. K 157, Oregonian. RESPECTABLE couple who can give good references, want to take care of fur nished flat or house for parties leaving city. K 15S. Oregonlan. WANTED Small furnished house or bun galow in country; must have modern con veniences and be within half hour's ride of postofflce. L 15L Oregonlan. WANTED Furnished house or flat for Summer months; good care, moderate rent; references furnished. Phona Main 2210. WANTED House to rent with privilege of buying; must have large lot and bo on 5c carllne; state location, best price. Leply, F 151, Oregonlan. HOUSE of 7 or 8 rooms; between Stark and Yamhill and east of 10th St., on West Side. P 148. Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished No. 1 rooming house; about 12 rooms; Nob Hill district preferred. Ats x, uregouinu. WANTED TO rent furnished house, by July 1 not less than 8 rooms, closo In; rent reasonable. AB 159, Oregonlan. FURNISHED or unfurnished large house or two small; quiet location. X 139, Orego nian. WANTED To rent 2 or S-room house; fur nished or unfurnished. C 2834. 223 Lara bjMrSronse1 WANTED Completely furnished house, from June 35 or July 1 to Oct. 16, 225 Marquam bldg., city. WANTED lor 4 months, completely furnished modern house of 8 or 9 rooms. 4 adults. Address F lu5. BY refined young couple, furnished cottage for Su mmer months. W 151. Oregon! an. WANTED 6 or 7-room house on West Sido by June 10- AJ 150, Oregonlan. WANTED To rent house In good location for boarders, near carllne. Main 3070. " Rooms. PORTLAND AUTOMOBILE CLUB. 702 Cor bett bldg. Phone Main 7270, wants 600 rooms for visiting autoraoblHsts during tha Rose Festival; register at once, giving rame, address, nearest cross street, with or without board; terms. Address Y 151. Oregonlan. THE people visiting the Festival will re quire sleep; everybody should open their homes for them and supply beds; the Portland Rooming Bureau Is calilns for more rooms; list your rooms with them; their phones are Marshall 21S9 and A 5"43. 2S6& Washington st. WANTED Middle-aged business man wants elegantlv furnished room in private family best residence district. Proprietors of boarding and rooming-houses please do NOT reply. Address Mr. Stiles, Hotel Seward. ONE or two neatly furnished housekeeping rooms in country home, 5c carfare, by widow with daughter of nine; state lowest terms, whclh must be very reason- WANTED Rooms with board in private 1 inhArii with vard . foe Summer: terms reasonable; West Side preferred. W 152. Oregonian. WANTED More rooms for Rose Festival . . I TV" V, at week in nonics aim iwiiij5-..Uu.. " have you ? Portland Rooming Bureau, 2Kb Vz V asn. st. am'nan -iq-'i v "- GENTLEMAN wants room and board, pri vate home, with use of piano; references exchanged. K 150, Oregonlan. BACHELOR, mlddlo aged, desires neatly furnished room, with or without break fast. j.JPT'on ."' WANTED Room by young man. with home comforts. AK 151. Oregonian Rooms With Board. WANTED July 1. room and board, private fa mil v. modern conveniences, fairly cloa In West Sid; references exchanged, by vounz couple; man iravHs. horie one or twice a month. phone Marshall llt- or a.Trire" 739 'a Overton st. BoTrd or rooms for hoiiFekepfna:. bv lady emploved with boy of lt, not far from Tillamook and Union. Must have Pleeplng porch. H 154. Oregonian. YOUNG woman, good reference, desires single room with board In private family; good location: $25. AE 158. Ore gon ian. WANTED Room and bonrd. 2 young men; close in. West S!d; must state terms, reasonable. W 155. Oregonlan. YOUNG man wishes room Hnd two maia with private family. AG 150. Oregonian. FOB' RENT- Rooms. PORTLAND ROOMING BUREAU. Rooms, apartments, flats and houses; rooms during the Rose Festival. 2bUi Vv asil. st. Jiarsnaii -iqj. a "ROSE CARNIVAL" RESERVATIONS. Furnished or unfurnished rooms, single, en suit an conveniences, best location. "MI LNE R BLDG.." 35 Vi M orrlson St. FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms very suitable for gentlemen. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine sts. Knrnfhed Hikicth. THE Gayosa. modern rooms. Grand ave. and Last Jtark. MODERN front room with use of kitchen; walking distance. Phone Maia 7516.