rilE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JUNE 4. 1911. 1 M Joseph Efcr? 9sm CO AO of PORTLAND has a personal interest in the selection of a MAYOR at tomorrow's election. You may depend upon it that every representative of the "special interests," every seeK er of "special privilege" every trader in "municipal favors." every protector of the "vicious classes," every parasite who lives on the misdeeds and misfortunes of "crim inal elements," WILL BE ON HAND TO VOTE. They are organized for the fight and will turn out to a man. ' DON'T FAE TO VOTE The danger to the city lies in the fact that the undesirable elements may control the election. They will do so unless EVERY GOOD CITIZEN, who has the welfare of the city at heart, goes to the polls tomorrow and votes for a continuation of the ABLE, CLEAN, BUSINESS-LIKE administration which has made possible Progress and Prosperity. aver is not a candidate of any party or "gang." He is the candidate of every citizen of PORT LAND who has the best interests of the city at heart Portland Most Prosperous City in United States During the past two years PORTLAND has grown and prospered more than any other city in the United States. In a large measure this was due to the confidence of in vestors in the conservative business management of the city's affairs, and the assurance of a square deal to property owners and tax payers. Can YOU Afford to Make a Change As a property owner and tax payer depending upon the continuation of these condi tions for the safety of your investments ; as a . wage earner and laborer depending upon the continuation of good times for your daily wage; as a business man depending upon these conditions for the success of your business, CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE THE' CHANCES OF INCOMPETENCY, WASTE AND EXTRAVAGANCE IN THE CITY'S MANAGE MENT? AS A GOOD CITIZEN are you going to do your part towards preventing any change of this Kind? The CITIZENS' COMMITTEE, which has charge of the campaign to continue the pres. ent able management of the city's affairs, Asks You to Go to the Polls Tomorrow and cast a vote for inum fcr i NUMBER X IS ON THE BALLOT (Paid Advertisement.) 11101 (I nVTTTfW My TO