The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 04, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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m refill
ran 7Tstv'
i-T a": -.f 1. it tl E
f B a' i ii aS E M V:j 4
8:30 Monday Night!
f chmrn in th TirPSPIlt OltV elCCtlOIl.
kvparcd to furnish the election re-
tofore been our custom in au .auouai,
return (because of daylisrht) will be an-
nhnP Pram : until midniebt, tne
biz canvas opposite the 5th-street building.
b. lndpliit-Commlilon UoMnirwiil. I" ahead.
..irn ii l.arttn. Kour flaah.a. . H. Thomu,
lrohlb.tioe. 81 f lh. Dim. H. Ott.n. -iaiii.
and tlva motoreydaa wlli mnr will aaalat
ra cQunii - .
the Teachers'
-Who's Ahead? 1
sands are askinsr that question now. I
rs of these three splendid trips to
w York and the month a vacation at any
two wek at Moore ' Hotel. Seaside ; Gear
tel, Lonj Beach and The Bayocean ITotel,
fa and round trip passage. The trip to
passenger boat "Bayocean," recently
Urea- for yvur favorite teacher. The contest
v MUwMkl
Ma. Hn, rt.taa
l.itllll UMll
im. Aatarta Hk. 411
w, iii.i tru
w .. tii aai.:
ia Jf m. Jvfcaa tri.rM
Orafna II II.
A, aertaarta.
of beautiful fancy
s, Dresdens and
Byron Collars 19c
L-ial CaroiTaJ Sale of
Lare-Tntninea mjtoo
in ia C" of the daintiest
nut. Jast an evea 600
i U tomorrow; re:- 1 Q.
3o collar, for A7
hg Gloves, $2.48
ir Carnival Week, oeaa
l ce Kid IS- button
a q a i ire Gloves, ia
k. white and tan, Tomor
oor r g u 1 a r SXT0
kde ia all 9 AQ
a. th pair V
ag800t9 WbrfA of Finest French and
Willow Plumes for Three DaysOnh?
, Average ofVs Under Actual Worth
Sle on Second Floor See 5th Street Window - Display
ITTLE over a month ago one of the biggest-if SSf
L Plume dealers h C1) rtSZT ?mlw
boneht this immense purchase of around (retail aiuej ui c 6
Hume, Stu in our re.t Annual ,1SU?for Ostrich Plumes in over 20
"This coming. Fall and Winter g of finest quality-genuine
vears," were his exact words 1 And every plume hlw plume8 a?e aU hand tied.
African male stock with beautiful luxur,ant fe.thera a Th Sale sUrta
The savings average a mil tniru - peopie. of cotuw.yon'll be here 1
.mptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning-plenty of extra salespeop price price.
r- . ....-o
Color. Sixe.
Black ....15-ln.
Black, white, flame, royu.
pmk. emerald, purple 22-ta. - $ 2.75
Black and wait -u.
Black, white, purple, emerald,
royal a"1-
Black, white, purple, freen,
Uupe 28in-
Black and whiU 28-in.
Black, white, emerald, brown,
royal. 1UM blue IWn-
Black and white 15-in.
vi.i-v whlta emerald, purple.
it Mna. flame. rovaL '
W. wnM, - " .
tnk 17-m.
$ 4.50
$ 5.50
$ 8.75
$ 2.95
$ 3.65
$ 4.45
$ 7.25
$12.75 $ 8.75
Regular. Sale
Black, white, emerald, eo
brown. It blue, royal, pink 16-jn. $ 6.50
Black and white "-in. $10.60
Black, white, emerald, brown,
royal, pink -la.
Black, white, emerald, crown,
royal, pink $16.50
THarkand white 23-ta. $20.00
Black, white, emerald, purple,
ntv.l hrnwn : 23-ln.
Black and white 16-iu. $10.50
Black.' white, emerald, flame,
pink, royal, purple 18-in. $15.00
Black, white, emerald, royal,
brown 20-in. $18.75
vi. wliita amarald. rovaL
XIWV, " . .
kro i!-in. ao.uu
$24.00 $17.45
a m in
a oncatiftnal June Sale of Cut Glass!
0,er One &&J
saona. Cut OUss Sale
as a a a. - aa aar aV M M aV I
weeoiierea pieces -$7.00 Berry, Bowte, $5.00
or ase. xvuu niuja. v." - ,Tr. Ta VgQ xunrth So.UU to so.ou. ana
to ?-o.w Vut v,ia fl'? " c ' TV, Orea
8-in. Berry Bowl
Water Jags
Relish Dishes
Mayonaise Sets C
Tall Vases
Fern Dishes
Cake Plates
Sugars and
Olive Dishes
Knife Rests
Celery Dishes
Oil Bottles
Butter Plates
or 25c
... Vr5
Summer Floor Coverings
Colored Wash Goods
25c Cotton Voiles 6lAc
EAGER buyers will be waiting for the opening
of the doors Monday, when these splendid,
fine quality cotton Voiles will go on sale at 60 a yard. They
come in pretty checks and figures, all colors, 27 inches
wide. These will go in a. hurry, so come early.
Voiles, now on sale at the low price of onlyJ
Wash Chiffon
35c Silk Checked Chiffon, ia
a beautiful variety of colors,
fine, firm, sheer weave,57 inches
wide. Lovely 35c qual- 1C
ity, special at, the yd.
Foulards 19c
Lovely silky Foulards, in
plain and all silk foulard de
signs and in a splendid variety
f .nlors. 27 inches wide and
has a rich, lustrius fin- Q
Tub-Silks 50c
75o Tub Silks, in a beautiful
fine quality, light ground, with
all colors corded stripes. Dainty,
pretty and practical. 36 CA
inches wide. Special at
50c Voiles 37c
A splendid array of Cotton
Voiles of fine, firm quality, in
lovely Dresdens, Stripes, dots
and neat figures. 27 O 7
Our Famous
"900" Silk
Hose at $1
THIS No. 900 Hose is ot
mire silk thread, with
lisle garter top and split foot
in hi ark and colors. A splen
did wearing hose ((
at only, a pair PUU
No. 806 Hose Of pure
silk in black only. Has 4-in.
garter top and 1 OQ
lisle sole. Pair Pl.''
No. 800 Hose All silk, in
blaek, with knit silk foot
and wide tops- CO 9C
Splendid at, pr. P.6,
Kayser Italian Silk Hose,
made from the fine woven
cloth, in "black, (tl CQ
white and colors, -r"-
into consn
you read these stirring sarings ior " :i Mat?cr QnPi
Fine Wool Rugs
BiR, new howins of Kaba
Wool Rugs, pecially nitable
for dininjr and bedroomn:
$10 Kaba Bur. 6x9 ft, SS.10
$14 Kaba Buf. 8:3x10:6, for
S11.S5. . ,
$16 Kaba Buf. 9x12 ft, for
Fine Fiber Rugs
Special lot of eool Fiber Kujrs,
!,: Mk at follows:
$ 8 Fiber Buc. 6x9 ft, 95.95
tn Tiber BttX. 8:3x10:6 ft.
ii rsK.r Ttnn. 9x12 ft, .for
Fine Rag Rugs
Size 9x12 feet, ShaU Kag
T7,.c in dnum of DrettV. tieW
desifrns. Rep. $30 75
grade, tomorrow, P
$25 Kaf KuN 7:6x10:6 ie,
$16 Ra Bua, 6x9 ft, $12.45
18 Rag Rugs
A specUl lot of 9x1 2-foot
room-sixe Bag Rags, in dainty
mixed eolors with figured bor
der. Splendid $18 flj I O Q C
grade, tomorrow ipIO.OO
v Kl THlrrira Ba BUKQ 9x
12-foot swe, special, 5J.S.OO
Look at the way yoaean save
OiftfiA famous Eal-
lUiuvi avv a
marnock room-sire Scotch Rugs.
Rich shades of blue, brown ana
French gray:
$18 Kilmarnock Bugs, 6x8 ft,
$30 Kilmarnock Bugs, 8:3x10:6
ft, 524.30.
The famous,- widely - adver
tised Crex Grass Ruga in ol
irreens, browns, blues and red :
n n. n - Pnn at S2.SS
4i 1-1. vi
e oft Bun at Sf.4U
9xl0-ft. Crex Bugs at $6.75
Matting Special
Fresh, crisp, new Japan and
China Mattings, our own direct
importation :
60c uanings, yaro, i v.
40c Mattings, yard, 29.
30c Mattings, yard, 21
25c Mattings, yard, 17?
Carpet $1.25
For tomorrow, 12 handsome
designs in Body Brussels Car
pet, ranging from 18 to 35
yards to the pattern. Our very
best $1.85 grade, CI C
special at, the yd. P ''
Brussels uarpeis, ien
Is, 98c
i -, rmT nooa,
:rA) just in time for
1 week! Bigrpe"
beaut if ul,nc wChan
c Lace Drape Veils
yould Never
Less Than
jnd $2.50.
!th dainty lace borders.
a e k onlv.
val AVerk.
ice punirra.
Undermuslins, Big
MORE Undergarments new,
fresh goods that have been
placed on the tables for the June WTute
Davs tomorow. .
We've maile preparations for the grew
demand we know will come daring this
Carnival week. Remember, all muslin
wear reduced. Note these price-reductions.
torset Lovers
The Gowms
HI Ja aatr
ai.TS aa4 IJ "
tmm itawma aalr t-S.
tmm .mlr ''
fUv aa4 O.I Jwaa
xjia rBMuiiu (."
lw. ( aaahlaatWaa l-7
4 .nMnlHM 2.aS
a.1 t ajt nana -i-7V
gal ! ! .Hp. .UT.
ao ( via suaa aja.
I rtrt Cae" TSe.
I.TS Car a at Cavre
9-3 l.nrt r.xm
asjia t .7a cm.
White Skirts
aa.aa raavraklrta I.4S.
j.7S I navraklrta 9IM.
I.T I aaalrta S"
4jM I a4rkrta SX3.
ll.,,iklni a
tVTTJW all at Trimrr
HERE'S some splendid specials for
Carnival "Week. Remember we've
always the best to offer you in our Pure
Food Grocery, at prices far lower tnan
Real Eastern Hams, special at only 16
English Style Bacon, extra special, 15 C
e- . nnHor cmecial. the rolL at 52c
Delicious Butternut Butter, special, 52
Royal Banquet Butter, special omy
Tela' Naptha Soap, 10 cakes now at 45t
Limit 01 1U lO a customer.
Sunny Monday Soap, a cake, for only 4?
Limit 01 iu to a cusiomci.
Save on Summer Furniture
-vw T-karra M ail.
41ic.,.l(S''j,lV,tvv. .v.'X' 1 .f
14 j.a ,u ovrf v'ti
1 - ra,vur:
L JttKS A..,.T.WT;.J...XAj.,i.f.I'
1 aa ' r-ai.ii --niiiiriauianaaiiannatil abl il .L.all alMtj m Jl -
This $4 Rocker at $3.19
Built exactly as illustrated
above, of Eastern hard maple
with double Reed seats and
backs. Red, green or natural
finish. Regular $4 Rockers
sale tomor- C O 1 Q
for . only ajaj. X J
This $7.75 Settee Only $6.25
This Settee is to match the Rocker
and Chairs, all three pieces as illus
trated. Of strong Eastern hard
maple in red, green or natural finish.
Double Reed seats and backs. The
regular $7.75 Settees, J OC
on sale now for only DUmvI
This $4.25 Chair $3.34
This Chair exactly as il
lustrated,' to match the Rock
er and Settee. Built of East
ern hard maple in red, green
or natural finish. Regular
$4.25 Chairs, AO O
tomorrow only D3aO aT
Rattan Chairs, $9.69
Strong Chinese Rattan Peel Chairs, exactly
as illustrated; ideal for porch and lavn. Ad
justable foot rest and place on the
side for magazines and papers.
Our special direct import price,
This Steamer
Chair $4.49
One of the
most popular
pieces of Sum
mer furniture
in our entire
stock. "Large,
c o-m f o r table
Chinese Rattan
Steamer Chairs,
exactly as il
lustrated to the
right. Special,