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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1911)
A Order Your Prepared Foods for Lunches at Our Delicatessen tlosHer Meats SOCIAL EVENTS OF PAST WEEK Home-Made Bread Pies. French Pastry CaKes to Order at Uur DaRery, r i. coirmrcrED feom page a. mr Emlnwr Corp, and Lieutenant Francis H. Wllby. C. B. A which took place la Wuhlorton, I. C-. 1 Tues r afternoon. MIm Claire 'Wlleox. of I'ortlasd. wu on of the brluesrnaida t the weddlnar of the handsome Mlas Lana-fltt. whoa photograph appear on todays Pe. Capta'n John R. Thomaa and Mrs. Thomaa were in Portland last week registered at tha Bowers UoteL EVENTS OF THE XEK. . Mrs. F. W. Oram' beautiful country lime at Wareriy Golf Links waa the can of an unusually brilliant assem bly Thursday, whrn Mrs. Graves. Mrs. J. Coulsen Kar and Mrs. Cora Puffer were hostesses, emertalnlnir with a Xorweatan ta and muslrale. Mrs. purler, who has recently returned from a esteaded trip throuah Europe, broucnt home many beautiful soueen'rs which wrr arraniced about the llvlna--rooma. Thnu are estremely Interest ing, illas Elisabeth Johnson. In Nor wejrlan costume, which was brought from Ilammerfest. announced the guests as tbejr entered. Trie drawlnc-roorr.s of irold and pale blue Were Ii..d with maastve palms, which half concealed the orchestra. Poftly shsdej 1'g-tits of red. with red caroatinna. made exquisite mlor for the rtlnlna-room. Mrs. D. C Burns. Mrs. Robert C French. Mrs. T. M. Paroln and Mrs. T. L Townsend served Ires and poured tea. Attendlnc In dainty pink frocks were the Misses!le Ken worthy. Allc Wehrun. Marl GInrch, Fd'.tlt Blusher. Fern Hutchinson. Mil dred ArmfiroM and Mary Welch, all young- fit. Helen's Hall students. I'unrh was served by Mine Ida Shea. Miss l!i-l Koooti and Miss Appleby. As sistlne In entertaining wer Mrs. James Muckle. Mrs. J. C. LaBarr. Mrs. Theo dore Falona-ns. Mrs. J. Yates and Mrs. Wirtnin T. Wade. , Mrs. W. n. Hare, a recent bride, waa Kueit of honor. ihe was (owned In whit dachesa satin with pearl trim mines, and carrted lllle of the valley. Mrs. Graves wore pink crepe de chin orer soft silk, with diamond. 8h car ried pink rosebuds. Black crepe with pink eorals and whit rose wer the adornment of Mrs. puffer. Mr. J. C Har waa lovely In pal bin marqula ett over blue satin, with diamonds. Wsldemar IJnd a-ave a number of se lections from the Norwegian composers, and Mis Zeta HolUster sans; a group of Norwerlan lonn. Miss tins Ander son and Mies Mildred Kilns;. In the cos tume of Norway, played appropriate duet npon tha pnix e e e Mrs. Ernest Brae Catlin waa hostess st dells-htful prtr Tuesday. May Zi. at her home. t Taylor street. Th house was prettily decorated with yellow tulle. Scotch broom and Cali fornia popples. -& afforded th amusement of the aflernon. until 4 o'clock, when refreshmeet were served. Mrs. J. R Nichols and Miss Ost sn th following selections: "My Hero." from Th Chocolate Sold:r." and "Th Message of th Violets," from "Th prince of Pllsen." Mrs. Laariar Penne. Mrs. J. C. Hare and Mrs. Claud Ford won th prises. Guests were: Mrs. A. O. CseJ-mpka. Mr. Antoinette Berr. Mr. A. Catlin. Mrs. Chester Kellotrc. Mra Lander Pen ne. Mrs. W. B. Hare. Mrs. Robert Breok Candea-e. Mrs. C. J Cook. Mrs. Frssk B. Hodson, Mrs. J. C Hare. Mrs. Moon y. Mrs. J. O -Nlchols. Mrs. Harry Donl van. Mr. Wllllsm Powell. Mrs. An. thonr. Mrs. Robert Aldrlrh. Mrs. Frana T Meltkemper. Mrs. Charles Catlin, Mr. J. P. Menefee. Mrs. K. A. Meeser ley. Mr. J. P. Berkley. Mrs. A. L. Will iamson. Mr. Bell. Mr. I. N Pearcy. Mrs. Joseph Stutt. Mrs. Claud Ford. Mrs. Ktolle Henry. Miss Nelll White, Mis Marirarct Catlin. Miss Ost. Miss Kara, and Miss Mary Catlin. . e On of th prettiest events of th season waa a eurprise birthday party given at th home of Mr. Leo J. Cham, pacoe, Sl Madison street, for Miss C. race Mlnette champame. Saturday evening. May J. After recovering from her aurprls. Miss Champaa-n was dellahtful as hostess and music and S-ames filled th evening hour. Amor tioee present were: Miss Grace M. Champagne. Miss Bertha Lahale. Miss Barbara lUnt.hell. Mls Nina Sherrlt. Miss ;rac Glnteh'll. Miss Ade! Barn Iklv Miss Oahrtell Champagne. Mis Klla" Callagruira. Mlsa lxrtta Blood. Miss Anlra Ct ampasne. Miss Kllxabeth Cnaer. Mis Eva Huheboff. MJss Mam Warren. Miss Blanche I.aht. James Koberts. Kenneth Cowan. Reginald Prwieaux. T. Hs. Clarence Blschotf. 'usrtnn Sinnott. Jullua Baker. Arthur ailagham. Champagne. Fraok IigMner. William rmitu. I'lrk Harvey en. I John Zunplenian. e In api-reclatlon of th fait that Rev. IV a. Thompson, of th Spokane-ave-nu rresbxterlan Church has with drawn bis resignation, th member of th parish assembled at th borne of Mr. and Mrs. C U Whipple of rVU wood. Thursday evening, as a aurprls to their pastor. Kit. Thompson had been asked to com to a weddln and when thr be found that Mr. and Mr. Whipple wer celebrating their eighth anntversary and that the guests gath- rei wer really ther In honor of him self and Me wife. Th young women et th church gav a musical pro gramme and further t show th es teem In which be Is held, th paxlshon ers presented Kev. Thompson with a buffet tor hi b roe and a bandeom umbra Ua. a A ktrta!ay party waa glve-w tn bonor ef Oeorg Newell at th horn of L. NwU in MontavlUa. May :. Th rooms wer decorated with roe snd lilacs. Awaiting the coming of Mr. Newell the guest assembled In th darkened llvlng-room. bursting tn'o heorty c-Uee yell as h ram forth and lit tl lights. The surprise was complete. Thoe preeent wer I-Hlr rVhwabauer. Aatws Johnson. Ad ' ,!U Harry Newell. Major and Mr . F. U .N.w.ll. Muriel illen. Charle 1 lace man. Iewis White. Arnold Smith. Au gust Hundarup. H'len Newell. Kate N.wcU. Mr. evr.d Mrs, Schwabauer and Uara BU. kburn. Th CVwrlent Oub was ntrtalned fuss lay afternoon st the home f Miss 1 Tsrarv. li Kast lxth street North. Bo;i call waa responded to with quo tations from Re Beach, after which th fotlowlns; programme waa given: Vapera were reaJ on "Mountains and Volcanoes of Ataeha." "Fairbanks and Tsnana V.Uev. Copper Klver and . ook ln et" "The Missions and Fducatlon Hootnern Alaska and Kodik and -lotine Fields of Heearrh In Alas Th club adjourned to meet with Mra, J Davenport. 10; Cleveland ave nue. Friday. Juj i. On of th prettiest events of th was th te Tuesday afternoon, given In honor of th l-adl' Aid io viety of th Methodist Episcopal church at Hunnyslde. at th bom of jtra. c. W". t.yle. Ill Kt Taylor street. Th decorations wer of ow. balls and red hawthorn, artistically arranged In the epaelou dining and llvrng rooma. the beautiful cllmblag vine at the windows and th grounds earroundlnr. adding to th charm. Mlea Margarita. Cook played a piano solo, snd Mrs. Ella B. Jones also played se lections. see Mra. Harry J. Scott entertained at See Tharsdav afternoon for Mr. John C Foley, of 3vn Fmnclacc Prise wer won by Mr. Frederick Art man and Mrs. A. Blaher. Tboe aeceptlna-'Mr. cotrs nopltUV7 were. Mr. Fole, PROMINENT YOUNG EESIDENT3 OF ALBANY WED. aslii J 1 i a -ssss ALBANY. Or.. May .-(Spec.aD-Earl 8. Beeron and Mis. Cleo we prominent young persons of Albany, wer married V ednesday. May 14. In pretty ceremony aVth horn of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weavar. th bride a plrent.rinh!sycly. Just at noon th. bridal party took the,r P'n a bower of pink rose, banked by th. St.r, and Strlpea. and! th, "r'v performed by Rev. F. 1L Ge.elbr.cht. pastor of the First J" of Albany, a ring service beln; usd. Miss Viva Archibald played th wedding m"Fohl'lowlng a wedding dinner In th. beautifully """V and Mrs. Beeson left for Pe.ttl. for trip of severe daya. J" guest, at th wedding were Mr. and Mrs. George L. Thompson. Mr and lira. O. A. Archibald. Mr. and Mr. J. F. Stewart. Mr. and Mjr. J O. Gibson Mr Mr. J. P. Martin. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Cat., of Brownsville: Mra E. Beeson - U. Ge.elbr.cht. Mrs. Kay Beeeon. of Portland; Mis... ".d. Dickinson Viva Archibald. Dolly Bending. Agne. Thompson. Ella Howard and Pera W 11 kins, and Mesars. Hiram W. Torbet. Lavern. B. Beeson and Koy Stewart. Mr. Beeson has been a realdent of Albany for the past 11 yeara. H ly attended the Albany High School and later entered tha employ of : t he Bo"th .Vn Pacific Company as a clerk In th. freight office heM .and Is now ticket agent In th. fnlon Depot at tht city. Miss Weaver formerly resided tor a number of year. In Portland, and waa a studsnt in th. Lincoln High School, and later In th Washington High School In that city. Four years ' cam to Albany with her parents and graduated from to Albany High School with th class of 10. Mr. Art man. Mm. Blsker. Mr. William Iregan. Mr. Harold Bancroft. Mr. Georg Rouslow. Mr. F. McCann. Mr. J. A. McDonald. Mra. J. H. Wilson. Mr. Z.-H Um V Raran 11M LettV Cllne. of San FTnclco. Mis Florence Braael and Mlsa Nell Sheehan. e e e . Mra. J. K. Anderson and Mrs. A. Han sen wer hostesses at the horn of Mr. Hansen. 1100 East Washington street Thursday when th third of the series or tea given for the benefit of St. I James Lutheran Church took place. decorations and during the afternoon about 100 women called. A" musical programme waa given by Miss Llna Llnehan. Mrs. J. B. Keefer and Miss Myrtle Hansen with Mrs. J. Harry Johnson as accompanist. s e Empire day was celebrated In Port land Wednesday at the Armory under th direction of Mrs. Charle Blakeley. Booths representing characteristics of countries under th English govern ment were arranged about tha rooms. Including England. Scotland. Wales. Ire land. Canada and Australia. Mra. R- W. Hastings had the English booth, a cot tage, rose-covered, and suggestive of the country life of merry England. Mrs. Hasting, waa assisted by Mrs. E. T. C. Stephens, Mr. J. C. Robinson. Mrs. William A. MacRae. Mrs. J. C. Crook. Mrs. R. Blackwood. Mrs. E. A. Wyld and Mra. F. C. Malpaa. Miss Kate B Young had charge of th Irish booth, and under her were Mis Isabel Hughes, Miss Kate McKay and Mlas Kathleen Sealy. Representing Scotland wer Mrs. I. M. Llovd. chairman: Mrs. R. Parcel", Mr. R. i. Ivis, Mrs. F. D. Cole, Mr. W. K. Williams and Mlsa Nelll Roberts. At th. Canadian booth wer Mrs. M. F. Ferris,. Miss Jennie Wal lac. Mr. Wilfred Shorea. Mlsa Jessl Pott. Mrs. John T. Wilson. Mrs. W. H. Smith and Mrs. J. F. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. R, Chappell Brown had the Aus tralian booth, which waa particularly effective. They were assisted by Mrs. H. Morgan. A candy booth wa also there, and over It presMed Miss Ethel Peat, asalsted by Mrs. Thomas Burns, Mlsa St. Martin. Miss Lawson. Mist Wilson. Miss Lottl Banfleld. Miss rhll llps. Miss LUUsu Anderson and Mrs. Arthur Kins. e Mr. and Mra. Hnark entertained a rw of their frlenda at their home on Fargo street Sunday evening In honor of their silver wedding anniversary. The guests sat down at C o'clock to a bountiful repast served by Mr. Taylor and Miss Hattl Dovlng. The dining room was decorated In fern and wild flowers and so arranged that It had a most beautiful effect. After dinner Miss Edith Abst entertained with a number of vocal selections. Presents received by Mr. and Mra. Haa. k from their many friends were greatly prised by both. Following ware the guests: Mr. end Mrs Hssr-k. Mr. and Mra Tar- lor. Mr. and Mr. TTtmbley. Mr. and Mrs. Battler. Mr. and Mrs. Mosher, Mr. nd Mr. West. Mr. and Mrs. Bush, Mrs. Northrup. Mis Kattie Dovlng. Mlas Edith Abst. Mr. Wheeler, Mr. McBreen. Mr. Hanson. Mr. Carl Mosher. Mr. Henderson. see Mr. M- H. Lamond entertained re cently for Mrs. G. W. Burkett. of Cleve land, O. Bridge prises wer won by Mrs. R. Lutk and Mrs. Burkett. Mrs. Lamond's guests were Mrs. B. 8. Pague, Mr. W. D. Jelllson. Mr. R. Lutke. Mrs. Lyddon Veysey. Mrs. J. Smith. Mrs. L A. Sm'th. Mrs. C. P. Curtis. Mrs H. Ger son. Mrs. Frank Freeman. Mrs. J. H. 8'mmont. Mrs. C Klrkbrldge. Mrs. G. W. Burkett. and Mrs. Fran kirn Smith, of Hood River. Good cheer prevailed at th reception given by Mrs. R. K. Wrrent Bible class of young women in the parlors of th First Presbyterian Church laat Wednesday evening. The parlors wera profusely decorated with drooping branches of Scotch broom and the walls wer. festooned with th class colors, whit and gold. see Professor and Mrs. Klgglns. of 150 Fourteenth street, entertained at cards nd dinner laat Saturday evening. Prizewinners wer Dr. L. B. Sm'th and Mrs. J. N. Brown. Other guests wer Mrs. Smith and Mr. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hare. Mr. and Mrs. W. Waring, Judge and Mra. T. J. Cleeton. and Miss Johnson. see Thirty member of the Georg. Wright Post and the Relief Corps met at the horn of Russ Chamberlain Thursday evening a a surprise to him on his birthday. He was given a larg. O. A. R- badge and th remainder of th evening wa paased at cards, see On of th pleasant events of th week, which took place laat Sunday, was th birthday party and dinner given by Mrs. Minnie Asplund at her home. ii Halleck street. In honor of William Asplund and Ralph Feeney. e e s Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hammltte wer. given a farewell party at th horn of Mra. R. W. Klrkham Friday evening. May IS. Mr. and Mrs. Haromltt left Portland th following day for Salem, where they will reside. s e Th Monday History Club held U an nual picnic last Monday at th bom of Mra. A. Mulr. Luncheon, which was en joyed under a wldespreadlng tree, and later the guests repaired to the houae for the programme which Included a talk by Mr. E. U Lan. on Oregon flora, a travel talk on Balsburg by Mrs. Cora Puffer and a paper on Irrigation by Mr. A. King Wilson. The following gav musical addition to tb. enter tainment: Mrs. P. W. Lewie and Mra. E. C Ooddard. Mrs. W. F. Lewis and Mrs. TV M. Hunt were tsken Into th Bohemian Butter at 55c Bohemian is the popular butter with Portland's most particular people; it is our best brand, made from pure PastenrizedCC Cream; 2-pound square for o. w Clover Leaf Butter at 53c Clover Leaf is our next best But ter, but is equal in every way to the best creamery butter sold in other stores; -we guarantee CQ it. Special, 2-lb. square at --- Hams 15c a lb. Fresh. Sugar Cured . R. Flour Pi rzz J i a--11,, 1 : i. n -ii. i t t -dsrses-.. 1 ' j w-. jri4iJi as -Has- i' -t ii r a Tv-ari -- . . SSf mmmmz Suaar at .05 "n-wxii? r. Larfie, iUU-m. aacn. Three Days Sale of Groceries EGOS. 2 DOZEN Phone Your Orders Ex change 12, A 6231 1 - sa .1 iAi BACON, ONLY iqp A POUND ON SALE AT 45c ... ij v !..' orl Koct ttorlf nf statile and fancy, f Or- rrL. tv Here you win una assemjjicu iuibmi Ma .js - j mm i r " JnmMtlc foodlmffe in aU the Northwest. The cleanest. best-Kept gro- i l., ZtZZSZ 'err store In the land. Yo. eet the full valne for your money always. Honest ;e can be, nt A C ...atrfhtc and m9tnr Evervthine eaaranteed. Price and quality are right. n n e e . lb. 19 2 dor. for - wtiynj ORANGES FOR PEACHES, PUT UP IN GALLON CANS, AT ONLY 30c THE TIN This is a good way to buy for large family use or for boarding-houses. The quality is just as good as in the small cans. Offered at Qf)c the special price of, gallon " 30c THE DOZEN The new, sweet, juicy Valencias, just in ; very spe cial at, the 3 f r WW doz., only Almond Nuts, soft shell, on sale, the pound, only 20c - r . s -1 l. 14f Dates, Imported ara, on saie, me pnuuu, uau " Ginger Ale, Clicquot Brand, on sale, the dozen, at $1.50 Rice The best head, on sale now, the pound, only 5c 25cEXTRACT 20c A BOTTLE 35c EXTRACT 25c A BOTTLE -Van Duzen's well-known Ex tract of Vanila; always OCr sells at 35c bottle, sp'l5--' Van Duzen's Lemon Ex- )(n tract, 25c bottle at only5'"' NAVY BEANS AT 5c A POUND The small white navy or medium size ; clean and good; very C special, lb. 35cjraTIJyESATONLY25c 65c QUART OLIVES ONLY 45c The large size Queen Olives, put up in jars. There are none oeixer. The pints go at 25c. The quart jars are placed on sale frl tg 3 days at low price of only0 Washing Powder. "Citrus," large pacKage, at only 19c ' 1 a Is a 1 6 aa Washing' Powder, "Citrus," small pacnage, a umy j w ' ' y ' m , . . Jellicon, Assorted Flavors, on sale, the dozen, at 95c Currants, regular 15c grade, dried, the pound, at 10c CHOICE APPLES AT 25c A CAN CHOICE PEARS AT 30c A CAN Very choice fruits, put up in large cans for family use, or for hotels, restaurants and boarding-houses. Apples, 25c a can; Pears at QQ special price of only, can''' 60c TEA, ONLY 45c THE POUND O. W. K. brand Ceylon, English Breakfast, uncol ored Japan, 1-lb. cartons, at 45J TEN-POUND PAIL OP PURE FRUIT JELLY AT ONLY 85c Here's pure Jelly, made from pure fruit; will keep almost in definitely. The Poppy brand, always reliable. Put up Q C c in 10-lb. pails, special att,ov DRIED APPLES AT 15c POUND Very vhoice, clean stock, Dried Apples, offered special at 1 Cr only, alb. J' RAREBIT MACARONI NOW OF FERED AT 10c THE PACKAGE Call and see the many ways this product can be served, as shown by an experienced demonstrator. On the fourth floor. Order a 1 re package. You will like it. Kaola, in 3-ponnd cans, on sale now, the can only 44c Kaola, in 5-pound cans, on sale now, the can, only 74c Kaola, in 10-ponnd cans, on sale, the can, only $1.44 Kaola is made from pure Cocoannt Butter; better than lard and maKes pastry and caKe easy to digest. Snider's Catsup, on sale now, the bottle, at only 19c u.tni' in Timatn San rp. nn sale now. the can. at 10c Walnuts Best Manchurian, on sale the pound, at 20c Z I I . a Starch Kingsford's Gloss, the pacKage, at only 8c Starch Kingsford's Gloss, 6pound box, at only avc Corn Starch. "Our Best," on sale, the pacKage, only 5c Corn Starch Kingsfords the pacKage at only 8c ' : .i i i o Mashrooms, "Hotel" Imported, now the can, only 18c VAljaVsifaVaV W wwy J TillamooK Cheese, on sale now, the pound, at only 17c liCl A 111 P V WVasr m . . . . fM r-e-1 CXnnelG. A great variety, put up in tin Snecial UemOnSirailOn qi XlUIlwpuc waa...w or glass. Samples on 4tn uoor. club at this meeting ana the officers chosen for the coming- year are: Mrs. H C Clair, president; Mrs. E. L. Ine, vice-president, anil Mrs. George O. Blr rel, secretary. This Is the last meet ing of the season and as ha been an nounced the travel study for the next session of the organisation, will be Egypt. m , . Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Croasman and Mrs. Alice Crane, of Portland, are being entertained at the Hood River home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McCully. s s e Miss Eva Boscoe entertained for Miss Leta Baling, who will wed Arthur J. Williamson next Wednesday evening, with a plate shower Monday evening. COMIXO EVENTS. The girls of th Washington High School chorus will give their third an nual eoncerta on the evenings of May 2 and June 1. The cantata. "The Lady of Shalott," will be given th first evening and the econd will be th "Dark Town Frolic A reception will be given by th society of the graduates to the former pupils of the St. Helens Hall, at th hall on Saturday. June . from to I P. M. It being practically Impossible REPLICA OF GOWN QUEEN MARY KLwit t WF A R AT THE CORONATION On Exhibition Tomorrow Afternoon at Olds, Wortman d King h an -.C7 . '' . - - . " An expert repllc of th. gown that Queen Mary of England will wear when . . ... ,,. i ...wihitjut on a. live ,nd Kins: George ar crosmea nexx mwuiu w.i. - model at the Greater Olds, Wortman King Store tomorrow afternoon. It designed and mad by Worth of London, and all tn mater.... made In England. The gown proper Is a princess rob of crimson velvet .cIom " necked, with a train of about ten feet. The entire front, from eck to feet, s a serte. of whit, lac flounce, each about ten Inches deep. The crlj to" vei onens over tn nimy troni us, a nsi, " ' " - . " . . -.. i.t. tk... it nuffs. separated edged wttn ermine, i -- - - ' . on. from another by narrow band, of ermine. Below the final band of ermine Is a velvet point, beneath which a frill of white lace falls over the arm and hand. Around the throat Is a frill of pllsse moussallne. which standa out all around like a small edition of an Ellsabethan ruff. Thus Is the gown aim- san court train. , he court train Is fastened to the shoulders under a deep cape of ermine, falls In very graceful folds, widening as It lengthen. It Is about fifteen fet long. It la edged with ermlae and embroidered at intervals wia ros. crowns In gold. The train la lined with white satin. When th. Olds. Wortman King model dons thee gorgeous trappings he completes the effect by placing on her fstr head a replica of Queen - - cms and all. V, to secure the addresses of such a great number of women. It Is proposed that all who have attended St. Helen's Hall at any time will consider this an nouncement a personal invitation and avail themselves of this opportuniy to meet their old friends. ess The Linaoln High School baseball team has cards out for a dance to te given Friday evening at Christensen's Hall. The committee arranging the af. fair Includes Clayton S. Patterson, Henry W. Jones. Victor R. Earl, Frank Buckley, Wa(ter T. Ridenhalgh and William J. Lewis. Patronesses are Miss Larrabee, Mis Bain, Miss Camp, Mrs. Lewis, Mra Patterson and Mrs. Bide balgh. Invitations have been issued for the commencement exercises of the Eliza beth K. Mathews Normal Training School, Wednesday, June 7. at 11 o'clock at the First Presbyterian Church. Misses Clara Elizabeth Howell and Rebecca K. Hatton will graduate from the directors' course anu Nan Kathyrn Hunter and Christiana A. Denholm from the two-year course In kindergarten training. s s The Rosarlan Sodality. Girls of the Dominican Church have arranged to give a card and dance party Wednes day evening, May 31. In Alumni Hall of the Christian Brothers College on Clackamas street and Grand avenue. This is the closing party of the sea son. s s s Daughters of the Confederacy will celebrate the birthday of Jefferson Da vis Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. F. Joplln, 678 Clackamas street, at 8 o'clock. An interesting programme has been arranged and Judge Samuel White will be the speaker of the occa sion. All Southerners are cordially Invited. s s The social meeting of the Portland Shakespeare Club will take place at the home of Mrs. Richard Dabney, 138 East Twenty-ninth street, tomorrow; afternoon at 2 o'clock. WEDDIXGS. Langhlln-Compton. The marriage of Mra Maude Cora pton, of Portland, and Leslie G. Laugh lln, a prominent merchant of McMinn ville, occurred Sunday afternoon at the Hawthorne Presbyterian Church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Wm. Parsons, in the presence of 125 guests, immediate relatives of the bride and bridegroom. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dunn, and the ushers were Roland Dunn and Orbie Craven, nephews of the bride. Altar decorations were floral designs In yel low and white. A wedding dinner was served at tha home of the bride's brother. J. L. Dunn, at 5B5 Kast Fine . Have You Seen the Great Bargains in Millinery? If Not, It Will Pay You to Take Time, Visit the Place, See Prices THE TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY AND EVERY DAY TILL SOLD 1 THE PLACE 380 WASHINGTON eilers illinery Corner WEST PARK Open Evenings Till 9 o'clock. THE PRICES 25 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR $12.00 Untriffimed Shapes, $3.00 $10.00 Untrimrned Shapes, 2.50 $ 8.00 Untrimrned Shapes, $2.0O $ 6.00 Untrimrned Shapes, $1.50 $ 5.00 Untrimrned Shapes, $1.25 $ 4.00 Untrimrned Shapes, $1.00 $100 Trimmed Patterns, $25.00 $ 90 Trimmed Patterns, $22.50 $ 80 Trimmed Patterns, $20.00 $ 70 Trimmed Patterns, $17.50 $ 60 Trimmed Patterns, $15.00 $ 50 Trimmed Patterns, $12.50 $ 40 Trimmed Patterns, $10.00 $ 30 Trimmed Patterns, $ 7.50 $ 20 Trimmed Patterns, $ 5.00 $ 10 Trimmed Patterns, $ 2.50 Why Are We Selling All Millinery, At 25 Cents on the Dollar? Because we are forced. We have to quit business. Children's Trimmed and Untrimrned Hats for Decoration Day V Actual Price BaltimoreAntiqueFumtaeCo. Antique Specialties Makers of Artistic Cabinet Work and Fur niture 471 Washington St., Port land, Oregon E. Kugel, Mgr. Telephone Marshall 1997. Hotel Moore SEASIDE, OR. Open All Tear. Hot Salt Baths In HotaL Special Ratea br Month. rAjr J. hooiue; raoriuEToa. HIGH-CLASS LADIES' TAILOR Reduction of $10 on Each Suit for This Month Only. PHILIP 5HOBTT, 415 Alder Street, Elereath. Phone Mala SHOT.