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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1911)
.. I 3 I THE FTJVPAY OREGOyiAN. PORTLAND. MAY 28. 1911. ll." - I II d.nta ar. Invited to come. No Invita tions hare bn extsncod and It la th. wish that ail former St. Hl'l Hail gtrls will consider thia a personal In itiation. Mrs. G. W. Allan. Mm. H. M. Jtallar. Mrs. F. N. Gilbert, ilra. G. W. Bates. Mr G. P. Fori Mlaa Jane Capita. Mra. T T. Burkhart. Mra. O. P. Clerln and Mlaa Ruth Prlna-la patronaaaaa last Friday evening at tha dance given by tha Allan Preratory rnrl atu dnu at tba Slaaonlo Tampla. The col or of tri. senior class, carmen and ban, ware carried out In effective though simple dacoratiooa of red car nations and yellow Uiles. A screen of paims concealed the orchestra. Mr and Mra. Preaton W. Smith ar rleed ln New York May M and ara now rltred at tha Hotel W oodatock In I ho Times Square. Mr and Mra. I- U Thompson enter tained Informally at bridge Thursday evening. r.d Mrs. Oliver G. Walker are recelvlna- concratulatlona over tha birth of a eon, Benjamin Hurler Walker. Uat Surrlay. Mra. Walker waa for merly Mlsa Evelyn KUJler and is a popular jrouns matron. e e Mra II B. Chase, who for year re ,'J.d In Portland and who has boate or friendi here. Is now visiting In Kan Pranrlaco. Mrs. Chase has paed th last few years In Southern California. Tha following dipping from the San - r i tii . Interested readers, aa tha persona mentioned ara well known l ere. especially Mra. Dosch who Is the wife of Arno Poach, aon of Colonel and Mra Henry K. Doach: wn w.ninsten Mn-tM. r. cree "r. rr Mr. .rn. t and r"" - . .r. . .nim.i.J sroun IubcMsc at the bu Tl'" Z" '" " I. Vr first rislt lo !o rranclsc alnea her .rta. t- ,.ars sine. hn ' has li... I li N.w un MtuMay he r:raiarlr radiant In a P""" ' .lr... an.l a hia aie strasr hal. Udsa down "'!.' (iV-as very ehlr IB a .irarle tal-t-r.d i-o H.r small (nn.l -.nap-d ih.reau s l.ri lh a wreath of tilu-.a. . cbarmm, frame for her piquant ... Preparatory to tha coming Tag day. tMe Senior Auxiliary of 'ha Baby Home will meet with the president. Miss May Coon, tomorrow afternoon at S o clork at lir, Sixth street. In the Selling bulld- " . . . Mrs. Allen M. Kllt-worth was hostess at tea last Friday afternoon, when a number of iruests called for a with their hoeicsa ilurinx the afternoon. John J-rome AI-xndr. whose rnrarr ment with Mla Albertlna Detrlck Ber keley, of Berk-try. Cal.. baa Jcintl been announced, rtturned to Portland Ust Wednesday evenlns. e Mr. and Mrs. Ueore narls wera hosts Informally st bridge H't week, when their Hursts Included Mr. and r- Hherman O' Gorman, Mrs. f rank Mc K,ntuxh. Mr. and Mra. rreeman. Mr. and Mrs. C.harlea A. Kaathnro, Mr. aiul Mrs. Geors- K.s Mr. and Mrr. Wil bur Simple. Calvin llriUS ond jMeph Jl. Kerauaon. . , Interesting to Porl!.-uiJ folk may b the rlipplng from a Seattle paper con eernlna the recent debut of Mlsa Elisa beth Sander, who earlier In tho year waa the g lest of Miss Elisabeth Stewart, of this city, and at wh-a coming out Miss Stewart bis been present m Se attle: Ms Kluhth Sander ml hr drbut TnuteOr afi-raoco at a '"""i" tin tn I" br otioe by her mother. Mrs. FrJ Cerett feelr. at the family home. jl eeotn av.nae. The rooms wre d.ratd la pink and white, cr eations. Mt. HI-- an. oulec We-''; b.m ertuwl la artlsUe profusion. The r .lor h.m. ws. rboeea to harm.le w h V nufi o-a ef pin satin, with t..nle of B a ra marooltte ertaed with u..r a-.ds. and th. shower ouq,u of p.ak I peas. choen from irjol many TSl tribute to trie ount d.butante. eom l.wt letlf tlr'"" IM Modo ported eea of rrT fUn. eel'ed with ears mrqul bordered with banda of eeir.roldry eutlmed with cat st.eL and car. Tted a 't bounuet of laeender swet ea. The t.a tMe was c.ntrd with aa art kaek-t ail-d with snp.lraems. nrvl..u. Ii:aee end meirf"hs!r 1"" It ws. presided h. Mr M.urtc. M-Mlrk.a. Mra Ralph tu M.ia r.uwfih ntew.rt of yortlan-l. and Mra Aiuaader M.-Tlure BelL mftt he Miss Mart.n Knale. Mle. Hl-a M. rwsn. Mis. iHad). Stuart and III- N.H". Harna The punch bowl waa presided ever be M'a M-.rau.rtt. atew.rt. aaei.t he Mle Msrtns KniM u4 Xln Marsaente lnT. Aulitini la nt-r-iinln the 8u-t. TO Mrs, fh.rwod r.ilt.r. A- ,v- EnIfc Vise Iwtlle Whjt.. Mrs. W. E. Boone and Caroi.a N. ;itliy. Tlrlnla Aihla. si evsie of Mi Sand.r. aad rl'La Thomir aea recelv.d the caida at tba dove. e e e Just at present. Scotch broom la ex tremely popular arltn hoateMes. and It was particularly effective In the home ef Mra. Charles A- Eaatham last Tuea dy. when ahe waa hoateas at five tables of brldae. Mrs. George Eaatham. Mrs. Nlcholaa Andcra.n and Mlaa IUs-1 Tlch ner sssia'.ed their at entertaln Ina. and the prlx-a were won by Mrs. Raifh Mrkum. Mrs. K. A. Kraley. Mra. I. K- Bowman and Mrs. Harry Tenny. i;ueete present were: Mra. A. Tlrhner. Mra. Ch.trlea K. Runyon. Mrs Charlea U ;os. Mrs. lurt tHjntwn, Mrs. Harvey Wells. Mra. Charlea Shea. Mra. Frank Freeman. Mrs. John R. Polwnn. Mrs. Charlrs Smith, Mrs. Brandt WUkeraham. Mra. C.'otkc lavl. Mrs. William C.roh. Mrs. Waller Tlolman. Mrs. Arthur Brad f el.l. Mrs. F. Handy. Mra. Benjamin t rti. Mrs. Ttarl.-s Jennlrs. Mra. Fred JIarlow and Mrs. J. H. Conk. Complimentary to Ma Ruth SlcheU who Is shortly to be married to Albert Fweitier. pf San Francisco, s hand somely appointed luncheon was given last Saturday by Mlaa Ellas F. Simon at tiie resklenca of her parents, it Flandera street. Covers were laid for seven, and the floral decorations In particular were very appropriate. Tha rematmt.r of t'.ia afternoon was passed at cards. ... The glrla of the t-elts Iota Chi Soror ity were hoatesaea at a danclna; party a-lvrn st the Portland Heights' Club, Friday evenlna-. when Mrs. J. Wesley Mrs. W. M. Caks. Mrs. Geora-e F. Fuller. Mra. Jay Smith snd Mr. James lavldlaw were Lavender Iria was the flower used in the decor ation of the clubhouse, tha streamers of tulle In the same tone were d rapped and twined from the ceiling and walla. ... Mrs. Georse W. Collins was hoateas st cards laet Thursday afternoon when she entertained a number of her friemta on tha Hetfrhta. ... One of the largest affairs of the week Waa tha afternoon card and tea party Klven by Mra. M.KInley Mit chell. Mrs. Georae W. Simpson and TMr. Nathaniel Palmer, at the Portland Heights Club. Wednesday, "oil" was played at twenty tables. Mra. Warren Keeler. Mlaa Harriet Jelllson and Mrs. Henry Schulderaan wlnnlnic tha prises. Tns reception hall waa attractive with cot Towers used In profusion. Ths or chestra played behind a screen of palma. Tonne women asslstlnc their hoatrrsea were. Miss Lena Simpson. Mlaa Crystal Keck. Miss Louisa Man ning. Mlsa Alice Gadsby. Mlsa Doro thy Crook. Miss Laura Aiken and Mis Bernlce Galloway. a . 4 Invitations have been received In Portland, announcing that the wedding of Harold Eugena Reed, older son of Mra. Koee Reed Hanacoma, and Miss Adela Clara Huntsberger. of Lo An geles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Edward Huntsberger. will take place June I, at th Immanuel Presbyterian Church, in Loa Angelea. A reception will be held at th Huntsberger reai tencw Immediately following th cere fcioar. Mlaa Huaubargar aaa Mr. Ked are both of th class of Stanford University. Mr. Bead la a Kappa Sigma, man aa well as being a member of th Quadrangle Club, a senior honor so ciety; the Skull and Snakes, a junior honor society; of th track, baseball and football teams. H hold th school record for th low-yard dah In sec onds flat. Mis Huntsberger I a mem ber of th PI Beta Phi Sorority. Mr. Keed. and bis bride-to-be will reside In Lo Ana-ales, where Mr. Keed I en gaged permanently in business. ... MaJ-r C B von EggIotln will leav Portland soon after th cloaa of tha term at th Hill Military School for his father' a eetates In Germany, where a family reunion will be bald In July. He wtll return to Portland In October, e e e Mr. and Mrs. John H. Hall returned recently from a two weeks" fishing and motor trip about Bend and th Des chutes lUrer. e e e Th. commissioned officers and th senior claaa of th Hill Military Acad- -amy were boats laat Friday evening at tha annual officers hop and senior promenade given at tha Academy Arm ory. patroneaaes wr Mrs. Rupert J. Chlpman. Mra. Ann Rebecca Hill. Mrs. J Wood Hilt Mrs. James Ernest Laldlaw. ' Mr. rseor.. UrDoaauch. Mrs. Beamer ; Samuel Pax-u. Mrs. Alexander Culloden Panton. Mra. George Frederick Ban burn. Mrs. William Charlea Slattery and Mis-, Jan Wlnnlngatad. Tha members .. . ihi. .r.rin.tinr claaa are: I Richard Edward Wiley. Irving Martin i l.upton. Myron Smith Thompson. Adam C. Murray. Raymond Erroii uerrosn. Lavroy V. Holbrook. csuy Mitcneu r-er-uara and William C. Munly. Mra. E. B. ;arjjns; a resident of Clackamas County since 1850. celebrated her 70th birthday at her home, a mile south of Canemah. last Tuesday. Prea- j ent upon the occasion were her two ' eons. J. W. Ganor. of Portland, and R. C Gannna-. of Oregon City, and her : two dauehtera. Mrs. Anna Howard and Mra. H- S. Mount, together with six of her seven grandchildren, Carl Ganong. Arthur Ganong. l-oma Ganong. Holt Ganong. Thornton Howard and Hugh G. Mount. Other a-uest were Mrs. Martha E Ganong. Mra. 6lena OaJiontr. Mra. Hasel Ganong. Mr. and Mra. J. W. Shattuck. Mra. Mary A. Short. Mra. Mildred A. NewelL Mr. and Mr. V. J. Sally. Mis Annl Sally, Dr. H, 8. Mount. Mrs. M. W. Shepard. Mrs. C A. Coborn, Mrs. Mary Smith nnd Job E. Hedgea. Th occasion waa extremely enjoyable. A bountiful luncheon waa aerved by tha daughtera of the home. Th air was vocal, with music and happy reminis cence, while sincere congratulations wera tendered and many compliment to th smiling septuagenarian, who Is paus ing the evening of a useful life In the Riverside home where the beat and bur den of her long and busy day was spent. She received many tokens of affection and remembrance, and children, rela tives and gueata departed with cor dial wishes for yet many returns of tha day. Miss Eva, Lone entertained recently at cards for Misa Imogen Raffety and Harry Morrow, whoso wedding will be one of th Interesting events of th season. GOSSIP OP THE ARMY POST. Lifeless to an extreme ha been the past week at the poat. The artillery la now fairly settled, and with the ex ception of th fact that th First Bat talion, which has been practicing avt the target range for aome time, is ex pected to return to the barracks this week and that the Third Battalion will go nut to take Its turn on th ran ire there seems little In prospect for the next even days. A few folk went over from Portland Friday evening for th Informal hop In the gymnasium, but other than that nothing of any six has taken place among poat folk. On Thursday Mrs. Geors Van Duesen and Mrs. Cornelius Gardener, as wall a Mlsa Elisabeth Sears, wera In Port land to attend a luncheon given for Mrs. L. G. Caldwell, of Fort Leavenworth. Kan., by Mrs. Wilson Clark. But. as a whole, th moat that can b aald for post life laat week la that It was by so mean strenuous, t ... A dispatch from St- Louis. M. an nounce th engagement of Mlsa Lu cille Cntes. daughter of Mr. and Mra. J. Mullanphy Catea and a bell of St. Louis, to Lieutenant Trancla P. Hard sway. Coaat Artillery, now stationed In San FTancieoo.- Lieutenant Hardaway has been In the West about a year. He la an officer of th On Hundred and Forty-seventh Company. . now at tha Presidio. He Is a son of Dr. and Mrs. William A- Hardaway and l a gradu ate of West Point claaa of 10. Mlsa Catea made her bow to St. Louis society two yeara ago and haa been ex tremely popular In fashionable clrclea. Her family I of the old French lineage In th Mississippi Valley metropolis. Miss Cates will pass the Summer In San Francisco with Mrs. Hardaway, mother of her fiance. No date baa been set for th wedding. ... IJeutenant-Colonel Francl 3. Kor ean, formerly Major wttit th Fifteenth Infantry, haa arrived at the poet to fill bis new office with th First. . . . Major John 8. Psrke and his family will not com to Vancouver, aa they had expected, because later orders have ocrostoned the Major to leave for Bel gium, where he will be military at tache. ... Major Noble I leaving the Weat soon for the Wsr Collere In Washington, D. C where h will remain for a year. ... From the Army and Navy Journal the following Items are of Interest to folk at the poat: Mlsa Augusta FTeear Heacock. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellaworth Heacock. of East Orange. N. J, was married to Lieutenant Andrew Francis Carter. IT. R. N son of William J. Lcarter. of Dillon. 8. C. In th Church of th Ascension. New York City. May li. 1911. Th decorations consisted of palms and Easter lilies. The ceremony was performed In the presence of a few relatives and friends. Th bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a walking length gown of white aattn and chiffon, with a short coat of Irish point lac and a large white straw hat. trimmed with white tulle and topped with white atkrettea. She car ried a bouquet of 11. Irs of the valley. The brlde'a only attendant was Miss Catherine Carter, aister of the bride groom, whose gown was of lavender aatln veiled with white point lace. She wore a whit lace hat bordered with lavender and white aweet peas, and carried a bonquet of lavender sweet peaa. The beet man waa Lieutenant John N. Ferguson. C. 6. N.. and the usher wer Lieutenant R- S. Holmes. U. 8. N, and Lieutenant John W. Wil cox. Jr.. L". & N. After th ceremony there was a dinner at the Hotel Man hattan. Lieutenant Carter and hla bride left for the South, to spend a part of their honeymoon. ... Lieutenant and Mrs. Carl H. Muller. of Fort Ethan Allen. Vt. have an nounced the engagement of their sis ter Mis Florence Jandt. to Captain William Luke Luhn. Tenth Vnlted States Cavalry. Tha wedding will oc cur lata In June. ... Miss Marlon Campbell Gibson, a daughter of the Isle Rear-Admlral W. C. Gibaon. U. S. N- was married to Lieu tenant Albert A. Church. U. S. N.. qui etly on Thursday. May la. 111, at tha home of Mra. Gibson. So. 141J Paclfio street, Brooklyn. K. T. The ceremony was witnessed by relatlvea only. ... Chaplain and Mrs. John M. Moos an nounce the marrtag of their daughter, Ruth, to Ueuteaast ReUa CurUn Ditto, White Gloves, Hosiery, Aprons, Neckwear, Veils, Scarfs and Corsets - eas awk aP- W awl Jf at Big Discounts During This Extraordinary Sale ot Snow wnne tooas Owe Grea ime'S 'BOW WMte Sale of Undermuslins, Women's and Chudren's Dresses, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery and Knit Underwear Snow White Sale of Beautiful Tailored Marquisette, Lin gerie, Voile and Messaline Waists $2.00 Tailored Linen Waists, Snow White Sale - $1.50 $2.50 Tailored Linen Waists, Snow White Sale S1-85 $1.50 Lingerie Waists, Snow White Sale $1.10 $2.00 Lingerie Waists, Snow White Sale $1.50 Marquisettes, Voiles and Messalines all... OFF One lot of odds and ends in Gowns, Chemise, Corset Covers and Skirts at ONE-HALF PRICE ONE LOT OF GOWNS AND SKIRTS in laee ana emoruiuerv uiuuucu, slightly Sale soiled. Snow White 67c Undermuslins at Snow White Sale Prices $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $3.00 85 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 35c 50c 65c 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $2.00 COMBINATIONS Snow White Sale Snow White Sale Snow White Sale Snow White Sale Snow White Sale Snow White Sale GOWNS White Sale.... White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale White Sale CORSET COVERS Covers, Snow White Sale, at Covers, Snow White Sale, at Covers, Snow White Sale, at Covers, Snow White Sale,' at.,.. Covers, Snow White Sale, at Covers, Snow White Sale, at.... Covers, Snow-White Sale, at... Covers, Snow White Sale, at... Combinations, Combinations, Combinations, Combinations, Combinations, Combinations, Gowns, Snow Gowns, Snow Gowns, Snow Gowns, Snow Gowns, Snow Gowns, Snow Corset Corset Corset Corset Corset Corset Corset Corset ...97 .$1.19 .81.39 .$1.59 .$1.89 .$2.39 . . . 67c ...930 .$1.19 .$1.39 .$1.59 .$1.89 ...236 ....376 ....49 ....57 ....77 . . . .936 . $1.19 . $1.59 Sarfr LEADNO SPZCACTY ffOtSE FOR LADIES MISSES E CHILDREN S T r"""F QUALITY q ECONOMY- Quality is the first consideration in the selec tion of our merchandise. Every garment, no matter whether Gown or Undermuslin, the ma terials, workmanship and finish will be found the best. This sale is an annual event with us. No seconds, bought months ahead, to throw on the public at fictitious prices. Every garment is fresh from the mills. Selected stock only. Sale Commencing Mon day Morning at 8 o'Clock To appreciate the force of these values, one must keep in mind the character of our mer chandise then the lowest selling prices. Never in the history of Portland has such beau tiful and tasteful Lingerie, Linen and Mull. Dresses been shown at prices that are so won derfully. $3.00 White Dresses, Snow White Sale $3.75 $7.00 White Dresses, Snow White Sale $5.25 $9.00 White Dresses, Snow White Sale $6.75 $10 White Dresses, Snow White Sale $7.50 Others up to..... $18.50 Annual Snow White Sale of Children's Muslin Underwear at HALF PRICE Including dainty little Gowns, Drawers, trimmed in lace and embroidery. Children's Snow White Dresses and Skirts, in dainty patterns, beautifully trimmed in laces and embroidery, Snow White Sale... 25 OFF tr. a - on April 1. 1J11. at Manila. P. L Tbey ara at home at 114 Noit leda. News, which la of Interest In Port land even more than at the poat. la that Mra. Bethel, wife of Colonel Wal ter A. Bethel. la at Weat Point. N. T.. and during the paat month, has been hostess at seeeral 6llhtful parties for her coualn. Mies Olive Wilson, of Philadelphia, who Is now her guest, e e e Second IJeutenant Kenneth S. Per kins and Harold E. Marr. of the Second Field Artillery, atatloned at the post last Winter, will report soon to Cap tain Henry W. Butner, of the Second Artillery, for examinations for pro motion. , Lieutenant Walter S. Sturfrill. of the Second Field Artillery, who also was at the post last Winter, has been granted a leave of absence to take effect June 1. He will rejoin his regi ment In the Philippines In September. ... ..ews which may be of interest to folk at the Post is that Mrs. Wolfe, neo Watkins. wife of Captain Orrin Wolfe, V. 8. A- of Washington. D. C... Is visit ing In California with her parents. Mr. Sweep Trimmed Hats Hundreds 'and hundreds to choose from. The im mense volume of our busi ness keeps our stock con stantly changed and re plenished with chic, snap py new ideas. Now All Reduced. - All $ 5.00 Hats, $ 3.70 All $ 7.00 Hats, $ 5.20 All $10.00 Hats, $ 7.45 All $15.00 Hats, $11.20 All $20.00 Hats, $14.95 All $25.00 Hats, $16.65 All others, same reduc tions. Children's Sun Hats, jip from i6 Children's Dressy Hats, up from $1.50 iiig Reductions Owing to Backward Season We Have Too Many Hats, Flower and Plumes FLOWERS Thousands of Bunches, Every Desir able Kind and Color. ALL ONE-FOURTH OFF WILLOW PLUMES R henrl-tipd. rfdllhlft look knot. $:W.OO Willows, '8x24-inch, SI 9.50 . $-J2jO Willows, 22xl8-inch, $13.00 All other Willows likewise reduced. m Rpy French Plume Rex French Plumes, Best in the World Quality Above quantity Finest African male stock. Rich, glossy blacks, snowy whites and fancy colors. All Now 20 Per Cent Off. Firaley Bros. 212-214 Third St, Corner Salmon. TTSthiw Store. 392 Morrison St, Opp. Olds, Wort man & King. BrUch Made Tailor Maid " Suits made to your measure, from $35.00 up. Style, fit and workmanship the best. - jmMcg&, Custom Tailor to Ladies. Phoenix Bldg, Fifth and Oak. W. G. SMITH & CO. AND VISITING CARDS MONOGRAM STATIONERY THIRD FLOOn WAfHIJrGTOjr BUILXIG. BErrwEKX TIOBB aJU roUVTH OS WMHISCTOS STREET. and Mrs. A. A. Watkins. A she ex pects to remain In the West through June and July It Is probable that she will extend her travels northward to Oregon and Washington- Of Interest to folk both In Portland and at the post, was the wedding of Miss . Dorothy Langtttt, daughter of Colonel William C. I.ngfitt, of the rConflmi.rt on Page 4- pin The Most Easily Driven of All Electrics The most delicate woman a 12-year-old child can handle tho largest Rauch & Lang Electric with perfect ease. You merely push a handle forward when you want to start pull It back when vou want to stop. Polling It back not only shuts off all power at once, but puti on a strong brake. The car stops almost Immediately. Too can use the foot-brake, too, If jrou wish, but It lsn"t necessary. The steering is nothing more than flushing forward and pulling back on a landle placed directly where the right hand rests naturally and comfortably. It Is very easy not In the least confus ing. After one ride you'll have absolute confidence in your own ability to drive the car anywhere and everywhere. We have furnished the car Inside and finished it outside Just as handsomely, as richly and as tastefully as you would do It yourself. It's the largest and most luxurious of . all electrics. Write for our new art catalogue showing the styles and all the advan tages of FRANK C. RIGGS Paekard Servie Bull dinar. Cora ell Road, 23rd and Waahlnctoa St. Ladies Are Invited to inspect our sample lines of Bummer Skirts, Muslin Under wear and Hosiery Cf OBlt,,e secured at OliC Dollar Men's Dress Shirt a, OC 1.75 values, each aPl.a&J M e n'a V I Suits, I O C S2.00 values, each PA.aWJ Men's Silk Lisle Hoae, CO. fl.OO values, pair JV1 Men's Lisle Hie, BOe O C - value, pair. aiJU Up-to-Date Lines of If. tin Ladlea' Sleckwear from A J w ur L a d I e a' Silk Hose, in all d colors, pair. 35S 50S 75, AGENTS FOR THOMSON'S d-OVE-flTTINO AND WAR NER'S RCST-PROOP " CORSETS. BECKER, McLOUGHLIN & SWEENEY 441 Waahlnstoa Street. ' Telephone Marshall 2213. Great Needlework Sale Every Article ' Reduced An opportunity Is offered out fa t r o n s to purchase Stamped .inens. Embroidery Cottons, or Hand- Embroidered Articles at lrices never quoted before. STAMPED IIKESS AND EM BROIDERED COTTON Antici pate your needs for Summer. These prices may never be dupll-. cated. D. M. C. Embroidery Cot tuna, aU sizes, special, per 1Q. dozen A OC KI.OSTER SILK, sizes E and T only. Regular 4o skein. 1 fl special, per dozen - XOC STAMPED WHITE LINEJf CEN TERPIECES, regular 35c, 1Q special Ai7C STAMPED PILLOW TOPS, odd patterns, values to 50c, 1 Q special i Xi7C SHIRT WAISTS, like cut, stamped on best grade VQ India llnon, reg. tl-25, sp"l t i71 KIMONO STYLE WAISTS, stamped on finest grade Q lawn, reg. $1.25. special... VJi7C ALL STAMPED GOODS . REDUCED. HAND-EMBROIDERED ARTICLES Table Linens, Infants' Wear. Wearing Apparel, etc Prices less than cost of production. INFANTS' L O N G AND SHORT DRESSES, hand-made and em broidered; daintiest designs ever shown In Portland. This Qpp H A N D - E M BROIDERED SHIRT WAISTS, crepe, regular A tZf $3 values, special-. D4IWTY LAWN PATTERNS, FRENCH AND EYELET PAT TERNS, values to $7.00. dJO I7J special. 9s O VOILE AND MAROFUBTTK STYLES FOR KIMONO WAISTS. Regular value $10.00, dje jff 8pecial.'. OOilO HAND-EMBROIDERED CENTERS, appropriate for bridal gifts. Regu lar 60c values Z5CI regular $1.00 values 69l regular $2.00 values fl.25l regular $2.60 JQ IMPORTANT NOTICE This sale will continue for ten days. Out-of-town patrons may order by mail. THE NEEDLECRAFT SHOP 388 YAMHILL STEEET BETWEEN WEST PAEK AND TENTH STBEETS GET READY FOR ROSE FESTIVAL Suits From $45 Up LADIES' TAILOR AND HABIT MAKER, BARNAT SALL 411 MORRISON STREET. Goopi. n JUST PHONE US when you have any Cleaning or Press ing to be done especially if you are in a hurry and still want good work done and you will find our repre sentative at your door in short order. And It does not matter how "short" the order Is either. We take large or small orders gladly and always give satisfaction to our patrons. Vienna Steam Cleaning AND DYEING WORKS Mall Orders Receive Prompt Attention. Phones Main 1466, A 3450. 324-22 THIRD ST PORTLAND, OR. amillijiai in m n tw.A- T'Jiim.'' r . vr - - BOOsTtRS For the Studio De Luxe. For one week will make two large photos for 50c; regular price $10.00 per dozen. To advertise our new location. Eilers Music bldg., 7th and. Alder. Postals, 75c per dozen. Open Sunday. NOW THE RUSH IS OVER ZSS. hand by unusual Inducements in price on the making of ladies" garments. We will give you a discount of 20 to 30 and every suit made to your order at this time and guarantee absolute satisfaction IDCIIDIU ELITE LADIES' TAILOR, l nCUfililf 301 SELLING BUILDING, Sixth and Alder. MME. ZEITFUCHS EXPERT CORSETIERE Li The eortet la ukh Important ta the H'oniaUi'i wmrdr4be. It can accomplish it aim of molding and supporting in dividual for mi nlr when fitted by those qualified by aklll and experlaao. Tour home Is the place to have the corset fitted. We do so without charge There you have the time to be fitted, properly. The dif ferent gown can be tried on over the corset. That the corset fits Is as much to enr Interest as yours. We handle the Redfern. and Wade, also the Goodwin front laoed. Suitable models foe all figures. Phone, write or call Room ill FUedner bids-., Tenth and WhtBst4m. Fhen A. 4