Imt bale Haasc-a. ""TYPICAL CALIFORNIA pT'NOALOW. Wirh unoftctr u t-i viw of Mi. Hood from front porca. K)l;1 eM rora a4 extra U.i t.4b:&r porch b-s.ti--a, larce nr p.ace. B:r. 7 UMkcw, wU buOt. pea- ied d' cimplete Lutci k:tr-"o witn coo.w. 2 beautl-Cul wnlte enam-t--d k!n)onL with larae etOM'J and white t.itl tathrooin. tlmo ciotwi; d'wua.e fooitru'nn ushjut. fu J attic. ce ment basement end laundry tra. c and cradd Un. -v-;utly the bnt buy .n a 4 -vom buap.ow yn rr SW; pf?C $3 "1. .; tint to -iit; te KiCiT.-ni C." r Mir ume se. - Awi'h t 1' CLn ion t. Tabor kmemt-r. s-wer. 1- tn wittr ma. as. se, it-. r Bor ln r.ojs city pi:k. $,.--. 1 aiic FiT. flu.ifui S-rooni. ir--!rn b-jniiow In rwetrt'-te-'i Il'ri'-t. lot .V'-civ-a J-it. park tr.j. ait improvement pa.i. LuK h kitchen. - ft. buf:t. ban-4 cnin. d'l n f-i-o-m. bo-c '. wjt h eovr. fin rix-k-fac4 b-tek rirp.a-e with rrfr rors. emnt nt w . h laundry fry. so.:4 oak pi'-h-d foorm. m:rrr 1---ts. linen cit, f iret-ciaas workmen- "oSoPR TTVI! REALTY COMPANY. 31-"- . I !!:! wiy K-"hana. o'rt' Oen B-ia.iay. -ROOM HOrSE. $)0X kak ffton, ahir bath, fumar. f)ra- r.a-a. rrr.ant floor In baamns. wa'.ia ntd. batiful a.artr: fitur. tha- araat wwrk paid, TMl pr-prty to fr a. at a acriftc: m mt iat 1X cmo. $.i- CAH rrtrm th.roun!y nn.-J 'rn btirtralw; r-p a- aad iuprotmcta ail iu and pi4 for. :t thta rroparty fr 'ft. f ? than a P41-1 for it. Ma wiii h.iw you tr. prp. r.y today you Info-mmti'in ' J D:TSH TV IT V. K K. M' CUm&r of Coairc. " IRVINOTV ItOV E-1H Crnr Kit 'h a:ri. orr Ttllamk. Srt.o. with rririiv m-t.Um -rt"m bu. fuH enn.-ral- baamrnt. laundry tr a. Lrd fr f:ma. c-:nb r tlon f'.xturra. h . both i.-'ta hx-l-'i-r-'l. rwtirrt aika avurd hon-. Uiatnca to tn. ternia. H'-O r wl.. bai. par moblb. lr.--;u-llrn Intern: at Jar CCOU QUUI' KD WlKWRK'K. i TM''TLT moWa h'h-cliaa homt In lnarr bur: ; :aat rni ; bui ! in t-ok ra an4 buiT.-t. rtrw a il furn''; -aptiona.'v w;l rrn"1. n-r a -r-Una. i-.t !''. h - - :rt )m- Jr.v-mna and but '.in. r-rtet . p- a -.T., pn rob. lit furtrr prticu.ara. I'noaa ' r ra :. COWr.N Il'K TItt -T CO Si. a i- j-. I.u "n !r mini Jl i K( s K r I T f"r A K K V. VS Y TVKM-H. WHY tK Yv'i; PAY KKNf Frmr i new. ronmi, f;nt buneIow tn rtty. mill taka lta. a":n raah an.l ri-nth-y pmma in uh.mi. th.a will l-r invMiKition. i'ny rark, rr. -t T At at.. IS bi.wka from tar nor h. r for vour.f. oQ.-r oa g--ronIa sun y. ' a rry aitarnoun. i'nuaa Main 41 mnrnmii. f :.t.V lown .i Tar Mnntb- mtrn. bunra.i.w. two b'Arka from car. on a lt ha a full bmnt and la-a nttu . pand 4 ntng-room, buiu-ln buffwt larr" Iutvh kirrh-n. b-hrem and t'r.-h YUla la a bauttful lt:t: horn and a ar.aT- IU-OKKTIATIVK HEALTV MPANT, '--l Kait way l.ehn- rOHTLANO HKiOHTH. Paotfui nw h'u of nin rxmo. batlt afTr ih latt d-ifni, t.iorouithiy m'l trn in vry r-pct. oa ttia crit. .om mndr. a wi-lo ! 'f th ri'jr and riounu.m, wrl b o.d f-r lra th-an ct. aa ownr la Ira vine fwn : ail improva mrnta In and pid. tiru'ithlc ar.-U it. r. PR V A.N. .V I Chiu. of C-rn. A """vi'RRS IKV1NOT' 'N IrXALOW. With atz T'ina and a aiapinx pr-h; on room finished ui'tuirt. Ira-a livir niflm. dinin-rom. T.n rlrep aC"-. tot !.. a:rrt Improvtm. nl a. I pii . t im .t ia worth !:'-. pn only :'U. t-rma l'0 cfi. b.n. nnni!i.v. I'r-m or ca.l bOtt'ii.N'H'B TKl T tu, m. a; i2. a u.n Ground P:cKr. Larabauni BM(. ii: V N rON Th tn-t rompt and ( h-r-ful" n-w t un-l-w la ctiy: i-p- trtm prh. hardwo...! f.oora. pnitl waua. bam o.:tlnc. lulch k.tchn. furnac-. tda and flitra; cool.-r. lawn, in fa t ail I MaL in-at dirrctiy with owr.rr. f'-ira and vary y trrma. cU Si Kaat l '.'.ti t-i- . -KXM IlfN'IAl.OW 3A. TMi attract!. ihrouKh'.y it'drn bun g:uw w-,:a hft -ir ri-t. 1 Io--airt in tn North frirtp-n ditr-r. on t. l-h at N . nr Knott t. If you d- iro a.mthtnc mc U a cdotca nitiorhod. ""x-c'AKoilt BATES LIVELY. 3vl ob BMI. R,KE rtTT PARK m;NiAi.ow Loub: cormtru. l.-n. r-'tn. Br-p.. .:.-!n.:;t. I-ulch k.Iciin bul-ln (.w. iJ dTv5T. r. efc rrt. n. I hi. k lu -r. lr n. I"t or rc-nI. . cn pTnr.t. l:i montfi "" s ,r)r 4; Et :.4:h or lUrtmm Jk Trirmpo. ChintM-r of Commtcc -PFCIAL I1AT..1AIN-. j'nOOM.t. JITM. Tn l ii-bui:t nn-:nry frm. not mKi'rn. but rltlf wtr In h..ur. two M.-k from Mnntvlli "r, njr .. on iot nik o(tr: '.ft money tv't v 3il e.Ti !!!. HILL . . - n( m.Hlm horn. Wl .d' Wotiun. pr.- on'r i:0; th. br Cnnnffc. .:ooM-ritN.rt.rv. tl-o r"" fclnc !-. Pr momn. Puu.l klUh.n. m-!.Ta ;,u.nMn r, llltiti ML J oil rir.lnr. ! 5-d iv or S' "a L y. TII ST. num. mo'i-m hou. lt i-3-;o. rnsati at- ITU Ar.Vfr.y. A LlrKTIMa Tv I'AT. klovtnaj t M . p'F nuKLTD P-room 4w.. n c.fir, rr f.r, r avh"o a. chufi-h. f.:-. ":nr. fru: . imA; pt-fTn-r.t. -vra. 1. r- K 1 v) M rn j- i m h ou . ," n. ttiri.:y ltmrn..I t. pru 4 J'"-w. in- J J. L'l-.L'.-U. C-r irar. ! av.a id Anker). PM LL llOt'SK. GOl HAKN. I l.- St. J bt carttn. J ? Iota. y:n:--4 tn fin ! tun. T 1 i : tli rn. I- pr rimtk. IuUla A r .-k-'tt. WiiMnea t;.: Uri l..lar-r,n. nut im-j-t. c.i 'i t lv'a': a irdn-.aii- jroR 5ALS Two lta 1V ta Fairprt Al li'ioa. No. J and 1uPIa:. at. 1 - b wki trom ra:.. a ircm- f tf uca i .tt. UT o n . r . phn Stain 4 14. r aJdra -2 fe..t i".n. ity. XH N'- AlTo W T T o" rt'.a. furr f. fl-p.a--. b.m-l ci'r..C. r-ir. d w... ry l:n-i3-.. . .i.-n. c. c I near l.rid- v r.oa t .x; 4ltrh!l 100 for H.t's: Avr lot. Th-rovn. hu. il'.-O. C1! 1- rat.n. t minu'.ra r A. Xru a er---r ff cii.y. 4-:wBt t-r. oou.a t-rma. Ma.m K-jriry A Kami-ton b..:jt. nmr In dn nt. w'.'h la-f.i a"T. t;t (a.a If takrtt r-c-.t a- f ,.r .a... . t.- W..u part cai. trma i a. or pjJM O Na acr. 1. Vv'TiX- LO?rKK pr.vr f.r.aa v bn c-""n-mnvt-l ad ar c. n'p--..4 t aacrifi.-a a tr.a.iarn a-rvora hm on Wl. arr.:: H-iat fr t br.r.g cn forced at:rry4:4 sipa'.r.c i RST STI'E-T-room bi:n:o. ComT tot. .nhln dol and w r.onth. In-:udlr.c m:rat. Trtc i-V iU.;rd. Wi Yooa Gr4ti ba,ra.n. ' V D r. H V A-rtn h..i In - :th r'"t" iand. .V 1 1 l"t. mr.t a:.!rwa; trer f r f .i-Jk Si d -1. ba.anc iik rat- Call -- Ha.: ton bids. kOR !ALC " .1 -room h-j. tract ina'. t rat lo: . ( ro--. ri." -rri. tl r p' -5 n-.on.y: down, bo ax.-a. .'.; Woni! rt , -. g. mm Ji"tEKN a-rom bu!n;c. tu'i c-mrnt rnnt. w . flr--.' " t ur a. aiiada. 'C 1J .-ij. i 1 - 3" f. i do. r-r ni 'n'.h: on haa t .- a ad tari. iici 1 hmU-t.-m. Hwark. Vfn i":Ci-nVm rrodrn bunts. ow. Tat 4lt. 1S b ivii auth of Kawiaorn ftia Owa- r. pafoM.n . 'R at pa.-nflca. trt t Vfrf n t.. rr I 4d AJifi'u. by ownr. muat a;u A K 1. OftfJB M'I ETv -V- rn'u" T t 5xli ;'" tr.c '-a-hta and g: cn- Call JM K nau vMoniavi'.l cr. .roo 1 b:o'-k a. KS dawa. 92A ar.t. Tasor 4-?. :j jrt a fine -ruom modern homt la the Overlook Addition; lot &"xiw. S ct or lees, strict work al djn ar.d paid for. WIT. IKVIN'iTON HOMi A HAHGAIX. TC-Q. $a0O K. 2h st-. room And also An'se4 on. in attic; picture at office. If not sold in lo pr e will ba $.-. J art cash, lo. AOf.NT TAHOH HOME. $35u-iOn t WashiaKtoa it.. c-r. C 7tb; rooms and fceth. Out of the hua4r4p of ptmc wt hava for aaia ih aboa wra ". td to advartlaa btuM THEY ara b-A:aa anp" a MARTMAS THOMPSON'. tat IVpt.. Chambar of Co ram err a. WFPT BinK rnnua!!y wrtl rntrTj-led fcomt tr a man of meant for a pfrmu.tnl rid;nco. r-alimed par' lar y for com.'ort in avary dta!l Effrnt r.xm. two batJia. w pa rat lrai.ry. larra faatvfully arraicad and a-ll-lighted rmi, wffh lars wall. Ilntn and chtna Co. fcl.-tborata icirlc ftxtur, hard wood floor, on Inch thl-k. oak finish. i.Wtilni por-ha A apindid. well-drained b.wmnt. w:tb haa tin a avatem. n3 i-rt ca-heatlng aiiachment Tr..i ln-m ta cnarartarutio of a man. who haa spared no apei-.a lor paraonal con vriitrnca Thia bo-, with full-atied lot. 1 a d-ira nelxaborhot'd in th NuH r 1 1 i-t- DIY;ifT. i a d-cidd barcala at WE IIAVK for aal a modern, well-ar-rartk-d. d-ro.m burn-alow, in a baautirul ritrlrtd dtrt:i in MntaviUa. l-aro 1: vmi-r -m w ith b--kc wr and window a-t, dimaa-room la larae. airy and litfht. wi:h beamed Celling, paneied waJla and flrp are; larne Dxitch kltrhen. larc hnirwma and bath, full baaeruent and attic. 2 lota 5t-v10. with gurden all In. fruit tre-a and roar. 2 larg chlckan houaea with wir f-nve. Houa and ona l.-t. J"H; bona aid two lota. S:4&a. on eery ee terma rtn't apeik too wrll of iMi plate, aa It i an al'o. tt aacrifica. CO-Ui' KKATIVK I1KA LT Y ft M PAN Y. Sl-2- J I I'.aii way Kir hang. Of tic oi-en Sunday. 0-:T HOMK. Al'JnlVO ALAMEDA PARK, Cou. I'KE;oTT A.NDdUXS AVK Him nwma. built b ownrr. 3 lota, mod ern, baaen.ent. eiectna lignta. ruatle fir pane) dining-room. Dutch pantry, d'tnlrw .ad-a. a rna. oewly tinted, pa-f--red aad piald; anad treaa, apple and i-Vrry ir-ra. n !. a 4 r1 n. trawborry jura, neaerly 1 01 roaeDuahea aet ont, nic little chicken yard and enlckena aa Ideal for awmrona. Price away daw o. Half raab trma to ault. No agnta, Ad-d;-aa 11. H.. O.'-a E- Ulonn are, N. bTKirTI.Y modern ard up-to-dat fire -room rot :. on fct .'ffi nr iann A'llUion. two carlln-. cnly 10 minuter rt'l-e t..rn frntir of city; 2.1 mlnut-a walk; win be rady for occupmry Jud x-c-p:!'nai:y M arrnng-d. tinted and beau tnui'.y flniahtd. combination fixture; tu.:t-in bu!!ri. wood. irt. flrvplace. gas and r triclty; lot .id l-dxllw: a real snap, UlivVw trma ".' ruh. Call on ua. CcWKN-IDK TRUST CO.. . Room 2 L.unibrm.n Bldg. Main ailJ. A 1032. Trn.I.AMKTTK HKIOHT. -room bona. Including lull roment bameitt wii h furnac.. waah traya and toi rt. iraa and electric futurea, carrta and nr:e go with the house. l"t 1 Improvement aM tn and puld for. Fruit tr-'t and ronea: Inauranr policy In force; -o"0. on rery oany terma Thla placo m'.l th moat modern and up-to-dat Coo enlrnce. cu-urun tive compant. 2i-21 Railway Kxrhanga. ARR YOIT GOtNn TO BI!LD? We peri;.e apart ment-houaea. Tata, ar.d artint" horn", plana and apaciflca tiona furn!hed f"r. Mon-v b aned for building purpoa: w at-o own lota on which we will build to a . -c c!int. !y terma; aJ- hav vral fno home f..r aale: nothing but flrat c!!ia wnrkmanahtp and ma'.cnai furnlihd Our referem-". iur cllrr.ta. iPtNEK-"'Al.' CO.. F h o n M. 'u. 4 - L urn bermeng P!lr. NEW SIX-ROOM BrVGALOW. I.arK living and dining-room, bullt-ln bufret. b-okaJ". fireplace, hardwood fl ora. Putrh kitchen, thr aleeplng room. bathrtKm. fu.l attic, full cement bailment. Thta bunialntt haa every mod-r-n rnnvenlrnc and l Incited In one of the bet residence d tat net. t"0 nan. eaay terrna on the ba!n-e. Call Mr. Outh rte. A ll or Main buOO. Columbia Truat Co.. 4 4th at. C-ROOM HCNOALOW, $3J0. Located on h arl-urf c atreel. 1 block to car. larit luing-room. flreplca, book-4-aa. panrlcd nifty buffet, awe Dutch kit. ban. 1 flna larg bed room! with la-g eloita and compl-t bmth; full crnnt bament with laun dry tra-e; a ry claasy bungalow on 'Y ey term. Tak" Richmond car to Mrg'irrita ava, cail 10i? Clinton Ta bjr :i2- HPKHAL RAROAIN. Thla la a atrtctiy mo-lcrn o-room houao with hardwood floora down itun, fur-ji'-r. r.r--plac, combination flxturea, waah trAy. full basement, near 21:h and Clatk am. llotta-Uy Park Addition: now com p ty furmahed and will throw tn fur nltur If tkn at ouca. Ey Urtna to M CAKOArt. PATES LIVELY, 1 5l Yon Hldg. A W F. f. I.R I I LT P ; - i n van -room houea on Kaat l.;h t. North, on blo k off car -line, cement baaemvnt. pantry, bath, light rtxtma. g.d n;hiKirhood. near achool; iut t be pLact- for a large family: anap: on.y J"'Hi. jiT-n caah. remainder month ly. Phone or .! A V uuWKN-inR TRUST CO.. Mam aT:2. A 1332. Room -'Jumrrmfni t.ldg. FOR SKl.r. ItT OWNER. 5 room, atrictly mcnlern bungalow; front and back porch: built-in bookraaa and c-ixy comer; dining-room paneled; fireplace In living-room; full baaement. wjh traa. etc. Com or.t and a for vonraetf. Wii built for home and l in restricted dlatrlct. fn give terma. Tak Alberta car. No. IYT. Cut 27th at. North, I'hone. Woodlawa 1S4. fTifooM-rcwreali!encvry beat Eat P'.da hx-ti-in; thl tiouM waa built of aelected mater. al bv hlgh-cia workmen: th prlc tm on v n'. It cnt be duplicated for e thaa 1o- ft; own.' r ar moving to th c-'jiir. bene thia lw price. eie J. ii. "-.ltr.." Ml i ' haulier of Corn mere. Tr- $1-m CAII. balance ' per month, "buv new w-ro-n m-Hl-Tn bungalow, dou ble cntructed. lt :-uxlo.i. face au A fin h -m. Com out today. Tk Mu car to MlU.ird a.. go 4 block we it. Inquire at Triuont walrwoxka- AO Orvrfonlan. f W KST blPK home room for irraii. In a locality of mo'er hoiite. on block to car. on Wii I4-W. chta. lawn, I-rlt on tl.i horn ia mad to faci.ltale a cmk aal a on account of th oMf a J Iti Oregonlan. TV.O coon HUT. N!e lot. with fruit tree, for onle t. ;.. raatt. a month, wi.l bu. .- can put ou In poMfM.n of a good -rom on Y.i imoa at-, lot alona worth IJw'. pr!c !-'". F Fl '"H. --1H MoTT'aoo at. I't'H SI.E !. cah. balanc .y tirmi, bind frcm Hawthorn car. Nw bun g never ocvup;el. A rjorri, cement bem"ert. Iutcn k:!ca"n. gna nnd electric ity. fir;'-c. rhtxia Mr. Hyd. Maxaball Iorday. Hiaewa ITopcrly. ro R 8A iTT: R Tr.AP K A g nod 1 4 - r- m hot:ie and l-,vl-'. overlooking the WY- : -9. fit f"f ardmg hu J-. have flv boarder end row;ra now. could tak IA or nof. h a g'od grdn. world of frurf ard a go"4 cw. fuml'.ur gra. too, t; a:d. It a a maiirjr n.akcr. ay trm. e th placaw lu North F1.ln.ora ai.. St. JhDa. , ii CUNT XKT INOMK. Thia ar-r buildirg and f-ill lot. Ett Hid rent fr I '-' p-r annum: ownor nct mon.y and will a. 1 for ir; on.y t-aaii. b anc t-me. Thia la anapw J. Frank rortr. 1K4 Lbunbtr oi Com merce. 30O' NEEPK P. Y -ur opportunity. My pr"per.y ia leaaed for 3 year at HO per mor.tb. which pa lft per cent on 1-OnO. I neU money and don't to borrow. o win aell f-r 4".. en terms of lJoi"0 caah. balnc to autt. A ldS. OrcgoaiAa. ON K "block on Thur-nao t. with larg -a -v; thia property la a;ly worth '!,"'' . tnuit rale aome money, w'U tke JT.50J; don't fail to look tils up. w fern S-c Co.. 41 Spalding blrtg. ALHKHTA corner, wttu torw. S?xJ2. room on lot for I more ator: go-d loowtiaa fo- bardwar tor or any kind of bual neea tarred to a!!, prtca $li"0: Unu; r.o agnta Pnon Y ood 1 a w a iwTft. CO RN L K"rK!j iCwrcln In. In com Mi Pr raontal Douio your lnvtment on thl in a e-r. Pr e iH. terrna S caah. he Ncrtuarn Trust Companj. 270 Strk t. :T.k wit.L buy fin block on Union lgar.t location for bua.nsa or apart ment. Cioe la. easy leXn.a. Olirill Hewlty Co.. ult 4 i Vn blclg. FOR f ALE Incom property oa Eaat Sid; can b ma!e ti pay 1 per rat nt; m e.t-ltv 1 If taken thla woak. AF H2, Or goo. a a. oh p.-n v riTT. Bast bttainaa oorner ln Oregon CITY for a la. consisting of nariy two lota and bui. dings, corner of Tth and Main at-, and la leased by th L- Adams rjeurtment btor. paying; about T per cant on tbs pric aakd, which U f4o,00a This 1 A good buy and wi worth your investiga tion, be m atout thia J. U waffoid. corner tth and Main sta., Oregon City. or. Aca COME OUT TO COfRT.NET. t 1-4 acre. 2 blocks east, neat small rtouae, water ay stem, beautiful ahrubbery and fruit; 20w cash, balance long time. Ona acra. 10 minutes' walk to Court ney: i ivt; fine land; your terma IJOx-tK. moat Ideal home, right at sta tion: rooms, garag. beautiful Ian. enrubbry and fruit, fin garden; sold re cantiy oov0; ownr sick of Oregon, will tak much less. OWNER LAVlNO. WILL SACRIFICE Beautiful 4 V acres, 6 blocks east uf Courtney, new small house, most beau tiful grora ar.d site; berries, grapes, gar dsn, fancy poultry runs and nous. lutl spot. This must bo sold. Coma out and a It; aonth aid of street. 20 acrea on hilltop near Linn ton. toll flneat ever. 26 fet deep, nearly level, old buildings, fine road. lO cords wood. acres ciaar; owner wiil accept any reasonable prlc and terma CLODFELTER PHi'S.. 414 Coueh "Pg. StB L KB AX HOM E SPEC 1 A LI ST d. lfjo ACRES, one mil from Weatherby. Fa ker County, Or- elevation J.VOO feet; Slsley crwek runs through three forties, thus a eirrtng plenty of free water for Irrigation. Thar are about 7 acrea In alfalfa, fruit and garden truck, alao a newly-planted P"ach and cherry orchard of 2o0 treea and about ? acres more along creek to be put under cultivation; the balance la hill land; a good 6-room house, furnished ; 1 cow and caif, L horse and bugiry, farm ing Implements aad tools go with place; achnoiiiou la S mil from bo us: S nic springs near the hous: a nic bearing limit) orcnard, with th fin climate, win make this a very desirable home for someone. Price 2''0: caah will handle thla. Address owner. T, B. Kmp. paraiso Hot Spring. Monterey County. California. FOR SALE, acres. Just what you hava been looking for; se rat fine streams on the place, about l.OOO.ono ft of good timber; 1 lh! acrea good farm land; moat of the balance fruit land; 11 mile of the Colum bia River, 14 miles of a good town; stores near. Price only lid por acre. so acres, with about an cleared; 2 welts, family orchard, house of 4 rooms, down stairs, up lair not finished ; barn 4Ox70, with 14-foot ave; good 10x12 granary, chicken house, woodshed; va-mtle of school. 1U miles of church and store: 3 mile of La Center. Price only 14700. D. S. CAMERON REALTY CO.. 610 Waehington at.,' Vancouver, Wash. 1 1 SURE3."0n. Fine IJttl country Home, AO tn high st sta of cultivation; lies Just like a garden ; new 5 -room house, gnod well, new ham. chicken -houses: Si acr young orchard 2 a-?res In straw ber -ri: Id mll-'S from Portland on main county macadamized road. 2 blocks from lectr.o atatit'n; J.i-m1nute car aervine; o carfare, close to high and graded school; fine, open, thickly-settled country; Rv F. 1. and telephone. Can have electric hghta. Price for quick sale, :;i00; S13T0 cash. Ralanr to su.t. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, ol9-2-21 Rallwsy Exchange. 7i TO SloO CASH Is all required! 5, lft er 15-acr tracts; 200 yards from 8. P. R. R. station on the West Fide: One lay. Prlcea within rarh of all from $7."V to ..' per acre. This is a poor man's propo sition. Th bal ance you can pay In A Tear. A. B. HALL & CO.. 32 RothcMld Bldg. QLOVK RIBAND ACR ICS. ACRE TRACTS. ALL CLEARED: NO ROf.K OR GRAVEL;' GOOD WATER; HUirl A NT) SIGHTLY; NO HETTER HOMrl P r T E8 THAN TIT B : CON V E NIENT TO A GOOD CAR LINE. c FARE TO CENTER OF PORTLAND. IF YuU LOOK. THtSE TRACTS OVER YOU WILL BUY. ATTRTIVE TERMS CAN HE HAD: PER CENT INTEREST ON DEFERRED PAYMENTS. , BUY NOW OF CRAFIN A H ERI.OVf", 852-338 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. (R) LADIES AND GENTLE MEN. If you are looking for a place where yon can get one acre or more of good land, just out of the city, where you can make a home for yourself and have ground that will raise anything ttrnt growa ln Oregon, on car line, only 20 minutes' ride from buslneaa center of Portland, call on North ern Truat Company. 270 Stark et and they wll tell you all about It and take you out to see it. MY BEAUTIFUL HOME BITE. 1 5-S acrea. all In fruli. berries, grape, garden, shrubbery, nar station on Court ney ave Small new house, good well, fine lawn: I had Intended to make this my permanent home. but buaineae la taking me East, so am going to sell at some rrice on Tory easy terms; price ha been ilaO, but never mind that, aa I MEAN TO fELL. see and make oner. Owner. 414 Couch bldg. TWO 8 NAPS, CLOSE IN. 10 acres. W mile from station, part cleared, fine land, can be bouqtit for 4 lb A pr acr If taken quick; terms to suit- 8.31 acrea. adjoining the above, pari cleared, at same pric; easiest kind of terms. Owner Is forced to sell the above at once and price Is $!(. an arra less than adjoining land. Sea Atchlion 4k Allen, 213 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder, ACREAGE. 1. 2. 8. 10. ' AND 80 ACRE PIECES. Close In. on and near the Base Line road (near Ml Hood Ii. R. station). Eaay terms If dcitred. FOR SALE BT HARTMAN at THOMPSON. REAL ESTATE DEPT.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RIVER FRONT. Residence tracts. Improved and unim proved, adjoining good suburban service, on West Side: boating and bathing right at front dour; overlooking river; choice scenery and desirable neighbors, For price and locations see GLKXAHT REALTY CO. Inc 421-4-2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RICH LAND. Low Prices. Easy Terms. Rtcheit black loam aoll In TuaUtln. on main county road, near electric line and only 12 mlUs from Portland; all ready tor thia eara crop; any slt .tract, on your own rms. PACIFIC N -W. DEVELOPMENT CO.. 400 Couch Ujdg. ONE acre, all cleared, right at station, fronting on railway. 4o minutes rMe from 4th and Waahlngton sts.. for t pevhle f.vt cash and $5 per month and accrued intrt at rat of 7 per cent per annum THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 35Q0. F'R SALE BY OWNER, lft or 20 acres ftr.e land, S-room house, barn and other Improvements, orchsrd and her r lea on rural route, phone, near rail road and general store, a miles to Van couver Waah-; 17 acre In crop: long ttm 7 per cent. In part payment. C Walter, tog 117 A. R. J. Vancouver. Waah. , YOlT WILL LIKE OUR One to jo-ecr tracta Jit what yon want ft-r country home, W have with or without buildings Improved or unlm- S roved on carU:i and witmn auto nnviag Kimri from Portland. Telephone 63o or 31. First Siat li ariK. ureintro.jjr. ONTC acr,2"T7feet fromVarllnT40 minutes out for 1450. payable 143 cash and $4 50 per month and accrued interest at rate of T per cent per annum. THE 8HAW-FEAR COMPANY. lo3 Fourth St. Main 33. A 3T00. " READ THIS. If yon want something good at the right pT.ce and t.-rroe, clos to city, for subur ban bom or as an 1nvra:mnt. 11 us show you what w hav twfor you buy. INDUSTRIAL CO.. 4? Hamilton Blclg.. Portland, Or. ri-OPE-IV ACREAGE. W hav ? number of 3 and 10-sere tracta. cloae to city on carlln, at very reasonable price. Com la and lt us tall you what we nave. BLOCH REALTY. CO., 206 Alder St. 14 ACRES." 12 acres young"" orchard, apples and cherries. 1 acre strawberries, all kinds small fruit. 30 rhubarb. & chicken aous s, rood house, out buildings. SHVi an acre. terma. Inquire Llnnemaa station, Gres- bam car. fc. t. wegmaa. owner. llr. i r. run jt, $9jOO. about H cash, for an oiecant 6 acre piece, 3 blocks from electric sta tion, elegant modern fe-room house .3 acrea ore nam : a great Dargain. r. FUCHS. 221 W Morrison st. 4 fen a. n r 10 acres. 10 mile from courthouse, fae- r.y. owner. 110$ East Market sL phone i a jor 1 1 iu. ACRE TRACT. Multnomah Station. Oregon Electric, 17 minutes out; ricared; sight.; easy terma. F. H, Lew., 3 Lewis bldg. FOR BALE At a snap. I to acrea. all under cultivation, one block from carTine In Willamette. Inquire "Id Main sL. Ore gon City. ONE ACRE near Oak Grove on Oregon City road; e'VMl, only 3iO cash required, bal ance A per cenL W. U. Koaa, 513 Spalding 80 ACRES ON ELECTRIC LINE. 40 acres cleared and tn a high state of cultivation, right on the main county road, cloae to elec tric and steam lines, 40 acres tn good timber. Wa will sell the cultivated land for I'JOO an acre and the timbered land for ll'.'S an acre. 10 pr cent down and the balanc 10 per cent a .year. We will cut this Into any size pieces you desire, all in cultivation, or part tn cultiva tion part ln timber. This is fine garden land and la below the prevailing prices. RALPH AC K LEY LAND CO.. 170 Fifth StreoL Opposite Post of flea. 74 ACRES FOR $1200 CASH. BREAK LOOSE from city and be your own boas. I've done It after 30 years of slavery, and wife and X ara going to have the time of our lives with our chickens, fruit and vegetable. Only wanted 3 acres, but had to buy 30. so will sell bal ance to congenial neighbor. No Im provement1, but fine, groat trees, like a park, with living mountain stream fur nishing puro watr for home and Irri gation, making possible intensive fruit, berry and vegetable culture. Cord wood enough to almost pay for tract; lumber for bufldlna; cheap. Practically right on splendid auto road: now 4 miles from O. W. P., but will be only m to new Mt. Hood line. Store, church, school. H mile. Richest of soil. Write mo at once If ready to buy. No agents. AG Liu, Ore gon lan. 200 FEET FROM ELECTRIC STATION, ON INTKKL RbA.V About ac res. a 1 1 c leared ; 0-room house, grood barn 30x50. 3 good poultry hom" with creened-in runs: over 150 chickens, furniture, rugs, etc; 2 acres In wheal. 3 acre of oats. 1 acr potatoea, M appl and cherry trees; owner Is trav eling man and his firm has transferred hira to California, must s-U by June 1; easy terma. Inquire at 833 Chamber of Commarce. 3 ACRES $700 AN ACRE. On the Barr Road. H miles from the city limits and acroas the road from the Casmur tract. Half tne price of sur rounding property. Owner wants caan qui. k. Price for the 3 acre. $4200, half cash. Don't ask questions. Let us tak you to see it. A superb InvestmenL Ready to plat. J. P. FORD CO.. 513 Board of Trade Bldg. Phones Main or A 2S7. TEN acres, heat sediment soil, sometimes called beaverdam. an ciearea ana culti vated; level. thickly settled neighbor hood, cburrtf, school, store, near electric carilne; good countv road. R. F. D-. tele phone, etc; very desirable close-in subur ban acreage; 3250 per acre. 14 caah. bal ance 0 ner cent, or will sell 6 acres same terms. Ca". phone or write us. Do it now. J. W. HrTerlln Realty Cow. 203 Corbett bldg. Both phones. XCREACir. 123 to $70 per acre; 24O0 acra. sibdlvtded into 130 tracts of 9. 3. 10. 20. 30 to lOO acres each; bst fruit and gar den lend, deep soil, fin water, bo rooki en hour rid from Portland, rati and river transportation ; town and school ta center of tract ; good roads In front of every tract. Tour chanco to t-t an ideal xnonay-maklng home. These traeta sll oa eight to practical people. Call and snake aa early ictlon. McFARLAND INVESTMENT CCX. HO Corbtt Bldg. GOING TO CLEAN OUT. I have 113 acrea of fine level lnnfl, cut Into 5 and 10-acre tracts. This Joins the city of Sheridan; all good deep soil, no rof k or stone; all In crops; good roads and One wair; will sell on terms to suit buyer and 30 per cent lens than Joining property ts sold at. or mlcht exchange for good unincumbered Port hind property. If you are hunting for something good look thia up. C. O. NORTH. 1015 Board of Trad Bldg. CHEAP ACREAGE TRACTS. 5 and 10-acre tracts west of Beavorton. These tracts are so divided to give some of that rich beaverdam land that la so productive. Prices as low aa $140 per aero; good terms. RAND-READ CO., 310 Board of Trrfde TWO ACRES IN CITY. One block from E. Glisan st.. near Monravtlla car, nearly all in fruit and berries, i-roora house. Bull Run wstc-r; lots in Immediate vicinity aolllng for $tiOO and up. To appreciate this you must s-e It Price for a few days $4760. OSBURN BROS.. 603 McKay bldg. R E L I N QUI S H M E N T. For sate a relinquishment of 820 acres of land on the Columbia River near Pas co under a propoaed ditch. The land is of the best quality and the location is Ideal. Improved land in this vicinity Is selllnff at from 1100 to $200 per acre. Price $1800. T. F. BRYAN. COS and 37 Chamber cf Commerce, CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Portland. watir. best soil, free wood, splendid fruit dlatrlct; viw of Columbia River aad snow peeks; 2 acres $23o; acre $300. li acres $500. 20 acres $800; 10 per eaat cash, easy payments. FRANK. M'FARI.AND REALTY CO 4s.n DM. Vnrl land 4 2-3 ACRES right at St. Mary's Station . ., , 1 . vut nf Reaverton ana p nwi, ni't j at $350 per acre: $35 per acre caah and Sit 3d per acre each month and accrued Interest at rate of 7 per cvnt per annum. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPAXT. 102 Fourth SL Xfalw S.V A 3500. T ... . t tT-CT OR SflT .TV Within 10 day., nr.rly a" acre, cleared mall hou.e and barn: will consider city proparty In trade: a great opportunity for you- $1.V0 caah required. John P. W ton. I" Chamber ot Commarc, bld. phone Main ' 1Z0 ACRES. 10 mile, aoutheaat of Portland with elegant mi di rn. -ern bou.e, Jut rlaht for a country noma and offered at .pedal pric If taken thla W1THE 6HATT-FEAR COMPANY. ' 10" Four,'l SU X SS00. CLOSK-I.V CHICKEN RANCH. i arrea. T bcarlntf fmlt trea. rood T-room tanuM, 3 chlcken-houaea. alt fenced; 7 mlloa out. quaner mile from electric atatlon. Price 20.i for .hort time. j, , ....... . 42 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DOVT"BrtrNTH. YdC 6KE our 37.50 an acr. land: ba.t red-hot .oil; no rock; run nlna water, aom. timber, achool. mall. tcl-Tphon. and ood rod,:,,wnOU,7,:?2 Portland. T'"ir eholc. of 90 ten-acre fr.?t. for $375. Don't-delay. Palmer. 512 Coucn ois. 10 ACRES clf-.e to "A.rot" Acra and Mt. Jlu. At that price, whlcb la below value. ?t can b. aold ort in acr. tracta it about ioSl, th. Prtoe named. E. O. Tookar. 0u5 Gerlinger bldg. Fu -v Vv farm. 3 acrea, 3 room bouse. CcMr-hou. Hi acre In a.rd.n. 8 block, of good town on It. R. d 'ctrlo r.r "n: price 70O,.K50 - ' cn balaaca. Western Land Co.. Ftark at. EIGHT acres, cleared, m ncr.s pntatoea. ci UH Rlv-r. CowlU. County. W ash. I1IWO: and 40 acroa unimproved uvar Yaquina; 000. AUiaoo, 4IS Lumber Ex change. 1 HAVE a piece of acreag, at Beaverton that I win aell for caah. cheap; worth I.1-.0 rr acre, will take much less- Come I.! make ma an offr. Owner. 4oS Boaldlng bldg. Phone Main 863 , AND 10-acre tracts, clos. in, good electric car service, IluO to 2.10 per acre; 1 1 valuea. eaay terma J. W. Trlefferlln Realty Co.. K'3 Corbett bldg.. both ptiocoa, u ACRES rich land In crop, close to ' elec tric carilne. baa ainall house, chlcken hou. etc.: price !4'0 and eaay terma. W estern ir.o. - rOR!LE 120 acres cranberry bog. llva atream and easily draln-d; for further particular, apply to M C Blake. Jorth cove, ricui uum.ji . . . Tf ALAT1V VALLEY SNAP 26S acres. T Beiverton. f or ulck sale, at I1SO per "re. Easy terms. Aiidresa owner, AS 144. Oregonlan BY OWN-ERS acres, ten mile, on Oregon Elec-.ric near Tlgard. Ilea level and s htly SlSo Pec acre, aooat H caah. siw Sd at. Main PS5Q. iOVv"jrbe.t modern horn. In Cotta Grove, Or " acrea: fruit, city and running wa tr." Will all or trada. owner. 233 Wor cster bldg. 30 ACRES, rich land slightly J"-" In vetch and hay; fin. crop; prlc. J20OO. I..00 down, balance very easy terma. Tn eat em Land Co.. laH Stark at foiCiALE on eaay terma. 1224 acrea choice wheat land In GllUam County. Smith. 81 a 4CREA0E and farms, from f 12.30 per acre up large ard sn-.all traeta Call Klan.r f. Etampher. MM LombT Kxchang. bldg. 1 ACRE In fruit, S-room house, at AnabeL Leonard Bros.. SIT Chamber of Commirci. CITT acrea near Mount-Tabor, J 1700 and up. Phoce owner. East 3SS0. EQt'lTY In H acre, flna land, near HIUs boro; all In crop. 414 Corbett bldg. COMB OUT TODAY. Come out to A men's acrea today. Take the Cazadero or Gresham car (O. w. P.) at First and Alder. Leaves at fifteen mln rates to the hour every hour of the day. Get oft at Gilbert station and walk north on Buckley avenue. In ten minutes you will be on Amon'i Acres. Portland's new hlgh-clas acreage addition. 150 acre lots, each lot facing on a graded street; each' lot naving water in pipes and under pressure. Prices $730 to $800 each, terms. Ask about our "ao-day clause" a safeguard for the buyer tn event of illness or losa of employ menu Tf you can't go out today, call at out office tomorrow and make arrangements to go out by automobile. Auto service free. Illustrated folder free on request. We also have some splendid photographs taken on the property. HOWARD S. AVON COMPANY. 625-6 Yeon bMg., Portland, Or. Main 1400, A 3213. ApREAGEl. ' t 4ft00 acres in one body, platted Into tracts of one-half to 20 acres each, with a complete and traveled road along each lot; some lota hlsh -ind sightly, some low; black garden land; others with running water; ail of the very host of soil, no rock or gravel and only 40 minutes out on either electric or steam line. Bee the orchards, berry patches, gardens and satisflod buyers on this acreage and you will look no fur ther. Prices range from $125 to $500 per acre, a cording to location and Stat of improvement. Payable ln monthly Installments. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth St. Main 5 S&00. TILLAMOOK acreage in hands of mort gagor, one mile from postoffloe and court bouse, hsilf-mite from Harriman terminal grounds, practically all cleared and level; 14 acres, of which 13 is in cultivation, as close to the city as land which has sold for $;0 per lot; main thoroughfare on one side and road on another; lies splendid for platting proposition; land ad joining less desirable has sold for $400 per acre. This land, right on the out skirts of the thriving city of Tillamook, can be bought for the same price per acre as ha been paid for beach lota ln remote places. A whole acre right next to the city limits of Tillamook for the same price a a remotely situated beach lot 50xl00. To the investor demanding rea sonable conservatism this Is a splendid buy. Remember Tillamook City property has enhanced 100 per cent In the past three years; It will repeat it the next thtfce; $5500 take It; half cash, balance '"James walton, jr., tillamook. WEBSTER ACRES. IDEAL POULTRY RANCHES, TRUCK FARM a, BERRY AND GARDEN TRACTS, SUBURBAN HOMES. 1 TO VACRE TRACTS JUST OUTSLDE CITY LIMITS. Openmg prices. $350 to -$550 per acre. Terms. 10 per cent cash, balance very easy monthly payments. If you are Fn the market for a nice 1 to 5-acre tract. Just at the gateway of the City of Portland, do not fall to look over these matchlesa tracts. For fullest particulars call at office or aend name and address for literature. J. O. EIaROD, OWNER, 6 IS-51 1 Corbett Bldg- Portland, Or. OWN YOUR OWN HOME IN GARDEN ACRES. Then you can manage your own affairs and wtll not have to work for others. The moat independent people v have today are those who have homes suburban to the large cities. GARDEN ACRES are only 45 minutes out on the Salem electric, and but BOO yards from the station to tracL No better soil In Oregon, for all kinds of fruit and vegetables. You can buy 5, 10 or more acres, and virtually dictate your own terms. No better opportunity will ever present Itself for you to declare your Independence and be a free man. Thla acreage is being sold at much lesa than you can buy like values elsewhere. J. M. FRENCH A CO.. 412-413 Abingtoa bldg., loO1 Third sL SUBURBAN ACREAGE. THE BEST. THE CHEAPEST. I bave one 5-acre tract and one 4-acra tract which I want to dispose of at once. The price is- $.V)0 per acre; land adjoin ing sells for $S00 per acre. It Ilea on the O. W. P. at Gresham. 4O0 feet east of the station on streetcar track. 40 min utes' ride; haa fine runninr water; partly bottom land and some upland, all cleared. You can have city water and electric lights. Would xnak beautiful suburban borne. . . Bee owner, G. H- Dammeler, at land, or hZi Board of Trade bldg. FOR SALE ACREAGE. Sheridan; 54 cleared and ln crops, balance Oil H , wii a i ' magnlhcent view; will sell all or part $60 per acre. Good terms. 40 acres, two miles from Sheridan, Aa fruit land; $00 per acre, terms. 215 acres, 6 mites from Sheridan, on good road. 50 acrea bottom land, cleared. Deauviu. view, iwv a a through land; this haa been passed on as Ai iruil lanu. Prl ce $ 60 per acre, g-od terms. Might consider trade for Portland unincumbered property. & Q NORTH, 101S Board of Trade Bldg. GARDES aoSls HOMES. HUM ts. X, a ana o-re n--i-, . lng. adjoining Hlllsboro, county seat of from Portland. Ride by rail through the tracts. in nv iwi -.- .;, C uOG0 population and these acres will be worth what aimilar acres are worth ad joining cine i - and Chicago vis.. $3000 per acre, and . . . ... -. cvwi trt aeon. cant M oaw ' . Xl&erat term. vu- A . flee or call at Washington County Land company. m uumc. nt-n u.. 4j ACRES choice Hlllsboro land; mile to electric ime; a bcio .,. . rA vasspsarahlawB well-built house: fine wet!. Bare land is worth, my prlc of $1250; $"00 cash, balance eaay terma Owner, 41S Corbett oiag. 157 ACRES, on Oregon Electric and on Tualatin River, all fine land and more than one-hail ciearea a. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 102 Fourih SL ' Main 85. AS500. We have a nice 4-acra tract on the Oregon Electxlo to sell reasonable wita terms. J. S. BERTRAND CO.. 43$ Chamber of Commerce. Dealers ln Farm Land and Acreage, Takes 40 acres of excellent land at West Wood num. on &aiem eifcuic, ble; only S2uv0 cash. Will consider Port . land property up to $3v0. rmt KIRK-WHITE REALTY COMPANY. 17 Lewis Bldg. Main 4&3. V- ID fl) E One acre with good, modern house and all kinds ot iruu. in in cu waukle; price $5000; will exchange for x arm. GRUPPI ft ZADOW, it Rord of Trade blclg.. 4th and Oak. 10 AND 13 acres, all in a high state of cul tivation; ricn macs: sou, m tion; no better land ln state; will produce . v.. oUntaH thlx climate. FOR BALJ i wo acre in c u w-k, and corner lot on KlUingswortn ave. ana c 4u .a $0 ACRES, all under cultivation, with small brush land aoross th road sold for $t25 ner acre. G. A. Kasper, 41$ Ablngton bldg. ft10-100 ACREiC deep soil, near electric cariine, convenient n ri . w-j f- acre: $400 down, balance easy terms. 12 4 ACRES, fine 8-room house, nice Sum mer kiicnen,- large Darn, line tow Biau'--. granary, hoghouse, 3 chicken-houses, fine famiiy orchard in full bearing, two good wells, beautiful ahrubbery and flowers; all kinds of berries in bearing, garden f Kan ted; everything ready to move in and ive; place ail cleared and close to sta tion; only 40 minutes' ride from heart of city; price 1000, good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. 102 Fourth Sl Main S3. A 3300. BIG BARGAIN. 10 acres, ail in full bearing orchard in fine shape, 11 years old. iieB fine, crop this year should net about $10O0; place lies on two fine main county rouds, 1 milea from Portland in very thickly-settled district. 5 blocks from electric sta tion; also high and graded schools and good town; price $-100; $050 cash, balance to suit you. Land joining selling for $00 per acre. This is a genuine bargain. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 51t-0-21 Railway Exchange. 1200 ACRES of excellent soil, cloae to rail road and electric line, aoout so muea from Portland, in Washington County; about 20 per cent cleared and under culti vation, several seta of good buildings and about 12,OiM.000 feet of saw timber; an excellent proposition for sub-dividing into 20 and 40-acre tracts and a snap at $30 per acre; $15,000 will handle. KaufCmann St Moore, 8,5 Lumber Exchange. AN IDEAL investment. A beautiful 25- acre tract, cloae in. all in cultivation. food house and several other buildinRs; wells, 3 acres orchard, about 3uui feet countv road frontage; can be sold ln lots at once. If you want a snap where you will double your money in short time, look thia ua Win take good house la city as uart payment. Price $S50 per acre. L. 14S, Orcgoman. BARGAIN , At Tigard Station. 5 acres, all in cultivation; fine bam; 1 acre in genuine beaverdam; 5 blocks from Tlgard atation lies fine just slopa enouah for drainage on main road; price $1S00; terms. CO-OPERATTVE REALTY COMPANY, 510-20-21 Rallwa y Exchange. i EXTRA CHEAP. 6 acres, all in high state of cultivation; lies nice and level, all in crops, on main county macadamised road, 1.1 miles tro:n Portland, 2 blocks from electric station, fine open country, thickly settled. Price 15O0; $"75 cash, balance to suit. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, 519-20-21 Railway r,xcnange. 160 ACRES, about one-half heavy timber, ..... i nn P.anniirtnwn road and nine miles northwest of Courthouse, this Is $75 per acre below real value; own er anxious to sell. See us. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, 1U2 Fourth SU Main 35. A S500. 1 1 -ACRE chicken end fruit ranch, -room cherrv trees, also blackberries, red rasp berries; $3500, mortgage $1000 6 pr cnt; some cash, balance trade auto, contract or lot; near two cariine. Inquire of o wner, 403 Morrison. Phone 31 am 43t. THE cheapest acreage of bottom land ever . .f" .... K 1ll.TB faff put on tne mai &ei m - - wvthln 15 miles of Portland. Two good v agon roads on both electrio and steam roairs. land cleared and plowed. M'.tchell & Co.. 5uS Rothchild bids., 4t a and Washington. $25 per acre; Just the thing that you want as an investment; $25 cash and $ per month; no let ureal or taxes on a -acra tract. . A. B. HALL & CO.. 302 Rothchild Bldg. THINK THIS OVER. 30 acrea. 15 cleared. 12 under the plow, abundance of spring water, deep rich sol . good barn, house. mile from school, one mlie from depot; 22u0. term. L 14t. BEAUTIFUL acreage on Powell Valley road near viuoeri j . - to $8i0 per acre, terma 10 per cent cash. 2 per cent per month. M. C. George, own er" Phone B 220 or B 102L our auto witi take you ouu Very best aandy loam, slightly rolling, fruit trees bearing, living tream. all in cultivation. 4 blocks to school, close to electric atatlon, 3 minutes from Port land: terms. u itv, 11000 $-i50 CASH, gets you a nice home; hair acre lano, nouse. '".C"-,,U;'"J- -chard, garden, berries; half mile from oc car fare: terms to suite. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY, Railway Exchange, 7-room house! 15 big. fin. cherry trees, apples, pears, berries, rich soil; 1SOO; terms. X. O. Barker, 327 Mohawk bldg. Main 1012 - FIXE LITTLE COUNTRY HOME. On electric line. 4.62 acres, lios fine, good soil; only 150 cash. Slu per month. r..., 0r,r m 1111-212 Lewis bids. V ACRE, cleared, small house, large barn; worth 11400. Yours for $000. half cash. Tremont Station. Goddard, 505 Yeon bldg. onaerim opponmun. SO acres, ln high cultivation, bearing orchard, one mile to school, postoffice and Blure. xi it". .m SO ACRES, 12 miles from Lyle. Washlng- . rfi.i.H Innufm A7 f Lia.SK& IUU. r Ur p.tuu.M. w. PRETTY suburb and acreage homes along BL OWNER Small tracts near Oregon t Ity cai.ine onu on nnmmCi. -. W. Meiarum, meiui um pony.. KOR BALE by owner, one acre, all In bear ing iruu. ciu ij w - -ta a iA Orecrnnian. 200 ACRES unimproved fruit land, well . j. .ok . 17 111 f" Ir.-.nnlTti ACRE near Garden- Home station. $550; terms. Tabor 97, or Marshall 1377. FOR SALE 10 acres in Mosler-Hood River district. f i4v, urcfiuiiimi. Homeateaaa. ADVANTAGES OF OREGON 100-pag. bo. gives amount of Government land open I. homestead, ln each county In the States ot Oregon and Waahlngton. and descrlptlaa ,f aame; givea homestead, deaert, timber, tone, coal and mineral laws; two maps of Oregon In colore. 21x28, showing R. R, ln operation, on. ahowing all proposed R. R. and electrio lines, including Eaatern aJ Central Oregon. 20o each, or three flOo, aiap of Washington In colors. 21xS, 20a, Nlmmo. Runey Co.. Hamilton bldg. RELINQUISHMENT. For sale, a relinquishment of 820 acres of land on the Columbia River near Pas co under a proposed ditch. The land Is of the best Quality and the location la ideal. Improved land ln this vicinity la selling at from ,100 to $200 per acre. Pric. louu. u v rrya.n;. 505 and 507 Chamber of Commerce. RELINQUISHMENT for aale If you "lean business ana want a iw will relinquish my 160 acrea ln Hood River valley, iarwi-iiu.1 . X. C. to postomce, icnwi .w. wagon road, several springs, good soil and umoer: ,tuv. j" .-, . - hnnIHt,.. or timber claims adjoin lng 7 UOO.O00 beautiful, large, old-growth fir on each. 700 each tor relinquish ments 31. aiarquaju uiua- ahall 694. YOU can be located on a few of th. best timber claima lelt In Oregon: timber will cruise from 3,000.000 to; eaay to get out; near new ranroau- GUMM, o23 Cham, of Com. TWO homestead entries ln Walla Walla County; price 10u0. 11100; these entries are very valuable and a snap at the price; Improved lands In vicinity aell lor $50 per acr.. inon. iogo. BRITISH Columbia lands. pre-emption, homesteads, coast districts. Call in circu lars on application. A. B. Hall A Co.. Su2 Rothchild bldg. TWO homesteads or timber claims adjoin ing, (.OvO.wU beautiful, large, old-growth nr on each, $700 each for relinquishments. 313 Marquam bldg. Phone Marshall 6&4. RELINQUISH MEN'T. fine located homestead, 40 acres, ax Umatilla project. .AC 132, Oregonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment for sale and can locate you on homestead eight miles from R. "R. 221Failing bids. " For Sale Frnit Lands. REOAIN your health and accumulate wealtb growing apples ln th. famoua Hood River-Al osier district, on our new plan. A amall caah payment will start you right. Call or writ, for beautiful fre. booklet. HOOD RIVER ORCHARD LAND COMPANY. 807 Yeon bldg. 10 ACRES. FULL-BEARING ORCHARD. Within 7 miles of city, 5 minutes' walk from two carllnes; very easy payments: price SG500. Goldschmidt's Agency, 2i3;i Washington, cor. 3d- FOR SALE Orchard land. Hood River Val ley, writ. Fred Holsteen, Burlington, Ia.; discount for cash, work for purchase price, money advanced for powder aad treaa, us. of toola without expense." TWENTY acres in young trees, adjoining Mosler View orchards; 1175 per acre for quick aale; (1500 caah will handle. B 132, Oregonian. MOSIER fruit land, 154 miles south of sta t'on; tracts from 1U to 440 acres; price from lli to Sls.0 per acre. G. L. Steel smith. Hi Kerby st. Woodlawa 111. BY OWNER -A section unimproved fruit land in White Saimon Valley, in part or whole. M 135. Oregonian. MOSIER orchard bargain; 80 acrea ready for plow; 31 light clearing; J5O00, (1500 cash. D 133. Oregon IT .-l O 3 C iCH balance In 60 monthly payments, w, will guarantee to turn over to you In five years a bearing orchard in perfect con dition ln THE HEART OF THE HOOD RIVER VALLEY. THE TIRED OFFICE OR PROFESSION AL MAN Is ASSURED of health and independenc. in a valley renowned for its beautiful scenery climate, prosperous orchards and cultured neighbors and where profit, of $500 net per acre are not unusual. WE CAN PROVE TO YOU that the prices we ask are half those of adjoining orchards. Our tract la on main county road, opposite schoolhouse and close to stores, churches and shipping sta tion. Telephone lines and daily mall de-4 livers. Prices no higher than you would pay in remote and untried districts. CALL OR WRITE OREGON-WASHINGTON DEVELOP MENT CO.. Marshall 1693. 711-712 Couch bldg. Hood River orfice. Third and Oak ts. HOOD RIVER SNAP. $450 per acre will buy one of the best 2rt-acre orchards in the well-known Hood P.lver Valley if taken AT ONCE: NEAR LY ALL in standard varletlea of apples: a good part ln full bearing; also small family orchard; good house, barn, out buildings, team. Implements and tools: fine spring water in the house; "biggest, bargain ever offered; produced almost 100 boxes of apples season 1010, and more in sight this year. If you really want a place in the Hood River Valley where you can have & beautiful home and be come independent raising apples, investi gate this without delay; (osOO cash, bal ance easv terms. DEVLIN & FIR EB AUGH, Dt7 Yeon Bldg. WILL YOU PLANT A 100-ACRE OREGON APPLE ORCHARD? No Cash Payment Required. In the famous Rogue River Valley. In Oregon, the blue ribbon fruit belt of America, on main railroad. I own a tine apple and pear tract of over 100 acres, which I will deliver to reliable party able to develop se. at one-fifth price at which adjoining planted tract are now selling. No cash down, payments $25 per acre per year, beginning 114. When planted should bring you five times the price now asked. Only parties of high standing with means for development con sidered. Addrefs W. T. Reed, 634 Near York Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. nriohN-nfTBiLLS oittlook-good. GOLDENDALE, Wash., May 25. (Special.) Reports from Goodnoe Hills are mat the peach crop this year will be large. Melona were shipped from the hills to th. outside market for the first time last year, and such a demand was created that one man alone will have 40 acrea thia year. The nut. trees ln this section are doing well. About 1000 acres have been planted to almonds.' We have 1800 acrea at Goodnoe Hills, all surveyed and plat ted, that wo are selling at correct prices and terms. Call for further Information Oil. NORTHERN TRUST COMPANY, 270 Stark Street. MOSIER APPLE LAND. The very best Investments ln apple land are to be had in the celebrated Mosler district; work will soon commence on elec tric railway up Mosler Creek, when all property will advance; buy now and reap benent of improvement; SO acres, about half e'eared, $100 per acre. Noth g better than this. 40 acres, r75 per acre, about all clear. 20 acres. $75 per acre. 40 acres, $'10 per acre. See me about these. THOS. McCUSKEK. 329 Lumbermen's bldg ENJOY LIFE And at the same time make it profitable by purchasing 5 acres of choice apple orch ard, which I will bring into bearing in the finest valley in Oregon. 35 milea from Portland; best of red-ehot soil, will grow anything; with each tract 1 will give building site ln a beautiful park near stream and falls and put electrio light and water on same. This is ideal Sum mer home, and you can move right in and spend your vacation. Will make good terms to good people. Thos. McCusker, 320 Lumbermen! bldg. HOOD RIVER SNAPS. 20 acres, all good apple land, 10 acres cleared part in orchard, large creek and spring, fair buildings, on main county road, only 3H miles from town: nlggest snap- ever orfered; price only $250 per acre: $1000 cash will handle It. See us at once. DEVLIN F1REBAUGH, 00, yeon Diag. FOR SALE $900 equity in beautiful S-acre apple orchard. Spltzenbergs and New towns: 2?,-year-old trees. 10 walnut trees, situated North Yamhill Valley, 1 mile from railroad station. Payments $94.50 quar terly for 3'-), years more and 4 per cent Interest. Taxes fully paid and care of trees guaranteed for same term. Apply FOR SALE Ten acres orchard land, near Lyle, Wash., at 25 per cent below market for part cash. Phone Eaat 2D2L ' For Sale Farms. ALL OREGON. Good Terms. 22.000 acrelT $12.50 per acre. 7.300 acres. $15 per acre. 8,400 acres. 56 per acre. 2,700 acres, $25 per acre. 610 acres. $50 per acre. ll6 acres, orchard, $23,000. ?0 acres, tine dairy, $100 per acre. 275 acres, fine stock and dairy farm, 460 acrea,. mile waterfront, $32,000. It0 acres, near Portland. $1500. 63 acres, 12 miles out, $160 per acre. 10 acres, well improved, $5000. 65 acres, fine land. $2-100. 21 acres, wel improved, $250. Above Just a few of tracts we have for sale. Call at office for full particulars; you win uuu .uc. oo . 7.TflKRMAN 310 Board of Trade bldg. 337 ACKrJS, miles irum d.iu.. jected electric line; survey runs th ugh place, fenced and cross-fenced: 150 acres in growing crop; small house; big new. latest model barn, with patent stanchions for 30 cows, stalls for 10 head of horses, grain bins, hay lofts with shoots and all equipment; running water from never failing spring in house and barn; wood on the timber part will pay for the land; this has a ready sale close at hand. Horses, harness, wagons, walking and rid ing plows, drills, mowers, rakes, etc, all go with place; can give Immediate posies-lion; a fine Place for fruit and grain: will divide; terms on part if wanted. Price per acre, $U0. T. B. Kay, owner. Salem, Or. SPECIAL 40 acres. 8-room house. large barn, outbuildings, 33 acres under cul tivation, in crop, team of horses, cows, hogs, chickens, tools, househo d goods, on county road, mail route, milk rou te 2-vi miles from town on R. R. and I t, mile from electric cariine; $5800. $25100 down balance 3 years. 7 per cent. Western Land t0.. "-i Pi-am TWO CHOICE FARMS 360 acres, 6 miles from The Dalles, 2O0 In wheat. 10 acres aifalfa. family orchard, 8-room house, modern outbuildings, creek and railroad pass through place. $15,000 easy terms. 108 acres. 5 miles from The Dalles, all tillable creek runs through place; fair buildings; 26 acres orchard; $10,600. J A. DOUTHIT. The Dalles, Or. 42 y, ACRES, river bottom, 30 acre, ia crop, Stroom house, barn, chicken-house. god well, team of mares, cow. farm in pig ments, 20 hogs, chickens, one mile from town, on R. R.. less than 30 miles from Portland; price $6L00, S200O down, bal ance terms. Western Land Co., 4o Stark st. . 47 ACRES near Toledo. Wash., In the beau tiful Cowlitz River Valley; nicely located, on county road and near steamer landing, some improvements: the finest located Iruit and poultry farm in the West; price reasonable. Write owner, A. R. Badger, Toledo. Wash. " FARMS. " Well located, small Irrigated tracts in Jackson County, Or. Suitable for alfalfa or fruit. Price $200 an acre. Suite 605 Lumbermen, -bldg. Marshall 1906. 60 ACRES Splendid land, good house, barn, fenced, on county road, 15 acres in cul tivation, balance easy cleared, good water. 3 miles from R. R. ; price $3.i00, $loua down, balance easy terma. Western Land Co.. 24iL:,, Stark st. GREAT SNAP. $4000 and only $1500 cash for a good 41-acre farm, 15 miles from Portland, in the celebrated Damascus country, nothing aa cheap around there. F. FUCHS, 221 n Morrison St. 160 "ACRESrmorethan40 In-cultivation, fail buildings and some orchard, right clos lo a good county seat town in the Wil lamette Valley; price $4500 half cash, and time on the balance. J. E. Smith, oil Chamaer of Commerce TWO homestead entries In Walla Walls County: price $10"0 ar.d $1200; these en- ' tries are very valuable and a snap at th pri-;e: Improved lands In vicinity sell foi . iu .i.e. 270 ACRES ln Yamhill County, about 20 acdes c.ear good house, barn, springs, etc. 70 acres timber: fine redahot solK Prlc. $5J! per acre. Thos. McCusker, 328 Lum bermen sbldg. 320 ACRES desert land eniry .i... Walla Walla County. Washington. Re claimed lands adjacent sell from $100 t tiHD per acre. This is a, snap; must seL at once. Phone A 1959. ; FARMERS AND HOMESEEKERS. All kinds of choice farms from 5 acrei to 30 000 in a bunch. Good values and square deal given to everybody. F FUCHS. 2214 Morrison St. FOR SALE Bargain in small farm. II acres. 16 miles from Portland.. 8 minutes walk from new electric station:' price, ln. eluding log bungalow, good barn, all new, $5000. Ai" 141. Ores-oaf A 4