THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAX, rOKTLAyP. MAY 28, 1911. TrW TODAY. An Ideal Location for a Home Hizh and sicbtly, close in. on ood rarline, ovcrl-mainy the entire eity. Streets gra.Ied and water main in; ii fat-;rrotn; unction. retrirtd to residence only. Lot 50x100. Build restriction. S1"m). Special ic diirements to builders. Prices s-iOO and up. Terms 10 lr fut down and 2 r cent per month. Take V-V ear to 41 t and Ungate M-. and walk one blix-k ea. A rent on (rround all day Sunday to show property. For further partici ljr inquire THE LAWRENCE CO. Successors to tha Dunn-La wrencs Co, 248 ALT EE STREET 5 ACRES Near eitr limits, enst of Mt. Tabor. Trice 2i"0. One-third eab. balance three years. A very desirable home tract. 5 ACRES All cleared. 3-ear-ld family or chard. h'ue, barn and outbuilding ; four miles from city limits. A model chicken or berry ranch. A.VV.LAMBERT&GO. 4M East Abler St. Kat MO Phones B 1910 Income $2520 PRICE $18,000 NEWLY IMPROVED PROPERTY TERMS CHAPIN& . HERLOW taauMira. Would You Pay 5c A Square Foot for a Choice. Lcrel Quarter or Half-Acrs Gar den Tract? Bct of soil, all in rlover. on macad amized streets, faeinp Mt. Tabor. Fin est tracts and greatest bargains in Portland. Platted yesterday. Only 6 tracts. Eay terms. If so, be quick bout it, and see or phone Geo. A. Riggs PI . Spaldin? Buildine. 1 bone Marshall 2746. Roidenee, C 104". W Net J the income on a qnarter business bl-wk which the owner is compelled to '1I at sacrifice to protect other investments. Price 19.50O $12,000 rash. Imjuirr McCARGAR BATES & LIVELY S01 Yeon Bldx. 10 ACRES A beautiful tract of ten acres at .Mt. Tahor, on riOth street, just ripe for subdivi sion, at a very low price, with pinnl terms. Rand, Read & Co. 31(5 Board of Trade. IIIK.tL ( Ol VTIIt MOWR. Ii arres a'olnlPC corporle limits S;.averton. hlMy Improved. sod hulld ln and watrr: Iti apple fees, tan.l nrt varieties, frooi wnUh boxes of apllea were marketed last year: ITS tena 3 S -year-oul arpea. all kinds of frutta, berrtca. fvcry Inch tf land under u Mtl n and Ideal I'oiln.ll rt ami both mountain in view from front pirch of house. t.nd beaittifullv I J.Mafel ana on two roe.ii.. r.. i - n--i fot apolv, IVIM exrhance for Portland vropertv. Tvilrtv-on. minutes eletrlc r...l from ivrtland. lie fare. ihrtce $'m0. term. THR s Vt:s. M reta MaUa'aa. rrlaa. Or. W. H. Grindstaff bas remoted from 510 Commercial l'.iock to 1125 Yeon Buildin? ilain 873 A 734 2 MW TODAY. HAVE YOU SEEN S:tuatl In the mld't of the rint orchard trat In 0n. with scenery of unurpalr rrandt-ur on all the town of trtly end eurroundinrj country 1 brlstllna- wiih opportunities for the mn with a tew hundred dol lars to Inrest. . 2400 Acres I. b.ina- r-latted ,n Mv . " 2"" 2-5 tract.. nd over THREE H(nRtD . HK hare already been planted to I ie holcst varieties of apples. These trarte are old on the eaay payment IUn an.l are cared for b competent hortlcultlurlt for five yer. at which time a Hir.HLV rBDHTIF. orchard la turned over to the purchaser. A Few Hundred Dollars down and email monthly payment will make you the owner of a beautiful ne erre tract tiiat will be worth five tlmea the original coet at the end of rive year. . Inveettfjate today, tomorrow mar too late. HOOD RIVE Orchard Land Company OW.1KM. Devlin & Firebaugh Ki ackjit, ear ti:n m n.iiiMi. Holladay Farms are tha very heel (elected landi In the Willamette Valley. Latins; exception ally ceep rirh cmjII. aultahle for any kind of Harden truck or fruit raiting. - HOLLADAY FARMS re now on tlie market In f. 1. 30-acre tracts, in a ma i wmi" wi and ellaMly roaina. with aome of the mfl nrkiiuiui lufivuuuiuf j the state. HOLLADAY FARMS are adjoined by the famous I.owhdale Annie Orchard which has the dletlnc tion of produ'-lna a world's prise apple p.. k. and also the Prince walnut Or chards. HOLLADAY FARMS are only about two hours' run by auto or train on the Fourth-street or Jeffer-eon-etreet railroads. We will soon have the Orea-on Electric to St. Joe Junc tion: w. dow Cava river transportation. HOLLADAY FARMS are the tracts you should see before buytnr elsewhere. You are Invited to so with us and loak them over. HOLLADAY FARMS ar. th. lowest-priced trscts to be had anywhere around Portland, only $l&o and 2'li per acre. Terms ran be ar ranged. Get further particulars. Gowen-Ide Trust Co. ' Raaas X Lasakeraaei aa Bids;. v 3712. A 1332. B New, Beautiful Addition West Side; Sloping: ' U Southern Hills.' R Portland's Finest L Residence District' IS Minutes From the' Heart of City; N JA The Best tores tin eat in Portland M WESTIDE- CO. MADISON PLDG. 5 MADISON H4RSH. 980. A 47-47. Owner Offers Home $5500 This place in Holladay "s Addition is modern, with all conveniences; seven room and reception hall, fine fire place: everything in first-class con dition; lot' 50x100, one block from Broadwav ear, near 8th st. Phone Main fCti or A Ask for Mr. Rojrers. READY FOR SUB-DIVISION Nearly six seres. Jolnlnir a fine ad ltlon where lota ar. e!iin; at an av ere of IjoO each. Close to car. and fine neliliborbol. Kor further Information call at our of f it-.. TATE INYESTR1ENT CO. r-kveae vlareSall 34. ani-S ( awch Bla. - Baak la r.rtla.4 Realty. SPRAYING For cod'.lnir moth should e don. now. to Ineare p.-r feet fruit. With my new Ir'alrbanka-Morse pow er epraver and l. pert help 1 ran do your spraying- at rea sonable price. consitent with tits;ti icrade work. Machine easily moved to any locality within 100 miles of Port land. Alfred Jcselson. ORCHARDISTS 41 rkiailer 9t rSniTTf. Mala EST sfOCrn1 cash and balance to suit OaCuUU will buy from own.r th. most attractive, convenient and b t built, new. seven-room, eaet - faclna; noma In Jrvlnirton: $100 below actual value If taken this week. Oak floors, mantel. bookcaaea. buffet. celilna; beams, nleeplns-porrh. Ilshtlns; fls turea. tlntlns;. etc. Immediate posae elin If Interested ee It befor. huvlnB. foil anv lime. JS Kant S4th ' . N. Take Broad say car to titanton u 'o asenta. ORTLEY MW TODAT. COME TO G s R T EH G I o E H R Y Thks Advantage of Our Bit FREE RENT OFFER By the terms of this offer we fur nish you with a nice Ianre tent bnupilow. built on a fine 50x100 foot lot, in Gregory Heights. It is eool and comfortable, and you will enjoy living in one this Sum mer. A lot purchased on the eay payment plan is the means of your pettinj? this FREE KENT. We furnish everything. In Gregory Heights, cement sidewalks and curbs are now beins" laid. Bull Run wstcr is in, and all lots command a fine view. The ear ride is short, along the Sandy road, most direct Hue in the eity. Ixts as low as $200, on terms. Come to Gregory Hei.its today. Take Rose City Park car to end of line. INVESTMENT C0.o,KP WHEN YOU CAN BUY Lata la Ardeawald. only 20 minutes from Klrt snd Alder ta.. for 1400 to n. with graded street, aldewalks built, water piped to each lot and elec tric llahtlns: Installed, why look for something; bettert It la aot to be taad. Terms easy, and Improvements all paid for. KAPP MACKEt, SI2-13 Board of Trad. Rlda. Hawthorne District New 7 -room house, modern through out, well built, aleeptn; porch, flre pUce. full cement basement, four bed rooms; near csrllne: at a low prlca. be owner today, 317 Kast S7th at, MERCHANTS SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY ROSSMERE A first-class restricted residence dis trict, with all the improvements, con veniences and requirements of the particular homebuildcr, with prices that are right. Take Rose City car to 3!th street. Our representative, Mr. Cater, on ground afternoons. CLARK-COOK COMPANY Baem Board af Trade Bide. Mala A tU. You can never know the true condition of the title to your . property without investigating OUR ABSTRACTS Tell It AH. m&OjDOO JAin-tJP raaltal fcealad every abetrar r. ereearo. Member Oreaoa . -1 mt Title Mr,. Pordand Heights EXCLUSIVELY Beautiful Homes , Lots Quarter Blocks Acreage Home from I300O to I50.00S. I) from ISOO to 5".ni). Tract all le and price, fan ult homeseeker or bar Sain bunur.s BROOKE SJ4I.X 3551. 3839 SEE MT. HOOD FROM YOUR OWX FRONT PORCH. Ton enn btiv a home In the beautiful Irvlnaton Iltrlct on monthly pay ment, no more than rent- forner Weldl.f and Twenty-ninth treet: one olock from new Broadway carllne. Thorouithlv modern uli-roora house with le.plna'-porcli. fireplace, built-in bookcaM:. turnace, (a, electricity. loqulr. of own.r. FIDF.MTT TRIST fOMPAXV, SOI Board ,.f Trade Rids. Marahall 1TRT. SCff MORTGAGE LOAN" sfl F.UWARD E. GO! DEV. - i.cwla Uaildlas. tT rv ri XEW TODAT. GOOD ONES $15,000 72x100 on Irving. Apart ment site. ?17,00O 50x112 on 20th, near "Washington. ?20,000 55x110, with 2-story build ing. Rent $140 per month. $27,500 50x100 near City Hall. $33,000 50x100 on "West Park, just south of Morrison. $35,000 70x100 on 11th, near Main. Apartment site. $35,000 100x150 on 22d, near Glisan. Pine apartment site. $3G,OO0 78x100 on 21st. near "Wash- I ington. 'Improved. S36.000 114x132 on 21st, near Wash ington. Jiest apartment site in the citr. $45,000 100x141 on Upper "Washing ton st. ?50,0O0 70x98 on Upper "Washing ton. 50,000 80 feet frontage on "Wash ington. Pine corner. KEASEY, HUMAS0N & JEFFERY 232 Chamber of Commerce. GOOD ABSTRACTS Mean OUR Abstracts Onr capital of $200,000, all paid up is behind every ab stract we prepare. When we issue an abstract, it shows the exact condition of the title to the property under search. Our Abstracts Protect You When you buy or loan money on real estate insist on an abstract with our cer tificate attached. Then you know you're safe. LAWYERS ABSTRACT & TRUST CO. 6 Board of Trade Bis. . Members Oregon Assn. of Title Men. ie an Offer ThatfsAll We Want On 60-acre dalty farm, two miles from station, one mile to boat landing: barn S6X.72 feet, full concrete basement, water piped Into barn and house; cream route, telephone. Rood neighborhood, bearing orchard, auto road. This place will be sold this week, and before sell Ins we want an offer from you. wheth er you want It as a farm or aa an Investment. IT MUST BE SOLD And It wilt pay you to Investigate, Flrat Stat. Bank. Oreaham. Or. Holladay's Addition Th. one BEPT place In Portland to buy. GEOGRAPHICAL CENTER and MOST DESIKABLiS resldenc. property of tha city. SF.F.IXG IS BEXIEVIWQ PETTEH so and the many CHOICE resi dences under contruction and Ui Im provement solns on. The Oregai Real state Company G RAXD AVE- AVH MUfuT?f OMAH 8T. BIG SNAP! Strlctlv modern 8-room residence on ruinn in 1 .A addition, mult be old at once; value 17500; op market for a lew day oniy ai esiuu. About I2800 cash and 130 per month. If looking for a fine horn, at a sacri fice, don't overlook this. CiRl SSI at UDOW, . S17 Board f Trad. Blds 4tk aad Oak. Ma! fcTOI R mGAT I OSSSk fWPUBLIC LANDpX if ll'TOUaREEKTITtfDTOriUOSI jl jj IVll OOACIKSOeiRmGATlDt.AND.. I r5V MAKE APauCATION NOW jjf VKv-V cofmiioRCiRfuTnNCO PTfl fvv s'svttctiaaGtauMV s&9M 1W TODAT. 0 $1000 Mortgage Left Off T.ffliHiL"'"l'''l,'"""'r . i i 1. .L..I...I louring ine past. ww. a" was brought to a well-known at torney to examine. As it was made by a concern of nllecrerl "title searchers" a company without any "equipment for good abstract wort wun out any standing or any capital to make their certificate of value, the attorney refused to pass upon it. A nerw abstract was prepared by one of the responsible companies of Portland a member of this association and submitted to him to examine. This showed that a mort gage for $1000 had been left .off of the "title searchers" abstract. Had the sale gone through without this mortgage being discovered the pur chaser would have had to pay the mortgage in addi tion to the purchase price Omissions of this sort are com mon occurences in the work of irresponsible abstract concerns. You can't afford to risk a like occurence. Suprfosing: you had boupht prop erty aad had to pay $1000 more than you expected I Then yon 'd see the importance of good abstracting. If you are interested in good ab stract work, look this up. The abstract in question is on file in this office. Write for our booklet and a list of abstract companies whose -ertificate means something. '(puporv Orata,... Ah 'elation of Tit Men fill Board o Tea Am Rldr. r r ureniiBiovu' eaw-l In rnnd at rliratuni .. -- J .a Tri ai vat VC1I1 Km Tit 7 . , mm A will b noAtttf X' KA RX.T LOS1 " Name rAddreu TfeOreoirAssn ofTitleMeiv OVERLOOK A', choice trac t of 440 acres on O. WT p oloctrc linp. laid out in an attract ive manner, in villa tracts, -conforming to the contour of the ground, 5 seres or more. The very finest of Vm't. or- herrV land, no rock or gravel,' well watered and sections of it very sightly. Jost realize that lands in the vicinity of Portland are the cheapest land in Oregon. ?6S per acre ana op A. W. Lambert & Company 404 East Alder St. Phones B 1910, E. 640. $12,500 COR. 19TH AND RALEIGH STS. 50x100 feet, Adjoining North Portland terminal yard district. INCOME S70 PER MONTH H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. 160 ACRES 10 miles from courthouse, two miles from United Railways; one -half heavy timber, balance easily cleared; at $200 per acre; good terms. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Main 35. A 3500. VERJfOX BUXGALOW. One block north of Alberta carllne. Thle bungalow Is nicely finished, with all modern improvements, full cement basement, large attic Lot 50x100. Price. 2760. Cash payment, $760. MERCHANTS SAVIX'S A TRUST IVMPAMV s 15tBM 1 ACRES NEW TOrAT. VACANT LOTS PORTSMOUTH Corner of Monteiih and De Panw sts, 100x110 feet $120O RUSSELL STREET Near Kerby St., 533490 ft.3500 PETTYGROVE STREET Near. N. 24th, 100x100 ft., sub ject to street assessments.. SjiSSOO EAST SIDE TRACKAGE West of E. 3d st., north of Haw thorne ave., 4 full-sized lots, street improvements bonded . . 53-4,000 COTTAGES AND HOUSES KERBY STREET Near Bussell st., good 5-room house, lot 45x1033,4 feet...$2750 EAST 20TH ST. NORTH Near Alberta street, good 8-roora house, lot 50x100 feet. ... .$3700 CLAY STREET "Near 14th St., good 8-room house. lot 25x100 feet $4000 WILLIAMS AVENUE Corner of railing St., cottage, lot 50x100 feet $4500 EAST 24TH STREET NORTH Corner, near Glisan st., modern 6-room bungalow, lot STxlOO feet $5500 EAST 11TH STREET Near East Pine st., two 6-room iy2-story houses, lot o"6 by 100 feet $7500 FRONT STREET Corner of Meade st., well-built !) room blouse, 100x100 ft.$ll,O0O Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 Fourth Street. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE 28 ACRES OJf COLOMBIA BOULEVARD At a price too low to advertise. Land fronts on Columbia boulevard, about half mile, from Union avenue. Improve ments consist of modern 6-room house and an excellent barn, with cement basement. A bearing orchard of choice fruit. Never advertised before today. Only $2500 Cash Balance 6 years, at S. Call at office. Don't telephone. Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St. Warehouse Site AREA ABOUT 16,500 SQ. FEET 37SOO Located in coming warehouse district of Portland. United Railways track age on one side and York-street track age on other when required. This is the cheapest warehouse site in the city, and a snap. Was held at $9000 year ago. McAllister & Luedderaann 921 Electric Bldg. Phones Marshall 2281, A 3625. $10,000 WAREHOUSE SITE. Corner E. 8th and Caruthers Sts. IVi lots on railroad. Adjoins Inman-Poulsen mill. E P. PALMER-JONES CO. 212-213 Commercial Club Bldg. FOR SALE A new and up-to-date 7 room dwelling", full lot, at tSol East 18th. near car and Reed Institute. Only small payment, balance a rent. Price cut. as must JACKSON & DEERING 2M Stark St. Investments 7 Crt ft 4 houses on quarter block; d)OUU rent $50 per month; on Kelly st.. West Side; $2500. cauh. C07Cn 100x100. business corner, on 3)0 I Otl Williams are,; good house. a r nnn 4 fine flats on South OlUjOUU Front st.; rent 190; pay ing; 10 per cant. e 1 o ftftft fine flats, on corner 313UUU Int. K. Madison st. Rent 120 per mo.; $6000 cash Grussi & Zadow SI7 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. Platting 10 acres, beautiful, level tract, on E. 62d St., close to Sandy road. Rose City Park and Hyde Park. Platted and sold all around it. Can subdivide and make 100 profif- Goddard & Wiedrick 243 Stark St, NEW TODAT. NEW ELECTRIC LINE; $25 LEVEL CLEARED LOTS ROCHESTER The new townr-lte of Rochester, already the Junction of the Northern pacific. Oregon & Wellington and Milwaukee Railroads. U to have an ELECTRIC LINE. Four mlle of this electric line has been completed and cars are running. Think what this new ELECTRIC LINE means for Rochester and those -who own property there. GOV. HAY AT ROCHESTER Governor Hay. addressing the Rochester ! Commercial Club on May 11, 1911, said: TA'ith tha nrntnaiMa rtt a dnnslllv TOOUlteV farming country aurroundinff Rochester and .ka .,4,-r,t, ..o. n .Ai7Arai line of trans portation established and operating: through thta point, you people of Rochester ouprht to succeed in building up a populous, thrifty and prosperous community.'1 HERE IS YOUR CHANCE Did you ever hear of a chance like this? A new town with three railroads running daily trains and an electric line coming. A town where factories are building? A town that is growing and building up liKi , Rochester? You never did. and you a 111 ! not get this chance again. ; PRICES TO ADVANCE . , 25 Level, Cleared Lots $23 You must act quick if you want any of ' these level, cleared lots at the opening pric of Every lot will be worth from J10 to $200 as soon as the electric line is -finished. Don't wait until the best ar gone. Come and make your selection today. Easy-? terms. Warranty need and free abstract. Call or write for illustrated folder. AMERICAN HOME INVESTMENT CO.. j 1016 Chamber of Commerce. On Stark Between 3d and 4h. . Visit this addition for your ; afternoon outing and watch j the hills melt away in the making of a splendid resi- i dence district. The giants 1 will be working against the ' banks after 4 P. M. today. a. . 4 a V T Magnificent View or me and surrounding country. Three blocks south of the Forestry Building. Take W car. Our representative on: ji j me gromiu. , . MIT - Udift-Luui. iUiupdiijr t- ' ? t J rn,, A Til A 160 ACRES, with 2,000,000 feet sngar and yellow pine, 12 miles down--hiil mill to (Grants Pass, on cood road. ; Or will trade for city lot. 160 ACRES, 15 miles of Portland, , high rolling land, with some good tim ber, and two good springs. Price $30 ' per acre. A. W. Lambert & AlA Toot HJtr St Phones B 1910, E. 640. 1 On Willamette, 9 miles up the river. . Electric car every 30 minutes, tine' 1. L- tTrnn.ns-i4- Yi itma aft . ' $3500 Good Terms j-, w w a - r eiT- a T liie ariAVV-rc-aRi COMPANY 102 Fourth St. Main 35 A 3500 $10,000 Four flats, almost new, full lot, near Broadway; only $6000 cash to handle, advancing location, and 9 per cent net income. JACKSON & DEERING 246 Stark St. Phones Main 345, A 3457. A Tew Beautiful Corners The cheapest property in. Portland. See JOHN W. COOK Manager Kossmere Addition, Or A. H. HART, on tract, afternoons. 462 Lewis Building. WaterPowerforSale With factory building, 4 dwelling's. S acres of ground, many kinds of fruit. Electric and steam railroad connec tions. A fine country rcsMencv. la-, quire O. Wissinser, MHwaukie, Or, WESTOVERi TERRACE! p y J? 150 FEET A SNAP! ROSSMERE I 1