THE SUNDAY onEGOXIAN, fORTLASD, 3IAY 28, IQti. I QUEEN RHODODENDRA RULES OVER FOURTH ANNUAL FETE OF FLORENCE City. Oty la riora. Decoration Honors Arrival of Pink Bloeaoma Thronei Witnea Coronation Ceremonies. Ecarf Dance ly eixla and Indian Drill by Boy Feature Programme Water Parade Attractive. ? psi - S:.:.'.;V ..fin H . ,1 r - i r--- - . , Cv 1 I r. " .- ; ill life n- 5KV-H - - V-iai it''-' - . ill ! - - ' , H" 4 v1 X ,:,v - : ' t ill r,?.' II r 1 i II - VS ' 1 1 1 ,y .; vy;, J 1 iV:4 (vrw;:. -j:' llll ...... -.. I FUREN(."E. Or. Mr !t (!P-IH Th wornlna of Mar S. Hit. fsund Klcf-onc In Itilll arrsr la rlnrtion of t annual rhod'ln1ron rrnlL R?io4o1ndroi! wrt n vrrwftr and ftoon of buntlna In Ih fitirl color, pink and arn. d'-ort4 fho irti. "Welcome" tin rnnd tt thorouhfr and rn on of tho trrt leading to en Jien' t iron aa erected a areat r h rorered rtododendrone. Tor lerrral da ye prr-ed!n the tarnl ever boat brouaht paecrnaert to Join In the cleratlon. and for the flret f.xr of lk celebratton the town was fti'ed. Vleltora from Tortiand. Eufrn. A'henr and other valler t"ne. a well a from tlrcata. Gardiner. Mapleton and tnrocced the (treet At 1 nr!o- f.r !lre Asvll arrlred wlti a larce number of r-- er,tr. and at J ri'rtnrk all axembled to wltnee th reremnnle attending the coronation of Queen Rhndodendra. The Brand marshal wa followed by tha jueen-alTt and m-mber of her ult. Mia Klla Wakefield, who w choeen queen. robed In plna atln with a rlrh mantla of dara green elrt. and her long train ( borne by two tiny pun Arrompanylna hr wera six labile In Waltlnpr. In dainty dreei of pink and areen 'lk. aod four guard In military uniform. Present. al were Pomona, godileea of frnltg and flower, and Plana, tha huntteea U!d Neptune. to. M thera. The queen we ecorted lo tha plat form br her prime nlntter. and waa welcomed by W. R. Holienbeck. Mayot of Florenu. Ke. B. 11. Baker then plar-l on her head the crown h a to wear a Queen Rhodndendra IV. Fh then ac-ended the tbrnne and li- ued a proclamation to her ubjecta, after which h rereUed repretenla- tlvel from the Vnlterl 3tate. the American Indian. England. Ireland and Sweden- Following tha coronation a pro gramme u presented Including a -arf dance by nine girls from the pub lic school, and an Indian drill given by 11 little boys costumed and In full war paint. At the conclusion of this pro gramm rapes, pole vault, hammer throw and other sport contests were held. The ball waa opened at o'clock P. M. Tha grand march as ltd by tha qusen and prima minister, members of tha royal party and other guests following-. Thursday morning a big wl.ter pa rade attracted the feetlval throngs. The flout representing "Tha Fountain of Toutn" won the prlle. Muslo was furnished by the Marine Mand. a local organisation. In the aft ernoon tha great feature waa a horse race. Y. M. C. A. ATTRACTIONS FOR BOYS TO INCLUDE PLEASANT SUMMER OUTINGS Iimrsion to Konnt St. Helens and Spirit Lake. Camp at BonneriUe and Hike" to Coaet Are Planned Other Activities to Continue la City During Vacation Period. - J rs c A . . ' 1 .i i jr-jvuefJ ii-rvo-w . - - :- j Sl KClAt. attractions fof boy are to r prnrMcd this Summer by tha rnrtlard Tounc Men Christian Aociation. J. C. Clark, the boy- ec-re-arv. baUeve that the aseoctallon ran be Just a ueful to the youneters In Sammer a In Winter, aepectally as many of therm temporarily released from tha schoolroom, need something la oo-upy tnlr tlnw. Conseciaently be has prepared a umnr programme test proTtde not only numerous out lrg. but numerous act'.ttle In ths T. M. A. builrl'ng. Three main trip hare been planned, a wall a nnmenro shorter ones. They Include aa excursion to Mount f't. Hel pers and Spirit Lake, a camp at B-nne-s-lle ani a -hlke to the coast. Thrrs "will aU be short laoirh rides an the TVMlame'.t and Colutrbia. and rery-t-lmr that ran be thoorht of to keep 'te epar t:m of the boy folly becu-i-Bd. Tb tixt trip will ba to Mount St. 11 -y ' j 11 . Ji w' a; H 5 f . jXJ " Helens. The bors will leave Portland Rock, where thay will begin tha trai on Jnne : and will return on July to Hplrtt Lake, whera the T. M. c. The T M C A launch will be nsed tocamp waa pltchd last Summett TH convey the party aa far as CasUtwill remain a short tlm at tha la) mp A. Ther lake. m.i.A kv tT.w .ft.r which they' will climb St. Helena. An entirely new route will no taaen on m i"'" wn. The party win make Ms way down the Lewis River to Woodland, .where tha launoa will be waiting to bring thera to Portland. Only boys 1 years old or older will b taken on this axcurston. About a month later, on August S. another partv will leave for EonnavlUa. where a csunp will ba maintained until August It. The stay at Bonneville will b made interesting by numerous side trips. The launch will b on hand to be used on these trips. Table Mountain and Castle Rock are among tha heights that the boys ars ambitious to scale. Those joining the BonnaviUe camp will be limited to 10, and boye of 12 soar or older will be included. The principal outing of the season will be an excursion to tha coast A party of GO boys will leave Portland on August Jl. taking the launch to As toria. From thera they will walk down the coast to Bayocaan. where they will engsae in a field meat and will also be taken out over the bar. Thsy will then walk to Tillamook and from there hike" over tie Wilson River road to Forest Grove, whera they will take Oregon Electrlo ears to Portland. -While these are tha main outings," said Mr. Clark yesterday, "we ere go ing to have no end of entertainment . . .ki. .. That, will ba shimming and gymnasium classes for boys on inrea nays oi wi-u " will also be a special Summer school . k w v. . -. eatiAn nahlnd in their studle. this sohool to be con ducted, from July to August IS. In order to mak the I. M. C. A. a vacation headquarters for Portland boys, speeici memoersnip pi"m" have been provided. Regular member . . . - eoti but sna- eniys rn " " - - j clal provision hai been made so that boys can join irom now nm RECITAL IS ENJOYABLE OREGON CITV WOHEX HOSTS KT DELlQHTFt L ENTERTAIXMEXT, J. Rosa Fargo. Tenor, and Master Gordon Sou Us, Pianist, Both ot Portland, At Soloist. OJIEOON CITT. Or.. May IT. Spe- ciaD one of the most enjoyaoio so ..i.i -nt of the season was the re cital given Friday afternoon at tha Woodman Mail, tne nosieeees oeuia Mrs. M. l. Letourett. Mrs. C. Q. Mll ... tv a T'U mr, Mr. John w. Loder. Mrs. Walter A. Dlmlck, Mrs. Thoodore Osmond. Mra Carl Joehnke. Mrs. J. E. Hedges and Mrs. Leon de Lanes. The soloist of the afternoon w J. Ross Fargo, one of the leading tenors ot Portland, and Master Gordon Soule, pianist. Miss Veda Williams, of this city, was the accompanist. The splen did voire of Mr. Fargo was heard to rood advantage. It was the first time r. . , - . .his Ifv hart the no muBic-iw'o'. . - -. pleasure of hearing his voice. He waa forced to respond to eevarai Master Gordon Soul, of Portland, ..-..-j i , v. .tnr.kiinn and under standing. He aptly combines these two attributes ana orings a ion. Miss Veda Williams, who l one ot Oregon City s aceompiisnea miuicisu., who has been heard in. concert in this city, proved a most excellent accom panist. Woodmen Hall never looked more at tractive than on this occasion. with Its .t., . - Atmrrnti MORSOm and Scotch broom. Ice cream, cake and toffeo were served. .... . The programme waa as follows: j. m.i.i rat I Know --apross b Hoffnuns Relcnarai il l.ontn" Worden Oneway Aike. Beloved .. Col-rinse Taylor (Hiswatha s treddtng Fat. , Plsno. Flterell geotsoe CIsrke V.Im Eb '" lfsster Gordon eoule. e I'll Sing The sons of Araby .nay b Py Is Goo. .' -rlln ic) Tour Er Schneider tat How Much I Love You LSor"J (6) Mother o" Mlo rourS (O Lvdl X.. Lang (d) Flower Rln Schneider MISSION MEET PLANED DELEGATES FROM WEST TCE HERE IX JUNK. Important Questions to Ro Discoased by thurch Mcmbfrs From Entire World. Delegates from Washington.- Oregon, Idaho. Utah and California will be In attendance at the Pacific Coast con gress of Congregational churches. June 10 to June IB. meetings belnr held In the First Congreastional Church of Portland. In connection, the women's home and foreign boards of the Con gress will meet June 11 to June H. Mayor Joseph Simon will glv a address on behalf ot th city- at the opening session. Rev. Luther R. Dyott will welcome the delegates on behalf of the local churches. No seslon will be held on the nrst night. In courteey to the closing of the Rose Festival. Visiting ministers will preach In Port land churches Sunday, the eeoond day of the meeting. A public mass meeting on the eve ning of June 12. under the auspices of the women's organisations; will take up "The Church and CltlSenshlp." Miss Miriam L. Woodberry. of New Tork, will speak on "After Ellis Island. What' "The Philosophy- of Common Fense" will be the topic of Rev. Daniel j-. Fox, of Pasadena. "The Evangelisation of the Paclflo Coast" Will be the subject of discus sion June 13. "The Pacific Coast City" and "The Rural IHstrli-tS "of the Pa clflo Coast" are general, topics upon which tha speakers will be Rev. K. A. King, of North Yakima: Rev. F. J. Van Horn, of Seattle; Rev. Edward T. Ford, of tscotna: Rev. W. if. Dsy. of Log Angeles; Rev. Sydney Strong, of Seattle: Rev. George B. . Psddackr of Portland, and Rev. A. J. Bullens. Among prominent church workers to speak before the consrree are: Rev. R. A. Hume, of India; Rev. A. H. Smith, or China: Rev.' IL A. Atkinson, labor and social service secretary! Miss Lydia A. Finger, of Chicago: Rev. H. T. Johnson, nf Minneapolis; 8. B. I Penrose, presi dent' of Whitman College; tv. W. Pcurtder. Washington state missionary ef Seattle: Rev. W. H. Day. of Los An geles, and Profeesor E. O. SISsori, of Boston. .. . Oregon City is Patriotic OREGON CITT, Or.. May r. Bp- eial.) Memorial services preliminary to Memorial day eaerclsea. will be held Sunday at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, the Rev. Charles W. Robinson officiat ing, and Sunday evening, at the First Baptist Church. Rev. a A. Hayworth officiating. Members of Meade Post, erand Army of the Republic, will as semble at the Willamette Hall, and will be escorted by the Fife and Drum Corps and Company G. Oregon National Guard, to the ehnrcBes. Mayor Brown ell on Friday issued a proclamation urging all business men In the city to close their stores between IB o'clock In the morning and noon, and that aa f yM m.. SALE BEGINS L ' ' rJ ' ' '" MONDAY ; MORNING .-v-.7 I V PING FAST J Now in Our New Building on Alder at 7th ghter A Veritable Slao of Really Good Pianos WE HAVE ONLY FIVE MORE DAYS IN WHICH TO DIS - POSE OF THE ENTIRE EAEST SIDE STORE STOCK. We "Are Determined to Sell Everything Before Our Formal Grand Opening, Hence This Sacrifice. Callers tomorrow morning after 9 :30 o 'clock will find nearly a hundred pianos and some organs most of them brand new instruments, some shop-worn and some second-hand, and all obtainable at hitherto, unheard-of reductions, among them eacn and every one 01 tne iouowmg: eiiyr . &s2 S:?f fls'. ' J . Remember, every instrument advertiaed by ns is on hand and for .sale to tha retail trade. Bring this advertisement. yrith Two elegant Baby Grand Chickerings, . and three brand new Weber Grands, also sev eral other makes, for gale at half price; payments $8 a month. On sale', at Eilera. Monday morning at 9:30. mi -. y. . - a. ,eW 1? ' MEANWHILfi THE EXHIHITION AND BALE OF PLAYEE PIANOS AND. GRANDS WILL ALSO CONTINUE AS HERETOFORE ANNOUNCED. Still Another Feature m the Mam Salesroom In connection with this Closing-Out Sale of the stock of the East Side store, 1 We- offer also an extraordinary special for this week, only in our main salesroom Elegant mahogany,- walnut and several oak cased, high-grade, brand new $3o0 pianos for $195 cash, or $9 down and $6 a month. These are warranted high prade pianos. We shall sell another carloadin this exceptional introductory offer. Now at Seventh and Alder The Nation's Largest Dealers many as possible decorate their stores, residences and places of business with American flars on Memorial dafr. fcast Side clul Makes Request. Marbr Simon and all of the members of the City Council have received let ters frorri the East Side Business Men's Club, askins that the propose com mission charter, to be drafted br a commutes of 15 citizens designated by a committee ot the club; be submitted to tha electors at the same time as the proposed charter to be prepared by a ilk number of men, to be appointed By the Mayor. The East Side committee 61 three, which will name the larger comnrittee. asks that this be done In Order to save the expense of another special election.