t(f THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAS, rORTLAXP, MAY 23. 191f. ' Store Closed AU Day Tuesday. Decoration Day-Comp.ete Line Flags, Buntings, Etc., Special Prices-Fnrniture Ad, Back PageNet:. 2 Wanted, 8 A.M. Tomorrow. 200 Salespeople Those With Portland Dept. Store Experience Preferred GroceryAon Page 5, Sec. 3 W I White Footwear Reduced 1 1 fex " MU . I " S'J SSk. MEIER FRISK'S THIRD FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. VA'j-L- Z" Ik ' k' v fTn 1' jy -'-KSv. 0UR entire stock of Men's, Women's and Chil- TyTfi 1 51 D J A'hk . SI Dltfg klf f ' jy 'v dren's "White Footwear at reductions for the kf tj g-j Ml BtTftC 'f 41 J lire 1 vA--llt LfLS 'VCO ' 4 i"'VVi'v June White Days! Women's White Canvas Blucher Ox- ,MM&JM?t .-!! g4j lgJgjSa ".yy :"' V-l . T, M.'.7 J fords and Ankle-Strap Pumps with hand-turned soles and liT&iwli ' V -rwf- : ' ' V i VI Men's White Duck Oxfords priced $2.19, $1.79, $1.29 iglBgB cSlS JO BJAJ tf j5klf; IF ''iSV ' v A Children's White Canvas Oxfords priced at 69 and 49 limpfeQ, C- I;--siZZC&S&V' '0 Ill 1 1 P5 -tt -1 i r 3 l.0;.ji.J urn -Mmmm Jims wrje m Underinuslms The Backbone of the June White. Days vervthins'-ih' White at FOR two days The Big Store has been a scene of record-breaking crowds from opening to closing t . timM OrLter than ever before are these llth Annual June WTnte Days-the whole store is a fairvland of white, with every table and counter banked high in a spotless array ot beautirui ne jilercnandise at tne Diggesx savings oi. iue cox. . , - . For this annual White Event we prepare almost a year ahead. , Huge orders are placed .with factories and mills, to be made up during therr dull season, btore dosea au aay xueboay, Decoration JJay, so come tomorrow. . All White Undermuslins Are Now Reduced1 MEIER IR1K FLOOR. ORDER BT MAIL. ..... -a i " T " 1 " 1 11 X VT OT a single undergarment in tms urea nne eui uui 1 what is un to the same hicrh quality standard tuax s ai wavs maintained in r"i:ular stock! . Splendid Masnnvillft Mnslins. Ins.!ale cambrics ana musiins. wsmi. tri.nmin-H and thorouirli workmanship, even in lowest pncea grau.- Wnite unaersKinsv 7 WTiifA TTndersk'ts S3. SS9S SO White Undersk'ts. S1.93 $1.75 White Undersk'ts, ?1.22 News of the 0 Teachers k TravelContestv THE biggest single votefl since the opening of our y Linens and White Goods Are Now Reduced "OfflSSffiSSsSSO 4ost Sensational Bargains in Embroidery ASg. fssj fsJeun White Serze Suits Are Now Reduced fei i'CM rr,lllv O - - A edly many yet to. enter will win a A ifeiu White Waists Are sow KeducedionAoaotv,on wmr r F triP t0 New Tork' one month's vaca- Nom White Dress Goods Now Reduced A ttzt0?it . . . - - T i f 1 1 Seaside, Bayocean and Long Beach' zgkFine White Silks Are ivow neaucea are the prizes. iiiii nun. ii. . . - - - r- The Gown Specials $1.00 Masonrille Muslin Gowns, each, only" 73 $1.50 Gowns. June White Days, each, only 9S $1.75 and $1.85 Gowns, your choice for 81.22 $3.00 Gowns. June White Days price only JM.H? j 2.25 Gowns, June White Days price only gl j73 Other Gowns np to $18.00, all at reduced prices. Combination Suits $i50 Combination Garment, now only 81. SO $X00 Combination Garments, no wonly 81.07 $4,00 and $4.50 Combinations for only S2. f3 $5.00 to $650 Combinations, now for only 83.75 The Corset Covers Recular "5c Corset Covers, now for only 43 Refular $1.00 Corset Covers, on sale for 73 $1.75 Corset Covers, now on sale at only 81.27 Kejnlar fiOO Corset Covers on sale for $1.39 S4no White Underskirts. S2.93 Up to $37.50 Underskirts reduced. French Muslinwear Our entire stock of exquisite hand . - -n l TT. made and hand-embroiaerea jTencn dennuslins at splendid savings for this Vrpnrh fJowns now from S1.47 to S "PrPTirh "Drawers, sellinff from S1.47 xvan)i nyiomiana from 73 on utj to pjimhitntiATis. frnm S3.75 on ud as hieh as $1& French Skirts, selling now from S1.9S to $35 Women's Neckwear Is Reduced Knit Underwear No w Reduced Lace Curtains Are Now Reduced White Shoes Are Now Reduced y White Gloves and Parasols Reduced .All Infants' Wear at Big Keductions 8 White Shirts Are Reduced TToro nr the. hisrhest contestants, 2. np till 6 P. M. Saturday: X WEST SIDE. Dlckfinon. Mlm N.. Shattack ISSISSS Porter. Mi F. O.. Falling Ii5 ?i5 Rogers, Mlaa Anna, Iadd ?,J'JS2 Heggl.. MlM Maude. DavU Bingham. Mr.. D., Couch ZS2 n DeGralt, Mlaa Grace, Ladd "HS'Tii Chance. Miss Winifred Falling.... i-$2 Barnes. Caroline. Lincoln High.... iJJ-fi Mulkev Eva. Ladd - Zol.tio Bl.." MuiTuneoln High 226.050 EAST SIDE . Catlln. Miss Blanche. Hawthorns.. .1.3R8.S00 Murphy, Cora. Highland .1.370.025 Tt 1. A T .lira P.nlnMl. ...... 1. 102. 1 I 5 T.iibAnhelmer. Mabel. Sellwood... e"..6,825 Read. Mrs. Anna, Ockley Green... BushnelL Mrs. Jennie. Irvlngton. Chaney, Mrs., Sunnyslde Dolan, Miss Mary. Glencoe Thayer, Harriett KontavUta, ..... Mlkle, Vivian. Hawthorns OREGON. Jennings, Miss Bronte. Harmony. Carter. Miss Irene. Mllwaultis Gist. Miss Freda, Yamhill Tx.'hH KAr. W Union ........... Miss M.. baiem. " J X. T TJ.t JarllirOrl V Badollet. Cora.;-A.torl High. K K IllLt: UIUCJ WCUI Ostran L a 0 WW SSS.S.V II White Stationery at a Redaction y? k. . 4S0.300 412.775 854. 8T5 262.200 240,175 12T.05I) k Ostrander. Margaret. Central, St. Thcmronr"6eneVal''"Huntlngton!.I lj7.-050 Lilly. Jennie, uregou in, xiis"--... Icaerson, sih a. piwimi..... -v" Ftlatchless Savings Rule In the Linen Department MH1K.R et !KTS tIRT ll.OOR. ORDER BT BfAIU XTOU cannot find in the city more complete X storks of high-gi-ade IJnens. The finest makes of Irish. Scotch. Ilohrmian and Austrian Linens, all reduced for the Great June White Days. S3 to $50 Hemstitched Sets Fine Linen Cloths and dozen Napkins to match. OFT June White Days in Laces and Emb'ideries $1 Bleached Irish Linen Dam- s&k liH-mch, line quality, yard, 75- $1.35 All-Linen Damask 72 inch. bcaTy and handsome, yard. SI. 65c Half-Bleached Damask 64-ineh. firm and durable, yard, 50f . $10 to $13 John S. Brown's Scalloped Cloths i 2'i and 2 'i x -1 2 yard, nnscal l(pd napkins to match. 75c Linen-rinished Sheets PI x9'-ach. torn and hemmed.. Mercerized Table Damask 5S inch, heavy, pretty patterns' yard, 35 Scotch Damask Cloths 2'.-i x 24 vard size, handsome pat tern. Knlar $70 at S5.G3. Large Napkins to match, dozen, at S3.G3. l0 Bolts Lonfdoth 12-yard orisna! pieees, 36-ineh, SI. 10. SSe White Shirtinf Madrases 32-inch, nest self-woven d sifn. 25f . -20c White Dotted Swisses Dainty embroidered design yard, 15S Carnival Sale Jevelry H' 50c Coral Brooches and Bar Pins. 33? $5 Gold-Filled Bracelets, each, $2.49 $150 Gold-Filled Bracelets at 80 Solid Gold Bracelets at just U OFF $1.50 Solid Gold Beauty Pins for DSC $7.50 Handbags $4.98 Suede. Velvet, Genuine Seal and other popu lar leathers, in all the newest shapes, with fancy frame and cordcliere ban- CA QQ dies." Ke. 70 Hand lias for S'MJ $1.50 Suede Cordelier Bags. OS New Coronation Elastic Belts, 4 Or 25e White Wash Belts, only 12 75c White Wash Belts, only 4'JC N m ' -V S -VX X 'sT . w mz,vys? Mima ,&fk i saie. zjkTrm? u n t 575.00 mens X ty7,(',-.'Ti7.TiJtiX.s-l. X lldfl CVX, i,JM J, ::1 L"r. . V XT " I Ttl IL ! r iVBl X in Vv wr . cvf mv 1 1)1 L VflV zv - .a x cs cm?A VI ' 3 X ' 1 r Y iff . SUkZY, 682,700 548.835 , 41S.275 S72.550 S71.9O0 I 869.875 r EAUTIFUL Embroideries and Laces D Tt--wTioi-fnl T-nriptv nf kinds and natte C Vliuv a. a. - w x rich and heavy, light and dainty,-anything ; ronld Dossiblv desire. We can give here only of an idea of the many bargains in store for you in these Great June White Days. Three Bis Croups of Embroideries Over 3000 yards of lovely new Swiss, Cam bric and Xainsook Edges and Insertions, y2 to 3 inches wide; also flouncings, 9 to 13 inches, in the loveliest of filet, blindstitch and eye let patterns. 12c to 25c Embroideries, 10f 20c to 35c Embroideries, 15? 35c to 75c Embroideries, 25 Great Sale Embroidery Matched Sets 1 to 9-inch Edges and Insertions, and 12 to oT:n-t, flnnnrimm of Swiss. Cambn and Xainsook, in dainty eyelet and floral desiRns. 8jc to $1.50 grades for 9c, and onror. -..1.. tCU in FUn e-radea nriced at stiJV 12Yds.85cto$l Val. Laces for 50c rinn French and Ger man round mesh Val. Laces in edges and insertions to lVa inches wide; 12- CHr card hnlt. srwfial at -''-' Ttariv Trisri and Venisa A1T- ovars Pnr white, beautiful for yokes. Bleevesbands; our reirular $4.50 grades, at $2.98; 07 Toinil.r 2 SO orades. vd. A .O French VaL Laces Strong double thread trrades. eds and insertions to match. Regular 25e laces for 11-. Smart White Serge Suits, $20.25 . nnnRR BY MAIL. mST YTa 17 mr A VH S K "t a" IiUU I. - - TOMORROW for our Great June White Days, special line of smart White Seree Tailored Suits with short, jaunty semi-fitted coats, ill satin lined. Small reveres and notched collarsAre in the panel, front skirts with habit backs. Now on sale New $7.50 White Striped D.mity Dresses, One - iaece 19c; regular 15c laces at only MEIER FRANK'S. FIRST FfcOOR. ORDER BX MAIL. UNDREDS of the charming con- -pits m .Tewelrv that vou U neea to complete your attire for the Rose Festival days! - Look at these sensa tional prices for tomorrow: 75c SUver Powder Holders, special, . 4J $1 Gold and Silver La Vallieres for 690 $1.50 and $2.La Vallieres for only OS 35c Gold-Plated Cuff Links, special, 19 $1 New Inlaid Belt Buckles at only 59t $1 Coral and Pearl Brooches, each. 59r 75c Gold-Filled Brooches, each at 39c $2 Lone Bar or Jabot Pins only VSc $1 Hand-Painted Brooches, ea 69c $1.50 Genuine Coral Beads for SI. 19 $5 Genuine Coral Beads only $3.49 $1 Genuine Coral Beads, each. G9? full satin lined. Small reveres and notcned coiiarsre p orj f mm mm The New White Coats Are Reduced For the June White Days, splendid savings on all our new White Serge, "Knit weave" and light mixture Coats. Unlined and full lined; all plain tailored. White Coats, spec. $11.25 White Coats, spec. ?16.65 White Coats, spec. 20.25 White Sweaters Women's "WTiitft Sweater Coats. ranging from $2.75 to $11, in the June wmte uays, priced at $2.3o up to f!hfl-rmmr. new Striped Dimity Dresses, with rnnnH or sauare Jjutcn necKS x i ' ji and elbow sleeves, inmmea in embroidery bands and edsr'gs. $7.50 as nn igv Dresses, at b4.7 Dres'g Sacques Regular $1.75 Sacques, in plain and figured lawn witn Kimono, nanauer- chief and regular sleeves. Special at $1.2S. $9.40 'Kerchiefs 14c! MEIER FRANK'S, FIRST FLOOR. ORDER BY MAIL. HUNDREDS of thousands of Hand kerchiefs bought to sell specially during the Great June White Days! Begular 25c and 35c dainty Lace trimmed Swiss Handkerchiefs, l. priced for June White Days, ea., al 10c Initial Handkerchiefs Sheer lawn and linen, with embroidered initi- T For June White Days, each, " 15c Handkerchiefs Embroi- 1 Qc dered corners and initials, ea-, 20c Handkerchiefs Samples and sur plus lots; all are fresh and 10 clean. Priced low at only, each, 75c-$l NeckwV 53c June White Days-tomorrow offer over 2000 lovely hand-made Rabats. and hand embroidered Trouville Linen Col- CO lars. Worth 75c and $1, at only ""C 35c Neckwear Wide range of dainty RabaU, Cascades, Jabots, Dutch OCZf Collars, all priced special at, Knit 'Underwear Women's 15c Sleeveless Vests at lOe Women's 25c Sleeveless Vests at 15 Women's 50c Union Suits, Vests and Pants, each. 33 14 Women's $1.50 Union Suits at 9S. White Paris Waists at Less MEIER FRANK'S.' SECOND FLOOR. MOST exquisite of nand-made Paris Voile and Marquisette Waists, beautifully finished in colored Grecian and Madeira embroidery and trimmed in Irish and German crochet lace. Reduced tomorrow for the June White Days: , $22.50 Paris Waists selling at $15.00 $30.00 Paris Waists selling at $19.50 $45.00 Paris Waists selling at $27.50 Other Waist Specials Tailored Gibson Waists selling at 95c4 Moll and Lawn Waists selling at $1.28 $2.50 AUover Embroidery Waists $1.89 $2.00 Dutch Neck Waists now at $1.48 Waist Patterns at 42c MEIER . FRISK'S, THIRD FLOOR. THE Art Needlework Store's of- ' fering for J une White Days dainty Yoile Waist patterns, stamped in 30 different patterns for embroidering.' New kimono sleeve styles. Are a ty worth 75c now selling for only tt,C i i i 9