SUNDAY OREGOMAX, rOItTLAXD. 3IAY 2S, 1911. A RUSHLIGHT REPLY ABUSIVE' IN TOE Candidate Breaks Silence but Throws No Light on Is sues of Moment. same time. Chairman Apperson will announce th appointment ot a general rr.anaalna; committee ot 20 member. This committee will be expected to take 111 coat off and work for the success of the Republican ticket REGULARITY IS DOUBTED nthins Said About Own Position la PrTloa Campaign KepII- to C ommlttre I'lcdee Con tinned Support. prraklna a complete alienee of three .rK, A O. Iluihllsht. candidate for juror, yesterday Issued a atatement. It rtnit entirely of en abuse of his op-r-onrnt. Mayor Simon, the Independent rmmllon -.vernment candidate. With charartcrtstlc reaularlty. Mr. Uu.thllichl neelecta to Inform the Inter cat"! voter ".here he aland on any of the important municipal questions now befor- the people. Havlna been smoked out by Wvor Simon. I'.uehllirht. In bla uial half-hearted and Indccialve way. as he will do what he can to bring a rrmmiiun form of govern ment f'r thi cur. Many lurj Aroldod. Ku-h'.lcht haa nthin to ay ' republicanism end the basis on which lie at this time la a-klna the uiport of the Hepub'lran voters of the city. In this statement he skilfully avoid aaylnK anythlnif a to the prt he played In the municipal rm;.aln four yeara ao. H. just as ariioltly omlta any mention of hta position In the general rampalan and election last Kail nd whciher or not he rave Me e-ipport et that time to Jar Powerman. the regular J.epubii ran nominee for governor, or voted Mr West. toKether with some of hi so ral rd Itepubllcan supporters, who are now ardently advocatln the aupport of Ku.hUKht because he Is the party nom- ,nrevter of ti'e murlclpat rampal" foor rear aso when rtu.hllsht waa a can.Ii.late fir Councilman at the same time Thoma C. Iwvlln waa the K'pub llran nominee for Mayor. It l ald. will show that Itiiehllahte course at that time waa Irresular. Immediately fol lowma Perlln a nomination. It waa learned that Ku-hllrht wae not sup rortin the Republican nominee for JUyor. althouith Rus.-lt.-ht waa a nom inee for Co-inirliman from the fceventn Ward, on the Mir., ticket. At a con ference that wae arranged by 'r";D" if rwYlln. bo the story ll R'Uhltgnl aar-ed to withdraw hta opposition to tae head of the ticket. Faith oC Kept. Suhaeiurnt development, following f e d-feat of Pevlln and the election or M. opponent Pr. Harry Ijtne. for Mavor. Plainly ln.ll. atrd that Ruhlisht ml not keep f-.lth. In the formation t.f He Council committees by Un'. Kushllsht wae favored. It may be on y a coincidence, but In view of the facte related. It Is not difficult to see why Ijine refused this year to ret Into the contert for MAyor. In spite of denial by both Lane and RushlUht. It la en tra'lv believed that tti nomination or lu.hllcht for Miyor In the recent pri maries la In reality the only reason that 1-ane kept out of the fray. It Is barely ro.ihl this leelln- between Kushnitht ind Uine may be at least partly re eponsible for the fact that Lane In the jendng campiltn Is not out on the stump advocating the election of tn lemocratlc nominee. In tilt am connection, it 1 aio roteworthr that thl I on campaign In wlil.h ir. Lane ha notiiing to say. aii)(:n Manager- Named. Catherine renewed Inspiration from the enthusiastic meetlnic held Friday afternoon, member of the cltisens committee yesterday buckled Into their work of advancing Mayor Simon re election with Increased vigor. An executive committee of five member was announced by William F. Wood ward, chairman of Me nisnas-lntr com mittee of lii member. In addition to Mr. Wocxiward. who become chairman of the suScommlttee. the members are: M. Mears. I'hll Jlrt--han. S. H. Cobb and General fharles V. llcebe. Henry K. l will continue to act as secre tary. To this committee will be as signed the general management of the fclmon campaign. Uesponsee eterday began to reach the citizens' headduarters In reply to letter thai vtn mailed by the com mittee to erery elector who aliened Mavor Inv-n's nominating petition. Tl;ee letters n t on'y expressed the thank of the committee f-r the slitna. lures to the petition, but urred ach eljner to continue his effort In be taif of Mayor f Imon s re-election. Continued Support Pledged. Without exception, the recipients of t!ieo letter assured the committee that ther would continue their effort i.r Mr. Simon. Appended are excerpt trom some of the repllee: "Too can count upon my Betting" at the very least ii rote for aiayor Mmoa." -I am prepared to itlre my time free ly up to election day. Will do any tMn I can that will promote Mayor t:mn'i candidacy for re-election. I am at your service-" -will rote tor Mayor Flmon and lend ry best efforts to Induce others to do the same." "Nothinc will be left undone by me i- my ward to advance the interests of Mayor eitnun In the romtntr election. Mr immediate celtfiibors. five In num ber, are all for him. but I will not let rie work stop there. -I wi.l vote for Mayor Plmon, and tou may depend upon me to set others to Co same." -Win ler.d my best efforts to re-elect Mayor Si-noo. as I believe his retention la bia present position la to the best laterests of the city." ALSEA TIMBER IS SOLD Mich Iran Men Buy Property lor $70,000. Ferenty thousand dollars cash w paid yesterday by a syndicate of Mlchl (ia tlmbermen for a larae body of tlr timber on the Alsca Klrer. The owners were mostly the original entry men, althouttb some of the claims were In second hand. The sale was made by the Pua-et Sound Realty Company, of which Geortre Hodses Is president. The timber Is moatly . In ona body and It la all on the Alsea Klrer or Its branchea where It can be easily loered. Thl 1 the Iarsrest timber al made for many months. The buyer hare not announced their plans regarding the property. ' The Pu-tet Sound Realty Company ha about closed the sale of a larsre body of land In Crook County tor 1100 000. ' and President Hodges ex pects to announce the particular In a few days. " The recent sale of the Tobey Bros, sheep ranch of 6000 acres In Gilliam County to Kllburn Bros, for $141,000 was consummated by this company. LOT IS BOIGHT FOR $15,000 fccond One at fnJon and East An- keny Brines $27,500. A lot 11 1-1 by 60 feet waa sold yes terday by F. A. Fety to a purchaser whose name Is withheld. The price was IIJ.OOO. and .the deal was msde by E- J- Mr". Daly yesterday sold a lot 50 by lo feet at the northwest corner of I'nlon' arenue nd East Ankeny street for I2..50O. There are two frame bultdintrs on the around which are oc cupied by the Gibson hotel. Four acre In Abernethr Heights were houeht yesterday by Mr. Daly for 110.000. The purchase w rrsde from the syndicate that haa the subdivision on the market. roi.i.Kf.K BriLns temporarily I Ire J Authorities to Have) Slrocture at Eleventh and Jrfrcrson. Ground Is belna cleared at the North west corner of eleventh and Jefferson streets for a three-story brick bulld lr. whl.-h will be erected at once by Keed Collos-e for use as a temporary r'ollrse hulldlna. The structure la to be completed by September I next. It will be designed so that It can be converted Into a business buildlns; when the co'.leee structure have been completed In Kastmoreland. The site Is by 100 feet, and Is part of the Institute assets Improved Service Announced, tmnroverf car service to Laurelhurst has been announced by the Portland Railway. LlKht Power Company. ehirh will dlsoatrh a car every 1 mln- I ute to the center of the addition by way of the East Ankeny and East Gll san street lines. Thl will supplement the res-ular Montavllla service. Over luO houses have been completed In Laurelhurst. and the demand for more cars ha arown Insistent, with the Increasing population. The car will be marked "Laurelhurst." Maclcay Building Leased. A lease for five years has been taken on the Macleay buildlns; at the south west corner of Fourth and Washington streets by Max Michel and Albert Sternberg;. The new lessees will take possession late next year when the Woodward. Clarke Co. drugstore will remove to Its new bulldlnfr to be erected at West Park and Alder. They plan extensive alterations of the first story, which will be divided Into sev eral stores. XorlliMrstcru People In New York. NEW YORK. May IT. (3peclal- Northwestern people registered at tha hotels today are: From Portland At the Martha Wash ineton: Mrs. A. O. Rlddell: at the Broxtell: K. r. Gray. From Salem At the Grand Union: Miss L. M. Blane. From Everett At the Broadway Central: TV. S. Leach and wife. From Spokane At the Imperial: H. Warner. A. M. SantrlL From Vancouver. Wash. At the Grand Cnloo: F. Rlchenbach and wife. From Seattle At the York: E. E. Ul rlch; at the Plerrepont: H. Merrick. T. U Lewis: at the Rector: E. F. Sweeney; at the Normandle: C. IL La-postau. OrtPHPrvt ORCHESTRA LEAD S' R WILL PLAY UPKCIAL PKOCiRAWHK OX DKt OR ATION DAI. 11 f 0 ATPERSOX NAMES Ills AIDES F-ier-ativ Commltfee of Ten Will "Work for ItnshllcliL" TV. It. Appers.'n. chvlrman of the Re publican cttr central committee, yes terday appointed an executive commit tee of li members by which the cam pa. n aa to the regular Republican nominees In the municipal campaixn will be conducted. The committee consists of one member from eacb of the 1 wards of the city as follows: Vlrst Ward. Charlea Conroy; Second. T. K. Fisher; Third. C. H. Monroe: Fourth. James P. Molfett: Fifta. J. F. Sir.e-er; IKlvt t. O. B. lioberlson: Seventh. A. A. 1l.x-.rer: F.tithtX R. . Wrlaht. Ninth. "N.-il O'Hare. Tenth. Tlic-dore Rowland. At a meetm-r tonurrow ntsTht this et-smtttee will fiaaily decide upon the .rature of the carcpalcn that will be .conduct! la support of Kushllxnt randldacy for Mayor dutina the remaln bec week of the campaign. At the Jk Iteary L Bettsaaa. Born la Portland Just at the close of the Clril war. Professor Henry L. Bettman. director for the Orpheura orchestra, take g-reat pride In the fact that he ha participated in every com memoration of Decoration Day ever held In thl city. Next Tue oay Mr. Bellman will contribute hi mite by the rendition of a special programme of patriotic music at the Orpheum afternoon and evenina- performance. The selections will be the "Kella-toso" by Chambers: "American Fan tasia" by Herbert: "Melodies From the North and South" by Bendix. and "America Forever" by Paul. Professor Bettman waa a pupil of Peirt at Lelpelc Tsaye at Hrnsse'.s. and Herrmann at Frankfort on the Main. Since returning to America he hss been the violin Instructor at the Uni versity of the Pacific, first -violin for San Francisco's symphony orchestra, and for three year filled a tml'.ar position with th San Jos Chamber Music Society. 1 TT i v V X, & Summer Furnishings Stocks of porch and lawn furniture, of warm weather rags and cretonnes, of nets, scrims and bungalow fabrics are larger, newer and more attractive than ever before. If it is furniture, whatever the piece you need, you will find something comfortable.and desirable at the price you want to pay. If it is a floor covering or a fabric you will be delighted with the new styles, designs and colorings. Conspicuous among seasonable offerings are: FIBER RUSH FURNITURE, soft green in color,) comfortable in shape, distinctive in design, extremely durable, perfectly adapted for porch in Sum mer and for living-room or library in Winter. Chairs range in. price from $10.00 to $20.00 OLD HICKORY FURNITURE, for years the favorite for porch and lawn, made in comfortable chairs and rockers, in settees, porch swings and tables. Chairs from $2.25 to $10.00. ; REED AND WILLOW FURNITURE in new English shapes, roomy and inviting, stocked in the natural color and stained to suit, used with chintz and cretonne cushions. CRETONNE RAO RUGS, clean, cool, in beautiful soft shades of blue pink, gray tan and green. Made of imported cretonnes, in all sizes up to 9x12 feet. Several qualities. Prices, 9x12 size, $17.50 up to $25.00. CREX RUGS, an old favorite and ideal for porch, in soft green, plain and stenciled; durable and easily cleaned. Sizes up to 9x12. Prices up to $12.00. NEW BUNGALOW FABRICS in exclusive novelty weaves, all colors, plain and figured. Prices 75c to $1.75 yard. NEW CHINTZES, CRETONNES, Madras, Silks, Nets and Scrims in charming patterns and colorings; not seen elsewhere. work of present-day designers, making that you will enjoy seeing. Fifth and Stark Qjo Mack & Coo Fifth and Stark e-s. ' 1 . - ' : i K1ERMAN IS DRAG Aiding of Bridge Obstructor Hurts Rushlight. PLEDGES ARE BOOMERANGS Sundry Hopeful Intcresta Ied to Relieve They Ha-re "Clnehc on Aprlntroen" Conflict Are -Leadin-r to Confusion. Between excusing the support of bis ju... w v-enlr Klernan. foremost ctnuiuMj - and active obstructionist of the Broad way brldire. and holding In Una tb many -workers" to whom ne nas pra ised the same appointive positions on the municipal payroll, these are In lntralinir days for A. G. RUsn- liKht. nominee for ilayor. To the peo ple of Portland, ami particularly those residing in tl:e Northwest section of the city, there Is no more unpopular man than Klernan. who. with his attor ney Ralph R. Duntway. who Is also op posing Mayor Simon, is mainly re sponsible for the delay In proceeding with the construction of the Broadway '''it!' because Mayor Simon has con tended for the Immediate building- of this span that he today finds himself bitterly opposed by Klernan. There Is no other reason for Klernan a opposi tion to Simon's re-election. Promises Are Indicated. Rushllsht finds himself Just about as bnsy squaring himself with prospective appointees to municipal Jobs as he does In teUlna- the northeast side people why It Is Klernan la so aitresslvely sup porting Dim for the office of Mayor. Of course, itus-ii'-' eral times that he has made any prom ises as to the appointments ho will make. If elected Mayor. But the fact remains that the trades unionists of the city are pretty well lined up In his support, and It is reasonable to pre sume they have not thrown that sup port to Uushlltrht without some understanding- In return. Representatives of the W orkinirmen s Political Cluh. which was organised by . . . Kf. nrvfinliHtinnl. are xne wstwuwH. - - known to have received the assurance from Rusnngni xnai. in cui . election, he will give to organised labor equal representstlon on his Executive Board aa well as on the other boards and commissions that he will appolnt. These peorle also are staking their faith In their ability to dictate to Rush light the appointment of s Chief of Po lice. Pledge Made In Advance. In the primary campaign these facts became known. General circulation was given them among the organised labor people aa a means of Influencing their aupport of Rushlight against Ixjmbard and Werleln. who refused absolutely to commit themselves to a slnsle appoint ment, should they be nominated and elected These promises by Rushlight are said to Include the appointment of Andy Matson. one of the leaders 06 the Longshoremen s I nlon and an active Rushlight supporter, for Chief of Police. At the Dame time "Paddy" Maher. pres ent County Detective, has his eyes on this plum. Maher la known to have made application to Rushlight for this appointment and Ruslillgat, so Maher says, has assured him that he will give Manor's application "earnest, cousiue- tion." Both Matson and Maher are among Rushlight's most active workers In the pending campaign, one or ooin vi imiu will be disappointed, but to date Rush light has succeeded In holding both in line. The Job la worth K50 a montn. Other Places Promised. appointments by Rushlight should be be elected, except that John B. Coffey Is said to be slated for a place on Rush- ugnt s j-.xecu-.ive rwmu no the police committee. V. H. Fitzgerald, a union cigarmaker. and who is Just as active as Coffey in working for Rush light. Is said to be one of the organized labor men who will be named on Rush light's Executive Board of 10 members. Aside from Chief of Police, the Mayor elect will have the appointment of a City Health Officer at KM a month; City Engineer, at 1200. and a Building Inspector, at 0. In addition to an Ex ecutive Board of 10 members, the Mayor also appoints a Water Board of three members. Health Board of three mem bers, and of which the Chief of Police is the fourth member, and a Park Board of four members. The Health Board has the appointment of a superintendent of the crematory at $1S5 a month. Superin tendent of Parks, a Job paying 4208 a month. Is an appointment vested with the Park Board. There are several good Jobs to be flliea under the City Health Officer and none . . the rivil service. They include an Assistant Health Officer. City Physician, four milk inspectors, four school inspectors and several subor dinate positions. J ho """r-'"m . 1 1 Anotm0ntR with the ex- Sireei-CltmiinK - - . ceptlon of Chief of Police, come under the civil service. Suspicion la Aroused. ... tj imVil i i?h t workers lUClUUCU tvuiv.'ll , . , aro several applicants for each of these positions. From what can be learnea, n 1 1 . . V. n Kuan I11SC ... 1 ..niiinf these various " """r.r;: . dim about place, a. -""- f ot h e prospective ppumui"" - Police, do long "" -7 -- iniie himself Into C.' that he has a "cinch" on the 1 V. . k 1 1 - inr.lir and promised joo. every mma, ---r . iA hta the elsrht-hour he couUhucb , .... - Say workingfor Rh-.eU posed. beneracJ- 'Yhew iest Pketsf however, are beginning to learn . . v, arc oountlna that the same ju ...u - uDon has been assured others. Naturally they are becoming suspicious and are demanding further evidences of good faith from Rushlight before they will aaree to continue their efforts to Jellver the goods. Even Charlie Crow fey, "ho spend, the entire day shout ng for Rushlight, says he has 'something coming when rtusnnKin e- - UNKNOWN MAN SUICIDES Straneer Takes Ilia Life In Hotel by G&s Route. With apparent attempt to hide all tf-are of his anteceuenia. & umu - te"S unXer the name of Carl Sillier. : , ... 1 . rMtrH.v morning. ana iook ...- vrth at the Olympia noic Blxth street, by Inhaling illuminating gas through a tube. An attache ot the hotel smelled the gas and broke Into the room, to find the man dead. The bodv waa turned over to the Coroner. The man was SO years old and well dressed. There was 18 In bis pockets. Itental Fight Causes Arrest. Warrant was Issued yesterday against Oscar Kohler. agent for the . . . , . ... rniiimhim Baseball lano. useu ui 1 - . Club as a ball park, charging- him with tresrass upon the grounds. The com p'alnint Is sworn to by Einath.n Sweet. A controversy over the rental a said to have led to the charge. PENS IS ASKED Police and Firemen Would As sume Most of Burden. FAMILIES WOULD BENEFIT Men Who Risk Ilves In Public 6err. Ice Want Law So That Wives and Children Xeed Not Be Sharers In Perils. ..t it . rir nr a flaht without having to carry our wives and children with us." , Thus firemen and policemen voice their attitude in relation to the two 1 - nm.rr, which they are asking the electors to Incorporate Into the city charter, wnereoy uio i"i" servants will be protected against disability and helpless old age. brought on by loyalty to their duty. To rush into a flaming room, to clamber amid smoke to dizzy heights on a frail ladder, to hurl one s self into the midst of a band of Infuriated aliens; these are a few of the things that fall to the municipal soldiers, and If one of them faltered aa he thought of the wife and baby and the mortgage on the little suburban home, he would be branded as a coward. He does not falter as a rule, but carries Into the peril .the fortune of wife and babies. ( Retirement Prorislon Slado. Halting and half-efficient provisions for these emergencies -vlded. mostly at the expense of the ..u . n Bllt-ht allowance men. wilu ' ' j o - from the city. Now the men are asking that they be allowed to retire on half pay when they are old. The firemen s bill provides for the retirement erf members who have reached the age of 60. alter z years u....... - . . vhn have served 2d vice, auu v. ... 1.1 rmtrafA tn AlFO. The yesra. " iljju " . .- a policemen ask for the retirement of member wno nave (c-utu - -o-60 and who have served 20 years. Similar provision is made for men who are disabled in we in 01 ui,. Small Aid From City Provided. hn.n of the service are will t . a the crreater part of the . .k....!!.. nflvins one ner cent - .alnrv into the fund. To this will be added $20,000 now In the com . , . a 1 rhlh will he eOUSllV di' Dineu i""1-' - . - vided between the two branches. Fines )n the tit of dls-lrllne and rewards : . . .BNla. vill nwAll this fund. jaiu 1U1 aic.... " and then the city is asked to levy a tax of one-twentieth of a mill for each fund until It reaches $300,000. After that it is expected that the interest on the fund and the other sources of in come will suffice without further tax- Asserting as their right tnis recog nition from those they serve, the two departments point to the fact that mtarv inrofl rtv hai made such provision, generally upon a more lib eral scale, in a quiet. "i c.;-"- way. the men are enlisting the support of their friends. Street banners and slides in moving-picture shows are among the methods by wnicn tney in vite the attention of the electorate. t-v, rmtamant Th ft a the indorsement of their immediate superiors and city of ficials generally TAG DAY AT HAND AGAIN Girls Will Sell for Baby Home in Bummer, Hereafter. n. J-.. .. . n nahv TTome will be June 6, having been changed from rail to Summer, that the young women and girls who Ben tags may iiu. work In a downpour of rain. No more wormy idoliluliuu - , . , . ,1,.. .ia PahTTInma. which in ne Bua -' - j receives no support other than that con tributed by a generous public having no endowments or BLaw ofp1 . . 3 . . v. ks.A ef thA hnma IS I ne til. umv. . composed of the following men and wo men: .. Mrs. I: N. Flelschner, Mrs. javia 1. tt .. -jir-a pranV Ransom. Mrs James Ernest La'idlaw, Mrs. D. C. Burns, DENTS Toothache Gum Used by tniDions of people for past 25 YEARS Get the genuine J ENT'S AH Dra Stares 15e Mrs. Frederick Johnson, Mrs. R. A. Leiter, Mrs. Walter M. cook, Airs. j. m. Scott, -Mrs. John Stewart, Mrs. : Lydell Baker, C. H. Dodd, L. Kern. A. L. Kee nan, F. F. Akin, and Dr. Joseph Bilder bach, managing physician of the home, nfi.ioi iiaaHfinii rtPTfl which are be- 1 n,n;n4lr,H ntfl .Tun R. are at 147 Sixth street, in the new Selling building, and here a group 01 women gather every day to direct and plan for the coming Tag day. A meeting of the Junior Auxiliary of the Baby Home will take place there tomorrow after noon at half past three o'clock. Al ready girls are being chosen to sell tags and are being assigned stations whence to dlstrmute tuem. tv, a . n rr b thio T?-ar n rA tn be attrac tive postal cards with a Portland rose printed upon it, imbedded in the petals of which- will be me pnotograpneu nu of one of the tiny Inmates of the home. THE ROSE CARNIVAL We cannot have a cheap-looking set of men walking about Portland during Carnival week. Dress well, with econ omy. Jimmy Dunn saves you $10 on your suit. , $30 suits, $18.75; $25 suits. $14.75. Take elevator to 315, Oregonian building, and enjoy yourself with the money you save. Veterans to Hear Sermon. Members of George Wright and Lincoln-Garfield Posts and -the Woman's Relief Corps have been Invited by Rev. Luther R. Dyott to attend the services at the First Congregational Churcn. Park and Madison streets, this evening. Seats have been reserved for their use, those attending being expected to wear their badges. 1 Excursion Fares East VIA i IF f3 Including Oregon Short Line, Union Pacific, Chicago & Northwestern SALE DATES . May 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28 and 29. June 5, 7, 9. 10, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29 and 30. July 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 2G, 27 and 28. Ausmst 3, 4. 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 1. (60.00 Fares. Chicago '""S0 Cotucll Blntta -1 Omaha I Kansas City . . . . U St. Joseph I It Paul J St. Paul, via Council Blnfls ....... Minneapolis direct Minneapolis, via Council 1)1 nfl". - Boston . St. LiOnla N 963.90 SHO.OO a63.90 110.00 . . . $70.00 ...C108.S0 . . . 82 JSO . . .$107.50 ...(102.4O York Detroit, Mich Washlnsrton, D. C... Atlantic City, Jf. J r .,, retun.inK. Final retorr. limit October 31, 1911. Call'at our City Ticket Office. Third and Washington streets lor any information desired. . Also for sleeping-car reservaUon. or address fl-H. -McMrilBJl.T, Ceaeral Faaaenarer Aet, Portland, Or.