The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1911, SECTION FOUR, Page 6, Image 54

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Lmbers Arranging Run to
Ocean With Four Days
Outing Included.
it-" - ' " rttm
fr ClablHUM Inclcr reoti-
on on I'pnrr Wlllamrttr. Whrrr
H-rantlful Vlr of Nall.c
N-rrncr Ailil lo C'lmrin.
1 r.priatfn th vain of kmv roads
n a practical standpoint and realtx-
to what material cs.tni they ion
ute xt an njormrnt to untor
the ho ri of ihrrtnri of the 'ort
t Auifm'MI flub at a m- t tntr
iay nicht rl 1 . 1 lo fmi-loy tm-
iatIy a solicitor for subscriptions
I the fund bfintf ratsrd fr the pur-
of Imprw-vtna' trim road In ash-
ion County strtrhtra from TtKard-
lo Hrx. This d-rLtoQ to aid tha
lvmnl fr an improved rad cam
a result of request made by the
Tihill Auto Club and orrtrn-rcil
a ind ftoada Awso-i-iat Ion.
i adlttln t ntrioutln fund to
Aftruncttm tuntjr r-l. the rlub
: endeavor to ra t sufficient money
rry on rad work on the Mount
1 highway. A romptnt road
i will employed to work In con
tlon with L-i. Henry Wemme on
: hiirhway.
4trrit evhinr of activity In the
i ntMprahip rampuirn Is twins; sup-
d In ihr tiAp of svvrral nw ap
at ln that ar brin rrcrlTwj a I
t daily by tretary I'uitr. It
lliffH that bfor the nd of tha
-ith tha numbfr of nrw name add
to tha rlub s mnihrliip roater wil
d tha hundred mark.
iviy lntrt ta binc eTlnoed In
al-tun of a pit upon which to
i the prooad c 1 ubhu uae. A bau
I api ait tatl amona flower Ina
-i ha. iuatiImI jr atatvly pin and
Mh up on the banka of I ha
Umtt Klvr. rommandlna
st rutted vlrw of the mountain, la
i naotated for. The tte ta
ir ai-tbl. btn jut far rnouch
t"tH from th rlty to aHre the rlub
nt)m an opportunity fur an en Joy
drtve on a plndtd road that )
rod rondttlon (he whole year. At
baaa of thts platrau-like formation
th rlfpr bank a aplt of unr.d
trhea out Into the riirer. prorl.lfn
n h aa a auitahle place for awtm
and aa a landn1 for motor boats
other lixht craft. The rmmittf
ect to be ready to announce In
d-tv the rl'ieins of the d-eil for
he fl rt drive to be riven thts year
'-r the auidre of the rlub paa
ud ao much Intereat amena th
nr that the llt has hen com-
-d already. Tt.e drlv wtll lnclud
o-en the ob (rt-tlve point and
I h srWen July 3. fottr dys to be
i nt in the outtn.
m a'rommolatior will not he pro
ed f r ovr l at the hotel on the
.th. It hit been deemed rdviaable
'-onhne the n ui br r of run ; o SO,
h to carry live eronf. Thoee who
not take port In thl drive will be
en an tp rtunlt v to enjoy other
to be made Liter.
ne ff(i-er of tr lub are becrln-
to mak prep rntlow for the trip tt ur-n.M for evervihlnjc for
rmfort of the part. Two U
I he spent at the beach, tanclnirand
mminit parties will form a part of
short otiMnv The trip la to be
1 lelurvly. the rare to remain far
ujch. apart that the travelers may
be annoel by the duet,
he distance between the hearh and
tlind la lie mdrs. The best time
t has been made In roverina thia
t was stx hours and JO minutes.
M. 'ovev has announced that the
Ire can be mad in nve hours. He
1 be in the van on the club trip
2 and hop to establish a record
1 1 on that day.
MIK Rl.tIIR Hl(i AT HHKEIi OP (Htl.MKR! 40. (
yTtrm ftlamhr Rlnic. t)o artrrns who bKlnn an fnKKfmtnt In Portland today, finds cnjnj-able diversion In
inntorin and de.larrs that short drives out in tha-pure. fresh air and along srenic routes contribute -rreat-ly
to her robust health. As a means of relaxation from staare duties. Miss Kina has found nothing; etes
to equal automobllltiK. She was amona the first of the leading actresses to take up motorlaa.
Miss i'.ln-r has Just placed an order for a new Chalmers "40," to be delivered upon her return to
New j
Fp4-n of Stopping and Starting
lNnkrous Vrlilflc CauMti Ills
ration of Nol -.
ilt Ion SiMoni or Timliue Often
rr It I a mnl UIhu1 Warrant.
h Isnltlon system or the ttmlcr Is
qurntlv bliinied when motors "i-er-m
bAdly. And credit Is xlven the
ves for hetn mechanically In rood
er. In a numter of thee Instances,
at b-)n ascertained that the valves
i k w h n they becnte hot. and the
i-rance offered wa in ecess of the
Ittv of the prtnn?. There are dis-
Miufs In tr tns to remedy thts by
it hinc heavier prtnit. lor the
utrr springs the greater will be
wear on the t am. roller, lift and
end of the valve etem. If a soft
t Im ued In te head of the adjutinr
mhr It w til be pulverised If the
ins l too utron; or In th absence
a buffer iui h a this thr end of the
ve Mem wtll broom out.
'he irtubte I due to the curllnix up
the stem be--iiie a means Is not
.Tded for tran-iniitttn-c the heat
ay from the mushroom, doa n
ouuh tba lenuth of the stem, and
to the water-jacket. In the manner
before staled.
V t ry liberal fillet at the Junction of
valve stem with the mushroom not
y prevent- tbe curl inn up of the
m in e-ju-ilixipir the temperature
-ouichout. ht:t it also prevents the
j.hro.m from tilinc out of lis pii
n at rliiht anilc ! the plane of
"iierr jr. t o rea-in apparently
plat tnc a fillet of liberal propor
n at the Junction, one of w htch is
impart mechanical riutdity to the
vhroom. nnl its Joint with the etem:
or her rraon t bound up In t he
ater n-ji of metal w it ieh ts avalt-
e f.r the tranMr of heat,
f the maker of an automobile falls
oh-rrve the!e w ell-underMood con-ion-,
the reiafr m-n, if he appre
t the true Mtuatin. Is offered a
nderful opportunity to deliver a
ifa tory repair and materially lm
ve the actual worktrs iualttles.
A urprlsfnjt feature of motor truck
ope rat Ion la the weakness of the waxntna
laTinJ usually favored. In most case
this Is a bulb horn of feeble and Inde
terminate note. Jt Is attached to the
truck at a point where the driver can
ft-rasp it by reach ina. and almoat Invari
ably the projector points toward th
Mreel surface.
Jut why this singular rule obtains In
th case of a vehicle frequently repre
sentlnc lO.OCo pounU rros weight Is
difficult to understand. The expense of
stoppinjr and starttn a motor truck Is
by no means aliffht. when wear and tear
are considered. The earn factor la also
not to h- Ignored in tourlnv car opera
tion. TeS. In the case of the latter,
the jrradunl abandonment of the uncer
tain and weak-votced wamlna slsnal In
favor of the raucous electric signal -Is a
fact tona realised by the trade.
The motor truck I a heavy, ponderous
vehicle, weighing, even without Its load.
S'w to pourxls. and. with Its load.
freouentiy reaching five Ions burden.
itig forward through the town and city
streets wlth,lea means of giving warn
ing of Its approach than many of th
lesser tynea of motorcars.
Jt Is difficult to check th progress of
motor truck at best. Indeed, one of
the most serious problems with which
motor truck manufacturers have to con
tend Is the production of rfflclent brake
power. Hrakes on motor trucks actually
wear out. after comparatively Short
ft la purely a common sense proposi
tion that the motor truck should b pro
vided with a warning signal as efficient
s Uat of the motorcar. This Is nt an
expense, but an Insurance agutnst wear
and tear, as well as Injury to pede-trlans.
Mhould motor trucks be equipped with
a slcnal of harsh note, the drivers would
not be ohltgrd to mak nearly the otinn-
tity of gear shifts and stop a for. traffic
as under present conditions. Further
more, the decree of progress would Im
prove, h-evause the adeouute slftnal Is
ertsln to give a comparatively clear
When the menace to pedestrians of a
five-ton loaded motor truck moving
along a busy street without adenylate
means of giving warning of Its approach
U considered, the object lesson ought to
be ctearty apparent. !
Motor trucks are a recognized and I
crowing factor In the street traffic of
the Nation. Surely, their equipment Is
matter for as serious consideration as
that of the touring cur at le:ist. o fur ,
as the warning signal Is concerned.
In the comparison of business In the
two states.
In the three month between Novem
ber 1 and February S. the number of
sale In Portland amounted to 2fS. be
tween February S and March 6. 67 cars
w ere sold, and between March & and
April 1 . 107 i a rs we re sold and new
licenses issued.
M;wHger Koee. of th E-M-F North
west Company.- -who secured these sta
tistics, returned recently from a trip
through Oregon and Washington. He
said yesterday that while the trade ir
Washington had been somewhat slack,
he believed that business conditions in
the neighboring state were Improving
"One reason why there has been I
fslllng-ofT In the auto trade In Wash
Ington la that a large part of the wheat
crop remains unsold. aald Mr. Kose.
"The farmers In Washington form i
larse percentage of automobile users In
that state. On account of their hold
ing their grain for higher prlcas, busi
ness has been affected In many locali
ties. This situation has been felt keenly
by the state agencies. However, with
good crop prosp-ects there. It Is expected
that a strong movement In the trade wtll
be had within the next few months. Dy
the end of the year, business conditions
should be normal In Washington. In
Oregon trade condition are satisfactory.
There Is everything to Indicate that Ore
gon and Wash In at on will have a pros
perous year In all lines of Industry"
Member of Riverside driving; Club
Are Iuttlng Animals Through
Pacc at Track. x
Auto Hcxi-rd FxcteiN That of Three
That In the five months between No
vember I and April r more automobiles
and motor trucks were sold In Portland
than In Seattle. T acorn a and Spokane
combined Is the record of state licenses
lie ned In that period In Oregon and
W'SshlnKton. Portland heads the list
with 5b sales of motor-driven ve
hicle, while Seattle dealers disposed
of only h machines and Spokane 49
machines. Tacoma made a still smaller
The automobile trade In Oregon for
the same period made a tremendous
gain over that In Washington, with a
total of 70 i sales as compared with 108
pales In the neighboring state. These
figures Include sales only of cars that
have been registered. In addition,
numerous sales were made to farmers
who have d laved In securing stste li
censes. As this condition applies ailke
In both elate, the new cars that have
not been licenced as yet do not figure
With the prospect of some fine rac
ing at the first matinee of the season
to be held by the Rlcrsld Driving
Club on Iecoratlon Day. the member
of that club are warming; up to the
approaching meet In the most enthu-
lastlc manner.
Kvery year these matinees of th
Riverside Club serve aa reminder of
the big harness meet to be hold In the
Fall, and the horsemen of Portland,
who own fancy stepper do not hesi
tate to test the speed of their animal
in the friendly, but earnestly con
tested matinee races.
The Portland horsemen are hoping
for pleasant weather for May 30, the
date of the first meet of the season.
1. C. Anderson has two new entries
working out aa often as the weather
has permitted. They are Collie Kagln
and Zo Zo, Callfornla-bred trotters.
Hoth have shown good gaits and speed.
Anderson also has Chtco. a favorite In
the matinee races here In the past, and
with these three entries he expects to
gather plenty of glory at the coming
W. M. Davis has purchased a neat
gnlng trotter called Dr. Hal, with
which he hopes to enter the lists and
he has hi entry at the track dally In
the hands Tf a capable trainer.
Al Powell's Orocliet, A. C. Lohmlre'
Fled Skin, C. W. Flanders' Cantatrlce.
T. 1L Howitt's lott!e IdmJIe and U W.
Watts Blue Jacket will be among the
familiar performers seen again In the
speed tests.
Thomas W. Murphy has purchased
several new horses but Intends to con
tent himself with SI Meriden on Dec
oration Day. as he Is grooming hi new
horses for the later matiness, especially
the meet on June 9 during the Kose
Dr. Smith Crltlolnes Governor for
Renewing Labor Contract With
Stove Company.
By the new contract that has been
made between the state and the Loew-
enberj-r-Oolna Company for the employ
ment of convlcta In the stove factory. It
Is believed that many prisoners at the
penitentiary will be available at all
times for road construction work. By
the terms of the new contract 220 con
victs Is the maximum number that can
be employed In the stove foundry. -
While many of the prisoners will be
required to labor in other ways. It Is
expected that there will be aJways be
tween 100 and 200 convicts who can be
used on the state roads.
The first work to be done by convicts
under the new administration will be
on the county road near Sublimity,
Marlon County. It Is probable that
about 30 prisoners will be placed In
service there. There are already seven
miles of rock road in that district.
much of the work having; been done by
"While more convlcta will be avail
able for road work under the new con
tract with the stove people. It is re
grettable that Governor West saw fit to
renew the aareement. said Ir. Andrew
C. HmJth. member of the board of dl
rectors of the Ore-ron Association for
Highway Improvement. "To sell con
vict labor to a private concern is a blot
on the name of any state. When the
original contract was declared forfeited
because of default in payments. It was
to have been expected that the state
would stop the practice of dealing in
slavery. It seems to be almost an uni
versal opinion that to contract the con.
vlrt labor to a private concern Is det
rimental to public interest and morale.
Oovernor West had a chance to re
move this stain from the name of the
state. His signing the new contract
was certainly Ill-advised.
The cause of good roads will be In
jured by this act, as It means that more
than mo convicts wtll be held to work
for a private concern almost contlnir
ouslv. Instead of being assigned with
others to aid in the construction of
state roads."
S 120-inch Wheel Base.
$1965 Portland, Fully Equipped
Eventually a Schacht 40-horsepower-why not now?
The same grade workmanship, material, etc., that you find in the highest-priced
cars of today. You will be doubly impressed, too, when you try its individual
ERATION AND POWER. 'Careful comparison will reveal to you why
it is needless to pay more than $1965 for a foredoor, 40-horsepower car to get
solid comfort in an automobile. Let us demonstrate and convince you.
Schacht Motor Car Co
Call Main 7093 or A 7093 I
We still have some choice territory open for agents.,
Fifth and Hoyt Streets
Write for proposition.
Mnniruno Students Graduate.
MOXTKSAXO. Wash.. May . (Spe
cial. The commencement exercises of
the graduating class of the Montesano
High School were held tonight. The
sdflress win made by Herbert C Lull.
A. B., of the University of Washington.
Thr class consists of Koy H. Kerup,
Percy S. Sparks, Charles G. Marcey and
Ml?is tiretchen Schafer.
Prllv-rry and Collection Much Ex:-
dlted by Motor, Say Dyeing Firms.
The firm footing gained by the auto
mobile in the dyeing and cleaning busi
ness in Portland is indicated by the
Increasing number of light delivery
trucks, lettered attractively with the
names of various local renovating es
tablishments, which are seen speeding
through the streets every day. One of
the most enthusiastic indorsers of the
light motor truck for use in the dyeing
and cleaning business Is A. A. Metze
laar, manager of the Vienna Cleaning
and Dyeing Works, 221-226 Third street.
Time Is an Important element in our
work." said Mr. Metzelaar in an inter
view the other day, "and for this, rea
son the automobile Is a business-getter
and a business-keeper. We invested in
our delivery car last September and
the work it has been doing for us ever
since has been nothing short of a rev
elation. Not only have we been han
dling all our old bulk of business bet
ter, but we have been reaching out and
gathering new business 'all the time,
a large part of It is traceable directly
to our auto-delivery service. Our car
has taken the place of three teams and
wagons, and In addition to giving us
quic ker, cleaner and altogether more
satisfactory service, it has proven a
most effective advertising medium.
When we first put our car on the
street." continued Mr. Metzelaar. "we
had nothing better than a hand-lettered
placard on the side of the vehicle
telling the firm's name and business,
hut within the first few days the little
ft Vd- rM fiffP-
-4-Horse power Toorins; Cau lli
So Simple
A Child
30-Horse power Roadster
Gears, No
Clutch, No
car attracted several new customers,
ho have been giving us their work
and sending their friends to us ever
since. At one corner where tne car
stopped until a traffic Jam had cleared,
a man walked up, read the sign, and at
once asked the driver if he could make
a hurry-up call at a certain address in
South Portland to get a suit or ciotnes
he desired to have renovated and
pressed as soon as possible. In a few
minutes our auto was at the address.
and the suit rushed through the nec
essary processes. Our new customer
was surprised to fnd us aneaa 01 our
promises in returning the suit. Of
course, that impression counted ana
we have had his work ever since. That
incident is lust an example of how
the automobile acts as a business get
As to the additional volume of work
we are enabled to nanaie, a typical
route, such as our car is covering right
now, will perhaps serve to Indicate the
possibilities. At 4:15 this afternoon the
car went out with several deliveries
and 'pick-up- will go to three
different addresses on"fortiand ieignts,
pick up an order on East Sixteenth
street, make three more stops on Haw
thorne and it will be back here again
by 5 o'clock, or a very few minutes
after. Imagine the difference if we
had to cover that territory by horse
and wagon."
Three Jailed as Counterfeiters.
TACOMA, Wash.." May 20. Mat Svals,
John Johnson and John Lundquist were
arrested today charged with passing
counterfeit money. They are alleged
to be members of the gang that has
been manufacturing and circulating
half-dollars in Tacoma and other
Northwest cities, exposure of which be
gan with the arrest of Hedderly Fair
and John M. Connor. Fair was dis
charged Dy the United States Commis
sioner, but Connor is being investigated
by the Federal grand jury.
IIcmmI Ititrr Orsanlic.
lliM RIVKR. Or. Mv J-V iSpe-
.1. At a m---tng of 4t owners at
tv.nihlr ha'l of the t'ommfrrUI
ib an atitimutrli' ,-lnb was organised
tf-t- . irv. l.-9!le Hutier. of the But- t'omp-iny. was chairman
the H)eet:ne The m.iln purpow of
'lTt fir the present will be to pro
le tne MtlMI-ir r-4 Iht fort lard-HoO'l
.r ftulxmoMtr road along tne t o-
iibiA. T?;e a.-enU rute was heartily
!.-,,! tiv all present. The majority
t ho. r-nt wer. In favor of let-
K the t'onatruL-tiiin work n done
Jrr roun'v uierv teion by the levy
a ape.-tal t. However, others are
the opinion that tit. route could be
nrd by mmnj of a puMtc auoaortp
:i. In a.l-ntton f' Mr. Ilrllbronner.
bojrd of -lire. lr. t composed of
following aufomoMN
i: J. A. Kpplnc. Albert Sutton. W. L.
rk and C- K. Mari.'.s.t.
, ; j
The Ford Motor Car Agency has a
racing; car that will appear in the
Rose Carnival parades and want
an appropriate name for it. The
car Is on exhibition at the frarage,
Kast 8th at. and Hawthorne ave.
tSijjrfrestions may be ent between
now and May 31st. Letters will be
opened June 1st and announcement
made on June 3a ana 4tn. in case
thera are several who send In the
same name, tne one senains; the
sus-irestion to the office first will
receive the award.
Cut out and mall today the cou
pon below to the Ford Motor Car
' Acrirr, Kmnt Mth at. and Haw
t borne. Port la ad. Or.
A new ora-anlzation In Portland that is jcrowlna rapidly Is the Portland Motorcycle Club. The member
ship hs-s climbed to over many new memhrs hsvtna: Joined wlthtn the past few weeks. The officers
are: Ildf-nt. II. Husso-rk: vl-e-presldent. Ralph Ruffner: secretary, D. Thilbln; treasurer. Ohrts Hetck.
The rlub plans to ive mns every Sunday durtns: the Summer, the tour today to be made to Government
amp at the foot of Mount Hood, provided the road above Khododendron Is passable. It Is expected that at
lrat 3s in-mbm wiM Jotn the party.
A tour on the loop out on the fae Line Road and bark on Columbia Boulevard and Sandy road was
mail Ust Sunday. 19 motorists betns; in the party. The accompanying photograph was taken before . the
party stated its run last Sunday.
I suggest the name of
your Ford Racer.
Name - v
Pate Town
QT ATP" AfFNTQ i NEW EEA auto cycle
The Recognized Leaders of the Industry
Peerless Pope-Hartford
Chalmers Hudson
. Each Pre-eminent in Its Class
KEATS AUTO CO Seventh and Burnside
. Phone Main 5368 Open Evenings
MAIN 6374. A 737.