3 V NEWS AND GOSSIP OF PLAYS AND PLAYERS aiuitaj wrr ixon cam vOHN BCRTOX. unqutlonably I of tha moil thoronshlr llk4 character actors that Tr amus tha Portland public, will lea-ra tomor row tor hla horn In Los Ang-alaa. With him wom Mrs. John Barton, who l not an actraaa, and their pat of IX years. FlfL a wonderful tox terrier. Thay are all aolnr to hare a holiday. Mr. Bur ton haa aa oranae iron, and a beautl ful bunKalow right In the midst of It. and be says be Is trolnr to enjoy It all tnlg Summer. Mart be 11 fo back to the atane net Kail and mayba ha won't. He haa ben offered place in the new Baker Company, to b made p of old farorltee nest eeaaon, and certainly we hop Mr. Burton will ac- rpc He saya he will If ha plays stor at all. But there a deferred tou abroad that he and ' re. Burton hare looked at lonKlnaly and aa mar be nex September will ea them "rolllnc over the ocean blue. Mrs. Burton Is writer of abort stories, and haa pub lished one book. "Herolnlacencea of tha tase. storlea told by her husband, e e Here's a bit of newa about a one ttme leadles; woman wltb tha Bake players Lillian Lawrence. Last July she was taken seriously 111 In New Tork and after an operation, was told by her physicians that aha must not work for one year. So. accordlna-iy. she ac- repted no envaa-einent when tha eeaaon besaa. and later, when she felt able to play as a In. the desirable place were all taken. So Miss Lawrence played bar first encasement week before lsst la Boston with tha Castla Souar Com- canr aa Portia In "The Merchant of Venice." Now ehe haa returned to New Tork to prepare for a season of Sum mer stock with the Harry Ials atock comnanr In Pittsburg. Miss Ls rente's daughter. Klhel Orey Terry, will appear In Portland dorms; in noe with Nance u Nell In -i n Ksstli Uly- e e e Olca Kulhmann. who waa leadlnc nnin In tha local production of "Ira Vtelsen Roesar ("TM White Horea Tr-1 last Sunday at tb Hellla-. Is a German actress of distinguished pres nc and excellent dramatic ability. Her r.rtrvl of tha role of Joeepna. nostess .f the Inn. proved th brilliant success of tha comedy play. Maaarae tvuni- mann possesses, too. a lovely stoglne- voice, and particularly pleased with her solo -May Breeses." Tha actress Is writ known In Portland and was th reclplrnt of much social attention dur Ins; her stay. e e e Imnald Bowles, who has been playing Juvenilis with tha Baker Stock Com pany In Spokane, arrived In Portland tortay for a sojourn among his many friends. e e Hilly mils. baptismal nam prob ably William, but never verified has ha-vome a member of th Baker fore here, coming from Spokan with th closing- of the stock organisation there to take the plac left vacant by Jonn Hurtnn. "Th Kin Is desd. Ions; llv the Kins;. a John Sherman, another former Baker player, la In Portland, having arrived last week after tha closing of th Spo ken company with which b bad been playing-. e e -Faithful" iwho probably Isnt r wouldn't feel th need of sdvertlslng It) errltes to ask for Information con reralng "th popular actor Edgar Haura. who wss a leading man her five yeara ago." Well, as far as I can learn. Mr. Haume la still a "real s tater In Milwaukee. Thre years ago. he wed widow plus quit a family of children and since thst time haa never sn th footlights only from th au diences' viewpoint. Th widow was wealthy, and as Edgar had a Kentucky farm and a bank account, th flier Into th real estate gamble could be taken safely. Anyway, he's making good, and says It certainly beats acting. Last year he spent thre months In Los Angeles. e e Max Figman. following th close of his season at th Ak-asar In San Fran cisco, has been heading a atock com pany at th Seattle Theater In tha Mound city. Tha engagement will clos la thre weeks. e e Mr. ami Mrs. Johnston Forbes-Robertson (Gertrude Elliott) salted last wrek for London on th Lusttaut. They will spend their Summer at Hartsbonrn Manor. Buahey Heart, tkurlng lh coronation Mr. Forbea Robrrtson will appear In a gala per formance at Ills Majesty's Theater. l.nndoa. where he la to read th royal a.niress. In October both Mr. and Mrs. Forbes-Robertson will return to Amer ica to resume their tours; he In "Th Passing of th Third Floor Back." sh In "Th Dawn of a Tomorrow." and later her new play. -Rebellion," tried out recently In Kansas City. a e Hal Ford, th lanky comedian who a short tint ago decorated th Or pheura stage with a monologue, haa an nounced that he has been engaged to appear In th leading male role of "Th Chocolate Soldier" In Australia next season. e Marc Klaw chases back and forth aeross the ocean so much that must have bowing acquaintance with every llttl wavelet he meets. Just now he has scampered over again, for the fourth or firth time sine last Fall, when h cam to Portland to put up several blocka of theater fa-hem! I. He may be going to represent -K. A K." Interests at tha coronation and then again he may not. "They" say he Is going to arrange for a production of ' I Fink Lady- In London. th cast of old favorites who had played aom SO years ago In on of the revivals of tbia play. Itself over 100 years old. "6a-ay. h queried of Bid at th box office, 'do you think George Baker can get away with that trlckr "Why ha ought . to,' said Sid. Tba Country Girl haa always been a great favorite with show-shoppers.' "Well ril tall you. argued th man. scratching hla head, 'them antique prtmaa can't come back after years any more'n Jeffries could.' " e e e Oliver Moroeco who went to New Tork several months ago and organised a company, then hied to Chicago with It and produced "The Fox" at th Cort Theater, haa returned to Los Angelea to look after hla theatrical interests at th Burbank Theater there. e I clipped this out of a New Tork paper. It's so silly it's funny and is particularly of Intereet as all remember dainty Beast Clifford and many per sons know of tha hideous rat-ilk dog Tama" aha lugged around in her muff. or which trailed after bar at the end of chain. Here, then Is the recital: "Miss Bessl Clifford, who has 'Varna Tamaed' all over the Middle West and West for thre seasons In Three Twins,' Is back on Broadway toting around a llttl whit dog who replies Here' to tb nam of Tama. Miss Clif ford thinks mor of Tama than ah does of anything else In th world, dsplt any beliefs to th contrary. Sh takes It with her everywhere, carrying along a little grip In which sh puts him when h Is tired. 'While having lunch with a friend at the Cadillac yesterday Mlsa Clifford told about Tama'a tricks. Then she added: ' 'Io you know, th only poem I ever wrote In my Ufa waa about Tama. Want to hear itr "Of course th youth across tha table said X'h. huh." And this was It: I have a llttl dog named Taraa, Ann be Is my delight: At night he wears his pajamas Me eurely is a cute Utile tyke. lie gosa all aroand wltb me; Money could not buy Mm: And wbea to a strict hotel go ae I bid hla In kis utile satchel, e e Pavid Belasco'a daughter. Guasle. whoa wedding to William Elliott, th actor, was an event of th mid-Winter In New Tork. Is aerloualy 111. and ha recently gone to Colorado Springs, from Ashevill. N. C hoping to benefit. Mrs Elliott Is accompanied by her husband and Mr. Balaaco. Mrs. Flsk will visit Portlsnd som time this Summer. Her husband. Har rison Orey Flske.. has Just completed arrangementa for a brief tour to b made by th actress In her last big suc cess. "Mrs. Burapstesd-Lelgh." to th Pacific Coast th coming Summer. She will visit Denver. Los Angeles. Ssn Francisco. Portland. Seattle and a few other cities. Tb trip will cover nine weeks. e e e Blanch Ring, who begins her en gagement at th Helllg tbls evening In Tha Yankee Girl. haa declined an offer to appear on Broadway thla Sum mer as the star Tn a revue similar to "Th Midnight Sons." which sh mad success during Its original run In New Tork. Miss Ring will continue in her present musical play until late In una, and win tben take a long vaca tion, ah says. see Rumor says that Robert Edeson, who will this next seaaon stsr In The Cave Man," la quite determined to quit at-t- ng within tha next few yeara and take p marla painting, at which art ha is aomewbat skilled. Whether this la a vagary of th press agent remains to be seen. Lillian Russell has been kept very busy lately denying, through the press. he report of her engsgement to Alex Moor, editor of tb Pittsburg Leader. She aeems to have overcome her marry ing habit In late years- Her first ven ure . occurred when sh was quit young, th object being Harry Braham. musical director. Then she wed Ed- wsrd Solomon, but owing to the fact hat he had neglected the formality of Ivorcing a former wife. Lillian left him and rounded out her triangle of matrimony with John Chatterton. a Inger. He went the way of the others. nd while rumors many have been cur rent from time to time that the lovely actress had decided to become an other Mra Somebody. In each instance he haa proved It either calumny or press dope. By the way. before auother alx months roll around th perennial beauty will have returned to her first lov comic opera. Sh has affixed her signature to a contract, whereby Werba V Lueacher control her aervlres for the ensuing flv years, and th firm la ne gotiating for a Viennese opera in which to Inaugurate her return to the field w her one sh wss famous. u U1 r .M , A G R A Y R D AND HER ASSISTING ARTISTS N ft.?. -' - wHEILIG THEATER 1 Phone Mala 1 aad A 1123 iy FOUR NIGHTS STARTING TONIGHT SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE -.."I!Hu , WEDNESDAY Lew Fields aad Fred McKay Present THE FAVORITE COMEDIENNE BLANCHE RING IX THE MUSICAL COMKDT "THE YANKEE GIRL" With Harry Gilfoll SO Players Special Orchestra Kvenlng Lower floor. $2.00. $1.50. Balcony. 5 rows. $1.50; rows, Ll.00; i rows. 75c: 6 rows. 60c Gallery, 50c. Wednesday Matinee over floor; $1.50, $1.00. Balcony, 5 rows, $1.00; 6 rowti 75c; last 11 rows, 60c Gallery, 85c-25c SEATS NOW SELLING ARMORY Saturday Eve'g June 3d, 1911 . MAIL ORDERS FILLED Address Lois Steers-Wynn Coman, Columbia Bldg. Prices (both Floor and Balcony) 11.00, $1.50, $2.00, $3.00. sip, whispering of secret conspiracies In the political world without, tha re cital of portents and wonders, while th broad humor of th period has a show ing. Ths second act la occupied by th lodge meeting proper, and here the seri ous purpose of the plan has Its develop ment. In the third scene, or division. "from labor to refreshment," the con vivial features of old-time Masonry have amusing Illustrations. The toasts and longs and table talk combine In an easy and accurate reproduction of this one Important function of Masonry. Th play is said to be Intensely human, e George Bernard Shaw says: "The theater cannot give pleasure. It defeats its very purpose if it does not take you outside of yourself. It may sometimes, and. Indeed, often does, give on sensatlona which are far from pleasant, which may even be In the last degree horrifying and terrible. The function of the theater Is to stlr'peo ple. to make them think, to make them auffer." Unfortunately this suffering stunt Is too often Just what a majority of mod ern plays causes, and th masterpieces of "G. B. S. are often among them, at that. Louise Treser. whom we saw with IV Wolf Hopper, has written a musical play that she will keep In th Ice-bos until she and her husband. Jack Gardi ner, can appear In It as Joint stars. e e Will Archie, the diminutive comedian who appeared In Portland with LlUlan Kussell In -wildfire" tried out a new vaudeville sketch railed "Bud" last week in Tookers. with great success. Mrs. Leslie Carter, the lady with the red hair and the temperament that wont behave, haa arranged to go abroad at the close of her tour In "Two omen." Florence Roberts' old plsy made over with new sleeves and a harem skirt. Mra. Carter sails early la June and Inten.ls to spend a part of her Summer In Paris and London and then return to her Summer home near New Koch:ie. She Is coming out this way out season In her "Two Women play and probablv. In addition, will give her version of "Hamlet and "La To. ca. But t here's no need to borrow trouble, she may decld not to step la where angelt have feared to tread. e Th Indefatlguable George M. Cohan sang ten songs for a phonograph com pany last week. Thla Is the Arst time on record no Joke that the Yanke Hood comedian has ever performed for canned music specialists. It la said that he received a remarkable contract. The exact term are not known, but there need be lm! doubt that th Am erican Bag Waver received as much for singing his tea duties as does even Caruso. Apropos of the earlv'week hilt. "Th Country Girl. at th Baker. Sid Isaacs, of the box-office fore at that theater tells this: "An old weather-beaten man waa eyeing Lh billboard announcing ; And now Harry Lauder's handsome "phis" has been reproduced In bronxe and ls on exhibition at Burlington House. In London. In this year's acad emy display. True It' a wee. small bust, snd It has been tucked away Into an obscure position In a corner, but It's there nevertheless. The sculptor Is Reid Dick. He must be a regular -J. pterpont M." to dabble In expensive luxuries such as a bust of th pro verbial "tight-wad Harry" would b. For the first 'time It? the history of Masonry a play, designed exclusively for Masonic audience and subscribing to all th laws of dramatic construc tion, has been written and Is. says th Cleveland Plain Dealer, about to be presented by a company or actors cho sen exclusively from the ranks of Ma sonry and to appear under th Juris diction of most of th statea according, to booklnga already accomplished. The plsy deals with ths development of Ma sonry personified during the stormy days of 1717. In the first seen, where -the brothers" gather, there Is gos- BOOKLET SHOWS THEATER DftaIN of Construction of Orphcum in Seattle Given. - Handsome booklets, souvenirs of the new Orpheum Theater In Seattle, Wash., have been received in Port land. Full of beautiful illustrations and containing Interesting data relative to the building. Its owners. Sullivan Consldlne. Its builders, architect. Kings ley, and Contractor Dow, and with much that Is historical of Soattle and tha Orpheum circuit, the book has not only an artistic value, but is educa tional as well. The illustratlona reproduce the en trance, a huge marque of ornamental iron and glass; the lobby. - worked out In rich marble mosalca and mahogany panels under a ceiling of ornamental plastering and the mural decoration and ornamentation. Sections 'of th grand foyer worked out in Grecian classic and Italian renaissance, th treatment In marble and onyx, ar rep resented, with lll'isirattona. The lower foyer and stairways are also shown. One page gives attention to the protec tions from fire, with Illustrations of evlts. entrances, corridors, etc. The People's Amusement Co. 1 BRAD-iEW PHOTOPLAYS IS SUNDAY PROGRAMMES fl LAST DAYS OF lOl'M LEO TOLSTOI. Showing Greatness of ""2 J" a Great Man. -Jr' si 'HIE An H fow. Most Fascinating Child Story of v3 the South W hich lias Ever Been Told. Ocr Si THE M AMCl BE LADY. A Real Up-to-Date Blograph Comedy. TS MISS HELKX LOWE. CO - OH JOY THEATER TTVOLI THEATER A Close Call. Most Thrilling Plc- Th SHU Alarss. A Vivid and Ex- tur Ever Exhibited. citing Reecue From Flames. Alkali Ike's Aate. Western Com- r... eff Ills a Ti i Drama. edy. a . ZTr. Thai Awf.l Brother. Comedy Jlaasay aa a Lark. Comic ljrarrTa. Skenlsx th Rapid. Scenld. Al father and Aad Clvr Ma-1 aad Swag. '''tur"'""'' ,D Grt P,C" .3 s Th Biggest Seaaat-oa f 1111 - ra es. 3 A CLOSE CALL! A Climax of Thrills Every Solitary Second, e s HER HIMBLE MlaUtry. Slum Life. - LX A.D AROt D HAVAA. Senic CIS " A HCStiRY MAT FED. Comedy. " AND A BRILLIANT NEW SI.NCER. Seat Sale Opens Next Thursday, May 25th HEILIG THEATER Corrimencing Monday Evening, May 29th Cosablaew Stellar Easragemeat Extraordinary MR. F H. MISS JULIA lOthernMarlowe I!T SHAKESPEAREAN REPERTOIRE ArraaKesneat of Plays for Thla Engage-neat Moaday Bight, May 39 Tuesday Bight. May XO Wednesday naallaee. May 81... WedaeeoaT night. May SI Tha radar alght. Jnae 1 Friday alght. Jest Z Satwrday sisttsee, Jaie 3... Sataraay a-ntf Jaae m. Macbeth ...Taming of the Shrew .......Home and Juliet Komeo and Juliet .....Merchant of Venice Twelfth Klgbt Aa Yoa Like It Hamlet . Tear Dlrecxloa Mr. Lee Shnbert - Lest It ba thought by the public that prices will-be raised for this en gagement, it la positively stated by the management that the following prices will prevail: Entire lower floor, t2.00; balcony, $1.60. $1.00, 7ao and 60c; gallery, 50c Seats on sale Thursday, May 25, at 10 A. M. BAKEI THEATER Geo. L. Baker, Gea. Mgr. Phoaes Mala 3, A S360 MorrlaOB aad 11th Sta. Starting ttSSf ) Sunday, May 21 Opening Week of the Eminent Actor - MR. JOHN SAINPOLIS Supported by the Baker Theater Company in His Remarkable Success THE MIDDLEMAN By Henry Arthur Jones. Mr. Sainpolis' portrayal of the old potterymaker is one of the most superb Portland theater-goers have ever witnessesd. A beautiful play, rich in pathos, strong in dramatic interest and clever in comedy. Staged under direction of Earl D. Dwire. Evening Prices, 25c and 50c. "Special Summer Prices: . Matinees Sunday, Wednesday and Saturday all seats 2oc. SECOND WEEK "STRONGHEART" construction of the building receives Its share In the souvenir booklet, as does too the stage and Its appurtenances. Cc-ntralla Gels Lodge Hall. CENTRALIA. Wash.. May 20. (Spe cial.) Centralis ls to have another large lodge hall, with a spacious gym nasium sinex. The place is being built for the local lodge of the Loyal Order of Moose, which has 400 members In this city. The building will be ISO feet by 30 feet, and will be one of the few lodge rooms built on the ground floor in this state. Falls City Fights Prove Cosily. FALLS CITY, Or.. May 20. (Special J Tha three Italians, employed on the water system, who attacked Charlie Ragrew, Harry Davidson and Steele Evans, from Powell's Camp, Wednesday evenlnr. were arraigned before Judge Ellis In the Municipal court yesterday, and were fined $25 each. The fight was the result of a dispute between Evans and one of the Italians. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK, Cor. Tangha aad Tweaty-fotirth Sta. SPOKANE portLand May 15, IB, 17, 18, 19,. 20, 21. Games Benin Weekdays at StOO P. M. Sundays 2i3o P. M. LADIES' DAT FRIDAY Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. - OAKS PARK BIGGEST. BRIGHTEST. BEST IN EVERYTHING AMU ING Grand Opening Saturday Afternoon, May 27 MANY NEW AND NOVEL FEATURES PHILIP PELZ World-Fsmoui Russian Bandmaster and Director OAKS PARK BAND OPEN AIR CONCERTS Augmented by Special Soloists and Grand Gpera Quartette From Metropolitan Opera Company, N. Y. TT J DrV THE HERO OF NIAGARA FALLS, MARVEL Xlrl.ri.1 X OUS FEATS ON HIGH WIAE THE OSTRICH FARM Exhibiting Living African Birds Decked With Rare Plumes ATTnTTORTTTIVf Norton's Musical Comedy Company, L---'- A, WIllUlU Pretty Girls, Catchy Music, Beautiful Costumes, Special Scenery . HI Phones Main 6 and A 1020. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE . Beginning Monday Matinee, May 22 d The Diminutive Comedian MASTER GABRIEL AND HIS COMPANY Present a One-Act Karce . "LITTLE TOMMY TUCKER" ISABELLE D'ARMOND- "Tho Demi Tasse Comedjenne Assisted by GEORGE MOORE In the Musical Melange "Jolly. Junk" TOM EDWARDS The English Huntsman Ventrllo qulal Comedian THE KAMBA JAPS Gymnasts and Head Balancers, Featuring Tokio Namba, Who Climbs a Flight of Stairs on His Head GEORGE AUSTIN MOORE and CORDELIA HAAGER A Laugh in Many Languages- BROWNING' AND LEWIS Presenting "Nearly a Soldier'' GERARD AND HUT-ELL The- Iron-Jawed Duo EVENING PRICES 15, 25, SO and 75c DAILY MATINEE 15c, 25c, BOc, HOLIDAY M ATTN EES Night Frteaa UNEQUALLED VAUDEVILLE Week Commencing Monday Matinee, May 22 SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT GEORGE PRIMROSE World-Famons Minstrel, Supported by His Dancing Boys, Schrode and ChappeUe In "During. One's Life. "oi, Three Burns Sisters . Mistresses of Melody. Tallman World's Champion Exponent of the Technique of the Cue. Pantagescope Latest Animated Event3. Extra Added Attraction GRIFF, THE ENGLISH MIMIC Popular Prices. Matinee Daily. Curtain 2:30, 7:30 and 9. SUlX.VANaCONSlD.NE rf GSKAND FredKarno's ; Original London MATINEE DAILY at 2:30 n . n roar Shorrs Sunday. KAUT 01111 1TIP I fl trOO, Si:iO, 7:45 and :1S P. M. 1 CUllUillllllC VU In "A Night In an English Muslo , Hall" SADIE SHERMAN The American Maid in "Phototypes" LOHSE & STIRLING Daredevil Doings in Midair JACK GOLDIE The Lyrical Lad With the Whistle Special Feature "A Reopened Engagement of ths Civil War" Best Vaudeville flSc Barrows-Lancaster Co, in America E'XzSc : GRANDASCOPE American and European ! j ... ' MATINEES DAILY AT 2s80 - VaUdeVllle IVIGHT AT 7:30 and 8:15 BUNGALOW Geo. l. Baker, General Manajrer. The Summer Home of Popular Priced Musical Comedy THEATER 12th aod MorrlsoaBta r boas Main Hi. A 4221 AD Week, Commencing (fS&d Today, May 21 Keating & Flood Offer tHe Ever Popular Lyric Musical Comedy Company PRESENTING- FOB THE FIRST TIME HERE "THE NYMPHS" A Sequel to "The Financiers" -r A scream from start to finish. Beautiful scenic effects. Pretty girls. Charming musical numbers. Dainty costumes. Matinee every day at 2:45. Two evening performances, 7:45 and 9:15. Prices, 15c, 25c. Note. Reserved seats may be secured for the first evening perform ances at regular prices. A far as the development of the glass Industry In China ls concerned, five factories have been erected in recent years in the neighborhood of Tientsin, two of which are In Japanese hands. Their products are most ly sold in tne province uf Chill. In connection with tha effort to broaden the basis for supplying: cotton, It ls pertinent to state that cotton fabrics were produced in India 500 years prior to the Christian, era, and it was from India that cotton. vM'f Urst Introduced, to .Europe. j 1rci 103.0