The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Officers Predict Arrest of J. C
Nelson, Now Proved to
Have Existence.
.rreat of Grantor Fbltowrd bj Iris,
rlorarr of More Transaction.
Alleged by Police to Be
Cloael Interwoven.
IHrOTry nt th Mrntttr and whrrr
abouts of John C Nlnn. the rranttn
party In a stia of fraudulent deed
whlra Ba coma to light la tbla city
within tha past wwk. la said to b Ira aod bis arrest Is expected. Whlla
this win dlspos of tha theory hitherto
eld by tha IMstrt.-t Attorny and other
otSrers that Nelson Is a "straw man.
It la said that trie development will to
hanr. rather than weaken tha ca
axalnst tfio- now art-used, aa It will
rn.hle tha officers to show, they say. that
Nelson araa well known to soma of tha
sfndanta who hays professed sot to
know him.
LivTeopmenta la the tang! of fraud
ar conilnr fast, and statements are
made by tha officers in rharas of tha In
et:tlon that a hoaaia syndicata
for tlia sale of f4le deetis haa been
carried on In Portland. It la even said
that connection may ba shown between
tn;a sadlia:a and ore of tha same orler
whli-h operated prontahly during tha
Lea Is and Clark Exposition.
Prisoner and Accuser Quarrel.
Cases aralnst 1 tarry Vlrreck and
(Charles S. lton were called In ilunlrl
1 paj Court yaaterday but weit over until
.! it week. Just before tha erne's came
! Dp there vu a hot acena In tha ante
room betweea flltoa and Klam Fhaw,
his accuser. Shaw told officers In KI
ton's presnca that Kltoo at the time
(of tha deJ had assured him that ha
waa well acquainted with Nelson and
knew that he had platted tha property
In UlllM. Cal.. upon which tha faisa
; deads wera based, and which. In fact. Is
111 tha heart of a Masonic cemetery
iUtoo vara Ehaw tha II a direct and de
fled him to so to tha street be.ow to
settle tha Issua with fists, Shaw refused
tha onTer and tha wrangling waa quieted
ty Kallia lllrsch. Shaw said that Elton
made the statement to him In tha prea-
ence of two wttneasea.
Counter charges wera made by Eltoa
that Shaw had swindled him la tha sala
of a blcycla shop.
Elton, who la a dealer In bicycles and
automobiles and waa Chief of Folic of
l.oa Angeles msny years ago. Is accused
of rtvtrc a deed to two of tha illltoo
lota lie says tlaat tha deal waa mada
by ona Shields, supposed to ba now In
Vancouver. Wash and whom ha will
produce as a witness, lie denies that
lie knowa Nelson, tha grantor, or that
be knew Harry lereck before this oc
I a year for arc lamp for city light
ing as against tsi under the old regime.
The water plant of that city was oper
ated last year at a total expense for
salaries, labor, supplies snd all main
tenance costs for iil.s4S.14. The re
ceipts of that department were lil.- This surplus profit Is put aside
aa against a day of need, and this year
tbej- have voted $500,900 In water works
bonds, which together with tha surplua
fund will allow them to spsnd IT60.000
for Increasing their water facilities.
Tha latitude which tha commission plan
allows has been of great benefit to
that city In lines which are not directly
capable of producing and savins; money
to the city. This refers particularly to
the action of tha commissioners In mat-
tera pertaining to play grounds and city
parka As stated by tha president of
the Chamber of Commerce In that city,
this Illustrates that municipal govern
ment la not alone a question of getting
a dollar's worth for a dollar, but there
Is a tangible element In city Ufa of
education, tha cultivation of tha aesthe
tic and of the things which make for
civic morality and civic pride.
"The commissioners of Dallas on the
Old Clinton Kelly Landmark
Completely Destroyed.
Pioneer Monument, Preserred by
Children of Founder, Formerly
Seat of Education of Many
of Old Residents.
1 V,
I.awra May Res a. F.raai 1 Dearer
. Iri, Ham Dealt Waa Caaaeel
ay Attack at HaraasatlsBa.
Laura May Bond died at tha
home of her mother, Mr. C L
Kline. 144 Columbia street, yes
terday after an illness of five
weeks. On Easter eve she was
stricken with an attack of In
flammatory rheumatism which
affected her brain and caused
unconsciousness. he did not re
cover the use of her senses in a
period of If days before aha
Miss Bond earn to Portland
with her mother and brother. 1.
P. Bond, from Denver, five years
ago. 8he waa employed hers as
a bookkeeper and gained many
friends. She was 2t years of age.
Three Deal Connected.
Thre transactions, all connected, have
tveen discovered. In tha first Harry
Vlereck. a real estate dealer, waa ac
cused, last Saturday, of giving Char lea
. Ulrard a false deed to lots In Ports
mouth Ad lltlon in exchange for a $-0
diamond rlnr. feeing the account of
this arrest. Kay Smith, a Eugene Jeweler,
swore to a complaint charging Vlereck
and Joseph ilioeon. secretary of the
Travelers' Protective Association, with
giving him a false deed to lots In Milton
which be found to be In the cemetery.
This. In turn, brought forward Elam
Chaw, who made similar charges sgalnst
;iton- All three deeds were acknowl
edged before Vlereck.
t. J. Ilton. an automobile liveryman.
wishes It known that the Charles S.
Elton referred to Is not he. but an en
tirely different person. Elton deala in
automobile supplies and only lncldeot-
eily In automobiles.
Park Board hare been sufficiently
oroaa-mindea to extend the park appro
priation In the purchase of sites for
parka which can now be bought at a
reasonable figure. It is hoped that this
will answer tha growing demands of
tha city for many future years. About
so acres Is owned and controlled by
that city, some of which are highly
developed aa park sites. I have a report
or tour years: accomplishment under
the commission form of government at
Dallas snd the leading paper of that
city makes the statement -that it la as
near Ideal aa it is possible, and sieaks
of It as a hotable achievement In muni
cipal government. The commissioners
t Pailas are paid a aalary of $3000
per anntyn. and the mayor receives
14000 per annum. The fixing of the re
sponsibility for the proper administra
tion of the various departments gives
certain flexibility in the matter of
admlnlstrstlon under certain limits aa
to expenditure, and In consequence the
business of the city is facilitated, com
plaints from taxpayers are few and far
between, and investors are Invited to
come to Dallas, by the Chamber of Com-
me roe, under the assurance that 'Dallas
has a commission form of government
and business administration, and Is tha
best governed city In tha United
Tha Canadian Pacific lines make very
low round trip rates to Eastern points.
Ticket Office 141 Third street.
A pioneer monument that has been
reverently preserved by tha children
of its founders paased from existence
early yesterday morning- when fire de
stroyed tha old Clinton Kelly School.
standing at the rear of the more mod
ern building- of that name at East
Twenty-sixth and Powell streets. Dep
redations of boys or tramps are sup
posed to have started tha fire, which
waa detected at 4 o'clock by a watch
man In the tower at the East Stark
street station.
Though hose companies responded
quickly, the old building burned rap-
Idly and the attention ef the firemen
was turned to saving tha new school
building, which began to scorch from
ths nearness of the flames. It was
saved without material damage, while
its predecessor burned to the ground.
The loss, except about 1600 to the new
building, is entirely sentimental, aa
ths old school haa been a pensioner
ever since It waa superseded hjr tha
By the destruction of tha old school'
house, there xiaaaed ona of the historic
relics of the state and especially of
Multnomah County. It waa built where
the present modern school stands on an
acre donated by Clinton Kelly for tha
purpose in 1S5. In early sixties it was
the center of social and educational In
terest for that district. All tha meet
lngs. social and otherwise, were held
In tha schoolhouse. Spelling matches
were held In the old building.
I deeply regret the destruction of
ths old landmark." said Dr. Richmond
Kelly, son of Clinton Kelly, after whom
the building was named, "for it was
hallowed by sacred memories of many
people. It was built, as nearly as I can
recall. In 159 or 1S60. When built It
was surrounded by a forest. Miss
Sarah Kelly, afterwards Mrs. John
Kern, was the first teachVr. She was
followed by John Dolan and others.
Elward Long. 6eldon Murray and Wash
Allen were members of the board of
directors. Many of the early residents
received their educations In the old
The building was owned by Dr. Klch
mood Kelly, who had undertaken to
keep it from destruction. It waa moved
to ona side when tha modern school
house took Its place.
Charles Thompson, of Cheyenne,
Wanders From East Side Home.
We Have. Sold
37 Per Cent of Our
Allotment of 1912
Packard Gars
Before the Arrival
of Our Demonstrator
Our first 1912 Packard "'30 has 'just Tbeen
received and is on exhibition in our salesroom.
Deliveries are on a schedule and earlj orders
are the only safe way to make sure of a desir
able date of delivery.
."We have a few early dates still unsold. !"R"'f
Three sizes: The Packard "Six," Packard
"30" and Packard "18." A dozen styles of
open and enclosed bodies.
"We win be glad to arrange for a demonstra- 7
tion. Catalogue of complete line on request. !
Frank G. Riggs
Packard Service Bid?.
Cornell Koad 23d and Washington Streets.
Charles Thompson, of Cheyenne, Wro,
Is mlnlcf from the home of C A.
Jamison, at tii East Twenty-second
street at Taggart street, and a re
ward has been offered for hla return.
Thompson Is slightly demented and in
that condition wandered away from
the house last Thursday morning;.
It Is thought thst he has become
lost. He had only a small sum of
money with him when he left. Thomp
son Is it years old. welfrhs ITS pounds
and waa dressed In a blue serge suit
and steel-colored soft hat. He is
smooth shaven.
Culver and Bend Will Welcome
will be present from various parts of
the country.
As Judge Robert S. Lovett, president
of the Harriman lines, has decided to
visit the Northwest during the year,
efforts will bs made to have him time
his visit so that he can go to Bend to
assist In the celebration.
It is already assured that the popu
lation of Central Oregon will turn out
in a body to help glorify the day when
the road places Bend and the southern
part of the stats in more direct com
munication with the outside world.
Oregon City Church to Build.
OREGON CITY, Or- May - Spe
cial.) Tha Methodist church property,
which la among the most valuable
tracts In this city, will ba sold, and a
new church will be built, tha location
of which. In all probability, will be on
the hill. The present building is not
large enough to accommoda the large
congregations, and as the Sunday
school has Increased in membership,
the Sunday school room will have to be
much larger than the present one.
Completion of Joint Track of Ore
gon Trunk and Deschutes Llaea
Into Central Oregon Cities
Will Be This Summer..
Trias City of 100,000 Adopts Got
ernment Following Catastrophe,
Mhkh Swept Over Galveston.
Before the members of the Pros res
alve iitistnes Men's Club a,t their week
Iv luncheon. I. O. IJvely. vice-president
of the Prntnsula Investment Company,
rave an Interesting review of the sac-
ess of the commission plan of city
a-ov.rnment In nallas. Tesas. where he
formally resided. 1 !! la a city of
over li.000 people, and is one of tha
tttont active and energetic of the Tejns
eltlea. Purina the days of Mr. Lively' In that ptce the system of
vperatlon of the city government was
similar in many respects to that of
1'ortland at the present time. The peo
fle. however, became Imbued with the
lira that there waa shorter cut. to
the end desired, and put In the com
tnission pi -in. Mr. IJvely said in part:
"The Initial adoption of the commis
sion form of government gcew out of
a catastrophe and a tieceaetty aa a re
sult of the flood o( 1V which almost
swept Galveston from the face of tha
earth. T lie re was a rltr to be rebuilt.
Snd there was no Insurance money to
be spent as in ban Kram-tsco. A num
tvr of effective business men undertook
the rebuilding of Us.rveston, and they
Wore beset with dtff levities. There was
Bo lack of confidence n the part of the
people who were left: there was no
lack of civic pride, but It was found
that under the old form they could not
take np and command the work that
bad to be dona. It waa a time when re
sponsibility was a factor and under
the old system this coald not be fixed.
The mayor and council resigned and
many of them went to the Legislature
f the State of Texas where tney ap
plied for a commission of nv men.
three of whom were to be appointed by
the Governor. This lsw was declared
Invalid because of the eppolntments.
X.en came a new commission law, in
which the commissioners war selected
py the peopie.
The Galveston svstera has been In
rogue 1 years. Millions of dollars
ave been spent In reconstructing tha
City and the tax levy haa been reduced
regarrt ess of the extreme expenditure
"I bopa sincerely that rVrtland will
adopt the Galveston. Dallas or Des
Mulnes system. About 0 other cities
tn the Vnitsd fLates have adopted the
rnmmlasloa plan and while ln ona or
two Instances, some defects have de
relcped. 1 am safe In claiming that not
In of them would go back to the old
"It la difficult at this distance to give
DBcrts results la Ivllaa They pay
'. -;
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At the annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Claim Agents' Associa
tion In Seattle yesterday. B. F. Boynton. of Portland, and his daugh
ter. Mrs. Ida P. Newell, also of this city, wer elected president and
secretary-treasurer, respective!, of the organisation for th third suc
cessive time. '
Mr. Boynton Is claim arent for the Portland Railway. Light sV
Power Company, and organised the cl.tim agents on the Coast at a
meeting held her three years ago. I-at year s session took place at
San Francisco.
Reports from Seattle yesterday conveyed tha intelligence that the
meeting waa largely attended and that much Important business was
disposed of. Nearly all the large employing roncerne on the Coast
were represented.
Central Oregon win have two cele
brations of the coming of the railroad
before the end of the- Summer ths
first at Culver Junction In June, and
the second at Bend In August.
Arrangements for the Culver celebra
tion have been under way for several
months and the programme virtually Is
completed. The big feature of the cele
bration there will be a trout barbecue.
Invitations will ba sent to all railroad
officials in the state as well aa to state
Governor May Bo Present.
Governor West haa been invited to
be present with his staff and If the
date is one that suits his convenience
he will join with the rest of the state
in welcoming the entrance of the aeo-
ond line into that city. .
Culver Junction Is to be the north
ern terminus of the Joint trackage of
the Oregon Trunk Railway and the
Deschutes line of the O.-W. R. & N.
Co. and therefore will be one of the
most important points in Central Ore
gon for handling freight and passenger
traffic. The Oregon Trunk now oper
atea through the city, and the es
chutes line Is fast approaching it The
celebration will take place when the
Harriman road is completed to Culver.
South of Culver to Bend both lines
wilt operate over a single track. The
rails already have been laid to the
north bank of the Crooked River and
work on the bridge across that stream
Is In progress. It will require a month
mors to complete it.
Grading- Is Completed.
Grading on the line from the south
bank of the Crooked River to Bend has
been finished. Rails will be laid as
soon as the bridge win permit the
movement of trains carrying steel and
equipment across the stream.
Bend cltlxens figure that the celebra
tion there to commemorate the coming
of two roads will take place about Au
gust L Railroad officials have not set
time for the completion of the line.
but express th hope fhat It will be on
or soon after August I.
Cltixens of Bend declare that the af
fair in that city will eclipse all previ
ous events of the kind ever held. They
want to have J. J. Hill, whose genius
was responsible for building the Ore
gon Trunk, take part in the ceremonies
and will arrange for him to drive a
golden spike to mark tha completion of
th line if he consents to be present.
Louis W. Hill already hss consented to
be present.
Inasmuch as both J. J. Hill and his
son hav made tentative plans to at
tend th Astoria centennial celebration
In Angus, it is proposed to have them
Include th Bend trip on their Western
Special Trains Planned.
Two special trains from Portland
one over th O.-W. R, K. and Des
chutes line, and the other over the
North Bank and the Oregon Trunk
likely will be operated to Bend for this
occasion. Hundreds of Portland clti
xens. Including leading business msn.
will become members of th party.
In addition to the Hill party, loading
officials of the Harriman system also ,
a late supper with Jvarnorr and Fred
Bode in th Bqn Gusto restauranHe
said that Karnoff professed to have
no money before they went to the
restaurant, but that after McNally
missed his money i.arnoff offered to
pay the bill. No arrests were made.
Karnoff was arrested for passing a
forged check at the Washington
Market and when the case came up for
hearing five witnesses Identified him
as Curtis T. Hubbard, the maker of the
check, while an equal number said he
was not the man. A handwriting ex
pert said that Karnoff wrote the check.
Uponr appearing before the grand Jury
he produced a sheaf of affidavits to
the effect that he was in Spokane at
the time of the crime, and a not true
bill was returned.
Over 3000 bottles of "Cough Stops"
sold by us last year. Whyf Because!
Plummer's, 260 Third. Tt
Bishop Bowman to Officiate at Serv- 1
ices in Lents.
Grace Evangelical Church, at Lents,
will be dedicated today. Exercises
were begun Wednesday night- Rev.
C. C. Poling, of the United Evangelical
Church, occupied the pulpit Friday
night. There will be a Sunday school
rally this morning and public services
at 10:30 A. M., with the dedicatory
sermon by Bishop Bowman, of the
Evangelical Association. A platform
meeting will be held in the afternoon
at 8 o'clock, with a sermon by the
bishop. There will be preaching at
night. Many of the ministers of the
Evangelical Association will take part
in the exercises and Portland ministers
will assist. The church, which cost
$8000, was completed several months
ago, but tha dedicatory services were
postponed so that Bishop Bowman
could officiate. Rev. J. A. Goode, who
retires, has been pastor several years,
and the building was erected while be
was in charge.
Faint ?
Man of Disputed Indent! ty Figures j
in 'Police Scene-
George F. Karnoff, who a few weeks
ago gave the Portland police the knot
tiest question of Identity that they
ever handled, and who was held to the
grand Jury for issuing a forged check.
figured in a scene at the police station
yesterday morning, when William Mo-
Nally reported that he had been robbed
of esOO. McNally thought that th
money was lost while he was eating
Have you weak heart, dizzy feelings, oppressed
breathing after meals ? Or do you experience pain
over the heart, shortness of breath on going up-stairs
and the many distressing symptoms which indicate
poor circulation end bad blood? A heart tonio,
blood and body-builder that has stood the test of
over 40 years of cures is
Dr.Pierce'sGoldenMedical Discovery
The heart becomes regular as clock-work. The red
blood corpuscles are increased in number and the
nerves in turn are well fed. The arteries are filled
with good rich blood. That is why nervous debility,
irritability, fainting spells, disappear and sre over
come by this alterative extract of medicinal roots
put up by Dr. Pierce without the use of alcohol.
Ask your neighbor. Many have been cured of
scrofulous conditions, ulcers, "fever-sores," white swellings, etc., by taking
Dr. Pierce's Discovery. Just the refreshing and vitalizing tonio needed for
excessive tissue waste, in convalescence from fevers or for run-down, anasmie,
thin-blooded people. Stick to this safe and sane remedy and refuse all " just
as good " kinds offered by the dealer who is looking for a larger profit. Noth
ing will do you half as much good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
Wearing Trusses Like These
Is SimDlv Slow Suicide
If you are deaf
or hard
of htarinr. do
fail to call or
write today and get
our Etcctrophunt on
rt n.vaa HOME
wv ivaj. TRIAL.
It ! a tiny but Dow-
erful electrical hear
ing devicw. a truly
wonderful little In
strument, perfected
to iuch a degree that
many deaf people
t-an now hear the
i& truest sound and
enjoy ail pleasures
of church. mihilR
peak ins; or ordinary
conversa tion. It
mnins sound.
irradoally restore
the natural heartxis;.
wna in me ciotn.
lr and leaves both
nana rree.
ttt tnmiwrmrot Bid., Portland. Or.
pA-wv Jit
Ths Electrophone In
use almost In risible
Whiskey or Beer Habit :
OKRINE la the tandard ramMrlv anrl
Is everywhere recognized aa the most
successful and reliable home treatment
for the "Drink: Habit It is highly
praised by thousands of women, be
cause it has restored their loved ones to
lives of sobriety and usefulntM. and
the weekly we pes which at one time
were soent ror JJrink" ara now tn
purchase the necessaries and many com-
iwriB iur uuiiic. Any wiie or mother
wno wants to save her husband or son
from "Drink" will be erlad to know that
sne can Durcnae ukkiab at our ntor-
and if no benefit is obtained after a
trial the money will be refunded.
Ask for a free booklet tell in a- nil
about O RHINE. Fkidmore Drue Co..
lol Third U and 372-374 Morrison Sc.
No Need To I,et Torturintr Belts, Elastic
Bands, Springs or LeK-s traps
Make lour Life Miserable.
Don't soend another cent on your
runture until you write us and get our
free book of advice.
Thousands of sufferers have wasted
dollar after dollar have endured need
less misery have been made helpless
by rupture have had their lives short
ened simply because tney aian t Know
the facts you'll find in this book.
it will save you xrom tnrowina; any
more money away on worthless trusses
makeshifts which do no good the
belt, elastic and spring contraptions sold
Took 40 Teas to Write
This remarkable book cloth -oound. 82
pages, 20 separate articles and 11 photo
graphic pictures took us 40 years to write
took us that -long; to find out all the
facts we've put in It facts never before
made public
it explains just wny orainary trurees
make life miserable for everybody who
wears them lust why they do little or no
food, even when drawn so tight you can
scarcely stand to keen them on how they
squeese the rupture, often causing strangu
lation how they often bring on neart dis
or d era, stom ac n ttoud i e, e tc How w earin g
them Is simply slow suicide.
It explains wny arugstores snould no more
be allowed to sell trusses than a schoolboy
ould be allowed to perform an operation.
Tells how ruotured people are everv year
humbugged out of hundreds of thousands of
dollarsexposes the fraudulent claims, hum
bug "methods," "appliances, ''discoveries,''
"devices. "plaster pads," etc
Explains why operation results m perma
nent weakness or death oftener than fn cure.
And it tells how Chas. Cluthe. foucdsr of
the Cluthe Rupture Institute, has found a
simple way to relieve and cure rupture
without operation without keeping you in
bed a single day a way you can get well
while working right along while you keep
on earning money a way you can try
without risking a single penny.
Get Well While Working.
Our free book explains why moture is
bound to get worse ail the time unless con
stantly kept from coming out just as a
broken bone can't knit unless the parts are
he;d securely together.
expiates now the Cluthe Automatic
Massager the greatest boon to tho ma
tured the world has ever known Is gnat
anteed to keep your rupture from coming"
out. or no charae
Guaranteed to hold all day long and
every day when you are working and at
all other times.
Book explains how the Cluthe Automatic
Massager Is far more than merely a device
to hold your -rupture In place
Explains how it provides the only way
ever discovered for overcoming the weakness
which is the real cause of rupture
How it does that by giving a soothing,
strengthening massage to the - weak rup
tured parts all entirely automatic all
without any attention whatever from you
' And how It Is self-regulating, self-adjusting
held in position by suction no belts,
elastic bands, body springs or leg-straps.
Cure Begins the First Day.
Book explains how this curing massage
which strengthens just as exercise strength
ens weak arms or leps Is so remarkably
beneficial, so remarkably curative, that in
199 cases out of every 200 rupture begins
to get better from the day a Cluthe Auto
matic Massager is put on
So remarkably beneficial that the fluthe
Automatic Massager has cured thousands of
people who had been ruptured over 50 years.
Try Jt Without Risking a Penny.
Book explains how we have so much faith
in the Cluthe Automatic Massager1 we havo
seen K do wonders for so many others
that we want to make one especially for
your case and let you prove, by trying It
at our risk, just what it can do for you
We'll give you plenty of time to test It
If it doesn't keep your rupture from coming
out if you don't get better right from the
start then it won't cost you a single cent.
Our free book glve hundreds of letters
voluntarily written and names and ad
dresses of over 4000 people probably some
of them live In your neighborhood who
have tried the Cluthe Automatic Massager
and want you to know about it.
Don't let yourself keep on getting worse
don't let makeshift trusses keep you In mis- '
cry find out, as told in this book, how you
can end all expense, how you can get well
' while working
Don't fall to get this book simply say in
a letter or postal, "Send me the book." Ad-
1215 East 2Sd Street, Ntnr York City. '
Tho minute it takes to write for. this
book may free you from suffering Xor the
rest of your life J